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PennsylvaniasGerman Society. 


Publication Committec. 



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COnTen (Sin toes a oo ere RCS AB TEU) cd ee clon ill 
Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members ............. iV 
Address of the President, Rev. L. Kryder Evans, D.D. ..... 5 
Report of the Treasurer, J. E. Burnett Buckenham, M.D... 7 
Report of the Secretary, Daniel W. Nead, M.D. .......... 8 
AEC TROLL TEND OCTET Ree er ars cig cae da are ia hil aa Semen aie 15 

A Dictionary of the Non-English Words of the Penn- 
sylvania-German Dialect with an Appendix, by 
Marcus Bachman Lambert, A.M. 


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FOR 1919-20 
Rev. Paut pe Scuwernitz, D.D. 


Epwarp H. RENINGER, Esq. 


DaNIEL W. Neap, M.D. 


J. E. Burnetr BuckenuHaM, M.D. 
Executive Committee: 

Terms expire in 1920. 
GeorcE A. Gorcas. 
Rev. JoHN B. Stoupt. 
H. WINsLow FEcLey. 

Terms expire in 1921. 
NaAAMAN H. Keyser, D.D.S. 
WiiuiaM K. T. Saum, M.D. 

Terms expire in 1922. 
Porter W. SHIMER, PH.D. 
Rev. Georce W. Sanpt, D.D. 

Terms expire in 1923. 
Utysses S. Koons, Esa. 
Terms expire in 1924. 
Jurius F. Sacuse, Litt.D. 
Rev. L. Kryper Evans, D.D. 


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For the third consecutive year the regular annual meet- 
ing of our Society has been omitted owing to the conditions 
brought about by the war. During the year the Executive 
Committee held four regular quarterly meetings as fol- 
lows: January 22 at Philadelphia; April 23 at Reading; 
June 25 at Philadelphia, and the present one at Philadel- 
phia. | 

The following persons were elected to membership dur- 
ing the year: | 
John Nice Jacobs, Lansdale, Fred M. Smith, Reading. 


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6 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

During the year the Society lost by death the following 


General John Edwin Roller, October 8, 1918. 

Rev. Madison Clinton Peters, D.D., October 12, 1918. 

Prof. Charles Francis Himes, Ph.D., LL.D., December 6, 

Jacob Henry Krout, December 16, 1918. 

Gared Clemens Landes, December 24, 1918. 

John Atlee, January 1, 1919. 

William Luther Gorgas, January 31, 1919. 

Henry Bobb, M.D., February 12, 1919. 

Hon. George Edwin Maurer Herbst, M.D., February 17, 

Rev. John Franklin Stonecipher, D.D., February 19, 

Rey. Josiah Stauffer Renninger, March 7, 1919. 

meres athans Christ ochacher; ~Phaess DD. LELcD:, 
March 15, 1919. 

Charles Henry Opp, April 17, 1919. 

William Knapp Graff, April 30, 1919. 

John Henry Miller, July 3, 1919. 

Joseph Rosenbery Shimer, E.M., July 24, 1919. 

Morris Augustus Borhek, September 7, 1919. 
The Society lost through resignation during the year: 

Sylvester E. Croll, Rev. Robert Hamill Nassau, 
John S. Wurts. 

The following paper was approved for publication: 

‘Social Conditions among the Pennsylvania Germans in 
the Eighteenth Century ” by James Owen Knauss, Jr. 

A paper prepared by Professor Kephart was presented 
by Porter W. Shimer for the consideration of the Com- 
mittee. D. W. NEAD, 


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Report of the Treasurer. 7 

The Treasurer, Dr. J. E. Burnett Buckenham, then pre- 
sented the following report: 


3, 1919. 
Balance in the Penn National Bank, Sept. 28, 1918 .. $1,149.44 
Receipts: Annual dies wish. and. Rane . $768.00 
iniferesons NOUS. Meeker We Pees 70114 844.14 
Dues, Pennsylvania Federation of Historical 
Hocieties TOTOR.. idan fact that. it. Wak COL $ 2.00 
Penn National Bank, safe deposit box ..... 5.00 
Insurvance.on drocerdings 6 05 kee 12.25 
Postage, stationery and sundries, Secretary... 12.75 
Re BOACHSS SSUNU TiGse.k oo Ge ak A kt 7.83 
Electro-Tint Engraving Co., halftones .... 20.88 
Postage, stationery and sundries, Treasurer . 46.72 
P. C. Stockhausen, stationery and printing . 22.50 
Underwood @lypewniter . Co... ig ok as gee 81.00 
Gilbo & Co., plates and engraving ....... 33.00 243.93 
Balance in the Penn National Bank, October 3, 1919 1,749.65 
2 Electric & Peoples Traction CaPeny) 4 per cent. 
Bonds: hs 00-00 weAGie ke Sat cle, we eka $1,000.00 
2 United States Liberty Loan Bonds, say each ... 1,000.00 

Respectfully submitted, 
The President then delivered his annual address. 


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8 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

ANNUAL Appress OF Rev. L. Kryper Evans, D.D., 

Members of the Executive Committee and Fellow 
Members of the Pennsylvania-German Society: My first 
words to you are a repetition of what I expressed in my 
letter of acceptance on receiving Official Notice of my 
election to the high and honored office of the Presidency 
of the Pennsylvania-German Society. I can only express 
to you my humble but sincere thanks for the great honor 
you did me. 

This honor—so unexpected on my part—is all the more 
enhanced by the fact that it was conferred at a meeting of 
the Executive Committee held within the classic walls 
of one of the flourishing institutions of the great State of 
Pennsylvania, a splendid product of Pennsylvania-German 
piety and enlightened scholarship—in an ancient Conti- 
nental town which was first established by the early Ger- 
man settlers—and the now famous City cf Germantown, 

Inasmuch as there are no duties connected with the office 
of the Presidency of our Society—other than that of the 
delivery of the Annual Address and presiding at the An- 
nual Meeting of the Society, my burdens will be very light. 

As you will all remember, the last Annual Meeting of 
our Society was held in the City of Reading, Pa., October 
15, 1915. The Executive Committee of our Society, 
however, continued to meet in regular quarterly sessions 
during the entire interim. But the Committee deemed it 
proper and advisable not to issue a call for the Annual 
Meeting of our Society while all Europe was convulsed 

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sito sd dsiw betsonnos esiawb on a18 sxe) es foumeshl ‘ | 
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“nf, oft Ye gaibiestg bas eesibbA IsunnA sii Yo svilsb 
Jdgil yrov od Hiweasbaud ym ,yisi02 silt Yo gnijosl4 leva | 

to gniss9Mi Teunod, teal sda xsdeisins: He Hliw voy eA 
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Address of the President. 9 

and drenched with tears and blood by an unprecedented 
war, and in which our own beloved country became in- 
volved. For the suspension of the Annual Meetings of 
our Society, during these four years of national and inter- 
national agony and turmoil, our Executive Committee 
will be ready to render an ample and satisfactory reason 
for its action under the circumstances—if asked for, at 
our next Annual Meeting, 1920. 

But the Great War is now ended, and the issue is a 
most happy and glorious one. The establishment of an 
abiding World Peace and International Brotherhood is 
nearer a reality than ever before in the world’s history. 

In this war our own country rendered a wonderfully 
great and heroic service—not only upon the battlefield but 
also in her effective ministry to the sick and wounded in 
hospitals, but also in the munitions she furnished, and the 
abundant supply of food for the starving nations of Eu- 
rope. ‘Today all Europe looks up to America as their 
political Saviour and Deliverer. 

Among the States of our Great Union which rendered 
such loyal and heroic service, not one of them has sur- 
passed the great Keystone State of Pennsylvania. When 
we speak of Pennsylvania in particular, we do not wish to 
detract in the least from the laudable and patriotic service 
rendered by our sister States of the Union. When Amer- 
ica cast the weight of her power into the Great War for 
Liberty in Europe, Pennsylvania was in the lead of those 
that were ready and equipped for battle. No other Di- 
vision in France, outside of our Regulars was earlier 
at the battle front than the Twenty-eighth Division, which 
was largely made up of our own Keystone boys, and who 
made a record unsurpassed in the war. Lieut. Genl. Rob- 
ert Lee Bullard, at Genl. Pershing’s reception in Phila- 

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ni bsbnvow bas dsie sii of yrininsvitzolts 12d ni ols | ; 

oft be. bsdziniw} odeenoitinum adi ni oels tud ,eletiqeod ‘ve 
“#4 to encitan gniviste ot 101 boot to ylgque jnsbauds | 
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asilW .ninaviyenneT Yo 21232 snoteyoA testy odd bseesq 
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“toi 18V¥ ies72) dt oti 1swog isd io idgiow on9 te89 poi 
seo? to Desk ot ni eew zingviyeansd qow ni yodit | 

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wilas esw, emlugsA wo io sbiewo sonst ni noieiv F 

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ow bos sayod snoteysA nwo wo to qu sbsar ylogiel enw a 

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hid of noitqeosy e'gnidensl Insv). te bisllcd set is ot 

IO Pennsylvania-German Society. 

delphia, September 12, 1919, himself said: “I recognize 
in your people today the very spirit I saw in the Twenty- 
eighth Division which I commanded, and I can truthfully 
say there could not possibly have been a preference between 
the two, so far as discipline, enthusiasm and spirit were 
concerned, as in dealing with the Twenty-eighth, all that 
was necessary was to give the order and the thing was 

On the same occasion Genl. Pershing said: “I feel I 
should say a word here of the splendid part taken in the 
battle for civilization by Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 
You have given your stalwart young manhood in large 
numbers, and whose conduct in the war was second to none. 
They carried to the battlefields of France the patriotism 
learned here. ‘They have served not only the State—but 
the World, and all are proud of them. [, as their com- 
mander, wish to express thanks to you for your apprecia- 
tion of them.”’ | 

With a total of 14,417 casualties, between their arrival 
at Headquarters—in 97 days to Armistice, 49 days of 
which they were engaged in the hardest fighting in the 
war, Pennsylvania gave 298,000 men to the Army, 20,000 
to the Navy, and 3,000 to the Marine Corps, making a 
grand total of 330,000 men, leaving unmentioned hun- 
dreds of thousands of workers in shipyards and munition 
plants—in the homeland—and who also responded to 
their country’s call and deserve their country’s praise. 
Now all these accomplishments are due, not merely to ac- 
cident, but they are the result of character, the sterling 
make-up in the mental and moral fibre of a sturdy stock. 
Among the other valiant heroes and heroines in the Great 
War, it is our privilege and pleasure to speak with pride 
of our Pennsylvania-German sons and daughters, and who 

sw Ihigs bas masiewdine snilqiveib es ant oe 6 
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esw gnidt ot brs tobio of? svig od 2sw ach | 
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tud-—-s1s12 sdi vino ton bsvise svad yal sored alae 
-7109 1st} es .1 .mmarlh to byoiq s1# Ile bone bhoW sy = m : 
-S1391qgh TOY 103 soy 02 edanddd eesiqxs o9 dew aobaem : 
levivie tisd3 asowied ,2sitieuess pip a1 Yo lavot SA > cae ; 
to eysb-op ,soitzintA of eyeh yo ni—zioteeuphbasHl ax sie 
sft mi grndge sesbied six ni bogegms s19w yods doidw 
000,08 -gerth, sdt of nem 000,208 sveg sineviyednsd sw ? 
& gnidem ~@qioD shim ods ot 0o0,¢ brie’ va off9 09°” : 
“tud benoiinamns gaivesl nem oooofE Yo Into} brag? ‘ 
neninum bar ebvayqide mi exsdtow 16 abnseutds to ebeib = 
ot bobaeqas cas ow bnas—basismod sii oi—emelg | 
-svinig e“enmmoa tisd? svisesh bor flea e'yrtnwos tisdy 
26 o1 yloiser jon sub ote einsmazilqmoson sess Ha wo « : 
yriitsse of ,rsj0etarla Yo tluest sd? ous yoda sud anabia © > . 
n20%2 ybtwie # to sida Istom: bne isinem ont ai quesdem 
iaotd oft ni eonioisd bre esored tnsifer tail30 sd3.gnomAy 
song d3iw Assqe.o? stuesslq bne sgolivisg qwo ei si asWe eo 6 0 - 
ofa bas 2istdguah bine ence narmoo-sineviyennsd apoae 



Address of the President. LI 

proved themselves to be the genuine, loyal and worthy de- 
scendants of the early German immigrants into Pennsy!1- 
vania, and who, in their day and generation, helped to 
found and build this great Republic, and who continued 
to contribute their treasure and blood to perpetuate our 

In a letter which Governor Thomas wrote A. D. 1747, 
he says: “I believe the Germans of Pennsylvania are three 
fifths of the total population (200,000), that they have, 
by their industry, been the principal instruments of raising 
the State to its present flourishing condition beyond any of 
his Majesty's Colonies in N. dmerica.” 

We are told that even today Pennsylvania outranks 
every other State in the Union in the number of her sons 
and daughters of native parentage; that even New York 
has a million fewer people whose parents and grandpar- 
ents and great-grandparents were born under the major 
constellation of the Stars and Stripes. This will also ac- 
count for the fact that Pennsylvania ‘‘ has more home-own- 
ers than any other State. They are essentially a thrifty 
people. Nearly 700,000 families live under their. own 
roof-trees—and the striking part of the situation is that 
most of these homes are mortgage free.”’ 

In the May, 1919, number of The National Geographic 
Magazine, in his first of a series of articles on Our 
States, Mr. John Oliver La Gorce, and to whom we are 
indebted for some of the above noted facts, calls Penn- 
sylvania The Industrial Titan of America. 

The great Service Flags that drape the chancel walls 
of thousands of our spacious Houses of Worship, as well 
as adorn the walls of our colleges and seminaries, and 
which were first established and fostered by our early 
Pennsylvania-German ancestors, all bear mute but solemn 


a ane 

iA oo 


ay, rad ” i - 

c patie! id 
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| ares ni es 190) yh a 

Pr) neiseonag bas Spleyrter| A 5 si 

: we ‘e enag oy boold be sues 2 ot | 
mr ile) gralaha, ats ee | 
: bows ins oven | Ae 

oytlt sup atraglyzats fo wARASD a | 

"arnt esd tmals ,(000,008) | sokskstae cee 

guteiny jo viwsatitiatt loqinwing sda nosd yviesbad tied cd 

{is ber nie ROTHbRGS gritzrmoll Utazyg wi ovsintd sit 

“noivsark . Via wixaleD cgi cid 
intieiert sineviyennsd vebot move tad? blot oy 37 

... toa rod to admum ads aj noin'J si ni-stn22 -y9ds0. yxsvo 

thot weY asve tndt ;ogetastag sviisn to eispigesb bas 
negbasty bee einsieg seothw slqosq 15ws? noillim & esd 
yojem oi? wsbau mod stew einsteqbaetgt201g bas eins 

_ a8 gale Hiv eidT  .eoqitté-bas e1832 silt to soitelissenes 

-nwo-smod siom 2ad* sinaviyenns'l tds son? $12 203 Snood 
yitinds « ylisisnsees ots yo T. .caeté aedio yna neni 25 

nwo isd? asbav svil esilimst coocop ylaesH%. .siqosq 
infly ef noltsetie odd to msq gnidinte ads bns—es013-t001 

“so1t sgevtiom ots esmtod Seod3 to dzomt 

yilqnrgosD lanoita Vi sAT to mdmun .o1o1 el od3 ni 
wO no white Yo esnse s to det 2id. aiopuicaga Wi 
sin ow ittodw ot bra 25100) eT tovilO adol ali estsié 
ons] ellao ,etost beton svods ods ia emee 10% botdebni 
estemA lo nstil Isintevbal odT sinsviye 

| sew (sonata ont sqetb ters egell osivisd yas2g ofT 

llow ee ,qitle1oW to esev0H euciznge avo to ebasevorls. to 
bns jasixsnimse bre esgslloa suo to ellew edt mobs es 

(hes ao yd bersiz0l bre bedeildsize sna-stew doidw 

reeoloz ind saum teed din erosesona normse)-ainevlyennod 


12 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

and most impressive evidence of the gallant lives of our 
sons and daughters that were enlisted and laid down to 
make the world a safe place for Democracy. 

And as for the peace that has been established, Penn- 
sylvania will be found in the vanguard in its support and 
maintenance, and will give unstintingly of her great abun- 
dance of commodities for the service of a needy world. 
Our Society owes its gratitude to the distinguished men 
that have preceded me in this office for their inspiring ad- 
dresses, and helping us to acknowledge as to who we are, 
and what we should do towards gathering rich treasures 
of biographical, historical, political and religious litera- 
ture of our Pennsylvania-German ancestors, and learn to 
know what an important and pungent leaven they have 
been in the blending of the racial traits of the different na- 
tionalities that go to the making of our nation, and now 
constitutes the highest type of American character—our 
genuine Americanism. 

But the gratitude of our Society, as well as the gratitude 
of our Commonwealth, is especially due to the founders, 
and to those who have already gathered for us the great 
wealth of knowledge and literature which are contained 
in the 25 splendid volumes already published. Our Soci- 
ety has already given a valid reason for its existence, and 
it has every opportunity and incentive given to it to de- 
serve a continued existence, by gleaning more precious 
treasure and putting it in volumes which will be a joy to 
us as well as a rich inheritance to a grateful posterity. 

On motion the thanks of the Committee were extended 
to Dr. Evans for his timely address. 

Mr. George A. Gorgas expréssed his desire to have the 
address separately printed at his expense and distributed, 

bas stoqque ati ni Bisagnay 5 
-nude tn97y 19d Yo tlaniboixecr avig | iw bax 3 
-blrow ybssn 5 Yo sstvtse sz 302 2 
nett bsdeingniseib ont of ‘ebuizerg f paeiiae 9i90¢ on | 
-bg gaitigent tigd? 107 soffo eid ni sm bebsoaq ei eel ‘dee : ; 
218 sw ofW of es Sybslwondos 07 av gniqhi bne pend ; : . é 
esiuesot Adit gritsdieg ebiswer ob bluode sw indy se tie . 

-ststii svoigilo: baa lesitilog lastroiaid | lei 

o1 ses! bie’ erotessas namo-singviyennsd a0 ‘a bane | 

oer yotlt osvesl inogauq bas insnoqmi ne “sed . 

-ef instsRib offs Yo etiset Isiset sd2%6 gnibasid st oi naed 

won bne’ (feiten tuo Yo gaidemt sii of og 2019 esisilenois ; 

seas sconainiy Ravroaif to sod reorigid ods estusizenos Sie . 
asta si 28 th) Ww af vee 100 Ys sbutizeTg od wa c 
tabauol off of sub ylisizages zi diisswnommoD avo Yo 
sno7g ont ex tot betedicg Ybeotle ovat ow seodt of bre 
benisinos sis doidw Siuisisiil bas sgbsivond Yo dilzsw 
-i302 240 -bodeilduq ybasde esimuilov bibnolqe 38 93 ni ay 

‘Bas ,spnsveize'ei tot noesst bilsy s movig ybsorls end ie 

-sh 0% ji 0} me¥ig S¥iimsoni bre WinwiIoqqo yISv3 ee8 
euonsiq stom gninsslg yd sonsieixs bounitnos & “a 
0? yal a sd [ive doidw eomulov ni ii gritiug bre mae 

“itsteog Istoterg 8-0 Sonetinstini doit & as flow ex ex 



tobasne stew saitimme® ads teed anion a iy. Se ee 
_ ,@eatbba yori? eid-10} enaval ad ag | 
st sead ns oriaab id Semmeahy snigeeiillalltemesalt atin 3 oa 
‘Doudinzib baa sansqxe eid te baiaing yloteteqse ezorbbs: | . 


Address of the President, 13 

and on motion his offer’was accepted with the thanks of 
the Committee. The address was printed and distributed 
to the members following the meeting. 

Dr. Evans resigned as President and by unanimous vote 
the Reverend Paul de Schweinitz, D.D., was elected to fill 
the vacancy. 

Frank Ried Diffenderffer, Litt.D., and Edward H. Ren- 
inger were elected Vice-Presidents. 

Julius F. Sachse, Litt.D., Rev. L. Kryder Evans, D.D., 
and Charles Rhoads Roberts were reélected members of 
the Executive Committee. 

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 

D. W. NEap, 


‘mw wad oa 

Ait Ae ae 1 Seat fi Trt px 
si pragma iM, 
fl gs Dhtesteine 
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vot HT bab bs Msi ses bas - 
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aa call whet al v5H,,.CL sit joerlos2 5 phi 
lo eedmrom assobiae 3197 ciel ehsodA eoliedD ae 
Sseimimod svituoxa 
-bomwojbs gaitsom ails ee | 
aan OW ee ir 

é si , 
+ <€ 
9? ‘a4 LU se ae 

_pateang | | 7? ee eRe As 
a ° ft os rs ‘ ¥ i ; ele De Sikes hs # : 5 i iF A 


Sstographbical Sketches of Deceased 
Members of the Pennsylvanta= 
German Society 




JacosB HEeNry Krovt. 




Henry Boss, M.D. 









Morris AuGcustus BoRHEK. 


we. ‘ a ger a? Ce © yy ¥ ii mi ; 
veer , A ial ie abit 


Ve a ala ea 4 

oe ; 
7 vattgad ay at 

Fon, bees 

fimo eee at samiH worvis) eaiaan | mia 

TIOKA 7a4aH gooAl py i 

eaaval evaMad) Gamh 

aSITA oe: 

an800 ganTul Mau , ie : 

GM «a0 vavaH © | a 

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| gq saHatDaxoT! visavead wuol auaaavad | wel 

saoMIeMaAA AaTAVATe HAWwOLavasavad . FO 
20 And ABTIIARDE TeasHD seenpeoor ete | 

-sqO va easasnD 

AAI ataeA macs . an 

sav vauaH wnol | 

Mud mnie: 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 17 

General John Edwin Roller. 

General John Edwin Roller, son of Peter S. and Fran- 
ces Sidney (Allebaugh) Roller, was born in Mount Craw- 
ford, Rockingham County, Virginia, October 5, 1844, 
and passed away at Harrisonburg, the county-seat of that 
county, October 9, 1918. Although he was born and 
bred in Virginia, his forebears came from Pennsylvania, 
where they made their homes on their arrival in America. 

He was elected to membership in the Pennsylvania Ger- 
man Society January 16, 1896, and at the October meeting 
in 1909 was honored by being made president of the soci- 
ety. He had the unique distinction of being the only 
man placed in that high position who was living outside of 
the state of Pennsylvania. Mis presidential address is 
contained in Volume XXI. of our PROCEEDINGS. It is a 
most interesting and carefully prepared history of the 
Germans who left Pennsylvania and settled in Virginia. 
He speaks of the loyalty of these people during the revo- 
lutionary struggle as follows: 

“There were no tories among the Germans of Old Virginia, and 
they were equally scarce in the Carolinas, as there were none in 
Pennsylvania. So that when the alarm of the War of the Revolu- 
tion sounded, and the signal fires were lighted on every hill, they 
came forth a host of shining warriors ready and eager to march to 
the defence of the cause to which they had given their allegiance.” 

This is another testimonial of the loyalty and services 
of the Pennsylvania Germans during the Revolution, 

i" ; | * of ae . re Fees, 
Sait Bae 229184 Yo noe all {fot ‘mt 
pal painted pride: een 

ten to ta2-yInvoo oft ,givdaceinisH 42 yawe beeeaq 
bas mod eaw sd dguodiA 2108 ,¢e 19d080 
sineviyenns mot simsd e1ssdsiot eid wsinigniV ni b 
-2oizomifi ai levivee tisd? no esmmod aisét es 
130 singvivennsd sds ni qidersdmem_o 4101s enw a 
gnitsom r9do10O ads 4s bn e811 rrnunsl Ysis08 asm. 
702 ont Yo inebies1q sham gnisd yd botonod enw Roget mi 

yino arlt gnisd ie noifoniteib suping si bed sH 3 = 

to'sbietwo- guivil exw ord noitiedd dgid tes ni Bosalg nant 
et eestbba Isitmsbiesrq eH iaineviyennsd do sind oat 

eeiil zoviasx002T wo 16 LZ emiuloY ni-b 
203 to yroseil byrsqorg yllatsti> bre’ gnitesteini dort 

sinigtiY ni belsiee base sinsviyennsd sisi odw ensnmsD 

-ovsi $d? yniiwh slqosq seod3 to yilsyol 513 Yo edsoqe SH 
:ewollot es slggutte Yianoisal 
bas .sisigti¥ BIO to ensanss) sd: goome ero: on stave saad * if 

oi snonm stew sisd es sniloisD od ni soxsze ylleup> o1ow : 
-uloveSt ors to 18s W sd¥ to omale od? nadw tari2 02 ~ 7 

vet lid yrove no bestgil srs eorit Lengie ort bras .bobnivos noid 

ct orem of rg83 bax ybest eoittaw gainide to seod 2 dinot smeo 

r oh eer one ; 

es2ivi92 bar yilayol edz to Isinomitest r9dtons ei 

MotuloyesA odd goiwb enemrisD sinevlyennsd ra to. 

p81 ,% 19d0120 SigigriV. pee porn wm 

‘pit sede 

18 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

which has been so much emphasized by Capt. H. M. M. 
Richards and others in their contributions to the PROCEED- 
INGS of this society and elsewhere. And when the history 
of the late World War shall have been written, it will be 
found that this people were equally loyal and faithful to 
their adopted country. 

A brief biographical sketch, prepared by Gen. Roller 
himself, is contained in Vol. VI., pages 150-152, of our 
PROCEEDINGS, to which reference is invited. ‘This states 

“ He is descended in the fifth generation from John Peter Roller 
who came to America in the ship Richard and Mary, qualifying 
at Philadelphia September 26, 1752, and in the fourth generation 
from John Peter Roller, Jr., who was born April 1, 1761, and 
was baptized in the First Reformed Church at Lancaster, Pa., 
May 10, 1761. He is descended also from John Boneauvent, a 
French refugee, who first settled in Berks County and married 
there, later removing to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.” 

On his mother’s side he is also descended from German 
ancestors, viz., from Christian Aleback (Allebach), re- 
ferred to in Pennsylvania Archives, First Series, Vol. 1, 
page 213, under date May 10, 1728, as one of the peti- 
tioners of Colebrookdale in Berks County, Pa., to Gov. 
Patrick Gordon, praying for relief against the Indians 
who had fallen upon the back inhabitants about Falkner 
Swamp near Goshenhoppen. It is likely that he was an 
employee of the Colebrookdale Furnace Company, which 
in 1720 built the first blast furnace in Pennsylvania. 

General Roller was a graduate of the Virginia Military 
Institute, and of the University of Virginia. He was a 
member of the bar of Rockingham County, and of the 
Supreme Courts of the District of Columbia, Virginia and 
West Virginia, and of the Supreme Court of the United 

> - 

" ensibal sds Jenings isilsa rot gaiystg ,nob100 sAsinieD 


eer a 
03 lutdtisi bas Legol:tieupe axa. al 

ralloSl nod vd Bit” Motos idgeigold Iain A 
wo to £71207 egeq IV lo¥ ni palit ene | . 
estate 2nd T hesivins ai’ sonanotsn sgaere Pap eomsaasa0n *) ee a Soa 
iWet ted ‘ 
V7 CA : i 
i9llo# 3973% nzlol. eyed eelinacne dae on? ni Kabnscash éoH 4 
anivtileyp wh. bee fii, gide sd? ai ssixem@A of ems ole F 
neizsT IADB stot sit si bag sees) ,ds sodmsiqe’e silqhbalitt 19 
bas dtr  IngA rod exw odw .al siiot vote. adol ee 
“AF tatesone td tg dod ea, * tard oe3 ni boxitged aw 
& Jasvuasned mdol mort cele babasvesh a sH  t0x2" 01 yeM 
beittem bes yneod adtstl ni belsrse yea ollw saute fonsrt 
“nial Ya eV ements sane sft of. ‘gnivommer ate! —_ 

namo mor bsbassesb sola ei od sbie e‘issJom eid 2O 

“St ,(dlondsilA) saoadolA neiteindD, most .siv e16tesons 
I doY coits® tef1 asyidov hh, ninpulyeane4 ai 02, bore) 

-it9q si lo ono en 8971 .o1.geM oteb toban jor sgeq 
Vou of £9 QginwoD eis ni siebalgoidsioD to e1snoit 

rondlet iuods eastidsini sosd oly nogu mallet bad one 

ne esw od dedi ylodil ef 27 un ason quae 

doidve..yasgero2 sonny sisbdooidsle? 311 10 ao 
sinavizennod ni soem teald tert oda slind osys ni | 

Tell simtgarV odds to steuberg enw rolloA Imionad. ” 

sesw oH .sinigiiY to yiersvinU sf Io bas Sade 

of? io bre yindod medgnidzoA to rd sri to 13dmsm 

bas sinigti¥ .sidmuloD to soiiei Sis Yo ettu0D 3: 

besin J od io swoD smorqué sd2 io doe ,sinigriV 29 W 

219) TD) + PRR REISER 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 19 

States. He served four sessions in the State Senate of 
Virginia. | 

During the Civil War he served as an officer in the army 
of the Confederate States, and was in the last line of bat- 
tle at Appomattox Courthouse, and was paroled there 
upon the surrender of Lee’s army. 

He married July 24, 1878, Margaret Rector Shacklett, 
who died May 12, 1889. They had issue two daughters. 

Bib hee [Re 

ah ve ner 

4 be 

, » Bos 

Ot a eee 
4 ase in Se ad pr a 

a Le. 

rn ee r 

F i “a. ‘ iy wi 
; . * a 

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en ° Fa : L a 

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> , wvae 

Logie . 


® =f 

oP ‘ee =) ilies De aa. ‘a 
‘4 a: 2 oy pe ap p2=<p be Mahe >| > Peo Sine . : ~ : : Praet 

Bra ' , af - Y ol , ‘7 pita ae ; 

| Ufa PT ea, fe 90K SR: BAe 2, PG GOES Mi. 4% | 
i ead” Nee. wits ie ey ie Be “% — ” Ahi: Ai) tes ae Sa 
Ao: soma - oe eee by enmes oe On. na siosmend ” . 
Si" it ene egCR phe Va aie ar? radigaem: 

20 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

Rev. Madison Clinton Peters, D.D. 

Rev. Madison Clinton Peters, D.D., was born at Guths- 
ville, South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, Penn- 
sylvania, November 6, 1859, and died in New York City, 
October 12, 1918. He was descended from German 
families on both sides of his ancestry and was admitted to 
membership in the Pennsylvania German Society, January 
9, 1895. In June 1890 he married Sara Hart Peters. 

The “ History of Lehigh County,” Vol. 3, pp. 989- 
1000, contains an interesting history of this family, from 
which it appears that the family name was originally 
Peter. That the emigrant ancestor was Caspar Peter, 
who arrived in Philadelphia by ship Lowther, October 
14, 1731, and located in Heidelberg Township, Lehigh 
County. According to the application filed by Dr. Peters, 
one of his ancestors (son of Caspar Peter), viz., Jacob 
Peter, was born in Odewald, in the Palatinate, and if so, 
he doubtless came over with his father in the ship Lowther. 
The sons of Caspar Peter took up large tracts of land in 
Lehigh County. Jacob Peter, from whom the subject of 
this notice is directly descended, was in 1785 assessed for 
268 acres and in 1788 for 398 acres. He was the father 
of five sons and five daughters; the second son, Philip 
Jacob, married Elizabeth Stetler; they made-their home 
along the Jordan creek, northwest of Schnecksville, Wash- 
ington Township, Lehigh County. The name of Philip 
Peter appears in the roll of Captain Simson’s Company, 


7 “ ren A 
To ’ as 
\ _n fa - ‘i ay any) wi; “yy ’ i 1 
ee J 3 2 rae hy 4, 
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noinil2 sosibsh 

Rae 2I9I98F 

Sl ia Sait eee Wa 
2d) je mod exw ,.d0.0 27998 nota? coeibat Wot ae 2 

137 yinuoD dyidet jgidenwoT Isdotid V4 digod jsiliy 
‘Gt wo ws ni boib boa 0281 .0 19dmrv0oH Sineviye 
sent) mort bebnsssb exw sH 8191 (SI 
o3 bsijimbs eaw bae yitessae ei Yo esbie riod no esilinnst 
viacne| ,yisi00d namisy) sinevivennsT sd ni gidersdmem 
19997 t1nH isd bsittem of 2081 6 
“920 .qq-.£-4oV “iyingoD dgidsT to fosltt” oT 
mort .ylies? zidt to yvrotid enisinos coo! 
Yiisnigizo enw’ omen ylimeat of? gedd z189g 
19989 tsq22) daw 1ose99ne IngTgions ce hd 
isdo190 wiitwol qide gd sifglsbrlidd ni bovine odw 
dpitt .gidenwoT gtedishisH ol betasol bak ect iar 
exsist 20 yd belit soltmnilgge $3 ot gaibrosA WasoD 

- i j ey GY ve str » h . Ws ’ ' ’ .! 
7 we Dwg weak J nen rs ce bi 5d : 
eee ees hee : am 


qs i doidw NT 

cosa ..siv ,(aste% regen. Yo noe) gioies2n& 2id lo sno |: 

o@ ti baw ,stenisalsl sft ni BiewsbO Bi mod esw 987 

_ “stltwod git ody alsotist eid sive avo smtes exsltduob od 
ci bel to etoett spiel qu aloot 19959 mages) to enoe odT 
lo taofdue edt modw moi 29159 doos| 

vsdiei ado enw oH] .eonoe Ser 10} 88yr ni bas eens 83s 
giidT ynoe bnosse sis jerstlguab sya bne enoz svi Vo 
~niod tied? bam yerdd ;291tst2 dyedesilT bsinsm ,doos 

e697 sllivedosndsé to teswdron doar nebro] oft gnole 

qld to oman sdf .ysnu0D dAgided gidenwoT notyai 
‘Yasgmol e'noemié nistqeD to Hor sd? ni éissqqs 1I9T 

was db 

y2u0D Agidst 
10% bszesees 281 ni eaw ,bsbnscesb vhostib ei sziton elds 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 21 

First Pennsylvania Line in 1778, as a Revolutionary sol- 
dier. Philip Jacob Peter and his wife Elizabeth were 
the parents of eight children, two sons and six daughters; 
the second son, Daniel, born March 3, 1801, died June 11, 
1876, married Polly Gross, who was born July 3, 1802, 
died March 27, 1872. They made their home in Lowhill 
Township, Lehigh County, near the village of Weidasville. 
They were the parents of nine children, five sons and four 
daughters; the youngest was Morgan Peters, father of 
Rey. Madison C. Peters. Morgan Peters was born No- 
vember 5, 1835, and died November, 1864. He married 
Maria Elizabeth Kemmerer, born March 10, 1835. 
They were the parents of four children, one daughter who 
died in infancy, and three sons, all of whom were or- 
dained to the Christian ministry of the Reformed Church 
in the United States. Madison Clinton, the oldest; Jo- 
seph D., a graduate of Ursinus School of Theology and 
now pastor of the First Reformed Church (Dutch Re- 
formed) at Hoboken, N. J.; and Morgan A., a graduate 
of Heidelberg Seminary, now pastor of Christ Reformed 
Church at Allentown, Pa. 

Madison Clinton Peters attended the public schools at 
Fogelsville, Lehigh County, and later became a student at 
Muhlenberg College, and still later (1877-78) a student 
at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. He 
then entered the Heidelberg Theological Seminary at Tif- 
fin, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1880, before reach- 
ing the age of twenty-one years. He was then ordained 
to the Christian ministry of the Reformed Church. His 
first charge was at Mulbury, Indiana. In 1883, at the 
age of twenty-four years, he entered the Presbyterian 
Church, and accepted a call from the First Presbyterian 
Church (N. L.) of Philadelphia, where he remained five 

Aa My : s Re. 

| ~ os ‘ink 
fr tenth ak ane wad 

. aD : 

toe yienonulovel fel msviyenna® 
siti renee un ae f= ays 1 sed " sl 
;esidqueb xte-bne enosow? 4f Lidl ent 
11 onul boib ,ro081 a ee re 7 

2081 .¢ ylul mod esw dw azotd vile boiniam @y8r “a 
Hidwot mi sonod sisdd shan yoo T STS sts ‘bsib 
olfivesbis W to ogalliv odd 129 prinwoD | ; a 
wot bre ence svit ,nsiblids snin 16 etnsasq, odt s13°7 ett | 

Yo isdist zisisL negro 2éw sespnuoy off ;e1stdgush in 
of mod exw etst9T negro 213390. noeibs M wo : 

bsitzem 9H .p981 j2dmsvoV beib bns ,2¢81 2 19dm3v 
2o81 .01 ‘dowsM. ood. anesmensA doedssld snsM, | 
ofw isidgush ono. sstblide iol to etnsing 3 s19w yod T 
sao; o19W mody to Ils ence soitt bose gonstai ni boib ii 
dau). borrotes. sd2 to yrteinim asiizadl edi oi bonisb ane 
ol :tesblo sda .notnif2 nozibaM .eots3e besinU ods ai Be iy 
bea ysolosdT to lociiee eunier io stsubatg «. .. dgse 
. 41 detwG). dowd bemnotshA seid oat to s0tesq. won 2 2c ee 
pteuberg 2 ..A megroM bas ;.1 7 nsdodoH 3s (bom? | | 
hsrmroteM. seid) to olzeq won ,yisnimse gisdisbisH Yo 
£9 ,rvotasllAéA 38 doisdD 
ts eloordse silduq odi bobastts 219331 motif nozibsM is 
38 ansbuie 2 smsced 1s3e] bnsyinuod dgiist silivelsgod ey. 
tashuse s (8 t-ty81)} 1939] [lize bne sgolloD gisdnsldoM . 
9H. sD jstesansd .soclloD edersM brs nilinatd ja 
“HT 3m yusniaesd leaigoloodT giodisbisH oj borsine nod) 
-dosay syoted .0881 ni boisubs1g exw sd stodw oidO na 
besisbio. nadt exw oH .ere9y ano-yinwd to 228, gai 
iH. dowd bommoteH sci to yuteinim asen >) sit of 
o83.3s..¢821 ol. .ensibal .ywdluM is esw ogredo text 
nsizsivdeord sd boteins od etesy wol-qinswi to ops an 
neisiydesiT getid of1_ mort Iso 2 boiqsoos bare ,dowdD os 
ovi bonieme: sd stodw cidglsbslidd to (.1 V) ford) ; 


22 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

years. He then became pastor of the Bloomingdale Re- 
formed Church (Dutch Reformed) at New York City, 
where he served for fifteen years; then to the Summer 
Avenue Baptist Church of Brooklyn, N. Y., and then to 
the Church of the Epiphany (Episcopal), New York City, 
where he remained until 1907, after which he had no reg- 
ular charge, but became what he called a “ People’s 
Preacher,” devoting his time to the lecture field, but fre- 
quently holding Sunday evening services in one of the New 
York theatres, which were always crowded. He contrib- 
uted many articles to newspaper syndicates. He is the 
author of “Empty Pews,” 1886; ‘ Sanctified Spice,” 
189¢-. 9 he Great Flereatter; “1895; She Panaces.for 
Poverty; “ Justice for the Jew,” 1899; ‘‘ The Wit and 
Wisdom of the Talmud,” 1900; ‘‘ The Jew as a Patriot,” 
1901; ‘‘ Why I became a Baptist,” 1901; “* The Birds of 
the Bible,” 1901; ‘ The Man who Wins,” 1905; “‘ The 
Jews in America,” 1905; “ Will the Coming Man 
Marry?” 1905; “ After Death What?” 1908; “ Abra- 
ham Lincoln’s Religion,’ 1909; ‘* Haym Solomon,” 1911; 
“The Mission of Masonry,” 1913; ‘The Jews who 
stood by Washington,” 1915; ‘‘ Seven Secrets of Success,” 
1916; “ America for Americans,” 1916; ‘‘ The Masons 
as Makers of America,” 1917; and ‘‘ All for America,” 
1917. | 

Dr. Peters was an attractive and interesting pulpit 
orator, inclined to be changeable and somewhat sensa- 
tional, but he attracted the masses and always succeeded 
in filling his pews. As a rule his sermons and lectures 
were referred to and commented on by the public press. 

Bry PS. 7R- 

me ia 

oo Sp 



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to ebtid odT ” ; 12003.“ geitqe & smsded I yi¥? ” s109n > 
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“2e5000e lo etets9d nove ” 7211 “notgnires W yd boote- | 
ences, of T” :8101.“.enmoizomA wl. saizom/y™ SOeie (i 
 “aohearA so} IA” ne :c1o1 “,eoitamA to e1sdel ee 
tiqlvg gnitestsini bas svitosite ne exw etsioF sr > 

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bobssoona eyewle bas 2seenm adi bstosiis od aud Jeno ~ 

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eg sildig sft zd no baznsmmes bas ot barsist sisw rp 
ALA De Tes head 

a , a “J 





Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 

Professor Charles Francis Himes, Ph.D., LL.D. 

This widely known educator, scientist and writer was 
born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, June 2, 1838. 
He moved to Carlisle, Pa., in 1865, and there he made his 
home over the remainder of his life. __ 

His paternal emigrant ancestor, William Heim, came 
to America by ship Thistle, from the German Palatinate, 
by way of Rotterdam, arriving in Philadelphia and quali- 
fying August 29, 1730. His maternal ancestor, Jacob 
Lanius, partly of Huguenot descent, also from the Palat- 
inate, came to Philadelphia by ship Pennsylvania Mer- 
chant, and qualifed September 11,1731. Dr. Himes was 
therefore eligible to membership in the Pennsylvania Ger- 
man Society from both sides of his ancestry, and was 
gladly welcomed to membership January 15, 1897. On 
October 26, 1900, he was elected first vice-president of the 
society, and on the death of Dr. Thomas C. Porter (April 
27, 1901) was on July 19, 1901, advanced to the office of 
president. His presidential address (see Vol. XII. of 
our PROCEEDINGS) consists of two parts, first a compre- 
hensive eulogy on the life of Dr. William H. Egle, the 
second president of this society, and second, “‘ The Place 
of the German Element in the History of Pennsylvania.” 

A splendid portrait of him appears as a frontispiece to 
Volume XI. of our PROCEEDINGS. 

Vol. VII. of our PRocEEDINGS, pages 451-454, pub- 
lished in 1897, contains an interesting biographical sketch 


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#81 .f saul. sinevlyennst ~eeinwoD 39 rieensl | 

. etd aba of oid bas 208 ni kd SER api ) 
Sil eid to t2baiarnas odt 220 : 

ontna! misEd meills V7 A0sz20Ne InsTgins. Ienzataq 
sinniseled gemisc) sd? mort saadT qitle td ssizen 
-ilsup bas ¢idqlobelidT ni goivims ,msbistioA to yew yd 
~ doos], ,2¢2es0ne) Iscotam 2 -OFTI, es eu, gnigt 
ele oft mott cals ansoesb tonsuguH to ynieg auinst 
asl ainnolyannsd gide yd sidqlsbslil oF omso ,steni 
eaw eomild a wre yt 41 redesiged boililaup bag, Amada + 
vite) sipevivenred sdi-ni qideredrtm ef ; 
eee bns ,yuesons aid to esbie tod mort yisis0€, nam 
sO .¢e87 .27 visors] .gidetodmom o3 bemoslow ylbalg 
“ott Yo insbiestq-ssiv seth botosls exw sd .ooer 62 15do90 
legA) sst104 .D esmodT «Cte dizeb.od3/no brs ,yteiooe © 
to soffo siz on boonavbs ,1001 ,e1 ylul.oo anw (1001 ,ts : 
lo .TIX loV¥ 592) eesbbs Isisnabiesrq 2iH.. .ansbiesrq ; 
~yigmos & ih ertaq ows to ajeieso2 (zovtaaa90KF 100 
ot igh HH mailliW x0 to stil edt no -ygolus oviensd 
soak” sit ,baoose bae ,yisivoa 2idi 0 tnsbiesrg, baoose 

"sinsvigennod to yield srt ni inomola ag gg 

Aid c's ee on 

duq B2a-1 ep e9gsg 20”1C3a90RF ‘qWo. to “7 is pp ae 
(loinae Invidgegoid gnitesrsini ng enintnor peer nibedeil ~~ : 

¢ ¢ ad a 7 
J. eet Deg *ti—_ G 

7 a cl ; " 
a. sit et et 

24 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

of Dr. Himes to which reference can be had. A bio- 
graphical sketch of him also appears in the ‘“ Encyclo- 
pedia of Biography,” Vol. 2, pages 571-573, published in 
1914. Both of these were prepared during the lifetime 
of Dr. Himes, and doubtless published with his approval. 
I have drawn on both in preparing this notice, and his 
daughter, Mrs. Vale, has kindly furnished much family 

His paternal great-grandfather, Francis Himes, was 
born in Pennsylvania, March 15, 1737, died at Hanover, 
Pa., January 6, 1811. On May 1, 1759, he married 
Catharine Christ who was born in Germany, August 17, 
1739, died at Hanover, January 17, 1826. Both lie bur- 
ied in the German Reformed Cemetery at Hanover, Pa. 

His grandfather, George Himes, was born December 
16, 1775, at Hanover, Pa., and died at New Oxford, Pa., 
April 7, 1850. He married Helena Catharine Barnitz, 
who was of German descent. 

His father, William Daniel Himes (born May 29, 
1812, died January 11, 1896), and his grandfather, 
George Himes, were both largely interested in real es- 
tate, including an iron works, and some business enter- 
prises closely associated with Thaddeus Stevens. 

His mother, Magdalen Lanius, was born at York, York 
County, Pa., October 25, 1812, died at New Oxford, Sep- 
tember 25, 1878. She was the daughter of Christian 
Lanius and his wife Anna Von Updegraff, born March 16, 
1774, died at York, October 19, 1830. His maternal 
great-grandparents were Henry Lanius, and his wife Eliz- 
abeth Kinsley; she was born August 21, 1751, died Sep- 
tember 26, 1815. His maternal emigrant ancestors (his 
great-great-grandparents) were Jacob Lanius, born May 
12, 1708, in Mechlinheim, Germany, died March 1, 1778, 

oF i 
haunt of ,O2T1 J we nO 1181 a eunal 
Tr teuguA .yatorisd) ai miod exw ow seid : 

aud sil oH 8281 ,¢2 eunel-sovonsH 32 bsib | 

2F asvonsH 35 yisisms bsanoieA nrimao 93 so 

isdemso0oC1 tiod enw ,asenitd sgioeD’ zsflistbnarg 3 
-8d .brotzO ws te beib bas ..29 ssvonaH 48 raw s a 
viene aethinehe sasisH babel SH .0g81 f 
_ Jdnaseab aseriap to enw « 
0s ‘oa ined) sain Isine@ msilli¥/ ~sdisd iH 
9d? sibastg aid bas (9081 (11 yreuns] bosib pees 
ei lear si bosestsini ylsgisl diod stew smiH sg1080 
19303 eesniend smoe bae ~diow not os gnibuloni Cer | 
ansrnie ‘ewsbbsdT riiv betaiooees ylseols | 

0 Y oT ae mod esw 2uinet nslebgs li rns iH ' 
-qo@ ,brotxO we is beib’,s121 ,z8 13d0nO |.2F yiauod 
neizzntD Yo rithguab odi caw ofe 8781 28 - dened 
31 dows mod AstgsbqU noV sid Mdm ony oe 
lerisism 211 .o¢81 .er wadobO ao ie boib Rin 
si stiw eid bne vine yinsH a3 qbo 
-qo2 beib 424% 19 tevguA miod exw ade ;yslentA dt 
ei) etotesons snetgims lemstem eHL 2181 ,8s- 49d imag 
= mod sins. doss[. 197 (emnstegbnerg-4: 

Str 1 dovsil baib wasn , misdoildss i ni th nt ll 



. : 7 
Prot . ; . J . a « 

i i, 


a a a a a a : 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 25 

at York, and his wife Julianna Kreamer, born in Fisen- 
heim, Germany, January 2, 1712, came to America in 
1731, and settled on Kreuz Creek, York County, Pa. 
She died February 26, 1769. 

The advantage and benefit of good schools can be no 
better illustrated than by the opportunities afforded to 
this lad, who spent his boyhood days at New Oxford, 
where he had the great privilege of attending an academy 
conducted by Dr. M. D. G. Pfeiffer, a well-known Ger- 
man physician, graduate of the University of Berlin, and 
moreover a highly cultured, public-spirited man, who must 
have found a receptive mind in young Himes, particularly 
for the study of mathematics and the sciences, which surely 
influenced his entire life, and laid the foundation for the 
scholarly attainments of this famous scientist. It is said 
that this precocious lad began the study of Latin at the age 
of eight and of Greek at the age of ten years. In 1853, 
when but fourteen years of age, he applied to Dickinson 
College for the privilege of entering the sophomore class 
in the middle of the scholastic year, but on account of his 
youth he was promptly turned down. He was then about 
to apply for admission to Harvard, whereupon Dickinson 
College suspended its rules and decided to examine him. 
Fis preparation at New Oxford Academy had been so 
thorough that he was admitted without conditions, and 
graduated with honor in 1855 at the age of seventeen 
years, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. After leaving 
college he taught mathematics and natural science at an 
academy of the Wyoming Conference, in Wayne County, 
Pa., for one year. He then went to Missouri where he 
taught in the public schools and at the same time read law 
with the intention of settling in that state. Fortunately 
for the scientific world his plans were changed and he re- 

ye 4 nna! ; 201,88 tet tea ete ad cell ; | 

- - iq ey La 
“ i. ere 77 i 
e r : - 
v 7 Lo 

‘of bebrofts esitinwtogqo ari -yd_ mart beter: 
i. } wal is eysb boodyod eid sitsge of 
ymobros ns gnibnsiis to ogelivisg teorg odd bet dw 
a9) nvondliow s asRistT OD .d..M ad yd betoubaos 

. bas wilted to ytizwvini JS edt io ateubsrg nsiviegdg 

reuttodw arn botitiqe-olldug jbo yidgid  1vos1om 

ybsivvisieg eomil gavoy ni bnim svitqs3s1's bawol sved 
vistwe foidw oonsive od1 bak extemediam to ybutz-ed? 102 
sd3 20% sdi3ebquol oi bial bas olil atitnd eid booaoulai 
- Dive ei sl. deitnsing evomed eids lo etnomningis ylaslodoe 
eee od ie.nits] lo ybuia od2 asyed bal éuoioserg eit tard 
40285 ol - .ete97- 99 30 9g ot ds) sla910 20, bak adpis Yo 

... MOenbbiT of beilgge sd gs do etssy assmwot dad modw | | 

eens siomordgos st gnissine to sgslivirg edi 102 sgalloD 
#id to tnwosss no-tud ,resy siteslodse 543 20 stbbing od) ni 
| tuods maieswsH .nwob,bemutyliqmorg exw od divoy 
noenioi{l soquotsdw .bievisH-o? moizeimbs 102 yigqqs 03 
mud soimsxs of bebissh bas esl ett babmoqeue syollo 
og mood bad yenobaoA bi0ixO\ we te noitesgaig eH 
Lae novibnos swodiiw bsttimbs esw od ted2 ulguotod 
mociayz92 20. age st ts 2281 ni tonod dsiw ‘hosstberg 
anivnel wit A> eA. t0 rolsdoe@ 10 sa7g9b srltdtiw ierssy 
ng 38 dangice [s1uien bas esiteemsdiaen shgusis od sgolios 
‘inno snye VW mi ,sons19tne) -gnimoyW sda to ymobsss 

.. oh srodyr inuesei : 
_ wal besy antit mae orlt ts bne ¢loodze silduq edt ni adgues 
Wsiscunod. siete tacit ni gnilase to noisnetni sdy daiw 


od brs bagaado svow enalq aid blow iitnaice offs 102 

ai, ot tnsw. nod? sH1 impsy.snogot 61... J. 

= >» 2S 

26 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

turned east. He then taught for one year in the Balti- 
more Female College. In 1860, at the age of twenty-two 
years, he was appointed professor of mathematics in the 
Troy University at Troy, N. Y., where he remained three 
years. In 1863 he went to Germany to pursue his scien- 
tific studies at the University of Giessen, where celebrated 
laboratories were located. In the fall of 1865, he re- 
turned to America to begin his long and successful career 
in Dickinson College as Professor of Physics, to which 
chair he had been elected. And thus his alma mater, 
which thought of rejecting him on account of his age at 
fourteen, recognized his worth at the age of twenty-seven, 
by placing him at the head of its scientific department. 
He remained in Dickinson College thirty-one years, re- 
signing in 1896, in order that he might devote more time 
to his special literary and scientific pursuits outside of the 
college. As senior professor he was made the ad interim 
president of the college from June 1888 until the spring 
of 1889. Not only was he a great scientist but a great 
teacher as well, one who impressed his personality upon 
his students. His methods of teaching were personal 
rather than conventional. He did not rely entirely upon 
text-books, for he was master of his department. He is 
also spoken of as having encouraged a friendly, but dig- 
nified, association with his students, who felt no fear of 
the usual penalties and embarrassments.of college students. 
All he required was that they progress in their studies. 
On his retirement from Dickinson in 1896, the graduating 
class of that year unveiled and presented to the college a 
portrait of their beloved professor, and at the same time 
the college honored him by conferring upon him the degree 
of doctor of laws. 

In 1869 Dr. Himes was appointed on the U. S. Goy- 

ei? a 

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ie er me comely r, 7, hac 

wn) : patveieto 3H vel A by i =4 es 
i - - - M ; ay Woes 

stam emis 2id aud? bo&.bomele med bed od tiada 
ts sys eifl Jo tnvosse no mit gnitsist io tdggoda doidw 
uisvse-Viaswt to sys ont ts dow eid bosingoosy jnssiaget. 
dosmiiegeb oii¢msioe ati Yo basd sds ge mid gainslg yd” 
“91 ,21a8y. stio-yrids sgolloD noenidsi(] ni bsnismat se 

omit siom stoveb igi od salt asbro ni 8oer ni gnimgia: hy a 
si to sbistuo -etiuewg ofiindice bas yisrotil Isivsqa eithot 6 
mivaist by ot obem exw od t0220}0%q 10inse 2A vopsllos 

gnitqe of? Ina. 8281 oni], mort sgelios edt to tsb © ae 

131g Stud deiinsive tee1yg god enw ylang do” . 288r 40! 

ot sd (2382 Yo fle} ods aka wrinhine pertain en se aM 
195789 felnbocnans bae gnoksid niged: of goitomA ot bam 9% y 
daidw 02 wrieydT jo roresionT es egalloD ‘noenidsi@ ai. +) 

noqu yilenovisg eid beeesiqmi odw sno jllow ex\tedoass 9 4 - 

isnogtay stsw gaidosst to eboritsm eiH yemsbute eid’ (oor 
nogu ylstitns yist jon bib sH —“Isnoitinevnos ned? tondiet ge © 
esti nemnaqsb eid io ywiesnt esw od to? zdood-sxer) 
-gib tud .vibssints beyriwesne yaived’@s to nodoge zie 6 
io aset on sist odw jeinsbute eid diiw noitzinoees <bsitin — 
‘sosbute ygsloo to.esaomeeerradms bns esislenog leyeu oda) 81 
esibese sista at) eestygorq yodlt antl exw borispst od HA 
gnitsuberg sdt 8981 ni noenissiG monanamotisreid nO 
& syollos si} ot betasesrg bre belisvaw assy ads to esl 
oni} Smrae ort te bre sotasiong bovolsd sia 4o-sissmog yal 
sotgsh rly mid yy hompmeaes briestear succes sgailoo sds | 
.ewel to 10190b to) 
00) QiiU sts no basnioggs anngprdld a0 QdBimbeat ov) 


eRe Te 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 27 

ernment expedition, stationed at Ottumwa, Iowa, to ob- 
serve and photograph the total eclipse of the sun. In addi- 
tion to his official report he published a paper on the 
‘“ Methods and Results” of his observations. From 1872 
to 1879 he was associated with Prof. S. F. Baird of the 
Smithsonian Institute in preparation of “ Record of Sci- 
ence and Industry.” 

He made a special study of the science of photography, 
in which he became a leading authority. In 1884 he or- 
ganized the first Summer School of Photography at Mt. 
Lake Park, Maryland. Among his many papers pub- 
lished on photography are: “‘ Actinism or the Scientific 
Basis of Photography;” ‘“‘ Making of Photography; ” 
“Photo Record Work;” “ Amateur Photography in its 
Educational Relations;”’ ‘‘ Handbook of Photographic 
Printing; ‘‘ Preparation of Photographic Plates by Day- 
light;”’ “ Photography among the Glaciers;” and “ In- 
vestigation of the Electric Spark by means of Stereoscopic 

He was a prolific writer and lecturer on other scientific 
and historical subjects; many of his papers and lectures 
were prepared for historical and scientific societies and 
colleges, some of which may be noted as follows: ‘‘ Meth- 
ods of Teaching Chemistry; “ Scientific Theories and 
Creeds;”’ ‘‘ Science in the Common Schools;”’ ‘‘ The Sci- 
entific Expert on Forensic Procedure; ”’ ‘‘ Phenomenon of 
the Horizontal Moon and Convergency of the Optic Axes 
in Binocular Vision; ‘“* The Stereoscope and its Applica- 
tions;”’ ‘“‘ The Stereoscope, its Theory and Construction; "’ 
‘Bunsen Flame Reaction ’’ (translated) ; ‘‘ Will’s Tables 
for Chemical Analyses” (translated and enlarged, three 
editions) ; ‘‘ History of Dickinson College; ” ‘‘ The Truc 
John Dickinson; ”’ ‘‘ Col. Robert Magaw and Fort Wash- 

3 acherarools Yo nel se 


agers ea ns * 
ye adem bans 

. ’ ad 


Zid de-bmoall * to mpameene sie cone be sie 
ae sd.p881 al. vii 

Viizodius gnibssl 
214% te yaqergofodd io loodo® Sn so 
nq st9qeq- yasm 2idgaomA | .baal a. 
shisngin@ od? 10 meininA”™ soe ydas no bedeil 
* ¢xelqetgozol to goiisli” “ ;ygergo: to 2iesd 

al K 1. 
wee s 

@ht at ydqergotod’ wstemA”" pahno W7 brass fl ood” 

aiigergotodd io dAcodbarHi” a senoitals A. 

0G. yd esta! sidgergotodd to noismeqard * "; 

nl“ bos “;exsioniD.odi gaoma yilgergoiodd ace grit 
diqon20229i2 3 io ensom, yd: arege inscolal ods te noitegizery 

atineine r3ad30 no. t9Tuel bas itive sitions seswoH 
amusios! baa exsqeq eid to ynem ;etosjdua leomopeid bas 
boe esitsivoeg sAitasibe bas Isnorid rot bsiegs1q sw 
-issi¥." :ewollot es bsion od ysondoute to smoe ,esgollo2 
bag 2emeed Tonitnsisd ” “  einsd gnidonsT io ebo 
if ato goons? nogune4 oft ni 9003192"*" ;2bss1 
io aonomonsd4.”’.“;erubs201F aiase207 no sagxA aaians 
snk, 2iyO ont to vansgizvaol bas noolt. lsinosiroH ds 
-silqgAé ett bus aqoseos1332 ad" " pnoiaiY rslmonifl ni 
“ |notowencD bas yrosdT. ati  seqoosostadd ad Tf ies ienois 
eclidal e']EW ” ; (botslensat) “ noioasd. 
ssarla .begisins bre bsislenss3) " eseylenA, Isoimed2 102 
on T od “:9usiloD noenidsid to yroteiH ” ; (enoiibs 
72 ¥/ nod bas wagslvi sisdoH lod * ";noenidsi nol 

‘sé to bain 12.0 athiecusn eave 81 of 

dassee .e meee 25 a203 ark Puaglbar' — 
| ip a iaevioedo aid 7 rae ey ov” 

4 49 

28 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

ington;”’ “ Life and Times of Judge Thomas Cooper; ”’ 
and ‘‘ Review of Professor Porter’s American Colleges 
and American Public.” 

He was a member of the following societies: American 
Philosophical Society; Fellow of the American Association 
for the Advancement of Science; Honorary member of 
the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Philadelphia Photo- 
graphic Society; New York Academy of Science; Mary- 
land Academy of Science; Historical Society of Pennsy]- 
vania, and Pennsylvania History Club. At the time of 
his death he was serving as president of the Hamilton 
Library Association; Vice-president of the Pennsylvania 
_ Federation of Historical Societies, and as President of the 
- Cumberland County Historical Society. He was active in 
the affairs of the Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Dickin- 
son College, of which he was one of the founders. 

Dr. Himes married January 2, 1868, Mary Elizabeth 
Murray, daughter of Rev. Joseph Alexander Murray, 
D.D., and his wife Anna Hays Blair. Dr. Murray was 
a prominent minister of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. 
Himes was born at Dillsburg, York County, February 11, 
1848, and died December 3, 1904. Dr. Himes died of 
pneumonia December 6, 1918, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, 
Baltimore, where he had gone hoping for relief from his 
illness. He is survived by two daughters, Mary Murray, 
wife of Thomas E. Vale, Esq., of Carlisle, and Anna 
Magdalene, wife of Rev. George V. Metzel of Sullivan 
(now Urbana), Illinois. He and his family were active 
members of the William Clare Allison Methodist Episco- 
pal Church of Carlisle. 

Br. bs Jz. 

ea ’ 
Pyagt ) 

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(18M, j200902 }o ymsbsoA dhoY wat ty sive 2 oi diana’ > 
-lyenasd Jo, ¥I91202 Isoinoseitt ps0nsis2 do , cet 

io omit od3 2A dul yroRiH sitevivennod bas caine 2) 
notlimsH sd to. tnsbieorg es yaivise eaw sd dish eid ‘ 

-ridvi 38 yligrderd enrgid:sqqe dt iT sdt overicts cde 

21M .dowele nsisetydesrD ont 0 asseinitn insnimorg & 
Tl ytamdst ~nvoD d10Y jg wdellid: 32 mod enw eomif 
io beib esmili aG -.poer .¢ a9dme29G bob bas SEBEAZ FSR 
AstiqeoH enislgoH endo] is,82¢01 218dmsoe £3 one: elo. 
tid moti tsilst 10% gaigod smog ber of sasder denaliel be. Th 
stu M yisM ,ersidgeeh owt yd boviviwe ai 3H” ezsnlli IGT a 
ssf bas leis) do ped isV .d esmodT toistiw: Cafe | 
asvillué to isis .V sq109D wo 20 'stiw onsinbgstfo rie . 
ovisee sisw ylimel.eid bag oH .zionilll ,(snedaU won) 
-o02' qd izibodisi noeiliA o1s!D ssilliV/ ort 10 e19den9m "| gat <i 
| 5; eG pa wleits2 to. dowd feq. 0 b ain 
aL Pee | 4a i es . 7... ee Wid wt : 

’ Ws GID 

emis beak LOL 

ete a) tight “eg 



Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 29 

Jacob Henry Krout. 

Jacob Henry Krout was born at Maitland, Montgom- 
ery County, Pennsylvania, May 16, 1874. He was ad- 
mitted to the Pennsylvania German Society July 19, 1904. 
In his application for membership he records that one of 
his immigrant ancestors was John Valentine Kratz, young- 
est son of Philip Kratz, born in a Palatinate Province of 
Germany about 1707, came to America by ship Friend- 
ship, qualifying at Philadelphia October 16, 1727. His 
maternal immigrant ancestor was Christian Moyer, a Ger- 
man Palatine who came to America about 1700, and 
doubtless settled at Livingston Manor, New York, where 
his name is recorded as living there in 1710 and 1711. 
(See Rupp, page 446.) 

His paternal great- roernpinetee were Jacob Krout, 
born June 7, 1786, died October 8, 1859, and his wife 
Elizabeth Swartley. His paternal grandparents were 
Henry S. Krout, born April 10, 1810, died March 30, 
1888, and his wife Rachel Fretz, born January 1, 1814, 
died December. 11, 18:55. 

He was the eldest son of Prof. Abraham F. K. Krout, 
Ph.D. (born February 2, 1843), and his wife Mary Cath- 
arine Moyer of Skippack, Montgomery County. Jacob 
Henry Krout attended the public schools of Coplay, Pa., 
graduating at the high school of that borough. In 1890 
he was employed by the Coplay Iron Company (operating 
blast furnaces, mines and quarries) as weighmaster and 

1 ge eyina a 
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[ise MEDS . Wet? iy dee 
ri ee sw eee ~ oY ah we 
A, Ndi ow, Gotan Pat stb nay ‘wai : he ae 

an nude seaiaal a et yt 
-be cow 9H ay 2r 81 ysM_,winnvivenns! 
~hOGT ,et ylul yisiv02 nsnnop singglyerinsS 
Yo oie tari? ebios01 sd gidersdmsar tot noite 
-BawoY Sind snitnsle’7 ado], enw e1oiaons i 
io vonivorl stanitaleT 2 ni mod (siet gilt 
busivd qide yd somoms. of smso. ,torl wods ynsrrtso 
#iH ..crps 1 w3don0 sidglobslid 18° gahQlileup oe a 
“tod 2 1syold nated esw 10%290ns InsTpimumi lemisiem See, 
boa coyi tods soirsmA ot omso odw onlialed nam 
stodw Ai0Y wei one, notegnivit is beltise eealiduob.. 
_d8qi bag oryt ni s19ds gnivil és 1 2t.oman eit 
ere H 292) 
_fucit doasl sisw eenuakigiedsem lanes aki 
stiw 2id bas 9231 ,8 19do1200 bsib ,O8E1 .F saul mod 
vio eineregbns1g Ismeteq 2iH .yslnswe disdesila By) ee 
9g daisli Bsib 0181 01 IngA mod auord 2 yinmH , : 
481 rt yasuas| mod .xis1 JodosAstiw 2id be 8881 

QZ BLE %: moa m 
s0077h.n2 A cabana jot to noe iesbio od exw ¢ 
sits ant ffx eid brs ,(e981 ¢ Gaundel mod) Gat = Aes 
a agin 2 ‘camoginoli .loeqqide to wyol van | 

&T ,yeigod to eloordse sildug worl . ie 
| Opes: “fil ““iiguored Jads To’ irae saa a at bees 
wnitersqe) yasqmoD nor ysiqoD sds vd boyolqms esw od ae 

bre sitsmigisw ex (estriaup bn eonim nen sald ae fo 

30 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

timekeeper, and in the fall of 1891 taught school in 
Whitehall Township, Lehigh County. In the spring of 
1892 he entered the junior class of the Bloomsburg State 
Normal School, from which he was graduated in the 
spring of 1893. In 1893-94 he taught school in Bucks 
County, and in 1894-95 he taught in the grammar school 
at Coplay. He then moved to Philadelphia where he was 
employed at various places, and studied in the Union 
Commercial College from which he was graduated in 

On August 1, 1899, he entered the employ of the 
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company, at their 
Philadelphia ofhce, as a stenographer, and was subse- 
quently employed as bookkeeper, accountant and finally 
advanced to the office of assistant chief clerk, which posi- 
tion he was filling at the time of his death December 16, 

He was a member of Philadelphia Lodge, No. 13, I. 
O. of O. F. About all of his forebears appear to have 
been Mennonites, but he became a member of the Presby- 
terian church. At the time of his death he was living at 
Glenolden, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. He did not 

ee 5 Dy Fe 

vad or-yesqqs. einsdoi0? eid Jo Hs tuodA” 40 Yo 10 ~ 

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ed enya | 
eaw sd siolw sidglobalifd 

noiatt od? mi. ye ba tot 
ni pasnuberg esw 954i 

ads io sidttiels wi ie od pry ia 221 
vedi 48° yasqmoD bsowisht goibsoh B sit 
-sedue zw bas \1tigqergonsig 5 es ae si . 
ulscht bak inetavoss i9qosaalood 2 boys ime ¥ “4 
-iaoy diviciw 2krslo isids tneieizes Yo soitio Sd? of baonr e , 
82 wd daasb 2id to oeni3 oni ig gnilld eaw i noid re) 

| 1QT 
ae 4 ol sgho.l sidgisbalidt io 1sdmom 2 esw 3H 

y . « 

-ydeorl srii to +2drttem 2£ sated sd gud estinonasM nosd 
- $e gnivil eew sd diesb eid do se ods 37. , dotuais nix: ‘ 
jon fib oH .sineviyannsT jyinsoD sinweled msblonald 



Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 41 

Gared Clemens Landes. 

Gared Clemens Landes was born at Hatfield, Mont- 
gomery County, Pennsylvania, March 19, 1844. Hewas 
admitted to membership in the Pennsylvania German Soci- 
ety, on recommendation of Dr. Julius F. Sachse, April 17, 
1913. It is likely that all branches of his ancestry came 
to America from Germany, but his application for mem- 
bership referred only to John Valentine Kratz, to whom 
he traces through his grandmother nee Ann Kratz. John 
Valentine Kratz (the youngest son of Philip Kratz) was 
born in a Palatinate Province of Germany about 1707. 
He came to America by ship Friendship, qualifying at 
Philadelphia October 16, 1727. This is one of the very 
earliest vessels containing German and Swiss emigrants 
reported by Rupp. He died in 1780. 

Gared Clemens Landes was the youngest son of John 
M. Landes, born June 14, 1811, died June 2, 1852, and 
his wife Elizabeth Clemens, born February 28, 1815. 
His grandparents were Henry Clemens, born March 11, 
1783, died November 9, 1860, and Ann Kratz, born July 
16, 1780, died February 23, 1861. 

On June 13, 1872, he married Ella J. Moyer of Dublin, 
Bucks County, Pennsylvania. They were the parents of 
six children, viz.: Howard Malcolm, born April 9, 1875; 
Charles Yeager, born Jan. 10, 1877; Naomi Grace, born 
Feb. 14, 1879; Lyman, born June 21, 1884, died April 
5, 1885; Leroy Clemens, born March 22, 1888, died Sept. 
30, 1888; Ralph Stanley, born Nov. 6, 1890. 

fe ee 
: aie 7 if, ah ig Fn 4 7 
— ; 7 7 ry ve ne ee 
7 a hatha oMrees phe. Te aia oa no 
: e 1 a lenler - : mp 
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no ‘lsaselt te mod exw esha enomslD baxke 
pew SH ipa8t vor dove \elanviverias’ pine cent | 
908 nearsD ninsylyenns'T adi it qikersdmstir 6 Ba tends 

Tt lingA jserlos2 A evilol, 1 to noitsbasmeoos1 no ats 

sms. yrizssun eid to zodoneid Ils Jets ylodil ait” 
-maim 10} noitasilgqs eid tod ynsmisd mott sor 
mode 0? sis: snitmeleY ndol ‘oi Ylno berisist 

ndol” sie) ack Sen idiombnsrg eit dgudids asaett od . 
enw (siexd qilidd io noe isgntoy od?) siz snitasls¥ * 

| «NOTE wwods ynsmsD to sonivoTd otanitaled g ni mod 
46 gniviilesp ‘(ikbasin4 gide yd soitemA of smno 3H 

yew edi Yo sno gi dT “ser (BT edoHO sidglobalidT is : 

einesginis eeiwe brs neers gninisinos elseeov desiliss 

O8<1 af Bsib oH qqul yd bstreqe: . 

nflol io noe tebgnucy adi esw esbast ensmsfd bsisd 
bas (£281 .£ sav] boib .1121 41 env] mzod esbned VM 
2181 ,29 yeunded mod semi diodasiiHX stiw eid 
1? doasMemod .nseslD yiasH stew ansreqbnerg ei 
Ys[ mod ,ste14 nnA bos 0881 .@ 19dmovoNl baib .p8y1 
F082 ,¢& yisurdsl boib o8yt 1 

sildyG to t9yoM .T alll beizaantsd oy 81 et onul, nO 
to eitetsq oft s19~ yodT  sinwelvennsd ‘eanwoD elou 
$2921 .0 lingA mod ymloslsM biswoH._: .siy prblida xie 

(10d ,soete) inmosYl ; e812 (or na mod 

lingA boib pei x2 onut mod tomy :eT81- ar oT 
age, boib 8881 ,s¢ dorkM mod gasnelD yous. ; 2882 .2 
0921 ,2 .vo mod , lnase agian, 78881 oF 

paneer: ime 



| oe 
7 ae 

32 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

Gared Clemens Landes was a member of the firm of 
H. K. Kindig & Company, wholesale grocers of Phila- 
delphia. He died December 24, 1918, at his home in 
that city. He and his family were members of the Bap- 
tist church. 

B. F. F., Jr. 

ane ae ial 8 
args eur, 

.g' bee none 


im o mer vin 
z ai raging 

| . . a a hes 



Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 


John Atlee. 

John Atlee of Parkton, Maryland, was descended from 
a line of most distinguished ancestry. He was born in 
Radnor Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Sep- 
tember 3, 1873. 

The Atlee family has been traced back to his great- 
great-grandfather, Hon. William Augustus Atlee (1735- 
1793), one of the early judges of the Supreme Court of 
Pennsylvania, 1777 to 1793. He was chairman of the 
Committee of Safety, and Commissary and Superintendent 
of the Arsenal Barracks and British Prisoners at Lancaster, 
Pa., during the Revolutionary struggle. The great- 
grandfather of John Atlee was Col. William Pitt Atlee, 
who married Sarah Light (born December 18, 1782, died 
March 23, 1850), daughter of Major John Light, an of- 
ficer in the Revolutionary War, who emigrated from a 
Rhine Province of the Palatinate, and through whom John 
Atlee was entitled to membership in the Pennsylvania Ger- 
man Society, to which on the recommendation of Dr. 
Daniel W. Nead he was admitted June 24, 1915. (For 
sketch of Major John Light, see Biographical History of 
Lancaster County, page 368, published by Harris, 1872.) 

His paternal grandfather, John Light Atlee, M.D., the 
eldest son of Col. William Pitt Atlee, was born November 
2, 1799, died February 26, 1880, married March 12, 
1822, with Sarah H., the eldest daughter of Hon. Walter 
Franklin, President Judge of the Courts of York and Lan- 

rw a Rae Ante on 7 mu 
we 4 Be te, i — ONE . of 

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ar ae 

tn wet 19 ns, , eee na ta oe 


mot alieanil ecw bash! nosdes a sats 
ni mod enw oH -.ytiesans bodeingniseih t2om Yo 
~<qo2 sinmvlyenns ‘Gruod stawslsC .gidenwoT era 
| 2N8r faders 
tes7g eit od dond basi nod eed Yims? soht& od 
~2eyr) sebA eutemguA meilliW wnoH  rzsdt¢' 

io t1u0D omsiqu® ody to esgbuf yltas sit io sno -(£euT | 7 a 
: oft to sass enw 9H «EOT I, oF gotr. SinsvigenneT | ri a _ 4 
--yasbassahsqu® bas peeeimmod bas ‘ists to ssiimmoD a 

* PSstenonet ts evsnoeitT deiiinG bas edoesisd InnsetA on to 

omg odT .clggaite pranoituloysSl | sds nit » 
ee eS SEE: ect JoD sev soliA: wife]: to tedeetbnerg ? | 
“Beth ,e8¢1 81 19de9981 mod) tdgil ppake Porcainy ea on 
. ton ddnit aflol rojas to sstdgueb.,(0281 gs dakM ‘aS 
- & mort bojagios odw s¥7 yrenciielowsA ox ni test . 
aol morlw dyoowl) bas.oialisisl otto sonivorT anid 
190) sinevizennad ody ni gideisdmsim o3 balsiins caw osIdA ai) 
1G Yo soitsbasmimoss: sdj no doidw oF ,yI0I002 nam | 
704) 210% .p© saul bossimbs enw od bao V7 Isins 
io yroseiE {scidqergoi 292 rdgit ndol 10jalf Io dotede 
(.o782 ,zittsH yd bedeilduq .8d¢ sgnq ,yinuoDd wieszand 
ods. ssltA tdgit adol, redteibasrg lentsteg ei iw ae 
sbucteat nvod esw ,29l3A 191% msilliW .foD Yo noe seabls | oh aas 
St tomsM bsinism .0881 8s yrertdsY bosib ott = . 
rls ¥¥ .noH Yo 193r!gueb tesbls ond ,.H dete dsiw sek - a J 
“at bar dx0¥ to enuod oda io sabe en oibinetd GO 

34 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

caster counties, and a former Attorney General of Penn- 
sylvania. Their son, Walter Franklin Atlee, M.D. 
(father of John Atlee, the subject of this sketch), was born 
October 12, 1828, died August 18, 1910. He married 
Louise Marie Caussade, who traces back through a long 
line of French ancestry. | 

John Atlee was educated in the public and private 
schools of his neighborhood. He entered the employ of 
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company August 5, 1902, as 
an assistant supervisor, and at the time of his death was 
serving as division engineer. While in the line of his 
duty, January 9, 1919, he was fatally injured at the West 
Philadelphia station of that railroad. 

He is survived by his widow, Mary Culp (born Octo- 
ber 16, 1877), daughter of Thomas and Mary Copple, 
and by three children, Elizabeth S., born July 8, 1908; 
Samuel John, born November 9, 1909; and William A., 
born April 1, 1913. 

B. F. F, Jr. 

mod enw , (datsile eids Yo suoidue ont walt nsfol tos 
boitsm oH org ,81 feugui wot 
gnol s dguowls sosd ay: 

f ae 

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i es 

_ . 

r 4 
‘esw sinob sid to sotia ody ‘te bee aozivisque insieices ne. Mery 
eid Yo anil ands aj slid VW t3snigns noleivib es gnivise ‘ 

sea'W oi 28 boaujai yilets) exw od eror © ytsunel ytdh . 

-bsoilisa init to! noisste cidglsbeldd | rr 

0190 osod) gly xis .wobrw zid yd bovivwe ei oH. ald bi we 
diqqod visi bor esmodT io astdguab. .(¢¢81 Pee ; 
(80er .8 ylp{ aod ..2 diedssild netbliads ssxudd yd bas | ‘< 
«A mpilliW boa ;o0er .@ t2dmsyoN sod dol, fosntse =) | 
| SN he ee iL ling A mod sg, a 
Ai ot 4 a . RR pike nos eontepes am 
| | = 's 
i i 




Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 



William Luther Gorgas. 

In the passing away of William Luther Gorgas, the City 
of Harrisburg has lost one of its most highly respected cit- 
izens, and this society one of its earliest and most faithful 
members. He was elected to membership at the Lancas- 
ter meeting on April 13, 1892. One evidence of his loy- 
alty is shown by the fact that he was a life member. 

Mr. Gorgas was born in Cumberland County, Pennsyl- 
vania, June 23, 1848, the son of William Rittenhouse 
Gorgas, born May 8, 1806, died December 7, 1892, and 
his wife Elizabeth Hummel, born 1818, died May 30, 
1894. His grandparents were Solomon Gorgas, born 
January 22, 1764, died September 21, 1838, and his wife 
Catharine Fahnestock, born March, 1774, died August 9, 
1853. His great-grandparents were Jacob Gorgas, born 
August 9, 1728, died at Ephrata, March 21, 1798, and his 
wife Christina Mack, born March 29, 1734, died October 
20, 1804. His great-great-grandfather, John Gorgas, 
who was his emigrant ancestor, came to America prior to 
1708. (See Pennypacker’s ‘“ History of Germantown,”’ 
Proceedings of the Pennsylvania-German Society, Vol. IX., 
page 228.) He died during June, 1741. His paternal 
great-great-grandmotner was Psyche or Sophia Ritten- 
house, who died in 1737. Her parents were Nicholas 
Rittenhouse, born June 15, 1666, died in 1734, and his 
wife Wilhelmina Dewees, who died about 1730. ‘The 
father of Nicholas Rittenhouse was Willem Rittinghausen, 
who was born 1644 and died 1708. 

*y ae ae 
ze ‘aensinh \ 

‘east een Ee nine vi . 

ON, Nae Sie avr tee 

ce] ails ete, ey 5 prieesq od ¥: 
sia bossoqeor yliigid seom ati to 900 v20! gn ed 
lyidsial szom bas tesilans 2ti io S110 4191308 ed pete enssi as 

2sonad ont 30 gidetodmem ot botosls 2 any 9 
~yol eid to. sanebive onO  .s@8t ,f1 Lix ; 
asdmsm stil « any oft sent tont add yd 4 ites a a 
-lyennsT ‘yaued breliodmal nimod esw eegr00) al 
sevorinsitiA milli to noe silt 828: ¢8 saul jsinav 
bie ,£081 yt idee! bsib oer 8 eM mod ,esg100 
of ys bsib 8181 mod lomawH dtsdssil. otiw eid 
mod 229200) nomoloé sisw 2inzisgbasig aH pest 
“li Shiv ei bas 8¢81 22 rdmoiqae boib ,poTe sf yess 
@ teuguAé bsib apy? wdowsl mod. sboteandsd snitedtsD 
narod ,nyiod doss| s1ow einsinabastgdesg eH | .¢ 281 " 
zid bus ger if dowM cteuigd in bib Ser .o teuguA 

isdoi00 boib wey? os dae mod dos sniszindD stiw ~ § - cu 
eyo nilol ssdislbasig-seigtestg eH 4081 os Ca 
o2 wing asitsimA of omnes .1032sone Ianigims eid ew odw ’ 
“mwomannso io yioili” e'iszosqyansd 992) Boys ; ; 
eX 4oV .y%i008 nanrie0-ainsvlyenasd 943 to egnibssoorT pe 
lemisteg 2H Agr onul gniwh bib SH °(.8ss/egsq Ft 

+1971 sifiqgo2 10 sfoyel exw rortiombnarg-ts97g-18973 oe May 
eslodsiVi 919% . winseq: wH pep ai bib onw sevod fk 

eit bre gti ai Boib ,8da% re saul mod a in 
ofT ogy? qwods bsib odw sows snimisdliV% stiw 4g - 

Heevodgniin malliW exw sevodnssiA eslodsii torment =  F % ” 
8071 beib bns p31 miod exw onw 7 

36 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

Johannes Gorgas, his emigrant ancestor, settled in the 
vicinity of Ephrata, Lancaster County, Pa., and became a 
member of the Seventh Day Baptists, or, as they are 
usually called, Ephrata Brethren. 

Mr. Gorgas was educated in the public schools of his 
neighborhood and in the Cumberland Valley Institute, 
Mechanicsburg, Pa. After completing his education he 
taught school for several years, then entered the Drau- 
baugh Manufacturing Company of Milton, Pa., to leara 
the trade of machinist. It appears, however, that he soon 
gave up his apprenticeship, and entered the Second Na- 
tional Bank at Mechanicsburg, Pa., as a clerk in 1869, to 
begin his career as a banker, which he followed all the re- 
mainder of his life. In January 1873 he entered the Har- 
risburg National Bank asa clerk, and in June 1891 he was 
made assistant cashier, and in March 1892 was advanced 
to the position of cashier, which office he filled in a most 
highly satisfactory manner down to the time of his death, 
January 31, 1919. In 1893 he assisted in organizing the 
Harrisburg Trust Company, acting as its secretary and 
treasurer until it was fully established. 

His activities and usefulness as a leading citizen are 
shown by the fact that he served as an officer of the follow- 
ing institutions: treasurer of the Harrisburg City: Passen- 
ger Railway Company; president of the Harrisburg Bur- 
ial Case Company; president of the West Harrisburg 
Market Company; treasurer of the Harrisburg Hospital; 
president of the Camp Hill Cemetery Association, and di- 
rector of the Harrisburg Bridge Company. He took an 
active interest in the civic activities of his city, serving as 
Select Councilman for five years, and as its president for 
three years; member of the Public Works, 1901-05; 


arsv adi eid rodt “atesy laivhe ia ars 
ninal of 2% wioiliM to yasqmo2 gnisuisstonsM oan 
nooe od tart asvawod ereoqqe t] .seinidosm to shew oly lo 


84. boossé ot basins bag: qidesotinsiqgges eid qu qu veg ae 
ot 0081 ni ohsh san... piudesineissM 32 Ans leno ~ a. 
-o1 oli Us bawollod od doidw aodned 2 en 1997n9 eid niged We | a 
8H odt borsine of gy 8n yreuns nl (sill 2id to tobniamt ai Pat 
env ad TQB1 soul, ni bas jis « es ancl IsnoitsV gindeiy ciao We 

beonevbe exw e981 dotelM ni bas ,videso insieleen shecr | | 
tzom 2 ni belli od soto doidw ,1silee Yo noitieog eas 91 rane as 
dinsk aid to Smid aes O79 nwob ynnem yrosostelize yidgid 5 ae 

ont gnisinsgio ni boteieen sd godt nl “leier te Ysunsl 
bne yisisioee eff ex gritos jynaqmoD jewiT ‘yindeinsH 
-borlildetes yllal exw 3i lit rsweast) gles 
sis nositio yoibsol s 2s esnivises bas esisiviios eH Ok ie 
-wollot 13 to 19aio ne an boviee sd anilt 390) ont yd nworle : 
-nseest iD windeiteH od? to 19WweRsti senoisutizeni Bai 
“wi yisdemisH si to snsbiesrq ;yanqmoD yewli ii 7 nt ae), 
sisdeinisH seW ards to tnobiesiq iynsqmoD = jest sh te 
‘lesiqeoH gaudeieH 9di to ro1wexs13 7ynsqmo2 tose Ae 
-ib bas ,noitsisoseA yr>tems9 IH gma sd Yo ansbie- il < ae. 
ns Aoi 3H. .yneqmod) gb giudeintsH ont to 103091 ere a 
es gnivise ,yis eid to 2sivivitos sivis el? ni tesxotni oe ‘i a oe 
tot insbiesig ei es bane 21esy svi 104 bmpreticiee . 
(go-1091 edreW sildud od: to isdinen 


1) Se aR ECE Ren ATSRMS 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 37 

Finance Commissioner, 1913-18; and twice as acting 
mayor of the city. 

Besides being a member of the Pennsylvania German 
Society, he was a member of the Dauphin County His- 
torical Society, and of the Pennsylvania Society in New 
York. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Bankers 
Association and of the American Bankers Association and 
of the Harrisburg Club and the Harrisburg Country Club. 

A history of the life of Mr. Gorgas would be incom- 
plete without referring, with some detail, to the high and 
exalted positions that he filled in Masonry. He reached 
the highest honors in that society, and had the distinction 
of having filled about all the chairs within the gifts of his 
brother Masons, both in his local lodges and in the grand 
lodge, having in 1912-13 served as Right Worshipful 
Grand Master of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of 

He was first made a Mason March 6, 1871, when but 
twenty-two years of age, in Eureka Lodge, No. 302, Me- 
chanicsburg, Pa., where he soon passed the chairs, becom- 
ing its Worshipful Master. On July 1, 1886, after he 
had moved to Harrisburg, he transferred his membership 
to Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, Harrisburg, and on De- 
cember 12, 1887, was elected Worshipful Master of that 
lodge. During the following year he was made repre- 
sentative in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. On De- 
cember 27, 1888, he was made District Deputy Grand 
Master for the county of Dauphin and part of the county 
of Northumberland, serving as such until December 27, 
1907, when he was installed in the Grand Lodge of Penn- 
sylvania as Senior Grand Warden, then as Deputy Grand 
Master and finally as Grand Master, 1912-13. 

He received his capitulary degree in Samuel C. Perkins 

Jo sgbol brew luigideroW igi odd to vsti basi 

IntqideroW tdgifl es bovise gi-s101 oi yatved sgbol 

gud nenw-,£981 3 dash ridesM 8 sbam witeewsHl © = 
soM ,csop off sgboT sdowd ni sage 16 exssyewryinoews © 

-fctod ,etisds od beseaq nooe od o1sdhw y.2F gr 

od zsite 888: . vis nO asiesM IntqideroW efi gni 
qiteiodmam ait bsrisienett od giddettsH 01 bsvom bad 
»G so bre 2 isdeitsH .1¢ Vi sgboT sonsisyse1e 01 
ieft Yo wteeM [wigilero W baisels eaw ,¢d@re 19d 
-siqs1 sbsm esw of issy¢ gaiwolle? od3 ganuM  .sgbol 
»(f sO -sineviyenns to sgbod bnstD odd ni svissinze 
basi yiuqel distil sbam enw sd. 8881 fs 19dms2 
winuod sft io tag bas nidqusC Yo ytnuoo sdt 103 r9120M 
(es todinsee@ litnw dove es gnivise .bnslisdmads0/ to 

sno Yo sgbo.T bnew) odd ni-belisieni ew sc-aodw foe! - 

basid ytuqo es node nsbreW bred roins2 es:sinsviye 
£T-o191 asveM baer es yllent bas rosesl¥i 
eridisd .D Isumee ni so1geb yrshutiqss aid bsyises1 oH 


38 Pennsylvania-Gerinan Society. 

Chapter No. 209, Mechanicsburg, March 25, 1872, re- 
signing December 9, 1875, and on September 1, 1879, 
was elected a member of Perseverance Chapter No. 21, 
Harrisburg. He was elected Scribe of that chapter De- 
cember 1, 1879, and Most Excellent High Priest Decem- 
ber 6, 1880. He served as Treasurer from December 5, 
1881, to December, 1906, and as District Deputy Grand 
High Priest during 1888 and 1889. 

He was admitted to St. John’s Commandery No. 8, 
Carlisle, Pa., April 25, 1872, resigning August 23, 1877, 
and admitted to Pilgrim Commandery No. 11, Harris- 
burg, November 1, 1877, serving as Captain General 
1880; Generalissimo 1881; Eminent Commander 1882; 
and as Treasurer since 1889. He was made Select Mas- 
ter in Harrisburg Council No. 7, January 20, 1904. He 
received his 14th degree October 12, 1900, his 16th and 
18th degrees October 25, 1900, and his 32d degree Octo- 
ber 26, 1900, all at Harrisburg, and his 33d degree at 
Boston September 18, 1906. 

He was a member of George Washington Masonic 
National Memorial Association, and as Grand Master 
took a lively interest in its advancement. 

He passed away at Harrisburg, January 31, 1919, la- 
mented, honored and respected by his fellow Masons, his 
business associates and by all who knew him, for he was a 
man of worth and of high ideals, who had many friends. 

His body was laid at rest with Masonic honors, in Camp 
Hill Cemetery, of which he was for many years president. 
He did not marry. 

Bake ie 

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1s iqadD sonmpveetsl to tadmom s: Waites: be 
in aes a Wy eth ; ae oe a (ePes i 
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8 off pabasmmod e‘ndol 32 01 bottimbs 2ew ob oo 
TVET Ee seugué gaingiesr 2781 2s ligA 2d sbeileD ee 
-ittsH .11 .0% yisbaammoD mingliT of bestinbs bas | oe 
laton90 nisiqsD es yhivisa .y§81, 41 asdinavo pwd | 
£881 asbarmmoD. snsnim 51881 ontizeilersn9O 7o88r ” ey 
8M sels cbse ecw oH 0981 sonie ries] -es baw) r hy 

GH 4091 (Os ptamnalt 0% lionioD giudeinsH al wt 

bas 31 2id ,oogr <st-tedoisO seigsb diga eid bevisser 
-onO vergsb beg eid bna .00g1",22 12doi2O essrgsb Mr | 
|. we sotgeb- bee eid, bas giudeinsH 12 Be yooeradewmd =~ 41 f= © ™ 
Bk LO 2 eee Pees G5 . a oor x rsdms1q92 noteod I; 
unozeit noignidésW sgioxD to asdmsm s enw se tts 
tell. basiD- ee bos oitsinoeeA Isiomelt lenotts 
. dagsmeonsvbs eff mi tesaotni ylovil e oot" J 
“si .QIQL tg Yauns| .gwdeinsH ts ysws boeesq oH 
ei! enoesll wolfe? ead qd botssqest bas bsronod ,bstasm | 
s enw sd 103 umid wond odw Ils yd baw estninoeas essnieud 
basin? yaam bed odw ~lesbi dgid to bas drow jonsm ° 
gins) of toned sinoes) dsimgeot is bislesw ybod aH 
Insbiestq e1asy yaso 101 eswed doidw lo gusteme OD WH 
oo co eee er cee | a le | - 
a0 ve : a ee ee » sigs ees efue 
Se vote ti, 

’ a*7lene 3) | 

Oe oe ee a 




Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 39 

Henry Bobb, M.D. 

Dr. Henry Bobb was born in Upper Hanover Town- 
ship, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, December 9, 
1846. He was elected to membership in the Pennsyl- 
vania German Society November 5, 1908, on the recom- 
mendation of Rev. Calvin De Long. 

His great-great-grandfather, John Conrad Bobb 
(Bopp), who was his emigrant ancestcr, arrived in Amer- 
ica from Germany prior to 1744. He bought a farm on 
the west branch of the Perkiomen Creek, at Forgedale 
(Dale, P. O.), in Hereford Township, Berks County, Pa., 
and erected thereon a gristmill and a sawmill. He died 
there in 1760. His great-grandfather was Daniel Bobb, 
born in 1746. His grandfather was Daniel Bobb, Jr. 
(1781-1866), who married Anna Herb. He was the 
son of Henry Bobb (1809-1891) and his wife Eliza- 
beth Hillegas (1810-1890); she traces back to John 
Frederick Hillegas, her emigrant ancestor. The maternal 
grandparents of Dr. Henry Bobb (who were first cousins) 
were John George Hillegas (1771-1851) and his wife 
Maria Margaret, whose maiden name was also Hillegas. 
His maternal great-grandfathers were brothers, John 
Adam Hillegas, father of John George, and George Peter, 
father of Maria Margaret. 

Dr. Henry Bobb, the subject of this notice, married 
Catharine Hillegas, who also traces back to the same foun- 
tain head, John Frederick Hillegas, the emigrant ancestor. 


” can es ae Taide plelece bison 
| ris = chhy Laptretig 2 Weoitt Ate 
“sano shranelt sSggtl mod aw dO mE 
 .@ ade sineviyennsd onoDd ysmogineM , 
dyannal 94 ni qidersdmom o} bagels a i; sans 
tno9s1, ot no ,80QT 2 isdmsvoN nines 

gaol oC nivisD ve Yo noise 
ddoH bainoD _ndol sdistbneyg-inetgtestg 
sootA, ni bovitis ,r0Je90ns inergime cid enw oftvs ee 
no tmisi s idguod 3H payer 03 forks 9 (amma £91 
sisbogiod is sot) nemoidis oft Yo donaid dew ont 
89 ginvoD eel .gidenwoT biots1Hi ni (0.4 sie) 
. bsib oH. Sligrwses bos Himpeirg « nosiedi bensie bne~ : 
-* ddod [sins exw todtsibasrg-teotg eH * oer’ ai stoils | 1 
al. ,ddol IsineG. enw asdintbasig 2i pei ai mod ) 
oft caw of .dioH sanA boinism odw (8081-1851) 
-ssil stiw eid bas (1081-0081) ddod or io moz 
nilol, ot ared,es0n13. ode ,(0@81~9181) 3 gelliH disd a ice 
leetistam dT r0tesons tnetgime ted 2egs [ Aainsbor ela 

{aniewoo dex sisw ofiw) ddof yineHi 10 to ainots 3 2 or d 
sliw gid bua (1281-1741) esgollii 2g1090) nk 2194 p 
2egolliH oeis esw omen nobism szodw jot i oi 
adol eradsord stow exsdinlbasigdso7g. cata ara 
amsZ sgi0sD bag ,9g3090 nifol Yo ronlist eo ah cene 

Pe) 1slvi 
bonis ssiton eit to toojdue a ddo8 opmH ad = 
" «uel sme odd 09 aasd esantt oals ae egollit snizedis2 : ag 

wor2one Inetgime ods “enn dsinabort tol ‘bed nist 

Tn peeype tyne 

40 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

She was the daughter of Peter Hillegas and his wife Mary 
Gery, a daughter of a Revolutionary soldier. Her pa- 
ternal grandparents were John and Catharine Hillegas. 

The Hillegas family is doubtless of French origin and 
early emigrated to the Palatinate. John Frederick Hille- 
gas came to America in or about 1726. There is evidence 
to show that he went back to Germany to organize a col- 
ony for emigration to America. This colony of 109 
Palatines, who together with their families numbered 
about 400, sailed from Rotterdam by ship William and 
Sarah, arriving in Philadelphia and qualifying September 
21, 1727. Among them were John Frederick Hillegas 
and his two brothers George Peter and Michael (Sr.), 
also the Rev. George Michael Weiss, one of the earliest 
preachers of the Reformed church. They were the first 
immigrants to sign the oath of allegiance to the English 
King, George II. (See ‘‘ Life and Letters of Rev. John 
Philip Boehm,” pages 29 and 30, by Dr. W. J. Hinke, 
1916.) From these three Hillegas brothers are de- 
scended all who bear that family name in America. M- 
chael Hillegas, Jr., son of the above Michael and his wife 
Margaret, attained distinction during the Revolutionary 
War, and in the formation of our new government. From 
1765 to 1775 he was a member of the Provincial Assem- 
bly. In 1775 he became a member of the Committee of 
Safety, and in the same year was chosen the first treasurer 
of the United Colonies, serving continuously until the treas- 
ury department was established by Act of Congress, Sep- 
tember 11, 1789. (See “The Pennsylvania German,”’ 
Volume 2, page 147.) His portrait, engraved on our 
ten-dollar bank notes, has become familiar to us all. He 
was born April 22, 1728, died at Philadelphia, September 

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mn cae 
+5) tre , 2a Bt t 
a SD tis yy ; 


‘, ‘ 

ban arnt gide yd msbiox0A mort bolise cop-tnods: | nb 
i3dms2qs4 gnigilaup bre sidglebslidd ni gaivinre deed” a 
esgsiliH dsinsherd nol aay aisdt ynomA, THOT aks wer 
(28) Isstoil bas 15999 22109 2rsdiord_ ond eid baa’ 

- tasiliae set Jo sno, eeioW/ Ioedoili 931090 vo aly ove 

tert off} stew you. dowurls bemnote adj to exodansiq 

deilgnd sit 03 sonsigells io sago eddungie of 2insipioumi 

og eee VE ad xd Of bas-es eogsq-";milsod quidd- 

anol erstio1 bre slit 292) , Ihepiosd ant ~ 7 

~b sis exsdiord engelliH sori sada mort ( 701. 
4i/, .sonserA ni smea ylisst add 200d ow He bebaess 
stiw eid bus IsedailA svode ot to foe etl gegslliH leeds 
eenoiuloveA oi gnitwb  noitonitelb baniatic itor ahi 
mord  jngmasveg wan 100 te npitsarol oft-ni baa ae W 
~azeé. Leioniverd sd 40.29dmom ws eew od 3 tet of 2a¢1 
to ssitimmoD 2d3 lo 1sdmom s smmoed ad a per al oe" 
isivesew jem od2 meeods enw 1e9y Sime si ni baw yiotee” 
-26573 Sel line ylevounitnos gnivise esinoloD betinU sixto— 
“God jee31g000D io 395A yd bodeildstes caw Inomiiegsb vie © a: 
“waaro: sinnviyennsd od T* 992) east 11 g9dmo3 it sae 
| | ; J 

‘Lo ; a 

ee) A SE Ses . 

10 no bovexgas jistiog eH © (.¢$1 598q Soin 
21 ile eg 03 rsilin? omooed end jeston aned tellob-na1 
isdinsiqe? ,sitglsbalid ss beib Beer yes ling mod enw 

opens ORE ORI: Sonate 

- wens ad 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 41 

29, 1804. His body lies buried alongside of that of his 
wife, in the cemetery of Christ Church. 
Dr. Henry Bobb was educated in the public schools of 
his neighborhood and in the Classical School at Quaker- 
town and Washington Hall Collegiate Institute at Trappe, 
Pa. After teaching in public schools for two years and 
clerking in a country store for two years, he began the 
study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. John G. 
Hillegas at Pennsburg, Pa. He graduated from the med- 
ical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 
1868. After practising medicine at- Herefordville 
(Chapel, P. O.) seven years, he removed, in 1875, to East 
Greenville, Pa., and opened a drug store, which he carried 
on in connection with his medical practice. In 1868 he 
married Maria Catharine, daughter of Peter and Catha- 
rine Hillegas. They were the parents of five children, 
three of whom died in infancy. Eugene H. was gradu- 
ated from Franklin and Marshall College, class of 1895, 
and died of pneumonia in 1898. Mary Mabel, the only 
daughter, was married August 5, 1903, to Dr. Jacob Par- 
sons Schaefier, Professor of Anatomy and, since 1914, Di- 
rector of Anatomy and Biology of the Jefferson Medical 
Dr. Henry Bobb died suddenly of heart failure, Febru- 
ary 12, 1919, in the seventy-third year of his age. 

B. F. F,, Jr. 

wy ig hr So? 2) eee ce 
: ‘ ; 7 » laren 
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A ai i: on ip ets fats sea ak j 
‘ ; ® ; raul - _ a - fee) A 
ith Yo desl 20. sbiagnole bola tad aoa. 
: i > Leet, 2 i 45 . =) 
” pine Roce salad” toe 
7 sce, na se rh 1 wire “* ; - i. i) 
Pe ee i eae a Siew! ar 
psinzubs esw ddod yanked 3 
i nee ea as: 1 ie) | Se A 
cl) sf ai bas De eT ae ae 
TiO). 2 7) tr ¢ : e, - o. 

fa NOTES ; oie ; i 
aides ‘pf patasany adh ae. § ney 

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~ gi sinaviyadasl io iztovinU att to tosredt i 
siltvinctstsH «15 snisibsat ghieizon7g pth” Bd8r 
“deed of 282-1 bovomer sd 21694 novae {.0..4 AsqedD) 
boinias off doidw ,stote gb & bonsqo bra ~&F silivnss | 
of 2981 nl .ootae1q levibom eid Asiw nolsanes nino = G 
-adis) ban tao Yo witgusb saiedis)) ens beivtem = =f 
wnevblida svi Yo etnaing off stow yd P* asgolliH snin | ae 
-ubnig exw JH snsge sponta ai bsib modwto ssult | 
-2081.j0 esl sgolloD Undewsv. bas sildnetd mot? bate ht 
yine ofi iadaM aa 8989 ni sinomusng to beibbas- = § 
aed dows] ad 03 poor (2 teagtiA ‘beivmenr aay soidgusb = 
IC. 2191 sonie |bne ymotanAl to tozestord pofisadse ence 
iscibsM noises] odi to ygoloif bas ymoinnA, io sone | 
ands sili tized Yo ylasbbuelbsib ddéofl qmH ad ee 
oye cid to insy briide-ytnovee odd oi QLeE S18 | 

x im oe & at (4 iW 

hei Ce ‘ he nh 


42 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

Hon. George Edwin Maurer Herbst, M.D. 

Hon. George Edwin Maurer Herbst, M.D., was born 
in Pikesville, Berks County, Pennsylvania, September 10, 
1857. He was admitted to membership in the Pennsy]l- 
vania German Society, October 26, 1905. While his 
ancestry all originated in Germany he was eligible to 
membership more particularly through his maternal great- 
ereat-crandfather, George Schall, who emigrated to 
America in 1740. 

His paternal grandfather, Dr. William Herbst, was 
born in Altenburg, Mueselwitz, Saxony, Germany, Febru- 
ary 3, 1804. He came to America in 1820, at the age of 
sixteen years, and located in Philadelphia, where he com- 
pleted his studies and graduated from Jefierson Medical 
College with the degree of M.D. After his graduation 
he located himself at Oley, in Berks County, where he 
practised medicine for forty years, retiring from active 
practice in 1878. In connection with his practice he be- 
came the proprietor of Rockland Iron Forge. He passed 
away in 1880. He married Catharine Schall (1800- 
1875), daughter of George Schall, Jr. (1768-1830), who 
was the son of George Schall (1735-1803), who emi- 
grated to America from the Palatinate, Germany, in 1740. 
He served in the Revolutionary War as lieutenant in Col- 
onel Hunter’s Regiment. George Schall, Jr., served 
three terms in the senate of Pennsylvania. Dr. William 
Herbst and his wife Catharine Schall were the parents of 

Ritts and 
he te 

tx 4 Ai! ay 

aS Secuee ae 

a ae 

ce ae sede, a ee >. acd a hak © “ 
wy “sel Seta 7 
<M (tadysH ona tiwbd 
n1od aw CLM jedt3H ase niwbl ogiosd) . 
OT wsdensiqs? ,cinsvivennsd (oau02. adie& ollivesdiD | 
-lyenns"l giderdmem ot bottimbs eaw oH npr ‘* " | i 
eid sid V7 .z0@1 ,d2 tedotbO ised meerd sinsy | - ; 
oi oldigils exw od ynenm2D ni botsnigho He yateone | : 
-te91g lametem eid dguoid: yiaaluonieg s1om gidesdasmm 
ot bsjatgims odw . Headed ecainiecd: Soenaenehe : 
eew tedisH msilliW. «2d suiibae lentsteq ei 
-uidsi .yaanrso Uno7x8€ Siiwisesu lM. .qiudnsitA at mod 
to oys sit is 0881 ni mitemA ot oma 9H 4po8r..f ye 
-mo2 ed s1dw sidgisbslid ai botesol bax jersay nosixie” 
lesibof noevsits mor bessuberg brs: zsibuse eid botslq 
neissuberg eid iA .0.M to sxgsh edt thiw ogsiloD | 
of stodw  ,yiauoD 2AtaG oni 3iO 3s ilsemid beissol od 
svitos moit gnititsr issy ytrot rod saisibsm- boeisostq — 
od od soitse7q 2id diiw noitsennos ale .8¢81 ni ositonig 
— bseesq 3H .sg109 oil basldsef to moteingorg odd ska © 
-0081) Uedo@.sninedigD bsirism aH .0821 ni yews 
odw ,(og81-8d¢1) al dlesdo2 sg1090 to r93dgueab., (2481 
-ims ofiw .(po81-z¢71) [edoe sg1030 jo noa sd3 enw 
Ost oi yoann sisntisled ort mort oon ot bowery | 
oD ni insasiueil es 1s WW ysnoi Me rtetitind ine 
bovise ..2 (lisdo2 s9108D .2nsetiged. 2yotnuH | 
arcilli¥¥ +s sinsvizennsT Yo s2anc2 oft ni space ~~ i 
to einsteq of ot9m Ifsdo? satisdinD atiw eid bns 3 | 



Ta RE 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 43 

seven children, one of whom, the eldest, was George Schall 
Herbst, the father of the subject of this notice. 

Capt. George Schall Herbst was born in Pikesville, in 
1830. When he reached his majority his father placed 
him in charge of the Rockland forge, but on the breaking 
out of the Civil War, he resigned his position and answered 
the call of President Lincoln, and was mustered into the 
United States service April 23, 1861, as captain of Com- 
pany D, 7th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, to serve for 
three months. He returned home from his enlistment 
with shattered health, and passed away December 26, 
1865, at the age of 35 years. In 1854 he married Violetta 
Maurer, daughter of Henry and Susanna (Dotterer) 
Maurer. Henry was a son of Andrew Maurer and his 
wife Susanna Hartranft; Susanna was the daughter of 
Leonard Hartranft, who was the son of Abraham Hart- 
ranft, who, with his father and brothers, emigrated from 
Germany in 1734. Through the Hartranft family con- 
nection Dr. Herbst was related more or less closely with 
the Schwenkfelder families of eastern Pennsylvania, his 
mother being a second cousin of General John F. Hart- 
ranft. Captain and Mrs. Herbst had but one child, viz., 
George Edwin Maurer Herbst, the subject of this notice. 

Dr. George Edwin M. Herbst was prepared for col- 
lege in the public schools of his neighborhood and at the 
Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown. He then 
entered Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg, from which 
he was graduated, class of 1875, with the Latin salutatory. 
He was a member of the Sigma Chi college fraternity. 
In the fall of 1875 he entered Jefferson Medical College 
at Philadelphia, where he graduated as a medical doctor 
in 1878. He then entered upon the practice of medicine 
at Oley in 1880, continuing to practise, when his other 

a eae 
Hera? sgrosO esw sesbls oft 
vsoitue cide Yo soot will ‘Me CRN 
P ae ’ a . : : : oo ‘ 1 a) fn VS) —s 7 
‘ PT ae re ate eS x nie 
ni ollivesdiT ni mtod Bey ye 
> e+ 

ae i «° 

peoalg salted eft ytinojam eid bodouor od aod W 
‘ghiatesad ods no ud ,og7101 bnalbo 311 10 sgtsso nb 
beiswens bre novizoq eid bongien'sd 18 WW fivid.cdstowwe 
of otni boisizum esw bas .nloonid snsbieorT Yo Hes ady 
io) Yo misiqer es 1081 .¢5 lingh sorvise est ‘botiad 
30) svize of pgtinetal sinaviyenneT nomiged My Cl yneq 
snetededing aif mont smod beinutst 5H ‘edsnomt sont 
ds isdrisos yews bseexq bos ,fiteod barsnade dw 
piisloiV baivism si 2781 nl .eresy 2¢ to sgn ofl? de 2081 
(istst0) ananew? bne yinsH Yo widgusb sme 
vid boe sows! wotbnA lo doe 2 esw pmsl comeM 
Yo istdgusb- odd exw enomees2 ;tinetaH sanseue otiw 
tusk] rasdsidA Yo roe sd} enw odw TinsthsH bissost 
mot? bstergime .evorlior brs todtst eid chiw ode inst 
169 ylimat diastisH edt dguowlT —.pepn ni gismmsO 
dst viseol> zest 10 som betelei eow sedwsH .2@ noftoen 
Zid .singvivennsd motees to esilimat tebistdnswedlsé od2 
- stisH 4 ndol, [even30 Yo nienos baosse s gaisd ted0m 
iv .blido ono ud bed tedtoH .21M bane nisiqs) .dinsi 
soiton eidt lo Yoidue sdt sediskt a9wel4 nivbaogi1090 
-loa 1ot bavegsiq exw tedH WM siwbH sgiosd ad 
silt te baz Boortoddsisn zid Yo eloorlse sildug oft ni ogel 
nota? oH atwossud te loorde? IsmnoA asi2 onoeed 
doidw mont .giudevissO 39 sgolloD sinsvlyennsd bszstns 
ioiuiuise nitet ods doiw .2y21 to eeab ,beisubsrg enw od 
ydimsimt sgollor idD sogi2 ofa 10 dmom » eew 9H 
agolioD IssibeM novisitel boxsine od gy. to Hat of? nl 
s010b Iscibomt s ex bstaubergy od sisdw ,sidqlebelid 3s 
sninibsen Yo soitserq 343 noqu bersine odd oH 8981 ni 
—4srio did naw jseitoseq 61 gnivnisinos 0862 ai yslO i 

44 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

duties permitted, down to the time of his death, February 
17, 1919. Following in the footsteps of his father and 
grandfather, he was a prominent Democrat and always 
took an active interest in the welfare of his party. From 
1889 to 1892, he served as chairman of the Democratic 
County Committee, and for many years served as District 
or State delegate to the party’s councils. He was Laza- 
retto Physician for the port of Philadelphia from 1891 to 
1893, under Governor Pattison. He was United States 
Pension Examiner at Reading from 1893 to 1898, and a 
member of the Pennsylvania State Senate 1900, 1904 and 
1908. | 

Dr. Herbst was in 1889 elected a director in the Farm- 
ers National Bank of Boyertown, Pa., and on May 17, 
1907, became its cashier. He was a member of a number 
of fraternal organizations, including Huguenot Lodge No. 
337, F. & A. M., of Kutztown, of which he became Past 
Master; and of Reading Chapter, Consistory and Com- 
mandery. In religious faith he did not depart from the 
teachings of his fathers, and was a faithful member of 
the Lutheran church. 

On October 28, 1880, he married Miss Lottie Stettler, 
of Kutztown, Pa. 

B. F. F,, Jr. 

riserwomsl ody to nenrinds es bavise 3 
piniGl em bovise easy. sqindere 40 “Bia! | 
e581 enw 9H. -.elionuoo e'yired sift oF on 
of 1981 mort sidglsbslilT to nog sft 101 wen a 
ertaté bstinU exwsH  ndeitieT tonisvou: ri 208 ; 
s bas Seer of ¢e81 mot? gnibasA te tonimaza noienst | 
bas poer Cog sisns2 otnt2 sinevigennsT sd Yo wsdatm 

— «BOQT 
-min4 sii nu r0isib # bstosis O88: ni eew tedisH 
Tt. yeM na bes \.0T \panrsgodl to. tas. Isnoisal a3 > 2 
tedenun 8 to tocar san? SH critter etl smsosd oor 

2nT omassd od doidw to jawoisiwA to .M ASA eee 
‘m9 bre yroiiensQ  tsiged9 gnifiesd to bas-;ratenl ~ 
off moti tteqeb jon Bib od Aviad evioigilor nt .visbasm . 
lo tedenom iuidtisits eew bos etsdist eid Yo egnidonsa 
dows aexodtaTt ods 
telaie7@ sitio T eeil¥i bsivism od 0881 22 t2d090 nO ~ 
| SF .woistndl to 

xa sgbol tonsuguli anibulon 2noitexinggio Isntsdstt to | es 




Biographical Sketches of Deceased Meinbers. 45 

Rev. John Franklin Stonecipher, D.D. 

Rey. John Franklin Stonecipher, D.D., was born in 
North Fayette Township, Allegheny County, Pa., August 
22, 1852, and died at Easton, Pa., February 19, 1919. 

He was the son of John Stonecipher, who was born De- 
cember 18, 1817, died February 18, 1854, and grandson 
of Jacob Stonecipher, born March 5, 1766, died April 20, 
1844. His great-grandfather, John Daniel Steinseiffer, 
was his emigrant ancestor through whom he was eligible 
to membership in the Pennsylvania German Society, to 
which he was admitted on recommendation of Dr. Edgar 
Moore Green, October 25, 1900. John Daniel was born 
in Germany December 1, 1731, and set sail from the port 
of Rotterdam by ship Halifax, arriving in Philadelphia 
and qualifying September 22, 1752. He died August 9, 

Dr. Stonecipher was graduated from Lafayette College, 
class of 1874, with the degree of bachelor of arts, and was 
graduated from the Western Theological Seminary in 
1877. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of 
Pittsburgh in 1876, and was ordained by the Presbytery 
of Erie on January 29, 1878. 

His pastoral activities were with the First Presbyterian 
Church, Mercer, Pa., from 1877 to 1882, and at Dover, 
Delaware, from 1883 to 1894. He served as chaplain 
of the Delaware Legislature during the years 1883, 1887 
and 1893. He withdrew from the active ministry in 

cid ane J Pb site 
ue Lente sy ae iy 
tare Syria a al ahr an? i Ne 

ni jad eew ad plein? a 
seg tT fimioD ‘yisiigaliA \qittenwo ino 
erer et yrauidsd 2 notesd se ph enaag $281 ge 
61 nod anw odw -aseiesinatian® ofc] to noe oft exw 9H 
noabnetg bas 2221 .81-yisuidel boi p81 81 
os lingé beib ,88¢1 .2 dows mod redginanos dorsl, % 
asRisenist2 [sine@ fdol jsodsetbaetg4ssg 2H] ppt 
sidigifs eaw ot mortw-dguowds tozs2n8 Inpigion. ad enw 

of isive? nknrtse) dineviveansl ‘ont si gidersdorsm Of 

igh «Cf to noitabnommoser co bostimbe 2aw od Asidw 
aiod gow foins(l ndof ‘oer .2s tsdowO 19910 soo 

Seton ody useing toe Bae gtr doedmsoe@ yaams0"ai 

nitiqisbelidY ni gnivivzs’ zal gide yd mebisioA Yo 
@ seuguA bob oH .seyr ss ssdensiqee gartilsup bas 
waelicd stisqited mort boisubsrg eew totlgienoi2 20 
asw bae .etts 10 tolotend to ss1geb oft dtiw' py Sr Io eexl> 
ni yraninsé InoigoloadT n1a%e9W7 odd mort beteubsrg 
to yrotydeord odd yd dossig of beenssil esw oH .¢y8s 
qistydestd ont yd beniebro eew Dae Tei ni 

.8y8x ,es yretmns[-n0 2 }o | 

nsitstydestd et adi sitiw sisw esisivitas Istotes 
asvotl 1s bas.,s881 ot (81 nee 
sisigeds es boviee oH .xQ8r oF £2 
y881 E88t etasy o¢l3, gniwb sunslaig 
ni qrizinim sviias of? mott woibsti 

' . Ps + 7 v eo ty 
7” D ° 16 vi i 
_ = an iv, ew | » i oy 

ol ave 1% a a ani - 

46 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

1894, and later moved to Easton, Pa. In 1902 he was 
made librarian of Lafayette College, serving as such until 
removed by death. 

Among his published works are the “ History of Dover 
Presbyterian Church” and a “ Biographical Catalogue of 
Lafayette College,” published in 1913. He was promi- 
nently identified with the work of his church while a resi- 
dent of Easton, and was frequently called upon to supply 
the pulpits of neighboring ministers. He was one of the 
organizers of the Young Men’s Christian Association at 
Easton, of which he was a most liberal worker and contrib- 
utor. He was an active member of the Northampton 
County Historical and Genealogical Society, and served as 
its president for several terms. 

He was a splendid type of a Christian gentleman, con- 
servative, devout and very charitable, and was altogether 
a man and a citizen of the finest type. 

He ts survived by his widow and two children. 

be Ws 


: nei ux 

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pre: _ 01 be 1% 

-imorg enw 2 

-ieo1,2 alii foal Repro 
viqque of. noqu bsllxs ylinoupon} 2aw-bas noses Io: 
og a oi} - .eistzinim lb r ape 
js nolishoeA. ‘nsiteindD 2'noM gauoY odd. to ooense 
-dintnos bas ssAto Iersdil noms sdeigaSit # pe | 
rorqmannoMl sit to i19dmom svitos. oe 2sw ; 
26 bowie bas ent IssigolnsnsD) baw IngizoxeiEt — a x 

20793 {s13vs2 10t 

"fod ,netaolineg afJ-s to sq bibnolge 2 enw SH - . 
redisgoils esw bas oldssineds visv_ bas wovsb ovis: ' : 
oqyi Jeon od3 to nositio & bas 
net ate noablidda on bas pobre, ue we aaah a a 
204° | nvolsenpell 
7 ; 

ins PEAS Bi a wd ire 

Leese 9 


Se oars a dilee Ta 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 47 

Rev. Josiah Stauffer Renninger. 

Rev. Josiah Stauffer Renninger was born in New Han- 
over Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 
March 7, 1838. He was admitted to membership in the 
Pennsylvania German Society October 11, I911. He 
was the son of Peter and Anna Maria (Stauffer) Ren- 

His father, Peter Renninger (1799-1889), was the 
son of Wendel Renninger, Jr., whose father, Wendel Ren- 
ninger, emigrated to Pennsylvania from Germany in 1750. 
His mother, Anna Maria Stauffer Renninger, was the 
daughter of Jacob Staufier, born 1783, who was the son 
of John Stauffer (1758-1845), who was the son of Chris- 
tian Stauffer (1728-1798), who was the son of Jacob 
Stauffer of Altzheim, Switzerland, who was the son of 
Daniel Stauffer of the same place, born about 1630. 

Hans or John Stauffer was born in 1655, was married to 

Kinget Heistand in 1685, and emigrated with his family, 
including his son Jacob born 1696, from Switzerland to 
Pennsylvania, settling near Valley Forge. Christian 
Stauffer, the great-great-grandfather of the subject of our 
sketch, served in the Revolutionary War under General 
Anthony Wayne. | 

Rev. Josiah Stauffer Renninger attended school at Skip- 
packville, Mechanicsville, Freeland Seminary, Mount 
Pleasant Seminary, Dickinson College and other places. 
He taught school and during his vacations sold books and 

an pai ee 

ane ie Peers: dares 

i ' iva, 
a ka i On ia ad ak et * psig re a | : 
p | “it fyi » ein how Me 5s Ph 

on a bi ¢ k 
wa nett Fra a 
outs ate 

D! EAS Kes ATS a hie a Te 
if id » @ re # > a " 

| nit sit aust eee Symelaandalll jeol 
 “ainaviyenns?  (yinioD “yromaginoM (qidemwoT” 
old ci qidetsdimsmr of boitimbs eew 9H .8g8r fats 
~ SH .rret 11 asdonO yisisoe baila | aah nr9% 
* sat (toftuasé ) ite cia bas 19H9T to Roe od enw 

bag enw ,(0881—o0r1) saute 31239 oiith 
no lobo Vi prodiet seodw_,.aL aogainnsst lobas W to 02 
“OPL Hi Yatinie mort sinsviyeahod os boiergins aagnin 
odd esw rogninned yitesid sms enoA sediom 2 — 
noe sci cow ow .c8tr mod wsfusie dows to tetdgush.  & | 
zit 40 noz sd2 enw oder (2481-8252) whee molto. F- 7 
dose, io noe oft exw ow ,(80¢7-Boyt) ashes ns ree 
lo noe st eew odw .basiestiw2 ,miodslA to tofivet2 | aa 
0701 tuode mod ,soslq ome oft to 19ftesi2 IsinsG | 
03 boivtsrr 264.2251 ni mod gw isfusie ndol 10 ensH. 9 ae 
limes? eid diiw betergis bas 2801 ni basieisH tognidl ae, 
o3 brelestiwé mmozl .ded1 mod doss[ noe eid gnibuloni 4 
neitzisdD egx04 yolisV assa gnilstee ,sineviyenned | 
10 I@ tos{jdue ott to wodisbbanrgsesrg-tustg ons rsttuste ‘s 
IstensD asbaw 187 ysnoiuloveA ods ni bovise dotoce ‘fee 
onysW ynodink | ; 
~git2 in loorlse hdheeates regninno Sl wHusie deicol vot ae 
wiioM yisnime2 baelsevd slfivesinndosM sllivdosq = 
2s28lq tsdi0 bos syslloD noenizaid .yisnimsé tnseasld ‘Ee 
bas alood bloz enoisnosy eid — bas loodze aguas oH 

48 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

was otherwise employed. He was graduated from the 
Theological Seminary of the Lutheran Church at Gettys- 
burg, Pa., in 1862. In the same year he received from 
the Allegheny Synod his credentials to serve as a minister 
in the Evangelical Lutheran church. He had ‘succes- 
sively charges at Derry, Westmoreland County, 1862; 
Ringtown in Schuylkill County in 1864. In 1867 he 
moved to Schencksville, Lehigh County, Pa., where he had 
charge of the parish comprising the Egypt, Union, Frie- 
dens, Heidelberg, and Lowhill congregations. He also 
preached in the Slatedale and Furnace schoolhouses, Le- 
high County, and organized a Lutheran congregation at 
the former place. He also erected a chapel at Cementon, 
Lehigh County, Pa. ‘This is another evidence of the 
faithful and self-sacrificing service of one who devotes his 
life to the Christian ministry. 

In May, 1888, Rev. Renninger moved to Allentown, 
Pa., where he organized a congregation in East Allen- 
town, St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran, located on North 
Seventh Street, Allentown, and Grace Evangelical Lu- 
theran Church in South Allentown. 

In 1898, he took charge of St. John’s Lutheran Church 
at Berrysburg, Dauphin County, Pa., from which he re- 
signed October, 1908. He then took charge of the North- 
ampton Heights parish. He preached his last sermon in 
Indian Land Lutheran Church, Northampton County, 
Pa., March 2, 1919, and died five days thereafter, on 
March 7, 1919. He died in harness after serving his 
people for 57 years. 

On September 29, 1864, he married Mattie Magdalene 
Kull. ‘They are survived by three children: Placedius 
Magnus; Bertha Lutheria Ann, wife of John A. Klinger; 
and Daisy Grace, wife of Rev. George Irwing Lenker. 

Po aalie bed 9H idowso nevedint Isoifes 

_Shinim ean ov98 0 est i om 

;2d82 | yinneD ‘basloronaes VF cris. ea 
of yO8s nl. .g081 a viewed Mique om worgaia 
bad sd stsdw ..6% .snu02 sdgirtet jollivedonsdoe-a3 bovomt * 
if ,noint qygl ad? gnieingmos taksea oft }o ogre 
cals 3H .enoitepergno> Iidwod baa. gredisbisky ansb 
01 ,zxevodlocdce sonmw bas sleboislé sft ni bares 
ie noitagsTgnoo netedind # besinggio bee eginuo) dg aaw 
moinsms 3s loqedo s bsios19 cele 3H . .sa8lg id oly 
si io sontbivs rsdions ei ait rel “aa ist 
tind asdovab oat sno to sarv19e gnisitixose-Hge ‘bas | altist 
“THeinin asitetdD dt of stil 

swoinsiA ot bsvom wgninneA .woT 8881 ysM ol ; 
eA tes ni potiegetgnos & besinegio off stodw 6d 
dsoVf no Hate! (nersdiul hilognaval e'sdod 32 ,nwot ° 
ul [ncllsgnsv sos) bos ,nwotnsllA aesvé Masvse 

inwoinsllA dived si rboiwdD nerd 
dowd nersilint e'ndol_32 10 ogteds dood SA .8e81 al * | 

1 3d doidw mov ,8% .inuod nidque@ gisdepisd ts” 
_+dt0Y alt to giana tous nadisH © Boer ~sdomO bongie” 
ni nontrse teal id bodosoiq 3H. deiteg eidgisH noiqma 
inwoD noigarsfito¥. . dowd) asisdsut bast ese ie 
no ,tsitasied? eyeb ov boib bas ote © doish 

zid yivise istis eesmad ni bsib $H QTQE 4 disM 

.e1ns% 12 103 ol Yeu 
onslebgalV, sitte M borism ad g 381 .os desc a 2 were ees es 
euibsoelT :asrblido souls yd bevivine o18 | pete | “ 
sweat! A ndol to stiw .anA shaded sdinod eungeM * ee i 
edaot gaiwil sgio) .vo to sliw, 22810 ied bas i 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 49 

In twelve years of hard mission work he received sup- 
port from synod for only one year, amounting to five hun- 
dred dollars, and for himself he received very little pay. 
It was said of him “ Pastor Renninger was more than an 
ordinary man. He never received credit for what he ac- 
complished, but that made very little difference to him.” 
Well done, good and faithful servant. 

The information for this obituary notice is taken largely 
from the Proceedings of the Lehigh County Historical 
Society. See also a biographical sketch of him in the 
History of Lehigh County, page 1043. 

Play Ke: 


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50 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

Rev. Nathan Christ Schaeffer, Ph. D., 
D.D., LL.D. 

“The common religion of all creeds ts education.’—Dr. Schaeffer. 

Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer was a great educator and a 
highly respected Christian gentleman. In his passing 
away Pennsylvania has lost one of her most distinguished 
sons. A broad-minded man who has left the impress of 
his life upon the educational world and whose influence 
for good will be felt in the schools of Pennsylvania for 
all time to come. 

He was born on his father’s farm in Maxatawny Town- 
ship, Berks County, Pennsylvania, February 3, 1849. The 
son of David Schaetter and his wife Esther Ann, daughter 
of Solomon and Elizabeth (Bieber) Christ. Both parents 
tracing back into Germany, and through both he was eli- 
gible to membership in the Pennsylvania German Society, 
to which he was admitted August 20, 1894. His value and 
importance as a member were shown by the fact that in 
less than two months after his election he was made one of 
its vice-presidents. In October, 1897, he was elected 
president, and on his retirement from that office in 1898 
(the tenure of president’s office is one year), he was ap- 
pointed a member of the executive committee, serving al- 
most continuously down to the time of his death, March 
15, 1919. His presidential address appears in Vol. IX., 
page 18, and his portrait as a frontispiece to Vol. VII. of 

i) nt cer iy 

0 tae ii ay 

om ei tae tit inser i 

en as Mars LETS Mel ohew "ey 
AY Tae eee a ' 

ve rele Newace Metheny aie 

> om 46; Aw a? tikes Cadi ‘ying 

id shee 5 “dd ad oa ea 
Bere acca ic way co ae ve ae e Eee as 

& bas totexsbs shag sana 2 nadia a “eri 
grizesq eid nl .nemolinsg anita Botooqast vided | ene 
batdeiugnitetb Jeom isd Yo ono teol esd sing efyannsd qswe | 7 
to eesigqmi add isl eed odw nam bobnim-bsow A ence Px 
sonsufini seorw bas bhow lenoitsoubs of? noqu stil aid ~ Jah 
sor sain caer to eloodee atts ni alst-ed Hiw boog tot . a 
omo2 3 amit He | 
-woTt enabesach ni artst e“redist eid no mod zew 9H a | 
oT . e281 .¢ yrewrde'd ,cinsviyennod ,yinvoD 2d1s@l gine ~~ oe if 
txidguab of, ide stiw eid bas tafeedse bived Yo noe > aa f 
einorag M90 send (+dsifl) dssdaxila bre nomolo2 to ot 
-ils exw of diod dguotl? bas yasnriso oini deed gniont 
stisino® hentieD ainevigertnaD ods ni gidetsdmam 03 sidig 
bas sulev eH ..e81 os teugoA bettimbe etw of roidw ot a) 
ai jada tont of? ydoriwore staw asdmom & 20 sonehogmi — | “A 
to sno sbem esw of noliosls gid i9tts edtnom owt ns | east a's 
bsjvels agw od ,te8r asdoisO nl einsbizsiq-stiv ati | _ 
2981 ni soffo isdt mot anvestiter eid no bas ,insbiestq 2 cea 
qs exw ofl ,(1897 9no 2i-v0fflo a‘insbisenq Yo swnss oi) 
de guivise sottimmo> svitusexs edi to 19dmom & beiniog 
soisM disob tid Yo omit oct oF nwob ylevounitnos seom 
£1 Jo¥ ni essqqe eenbbs Isitnabieorq 21H = .gig1 vet 
to ITY Jo¥ 03 — S20 tistiog eid bas ,21 9 
woviasa2on, 1 

panna Ya a PP 

oe PNR IRS Se tw 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 51 

His father, David Schaeffer, appears to have given his 
children every educational advantage. He was one of the 
promoters of the Keystone State Normal School, and 
served on its board of trustees until removed by death. 
Dr. Schaeiter’s paternal grandfather was Philip Schaeffer, 
who, as a young man, assisted in hauling logs from Port 
Clinton to Kutztown for the church building of 1790. 
Philip invented and manufactured the first horse-power and 
threshing machine used in Berks County. He married 
Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and Susanna (Seitz) Fetter- 
hoff; they were the happy parents of twelve children. 
The great-grandfather of Nathan was George Schiffer, 
his emigrant ancestor, who came to America by ship Edin- 
burgh, sailing from the port of Rotterdam, arriving in 
Philadelphia and qualifying August 13, 1750. On Sep- 
tember 17, 1751, he married Maria Catharina’ Ruhl, 
daughter of Johannis Ruhl, as shown by the records of 
Mertz Church, near Dryland, Berks County. George 
Schaffer died in 1781. 

That Dr. Schaeffer came from a distinguished ancestry 
is evidenced by his own brilliant mind and his successful 
career along the lines of his chosen profession. ‘This is 
also reflected by the worth and character of his brothers, 
Prof. William C. Schaeffer, Ph.D., D.D., who, since 1904, 
has so ably filled the chair of New Testament Science in 
the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in the 
United States at Lancaster, Pa.;.Dr. Charles D. Schaeffer, 
a prominent physician of Allentown, head surgeon of the 
Allentown Hospital; David Nicholas Schaetter, Esq., a 
prominent lawyer of the Reading bar; and James Schaeffer, 
living on the old Schaetler homestead in Maxatawny 
Township. That little corner of Berks County has pro- 
duced other substantial men, who like the Schaetter family, 

0D mot enol gailuad ai bste 

~ peivtem oH .yravod ets ni boew 

iy ae yaad 
als py tn i dieagalbcann ae | aa bl 
welisede? qilidd esw rodsaibaerg | smisteg e'ssfesdse at - 

oetr. to ghibliud duo ada rod rnossiua ob co) e | 
_ bas wog-se10d tert odo botmtosiunsen bas /betmowal quiet — FS 

_ -1999T (29102). zanseyg® baa 793sT 0 éencgi Jpodasil 
aiblids sviswt io einsisq yaqad of? o19w. yors ; Rod 
ishidse sgi0eD enw nndisZ to ssdjatbnsvgdnorg | 
“iba qifle vd sone. ot sms odvw ,r0z02n8. Jantgine 2id 
ai_geivins emsbi90% io nog sii mort gnilixe Agend — a) 
922 HO, 0271 «£1 Jeugufy gripileup. bas sidqisbalidd 
Idi saitsdigD eineM bsinam 3d..1242. {2 39dm9 | 
“36 ebyoost, oda yd wore es [ddA zinnedol to widgueb : 
a Sites ying edi bash, ason.dlowd sn3l4 a 
ae <18¢1 ani baib sehtadoe | + 
 wagesone baciimeninell s mott oma istsedsé 20 sadT a 
iwieesoque zi bas baim dnailiind nwo. eirl yd beonsbive ¢i 
eieikl .noieeslorg nozods zid to eonil 2d) gnols 199189 
zisdiord ein to 29i28718C0 bas dtiow ot yd bstosfies oels Ds 
HOGE gone ow CA Galt asoadee D meilliV7 tord a. 
ni sonsisé tnomeresT 9%. t0 sind> oda belli yids o2 esd 
od3 ai donsdD bomroisd ods to yrsaimed lesigalosdT od 
asfiseded .Ceolisd) a ;.2F Amends in eoanie botinU 
_oit to nosgiwe broad pies io nedieyig eo 
<8 pal xoiissdoe eslodai, bive ;letiqgeoH nwomallA a 
“aliaasive sonmal bas :20d arheshaiiste:s qmail snonimmorq | |, 

ynwetexel nt be 
~o1g eed yinuod ered to teat09 sini! aT qidenwoT [| | 
svlime} rofisadse od sail oodw gram [sitnsteduerariso boaub | 

52 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

country boys all of them, have become known beyond the 
confines of their neighborhood, for in fact their reputation 
is known throughout the educational and religious world. 
Was this due to their environment and educational ad- 
vantages or was it also partly due to their Pennsylvania 
German ancestry? One wonders whether this country 
boy, when he entered the Fairview Seminary in 1860, later 
the Maxatawny Seminary, now the Keystone State Normal 
School, to begin his academic career, could have had a vi- 
sion that some day he might become the head of that edu- 
cational institution, where later for sixteen years, from 
1877 to 1893, he officiated as its principal. 

Dr. Schaetter was graduated from Franklin and Mar- 
shall College, class of 1867, at the early age of nineteen 
years, with the degree of bachelor of arts, receiving his 
master of arts degree in course in 1870. On September 
14, 1870, he registered as a student in the Theological 
Seminary of the Reformed Church, then located at Mer- 
cersburg. The following year he was granted leave of 
absence by the faculty to continue his studies at the uni- 
versities of Berlin, Tiibingen and Leipsic in Germany. 
On his return from abroad he taught for a time in the 
Mercersburg Academy. On July 25, 1875, he was ap- 
pointed to the chair of Ancient Languages in Franklin and 
Marshall College. In November, 1875, after an exam- 
ination by a committee appointed by the Synod of the Re- 
formed Church in the United States, he was granted a 
certificate of licensure to preach the gospel, and was placed 
under the care of the Classis of Lancaster, and in 1876 
was ordained to the Christian ministry. (See Acts and 

1 Fairview Seminary opened in 1860 with five scholars, of whom 
Nathan C. Schaeffer, then 11 years old, was one. In 1863 this school 

reopened as the Kutztown Seminary, and in 1866 was converted into the 
Keystone State Normal School. 

shes shot . 


x ie ti a ee ; : ; oD Cee iu’ i 
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if . - 7 
f o — f pl wae 
- © ay +o ar < “t, ats. ‘; 
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hss tds teieh ee 
we lanoicehie ot Deda eae 

sinaviyennsD tists sa: sub sdtiaq alesigiwiels 
yoin02 eidt sdisry ersbaow brates anc 
tats! 008: ai pisninrse woiviied ons bose oA csotr yor 
[sorrel staté shoteysH 23 won oeseeyg i 
-iy & bad sved bluoo oats oimebson eid 
-ubs tan% td béed oft smooed agin otkiyab stubs sabi holt it? mis | a 
mol .21¢sy neetxiz to} istsl sisdw otuiitent fenoie ‘a 
Asqionizg eti 2s botsiofio sf (pe8i on peer 7 
ashi bag nibiostd most botsubstg zew toftoadbe ad 9 1” | 
nesionin to ape ylsne odt te 7087 lo easl> jgslloD fade tae 

eee - 

zid. griviegss eis to: 10ledasd to a27gsb ons chiw est ay | 2 
isdmsiqaé nO .. oyst ni sa1y09 ni sstgsb eits to tient ae 
InstgoloedT sea ni tnsbute 2 es bersieiger on (oper NT Fy 

~191Vi te. boiscel ood3 dowd bsnmtoisA’ sds Jo yamnimise! 9 | : af 

to ewasl boineng exw od ta9y gniwollot odT  sgiditep . 
-ing edt 42 esibute eid gunianos ot -yiusst ody yd soneeds Day 

yaamisd ni siegisl bare nsgnidiT’ mils to) ester Yo © 
ont nmi omit « 10t idgust of beowds mowtimumieeid nO) | 

“qe enw od .epGt ye ye] aOv .ymebrohy gud see 
bas nildestT abesgevgrst tnsionA to tiedo-orlt01 bsiniog — ag ai 
Ex of totis j@ter psdmevot nb sgelloD UsdetsM = | 

21 203 lo bonyé od1 yd beinioggs ssitimmos +700 SE ae Lee) 8 | 
s boinavg enw od totete BotinU odd ni dowdD. teense iu 

beoslq esw'bar Joqeog oft dossiqonstuensoil JostaoRitisg 
Bré1 ci bas <stenonel Yo aizeslD od to 9189 on? t3bas i ee 
bata woh, 992). <gueinion nniteid oodles 03 bonisbio esw rig vi seit a 
madie Yo eslorina av dtiw dtr ‘af bemeqo enims? wsiviis'l £ ad gntvil i - 
loodue sidt gate af ee ee ee | of 

sti) cat botisveo: enw 3081 ni bre .eniosd aworsuA oii es f ae? | 
| Joos? Isaro% o1212 OF 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 53 

Proceedings of Synod, 1875, page 15, and 1876, page 11.) 
He resigned his professorship in Franklin and Marshall 
College to accept the principalship of the Keystone State 
Normal School at Kutztown, Maxatawny Township, 
Berks County, Pa., located almost within sight of his 
birthplace. He filled that position with honor to himself, 
his friends, and his state, stamping his personality and 
Christian character upon that institution, and bringing it 
up to a high moral and educational] standard. 

He resigned from the Keystone State Normal School to 
accept the appointment, in 1893, by Governor Robert E. 
Pattison, as Superintendent of Public Instruction of 
Pennsylvania. Although Dr. Schaeffer was a Democrat 
in politics, his appointment was not made for partisan rea- 
sons, but because Governor Pattison recognized in him the 
best and most capable man for that important position, 
and moreover he was successively reappointed by six re- 
publican governors: Hastings in 1897; Stone in 1901; 
Pennypacker in 1905; Stuart in 1909; Tener in 1913, and 
Brumbaugh in 1917, serving in that office down to the time 
of his death in 1919, and thus he played his part, dying as 
he wished to die, in harness. While serving as Superin- 
tendent of Public Instruction he made his home at Lan- 
caster, Pa., where he died and where his body lies buried. 

His recognition as a scholar and an educator was 
shown by colleges and universities conferring honorary 
degrees upon him. In 1879 his alma mater conferred 
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and in 1914 
the same degree was given to him by Villa Nova College. 
Dickinson College honored him with the degree of Doctor 
of Divinity. Five institutions honored him with the de- 
gree of Doctor of Laws (LL.D.): Ursinus College in 
1900; Washington and Jefferson College in 1902; Dick- 

een yest 

* age it: ln Me abhi a 4p. ‘ 1 . ia 
ery) t's pln a 7 | idelegi aning ont iy Sy Saag gy et wie ity ‘ i 
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ahs , | ri aid a 8 ” an vale ‘ ' ‘ a ~ a ee. ; ¥ 
 womls -b r 

qr patie y Sapa k op lqdnsid 
baa yilenoesq eid sn - 
33 gaigaind bas woitutiseni and | 
bisbaase Innoitsoubs apy ig & | 
»-0$ loodse Innrio, atase onowyod edi mor a 
4. j29d0 romisvow). yd .pe81 si snr ae 4q9395 : 
ic noijuenl silded to, insbass an ,noesisd . oa 

tsxoomeG.s eaw toflesdee a0 d sineviyennsd 
“AST aneitieg 101 sham ton 22w insminioggs eid eoitilog ani 
ofli mid ni basingozs1 soeitts'l 1omavow seusosd tad enor 
HDISIEOG, instiogimi tsd3 102 sam sideqes teom bas isd 
-o1 xiz yd beanioggqnar visvizessoue exw si asvostom bas 
"1001. mi 929032 77981; ni egniesH :etomayog nsoilduq 
ees: ier si sonal ;Q0e1 ni dreuse ; 2001 Members “ 
amid sia o3 awob soifio tadi ni gnivisa pier nidgusdmesG =f 
en gaivb reg aid beyalg odveuds bos ,e1e@1 ni dizsb zid to “tm 
-niiequé es ynivise slid V7 . .2esared_oi sib 01 bareiw sd 
-nsl is smo eid sbem od noissendenl sildud to: ansbasa 0 ae 
.bsitud, eail ybod zid sisdw bas bsib ol oily , sd 193289 eae 
exw ioisqubs nz bas islodsg # es. noitingoss: 2iH 
yustonod gnittsino> aaitiersving bes esyelloo yd nwode. 
betisinca ism smils eid p81 nl. mid noqu ess1gsb 
»101 ni bak ,(.0.d9) yigozolidT 10 r0130C1 40 agageb ons ea: 
gallo). avo on a mid 07 nsvig esw = peat omse oil3 | 
10320C. to sa1gsb bsronod. ead Se 
8b onda diiw onid sie posal oe Niaheicl i “FS 
oi sgallod eunier. : (G11), A op Seta: te | ¥ 
Abi ; 2098 ni sgslloD nowrsiial bas norgnidenW ;0091 7 



te tae ated reeempet rena renee 

54 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

inson College in 1904; Heidelberg University in 1914; 
and the University of Pennsylvania in 1914. Educators 
beyond the confines of his own state appreciated his worth 
as is shown by the fact that the St. Louis Exposition in 
1904 awarded him the medal which was designed for the 
most distinguished educator in the United States. 

In 1902 he was made a member of the Board of Trus- 
tees of Franklin and Marshall College, and in 1913 was 
elected to the office of second vice-president, serving as 
such when removed by death. It is doubtless not gen- 
erally known that certain members of the committee ap- 
pointed to nominate a man for president of that college, 
after the resignation of Dr. John S. Stahr (of which 
committee Dr. Schaeffer was himself chairman), ap- 
proached him, requesting that he allow his name to be 
presented for that office. He objected, saying that he was 
not ready to give up his work as superintendent of public 
instruction, particularly as he was chairman of the com- 
mittee to revise the school code of Pennsylvania, a matter 
which he had very much at heart. In 1901 he was instru- 
mental in establishing the system of township high schools 
in Pennsylvania, an accomplishment that he always re- 
ferred to with pride. 

Among his many activities, all along educational lines, 
can be noted that he was Chancellor of the Pennsylvania 
Chautauqua at Mount Gretna, Pa., from 1902 to 1905, 
and its president from 1905 to 1907; Superintendent of 
the National Education Association, of which he was in 
1905 elected president at the Asbury Park meeting; Presi- 
dent of the State Teachers’ Association; Secretary of the 
National Council of the Board of Medical Education; 
member of the Board of Visitors of the Theological Sem- 


inary at Lancaster; and during the absence of Dr. M. G 

- ie , 
i c weit ast é 
poster Boch itatrun: 
<7 “oy ing. a : 
as od 3 
a) A 

. ee s B,.) haa 
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-2iT Yo bisofl 



oan y ; 
doidw to) aini@..2 nol | i 
“ge .(naarusds VWeemid esw tsfsarie2 1 sttimmos | a}. a 
od oF omen eit wolle od tert gniszsupon mid: borlssorg a. SY aise. 

enw ott tedd gniyse botesido s9H1 .somo inds-101 bsinsestqg. 
stidug to imabasinizoque es show eid qu s¥ig of ybsovjom ... 

“moo alt to nanmisils esw.od en yliulasitieg MOGI oo es i 
rotten 2 .sineviyennsd to sbos loodce odt selves of Cs , fe Pi 
~uvieni enw of rogr nl ” tased 4s-doum yasy beisd doidw .. | oe 

eloorse duit qidenwod Yo moteya sii gnideildases ni Istnsm 
“91 eyswis Si ted3 Indenleilqmoss on _insvlyennsd ni... » gp 
a | | aie ‘Siw ot bst1st arise. ie 
omit Ienoitmoubs gnolg fg .esizivizos ynam 2id geome i + 
singviyenns 9d Yo tollsonsdD exw od ten bsjon.od neo. f we 2 
‘ZOE OF SOT mort 9 BaD Involh 18 supyaiged > bent 
10 tnsbnsaninaqué ;yoe1 of 2001 mori snsbiesig eth bas oe 


mt enw od doit to ,noidsizoez.A noijsouba [snoiusA ona 
12347 ;ganssar Ais yrudeA. ory 38 inabiesng bs 2919 2088 iailas fi. 

ont to yraiere@, :aoitsiooee. ‘exoioasT s1ei@ 2? Yo-anshs | 
;nonsowba TssibsM Yo bisod adj te lionugD. Ienoise% + —, 

~m9@ InsigolosdT sii 0 eosiziV 49 bigoM ej to 1dmom MS "ix: 

} i] 
o> > 

<2 14 10 Yo sonveda oii gainub bas ;rsdesonet 15 yeni. 



So ee 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 55 

Brumbaugh as Commissioner of Education in Porto Rico, 
1900-1910, lecturer on education in the graduate depart- 
ment of the University of Pennsylvania. He was the 
editor of ‘“‘ Bible Readings for Schools,” 1907, and of the 
Pennsylvania School Journal since 1893. In fact his 
learning covered the whole field of education. He was 
the author of “ Thinking and Learning to Think” and 
“History of Education in Pennsylvania.” He prepared 
the introduction to ‘‘ Kinsdale’s Civil Government,” Rid- 
dle’s “ Nicholas Comenius,” and “ Life of Henry Har- 
baugh, D.D.” He lectured in nearly every state in the 
Union, and contributed many articles to educational and 
religious periodicals. In 1914 he established a fund for 
an alcove in the library of Franklin and Marshall College 
for buying books on education. ‘The thought of educa- 
tion and of passing something along to others was always 
uppermost in his mind. 

During the hour of his funeral at Lancaster, which was 
strictly private, the sessions of all public schools, normal 
schools and colleges throughout Pennsylvania were, by 
prearrangement, suspended as a mark of respect to his 
memory. Later in the day a memorial service was held 
in the chapel of Franklin and Marshall College which was 
attended by the staff of his department of public instruc- 
tion, State officials and legislators, as well as by many edu- 
cators and friends. 

In order to perpetuate his memory in a fitting manner, 
the ‘“ Nathan C. Schaeffer Memorial Association” was 
organized by a group of his friends, including the Gover- 
nor of Pennsylvania (Governor Sproul) and the leading 
educators of the State. A considerable amount of money 
has been raised by this association, through voluntary 

gifts from public school teachers and his personal friends 

ASH ansEl Yo! LT?" Baa euinsmoD>aslodsi * i 

ate gH tile sid he as eae 

, J 
——e we Ale at be aot 

oe 4 

" dsifT of goinisad bas gonidT” tors 
emg SH.“ nineviyents ‘ni nolsoubl icon 
bid “anememsvol) livid e‘sisbentA ” 02 noitowborini ofz 

od} ni stnte reve yisse oi bswiosl oft “Cd. igued 

bne lanciteoubs of golsitra yom betedininos be oinJ - 

502 bat = borelidszes at pror nl .2lsoiborsg evoigiler 
ogallad [lsdess4 bar nilanstd Yo yrnidil onl3 ni ne 
-s3ub9 ‘Yo idguods $F ° .toiizoubs ‘no edood é 102 

“eye wis env etesta0 6+ gnole ynisdtemoe gnizesq to bas ait 

.baim eid ni seomrisqqu 
exw doidw. daheeins3 ta leronwi eid to aW0d ady grim 

lserion.,zioodee sildug Is Jo enoieese oft. sieving ylioixie 
yd usw sineviyeansd syodguorils asgellos: bas eloosdse . 

_, #id 0% #q201 lo tiem 2 es bybnsqene pnsmoegastisg 

bied eew szivise Isixomeaa 2° veb odd ni tata =.yromem | 

esw doitw ogelloD fisders 4 bas gilsineTd to loqado od3 nt 

-unseni aildug to snsmitaqab eid Io Rete slr yd babnaits: 

“ube ae we 8 ilow 28 ern aiae bas elsiofio s1n12 non 
|” "2basint bas 210382 

SanReT.  tiiaal g ni Cromer. ala aisiioq19q 03 19b10 al 

caw “ noiteisoeA Intomslf s9Hende2 .D aedtsA ” oil 

-19v00 oft gnibuloal ebasint zid to quo1g's yd bosinsgi0 
gnibsel oi bas (luo1g2 1omsve0) sinsviyennsd io 100. 

yanom to inuome oldersbienos. A .21832 silt Yo exotsoubo 
‘yisinulov siguotlt ,noiisisozes eilt yd beeier mood ead 

“ ebroitt ag aid bar erotionsd wre ee sited “soe 

56 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

and admirers. Plans are now pending to place this fund 
into the keeping of some responsible state agency, and to 
use the income, annually, for the bestowal of one or more 
fellowships for postgraduate study of education upon 
worthy persons. 

Dr. Schaeffer was married July 8, 1880, to Miss Annie 
M. Ahlum, daughter of John and Matilda (Mann) 
Ahlum of Applebachsville, Bucks County, Pa., and besides 
his widow, there survive the following children: Claribel, 
wife of Frank Williamson of Lancaster; John Ahlum of 
St. Louis, Missouri; Frederick, a member of the Phila- 
delphia bar; Grace, a teacher of English in the Lancaster 
High School; Anne, a teacher of History in the Lancaster 
High School; and Mary, living at home. One other 
daughter, Helen, wife of Prof. William B. Huff of Bryn 
Mawr College, passed away in 1913. 

Dr. Schaeffer was a man of splendid executive ability, 
who accomplished results in a practical common-sense way. 
He was faithful in attending teachers’ county institutes, 
and was always an inspiration to the teachers throughout 
the State. Few of us have the opportunity of reaching 
the minds and hearts of young people, such as his public 
position gave him, and who shall say that not only was 
the cause of education made better because of Dr. Schaef- 
fer, but that his Christian spirit and noble example as a 
man and a citizen have not made the world better for his 
having lived and ministered here among us? 

BBEAE ef: 

Sedat ae oO ete see ce Wal Re Mme er Cedi tn Lager ett gare CEE ee Tutte oe tie TMNT OMe Rte) Lm Tere Th Se Te ee Te ee ee ee ee 

SSE Te 5 Hc AAS AO NRT EIR PUR PNG A la ge at a aa ep ah 

: shed thi ae 8 lat “% 1 eR 
esbiead bas ad inna « Hivedoadalqe 
edie! : ngiblids ude ees svivise 919f soci a 
Io maltA nds ;te%e290021 Yo nosmsilliV? aay 3 wai iy 
«slid siz lo todesm cs Aohobot ; red 42 
isiesongt ont ni deilgnd to 19doe01 s soeaD :18d sidal: 

rsterone] offs ni oie to 25dons1 2 1 al oonoe 3 i 
mdjo snO | smod ig gaivil ell bas ; look a 
mf to Aol Af milli ord Yo sliw .nelsH , | 

-\.  «€1QT nt yews boeeaq geile’) bin | 
‘yithds sviuaaxs bibnsiqz Io nam s esw tsRoeie , 
Yew oerise-nomnito> lesitosig 6 ni eiluest Dodeilqanoos odw 
eatuiivenr Yinuos ‘ersdons goibastis ni lwisdtis? enw. oH 
tvodguoids e1sdos07 93 of noldstigent ms eyewls 2ew bas dis 

: gnisoast to ytinntoqyo of? ovad eu io wot sp1ai2 odd : 

oifdug etd ex done siqosg y to atisod bne ebnim ods , 

esw yino ton terlt yse Horde oft bas .mid 2¥sQ noiizog — 

-tosrloé C1 Lo sauezed 2itied sbamt naisaaubs Jo seus> od 

s en slqmars Sidon bas inige npienil eid dors jud x9t 

eid 103 1930d blow od} sbem tom svad_as 

ae Tew gnosis soi bostiain bos bovl ie 
ak 4 A 4 

ha : fi ~ = a ‘ oo Mal Be > 
To, eM) ban 
D pout 

oe eh) : ‘a = RIT, = a 

s 7 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 57 

Charles Benjamin Opp. 

Charles Benjamin Opp was born at Bethlehem, Pa., 
April 12, 1849. The son of John Opp (Sept. 29, 1818, 
Jan. 12, 1891) and Maria Sophia Kremser Opp (Aug. 
7, 1818, June 12, 1891). His maternal ancestors, Mr. 
and Mrs. Kremser, came to America from Rosenitz, Sile- 
sia. They were classified as members of the Second Sea 
Congregation of the Moravian Church, which sailed from 
Rotterdam Sept. 16, 1743, by ship The Little. Stranger, 
later called The Irene, stopping at Cowes, an English port, 
for clearance papers, setting sail from there Sept. 27, 1743, 
and arriving at Staten Island, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1743. 
Thence by water to New Brunswick, N. J., and then by a 
weary tramp on foot to their destination at Bethlehem, 
where they were gladly welcomed by the colony which had 
preceded them. (See “ History of Bethlehem,” 1741- 
1892, by Dr. Levering, page 166, also Moravian His- 
torical Society, Vol. V., page 193.) His paternal an- 
cestors came from Germany, and he was therefore eligible 
to membership in the Pennsylvania German Society from 
both sides of his ancestry, and was admitted on recom- 
mendation of kev. Dr. J. Max Hark, January 16, 1896. 

He was educated in the public schools of Bethlehem, 
and on Feb. 10, 1862, when but a lad of thirteen years, 
entered the employ of Herman Ruede to begin his ap- 
prenticeship as a printer. He remained there until 1569, 
when he associated himself with Rev. D. E. Schoedler and 

ake a 7 ‘aly i is 
ak bey 
orQ WAS, Y We Agee Gat & Mtl : 
Tk, Tee ee” pe a We Pri 

a. medoitisl 30 oul exw + gain Tas nf i . . 

~ Br8r ie€ tqo2) qqO nok to aoe dT iGg8 | 
“guk) qqO ies nintyo? sine bre iret (fr nsl 
AM erotessns fsntetem aH «(1981 st ‘sat 8181 f 

-li2 :stinsz0l mort esiismA of sme3 pisemorl aM 
2s@ bnodsé Sit to eisdmom en baitieesls s19w va “eel 
mot bslice foidw dood? neiveioM sii te noid 
yheUs stil slT gide yd eget Or Agee an 
a16g Heilanst ak 2D ie gniqgoie sal sat dha - Fo) 
‘EAT (TS qe sisdt moti lise gaitise e1sqeq soneiEsb tot p : 

$hy1 88 vo .Y .A basal noimi@ is gnivivis bos “A 

2 eda bas ..T wt obiwenui& wo otasiaw yd sonedT eh 

~ gnsdslids5€ as noitsnitesh tisdt of too? no qmet yissw : 

ad cider yaoloo ods qd bomoolew ylbalg now Yds s19dw : ie, 
~ipti “\modeldisd io rosiH ” e092) .msdi bebsss7q | 
tL mmivatolA oes 301 att 310 yd,se8s fF 
us Iscising eit (.fon opm JoV vasinet Yaokot ~s4 | 
oldigils s1cte7ai3 exw od bans Edis mort smino 2103299 if 
mott ysi0d azonso sinsvlyenns® od} ni gidersdmom 0} 
-mo2er no boitimbs eswbne .yriesons eid Yo esbie diod | 

der Bx yrouns] rsH xaM 1 xd oA to noltsbnsm: 

- stsiisidiell to eloodoe silduq si ni bsteoubs esw sH c a 
@is9y nositidi to bel « aud nedw .6081 01 .d9d mo bags, Fo | 
qe id nigsd ot sboo fieetsH jo wolqms odt beim fe 
0081 limnu sted? bosisme1 oH stining # e8 qidessiine1g | mene 
bes wibsode 3S .d ee ee  & 


58 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

O. B. Sigley in establishing the /V’eekly Progress, pub- 
lished at South Bethlehem, which later became the South 
Bethlehem Star, and now the Bethlehem (Daily) Globe. 
In 1870 he accepted the position of foreman in the of- 
fice of the Lancaster Inquirer, at Lancaster, Pa., but on 
April 1, 1871, resigned to accept the management of the 
job printing department of the Moravian Publication 
Concern at Bethlehem, where he remained for more than 
twenty-five years, becoming superintendent of the entire 
printing department. At the call of his own church, he 
resigned that position on December 31, 1896, to accept 
the management of the printing department of the Publi- 
cation Board of the General Council of the Lutheran 
Church, with headquarters at 1204 Walnut street, Phila- 
delphia. He continued in that position until August 1, 
1917, when, owing to broken health, he retired from active 
business. His thorough knowledge of printing, as well 
as his fine artistic temperament, patience, diligence, and 
painstaking care, contributed largely to his success and to 
that of the board, which accords to him the honor of con- 
tributing in making the General Council Publication House 
the prosperous enterprise that it has proven to be. It 
was mainly through his efforts that the publication house 
was established at 1522 Arch street, for they builded bet- 
ter than they knew, as the location is now on the City 
Parkway. The entire Lutheran Church owes him a debt 
of gratitude for his faithful services and the work he ac- 
complished during the more than thirty years that he 
served as manager of the publication of its literature. 
For many years he represented the Fourth Ward of 
Bethlehem as school director, for twelve of which he 
served as treasurer.of the.board. He was also a member 
of the building committee, and during his administra- 

Ee ee ee ee a ee se ee ee 

ms oe : a wns wa we wn — ‘ —_ ¢ 
_ a ™ ; "en a - ad ee c.§ 

' peere 4 7 
a= % vw bres Say iF ? 
7 Ww e 7 te. _# 7 ean ~ ' : = -_ 2. 

av t 
‘iL ¥ 

: a | -_ 
i : 7 : - 9 whet * 
< Tae 8 Ce le ule 
‘ | Va 7 oe, 7 : > | 
iat 4 apy. VRARYs a ; 

‘nwod acs sminosd vas! dofitwr jatadales€l ABO aa 
dof (clin) maibsidisd oft won bas awi2 avail 
_ to edt nf nsimsrot to ncitieog ods barqoze s hor8t al 
ac. 3ud £9 rssesanet a9 .xvvinpwl ween od? do a98 
oi Yo dasmogensm siz ig9998 of -bongiest 3781. 1 Jaga 
coitevildad ntivezol/ sfi Yo amompiaqab ‘gnc aj 
ned} stom tt boniamer of stodw ,modeldsed ds 
suiiad sd} to. ynabusinitsque gnimosed jeipsy svi 
od dowd nwo eid Yo [no sx 2A Anoumiegeb ini Al 
3qs238 OF 0081 If tsdmsecs no noltizog Jedi bongiest 
“ido odd to snsintiagsb ynitnig sf to insmegense of 
nardsut od} to lindo Is19090 od? Yo bieoll noltes ae. 
~elid seevte quale W poser ts etstravpbeod atiw dom on 
I teeguéA lisne noitizog tect ni bonitnos sH siigish ! | 
svitoe mort boriiey of ,difeed psdord of Sniwa \nsdw ‘TIOT 4 
lisw 2s .galinitg Io sgbstwond guorodt ei \eesniend’ ; 
bogs sonegilib s.nsitang tnsmetsiqais? SHDN SAR cid ee 
or bas ees2cne zid ot yisgiel bswdiveios jets paidstenisg . 
_+103 40 aonod sd mid-o3 ebtos08 Asidw (brsod sit Yo dais 
 sevokl noizszildu lionveD [etsnsD odt gnidem nf gaisudin I | 
31 sd oF asvorg end 2i sent gehqrsins evorsqeorg sdf! | a 
seuod noismilduq ort sect enoity aid dguoids yininin eaw 
-t3d bablind yedy x02 29512 dowA gezaogs borleildaies esw 
id edt m0 won 2 noiiscol od? ag ond yods nend a4 
sdsbh 8 mis eowoe dod) neroisel otimns dT yewded © 
26 sit tow ods brn esiric2 Iwidsisl eid 101 sbutiverg Yo © 
si ted? mesy ynidy-neds stom sis giv borleifgmos - 
-ssteisiil ett to noitssilduq sdt to r9genem es bovise amead 
io biaW diuod sdictesnsusiqet sd eres? Ynen wr 
ed sbidw to svlow?-xot jsotstib loodse ex modeled | 
tadmiem & cele ew ott bred sit Yo 1s wees ef Havas! i 
-eveinimbe eid gahwb bas ssfimmes ynibliud’ sit io 


Se a ad 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 59 

tion three new school buildings were erected in Bethlehem. 

As a member of Salem Lutheran Church, Bethlehem, he 
was greatly interested in its growth and general welfare, 
his work being untiring and invaluable. At the time of 
his election to the church council of that congregation, he 
was the youngest member in point of age belonging to 
that body. He served this church consecutively as re- 
cording secretary, financial secretary, and treasurer, and 
when the congregation had outgrown the old building, he 
was made a member of the building committee for erect- 
ing a new church, serving as secretary and treasurer of the 
committee. At different times he represented the con- 
gregation as its delegate to the Ministerium of Pennsyl- 
vania, and for years was a delegate from the Ministerium 
of Pennsylvania to the General Council. 

While living at Lancaster, he was on December 1, 
1870, married to Mary A. Jacoby of Coopersburg, Lehigh 
County, Pa., who with one son, George S., married to 
Anna S. Sandt, and one grandson, George S., Jr., survive 
him. He had been an invalid for several years, when a 
final stroke of apoplexy on April 17, 1919, caused his 
death. His body lies buried in the Union Cemetery at 

All who knew him can testify to his sterling worth and 
character and to his genial and obliging disposition. 
Above all, he was a truly devout and faithful Christian, 
who believed in the faith of his church, and proved loyal 
to it to the end. We are indebted to George S. Opp, son 
of Charles Benjamin, for much of the information con- 
tained in this notice. 

Boas UR, 

oT in sod ood 

eer petenage ye ” 4 J 

> a > ui 

al pes sae 
of gitignolad: 395 bes Ode ai tnt 
-st 2s Ylsvisuosenoa dowd” eid & 
bre siweessi brs ,y1ste1092 | | | 
of .gstibliad blo sit Newnes rr noitsgo 

ost 102 sstvimenos guiblind edt to” Sedans 8 freee 
sit to istwessts bas vinta en gnivise dows won & gni 
-n02 oft boinsestqst ed gomis insiohib 3A .ssitiowieo 
lyeansd to mutisseinil sit of otegsiob eti es noisegstg 
ausinaanigll aft moti stegolob g asw etssy 102 bas siagy - 
JionwoD Is19n50 ods of sina zhyennsT to 

I att no enw on astesons td 38 ueivil sidW 
duidet jyiudersqoo) Yo ydoos|, A ysl of boimem 0781 
_. ot beirtém ,.2 sgrov) foe sno titiw odvw ,.21 paiavod ~ 
 syivie pIL n@ sgtosD jndebnetg’ sno bas” “bee 2 anil 
s nodw ,zisey Ietovse tot bilevnt ae nssd- bad sH— «mid 
eit boewed ,O1Q1 . fF ling no yxolep to adorie Isnt 
16 yistomme cin oid si betas esi aiHT .dinsb 

bre drow gailisiz zif ot ylitest aso mid won ondw 1A 
noisizogelb gnigildo bas Isinsg eid oi bre atosisds 
maid Wwidiisl bos 16veb ylint s exw od [le svods, 
Isyol bsvorg bas ,fdtwds 2id Yo dist odt ni bovailsd odw 
noe ,qqO .2 sg1030) of bsidsbni ain SV .bns offi 02 i 03 
-no2 noitsimoini st Yo Aaum 10t ninjas eolastD to 

| “al aL 4 a om ak “ci co a he" Je poe tat 


a j yy Pe 

a ° mee 2% 

eirma t iod htc Sy (ae 

60 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

William Knapp Graff. 

William Knapp Graff was born at Sandusky, Ohio, Oc- 
tober 13, 1855. He was admitted to membership in the 
Pennsylvania German Society on recommendation of Cap- 
tain H. M. M. Richards, July 15, 1902. He was the son 
of Marcus Young Graff, 1827-1858. His emigrant an- 
cestor was Hans Gragg, who emigrated to America from 
Germany, about the year 1717. : 

He was a journalist, living at Bridgeport, Connecticut, 

at the time of his death, April 30, 1919. 
B. F. F., JR. 


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Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 61 

John Henry Miller. 

Mr. Miller was one of the most prominent and highly 

respected citizens of Lebanon, and was actively identified 
with many of its interests, in all of which he showed the 
capacity for mastery and successful administration. 
. For nearly sixty years in the insurance business he was 
connected with almost all of the great insurance companies 
of the country and was the city’s chief authority upon all 
such matters, as he was indeed upon many other subjects 
and enterprises with which he was connected. 

Of German origin, his emigrant ancestor was John 
Miller, who came to this country from the Palatinate in 
the year 1729. He was one of a hundred and eighty pas- 
sengers who sailed from Rotterdam in the ship Morton- 
house, of which James Coultas was master. ‘The vessel 
touched at Deal, England, and was cleared June 21, 1729, 
arriving in Philadelphia in August, on the nineteenth of 
which month the passengers signed their declaration of 
allegiance to the King of England, George II. They set- 
tled among the Indians in the wilderness some eighty miles 
west of Philadelphia, in the section of country now includ- 
ing Lebanon, Lancaster and Dauphin counties. 

Daniel Miller, his first descendant of whom we have 
record, was born May 19, 1781, in West Hanover Town- 
ship of Dauphin County, and died June 23, 1859. He 
was married to Catherine Ensminger, who was born Sep- 
tember 22, 1786, died September 7, 1861. They had 

i udgid bas sealer snore site 30 sallid iY in, : 3 8 
- beftiansbi yisvitos, coves id sitio botase 

~ foBereinimbs Ivleessoue bas argh tier 
esw ed 2esnieud songiveni of1 mi exesy yxie ylsan 
asinsgmos ynetueni Js973 adit to Ils tezombe diiw json a 
is noqu yitoriue isido 2'ytio odt caw bas yitnvos oft to | 
ee wee ynam: nogy bogbni enw odes gonam doe . fo 
ae * betoatinos esw od doidw daiweseingsins bas 
itiol sew [tolesans instgims eid ,nigito asm 10 | 
ni sigmitsisl oi mtoti yiinwoo eidi 0} ammo odw aslliM: _ 
8g ERAgio bow bord: lo 3nd exw oFl  estiassy edt 
_anotae Wi] ide od2 ai msbistioA moi} balise oda ersgnse 
loedav SHT “isteam eaw entigoD aoms] doidw io smod 
geri .t© soul, brass cow bne bnalged Jes 12 berdovos 
to dinssisain sdi oo evguA ni sidglobslidd ni goivires 
to. noitet#leb sist hoagie eregmeeesq odd dinom doidw 
-te2 yodT «11 agi030 .bugignd to grit od 03 sonsigoils 
eslim Gigis smo eesmtebliw sd? ai ensibal sd3 gnome balt 
-byloni won yxim0s to noitase ot ni ,sidqlebelidT to teow 
zsiinuod nidque( brs rstesonet nonsdod gni 
oved ow modw to tasbnovesb der eid alli loineG | Poe 
-nwoT asvonsH 3297 ni 1851 ,o1 yal mod enw droter fo 
SH .@281 «¢¢ seul boib bax ~yinuoD nidque@ to gide 9 J * 
~qo@ miod esw odw ,1sgnimend snizodisD of bsistam exw. - 
bed yotT .108r .¢ todmotqe@ bsib 8éy1 .2 19dmo3 


= Ss 

: eee 
i 1 - 
7 , : ‘ 
: . i ont 
: 4 ae 
> ar, 7 7 a - Tyo 
— & Vy - — _ i he * 
a ee a ee et 

62 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

eleven children: John, Daniel, Henry, Elizabeth, Cather- 
ine, Peter, Mary, Adam, Susan, Christian and David W. 
The family was large in size as well as in numbers, four of 
the sons being over six feet in height, and the daughters 
all tall women. It was also remarkable for longevity. 

Of these the third son, Henry, became the father of the 
subject of our sketch. He was born March 31, 1810, and 
was early in life a millwright, but became, in later years, 
a farmer, which vocation he adopted in order to secure 
employment for his children. He was a man of much 
influence in his community, and one keenly interested in 
the political life of the nation. First a Whig, then a Re- 
publican, his vote was cast for Henry Clay in 1832; for 
General Harrison in 1840, and in 1888, for his grandson, 
Benjamin Harrison. In 1860 he voted for Abraham Lin- 
coln, and from that time he cast his ballot for every Re- 
publican to McKinley in 1900. In 1885, when seventy- 
five years of age, he was elected director of the poor in 
Lebanon County. His death occurred April 25, 1903, 
when he had almost attained the century mark. His wife, 
to whom he was married on April 4, 1833, was a Miss 
Sabina Tittle, born September 14, 1812, died May 3, 
1883, with whom, besides John Henry, the eldest son, he 
had the following children; Catherine Anna, Mary Anna, 
David W., twins who died young, Daniel, Sabina, Emma 
Lydia, Jeremiah, John Adam and Jennie Frances. 

John Henry Miller was born March 3, 1834, on the 
old Daniel Miller farm in South Annville Township of 
Lebanon County, about two miles south of the town of 
Annville. His early boyhood days were passed on the 
farm. Meanwhile he attended the common schools of 
Lebanon County, later entering the Annville Academy. 
He then turned his attention to teaching, for which he 

matlenke sis ban God ce 
.Vivegnol 104 sidetteons? oale exw 41 nor tate 
ot io torte? of od ted eyes ee era a 
bas OBL. AE fists mod aay SH -dotaale 2 
' (eigsy ‘ital at amused tnd adginy ; 9 26% 
suse of isbio ni bsigobe of novesov ” bid 
fowm to nam s-enw 9H .soxblida: eid tot myer okie 
ni bejeststni yinssd sno’ bns ‘Ginummos sid ni sonsufni ! | 
Hs nodt gidW's tft “noiten sa 16stil Ididifo e 
tol ;2¢83 nf yelD ynsH 101 Jena exw stov eid ,fe5i . 
noebrerg gin 107 8881 at bog Ope ms aoeitieke | si 
-ud meimdA 401 bsioey od od8r nl ind : 
A yiovs 10) jolled eid 4ea5 SH! omiiy me mott bas los ‘ct 
 Yinover nodwr 2881 nl .ooor ‘ai yolnialolt of nmsildag 
ni 1094 93 io yoIs9tib botesls eave gil: ga to e1msy 'ovit 
oor peated, beriese dissb al ymeD “‘aeandsd « 
Slia aiff shen yivinss ods bosinite seomle bed of nsdw"’ a 
cei s caw .pe81 pth A no beitiem etw od mow or) * . 
& Yai bab S181 .gr wdrisiqe? pied siniT snided” 
ad ,noe teobls sria yaneA ade] ssbiesd ,modw diia C881" au. 
anh yisivl ena snitsdis>D i netblids: Bitiwollo} ont bad © 
emma snidsé JsinsGygnvoy beib ow aniws OW bive a 
-esonetl sinns| bak msbA nfo Uaniieniesll Sibyl 
oft no peer ¢ dosh mod exw welliM asl nds— © oo 
to qidenwoT sllivnnA divod ni mist tll deine bie’) ba 
lo nwor srt to ivoe eslim owt duods ,invoD nonadal 
ons no beeesqg s1sw eysb boodyod yhes eiH “wilivanA 

io eloorise nommon ats bebnsite “ed stitencsM ums 
sumebasA ollivanA, sdi gnitsins 1598! jyinvoD nonsdad °°” , ee 

oe doidw -t0t .pnisdossi of nonnait eid borwt nod sHetr 

| Me = f P a 4 we 
; a wy - i : 
: re; Teese 7 iF?) 4| , wees N ‘ i 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 63 

proved well qualified, when but eighteen years of age. 
His first school was in Union district, after which he 
taught in North Annville, East Hanover and North Corn- 
wall ‘ownships, completing five terms in all by adding 
two sessions in the city schools of Lebanon, to which place 
he came in 1858, teaching during 1861 and 1862. He 
also entered into mercantile business in Lebanon, and in 
1860 became connected with general insurance, in which he 
continued with success to the time of his death. 

In 1860 he became Secretary of the Washington Mu- 
tual Fire Insurance Company, and in the same year was 
one of the organizers of the Lebanon County Mutual 
Live Stock Insurance Company, the oldest and most suc- 
cessful company of its kind in Pennsylvania, serving con- 
tinuously as its secretary and treasurer. 

Mr. Miller was an influential citizen in many other 
activities. In the year 1888 he assisted in organizing the 
Lebanon Steam Company, of which he was treasurer con- 
tinuously since the organization, and secretary since 1893. 
He was instrumental in organizing the Lebanon Market 
House Company in 1890, serving as its secretary and 
treasurer until his resignation, January, 1917. As far 
back as the year 1859, the Lebanon Cemetery Association 
claimed his attention and he assisted in its organization, 
serving as a director and its secretary up to 1896. In 
the year 1894 he became one of the organizers of the 
North Lebanon Shoe Factory, one of the city’s success- 
ful industries, and was its president trom the beginning. 
The Lebanon County Trust Company, of whose finance 
committee he was chairman, was one of the latest of his 
successful efforts at organization, his attention having been 
given to it in the year 1902, he being a director of the in- 
stitution ever since. ror 



‘SH .s88r bon 1382 petndn sali ot a 
ni bas ,nonedol ir pincesang tinca 2a 

od pool yobs inet eer. 

ol -potgrti¢es V7 9111 lo yisisiese parapet of 088% al 
2sw tngy omae sl? ni bas yeaqmoD sonswenl sit laut 

inuiuh4 yinuod nonrdst sd? to. e1ssinagio sd3 to sno 
-we teom bag sesblo ods ynaqmoD sonatuenl door svit 
102, ypiring sinsvlyennsd ni bnia esi 10 -ynaqmor lvieeso 
. tsiuensi? bas yresstse edi an yYlevounis 
uke quam: ni nosiio Isitasuini ne esw alli aM 
odd gnixinggio mi bsteizen od 8281 aeoy odd ol 20itiviios 
seo Iswenstherw of doidwto jyasqmoD masi® monsdst 
£087 sonie ysieioge bos noisasinsgyo sd? s5nie yfevouni? 
tsdicli nonsdet ods gnisinegio ot Iinomuteni 2ew 3H 

bna yrase1s2, eit em yrivise, 081 ni yneqmo2d sevoll 

ts1 2A «9101 ,yiounel:..nopengiess eid [iinw! s91wesstt 
noitsinoeeA yrotonie nomads od? ,o¢8 1 tasy odajes aad 
 nolesinegto esi ni boiziees of bas noiinoste eid bomials 
nl 8@82.01 qu. yisisiase et) bas roistib (sg .eaigaivise 
od2 to 219xinepr1o orld to ono smnosd od ped) assy st 
~2egzoue e'yiia af? to sno yrroiend sodé nonsdsl dino 

.gninniged sd? moi insbiesrq/eti enw bas esitieubni Ist 

sonsat seodw io ,ynsqmo2D tewtT yinuoD nonsdstI sdT 
ein to seo%sl odt.}0 ono enw wemmieds zesw od_eottimmno? 
nood gnived noiinsyis eit noitexinegio ts erode Ipteesooue 
abides “poek thea cts sinypntr omen coe. 


Ps Pes 

64 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

He served as a corporal of Company A, Eleventh 
Pennsylvania Militia, during the Antietam campaign of 
1862 in the Civil War; in the Pennsylvania Legislature in - 
1877 and 1878; in the Lebanon Council for two terms 
during the existence of the Borough Government, and was 
president of the last Council before the form of govern- 
ment was changed to that of the present third class city, 
which change he was largely instrumental in bringing about. 
His interest in educational matters led him to be made a 
member of the city’s School Board for a number of years. 
In religious affairs he was equally active, having been afhli- 
ated with the Zion Lutheran Church for a period of forty- 
three years, and the treasurer of that congregation for 
twenty-seven of said years, serving also for a long time as 
the superintendent of its Sunday School. After this period 
he transferred his activity to the Salem Lutheran Church, 
in which he had charge of the Home Department and the 
Visitors’ Class in its Bible School. He was a member of 
the American Order of United Workers, and of the Leba- 
non County Historical Society since 1900. 

On August 17, 1855, he was united in wedlock with 
Rosanna, a daughter of George and Catharine Early, of 
East Hanover, Dauphin County, Pa., and had as children, 
Luther Henry, born November 17, 1856, deceased; Mary 
Alice, born November 23, 1858, deceased; Charles Au- 
gustus, born January 16, 1862, died aged thirteen months; 
Emma Elizabeth, born September 10, 1864, married John 
K. Royal, former city treasurer and Mayor of Harris- 
burg, Pa.; Lincoln Early, born June 12, 1866, a dentist, 
married Lulu Slike; Rosanna Jane, born August 31, 
1870, married W. H. Clark, and has now taken charge of 
her father’s extensive insurance business in Lebanon, Pa. 

Mr. Miller was an organizer of work and a worker in 

Ae: : 

thw bre snommavod dguoted ody te 90 en al 

boitsq eid3 111A. loonlsé:ysbau? ef! to ansbnstninsquergat 

-ado Todt Yo boa ztsd10WbstinU to whrO asthnemA Sadr 

paar gmk ipo BRL = 9 

-misvog to: arto} aft s1olsd Sea) neal ele, rs bites er 
tio aeslo-brids: ‘susestg sit to ted? oF bognade paring aan ye 
Jsuods giignind ni Intnomenient yloigtal enw orf sgnedy doin | 
s sbsra od 03 mid bs! sotinet Isnoiseoubs mi tesrsint aie i. 
z1es¢ to tsdmut & 10% bined loods2 2'ytia sft 10 t9dmar 
“lis nesd gaived svitos yllaups enw devise evoigiisa al 
niet to boineg s 101 dowd nerodind noiS oft die bots” 
10? moitsgstgno2 jadi to Yetwesstt fy bane 2tesy ‘goad | , 
26 sinit gnol © 101 oela-yrivine \21ndy bie lo novse-yinew) | . ica 

dowd pevsdtu] male? ods'o3 qtivitos eid bovrsienets od 
ofi bn tasmoiaqeC omoH ods to sgied> bed ‘od chidw ni 
to 1sdmom s esw shi loorse ofdil ei ni geal “eioriai¥* 

OOG! sone yisin0d InsizoniH yinv0D non * 
htiw woolbsw ni botinw esw of yaeér wer depguA nO 
to ,vitsd snrmedisD bas sgros) to vadgueh 2 tnnse0t 
wstblids es bad bas .sD..yinwoD widqus jsvonsH 3204 
cial, ;bsersosh 8384 .~1 tedimavo miod yansH wdisd 
A, eelisdD ybsersosb .8281 \¢8 19dinevoA mod soilA 
;elinom nseitidt begs boih 881 ovens] ord euieng 
nilol beirzer ..381 ,01 wedmoiqe@ mod ,disdssi!a soma 
-misH to 1oysM bre tswesst1s ysi2 wsm102 \lsyoR WA» 
deitnsb #0081 ,s1 sno] mod yinsH nloonit ;.29 gied © | 
fg teugaA mod snes snnseod ;odil@ ulud beter - 
to sgtans nsdet won ead bas past .H V7 beintem ,oper 
#7 ,sonsdst ni eeonieud soneweni sviensixs e'tedist aod 
ai tszhow s baa aiow to 1esinegio ne eew aollilv) aM 

i ae or 
t  * 


Americ nee ntti ee Ne OCCT AOE OEE CARE ARC ASI pepe reranCt Benne enter 


Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 65 

what he organized, seeking neither honor nor fame either 
way, but imbued with a conscientious purpose to achieve 
meritorious results, and this is what made him to be 
honored, and for which he was widely commended by his 
life-long co-workers. The results of his toil and energy 
are in substantial and abundant evidence in his community 
in which he wrought, and for this he is held in grateful 
remembrance. His exemplary life and kindly personality 
will never be forgotten. 

He was called from this life to his eternal reward on 
July 3, 1919, at the ripe age of 85 years and 4 months. 

He became a member of the Pennsylvania German So- 
ciety on October 21, 1903. 

H. M. M. R. 

punt wt wea 

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P P en" a (it- oa registd “ie j 

66 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

Joseph Rosenbery Shimer, E.M. 

Joseph Rosenbery Shimer, of Phillipsburg, N. J., was 
born at Martins Creek, Northampton County, Pennsyl- 
vania, April 10, 1847. After spending his early years on 
his father’s farm, and in preparatory schools, he com- 
pleted his education at Lafayette College, graduating in 
the class of 1873, with the degree of mining engineer. 
He then spent two additional years in that institution in 
postgraduate work. He was tutor in metallurgy at La- 
fayette College from 1874 to 1876, and during the same 
two years was an assistant on the Geological Survey for 
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. After retiring 
from his professional work in 1876, he entered business as 
a pork packer at Phillipsburg, N. J., which he carried on 
with success until the time of his death, July 24, 1919. 
Throughout his whole life he maintained his early interest 
in the science of mineralogy, in which he was an expert. 
His large and valuable collection of minerals is probably 
surpassed by few private collections in the country. 

He was the sixth in descent from Jacob Scheimer, the 
elder, who was born in Germany in 1669, came to America 
at some unknown date prior to 1722, and settled in Ger- 
mantown, Pa. He was naturalized in 1730 (seven years 
residence was required before naturalization) and died 
September 17, 1757. His great-great-grandparents were 
Edward Shimer (son of Jacob the emigrant), born Feb- 
ruary 28, 1741, died February 16, 1815, and Rosina Seip, 

gnititer rii/. pares pane to raiareid sony ons 

. g2iTomA, of smgs ,0dd1 fag nr | dobls 

. bsib. bne (notissilsiten si0isd betiups1 enw sonsbiest i . ev 

aio ‘hy 

Cie poh aor siasy pW bie Gaia He . pearl Fan | 
| his astiagae vt 

7 i We 5 ple 

ene E m : 436 ‘ain inse08 
no etasy yliss sid gsibnoge iy tat i? dA rica 
-mo> od .2loddse Yomiageq 4 amed tet eis 
fi gniteubsrg sgalloD Sieistad’s 3g noisesuhs eid t tal 
199nigns yaininn Yo osgab ads dtiv EYL I zeelo of 

Mm nonviteni teds ni eteoy [nnoitibbe owl inage asd 9 
81 tn ygiuilsism ni 10iwt enw oH -.drow sievbs 
ome oft griwwb bone 8781 of ay8r mort sgsliaD < — ¥ 
yol ysviue IssigolosD od} no insieizer ng eow emnay ow? 

-19x) oi baltise brs. (S077 071 
e1esy n9vee) opti ni bosilewisn exw 5H o£ srmoingm 

sisw einetigbnarg-insrg-tssrg el per .¢2 i? ies 
-d9T mod ,(insrgims edi doas] io noe) xsmid2 br 1 eee 
ise anieoH bas e781 01 raundo beib 4% ‘Bs yueun 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 67 

widow of his brother, Jacob Shimer, Jr.; she was born in 
Germany, September 7, 1737, and died in Northampton 
County at the age of 83 years. His great-grandparents 
were Jacob Seip Shimer, born January 1, 1767, died Octo- 
ber 5, 1845, and Elizabeth Beyl (daughter of John Beyl), 
bom september 15,4772, dicd January 3i,.1657. Lis 
grandparents were Joseph (Beyl) Shimer, born May 2, 
1795, died August 13, 1878, and his wife Catharine Hub- 
ler. He was the son of Abraham Shimer, born August 
25, 1820, and Sally Ann Morris Rosenberger, born July 
4, 1822, daughter of John Rosenberger (1775-1860). 

Joseph R. Shimer was twice married, first to Miss Sallie 
Howell, long deceased, who was the mother of his two 
daughters, Florence, wife of William W. Bryan of Phil- 
lipsburg, and Helen, wife of J. Earl Carpenter, who, with 
their families, survive him, as does also his second wife, 
neé Miss Annie Gangwere, by whom there was no issue. 

Mr. Shimer was interested in the civic and social affairs 
of his city. He was a most active and liberal member of 
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Easton, Pa., and for many 
years a member of the school board of Phillipsburg, and 
a director of the First National Bank of Phillipsburg, N. 
J. He was made a member of the Pennsylvania German 
Society, October 15, 1896, on the recommendation of 
Rev. Dr. Thomas.G...Porter. 

Mr. Shimer was universally respected and loved for his 
upright character and genial personality. 

PaMWie 5: 

ne en ea ar 2 
vis] mod pogisdase0h eine wh a oe ab n!. 

stim ow, asinoqed hed I 16. stive eer one 

-. @tiw beosse eid ozls 206 28 mid syivive “esilimms? visds 

pani ' ' “2 " 
ergs e-eisanal neni? do nal aod ; 

if of ees pect 

se an miod ,rsmid@ (Lys). 
sduJA soiverseD stiw eid bas 8581 .€1 ihe ge 



AOIBI~ZPYT), wpIedaseoA ado], Jo 13: wa 7 
sillee eeilM od tet ,boinemt svtwi ew 199m dest” | 7 

ow} 2id to tortor oft esw ow .bsessosb 2 
lid‘ to osyi Vi sosilli¥7 to ashe S237 

suee! on esw sted modw yd Sstsergnso sinnA ell 5on | 
evists [sisoe bus vivo s8¢ ai-bategipiqi 26, ramide. aM. ee 
io 1odmem Istodil bax Seeke"tbont w aw SEP Ain eid io | fe 
ynsit 10), bas ,.£9 notes Yo dared aersdiot e'lucd 12 . 
bra gwdeqillid’ to bised loordoe sii Jo wxdmom a etree fl 
VW. ,gisdeqillidd to aine@ Ienoits7 iz oft Yo rotsa1ib s 
nsmrisy) sinsviyennsd sdi to 1sdmem s sbam eswoH | A ie 
Yo nolisbnemmmtoz1 sf? no 0021 .21 isdonO ,qisis0d 
107 . esmodT aD wo 
eid 29% bovol bop botosqaat ylleeioviau ese aM 
~ —_ sgilsnoeteg Leinog bas. wat ne 


68 Pennsylvania-German Society. 

Morris Augustus Borhek. 

Morris Augustus Borhek, born October 9, 1842, in 
Bethlehem, Pa., and died there September 7, 1919, aged 
76 years, 8 months and 28 days. 

The first member of this family to come to this country 
was John Andreas Borhek, a weaver of Goettingen, Ger- 
many, who came to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with a band 
of Moravians during the War of Independence. He was 
born in 1728 and died May 14, 1791. His wife was 
Anna Maria Fischell. Their son was Christian Frederick 
Borhek, born in Bethlehem, who married Anna Catharine 
Kindig. Their son was James T. Borhek, born in Beth- 
lehem, January 6, 1808, and died in 1899. He was mar- 
ried to Marietta Charlotte Brunner, July 5, 1830. ‘Their 
fifth child was Morris Augustus Borhek, the subject of 
this notice, born in Bethlehem October 9, 1842. He mar- 
ried Emma Stadiger, and they had only one child, Herman 
S., born April 15, 1869. 

The subject of this notice, Morris A. Borhek, spent all 
his life in Bethlehem. He was educated in the Moravian 
Parochial School and in the Niesky Hill Seminary under 
Prof. Benjamin Van Kirk. 

On the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in the 
militia, and later served in the ‘“‘ Emergency Men” as a 
member of the Twenty-fourth Infantry, with which he 
served for three months. 

After the organization of the Lehigh Valley National 

af are eel ll i Shy, 
"0: ipa seein 

oi ea + 

ca owe) Be ain. cold la bs 4 
a | heats | “4 Wes ae ee 
ine he ae neat 
Phat rs 8 ha eed 

nd. Rt. 2achldeml shad alae a ARN. 
bogs orer it omraanere boib bas ,.« ,mnodstdist Hey 
oo \eyeb 8s brs edinom 8 ¢ ie ve 

exiunies beh webdvan elew¥ddi teiedebde Geen PINES Be ae 

29D ,asgnisi200 Yo r9v80%7 s tsdioll exiboh nol e prt 

bned s stiw ,sineviyennsT ,modsleio® of sms oflw , aie 

enn 3H © ssonsbnagobal 0 TAN i his iar aren 

exw stiw 2ikl eer? .p1 ya boib bas Str ni-gied | ae aa 

Asinsb217 wsiseisdO enw toe tiodT llsdoeit sinsh sap TF 

onrtedieD annA Dsitrent ofw ,mtsoldsofl ni ntod Aotiod 

-diofl ni cyod Asriel 'T mel exw noe tied T gibi 
. “tem esw ofi-...g9%1 nt bsih baw 8081 BS yi soem a i ae bee 

wsdl .o¢8t 3 yibT psnnwtdl stiobiad> sisi bolt “ or ers 

to sosidve sf? slediod euteiguA eimoM enw blido da 1 | ‘ 

ann 3H i281 .6 19d0190 imatlaldtel ai mod js5ion gid © 

nemisHt blinds ono ¢lno bark got bar aogibesé sm bsit | 

0981 2 liaqhk ma + 

He tnoge dodtol FA emi0M) soiton bid 16 tosjdue'sdT 

asivsiolVi sd ni betsoubs esw oH .smedsidiol al stil eid A 

isha yresimed [GPT yolesi of ni bra loordsa 

iA asV nimsinsd JorT 
os ni boteiine of 16°V7 livid sda Yo tuo gnidssid ofa nO fi 
2 es “asi yonsgtema.” sa ni boviee 1030! bow sitilim 4 oa 
ad doulw diive..cvnsinl diwoi-ysnswT sd? lo 1sdmsm ee Se 

isnoitaVi ystlsV dgidet sri to noisssinggio odt 1927A 

Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. 69 

Bank of Bethlehem, Pa., in 1872, he became the first 
bookkeeper and later became the teller of that institution, 
which position he held until his retirement from active 
business life some years before his death. He became a 
member of the Pennsylvania German Society October 26, 


Lap ES! 

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fm 15 aes 
i *? SAT .\ ’ ay : 

of the Ton-Fnglish Words of the Pennsyl- 
vaniaeGerman Dialect 

With an BHppendix 





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PennsylvantasGerman Socicty. 


Oublication Committec. 




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met Datter un met” Mutter 
Michael Lambert fHatilja Lambert 


The The Pennsylvania-German dialect is a unique lin- 
Pennsylvania~- oyistic phenomenon in the United States. The terri- 
Sumas Ges tory over which it is spoken has been for nearly two 

centuries, and is today to a large extent, a language island. On an 
atlas of the State of Pennsylvania, beginning at the Delaware Water 
Gap, draw a line in a northwesterly direction to the foot of the Pocono 
Mountains, thence in a southwesterly direction along the base of these 
mountains to Mauch Chunk, thence along the northern slope of the 
Mahoning Valley to Pottsville, thence in a northwesterly direction to 
Shamokin, thence in a northerly direction to the North Branch of the 
Susquehanna River, thence along the North Branch of the Susque- 
hanna to its confluence with the West Branch at Sunbury, thence in a 
northerly direction along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River 
to the northern boundary line of Union County, thence in a westerly 
direction to Bellefonte, thence in a southwesterly direction to Altoona, 
thence to the Youghigheny River, thence in a southerly direction 
through the Youghigheny Valley to Mason and Dixon’s Line, thence 
eastwardly along this line to the Lancaster-Chester county line, thence 
in a northeasterly direction along this county line to the Schuylkill 
River, thence southeastwardly along this river to Norristown, thence 
in a wide curve to the northeast, leaving Doylestown a few miles to 
the south, to the Delaware River at New Hope, thence in a northerly 
direction along this river to the point of beginning. A line thus drawn 
will enclose roughly the area within the state which was originally 
settled largely by German and Swiss immigrants and since then has 
been occupied by their descendants. It includes all of the counties of 
Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, Lebanon, Lancaster, Dauphin, Union, 
Snyder, Juniata, Perry, Huntingdon, Bedford, Somerset, Fulton, 
Franklin, Cumberland, Mifflin, Adams and York, and part of the 
counties of Monroe, Carbon, Bucks, Montgomery, Schuylkill, North- 
umberland, Center, Blair, Cambria, Westmoreland and Fayette. This 
area is almost exactly one-third of the total land area of the state. 
There are also sections of the state outside of this area which are occu- 
pied mostly by these people, like the Butler Valley in Luzerne County. 
The settlers were, of course, not confined by the artificially drawn state 
line between Pennsylvania and Maryland, but spread across the line 



_Jginue0D- smoesud gi ysllsV z9ltud osx sail ,sigosq sent yd beom bsiq — 

ined ofT belied ons 
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ns nQ .bnelei ogsugasl e jnstxs ogiel 8 0: rsbot | . 

yal rae me ae hy, 

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“1bW oieweleC ont te yninniged sinevivennsT to. WHC SMF 10 esl 

erie ail} lo 100} edt of nvitomib yhoteowdtion & aioe Swe 
s2odt lo sand ord gnols noitostib vhemnreineae Sam migds ents 
ali to sqole moditon oft anols sonsdt alnudD dds . 
of noitomib yhoteswsltion a ni soneddt ,silivettoT of yslis¥. 
od3 io-ronsyS dine od of noitestib yhodiion 8 ai poner nike 
-supzue oft lo donerll dino silt enols sonsdt woviA sanse 
6 mt sonedt ~iudave ts donetH tesV/ odd d3ive sonaufinoo edi of ar 
r9viAl snnsdoupane eli} to doas1G jeoW 9it pnols motasib vit 
yiteizow 6 nt sonsd?: yinvod noinU to sail yisbavod mednon odi 
S00TF. of nottoaib yhsteswdsuoe & ni sonedt .staolsiisd of Achy 
noltomib yherdiuoe s ni sonst »ovill vnsigifiguoY odt of Ssonoilt 
sonal? nit e'noxi bas moss of yolisV' YnodgidguoY odi igerent 
sonst nil ymuoo refe9tD-1stesonet sds of Sail girly gnols ylbiswiess- 
Hibliywdo? odt ot sail Yauoo edt gnols noissatib yhotesedjion & a 
sonsilt sryvojainoN ot tevin eit pools yibiswiessdiuce somant ,19¥ 
ot eslim wei 8 nwotesiyod gaivesl gessdii0on sdt oF svi 
viserition s nt somadt qoH wel ts 19vill siswsisT sont 07 igit08 er 
awsibh euds onil A .gninniged to taiog ort of t9vix eidt gnols no 
yllenigho esw doidw stsie off nidtiw so1s oft yldguor seolons lw — 
esd ned? sonie bas einsigimmi eiw2 bas namie.) yd ylegisl bolzso2 
to esitnuoo sit jo lis esbuloni 31 einsbnsoeeb tisdt yd beiquole n9ad 
aon sidqus( astesonst ,nonsds1 ,et9d .dgidel ,notqmsdinoy — 
moivd jememoe .biolbsf wobynitesH wisd eisinu] ‘ ab 
sit to sq bas wzyoY bas amabA ,oilfiM ,bashodmuD ni 
-is10V1 Jliliyuise .~yremoginoM dow nodis) somo, to esitayoo 
eidT- .stteysd bas basisiomiesW .sindmsD sisld arsine) ibashedmy 7 
.stsje oft to sows brs! lesot silt Yo Iidt-ono vitosxs teomlis ab B96 
‘nose 918 doidw sexe eidt lo sbietuo o1ste odt to enoitose vals sis sid 

sifte nwaetb yiletoiiziws odt yd benitno son ,sewo lo e198 aroltige oT 
enil sit eeors basyge jud rs brs aoe a: pause oni 

RM Ee Saat A a ele AR SA tal sl se aan eT A ee OS TT SE TE kde tyl iele hehe i ee 

into Maryland, especially into the counties of Baltimore, Carroll, 
Frederick, Washington, Allegany and Garrett adjoining the counties 
ot York, Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset on the Penn- 
sylvania side, and into the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. 

Including the greater part of these counties of Maryland there is 
an unbroken area of about 17,500 square miles, or considerably more 
than twice the area of the State of Massachusetts, over which the 
dialect is spoken. In the rural sections it is the prevailing speech 
today, in the villages of Lehigh, Berks, Lebanon, Lancaster and several 
of the counties west of the Susquehanna most of the business is still 
transacted in the dialect, and it is constantly heard on the streets and 
‘1 business in the cities of Allentown and Reading. I have heard 
testimony given in the Lehigh County court within the last few years 
in Pennsylvania-German, when the only reason for having it interpreted 
into English was the necessity of entering the testimony on the court 
record in English, as the judge, the lawyers and all the jurymen under- 
stood it perfectly without a translation. It is estimated that in the 
counties of Lehigh, Berks and Lebanon, the heart of the Pennsylvania- 
German section, between sixty and sixty-five per cent of the inhabitants 
can speak it today, and between thirty and thirty-five per cent of them 
constantly use it. When one bears in mind the large English, Scotch- 
Irish and Welsh element which settled in the section as early as the 
Germans and the great influx from every nation of southern and south- 
eastern Europe during the ‘ndustrial development of the last twenty- 
five years, this is remarkable. The two most remarkable facts about 
the dialect are (I) its persistence and (2) its homogeneity. Nowhere 
‘a Germany or Switzerland is there an area of such an extent Over 
which so homogeneous a dialect is spoken. In fact, the Pennsylvania- 
German area is larger than the whole of Switzerland, in which dialects 
of three different languages are spoken. 

As a result of two visits which William Penn made to 
Early Germany, the first in 1671 and the second in 1677, two 
German and Swiss},44q companies were formed ‘1 Germany, the Creield 
Settlements 10 i 
Pennsylvania Purchasers and the Frankfort Land Company. On 
August 20, 1683, Franz Daniel Pastorius, accompanied 
by ten persons, arrived at Philadelphia as the agent of the Frankfort 
Land Company. Their object was to look the ground over tor subse- 
quent settlers. The first actual German colonists, numbering thirty- 
three persons, arrived at Philadelphia on October 6, 1683, by the ship 
“Concord,” the Pennsylvania-German “Mayflower.” This group 


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” Ista'vee bas sazesonal , pronase en ne cin eb oy 

| vidsrebience 10, Speight oe keane e Ba WOK 
oils daidw agvo etiseustbaeesM lo ote32 ot od soiws suse 
dusoqe, gnilisverg od ei pi dumeliteietipeaabaal ae sieilngh aben 
cia TERM he Pee ihh 3 
{lize 21 peoniaud. eit lo team Matsistic SF 325% 458 or si nti; ‘ } 
bas steeve odd ao biged ereemenia gry merrier nef Roy soe: tee aa, 
Insed sved 1: ..gnibesA. bas awogpgtl/ Jo. asitia ‘sd 

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-159'¢" wat teat odt nitsiw tus0o ytauo) dgidetd ody a ~— rh rt 
bers1qassal jt anived xt noese vino silt norkx AsmtsDalanaauaee 
U0 363 10 yYnontitest edd gnitstho lo ytieesoon alt egw’ 4 
isbau asmyw{ od3 He bas eoywsl edt Sybuj ofl es deilgndl ni 
ot at sedx botsmiges ei a1 .noitslens1t 6 tuodsiw ybosheq #1 
“cine vivenasd orl3 lo s1god ort. .nonsded bas efit figidal to e: 
sinsiidednal ody to Insc 19q svil-yaxia bas kta neawted moivase 0 ee 
moct id¢ned t9q evi-vinid? bos asia neswited bas ,»yebor ti dancpa indi 
“iaj09¢ ulzilgnd sgisl ons bain ai dised sno addW 4b een vitnstanop’\"! 
sit es yhie9 26 noitose oft, ni beltise rdoitiw gnomels deloW Bas end > - 
‘diesatia bits mariwoe lo soitan yreve mor xiini ts97g 113 bas ensimed © i 
-yinew?s tes! oct to snatnqoleveb Ishteubai odt gninwb sqowa motesg* ‘ 
tuocs 2i9s! sldstisme: teon ow? oAT~ .sldasltemst et airs 2tS9E SVA © | 
iotwoVl .ytiensgomon-eti (¢c) ‘bas Sonsteiz19q ati (1) 1s goslsib sap |) 
vo 3293%9 ns dows lo ss1s-ms S193 ai bashoxtiw2 20 Yass niki i 
nevivennod ont sost nl .nsdoqe eb daslsib s euosmsgomod oe doidw . 
242 joalath faidw of ,boshawiw2 io siodw edt neds 199181 2 S918 nents) 
-naotoga $16 2ogsugns! tnnshtib ssidg to 2)! ; 
4) shest nuroD msiliV] doidw esieiv owtto jluest ge eA | | LW 
Ow? .\90% af baooge odt bas 1781 nbseriods _yasmnsD | 
bis on) sit .yastmrio) ni bomiot ssw esinsqmoo bet “ire hes 
cO .¢msqmoD bast nobiasst 943 bos ersesdowd > Lo lg RE 
bsinagmocss ,euinotes, sins: sai €801 .0S teuguA a hates 
sohlas oft Jo 3nogs ot es sidglobslid ts bevinie sanorr9q welt ge 
sedu2 20 1940 bavorg-eds soo! of asw sosjdo tisdT - 
wuds gansdmun ,eteinolos nsaneO Lepos tex otT dusk 
rape ud €831 8 19d0I90.-no sinlqlsbslidd 48 bev: smog oi, | 
quo. eitT "yewollyel " nomsd-singlyenas: ~— Tinececiin | 


Set th eae SARA DR: OWEN Sat Suede S Rae Bi be Ce O Bet CC UEETELOT Vil 

under the leadership of Pastorius immediately began the settlement 
of Germantown, which was separated from the English settlement at 
Philadelphia by six miles of dense forest pierced only by a bridle path. 
Of the Crefeld Purchasers at least three came to Pennsylvania prior 
to 1692, probably accompanied by others. The only other accession 
to these in the last years of the century was a band of forty mystics 
under Johann Kelpius who settled on the Wissahickon in 1694. 

On October 23, 1710, a patent for 10,000 acres of land on the Pequea 
Creek, later a part of Lancaster County, was granted to two agents for 
the Swiss Mennonites, and the settlement of this section was begun 
soon after by these people. This colony received large accessions both 
of Swiss and of Germans, especially in the year 1717. A German Re- 
formed Society was formed in Goshenhoppen in LF pe it 7 tO AOU 
twenty families of Schwarzenau Baptists came to Philadelphia, Ger- 
mantown, Skippack and Conestoga. In 1723 thirty-three families of 
Palatines, who had previously settled at Saugerties in New York and 
subsequently in the valleys of the Schoharie and the Mohawk, made 
their way from the latter section through the trackless wilderness to 
the headwaters of the Susquehanna and thence floated down that 
river till they arrived at the mouth of the Swatara Creek, up which 
they proceeded to the section known as Tulpehocken, where they set- 
tled. In 1734 a considerable number of Schwenckfelders settled in 
Hereford Township, Berks County, and on nearby lands in Montgomery 
and Lehigh counties. The Moravians founded Bethlehem, in North- 
ampton County, in 1741. 

There are no official records extant of the number of immigrants 
who entered at the port of Philadelphia prior to the year 1727, and the 
best that can be done is to estimate it. While the number of Germans 
and Swiss was not more than 20,000, this number was comparatively 
so large that it excited serious alarm, and on October 1433 72%? the 
Provincial Council adopted a resolution to the effect that a list of all 
“Germans and other foreigners” entering at this port must be sub- 
mitted by ship-masters, and that said foreigners must sign a declara- 
tion of allegiance and subjection to the king of Great Britain. These 
lists are given by Rupp in his Thirty Thousand Names. As the numbers 
increased, migration began across the Susquehanna, where the Germans 
almost everywhere supplanted the Scotch-Irish who had preceded 
them. “As to the whole number of Germans in Pennsylvania in i es Te 
says Professor Kuhns, ‘‘many and divergent estimates have been given: 
nearly all agree, howevef, in reckoning the proportion as about one- 

1 Yo eae 3 x 1. Foil 

Pee ho basi to sing boass oman Bs 1a nt 
rol einags Ow 03 baine1g esw eegmto | , | 
nirged dew: noise ais To” fhomsities ods” Bab’ y 
died encizes 208 agisl bevisos1 ynoloo ei T prvbeenpor 
of ascare) A’ ATS! ws3y ond ne ‘ylisiosqes peor shah e 
suods Q1h1 al INI at neqqotinaizod ni bamniot eaw: yssined: pt, 
15) ‘sidgtobalilt ot ome 2teitqsd usnevwewrloe to ¢silimsl yinowt 
to esilims! se1ds- yids ret nl .sgodesnoD bas aosqqble »woinsm 
bas #10Y. wei ni esitwaguee te bolerse ylevorverq bsdedw eonissled 
sham olwedolf odt bas sistlorise sfx to evollav eit ni ylmeupsedue 
oF aesnTebiy gestion ont dguotdlt} noses: asitsl ads mow vew aaods 
ted¢ srwob boinoh 90 edt bos sanadoypeve oly-lo aviewbsod ont e 
doishw qu daorD erstew?2, orld lo dtvom oft 3s bevinrs ods lis wevin ” 
joe yort s1orlw ,nscloodsaluT es mwond noise alt oF bsbsss01q yarlt 
ni. halitae. ersbisiz snowroe to todmun sideisbienos & bexr al - ,belt 
| yrsmoginoM as ebrisi adisen no bas eeinuo) tate gqidenwoT brotssH | 
-fis10V\. ai mos! Sitjo bobauot ensivetoM ofT esitmuco dgitlst bas 
JETT siyvtaveD sosqas | 
einersimimi jo wdmun sdf to dns ebi0se1 Istifio on 918 sisi T 
ad+ bas etl 19y.9d3 OF 10hq BidiglsbslidT to t10q sdd ts bsietns enw ‘ 
‘sqemriec) to tadetum ort oli $i etemiites of ei snob sd aso serlt ted 
yiovilsisgmos eB sodinun atiit 000.0 nerdy s10m Jom eBw estwe bas 
oft .tet1 pi isdo00 no brs .trisis evoise besioxs 3 tedt ogisl oe 
ils io aeil s terlt to9Tio ont oF: noituloes: s. betqebs lionuol IsionivoTd 
-dug od eum jiog edt 46 ‘gnivsins “mangisto! tedjo bas ‘ensarniso” | 
-sigigab 6 mgie seus ersmgistol bike tet bas ersvesm-quie yd bottim 
cealT .nisth€ s601 16,gobt ory of noisssjdue bas sons 5 lo noid - 
sodium ads 2A zai, Babee Deh) did'nt ‘dqiil yd novig sie eel” By 
enatirio) at stow standoupeve ots ceorns neyed noitaTgim /beesoront ] 
fiubsos1g bad oftw Helil-doios2’ set) berapiqque sredwyreve geome © 
" mats ni sinsvivennsd ni enema Io isdimen: slodw ods of. 2A” . 
nsvig nsed oved satsmites Inogrevib bas ynem”™ endosl ' 
-sng juods& es aoinroqorq ot gninddos: ni bapiinenacs talent 

7 ae re eS 7 

third of the population, a proportion which seems to have kept itseli . 
unchanged down to the present day. If I were asked to give my esti-- 
mate in regard to a matter concerning which authoritative data are 
wanting, I should reply, somewhat hesitatingly, as follows: Before 
1727 let us assume the numbers to be 20,000, a liberal estimate; adc 
to this the figures 68,872, [the number given by the official lists from 
1727 to 1775] making a total of 88,872; this added to the score or so of 
thousands due to the natural increase of the two generations since the 
earliest settlements would bring up the grand total to about 110,000.” 
For detailed accounts of the causes leading to this mass migration from 
Germany and Switzerland and of the founding of the colonies in Penn- 
sylvania read Seidensticker: Bilder aus der deutsch-pennsylvanischen 
Geschichte, Pennypacker: The Settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania, 
and the Beginning of German Emigration to North America, Kuhns: 
The German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania, Diffen- 
derffer: The German Immigration into Pennsylvania through the Port of 
Philadelpiva, 1700-1775, Bittinger: The Germans in Colonial Times, 
Faust: Zhe German Element in the United States. For an account o! 
early Pennsylvania-German settlements in Maryland consult Nead: | 
The Pennsylvania-German in the Settlement of Maryland in Volume 
XXII Proceedings of the Pennsylvania-German Society. ; 
These German-speaking immigrants who settled in the 
State of Pennsylvania came almost exclusively from 
southwestern Germany (the Palatinate, Baden, Alsace, Wurttemberg, . 
Hesse), Saxony, Silesia and Switzerland. A majority of them came 
from the Palatinate. Next in number were the Swiss. It is natura! 
to suppose then, that the Germanic element in the dialect would be | 
strongly pf@lzisch and schweizerisch. This is the case. The Pennsyl- | 
vania-German dialect resembles the Westricher dialect of the Palati- - 
nate more than anyother. The Swiss admixture is only slightly notice- 
able in the eastern part of the section, but is very evident in the Lan- 
caster-York district where the Swiss predominated in the early settle- 
ments. The constant intermingling of those speaking different dialects 
has had a smoothing-out and leveling effect, so that the Pennsylvania- 
- German dialect is quite homogeneous. This homogeneity was further - 
effected by the reading of German newspapers and books, especially 
of the Bible and books of devotion, and by hearing German sermons. 
This is not the place to make a comparative study of the influence oi 
the various dialects in the formation of the composite Pennsylvania- 
German dialect. I am merely making a record of the words. 

The Dialect 

Tt ee eT ee ee 
sab ph ro bier Sousa. ah wt : 309 Tad} em hel 
ate aN ag Belg ar ER igh Sop Bs ies, date | 

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9 02 10 stone ols ot bobbe eit 298,88 to lstot-s pabhene ERNE Of) 
vty Sante peaches ny ogesiney Hisar 
"900,011 juéds ot Istot bas1g sd? qu gaind bluow eine 
mo nolistgion eepor'eidt os yiribsel-esensy-arls to 
aged ni esinolos orl? to -gaibauel ors to bas nbn 
sciacinasetanadg-tetish wh eo whit :tsaloitemsbiee base 3 Theil 
pienchgamaesL aratoiamnsD Yo brsnrsliise tT crobeqynnsd pte nk ie 
enrodl .warism bk: AlyoV: o} coblp gin) corsa fo guneigsd sf ba ae | ; 
shi] jnimoslyzrnsl (pinoleD Yo clesusliisd. geiw@ bro sand oT cp 
vol ofl dgnantt aienelgems abst nonorginl sped stl txfheb .¢ 
cenit LomoloD a3. axbated stl. casgniil .eyti-ooti .weigisbshaa, Gy. 
0 190908 BS x04 aint. HslaeS aii ad inswel sone ah, cfeusd 27) 
hes pueso8, “Bratrisif’ ai einsaislives nanned-siasvigennsd. yites. 2 ie 
amploY ai benlewoh Yo snsiwlits2 sd nt ctomesd-onenshgennsd SE 257 
-igis0? nemis0-sinsviyenae’d ods jo egnibeaoord xX eng 
ad? ni beltze2. odw etngirgimeni gaisisoge-nsanisd geod TD - ettin ae <e 
notl vlsvieuloxe ssomls omso sinaviyennsl to ster@- _ As 
wees sani jsoselA .nebsd .o7snitsled oft) yasare moseswdiuos. oe ~ 
ED ons jo yihojsm A  bnehostiwe bas sialic wnozs2 (92H -.- r 
lounsna ef $1 .eeiw2 ont onow wedevun ai 137% otenitelsd edt mort | | 
x) bluew toslstb odt ai daomelo sinsmmed oft sedi ,aed3 seoqque at. oe: i 

ales Revie W's 


ea a Le SS ae. 

iyennsd sdT  .9apo-or4 ei 2idT doerosiowsdoe bas dozisl*iq yignowe 

‘ijsleT od2 to tooleib tedoingesV¥ ads egidinaes toolsib, nsmne.)-siagy +44 
olion yitdgile yino ei stusximbs eaiwe oT . red30 yas asd, s10m stem oo 

18 J odt ai tnabive yas ef gud .noitose snit Jo t1sq mrejess ont dh des 

-sligoe vas dt al botsnimobsiq eeiwe sls o1odw, tonseib sho Y-1wteso: =) 

e37 leit snaishib yoisssge seods lo yailgnionetni gastenoo-ofT .etnem «ne 
sinsvigensol ads sect 02 Jools gailovel bas tuo-gnidsoome & bed esd \ ORE, 

ee esw ¥tisnggomod eidT .ayosnsgomod stivp ef igstsib nian ion 

‘listseqee ,tood bas ersqsqewon ments) to gnibser -srla-yd. batosfiex<>) 2 

enomige nsinis) poised yd bas noitoveb jo elood bas eldifiedtto:caie | 

‘> gomaphei odg lo yvbute svbsisqmeos s sadam of soslq sis ton ateidT oy) 

insvigenss’? ssieoqmoo of3 to noixemio ods ni esosieib evonsv,ols ys | 

biow alt lo biess? 8 gaidam sai me 1. sealaiieaeae hei 

re hae ha eea eich ie Mal Uae Ne Sse Am ees AE ROE MTR EUR IEC LG Gur he i te hdl 

While Professor Haldeman and Professor Learned have gone into 
considerable detail in their treatment of the influence of English on the 
German in the formation of the dialect, the really searching treatise 
on the subject still remains to be written. The best exposition in a 
paragraph of the latent possibilities here is contained in an introductory 
note by A. J. Ellis to Professor S. S. Haldeman’s Pennsylvania Dutch: 
A Dialect of South German with an Infusion of English: ‘While I was 
engaged with the third part of my Early English Pronunciation, Prof. 
Haldeman sent me a reprint of some humorous letters by Rauch, 
entitled Pennsylvanish Deitsch. De Campain Breefa fum Pit Schweffle- 
brenner un de Bevvy, st alty, gepublished olly woch in “ Father Abraham.” 
Perceiving at once the analogy between this debased German with 
English intermixture, and Chaucer’s debased Anglo-Saxon with Norman 
intermixture, I requested and obtained such further information as 
enabled me to give an account of this singular modern reproduction 
of the manner in which our English language itself was built up, and 
insert it in the introduction to my chapter on Chaucer’s pronunciation, 
Early English Pronunciation, pp. 652-663. . . . Sufficient importance 
does not seem to have been hitherto attached to watching the growth 
and change of living languages. We have devoted our philological 
energies to the study of dead tongues which we could not pronounce, 
and have therefore been compelled to compare by letters rather than 
by sounds, and which we know only in the form impressed upon them 
by scholars of various times.”’ 

I wish to add, however, that Mr. Ellis’s characterization of the Ger- 
man in Pennsylvania-German as “debased’’ German is likely to be 
misunderstood. Pennsylvania-German as it is spoken today is largely 
German as it was spoken by the peasants and artisans of southwestern 
Germany and of Switzerland two centuries and more ago and is in no 
sense debased, except as it has been influenced and changed by English. 
Dialectic German is not debased German. Modern High German was 
formed out of dialectic German. Many of the words in Pennsylvania- 
German are centuries older than the corresponding form in High Ger- 
man. If a Pennsylvania-German were to go to the Pfalz today and 
speak only Pennsylvania-German in his intercourse with the natives, 
except that he would insert a German word where the Pennsylvania- 
German is accustomed to use an English or a hybridized English word, 
he would find it difficult to persuade them that he had not been born 
and reared in the Pfalz. This test has been made. The percentage of 
English admixture varies from nil to twelve or fifteen per cent, depend- 

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“* Ford eastern - dettgnt chat seesnee whe rl 
' ious yd etettel eioromud amoe to “gninget 8 “gna a —l 
-ssonks2. WL mew cles aetogaewd sQ AselisG ensty eat ‘belt sins ae 
 sustowd bh seo” aphetinesratnrsraregc se 4 ab ; 4 vs 

nsrnoVl dtiw noxe2-olgn Ak beesdsb a‘isoued2 baa | 
es notfesnoldi sodsiwi dofé benissdo bas boresuper 1 eurrsiomstai , 
noljouborqs: misbom islugnia aids jo jnvos0s ns ovig oP of. boidens 

notisionunorg esousd) no 1aIqsdo ym of notoubortat sit at ti siseni 
eonspiogrmi inaisiive £98-529 .4g motoronaen) Adige vod 
djworg sdt yridotew of badsaits ofisidsind ased evel oF mresd Yor es0b- 
tesiyololidg wo befovsb Sved SW .2zogsugns! gnivil to sgasdo ‘bas 
-spavonorg ton blyoo ow ddoirdvw esrgnos besb lo ybute odt 02 esigrens 


osrlt isdisy eatisl yd sisqmoo 07 bslisqmos nesd snolsted3 ever brs 

sredyd noqu pnadescan rio] silt ni vino wond sw doiiw base bavoe Yd 
a eamix euorsy Yo etsloroe yd 
~r) ont To solteshinroahedls 2'aifl «aM tedt rzsvewod .bbs of deiw I 
ed of viedil zi menmrisd “beesdab” es nemi1s0-sinsvivennsd ni osm 
yiogis! ef yebor mosloge ef si es nenred-sinsviyennstT -boogetsbnueim | 
mateswijuoe Io enpelis bns etnseseq oft yd aadoge esw ties near | 
on oj ei bas gs siom bns eshusnso' ow?) bashiestiwé to bas yasansd 
deifgnd yd bognsdo bas bsonsulini need esd Hes 1q99%9 prio ne . 
esw nemied dyiH mobolf .nenmed bsesd9b ton ei mamntsO sizoslsid 
~GinS vivennod ai ebiow ot lo yasM .nsrmsd sisselsib to suo benrot — 
9) dgiH ni sol gnibnoqestic9 9sii naris teblo estssn39 $18 Msmr190 
bas ysbod sislf sds 03 og of mew nsmmeD-sinaviys 9 sil ..em 

asvinen offs itiw sewoorsini eid ni seem ned Vind ina’ 
-sing riyenaoY ody oodw bow asnrisD s meni bluow od dads’ ‘3qs0x3 
tneéw deilgnd besibhndyr s 10 deilgna ns s20 ot bemotenoos ei fenttsO — 
med sosd ton ber of ied: modi sbsieioq of slusib'si bait bluow od — 
to syeyagoisq oT cebsm need esd dead eitiT .siel ont ni beter bas 
-hesqsh Jn6o 199 19st 10-svlows of lin mont eomsv suizimbs deilgnd |. 

. ic seis ; 
Mi oaks ole 

es EO UG my ke ae te Pyrenees oS ey kere DS Pe, SS 

seer A 

ing upon the writer or speaker and the subject. Rondthaler’s Abendiied 
and Fisher’s Mei Buwli are beautiful poems in the dialect without a 
single English word. L. L. Grumbine’s Der alt Dengelschtock contains 
only six-tenths of one per cent of English words, Harbaugh’s Heemweh 
only one and two-tenths per cent. 
A pecigty No two persons have ever written the words of the 
ree Pennsylvania-German dialect alike. Very few have been 
consistent with themselves in writing them. As it ts 
fundamentally a German dialect, it goes without saying that German 
orthography should be made the basis of spelling it. But in doing this, 
the writer encounters the necessity of inventing characters for three 
vowel sounds of frequent occurrence in the dialect which do not occur 
in German, or of using one character for four sounds. In general, those 
who have been good German scholars have used German orthography 
as the basis of their spelling. But there are exceptions to this, some 
of them intentional and purposive. Thus, of the three dictionaries 
heretofore in existence, all three use a spelling based on English sounds 
and the characters used to represent them. Dr. A. R. Horne, the com- 
piler of the oldest dictionary, appended to his Pennsylvania German 
Manual (first edition in 1875), was a good German scholar. He states 
his reasons for using English sounds and orthography as the basis of 
his spelling in the preface to the second edition of his book (1895): 
“The great problem presented for solution, is how shall six to eight 
hundred thousand inhabitants of Eastern Pennsylvania, to say nothing 
of those of other parts of our own State and of other states, to whom 
English is as much a dead language as Latin or Greek, acquire a suff- 
cient knowledge of English to enable them to use that language intel- 
ligently? . .. In the hope that this Manual may serve as a guide to 
the study of English, and that it may facilitate the acquisition of the 
language, a thorough knowledge of which is indispensable to every 
Pennsylvanian, it is submitted to the public, for use in schools and 

Mr. E. H. Rauch, who was not a German scholar, says in the preface 
to his Pennsylvania Dutch Hand Book (1879): ‘I then commenced the 
work, and had gathered several thousand Pennsylvania Dutch words 
and had arranged them alphabetically with translations. But then | 
discovered my entire incompetency for such a work, by reason of a 
lack of sufficient experience to make my spelling of words consistent 
and uniform. I became discouraged, and for the time abandoned the 
work. Since then I have had ample experience, and believe I have 

- qugse Jon ob doitw sosisib ad? ni-soneti000. pees | 

. bg ses 10t vilduq sft os bossimdue zt 3? \asiasv! 

» oft bsomormmes meds 1” :(@y8x) dook Laokk doinG oranolqaensD aid Os ; 
ce etiow dotud siasviyennsd basevods Isievee bredtsy bed bas’. ial 
ined tu enoitslensit dtiw vilsoitedadgls med? bosnens bed bas’. 


ag obiuy 6 86 ovise ysm IsunsM etds sent ogod ols al ... . Sylsasgih 

noes Feeiberensnich aiaia Hie 

at als - wre Hat a ory "yc : a 
pose Hi, gh mapa AD OR a 

off Ripttineiey 9 a no as 
oft Io elnow ot nation. sr at a ow} OF pain 
naed ovat wal ya ails tooleib a oi 

Spt mM ek . modt: ‘gnisine Ri. hielseihidie: car cae 
- asmrise) tads gniyse juortiw 2903 31 aalb nares 

vit gniob ni tu. ai gailleqe to eiend sis shar: 
gatit wl ejomisds geitnsyai lo ytieesosa only 

seods Istensg nl .2bnuoe wol 10t 19398189 sno gniew lo 10 \nearsO ni” 
yiasigodnoe asic) beeu sved exsloroe asms0 ‘boog naed ved odw” 
ymoe ids of enoisqeoxs sis o1edt su .gnilisqa tists lo'viesd olf aay 
eonsnoiaib soil} ody io gud: .svieoqiuq bas lenoitnorni srodt Io™ 
ebnuoz deilynd ao bsesd gnilisqe a sey sordt Ile ,sonmeserxs at snolotsrad 
noo odt emo. ..f A 3a .resdt taseciqe: of-baew eotsereds sit baa 
KORN. Sips¥enneS 2id of bebaoqgs Ssnoisvib teablo silt to isliq 
estate 9H. aslodze nsnmied) boog 8 esw (2781 ai noitibs feat) Souns hi < 
io ateed ola es yriqergods10 bras ebnuoz eilgad gniew 10d anozsor eitl 
:(2081) alood notibs Boose oft oF sosterq ont ai gnilloge ait 
ifgis of xie Iisde wod ei ,noiguloe 10) boimsesiq mealdoig teerg od T™ © 
gairjon yee ot sinsvivennsd moses to etnasidedai basevods bsibaud 7 
moilw of ,293632 19nto lo bans ots1€@ wo wo jo 211s tod30 to seory- tO 
-‘tiue § oupos goon) 10 nitet es sgeugas! bssb « rowm as ei datigndl 
‘istai sgougasl jed3 seu 03 mods sidens 03 dailgnd jo sgbslwond fasion 


Wald pao te =a el : 

an - 
a ee  - | f 


a3 lo soieiupos sd3 ststiliost ysm ti ted? bos ,dleiignd lo ybuse od ¢ 
vISvS of oidsenageibni ei doidw to sgbelword siguonods 5. ede 

‘ seitiaral Aer 
slong odd mi eyse aslorloe neon. s.jon esw odw ,dousA .H A aM! _ 

7 i = ease 

6 lo nozse1 yd how s done 20] yonstsqmooni s1isnacyen beisvaneib 
insgaianoo ebiow to gaillege ym salem of sonsitsdz9 tasioiive to aost 
ofa bonobnsds soit oft 10) bus .begsioceib omsosd 1 ummoliam-bage?_ 
sved 1 gveiled bas sonstiaque gigme bed svad. aidausas mie ss 

aad te 
pt eal 

1 2 

whe fy ad / Xl 

very much improved and simplified the spelling, which is strictly ac- 
cording to English rules. The German rule would not be practical, 
because from eighteen to twenty per cent of all the words commonly 
used in Pennsylvania Dutch are either English or a compound of Eng- 
lish and German, and also because all the youth of our State is taught 
to read English, and comparatively few receive any sort of German 

Mr. J. C. Lins, compiler of the third dictionary, states his reasons 
for using the English spelling in the preface to the second edition of his 
dictionary (1895): ‘It is not intended to instruct those who consider 
their education completed, but to aid such Pennsylvania Germans as 
are anxious to acquire a knowledge of the English language. I do not 
claim this work to be a standard, because there is nothing of that kind 
in the Pennsylvania German language, but after careful study of dif- 
ferent writers, I feel confident that it compares favorably with any, 
and is far superior to many.” 

In each case the reason given for the use of English sounds and 
spelling as the basis of orthography is practically the same. Let us 
compare a few of the spellings in the order H, R, L with each other 
and with the spelling of the present work: awa, ava, aiva, ewe; fir- 
dich, fzertich, fartich, feerdich: farlusa, ferlussa, ferlussa, verlosse; fal, fail, 
fail, fehl; farmara, fermara, fermaira, vermehre; kug’l, koogle, koogle, 
kujjel; Sbshteiga, obshtiga, obshteiga, abschteije; 6bwarta, obwarda, 
obworda, abwarte; dchtza, auchtze, ochtze, achtzeh; dksél, oxle, oxle, 
achsel; rédsha, retcha, wretcha, retsche: yagar, yager, yaiger, jaejer. 

The next important contribution to the lexicography of the dialect 
is a list of over 5,000 words which was published in Volume 26 Pro- 
ceedings of the American Philosophical Society (1888) by Dr. W. J. 
Hoffman. It is largely a reproduction of the list in the first edition of 
Dr. Horne’s work, but it also contains some new words. The spelling 
is the most interesting part of the work. Dr. Hoffman Was a proficient 
linguist and knew German both as a written and a spoken language, 
but in the spelling of his list he used the alphabet of the Bureau of 
American Ethnology in recording Indian dialects. His is the only writ- 
ing in the dialect in which this orthography has been used. Dr. Hoffman 
was at the time an ethnologist connected with the Bureau, and this 
fact doubtless accounts for his use of this orthography. After these 
the only extensive published collections of words are glossaries appended 
to texts. The longest of these is in Volume II of Daniel Miller’s Penn- 
Sylvania German. Miiller’s spelling is based on the orthography of 

ot. ‘2% se ‘ whl OF > | 4 * @ 
, nts; 6: | peg TEs ty, het Be 
we — Hels" oat to = itr scene Shree 
, .,. ie ’ € S7a5.ek J 4 be 

‘ge by Gas ‘* lll ie oe Merete wer TRS 
* card z f re 4 4 

Be. os iy | be ’ - *) tie ans mel 2 Cte 
Ra a -bauogmioo i oan ' gr on] beer om nd > 
silguet et 99012 wo lo dinoy oft He selez9e Gen 

eit ag 1 wi agama 

covensy Git eet’ scrsnotssiby bility’ sd torsaliqanan: anid 1 ai 
sid Yo noBibs bnovee afft of sostotq silt ni gaillege Meigas 9899 
agblenoo ontw seo dourtent oF bebmsiii son at 31° ~2(ge8. 
as ensmise sigsvigenns fous bis oF sud ,botsiqates MONSIWDS Tied) 
"son of | .ogengnal deilgad ott to sgbslwonts, ee ae 
bait isd3 to gaiston et stort seusced -nsbnete s od oF drow aidg cnisl 
ib Io ybute Iulsis7 19% dud \sgemgnel nem1sO sinsvigenns'L off ni 
ns dba yidsiovs! eotsqmos i tars gnobitno> lest 1 eesivw. sash | 
ia . * vnem of rohoque tsb-et bas 
bns 2bntioe feilend Yo seu odd 10 Rovig noesser edt 9260 doso al 
op 361 .stuse ont yiisvitos1q ei ydqerzgordso to eiesd. att 2s gnilloge 
sadzo dose iw I A Hato onion eantilisqe aft to wat 5 sIsGMoD _ 
it ‘swe svis sve dws “‘caow tieesiq Sit to gnillsqe oft dite bas 

aes ci 

i ee ee a © 

isi lst ;o2e0hav weewhol sesithe) Feith) pdoibrst doistst oitrat soib 
_ Stgnod ,sigood Igual yanismrisy sors) sient disamst sidet list. . 
; E d 

shiswdo Ehewdd jefierdseds apiordedo sgitdedo Sgietdedd ;lotiud 
sixo sixo J5ei6 jilostios sestioo estrous .astiod ;enéwds sbrowdo” 
agi9g] oye SgBY BgSY :efovetn .arloteTw ,srlosor EnabSx;isados 
jooisib ot to yelqergodixsl oft oF noizudittnos tashogmi sxen edT 
“and ac emuloV mi bereiidugq esw doithy ehiow 000.¢ 19¥0! to dell Bat 
| OW ad yd (8881) woende inpidiqoeolidd nssiramA ofl3 to -egnibsso 
4 noljibs Je1f orld ai teil orit Io moitouboiqs s vlogs! ei 7] .ssmRoH — 
gniflsas afT  .2hnow won oro2 ediaino> cals tigud ghow e'omoH 20 
tnsisioig 8 e8w nemo 2d show srls to s18q gritesstat teom ols et 
ggeiygasl asloge 5 bas asisiw & es djod nenmnisD wond bas’ selargail | 
lo ugswa edt to todsiqls orl beew od zi! eid to ynillege ent ni ud 
jivggtlap ait 2 eH .2toalsib nisibal gnibioser ai ypolondsd asohom/ | 
agm@oH 30 .bseu nved esd ydqasrgorist0 picly doisdw ai soolsib sitrni grt 
eid brs usswel ods s3tw besosanos ; igolondss ms omit adj 38 26 
geoly wHA -yAqergodino eins to seu eid sol etmuos0s zesitduob 328! 
bobnoqas eansezolg sie ehiow to enoissalios berlziiduq svienetxs Yiao ot 
ens eallit Isinsd to 1 omuleV¥ ai et seotlt to qzagnol aT. .2tx53 03 
io vegsigodhno oft no ‘bsesd” el gnilloqe esl: axoreysD connate 

Sn Te 6 Lilia at te an ee eh PGE, ak RE eS TITS WE it SER Rs TOO PN REA 

High German; he used the umlaut, as have many others, where the 
corresponding words in German have it, although the compound 
vowel sounds represented by the umlauted vowels (a, ©, u) in German 
do not exist in the dialect. He even used a for short English a in at. 
Professor Learned adopted for use in his scholarly treatise, Tne 
Pennsylvania German Dialect, an eclectic phonetic system with a number 
of characters which are not used in either English or German. The 
really difficult thing in devising a system of orthography for Pennsyl- 
vania-German is to write (or place) the vowels so that their quantity 
can be told at sight without the use of diacritical marks. To obviate 
the use of these marks Professor Haldeman wrote a vowel twice to 
indicate that it is long. Tobias Witmer used the same device. It 
‘produces such spellings as haas, graas, naas, gickerigil, iigel, hii”, doo, 
soo, doot, duu, wuu, guut and, if a special character is adopted to in- 
dicate the sound of a in English marry, &&r, ceerd, beer, which are 
offensive to one who knows German. Moreover, he seems to have 
overlooked the fact that the sound of long German a occurs in a few 
words in Pennsylvania-German and that, if aa is written to represent 
this sound also, it is made to stand for two sounds, that of G a in Vater 
(as in PG kar) and that of aw in E law (as in PG has). Mr. C. C. More, 
the most versatile linguist who has ever written in the dialect and a 
master of German, writes his manuscript in the dialect in a thoroughly 
consistent spelling based on German. It happens that most of his stories 
which have been printed appeared in a periodical whose editor had 
ideas of his own about Pennsylvania-German spelling and, without 
Mr. More’s consent, changed the spelling to conform to his own rules. 
I have gone into this detail to show the anarchy that has reigned in this 
field, although the pronunciation is fairly uniform throughout. But 
there is nothing exceptional about this, as the same state of affairs 
has obtained in the writing of every language until standards of spelling 
were established. 
hoe stiee (1) A vowel is long when doubled (only e and o are 
and regularly doubled): deel, seel, moond, ool. 
Orthography F 
(2) A vowel is long when followed by h: geh, kuh, 
ihm, ohr, uhr. 
(3) A vowel is long when accented and final: blo, denno, du, schalu, 
Exceptions: de, di, e”, ja, me, ne’, re, se, ze and the exclamations da 
and na. Except da, ja and na these exceptions are really unaccented 
and come under (8). 

.. Wtennel tot xdgergodto lo mataya 

ee 6 ee | = a VS TL \ * = 

ne ic 

J : ‘Se! ae eer a er 
ins  fratesalonen aslecedldien a2 
 & eae wavs oh. sheen ea 

uf Peecreerry * 

ras toih Seat a i 
ad ; 7 J r ‘ 
ni a " one thw ers; PAP pene t ET 
vi ’ 4 - . 
2. —- V > ies Wer ss Fray) bet 
. _ > a bo WF 4 Pol as = ef 

e _ 

7 j 

a j 
o 7 
4 2 
> F- fe 
¥ " 

ii | sett ix. >, 
“OHnsup sisd seit 02 elowov ot (so8lq 10) otinw of ab neerrst -sinsy Le 
ssivdo oT edrem Isoithosib lo seu oslt tuodsive tigie 6B of od n De: 

i Tend 


oob iid Jogit figtsdotg ssn eserg zsed es egnillegs daueendboiy” 
-ti Ot batqobs al ytos1edo lsieqe s tt .bas tuug cow ul goob ,00e em 
os floitty esd .biss 128 oem deiignd ai s lo baiioe erty tsb 
sved oy emsse sf povemnoM .nemis ewond odwisne wh oviensRto 
wsl 2 ni eus900 S asarigO gnol to baios oft sed 358) ‘sft bsdéohievo 
insegiqa1 Of nattinw ei es Mi sedt bre nemis)-siasvivenngs si abiow 
1098V mts 2) lo Jadd ebntioe ows 101 brsiz of obam ei. ti joels Bavos ede ; 
0M DD aM “(eid OF ni es) wal J oi we lo ssds based OF ni es) aN 
é bose joeleib ody ai asttinw isve esd onw teiugnib-oliteeiey teom odf 
Uitguoiods & ni I>alsth odt ni 3qn2eunsm- eid estinw eeisarsD Io Ytesm ; 
esnose at to taom tedt ensqgeiti .nemrrad ao beesd gnillaqe tnoteienos 
bad totibe seodw Isciboiteq s ni bsisegqs bein gesd-oved doidw 

juodtiw .bas ynillsqe nemnisd-sinsvigennsd suods nwo eid lo assbi * 
eslent nwo etd of motos of gnillege ads beynads Jnaen03 2's0M aM 
ett at benyist esd tet ydousns odt-worle 03 listsb aids oinirenog svad T i 
wad = .tworguotds griolinu yhisi ei noiisNnunowg odd dguoddtis bist" 
‘ets tO siste omee ot an .2ids 

suods isavisqsoxs gaidson et stodgy 
snillsge to ebtsbasie litany ogsugnsl yieve lo gaisivw ods of bonistde ded ~ . 
) | , . .Derleiideses sasw” fet 
elawoV 40 yTitmauQ .. ov bie a ) 

ns © bas 9 ylno) belduob nodw gnol ai lswov A 5: Sees | 
| loo .baoon: i992 slsab i(beldueb vhsluge: hee so Bes iii aN: e 

ud atege of yd bowollol nedw,gdol ei lowoy A (sy 0: Meee .2eai 7 
ipdos iub onneb old ‘:IsnA bas boiasos asiw gnol ei lowov A (gy joe 

‘ 7 li OB Hasty eee 

&b enottemaloxs oft bas 9s .52 91 , 98 9M .6, 9 ,ib ob -semoitqaaxaer 
bstnessenu yiisor stg enonqs2x9 s29t bm bas si deb 3q90% ee ba 
| | (8) webau gmoo bas 

: yank 


(4) An accented vowel is long before a vowel or a single consonant: 
zue, groe, hole, deje, dir, mol, dot, kor, hur, rut, gut. But it is short in 
ab, am, an, as, ax, bin, bis, der (art), das, dem, den, des, eb, em, en, es, 
far, fer, hen, in, ken, mer, net, ob (but also ob), sin, um, un, var, vum, 
vun, was, wem, wen. Many of these exceptions are really unaccented 
in a sentence. 

(5) A few vowels are long before two or more consonants: Zrbs, 
erd, zrz, bluscht, busse, f#rscht, fiss, gerde, gzrschde, gross, herd, 
huschde, kloschder, obscht, Oschdre, rtisch(d)e, riiss, s@rfe, vzerscht, 
wert (= G wert). 

(6) An accented vowel standing before a double consonant or two 
or more consonants is usually short: balle, sotte, sinke, luschde, helse. 

(7) Unaccented simple vowels are short (except o and u when final): 
guter, wammeés, keenich, saddan. 

(8) Unaccented final e and i are short: misse, alte, nimmi, hundli. 

(9) In inflected words the vowel keeps the quantity of the stem: 
gradesweks (from wek), lobscht and gelobt (from lowe), ktscht (from 

A great many words in PG retain the short vowel of old German 
which has been displaced in modern German by a long vowel or a 
diphthong: PG vatter, gawwel, gewwe, nemme, giwwel, hiwwel, 
howwel, huddle for G Vater, Gabel, geben, nehmen, Giebel, Hiubel, 
Hobel, hudeln. Unless the rule of writing a vowel twice to show that 
it is long is adopted, so that every vowel is short when it is written only 
once, it becomes necessary to double the consonant in these cases to 
show that the preceding vowel is short. Professor Haldeman called 
this device ‘“‘this absurd mode.”’ I do not consider his characteriza- 
tion justified. Professor Curme says in his Grammar of the German 
Language (p. 4), ‘“The doubling of consonants, which is so frequent in 
Luther’s writings, is now limited to the one case that double consonants 
are used to show shortness of vowel.’’ At any rate, the device is pre- 
ferable to one which necessitates the doubling of i and u, which is 
entirely foreign to German. 


Each of the vowel sounds in Pennsylvania-German which, in con- 
formity with German spelling, I have represented by the characters 
€, 1, 0, u occurs both long and short. That is, the characters e, i, 0, u 
represent either a long or a short sound. Whether the sound which 
each represents in a given word is long or short depends upon its posi- 

ie eal? met att LPs a at ai Tidal 

Te lee te aed saan 
: Patel igh agent aia Pyrat) 
aba Ps pet are an eee 
; ea sh] comet i; Te ah 
| i 4 MBytes ee an Senger 
aE :einacosnoa snom 10 ows sioled gnol sia eiawoy saat # 
_bysd e26sg abiondig sbiey ieci? aeoetit sea aioe 
dioetiv ike ean <a(b)dsein sibil20 a arloadd. 
ows 10 tasmoznos siduob & stoled gnibnate lswov betmscos aA > | 
gelent ,sbdoeul sdnie ottoe slisd srode yilsuew ef eganioend2 STONE 10 a 
(Isai sodw u bas 0 3q90%9) ode ous elswov sigmie bstnsoosa (yf) | 
CO eb bige doinasdh gommnsw aig | 
iibnud dmmin .otls seeing soda e167 bas 9 leaf batmacosnJ. (8) 
-mete od} lo viiinsup oft eqascl lewov oft ebtow besosial al (@) 
mol) tdoeta ,(sw6!l mont) tddisg/ bas td5edoi .(iSw mot) aflSwesbirg . 
6) TCR E #e 0 en! Bile air 
nec) blo to Iswov ode ot aise: OF ai ebiow ynem teorg A | 
6 70 Iswov ynol s Yd manned apbom at bsosigeib need esd doidw- 
jowwid .lswwig .otamen jswweg jlowweg aetiev OF  :gaordidqib 
Jedi Jedsid. nenrtisa .nedeg dedsO ro1sV-O x0t slbbud |lowwod  - 

i. ' 

i af me a> 

abdoedict jebdoedd 

ain - - i. : x a+? = i 

i : _ Nee tea 1 
—. .. : “ a : 


sarit wotla 0} sorwt Iswov 8 gnivfw Yo slut ods eesint}— .olebud .ledoH — 
vino neiirw ei ai nedw fode af Iswor y1sve tert 02 .batqobs ei gol ai tt © 
OF 29889 Seotit fil yrenoanos sft aidueb of -viseee0sm eomoded $i ,99M0 
belies namoblaH weestorT 31ode et lswov gaibsoe1q oft aed2 wore 
-esivatoeisd> eit asbienoo tom ob’ I ’ebom biweds eids™ sotvab eid © 
nDMSD SAl fo woINIOtD eid ci eyse Sarl yozesiord = .beiliveuj nmoit — 
ni trevperl o2 af doidw ,einsnoeno to gailduob edt” .{p .q) sgoigiol 
~tnenoenos siduob tent 9289 ono ott of batimil womeb zgaitinw e'sedsul 
_51q] ai solveb odt 987 yas tA “owov to zeontoile wore o3 beau 218 

oi doikw wt bae i lo gnilduob off eststiceassen doi ono oF sidsit 
-noo ni ,coidw aseneO-sinsviyennsd ai ebmyoz lowov dt to dost | 
sisiosisto oft yd bstnszottye: saved yyallieqe asttred shiv yirmot 
wo § 9 estosiedo os zi tesdT .troda bas gaol diod eunsou Od 
doicw bnuoe only SedyodW .bauoe trode s 10 gaol # t9dsi9.gnses1g" — 
-ieoq #31 noqu ebmeqeb tode 10 gaol ei bow nevig s ni: 

wintibhe SiRone | 

in ot es 


tion in the word, and its quantity is determined by the rules of quantity 
just given. There are seven variations of the a-sound. For the sound 
of long G a as in Vater (which occurs in only a few PG words, like ah, 
schpektakel) I use the character a. The same character is used for 
the same a-sound when short, as in G satt, Masse, which occurs very 
frequently in PG. For the a-sound which takes the place in most PG 
words of the long G a, that of aw in E law, I have adopted the character 
a. For one of the other a-sounds, approximately that of ain E marry, 
I have adopted the character «2. This sound occurs both long and short 
in PG and only before r. More correctly, PG longe + r= ain E 
marry lengthened + *r. For the remaining a-sound, that of ain E at, 
I have adopted the character a. This sound occurs only short in PG 
words, except in the onomatopes mgh, bax, baxt. 

Character Sound 

a Long: like a in E father or ain G Vater. Occurs in PG 
only in the words ah, gitar, ha (= h4), kar, la, nach (rare), 
schpektakel. Elsewhere its place is taken in PG by 4, 
as in PG has, dak, bade for G Hase, Tag, baden, or by long 
o, as in PG broche, nooch, nome for G brachen (to fallow), 
nach, Name. 

Short: like ain E what or ain Gsatt. I do not consider 
it necessary to use a separate character for this sound + r, 
as the short a-sound merges into that of r. Takes the place 
in PG (1) of short G a (PG glatt, ball; nascht, narr, G 
glatt, bald, Ast, Narr); (2) of short G o (PG marje, sarje, 
gschtarwe, G Morgen, Sorge, gestorben); (3) of long G o 
(PG var, karjenner, Darredee, G vor, Koriander, Dorothea); 
(4) of short G u (PG tarricht, garjele, warscht, G Furche, 
gurgeln, Wurst); (5) of short E o in words from the E (PG 
aedapte, bax, verbatsche). 

Long: like aw in E law or au in E author. This sound 
is not in G and it takes the place in PG (1) of long Ga (PG 
glas, fawle, nahring, G Glas, fabeln, Nahrung); (2) of G au 
(PG ak, bawoll, lafe, G Auge, Baumwolle, laufen); (3) of 
short G a (+r) (PG mad, garde, warte, G Magd, Garten, 
warten); (4) of several sounds in words from the E (PG 
gwart, lamaessich, jard). 

# Long: like ain E marry lengthened + °(r). Takes the 
place in PG (1) of long G 4 before r (PG ber, G Bar); (2) of 


stnem a ai s to tadds ylotsn muOR-6 toFt! 
| 1 ed hah galt ihea oes Ree sts isd: 
i mi -s-= 1 + = gonad, uae a 
36 F ni s 30 a8dt bayoe-s gainism oft wi a 

OF ni trode aes rir is Rina 

OF ai sw2O0 “noté7 0 nis 10 yoltsi 3 nts iis hint <ele 
(omy dosn sl asd (8d =) sd astig ids abtow on? at vino a | 
& yd DT ai aslst ei soslq ati mofwoeld Jodetdeqdos — om 
gol yd 10 asbsd eal .s2sH OD 10) sbidsalab 26d. OF alas Sl 
twolisi 03) nsosid 2 101 amon .dooon ,SH01d OF ni as o. ay en 
2meMi foam | 7 
ssbienoo toa ob 1 ake O ais 10 jaw a fi 8 slit inode iz | 
1 + bauoe aiit 101 sS30818d2 stetages 8 9af, OF Cee oa Se og 
sosiq sit eodsT .+ io ted3 otal esg7am baudes trode ied as BECP yo 
3 visa jtesn fled jislg OF) a D Mode fo (1) DE nt +5 
siibe ,ofism 2%) o D trod2 Yo (S$) -(G4187 ger lsd jist | 
“oO gaol to (f) {nediotesg .o9102 asg10l O .swisidoeg 
:(aoz0207 pisbatshodt ov 0 »sobsed sennsitsd sv OF) 
sdawd O sdoeiew sists, domme! OF) uD tore lo (p) 

OF) 3 sds moi ebiow ai 6 3 node to (2) ;GewV/ alomweg a ‘ ut 
(attsetediay xsd sigsbas, 
bevoeeidT .t0dius & ni ns 10 wsl a ai we adil ‘gaol B i tund 

JT) s D gaol to (1) OF at soslq sd eos: ti bas © ni jon et 7 
us <} to (¢) :(gnundsY .nleds} ,eshD O ,gaindén ,olwal ,28lg 

lo (2) j(nolusl ,sllowmusd ,squé 2 tal flowtd & OF) | 
mone .besM OD ,sthiw ob18g »b&ém OF) (14+) 8 OD mode... , 
a) A sly mont abiow ni ebmuoe Isisvse to (4) (aonew us eee 

eo pre "ga Sy 
ody asicT ..(3)* + boenodignsl nism 3 ais oil . s aT 
lo 6) (a v 138d JT) 1 s0)ad g ® 9 grol to (1) Of ai a HM J 

| Pennsylvania-German Dictionary XV 

long Ge before r (PG versch(t), her, schwzr, G Vers, her, 
Schwer); (3) of short G e before r (PG fzrschde, gerschde, 
G Ferse, Gerste); (4) of short G i before r (PG ferscht, 
zrde, G First, irden); (5) of E a before r as in E bar, car, 
cigar, charge, smart (PG ber, ker, siger, tschzertsche, 
schmert); (6) of E e before r as in E serve, Jersey (PG 
serfe, Tschzertschi). 

Short: like ain E marry. Takes the place in PG (1) of 
short G a before r (PG erwet, derr, heermeniere, G Arbeit, 
Darre, harmonieren); (2) of short G e before r (PG werre, 
schperre, berrick, G werden, sperren, Berg); (3) of short 
G i before r (PG wert, nerjets, kerrich, G Wirt, nirgends, 
Kirche); (4) of short G o before r (PG merde, berscht, 
G morden, Borste); (5) of long G 4 (PG merr, G Mahre); 
(6) of short G a before r (PG nerrisch, derm, erjer, G 
narrisch, Darme, Arger); (7) of short G 6 before r (PG 
merscher, merder, herchle, G Morser, Morder, (dG) 
horchle); (8) of the G diphthong ie before r (PG verzeh, 
verzich, G vierzehn, vierzig); (9) of short G ut before r 
(PG ferrichde, gerdle, berscht, G furchten, girteln, 
Burste); (10) of long G wu before r (PG ferrich, verri, G 
fur + ig, MHG vurhin); (11) of Eaas in the words hardly, 
carpet, party (PG heerli, kerpet, pzrti); (12) of the E a- 
sound as in guardian, yard (PG gerdien, jerd); (13) of 
E u as in turpentine and Durham, and of Ei as in squirrel 
(PG derbedien, Derm, kschwerl). 

This vowel is also heard in an intermediate length: PG 
gern, ernscht, werklich; but for the sake of simplicity I 
have marked it either long or short. 

a Long: like a in E at lengthened. Occurs only in the 
onomatopes mah, bax, baxi. 

Short: like ain E at. Occurs only (1) in English words 
or words of English origin like PG ant, gamle, matsch from 
E aunt, gamble, match; (2) in words of German origin 
whose pronunciation has been strongly influenced by the 
English as in PG nat, mam, gatt (from PG gert by drop- 
ping the r, EF gad). 

e Long: like a in E gate ore in G geht. Takes the place 
in PG (1) of long G e (PG leje, zedre, sehne, ehr, G legen, 
Zeder, sehen, Ehre); (2) of long Ea in baby, PG bew1. 

bdsivag abdoetad 4 pas FE yeh 

r Pome ee lad dD Sree Net | 
© sgdoadsanston’ .sssaipie: tack -ceenieedl 

Da) tal see. ni 08 x ne 

jo (1) 24 ai soslg ws asta. pie 
. didi AO snsinognad neh gow. D0 +: 1oted 6 
‘sis D4) 7 soled 9 D twanle fe) ee ted are | 
trode lo (€) :(g~d vhenege gobiaw D_gbinad 9 bier ee red is 
ebnsyiin WO .dohnwol aisirma raw OF) 7 9 see ae 
_ pibeved .hrenr OF) 1 moled o O srode to {f) wad . 
:(srdilZ D nee OF) &D gaol to (2) :(stn08 nobwom Oo .. 
O yore «nab ,dosinea OF) 1 stoled & OD node to (0) : 
OY) pewled 6 D mode lo (%) :GemA omnes doeinsa | 
(Ob) asbidM, see M 2 sidosd oasbiam. edoeasm 
dasve’J09) 4 st0ted si gnoddqib D sdt to (8) pelkdwéd 4 
4 swoled i D todeto (o)} (gisisiv’ \adesisiv Di wloinsy i eee | 

alstiig .astind? D sdoered slbieg ,sbdshnrst OF) 
D rev done] OF) 1 si6lsd & OD gnolda (of) (ota 
vibred abiow sil mi én 8 Dio (11) 7 (aihiv OHM. 3+ |? eS | 
-2 Godt lo (st) 3(ireq segue jihad OF) yrisq jequs- : wn 
le (27) :( bs] ,nsibreg OF). bisy .osifaewg mt es.bavoe . . 
istiiupe ai es i T to bas \iedwO bas enisnequi aiesu ad 
Ahewioed anaes .2sibsdasb OF) 
OF :degnel sisibsanetai as ni bised ols ei lwo eidT 
I ‘eibiiqmis io guise oft 10) tud pdoibhsw sdoents ms 
a1ode 10 gaol tatis ti bedism oved . 
ot ni ino eso00) -bonodsgacl js A ai 8 dil :gnot 5 
jzed .xpd igm e9qotsimono. 
ebiow eign ab (1) vino eww0 36 A ni s dil snode 
mont doeigin simgy jas OF soli] nigino seiigad to ahiow 10 ~~ 
nighe ngimeso to ebiow ai (s) ;dotsm ,sidmeg tous A... 
ary vd beomsufat yignowe need esti nolisignuaoig seorlw 
-qoub yd sg OF mon) s1¢g pM Jen OF nies: 
‘ (bsg 3 yiods gsiq 
sos'q sft eslsT stleg D aio 10 963 J ai 8 odil. egn0] 4 @ 
sg! OD ade entice bes sis! OF) 9 DO grollo (a) D1 at 
ied OF ‘ded ni & 3 gaol to (s) (od ster ba es 

xvi The Pennsylvanta-Germ PhCey ce 

Short: like e in E let or e in G fett. Takes the place in 
PG (1) of long G e (PG gewwe, nemme, hewwel, G geben, 
nehmen, Hebel); (2) of short G i in the modified second 
and third person singular forms of the present indicative and 
of the second person singular form of the imperative (PG 
gebt, brecht, dreff, G gibt, bricht, triff); (3) of short Ga 
(PG ausschenne, benk, meschde, G ausschanden, Banke, 
masten); (4) of short G 6 (PG leffel, kenne, bellere, G 
Loffel, konnen, bollern); (5) of short a in E at (PG flett, 
bendi, bender, E flat, bantam, panther); (6) I have used 
the character for the fectional endings, although by some 
individuals the ending is pronounced more like the last a in 
E America: gute bohne, di alte lewe, di junge schterwe, 
denne ihre sache. 

i Long: like iin E machine oriin Gihn. Takes the place 
*n PG of long Gi (PG igel, ihr, mir, G Igel, ihr, mir). 

Short: like iin E pin ori in G Sinn. Takes the place in 
PG (1) of short Gi (PG bin, kinn, bitte, lischt, G bin, Kinn, 
bitten, Liste); (2) of the G diphthong ie (PG siwwe, rijjel, 
wiss, widder, G sieben, Riegel, Wiese, wieder; (3) of long G 
ii (PG iwwer bicher, grijjelche, G uber, Bucher, Krigel- 
chen); (4) of short Gi (PG miller, grick, sin(d), G Miller, 
Kriicke, Sunde); (5) of G au (PG siffer, G Saufer); (6) 
of G ei (PG grisch, G Kreisch); (7) of short Ea ef and y 
(PG bisnis, Balli, lickerisch). 

Oo Long: like o in E note or 0 ‘1 G Bote. Takes the place 
in PG (1) of long G o (PG not, rot, bohn, god, G Not, rot, 
Bohne, Gote); (2) of long G a (PG mol, do, no (nooch), 
noht, froje, wok, G Mal, da, nach, Naht, fragen, Wage): 
(3) of G au (PG blo, gro, lo, G blau, grau, lau). Is doubled 
‘n PG boot, soot, moond, nooch, ool, (G Boot, Saat, Mond, 
nach, Aal). 

Short: like u in E cup or o in G Kopf. Takes the place 
in PG (1) of short Go (PG rock, noch, zoll, G Rock, noch, 
Zoll); (2) of long Go (PG offe, vojjel, gezojje, bottschait. 
hochzich, G Ofen, Vogel, gezogen, Botschaft, Hochzeit); 
(3) of E u and o as in the words humbug, conductor, love- 
letter (PG hambock, kandokter, loffletter). 

u Long: like oo in E moon or u in Gtun. Takes the place 
in PG (1) of long Gu (PG blut, hut, ruhr, rufe, G Blut, Hut, 

- Poe ? - 
HY Gd RATHI Lys i ch 

. fee & : it 
oes | 
i be 3 tT A ‘ 
< ey = -— | > 7 * ‘ + . , 
Be ek we ee 
’ ( Hn is | "ee ia 
5 > 1% Ww = CY . ir Fi 
Jit: Stic 4 ) AE YF « 
if ei) ’ , 4 
aA P| ; er : o 4 + i » 2 5 
’ 4 ~ aad ~e. er See | ® 
STITT | s in iy v , 
aye Al sv = 

D .svlled onnst Ral G 
i398 OY) 3s F ni ¢ nome io at 

«ai 8 3esl ody sail stom beonuonorg ei gnibsis adf al ivibn 
swisidoe synuj ib jawal ets ib enitod stug :shsmA ; 
so8lq ont eotaT .neli D ni tro 9nidogm A nit adit oo, eas 3 

Gim atlogl D aim: adi ogi OF) LD yrol to OF vi 
i 998lq ont zodsT .nni2 D ni ito nig 3 nit adil moda 
AAD nid.) 3doei .9t2id snoisl nid. JT) 40 soda eo GP OF -- 
SUL swwie OF) 9t gnomdsdgib 2D ons Io (2) ‘(omit msntid 
J gol to (£). pr9betw .sest V dogsi .asdaie O Astibiw .eeiy 
iss sd sedis D afsisiiing roid s9urwi OF) zt 
Teil <) D) ue hing ollie 29). <2) node lo {p) (mero 
(O} Ysivsc OD oshie JT) we 2) te (@) i(sbniie jssbind] 
% bf& © i A ode to (t) i(absisowA OD heing. D4) io D t6 
| Adsahoaloil ,ilis@ jeineid OF): 
s38iq of3 exdeT .9j04 D ni.o a0 s300n A ni o oil gna] a) 
toy 30% OD bog sadod 401 Jon <4) 0 O gnol to (1) DF ni 
‘(i900n) on-.ob om YF) so gaol to (ct) ; (sto) (ended 
‘(ogsW .fogeil tis isen eb dsM O .Jow sion? don 
Seidvob el (uel ware weld D ol ,org old OF) tis Do (> 

DOOM 3882 3004 D) Joo fooen .bnoom: too jtood OF ai ' 

htt . dish ,dosa 
s8lq ont esclsT . Igo D aio. 10 quo 4 aio sdil :nod2 ey 

08 AeA 2) dios oon loon OF) 0D. saodle to'(a) OVni 

~——iitoetod ,9j{0393. Joijov.,alo D4).0 O: gaol to (s): 3(lioS - 

_=(SlesdooH -atedoatodl ‘Megorsg jsgoV jnsiIO D isisdoord 

“<v6l sossbaod gudmud ebiow sdt ai 26 o bas u 3 io (e) - 

‘(1eitolfio! xssAobasad .lsodmed O49) wtysl ° 

soelq ont eoteT ous D niu 10 noort F ni 09 sil’ :ghod a 
WO suld 01, tudor dur uid OF) wD gnolto(1) OF nt 


ea ai LOE eh Tinie ai ee Ok Tae ik, ae ee ae i Mie Meek i tp i 

Ruhr, rufen); (2) of long G o (PG wu, munet, buhn, G wo, 
Monat, Bohne); (3) of long G a (PG sume, rune, G Samen, 
(dG) rane); (4) of long E u as in E duty, use, cure (PG duti, 
juse, kjure); (5) of the sound of oo in E raccoon or of o in 
E move (PG rackgun, mufe). 
~ Short: like oo in E cook or uinGgucken. Takes the place 
in PG (1) of short G u (PG dumm, schtunn, gfunne, G 
dumm, Stunde, gefunden); (2) of short Go (PG genumme, 
kumme, sunn, drucke, G genommen, gekommen, Sonne, 
trocken); (3) of long G o (PG hunnich, unne, G Honig, 
ohne); (4) of long G i (PG dutt, sudde, G Tute, Suden); 
(5) of short G i (PG luschdere, fuffzich, dupplich, G lustern, 
fiinfzig, tipfelig); (6) of G au (PG uff, nuff, G auf, hinauf); 
(7) of G ie (PG russle, G rieseln); (8) of Euasin E jump, 
summon (PG tschumpe, summense); (9) of E u as in E 
butcher, put (PG butscher, putte). 
y Short: like iin E pin oriin G Sinn. Occurs only in the 
borrowed Greek words synod and tyrann. 


ae I have used this digraph in PG to represent the long G 
4. It is used, therefore, only in words which contain long 
a in G (and in laeb and saet, G Laib, Saite, and laefer, G 
Laufer). It is sounded like long PG e: thus, the ae in PG 
baehe is pronounced like the ee in PG beed or the first e 
in PG bete: PG baehe, saee, daet, raeche, raridaet, G 
bahen, saen, tat, rachen, Raritat. 

ai I have preserved this diphthong in the word kaiser and 
its compounds and in the compounds of waise: PG waise- 
haus, waisekind. It is sounded like ai in E aisle or eiin PG 

au Like ow in E cow or au in G laut. Takes the place in 
PG (1) of G au (PG haus, saufe, drauss, G Haus, saufen, 
draussen); (2) of ou and ow as in E about, county, hound, 
crowd, PG ebaut, kaunti, hauns, kraud. 

ee Like long PGe. I have adopted this digraph to take the 
place in PG words (1) of Get: PG gsundheet, schwachheet, 
herrlichkeet, bangichkeet, G Gesundheit, Schwachheit, 
Herrlichkeit, Bangigkeit (although the G forms of most 
words which contain these suffixes are also heard); PG beed, 


*? = at adetien <9 ty t. } one 4 

al ie epee: be ‘ 

phn pa ys :(nebautog pie nub 
.ginoH.d) sans Asignud OF) 0 2) anol 10. {¢ é) | mo | . 
(nebde 3GT OD ,sbbue giub OF) 5. gaol | we yee ye 
ennai «) ,doilgqub,, doisRul rsbdoeul OF) & a 08 >)” ty 
: (iuenid us O fun fu OF) us O to (8) : (gilslqag tai 
gens} d nies wu io (8) ;(nlseen O .sleev1 OF) oie 1s y 
4d mies u A to (0); (samemmue eqmudses Of). cae 
(ot3uq onvesud 07) tug, 

oj ni Vino euss00 .naié =) mii 40 niq A nid sdil : 
anes bas bomye ebiow Ase) bawortod ‘ 

ai>. \* 

govonTHdd aHT 

2 gol sdi tavenqst of OF ai dqersib 2ids bees sved I 28 
enol. sigtnos doidw ebirow ai ylno ,moiseds heey ai 31.8 | 
«} ,telee! bas otis? dist.) te8e bas desk oi bas) O ai & 
OT ai ss slt euds. 9 OF gaol edlil babmuoe ei 31 .(a9tuel PAP 
s jeri sit w beed OF ni 99 9d3 odil boonwonong at orlosd | | 
~ oebnet .sfosst ~esb gene fesd OFT :siod OFT ni 
| Jté1nsA ,neoii 363 msde .nedéd | 

bag aseled brow ot oi paodtdgib elt bevises1q svsd I. ig 
-seisw. OF :seisw to ebavoqmos efi ni bas ebnuoqmoo afi 
OT ot is 10 ofzis A ai is spit bebmyoe ei i] .bnilssisw .eued 

| . alow 

ni soelg ore esalsT .tusl D ni us 10 woo A ni wo sfil uBR 
wsinne usH D geustb ,stuse ued OF) us 0 to (1) OF 
-bauod auoo suods A ni 26 wo-bas uo to (s) ;(moeeustb uae 
| . .bssw enusd itnusd jusds OF (bwor 7 

tit sist 03 dasrgib aids bsatgobs svead I .5 OFT gnol oti] - 99 a 
Jsesidosveios Soonbnueg 1 zis, 2 je (1) ehow OF oi solq 
sisddonwac® tradbnuesO OD .teaddoignsd 2saatdoilrisad 
sor to enmot O of dguodsls) sisdgignsd Tidlinow 
ibasd 49 -(bised oels 338, eoxtie sent} nistno rloic 

~~ a 

; i oy 
mer at 
Ate OT ae 




U ae c 

heem, weech, G beide, heim, weich; (2) of long Go (PG 
schweere, deete, eeschtlich, G schworen, toten, dstlich); (3) of 
au (PG beemche, bereechere, zeem, G Baumchen, berauch- 
ern, Zaume). : 

Like iin E pine or ei in G Pein. Takes the place inPG 
(1) of Gei (PG keim, seit, leicht, G Keim, Seite, leicht); (2) 
of G au (PG meis, verseime, feischdle, G Mause, versaumen, 
fausteln); (3) of G eu (PG leit, heit, zigeiner, G Leute, 
heute, Zigeuner); (4) is frequently retained in the suffixes 
-heit and -keit; (5) of long E i as in E pine, sign, mind, 
PG beind, seine, meinde. 

Like ee in E meet or ie in G Miete. Takes the place in 
PG (1) of Gie (PG biete, niese, prieschder, G bieten, niesen, 
Priester); (2) of long G i (PG fiehle, hiet, wiedich, G fuhlen, 
Hite, wiitig); (3) of short G u (PG riesel, G Russel); 
(4) of the long E sound of e as in beat, meet, teacher, PG 
biete (to excel), miete, tietscher. 

Like oy in E boy. Takes the place in PG (1) of Gei 
(PG roi, woi, fischroijer, G Reihe, Weihe, Fischrether); 
(2) of G eu (PG hoi, G Heu); (3) of Gai (PG Moi, G Mai); 
(4) of E long i as in E pie, crier, PG boi, groijer; (5) of E 
oy as in E enjoy, employ, PG entschoije, emploije; (6) of 
E aw in E lawyer, PG loijer. In proper names it is written 
oy (but = oij): Boyer, Moyer, Schloyer. 

The dialects of Switzerland, Wirttemberg, Bavaria and 
Alsace, whence many of the early Pennsylvania~-German 
settlers came, have a number of real diphthongs; that 1s, 
they are not pronounced in one extended sound, but are a 
blend into each other of two vowel sounds, like uo, ua. It 
has always been a matter of surprise to me that there ts 
no trace left in Pennsylvania-German of these sounds. 
Professor Learned remarks of the uo diphthong “I have 
noted the sound especially in the speech of the Swiss 
Dunkards of York Co.” I have never heard it. There ts, 
however, in the speech of many Pennsylvania-Germans a 
drawling lengthening of the vowels (frequently intoned), 
so that every long vowel forms, as it were, a diphthong with 


6 918 jud ,bauer bsbnatxs ono ni besnvonorq ton s1B Yort 

oC Reb ied iante abeeae O 

all le air gle why 
oy te L ds } baie ae a Least 

DF ni eoskq arly enalsT ist D hae 
(s) “oibial oriee sats D asta ei ist D4) TO k 
namusenoy seu D-albibssial nav ,ei9 noth sie 
"hued D onisgis tied ‘il OF) ts OW 0 “kala 
_ exdifiue silt ni bonisasn ~Basupenl af C$) 5 i(renuegiS (eiied 

ae - 


ae « 1 i aoe . o ; an a 
sae ad digi” Sng a aii ‘ee ra ane “fortes” ae a isd- i a ae 
> lebron yonise & baied OF, en. 

oa of sl ods: asisT -areil © a si 0’ ssrA it 99° aa ss Re 

uigesin notsid D abroesng .sasin ,stsid OF) sf DO sey é 
paldd) D .dotbsrw reid sidot OF) TO ‘gitol to (8) ‘(agai 
-(loeatiA D lezsit DD. FH D toile to (8): (ahtw ont 
OF visdosst jsem seed ni es 9 to bauiez S gaol one wo 
4sioedsit stein .(Isox9 of) 
isd lo (1) OF ai soeiq git eslsT. vod Sai yous at io 
(redigtdosit ailioW etisA | x) “siiouloed,: low io a . 
ish 2 joM OF) is D to (¢) UisH O iod o1) ua 2 Io (5) 
a io (2) 19fiore lod OF asia vig SB nies i gaol Sto (2) 
to (8); ssfiolgigs Stodoetne OF yalgms oe Babes yo 
aatiiiw 2 +t estan tqorg al “sao OF “ayent & ni ws > 7, Soran 
yoldsé syoM aeyod :({lo = sud) yo * 
‘tied sheved .grdmeiniW .bashestiwe to eosisib oAT | 
nsoriss)-sinsviyenred yhse sf 10 ynsm sonedw ,sopelA 
ai ted? ;2gnodtdqib len lo 1dmua & svsi ms 21919399 

17 .sv ,ou soil »ebauoe lowov owt to tedyo loss ofni baold 
ai medt tedd sim of sehqive to 4aitem 5 nosed eyewls esd 
bance seolt to nmamried-sinsvivenned ni stiel sos? on 
sverl 1” gnodtriqib ow srt lo edheme: bemest ozesiorI 
eeiw2 sit to dossqe ont ni vilsioesges bnvoa ods bojot 
ziswdT 31 insed ven sved I “0D shoY Yo ebtadaud 
& enenme.)-sinsviyenasl yasm to dasoqe sdz ni ~evewor! 
ibenotai ylneupett) elowoy only lo gninsdrgnal gnilweib 
ttiw gnodsdgib s ose dies emt lswov gaol sve “eo! 
} Fa 

ve + 


Few Pennsylvania-German writers have made any at- 
tempt to denote the nasality of the vowels and of certain 
diphthongs. No one, so far as] am aware, has ever called 
attention to all of these sounds. There are eleven of them. 
The nasality replaces (except in the cases of the short 
a-sounds and of de“ich for denk ich) a lost final n, but it 
does not pervert the sound of the vowel or diphthong as 
does the French in un, vin, as compared with une, vinaigre. 
It is always final. There is no trace of the medial nasaliza- 

‘tion which is common in the Suabian dialects. The seeming 

Vowel or 

a (short) 

e (short) 
e (long) 

i (long) 
o (long) 

u (short) 
u (long) 

medial and initial nasalization in such words as dra -geh” 
and u'mensch is really final, as dra” and u” are prefixes. 
There is no nasalization of o in no (for nooch), as Learned 
says there is. The nasalization is not as strong as in French, 
nor does it end abruptly as in French. There is only a 
slight passage of the breath through the nostrils in produc- 
ing it, and the nostrils are slightly dilated. As it is impossi- 
ble to give directions so that any one can produce the sounds, 
I append the following short sentences in which the pure and 
the nasalized vowel stand in close proximity. The sounds 
can be correctly acquired only by having some discriminating 
person pronounce carefully these and similar sentences. | 
The tilde (~) is used to indicate nasalization. 

Nasal Vowel or 
Diphthong Examples 

am aha, ha-a’, haha’, aha” (only ex- 

a” ha” (only example) 

annals a”, bah’, zah’, za*schlipper 

air nau }brau’*, allan* 

e e’, ne, ke’, deich 

ees,eh{;aejaeh" « bee“) neéyschteh*;’ “meh, 'schpae’, 

el mei, rei, fei” 

i”, iew hi, grie’, kie’russ 

oh”, o (for a) soh’, loh”, ofange (as heard in some 

u™ u’mensch, u bennich 

Faces tha eit; esun. tub’ 

| trae . a ne ue i" rae ye wih 
18) ies shai asinw neste pn 

bl sma me Ta sel 0 ae aR | 

rote od? lo esana onlf ai tqoans) \eakiqor 
i tud .a Isnt seot « (stoi Aaneb 1 5 
es yradtigih 10 lowov onlt mney elem . 
STaisniy nu dite oconadsc shies ad LOSSY 
-ssifeaen Isiboin of lo soett on af sted gry t 
animase oT 2tzelsibh nsidsue ort ni nommoo et som , 
“doy Sib 26 ebww' lowe ni noitesilessa peep 8 
esxfing sie y bos “fib 2s Jeni yiles ef doensen es base 
serial 2s (dooon 10%) on mi o to soijesilsesn on ai ord 
dons ni es grote es ton 2 noizesilsesa oT 2i soit ogee 
s vino et svadT whonshi oat es yiquils bie ti e0b 108 
-ouborq mi eliseon ort dguomls dssaid off lo sgse26q ieigile 
« -lezoqen) ai i eA: sbotelib ylergile.i6 elinseon ont bas. di get 
ebnuoe ods soubor mao snoyns tedt oeembanib syvigod Ad 
_bne swe ada doidw-at esonotnoe node gaiwollol eds basags I 
sbngoe dT ogthmixorq seolo ni Basta lewoy besilsesm odz 
goitenimingell moa gnivart yd vino bstiupos ylzosries sd ms> 
agonsines slime bee sary yilsistes sonuonorg moni9q" 
ereSREeCo aseaibai or been ei (-) sbiit od T 

10 lowo Isesi 10 IswoV 
| eslqmsxd gnodidgid  - gaodadgiG 
-xs yino) “sds sided ,s-sd ste . , | 
(oiqmaxs vino) “ed 
raqqildse as Aas did  & 
“uals , “pea (usn 
doreb (oA 9h. 2. 
ait "doen afeitre , 99m “aod 
“jol (ist , foam 
: eeisy sid , “sha. td i 
ginoe ni bred 26} ognalo (sol “doe . 
doinned™y dosage” 
“dul “due “ub 

Sentences. Mer lache ha ha un saje ha’-a. Sak nat ha”. Fang a a’. 

Nau” kau. 

Gebb ne” gute kuche. Geh meh naus. Wu sin sei’ sei? 

Schtell die hi. Ich nemm ken so Joh*. Di kinner sin wiescht un u’- 
bennich. Des kann ken bu du’. 

b, p 


The labials b and p are pronounced like b and p in Eor 
G, except that the lips are not pressed together as tightly, 
nor is the expulsion of the breath after the lips are separated 
as explosive, as in pronouncing the corresponding letter 
in E or G. They are, therefore, pronounced more nearly 
alike than in E or G, and one frequently finds b written for 
p, especially after initial sch. Final b in PG is pronounced 
like PG p. b takes the place in PG (1) of initial bin G (PG 
binne, bohre, bank, G binden, bohren, Bank); (2) of initial 
p in G (PG babier, baschdnad, barrick, G Papier, Pastinake, 
Pericke; (3) of medial p in G (PG babbegoi, aschbe, lumbe, 
G Papegei, Aspe, Lumpen); (4) of final b in G (PG ab, 
grab, ob, G ab, Grab, ob); (5) of medial b in G before the 
ending e which is dropped in PG (PG nab, daub, reb, G 
Nabe, Taube, Rebe); (6) of initial pf in G (PG blicke, 
blaschder, G pflicken, Pflaster); (7) of initial b in E as 
in E baby, bother, beef, PG bewi, badder, bief); (8) of 
initial p in E as in E Polly, pence, pocketbook, PG Bali, 
bens, backebuch. 

p takes the place in PG (1) of initial p in G (PG pock, 
par, pulwer, G Pocke, Paar, Pulver); (2) of initial pf in G 
(PG poschde, peif, pund, G Pfosten, Pfeife, Pfund); (3) 
of initial p in E as in E party, picture, pencil, PG perti, 
pikter, pensil); (4) of final G pf (PG sump, dropp, damp, 
G Sumpf, Tropf, Dampf); (5) when doubled of medial G 
pf (PG gloppe, zappe, keppe, G klopfen, Zapfen, kopfen); 
(6) when doubled of double (and single) E p asin E slapping, 
sloppy, copybook, PG schlappens, schlappich, kappibuch. 

In pronouncing the PG dentals d and t the tongue is not 
pressed as firmly against the teeth as it is in forming E or 
Gdandt. Nor, as also in the case of the labials, is the ex- 
pulsion of the breath as explosive as in E or Gd and t. 
The enunciation of the South German dialects is sluggish 
and slovenly as compared with the enunciation of E or of 

pobinaser das eid a are righ 

Tatts! gaibnogesnos eft gabnyonorg fi 26. , 
viisea sor boongsonoig ,srolsiedt ,o18 yor, 2.30 
—-qoh sti -d ebait yitnsupait on0 bas .O 10 dF ot neds si , 
beonuonorg at OF Wid leniT Hoa Seisint 29318 yf 3199929. <€ 
Of) OD ai d Isisint Jo (1) DF ni aoctq ods zoos: d q 
isttint jo (s) :{ane naidod .nsbaid D waned ,otred , 
sdsnitesT asiged 2 lointed ,b8abdoesd ,rided OT) Daig 
dmul ,sdrizes iogoddad OF) 2 ai q Isibom to (¢) ; 
ds DA) =) ni d isnn, to (4); (asgmut jsq2A pare a mari: 
- ody sioted aid Isibor-to 42) (de-ie3 ds O ,do diag =~ tes, 

ost dea duasb: din D4) OW ni baqqorb et foidw 9 gathas © i 
adoiid OF) Ont tq Isisini io (6) ;(sdoH »dusT dev 
as 3 ni d isbini Yo (y) 3 (istasF pens  ,1bdoesid ~ 1 
6. £8).¢Uioid “probbsd iwod'OF Jood sagitod ‘ded. a ee ag 
“Ret OA Aasdts50g 20119 viiod A ni eg 3. ni q Isitiai mt 
| .fioudssiosd jensd : 
Asq J1) 2 ai q lsitiai Io (2) OF ni sasiq ont eae? q 

«} mi iq Isvini to (s), ¢(a9viu Ass .sa20T OD rswlig aaq 
(£) 3(bautT ,stisll .nsteo?T O \bawq Vieq ,sbrisecq DF) 
vi ist D4 fionsg =nuicig nag A ni es 3 ni q Isitini to 
ish .qqgotb .qmue WF) iq O Isnfi to (4) ;(liansq ,z9%0liq 
. isibom: to heldsob nedw (2) 7QqmsG JqoiT Jigme oO 

‘(asigéal wsigsS .nsigoll 2 ,sqqad.,sqqes .sqqolg OF) iq 58 ae 
peste 4 a oi es q 4 (elgaie bas) slduob lo bsiduob nelw(8) } 
oudigged  doiqqsiice .nsqgglidoe OF loodyqoo .qgole 4g 

tou ei sugaos efi + bas b elssaeb OF sds grionuonmg al {o “<3 

© dt gnimoi ai ei 31 es r3e01 ont tenisge ylomi es beéesng ee 

~x9 silt et elsidsl ont to ces alt ni cele es oO baw bD ~~ oh) > a 

+ bas b 0 10 3 ni 28 ovizolqxs ep disnd ods to:nolelug 

deiggule 2i edoslsib asmms0 dtuo@ oft lo notsionuns edT 

0 w 4 io soisionyng dt, dtiw beasqmos 2s ylnevole bas —_ mh, 
: . ast. hyo) ul 

g, k, ck 

North German. For this reason we find that the more 
difficult of the two labials is replaced largely by the less 
difficult one, but nowhere does p take the place of b. This 
is even more marked with the dentals, where initial t has 
been replaced almost completely by the less difficult d; 
there are only 56 words in the dictionary beginning with t. 

Most of the few words in PG which begin with t are 
rather uncommon,some of them being of non-German origin. 
The popular pronunciation here follows the pronunciation of 
the educated who most frequently use these words. Medi- 
ally and finally thet of Gis not so frequently represented 
in PG byd (PG ratte, hette, bete, rutsche, hott, G Ratten, 
hatten, beten, rutschen, hat). 

I have written t after initial sch, but d after medial sch. 
There seems to be sufficient impetus after initial sch to form 
t fairly distinctly, but the tongue does not rebound sufh- 
ciently from forming a vowel + medial sch to form t + a 
vowel, and so stops at the easier d. Final d is usually pro- 
nounced like t. 

d takes the place in PG (1) of initial G t (PG darr, dor, 
dal, G Teer, Tor, Tal); (2) of medial G t (PG needich, 
gerode, bloder, G notig, geraten, Blatter); (3) of initial, 
medial and final G d (PG ding, darrich, odder, scheede, 
rad, dod, G Ding, durch, oder, scheiden, Rad, Tod); (4) 
of medial G d before an ending which is dropped in PG (PG 
grad, lad, beed, G gerade, Lade, beide); (5) of E voiced th 
as in E bother, rather, either, PG badder, redder, eider. 

g is sounded like g in E get or g in G Geld, k is sounded 
like k in E kind or k in G Kind; except that the expulsion 
of the breath is not as forcible as in the pronunciation of 
the corresponding letter in E or G. There is more varia- 
tion in the use of these gutturals initially than of any other 
two letters, especially in words which begin with the con- 
sonantal combinations kl, kn and kr in G (G Klinge, knab- 
bern, Krach, PG gling or kling, gnawwere or knawwere, 
grach or krach). The influence of E has developed a vowel 
between k and n of initial kn in a few proper names in a 
way that resembles the development of a vowel between 1, 
r, or n and a following consonant: Kanouse, Kaniper for 
Knauss, Kneiper.. g occurs in PG initially only (PG gold, 

ib stuoiiib aot adh ied 
4 sie 
are ¥ tte niged peice Ot ea 
_ shigite pe lta yelet it Piyode: fr 
to acitsisnunorg sft 2wottol son prcsesesnonnines 
-ibsl4’ ebiow seed sau ylinoupat teom vps O98 ou 
botneesiqs1 ylinoupatl o2- jon et D to 3 odd yiant | 
MshteA D std. wdoetur.,oied ,stied .otisi oa) br 1 
(sed .neddetiry eae bern’ 
ioe Istbom a93}e b gud ve Isitini 19fte 7 nottinw oved 
fmot ot doz Isitint 1stis euvsqmt jnoiomiue sd of emssa sted 
bn bnuedsr tom e9ob sugnoy silt tud .yitonitelb hist 3 
& -+ 3 sro} of Hod Isibom + lowov & gnimiol mort ¥ 
ints vilswess ai 5 lent. b 19ia89 st Js aqote o2 bas Iswov 
3 sali bsonyon — 
b ppb Uy F Py) isitint to (1) DT ni sonlq ot goles? bo - 
~ sibsen WT) + D Isibent Yo (s) 1 1(isT soT pssT OD déb 
isivini to (¢) :(1st3el@ .cotetsg .pit6n D yobold shores ~*~ 
bserise obbo .omesb  @aib OF) b DIsaa bas Isibom ea ae 
() ;(boT |beX :tobiedse obo tawh sid D bob bh 
9} OF ni i beqqorb 2i dotdw goibne as soled b D Isibonmr to 
tit bsxievy B to (@) :(sbied bad sbsisg D .beod /bai ‘berg: 
ebis bbe: zsbbsd OT ,s9dtis: 19r3a1 asdiod Fait aa FA Zoe 
bebmuce e A bis O ni g 10 t99 FT nig sll bobnvoe et gs ce 
“nolzlugqzs sit tedy tqsexs ;bniz7l O nid baid Dania sdif 
10 nog sinunoig oily ni e& oldioiol a8 ton ej dtssid sit Yo 
‘shisv stom ei ovedT .O 10 F ai ssitel gnibmogesmi09 set 
sstizo vos to asdds yilsitini elewaIug sears to seu silt ni not 
-noo sft diiw niged doidvr aebiow ai ylisinsqes jetottel ows. 
-dend ,sgnil DO) O ni wl bas el lt encitsnidmos letnaénoe 
msvrsnd 10 stawwseng -gnibl yo gnilg OF joe fied 
lewov s begolsvab esd 3 lo sonsufint sdT (dosvl wo fosyg 
& oi eomen tqoiq wt soot nd isitint to m bans 1 asewisd 
i nsovied lowov 8 lo tnsmadolevsb ont esldmrsest tert Ysw 
wo! roqinsAl sevonsxl :tnsnoenoo yaiwollol s bas a 70 7 
blog OF) ylno ylevini oF ni E1290 y | bap rsh ; 


ciate vai ‘ahnos on te jars 




Grischt, gucke, G Gold, Christ, gucken), except in a few 
words of Latin origin (PG Regine, regischder, regiere, 
regiering) and in PG igel, schmuggle. Medially its place is 
taken in PG by j (PG 4je, schlajje, rejje and reje, rijjel, 
boje, kujjel (note jj where the preceding vowel is short), 
G Augen, schlagen, Regen, Riegel, Bogen, Kugel). At the 
end of a word k takes its place in PG (PG mak, wek, 
schteek, blok, bluk, G mag, Weg, Steige, Plage, Pflug). 
Initially k takes the place in PG (1) of G ge + hin the perfect 
participle of verbs beginning with h (PG kalte, kenselt, kolt, 
kuft for G gehalten, gehanselt, geholt, gehuft); (2) of ge-+h 
in verbal nouns whose stem begins with h (PG keil, kammer, 
kuddel, G Geheu!, Gehammer, Gehudel). k also takes the 
place in PG (1) of initial or medial G k (PG koche, kalb, 
hoke, balke, G kochen, Kalb, Haken, Balken); (2) of Ek 
and c (like k) (PG koort, kandi, kammen, schpankich from 
E court, candy, common, spunky). Medial and final k 
after a short vowel is written ck in PG (PG packe, hocke, 
mick, fluck, berrick, kick (E kick), juckere (E to euchre)). 
g takes the place in PG initially and medially in words 
from the E which contain it (PG griement, figger, boggi, 
kanggress, E agreement, figure, buggy, congress). 

Does not occur initially. It is found in PG only in the 
combinations ch, chs, ck. In words from the E like decide 
s takes its place, PG diseide. 

As in G there are two of these guttural sounds: (1) 
after a front vowel as in PG ich, blech, (2) after a back vowel, 
as in PG mache, boche, suche. The first one is not in E, 
the second is heard in the pronunciation of the Scotch loch. 
It takes the place in PG (1) of medial ch in G (PG woche, 
kichelche, zucht, G Wochen, Kuchelchen, Zucht); (2) of 
g in the noun and adjective ending in G -ig (PG kewwich, 
essich, schteenich, wessrich, G Kafig, Essig, steinig, wasse- 
rig); (3) of the endings -e, -en, -er in a number ot G pre- 
positions (PG unnich, newich, zwischich, hinnich, G ohne, 
neben, zwischen, hinter); (4) of a spirant h no longer in G 
(PG naecher, heecher, G naher, hoher) and ot the ending -e 
in G Karre, PG karrich. 

Like x in E ax or xin GAxt. Takes the place in PG of 
chs in G (PG achsel, wachse, buchs, ochs, G Achsel, wachsen, 

7 yi 

disw jim OF) nt gaple ai eailay brow 8 to br 

(out syst ogias2 psy, ¥ Rie cee a 3 

hata ee ai soslg iit 29 RY oe cisisis 
dtlodt .tigenod_salsd D4) d doiw 5 | hoy loa iF 6 
d + 93 lo (s) ; (lurlog tlorleg tloanddog nsitsdog < 5 yt ys 
aommed ,liod OF) d drrw anigod mste seody. | by 
‘ot east oals A .sbuded ,remmirigd ,lusiisd 
iA ois0d DF), A OD Isibam 10 leitini to (1) OF wt ri 
4 3 io (s). :(aodllst .nadsH dish ,edsel 3 aled 
mont doinzgdoe ,nommed bmg 31002 OF) (A oil) o bas 
a. Isna bas lsibell (einuge omnes ¢biso 31009 a 

Aood ,siosq, OF) II ai to. notiinw at lswov morle & atis : 
igtious ot By scout .olout 3). doit bined abut Adin sel; 
. ebrow si-ylisibem bas, ylleisint OF ai soslq ot esdst 9 i. 

iggod ~sg3i_ jnomong OF) ti niataoo doidw A ody mon 
.(2a9tgAo3 , eagud usgh jnomecTgs A eestggnsd.. F 
ef; ni yiao. OF oi bauoi 2i 31 .yllaizini qu290 ton e807 eo Vang 
sbissb oil A adds mou tmow nl do enoitsnidmo : 
| Sbiszib OF ,soslq ati esdst 2 = 
(2) :ebewoe leutteg seeds to ows sis mors ~) ai 2A do | 
Jawov dosd s 19tls (s) ,loold oi OF ni as lowov tn011 & 19%) | - 
4 ni jon at eno teri eT erloue ised ,odosm OT ni es - an : 
sol dotosé ard lo noitsionunorg only mi bined et bmoase ads F 
sow OF) 2 ni do isibem io (1) OF ai oosiq ont esclss 31 
to (g) ;(tdouS .sedoledoiH .nedoo¥ O dows, ,sdoloddzil 
dotwvoxk OF) gi- D ni gnibae svisooibs bas ation silt ni 9 
-suabw giniste .gieed Bier D .donezow .toinserdoe. iziees 
~s1q «) to 19dmum & ni 19- ,f3- ,9- doatheed elt to (g) igh 
ade 2) ,doinnid .doidoeiws. uloivesn doing OF 2noisi 
© ni r9g00! on d smeiige s io (p) 7 (t9¢nid .ordverws | | 
9- gnibne srlt Jo bas (redid odin O aodoecd asdossn. 04) 
Aainisd OF onsa O ai 1 
ko OF nisoslg odt eodsT .3xA OD ai x 10 xs A ni x od -Y. | 
sisedosw leedoA OD arp att, sedaew ,loedos oq) © ai-edo ae ee 

ennsylvanta-German ictionary XXII 

Buchs, Ochs). But when ch and s are in different syllables, 
as in wachsam, they are pronounced separately. 

f Like f in E fin or f in G finden. Takes the place in PG 
(I) of initial, medial and final f in G (PG fackel, fahre, 
haufe, hoffe, schof, G Fackel, fahren, Haufen, hoffen, Schaf); 
(2) of f in words in PG adopted from the E: PG frallick, 
fixe, affis. 

h Like h in E hat or h in G Hut (when it is sounded). It 
is used in G to indicate that the preceding vowel is long and 
to keep two vowels apart. When so used it is not sounded. 
It is written in PG for the same purpose when the corre- 
sponding G word contains it, and when so used it is silent 
also in PG: PG uhr, kehl, maehe, G Uhr, Kehle, mahen. 
Is used initially and sounded as in G (PG hasse, hols, G 
hassen, Holz). . 

j When initial like y in E yes or j in G jetzt. When medial 
it is not sounded quite as open as when initial, but more 
like y in E ‘‘many a” in a sentence. It takes the place in 
PG (1) of initial j in G (PG johr, jung, joch, G Jahr, jung, 
Joch); (2) of medial g in G (rarely of h) (PG saje, feje, 
sijjel, bluje, ruje, G sagen, fegen, Siegel, pflugen, ruhen); 
(3) of initial y in words adopted from the E: PG jard, Janki. 

1 Like 1 in E like or 1 in G leicht. Takes the place in PG 
initially, medially and finally (1) of G1 (PG lob, mole, 
mittel, G Lob, malen, Mittel); (2) of 1 in words borrowed 
from the E (PG leikness, lewwele, leiwli). One of the most 
interesting phenomena in PG phonology is the development 
of a vowel between an | and the following consonant (PG 
kellich, millich, schellem, sollich, blosballick, kallick, gfol- 
lickt, schellicks and schallack, G Kelch, Milch, Schelm, 
solch, Blasbalge, Kalk, gefolgt, Schalk). This phenomenon 
is, however, not unique in PG, as it exists in the Palatinate 
dialects of today. It is much more frequent after r, and there 
are a few cases of it after n. Note the necessity of doubling 
the I, r and n in such words. 

m Like m in E man or min G Mann. Takes the place in 
PG initially, medially and finally (1) of G m (PG messer, 
amt, rahm, G Messer, Amt, Rahm); (2) of final n in a few 
G and E words (PG besem, wasem, rassem, G Besen, 
Rasen, E rosin); (3) of m in words borrowed from the E 
PG mixe, semli, bassem). 

oh <r ice 

i Cane ee it en a ate 
nt? fodoe? 2 ai } tee a 
Sen MES 
“caillel OF - oitt mnort | 

| ; ee ue —- ms 3 
jl .(babance a si cad) SuFY D alu 20/88 fa i 
brs. gnol ef lswov gaibsoo1 ods tert stncibni of ¢ 
.bsbnvoz gost ai ti beat o2 nal siege elawov 0 
5103 9% nodw seoqiiq omse odt rot OF rae a 
jastie 21 gi boew 02 now bas fi enisinos hiow De 
edie jaldeg adU O sdosm iisa ada OF OF a =? 
OD alod seend OF) O nies bebauoe bas yllsitiat been el 
sloH ,mosesd 

on aa 

lsthom nat W ase, D ni 10 ese A ai y sold lsitiai nodW t 
siom tud ,lsitini aodw es m9qo 28 atiuip bobauoa Jon ai ti 
gb eoeiqeeds esilas 11 .consinse a mt “S Yinse™ A mt xy solil 
gnui dé] O doof ,gnnt auloj OF)-2 ab { Isitiat to G) v1 
ist alge OF) (4 to visis1) D nig Letham 6 (8) (ool 
:(norin nesta legsi2 .nsgst .asgsane) oun uid ,lstiie 
Fe: singh in3j OF .: ods mod batqabsehnow ny isitini lo (g) 
239 of aosiq off code T adoist O ai dw oil A ni 1 sit | 
_glom dol D9) LD jo (2) wisn bas yllsibom Milsitiat 7 
 bevenod ebtow ni fto-(s) «(dosti wale dol 2) bitin |. 
jeorr oft Io on  .(ilwisl .slewwal zentlisl OF) A onde mort 
sasmgolsvab sit et ygolonedq OF si sasmonadq gnitesisiai 
24) msnosnco gniwoilot sdt bas Ins neswied lowov s lo 
totg dbilled loilisdzold ,rvillog) umolierize ,ddoillisn ‘foiled 
tisdo® ,doliM’ (doled OD alosilerbe bas edoilledce tasil 
nonsmonsdg eidT  .Glistlod jtgloleg lla .ogladasla slog 
stanissled od? ni etzixe +1 es OF ni onpinu ton) a9vewod ,ei 
sist bas 1 18tis taoupott siom dour 2i31 .ysbot to etaslsib 
yaildueb one ont s¢0V. um 199i ti 10 29289 wel 5 918 
ghrow dove ni 4 bas 1 1 ons 
si alg oft elsT .nosMOcimionsmAaimelit @ 
rexeont OF) om OD to (1) yllenit bas vilsibom yylletsini D1 
ws} & nin isa tos) :(ndeA amA aces. ,mdis gms 
ages © ymoeest ymseiw ymsesd D4) emow Gbas 9 - 
3 ate mol bswomed. ebrow ni m % (2) ;(nizeot OF nsec 
.(mazesd ,ilmnoe: as ie 

tae SS hes 7 

' Ti i 
_ be ti . => — A= ORS of 




Like n in E not or nin G Not. Takes the place in PG 
initially, medially, and finally (1) of Gn (PG nix, meene, 
bin, G nichts, meinen, bin); (2) of n in words borrowed 
from the E (PG nosse, Insch, kossin). nn takes the place 
in PG (1) of nn in G (PG brunne, rinne, wann, G Brunnen, 
rinnen, wann); (2) of nd in G (PG kinner, binne, nanner, 
G Kinder, binden, einander); (3) of nt in G @G: hinner, 
runner, drunner, G hinter, herunter, darunter). The infiec- 
tional ending n of G is wanting in most places in PG (G wir 
trinken, die guten Kuchen, gieb ihnen etwas, er hat nur einen 
gesehen, PG mer drinke, di gute kuche, gebb ne™ ebbes, zr 
hott juscht eener gsehne). Final n in sin mer,in me, an me 
is assimilated to m: PG simmer, imme, amme. Final nn in 
PG wann mer and kann mer is assimilated to m: PG wammer, 
kammer. A few words containing an n insert a vowel be- 
tween it and a following consonant (PG fennichel, finnif, 
hannef, G Fenchel, funf, Hanf). 

Like ng in E sing or ng in G singen: PG ring, fange, 
Harning. But when n and g (or k) are in different syl- 
lables they are pronounced separately (PG un-graut, un- 

Like nk in E sink or nk in G sinken: PG flink, schunke. 

Occurs only in combination with u. qu is nearly always 
like PG gw; occasionally like PG kw. Takes the place in 
PG of q in G words which have an initial q (PG quaele, 
quell, quitt, G qualen, Quelle, Quitte). 

Not pronounced like either E or Gr. Unlike E r it ts 
trilled slightly, but not as much as is Gr. It takes the placein 
PG initially, medially and finally (1) of Gr (PG rick, narde, 
gar, G Ricken, Norden, gar); (2) initially in words which 
have dropped he- of the G prefix her- (PG riwwer, raus, 
ruff, G heriiber, heraus, herauf); (3) of r in words borrowed 
from the E (PG rule, kjure, peddler). Owing to its trilled 
character many words containing anr insert a vowel between 
the rand a following b, ch, f,j, k, m, p, or w sound (PG karreb, 
farreb, ferrichde, errijer, schnarrickse, warref, nerrev, 
garrick, marrick, arrem, warrem, serrewet, G Korb, Farbe, 
tirchten, arger, schnarchen, (dG) worf, Nerv, Kork, Markt, 
arm, Wurm, Arbeit). Afteran a-sound and before a sound be- 
ginning with a t or betore n, r is frequently scarcely audible 

AA Relea 

ik eee a Salt 

Bat vibe Eu 

Si 18 9m ni toi fie ni a leat (smrize'g r9n99 ts 

e a6, [ vi e%, “A 
¥ »* ' ae re a / 
p, ] 7 4 a a. . 
: . A i 
18 7c) scab canal 
A Sad 4 a A neers ti 
» e 7 Be gil e 2T8, oN . 
a 5 4 ~, ’ 

ft, ‘1.4 ? 7 14 
ity 1 wee ©. ceed ed 


Do TAs er. } 
io () :@sbnanis nel 

wean OF) O nt gn 

tiw O) OF ni asoelq seom ni goitnew ei D lon gaibas lenok 
ronis unt sad 19 2ewts nondi dsig .nsdou71. nosy, sik noalstts 
1s ,29dd9 “an ddey ,edoudt stug ib sdanb 190 OF, 191 sei A 

si nat isnld  .smms mm zemmie OF :m of tives ei 
JdsmimsweT <1 ot botslimiegs ei 9m. aned bas 1et anew OF 
-ad iswov s diseni n os gninisinos ebiow wal A- one 
dinar ,fedoinnsl OF) 3asnoanoa gniwollol s bas 71 naswa 

| insH ind? ,ledonsd D Jonnsd . 
eqns! gon OF. :nognie O sign x0-gnie Ani gn odd. ya a 
-ye Janslib ai Sis (A 10) 3 basen nodw aud -gainrsHE i 
“fis tus7g-nu JT) yleteieqes bsonwonoig sis yodt esidsl a 
3 | {obdozod . 
sdnotice ith OF :nsdaie D ni da wodsie A nicdasdil ae ey ; 
‘owls yhissn ai up wy die soitenidmos ni vino ei9390 © 
ni sosiq oft gedsT . wd OF odil vilenoiesooo wg WD sl — 

4380p OT) p leivini as sved doidw ebtow OD ni p jo OF 

| (sttiuQ ,siluQ woléup OD ssiup layup 
aii1 a olin 2 0 10 Y rrltis edil bsoauonmg tof x am 
ni agslq oct esley 71.12) 2i es daumtes ton tud ‘¥visdgile balling ’ 

obtuse Atom OF) 1 O to (1) yllena bas yilsibem “vilsiini OF - 

ioidw ebtow st yllsizial (<) (416g .ebio4 wedi OD. rag. 
2uet 9H WT) 1s xitgq OD oft to «od boqqoib sved - 
oewoniod ebiow ni 1 to (2) ; usted eusied asdinsd DO Aiur 
belly axl os gaiwO .(lbbeq sid luz OF). Sods mow 
usgwiad lowov 8 Iiseni 1 as yainisines ebiow ynsim 1ios1sd> — 
sited OT ayo w 10 .q «ml ft,d gaivolliol s bas 1943 
vonsa jonsw ,sehoinisadse ,sjims jebdoniml dora? | be 
ons T dA 2 Jewors M7STISM  Stotts orem eboney). 
adel! shod wisi how (Ob) .nedeendoe 9g neti 3 
od Davos s soled bas bavoz-sasiiA (tiediA mu W ame ; 
vilibus yleo1sos yHaouporl ei 1.1 soled 104 8 diiw ghinnig,f = 
Cpe ‘pal Meg ates <P . 

bhbs yle v 

and sometimes is dropped altogether (PG dann, vanne, 
gatt, datt, fatt, schwatz for darn, varne, gart, dart, fart, 

S, SS Likes in Exsit or sin G. bis, . It takes. the place in PG 
(1) of s in G words which contain the voiceless spirant s 
(PG kisse, wisst, aus, G Kissen, wisset, aus) ; (2) of sin G 
words which contain the voiced spirant s (PG seel, nas, 
siwwe, G Seele, Nase, sieben); (3) of Gz in. -lz-and nz 
(PG mils, schtols, wans, runsel, G Milz, stolz, Wanze, 
Runzel); (4) of s and c (like s) in words borrowed from 
the E (PG sigzr, sistern, sober). It is only rarely that one 
hears the buzzing G sound ot s before a vowel. Harvey 
Miller occasionally notes this sound and expresses it. by. E 
z in his writings. 

The sz of G words like Fusz, Risz, Schlosz, gieszen is 
always written ss in PG (PG fuss, riss, schloss, giesse) and 
sounded like ss in E miss. 

schp, schb G sp is sounded and written schp when it is initial or 
final in PG (G Sprache, Wespe, PG schproch, weschp). 
When medial it is sounded and written schb (PG raschbel, 
kaschber, G Raspel, Kasper). 

scht,'schd G st is sounded and written scht in PG when initial or 
final. When medial it is sounded and written schd (PG 
schtock, roschde, koscht, G Stock, rosten, Kost). 

Vv Like { in E for or v in G vergessen. It is preserved in all 
words in PG which contain v in G or dG, and in hybrid 
compounds which have been formed with E words. In the 
latter it occurs initially only: PG verschmottere, ver- 

Ww Not like G w. It is made with the lips in the position in 
which they are at the beginning of making E w, but the lips 
are not rounded as in making E w. Takes the place in PG 
(1) of initial G w (PG war, wille, wunsch, G war, Wille, 
Wunsch); (2) of G w in the initial consonantal combina- 
tions schw and zw (PG schwinge, schwelle, zwinge, G 
schwingen, schwellen, zwingen); (3) of G b, both singly 
and doubled, (PG selwer, dowe, hawwer, zuwwer, G selber, 
toben, Haber, Zuber); (4) of initial E wh and initial and 
medial E w and v in words borrowed trom the E (PG wiski, 
wipp, waere, watsch, welwet, wuewwer). 

raw. ing piers 

DA a i fn 
B $msiiqa eeslooiov. 

eae “sie, Nae , 
y ‘ ee ¥ 7; ve ey i. 
3m bre sk nies D lov (ey atniodsia ¢ ak = - Sore 7 | 
osm W- sabi: aM oh deaguaia ak ee die 9). F 
mot beworod: ebrow" ai (2 sali} a pote 
--9o $ert-Nlsser vino ei 31 aedoe strings 
2 ¢sisH “fowov « ootedl ¢ jo bayos O- galssiidisi 
ay i eoees1qns bas bauoe edt eston wleniahtoe mah Se 
‘ egnithow aid’mis 
deal seolioe: seit seul soll ainow D loae-adl : a hone 
bas (seesrg jexolrioe jez eeut OF) OF nize nsttnweyewls) __ Fe a 
zeim A ni 22 oil hebauoa 
to teistnl, gi 34 ftorky — neitnw bus bebavos- at ge O aioe, 
-(qesaaw doorgriss OF “eqesW> iedostg2 O)- OF ai tena 
lodidoest 24) dios nottnw bas bebauoce ei ti Isibom nasi 
(st9genH legend D rtadrlozeol 
1 Isitini gordw oq ni doe nottirw bns. beabauog ai te OD. 
O49) bse nenivw bas -babaves eb si Isibem asdW saa rc 
.(t2021 .net201 hsore ©) doeod jebdoeor alootdoe uf 
‘Us ni bovisesiq et 31 .aczeogtey OD ai-v 10 101 3 ai 4 odit v 
bindvi ai bas .b10 0 ni v disinos doidw OF ni ehiow > Ja 
sit al .ebiow 3 dtiw bonnot need ever doidw ebauogmoo | 
-9v ,sisitomdoetay OFT -ylao yilsitini siy200. 91 a9ste! 
at noltizeog of9 mi eqil orls dtiwesbaah ei 31 www sil jo Ww 
eqil edt gud »w 4 gaidlen jo gniantged oft ts 918 ysis doidw 
J oi soslq ods eodsT .w A unidem ni es babauet jon ots 
oIW sw O- doen slliw iw OF) w OD Isisini Jo (1) 
-snidmoo lsetnsaoenos lsvini sd} ni w Dt (s) 3 (doennW 

3) a 

oY sgniws ,silowidoe ,sgaivdoe OU) ws bas wdos gnoit ™ 
vlgnie diod ,d O io (¢) i(nsgaiws .nsllowdoe .nogaiwiios 
wedise D rsweus ~ewwsd jswob aswise OF) .bsldyob. bas ay 
bes isiint bre dw & Isitini jo (p) ¢treduS aedsH ynodos -, 

Jiteiw OF) 3 ods mort bowonod znow ni v bas w@ Isibom - 
| Gewwore Jowlsnwloeasw aeswiqgiw ss 

XXV1 Lhe Fennsylvania-Gern 

x Like x in E ax orx in G Axt. Takes the place in PG (1) 
of x in G words (PG hex, faxe, juxe, G Hexe, Faxen, juxen); 
(2) of the x sound and similar sounds in E words and hybrid 
compounds (PG bax, haxet, mixelfuder, exkjuse). 

z Like tsin E hats orzin Gzanken. Takes the place in PG 
(1) of initial G z (PG zarn, zimmlich, zucker, zwilling, G Zorn, 
ziemlich, Zucker, Zwilling); (2) is written tz after a short 
vowel in words which have tz in G (PG schwitze, katz, 
glotz, schmutzich, G schwitzen, Katze, Klotz, schmutzig). 

content This is adictionary of non-English words in the Pennsyl- 
of vania-German dialect. It contains 16,438 entries. [have 

The Dictionary. A 

included Pennsylvania-German words that have the same 
or a similar stem in both English and German. In the case of most of 
these words it would be possible to determine only after long investiga- 
tion whether they are of German origin, or whether they came into the 
dialect from the English. To arrive at a reasonable certainty as to the 
origin of even one such word would require an amount of research that 
is beyond the scope of this work. I have also included compound 
words that are German in form, although they are a literal translation 
from the English and so are not used in German, @.g., rijjelwek, 
grossfiehlich. For special reasons a few words evidently of English 
origin and a few more of doubtful origin have been included. The 
exclusion, in general, of words wholly or partly of English origin leaves 
some unsatisfactory gaps; thus, the common words bax, fens, Insching, 
schtiem, tschumpe and their numerous compounds are missing. But 
there is no rule of usage or authority by which it can be determined 
what English words should be included in a Pennsylvania-German 
dictionary. There is a language border line along which there is a 
considerable number of words which it is difficult to assign definitely 
to High German only, or to both High German and the dialect. This 
is particularly true of religious nomenclature. An introductory note 
explains the purpose of the Appendix. 

The word atter the English definition gives the German, dialectic 
German, French, Latin, or Indian word, as the case may be, ot the same 
stem as the preceding Pennsylvania-German word. It does not always 
have the same meaning as the Pennsylvania-German word. There is 
but one word in the dialect ot Dutch origin, and that may have come in 
through the English. This shows the absurdity ot calling the dialect 
“ Pennsylvania-Dutch.” While Autenrieth’s Pfalzisches Idiotukon con- 
tains a considerable number of words of Hebrew origin that are in use 

“ee ea 
trode & tasks xt native ai (&Y Ae 
sted astiwidde’ sot Cree 

) oaks 

. 10 geom’ to'seso ads ni prrenren ba ane sees a pr 210 
-sgiteovai gnol istie vino snitmateb of sldizeeq: sd bluew ti sbiow 9: 
ott oint smss yadr 1srliedw 40 /nigho nema lo Ste ody rortodw ac re 
oft of 28 Yinisitso sldsaosset & 38 svinis OT © zitgnS ods mon slab 
isd3 dowsses1 lo tnuoms as stinpst binow biow dove sno neve to Tf I 
bevoqnoo bebulont’ ols sved rs Aiow eth bo ayode sila b re , } 
nis aletiext [sos 2 sig yorlt fgrottie eae! ni sewer Sts Seernpredicn 
aAsuloiiit 4.9 .nsersO “ni bees s0n “Sis oe baw deilgnA rls moi 
dailgad to yltnsbive ebrow wets enosset Isissqe 10% Ail 
oi! .bsbulsai nsed oved aitgiee luiduah Jo som wets bas 1 > : 
avast nigho dailynd Ww ying: 76 vlloniw sion te Js19043 ni ,goteuloxs i 
writizen! .enst xed ehtow nommon $f yds jeqeg yictosleltsenu smo 
tw -pniéeint ots ebnuoqimnes eyorwrmen wert bois aqimutiogt ,msitdoa 
benimrteb sd mao ti didw vd ysiodsus 16 o9ceu Jo Slit on et s19dt 
nets )-sinsvivannsd s ni bebulsni ed bluoda ebrow ‘deilgad teiw 
& #i mody doisdy gaols onif webied sysugnst & ef o194T -yasnonsib — 
Yistindeb ngieas ot tluoitib et st doidw ehnow to todmun Sidsisbianoo 
aT  .3>9leib aft bas named Agifl dsod of xo “ino aéemeD ASI oF 
sion yiossuboint nA .s1wrslonsmon evoigiler to sia ylislusitisq et | 
. xibnoqqA sft lo seoq1uq ort enisiqxs 
ditogisib nents dt esvig noitintsb detlgnd stilt a9tis brow odT ; 
omse Sit to od yam 9e89 oft es .biow neibal 10 nite] \dsnord . 
eswis jon as0b 31 .biow nsnrms0-sinsvlyenns ‘gaibsss1q'sd3 as mote 
4 oiedT -bnow neenso-sinsvbyennsd ot 26 gninsont omse odt oved “| 
si smoo-oved yet tsdt brs ,nigixo dot to soolsth sift ai bow ono tad 
toelaib orlt gailles to ytibiwede oilt eworle eidT io odds Sane 
“£09 wodtioshl eodsersleY e'dronnsryl. yr aebed Y Hoty sit 

't ta~ 17 L. Lcd 

in the Palatinate today, there is not a single word of Hebrew origin 
(except biblical names) in the Pennsylvania-German dialect. 

My constant reference books in the preparation of this 
work have been the Muret-Sanders Encyklopddisches 
Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Englisches Worterbuch, Heyne’s Deutsches 
Worterbuch, Paul’s Deutsches Worterbuch, Kluge's Etymologisches Wor- 
ferbuch, Autenrieth’s Pfalsisches Idietikon, Schmeller’s Bayerisches 
Worterbuch, Martin und Lienhart’s Worterbuch der Elsdssitschen Mund- 
arten, Kauffmann’s Geschichte der Schwabischen Mundart and Weise’s 
Unsere Mundarten. My labors in finding the writings in the dialect 
were greatly hghtened by Dr. H. H. Reichard’s comprehensive bibli- 
ography in his Pennsylvania-German Dialect Writings and their Writers, 
published in Volume XXVI Proceedings of the Pennsylvania-German 
Society. I have, of course, collected words, definitions and verifica- 
tions of words and definitions from scores of individuals. To all 
who have contributed in this way I tender my sincerest thanks. I 
take pleasure in acknowledging by personal mention the services of 
the following: Rev. J. P. Bachman, of Allentown, Pa., who read the 
greater part of Autenrieth’s Pfalzisches Idioitkon with me and from 
it identified many words in the Pennsylvania-German dialect which 
were unknown to me; Mr. Melvin W. Fisher, of York, Pa., for 
the use of his copy of his father’s ’S Alt Marik Haus Muittes in D’r 
Schtadt, now one of the rarest books printed in the dialect; Mr. Conrad 
Gehring, of Kutztown, Pa., who placed at my disposal files of news- 
papers containing his writings in the dialect; Mrs. Amandus Hermany, 
of Jacksonville, Pa., who kindly granted me access to the unpublished 
manuscript in the dialect of the late Edward Hermany; Dr. W. H. 
Holsberg, of Lebanon, Pa., who contributed a list of unusual words; 
Professor I. W. Kehs, of Pennsburg, Pa., for the words in the dialect 
peculiar to the services of the Roman Catholic church; Mr. W. L. 
King, of Bethlehem, Pa., to whom I owe many plant names; Mr. C. C. 
More, of Camden, N. J., who kindly allowed me to read sufficient of his 
unpublished dialect manuscript to enable me to acquire his vocabulary; 
Rev. John Baer Stoudt, of Allentown, Pa., in whose library I found 
several of the rarer books in the dialect, and who contributed a list of 
interesting words. Through the courtesy of Rev. Thos. R. Brendle, ot 
Green Lane, Pa., I was permitted to copy words from a remarkable 
unfinished manuscript. It contains a list of Pennsylvania-German plant 
names, by far the most extensive ever compiled, with their English 
and scientific equivalents, the derivation of the Pennsylvania-~-German 


‘abi sahil adults + Watley iow 

ene sive Ca 

=e ed 

Ser &S = 

aiovigW! bas than scisssiiauase wo 
soulnily oft ‘ni egnithnw Silt gaibna ai aodsh. 
-iigid gviznedaqmos: e‘brerhisd. .H Had hed b 
ele Gy vist Rien 2guaeoH- Ansar stonrsD-oin = Sei a gs 
nenried)-sitsviyeansd of9 to egeibaaoost V%X9 V ni berlet 
-sofinet bas znoijinisb biow bsrselion seiu02 io. ge . Geno, - 
lis oT. \eleubrvibni jo. exi0ce amo anoijinisb bas ebiow Bot enol . 
i cedoerds t2o1socie vir whnot I ysw eit ni) sven cise 
jo 2sobvise sls goignom Isnoziag yd gnigbelwondos al owesslq ous: 
' oly beer -ofw wed jawotasllA lo nsmdosd-4 .L roa :gaiwollol aut | 
moi bas sm iw xodtiorhl <gtocislall ‘jsinaah io sq 13169 | 
doidw jsolsib nemisd-sineviveans4. sg. nt ebiow ynem baititmabt 3 
tot 2 pho¥- jo podeid, .W nivel, aMio gem ot nworplay s108 
VG id deen auoll dis Wh. 2 e"tedtel eid jo 4q02 eid to Seu | 
bewioD «lf :3selnib ort ni bainitq @leod teote1 st lo sno won; iad. 
ren. lo ald Iseoqeib ym is beaslq odw 27 wreots3u7 to ganda _ 
vneorsh exbnamA .h4 ;¢90lsib oft at sgnitinw ei gainisinoo, 
ey et elt oF eeoone ort botasig vibnid odw...cT ollzvaoedos|, io 
VioaG. yyasereH biswba.stel oft to toolsib ods ai tqhoey 
‘shiow lsueung fo tell s botudingads odw ,.c4..nomsded lo prin 4 
toolaib edt ni emow st 102 ,.cF yawedanns lo ,adow 7/7 .1 rozesionl — 
ror Wi x. :dowds silodisD mame offs to e90rrise os of 
9 aM ;esmen jnelq yasm awo I modw of,.69 moroldsed to gai 
yA fn jneinifiue bss of om bowolls ¢lbail odw ..[ 7% ursbrs. to ott 
onisludssev eid stiupos ot 9m sidsas of sqinsetinsm toslsib barleilduanw 
bawol 1 yrsidil saodw ni 81 awotasilA to. sbu0t2 164 dol vol ~ 
jo 2#il s betudivynos ow bas soelsib ot) mi edood 19182 9rlz lo Is 19V 
to slbneid SL .eedT .vel to yestauos ott dguoidT 2brow gnitesi9} 
oldozhema1 s mow emow yqbo 01 bertinneg ecw I 2 ons. 99 
inslq neerig2-singviyennod 10 jell 6 esiista0 31 .sqinxeunem bodain 
deilgad tied? str \beliqmos teva sviensixs Jeom 917 18) xd 4298 
ABST rtsenioaraete ‘sai jo satnsiaeie ont ail eiiela Dd 

names and a mass of plant folk-lore all the more valuable because the 
few who still know something about it are fast passing away. The work 
is particularly strong in tracing the origin of the Pennsylvania-German 
terms and in explaining how several plants belonging botanically to 
different families came to have the same name, and how the same plant 
came to be called by different names. It was originally compiled by 
Rev. Thos. R. Brendle and the late A. S. Brendle, of Schaefferstown, 
Pa., and has lately been revised and enlarged by Mr. D. E. Lick, of 
Fredericksburg, Pa. By it I revised the plant names which I already 
had collected, and from it I obtained upward of 280 additional names. 
I regret that the manuscript was not available in time to make it possi- 
ble for me to add the scientific term after the English name, or to make 
cross-references. It is also a matter of regret that it was necessary to 
exclude many of the names because they are of English origin. I am 
indebted to Professor Gustav Herbig, of Munich, Germany, for the 
derivation of the words kaft, pannhas and vendere. But I am éspecially 
indebted to Rev. A. C. Wuchter, of Toledo, Ohio. Early in the course 
of the compilation he allowed me to examine a great part of his unpub- 
lished manuscript in the dialect. Subsequently he read critically the 
complete manuscript of the dictionary. In the original plan only the 
more important of the separable verbs were included. Mr. Wuchter 
noted so many which have as good a claim to be recorded as those 
which were already entered, that the plan was enlarged and these were 
also included. But he also added many stem-words which do not occur 
in any other form in the dialect. Altogether he contributed more than 
one thousand words. Whatever merit the work may possess is due in 
no small part to his wide scholarship, thorough knowledge of the dialect 
and critical acumen. 

The interest which the members of the Executive Committee of the 
Pennsylvania-German Society have taken in the preparation of the 
volume has made possible the prompt publication of it in the style for 

which the publications of the Society are noted. 
July, 1923. 

“vbesle 1 doidw esenen Sa “orks a hee 
somnsa isnoibbs 08s lo biswqu benistdo, I ii al 
_ -izeoq 31 salam ot smit ni aldslisvs jon saw iqhzeunsm 9d 

sism of 10 ,amism datlgn dd od? 1stls mrst oAttasize ity Bhs i 1 | 

o} yigsesoen esw ti ist go1g97 lo totem & dels ef 3] ‘as0acne g1-22019 

ms | .nigna deilyad lo ots vers seuszed esmsa ods lo yaem abun, 

ait 10} .ynermed ,doinul{ lo .gidisH vaste r0e29lo¥¥ oF preening 
vilsiosqes ms 13ua .orobaev bas aédansg tisd ehiow oda Jo ni 

sewoo sit ni vee .oidO .obaloT to ,19tdouW .D A weil oS beadsbak ct 

-iugqnu eid to Sxsq dee1g  saimsxe of 9mm hovolls od noissligeton oft lo 
eft vilsoitne bsai sd ylinsipseds@ .tosisib ody mi tqineunsm bedeil- 

oii yino msiq Isaigino oft al .y1snottoib st to Jqnoeunem stalqmoo. 

witlou VW? aM .bebulont s1ew edisy oldsieqse.od? to tnshogaut s1om 
seods es bebroos: od ot mish s boog es svsd doidw ynsm oe Dsfon — 
now seoit bas begrsiag esw asiq odt fads ,botoids ybesils sow, dotdw 

1300 jor ob doidw zhiow-mate yarm bebbs oals od sul .bobulont oats 

art siomt bstudivanoo od rodrogorlA Josleib od3 oi oro) 19¢dto yas ni 
ci sub ef saszeoq vam tiow oft them revered .zinow Dasevorl? sno 
ioslsib odt io sgbsiwond dguoiods ,qisierslotice sbiw ail 03 taBq llgmne on. 
.romuns tsottina bas 

) lo s9ttioumoD svitua9x0 ods lo atedmem orlt doitlw. teorstni oAT 

7 to noitsagerq m3 ni nots? ‘sve ytsin0d nsmo)-sissviyenasd | 

101 olyse orld mt 31 to aoisszilduq sqmorg ody sidizeoq obsm end omuley 

pala -bton ous Yisived alt to encissoilduq odt tad 

| sRSQH sian At bee 


acc accusative JMH. J. Max Hark 

adj adjective Ibe Latin 

adv adverb m masculine 

App Appendix MHG Middle High German 
art article n neuter 

cf compare nom nominative 

conj conjunction num numeral 

dat dative onomat onomatopoetic 
def definite p past 

dem demonstrative i Palatinate dialect 
der _—_ derivation PG Pennsylvania-German 
dG dialectic (or provincial) German pl plural 

dim(s) diminutive(s) pp perfect participle 
E English pr pronoun 

EH Edward Hermany prep _— preposition 

f feminine pres present 

F French QO. v. which see 

G,HG German R BE. He Ranch 

H A. R. Horne RB Rachel Bahn 
HLF H°L. Fisher rel relative 

] Indian subj — subjunctive 

ind _— indefinite or indicative sup superlative 

inf infinitive tr translation 


The tilde (() indicates that the vowel or diphthong preceding it is 

The dash (—) denotes the word previously defined. 

The sign (2) denotes that part of a word standing before || : aje || 
appel; -blick; -blicklich; etc., = ajeappel; ajeblick; ajeblicklich; etc. 

The sign (<) reads “from” or “derived from.” 

The signs within the bracxets after each word denote (1) the number 
of syllables in the word, 2. the quantity ot the vowel or diphthong in 
each syllable, (3) on which syllable the primary accent is placed: han- 
delwese [*~~~]. 

Lie eae shee 

Piti Giad* >. ws ae fins sae 

’ 5 me Ss 
bees % 
aA » 

% /- ¥y 
* A nha 
er foe - mA 9g 

_ Maslideahaa 33 ie aes Aiwhigs noel ile 
© som Agi oli OHM) si ve 

ASRS. ee ie oy A mors nhs 

- svisenimon stor. i r Te a 
pissogotsmone igmono 
| te8q Query Se 0 i Rs TS 
solsib atnnivslad Sth Valen. _svitevienomeb mab - 
namie) -sing hanes! +, HE  g0Rteviab | 
} lezuliq lq asenas) (letonivorg 10) sitosisib. 
aiqinigusg 499)19q qq wethyy 4 (@)avisunionib. (in 
enone oo IG ' ny | deifgad - a 
nolizognq qe : cusenil biswbd Ha 
he Insesiq. . es1q . aninimat 1 
| 992 foitiw =.v .Q . soastd q. 
(> Some AA Be try Bs (°°. opsirigD DH 
ris lesions Gl | omoH A.A #H 
svitsisr isn vedet J .H ATH 
svitonuidue . (dua . sstbal i 
sviseheque.  . qua oy ovisesibal ws pees bai 
noitslenst3 a ae isiatint we 
e4vi2e FO WOITAX AITAR, “7 

at ti Bnibooog = 10 Iswov oslz tsdz sonmaibak £7) sblis fT 

banish yleuoiverq iste ‘és ssnanels (—) desb oiT 

i si&: || soled gnibnate brow s to sq eds estonsb (+) nagie odT 
249 i Hoidataildat a ;aaildois sdeqqasik = 1379 ; dodaloild= -doilds;foage. 

| “ mow bevinesb“ 10“ moit” ebss1 (>) agiesdT 

zodmus St (1) stonsb biow dose t9tts etedzard oft midtiw engie odT 

fit a 10 Iswov orlt to qiitnsup. vad ‘<) -brow ods —— lo . 




' Long: like ain E at lengthened. 


Long: like a in E father or a in G Vater. what or ain G satt. 
Like aw in E law or au in E author. 
Long: approximately like a in E marry lengthened. 
Short: like ain E marry. 

Short: like ain E at. 

Long: like ain E gate or e in G geht. 
Short: like e in E let or e in G fett. i 
Long: like iin E machine ori in G ihn. : 
Short: like iin E pin or1in G Sinn. 
Long: like o in E note or o in G Bote. 
Short: like uin E cup or o in G Kopf. 
Long: like oo in E moon or u in G tun. 
Short: like oo in E cook or u in G gucken. : 
Like iin E pin oriin G Sinn. 4 
Like a in E gate or e in G geht. 
Like ai in E aisle. 

Rie it she as A RS ES 

Like ow in E cow or au in G laut. : 
Like ain E gate or e in G geht. : 
Like iin E pine or ei in G Pein. 2 
Like ee in E meet or ie in G Miete. : 
Like oy in E boy. d 
Nearly like E or G b. : 

Like ch in G ich or Loch. : 

Like xin EaxorxinGAxt. _ : 

Nearly like E or Gd. 

Like f in E tor or f in G Fach. 

Like g in E get or g in G Geld. 

When sounded, like h in E hatorhinG Hut. It is some- 
times silent. 

When initial, like y in E yes or j in G jetzt. When medial, 
like yin E ‘“‘many a”’. 

Like E or Gk. 

Like E or GI. 

mat ab Rie a 

_. «ut. si gs 10 noom H ni oo sdil. sgn ae; 
nodoug 2 ni u 10 tooo A nico sail shode _ ; 
nie O oii aig 3 siisdidl — 5 ae 
tiovgD nig stsg i aisodtl B ~~) 
seis A ni is sAit . is rt 
jusl Doi ue 10 woo A niwoodil ua ti 
Sdog D sist steg ST nisslilt . $0. 7 
isl O ai is 10 9nig J niiedit..fa- a. 
aiM O nisitojoom A nissslit sk tare! 
od FZ ai yo stilt io 
4 Dw A sdif yhsotl d 
jth Oho zak ee ol i 
| HOw ailyhset $b  — 
dos OD nits0 101 Ani ioxit — ie a 
Jad a aid phir (a 
-omoe ai 31 Sol 3 al denied bsbauoe nodW mo 4 
“Seale ee ia nye BAL, 
leibom nodW sacl ni {20 oy dni x adil siz roe tue cd ‘ddan 
. "syne" A ni ML rs ate in 19 £ 
1, mc F 

Be ep ee ar pe” by 
"* jist D ats 10 491 A ais sail ; ag | 
adi O ai t 10 snidosm A aii oil; _: 
_ “nia O ati 10 niq 3 aii ofl ;node- 
_ 3308 D ai o 10 ston J ai o all 

jgost O ai o 10 quo F ai uw sdil : io 

ennsyivania-German Dictionary XXX1 

m Like E or G m. 
n Like Eor Gn. 
ng Like ng in E sing or ng in G singen. 
nk Like nk in E sink or nk in G sinken, 
4) Nearly like E or G p. 
qu. Nearly always like PG gw, sometimes like PG kw. 
r Like E r slightly trilled. 
Ss Like s in E sit or s in G bis. 
sch Like sh in E shun or sch in G schon. 
t Nearly like E or G t. 
Vv Like fin E tororvinG vergessen. 
Ww Like E w, but made without rounding the lips. 
x Like x in E ax or x in G Axt. 
Zz Like ts in E hats or z in G zanken. 

For further details see Phonology and Orthography, pp. xii-xxvi. 

4 oF Ait 

ogy. ein 
aL the tore 

Pennsylvania-German Dictionary 


A, a, the first letter of the alphabet, pro- 
nounced A in spelling, whatever its phonic 
value in the word; vun A bis Z, from be- 
ginning to end. 

[“], also, too, to be sure, certainly, indeed; 
ich denk awwer —’, well, am sure; 
kummt’er —, will he be sure to come. G 

a~["]; vun heit —, from today; es feier is —, 
the fire is made; di schul is —, school has 
been called to order. Also pronounced 

o' (7). an. 

a~-["], separable prefix of verbs which be- 
comes a separate word in the in fected forms 
of the present: ich fang 4%; also prefix of 
derived nouns, adjectives and adverbs. 
In some sections pronounced o[7]. G 

a~erkenne[*~~~], pp a erkennt, to acknowl- 
edge, recognize. G anerkennen. 

ab[~], off, from, away; er is gans —, he is out 
of his head, he has severed relations: e#r is 
wennich —, he isa little off his head. Gab. 

ab-[~], separable prefix of verbs, and a prefix 
of derived nouns, adjectives and adverbs. 
G ab-. 

a-b-ab, n, a-b-ab, rudiments of spelling. G 

abaddich, abbardich[~*~}, baddich[*~], par- 
ticular(ly), special(ly), dainty, select, ex- 
clusive. G apart+ig. 

abard{~>] JMH, particular(ly), 
G apart | <a part: 

a~basse[*~~], pp A°gebasst, to fit, palm off 
on; eens —, to cheat; eeni —, to tell a lie. 
G anpassen. 

a~baue[*~~], pp 4°gebaut, to build against, 
build an addition to. Ganbauen. 

abberschde[*~~], pp abgebzrscht, to brush. 
G abbiirsten. 

abbalsemiere[*~~~~], pp abgebalsemiert, to 
give atongue-lashing. Gab-+balsamieren. 

abbalwiere[*~~~], pp abgebalwiert, to shave 
off. G abbarbieren. 

abbarzle[*~~], pp abgebarzelt, to tumble off. 
G abpurzeln. 

abbedek[~~*], f, drug-store. G Apotheke. 

abbedeker/~~*~], m, druggist. G Apothe- 

abbedekerkunscht[~~*~~], f, pharmaceutics. 
G Apothekerkunst. 

abbedit[~~*], m, appetite. G Appetit. 

abbeditlich[~~*~], appetizing, nice, delicious. 
(5 appetitlich. 

special (ly). 




abbettle[*~~], pp abgebettelt, to obtain by 
begging or persistency, beg off. G ab- 

abbezahle[*~~~], p 
G abbezahlen. 

abbiete[°~~], pp abgebotte, to outbid at a 
public sale. G abbieten. 

abbinne[*~~], pp abgebunne, to furnish and 
put on the iron-work of a wheel or wagon, 
put a hoop on a barrel or cask, remove by 
tying (asa wart). G abbinden. 

abbitte[“~], pp abgebitt, to implore forgive- 
ness or leniency, solicit or ask for (some- 

pp abgebisse, to bite off. G 

pp abbezahit, to pay off. 

thing). G abbitten. 

abblade[*~~], pp abgebladt, to pluck leaves 
from, defoliate. G abblatten. 

abbleeche|- ““|, pp abgebleecht, to fade, 

bleach. G abbleichen. 

abbleiwe[‘ ~~], pp abgebliwwe, to remain off, 
remain at a distance. G abbleiben. 

abblettre[*~~], pp abgeblettert, to pluck leaves 
from. G. abblattern. 

abbliehe[*~~]. pp abgeblieht, to cease bloom- 
ing. G abblihen. 

abbloje[*~~“], pp abgeblokt, to exhaust by 
working; sich —, to exhaust oneself by 
working. G abplagen. 

abblose[* ~~], pp abgeblose, to blow off, clear 
up, give vent to one’s opinions or feelings. 
G abblasen. 

abbreche[*~~], pp abgebroche, to break off, 
stop. G abbrechen. 

abbrenne[*~~], pp abgebrennt, to burn down. 
G abbrennen. 

abbriehe[*~~], pp abgebrieht, to scald. G 


pp abgebrijjelt, to drub 

soundly. G abpriigeln. 
abbrille[-~~], pp. abgebrillt, eens, to cry (a 
tune). G abbriillen. 

abbrockle[*~~], pp abgebrockelt, to come off 
in small particles, crumble. G abbréckeln. 

abbruch[*~], m, cessation. G Abbruch. 

abbschtelle[*~ “1, pp abbschtellt, to postpone, 
countermand. G abbestellen. 

abbumpe(*~™~], pp abgebumpt, to remove by 
pumping (so as to get cooler water): es 
wasser —. G abpumpen. 

abbutze[*~~], pp abgebutzt, to clean, clean off, 

wipe, dry (dishes). G abputzen. 
abc[~~*], n, alphabet. G Abc. 
abcbuch{~~*~], n, primer. G Abcbuch. 
abcschitz[~"*~], m, abecedarian. G Abc- 

ah i) 

Ro yaq of ,tidfssdda gq Je?) 
ee pm -talidesaddas 2) 
& iz bidtuo 0} ,atiedsyis qq .[*isteidds 

_) oatetaichia a 9168 oiida 
bes déimul ot _onnadagdis ag fans © 
hoger 16 fostiv « to Atow-gosi od) BO Juq 

yd Svomat ,tee> 10 lsriad 6 no qood & 2q 

Aobaidda O .hew 2 as) ¢rivs 

-evigi oniqmi oF stidagdes aq r 
~9inG2) ol alex 20 Siniloe |vonginel 40 seen 
pedis 2 .Cpnidt 

esveol Asulq of tbiideads qty {°* “jethldds 
asitaldda 2 Malloleb mot 

absi et adseldesde gq f *isdoegiddas 
nstsisidde O .doaatd 

M0 cisions of swwiidegds qq .[~ “lewisidda 
isdisitds 2 soneteb s 16 fismsy 

eeviol foulg of Matisidegds qe i" ** jotiteldda 
swastiildde ..) .aeot 

-croold gagoo of Jdsitdesds aq [~*jsdolidds 
wrsdiiide <) ent 

ya seusrixe oF: “\plokdegds pad i”? *fojoidds 
wo Herono seyndze oF ;BAbhow 
7 ph oO -ponliow 

tet > Fo wold og eoldsgda qa f~ * jesoldda 

synileas! 1 encinige 2 sno OT msv O¥IB 

hese dete 0 

fo aeoid of ,stisoidsgda aq .] *™* jodgonida 
atienidde 2 .qote 

reok mod 03 ,Inasxiepde qa | ~*lonnsidda 
naanstdds J 

~ .biese of dtleiidegde qa J” PR me 
dnb oF sijndspds aq "jolene 
Risgingds O .vibagce 

&) wo oF ene Jiindegds .qq J°**jelindds 
neliindds ) (env? 
Ho amos of Jhiundayds gq. it~" jebinordda 
Aled ordds ) sldmurm .eslovitueg Meme ni 
MesrddA w) .moiiseeso sn | *}doordds 
<avioxy sec] OF .Aisaiicedds qa [-~* 
nalisiesdds 0 -bneansinvos~ 
hig svome1 9 ,qmudesds qq .°"*jeqmadda 
*(nesew witoa tag 05 46 oz) ynigmuq 
Asqmugqds ) —— W9assw 
te aval> nine in ay Es 99» ‘ob ae 
' pasugqda WJ 2b) Yt ae 
AQ tedsdats af 
AnhdA OD steming wn Jf *"" jdouda 
ssnchyseds mM oa "} 


he ee “oe se 3 
c— ai iat oval ‘a tig 

S i ro 

iyo at sd — ani 
et 1% ;enoitziay 
go -beed sid! Bo lta! s at of — doinagy 

2) poillane Rip esnsenibut da-d-s a ioik 

seq f*feoeibeed *~jdoibredda 
ar sise yornish P Sea f 

Ayiinicage doeiivaleaisae wea het Leas 
flo inisq 28 03 fay at ere 

alk a line ob = hege cameneicae i 

enicgs io a Faye oe fa 

* oF 

Heurd 03 pero ch aq eae J 

o? Neimsaledsgds qq 
mento 3) 

whatiogh 2 
se, oe 

abdachdle(*~~], pp abgedachdelt, to flog. G 

abderre[*~~], pp abgedezrrt, to dry partly 
(as hay). abdorren, 

abdanke[*~~], pp abgedankt, to resign (from 
an ofhce), discharge (an official), discard. 
G abdanken. 

Abdansdak(*~~], Abdunsdak[*~"], m, Abdon’s 
day (July 30). 

abdecke[*~ ~ pp ae teelechts to unroof, un- 
cover. G abdecken. 

abdeele[*~~], pp abgedeelt, to divide, share, 
separate. be uitaen. 

abdeiwle[* ~~], pp abgedeiwelt, to bedevil. G 

abdengle[’~~], pp abgedengelt, to cut one 
short in an argument. G ab-+dengeln. 

abdetschle[*~~], pp abgedetschelt, to touch 
base in playing hide and seek. G ab+ 

abdowe[*~~], pp abgedobt, sich, to run or 
rage to exhaustion. G abtoben. 

abdrack[*~], m, duty, tax, excise; — du’, to 
damage, undermine (in business). G Ab- 


abdraje[*~~], pp abgedraje, to carry off. G 

abdratte{*~~~], pp abgedratt, to trot off. G 

abdrede(*~~], pp abgedrede, to wear off by 
treading. Gabtreten. 

abdrehe[* ~~], pp abgedreht, to turn off, turn 
ona lathe. G abdrehen. 

abdreiwe[*~~], pp abgedriwwe, to drive off, 
expel. G abtreiben. 

abdrenne, abtrenne[*~~], pp abgedrennt, to 
rip off, unseam. G abtrennen. 

abdresche[*~~], pp abgedrosche, to thrash 
with flail or machine, flog soundly. G 

abdricke[*~~], pp abgedrickt, to press or pinch 
off, pull the trigger, fire. G abdriicken. 

abdrickellumpe(*~~~~], m, cloth for drying 
hands or face, towel. dG abdrickellumpe. 

abdrickle[*~~], pp abgedrickelt, to dry off. 
dG abdrickeln. 

abdritt, abtritt{[’~], m, withdrawal, privy. G 

abdropse[*~~], PP abgedropst, to drop or 
trickle off. ropse. 

abdronsle[*~~], pp eee to drop or 
trickle off. dG abdropse. 

abdu“[*], pp abgedu’, to take off, postpone. 
G abtun. 

a” befehle[~~~~], A” bfehle[~~~], pp 4~befohle, 
to enjoin, request, urge, recommend, re- 
mind emphatically. G anbefehlen. 

A*beginn[~~~], m, beginning. G Anbeginn. 

a~beisse!*~~], pp A-gebisse, to bite into. G 
a nbeissen. 

A~belange[~~~~], pp 4 belangt, to belong, 
relate, be concerned. G anbelangen. 

abesse[*~~], pp abgesse, to eat off: en gnoche 
—. Gabessen. 

a’ pete, “lp pp a ¢ 
G anbeten, 

sebet, to worship, adore. 

4~betungswerdich[*~~~~], adorable. G an- 
abewene(’~~~], pp abgeewent, to level off. 

G abebnen. 

abferdiche{’~~~], pp abgferdicht, to give the 
finishing touch, rebuff, send about one’s 
business. G abfertigen. 

abfahre(~~~], pp abgfahre, to start to drive 
away, haul away. G abfahren. 

abfall{[*~}], m, offal, remnant, leavings. G 

abfalie[*~~], pp abgfalle, to fall off, apostatize, 
lose flesh. G abfallen. 

abfange([*~~], pp abgfange, to learn by covert 
observation, intercept. G abfangen. 

abfaule(*~~], pp abgfault, to rot off. G ab- 

abfeddre[*~~], pp abgfeddert, sich, to moult. 
G abfedern. 

4“ bfehle = 4 befehle. 

abfeile[*~~], pp abgfeilt, to file off. 

abfeje[*~~], pp abgfekt, to scrub off, hurry 
away; sich —, to become exhausted from 
over-exertion. G abfegen. 

abfiehre{[*~~], pp abgfiehrt, to lead away, 
carry off (as water), purge. G abfiihren. 

abfitze[~~~], pp abgfitzt, to whip (with a rod). 
G abfitzen. 

abfladdre{*~~], pp abgfladdert, to fly away 

G ab- 

slowly. G abflattern. 

abflieje[’"~], pp abgflojje, to fly off. G 

abfliesse[*~~], pp abgflosse, to flow off. G 

abflitsche[*~~], pp abgflitscht, to fly off (as 
an ax or a stone from the surface of water), 
cut off in thin slices. Gab-+flitzen. 

abfluche[*~~], pp abgflucht, eens, to utter a 
string of profanity. Gab-+fluchen. 

abgerwe([*~~], pp abgegerbt, to tan (skins), 
thrash, flog. G abgerben. 

abgang([~~], m, side passage, egress. G 
abgawwle(*~~], pp abgegawwelt, to unload 

grain or hay with a fork, branch off (as a 

road). G abgabeln. 

abgeeschle[*~~], pp abgegeeschelt, to horse- 
whip. G abgeisseln. 

abgeh~{°"], pp abgange, to start, come off, 

pass off. G abgehen. 

abgelebt[*~"], worn out. G abgelebt. 

abgelumpt[~~~], lean and scurvy (of cats). 
G ab+(ver)lumpen. 

abgemaust[*~"], said of an old worn-out cat. 
G ab+mausen. 

abgemolke[*~~~], said of a cow when it is 
nearly dry. Gabmelken. 

abgetterei{*~~"], f, idolatry. G Abgétterei. 

abgettisch{°~~], idolatrous. G abgéttisch. 

abgewehne[*~~~], pp abgewehnt, to wean. 
G abgewohnen. 

abgewinne[*~~~], pp abgewunne, to win or 
gain from. G abgewinnen. 

absezehrt!*~"], emaciated. G abgezehrt. 

abgezettelt[*~~~], cut and dried. Gabzettein. 

pay ee ee ee ee ee Oe ee Se eS Pee Pet SS we eS ee ee een ee 

“—" = ee 

ES Sl lc —) = 

{RiseOGs , ole: sends ga (ella b. 
nce hh eet ae, 
dia 301 OF ie teds aa x 

i + ,dois ~*jerbbeids 
sivon: “0 TRIES S9 a 

" aldsisdé = slifetd“# 
<¢o 2 flo olA of thsigds qa ot “plisids 
yruid_,Ro duise of, taisigds 8 a4 d ”*jsteida 
mot bareyedes poate oO}, siz ;:vews 
ids 2) .moltiexs-1970 
ows bel of yet roe ga | *jerdeitda 
asuilide O gig istsw 26} Ro yim 
(bors st isiw) qilw ot jsingds-qq .[""“jexids 
yaws vit. a snebbsi ods qq .{[~ *jetbdaSde 
Aistisices 2  .viwola | _ bass 
~~) 3a. yh of witoieds ga I--“jsisifida mut .fto mu} of ai foibda 
Bo wok 6 Pe ome Jo svinb of owwinbands Paps os 
YO Bo woll of sezofuis ag [*loassiies svinb of oe i” 
noeesitids aphr sian age? gs 
esi Po 4 93 (itloesiftgds qq [~~ jedoetiftda, oF Jansibegds ‘go bl TS ee hate ; Fe 4 
(19386 Jo sostiue ot} mort epee sus Pa ee tt 
oot da | ~) .escile aid? ni Ho ju5 di 02 ry te 
& tote oF nse 37: suhgds qq. ~"jsdouitds OO .yibayoe goh pr 20 fie 3 
_., seehoai+>ds a Gitisiog to yniie 
(ecbia} 21 of jdispegda qq |! a Honiq ro ees7q 07 , taoinbegds qq .f~* 
, nsJisyds -gofi menwz reodbinbds 3 sti aagyin3 off? B 
~ .sesvps ,opseeng sbi a d [ saanges word wl solo ,m fers 
- } ane sds fe gpagers oh iswod eras 
bsolew OY Jlowwsygegds aq . ”"jsivws wb of tisdoinbegds aq J” 
& 20) Ro danswd gos fire ved 10 nisig 1 isnbde 
olsdegds 2 . (bs01 OD .yving Jowsibdiiw oa [* rida fi 
eon of it ita aq .[ ~*jeldaesogda 33 
nigetegds OD .gitlw w gow of deqoibesds 99, 0° 
Ho omic, union eanamle ag) f-? senda _ seqotbds 

Jdsisgds O ..au0 mow J ealeie 

ai2n lo) vv Das esl bags 200g 380g eee a vubsyda-49 J 
asgotul(tev)+de P J 

72> dadmiow ble me to. bise ,[ ~* peame, siioted"& qq f***jeideld"s | 

ae sotem+d6y — 9 ,brommow Ka 
2i i mode weo & lo biz ee naidsisdans | vii 
pine b vison angedné 0 .gainniged 
isstigié Oo » sosstebi. 0 -aDietehende O oii stid of seeileg 

aed izgda ? euonseiobt J-~* }doettogds 
Nese ol * aadowouds qq ft ~loasows ipnoled of 
manny wsgds -3gh as 2 

10 niw of ean wogds {~""lsantwogda  srloomg ne : Tio 129.01 3 e 
asieiwogdea) .motl meg ehane . SERS 

titscegts OO .beisingme ,["~*\ruissegds «mobs gifeiow of jadsyt-qq (°™ 
Matiasce) .behb basdu3 {°~** bienessgda by 


Pennsylvania-German Dictionary 3 

abgiesse[*~~], pp abgschitt (abgegosse rare), 
to pour off. G abgiessen. 

abglense[*~~], pp abgeglenst, to be deflected 
by some obstruction, glance off. G ab- 


abglitsche(*”"], pp abgeglitscht, to slide off, 
slip off. G abglitschen. 

abgloppe[*~~], pp abgegloppt, to knock off, 
beat off, flog. G abklopfen. 

abglore[* ~~], pp abgeglort, to clear off, clarify. 
G abklaren. 

abgnappere[*~~~], pp abgegnappert, 
G ab+knappen. 

abgnawwere/*~~~], pp abgegnawwert, to gnaw 
off. G abknabbern. 

abgnewwle[*~~], pp abgegnewwelt, to tie 
bundles (of rye straw) with a gnewwel. 
G ab-+-knebeln. 

abgnicke[*~~], pp abgegnickt, to pinch off 
(flowers, buds). G abknicken. 

abgnippe[*~~], pp abgegnippt, to unbutton, 
tie knots in yarn. G abkndépfen, abkniip- 

pp abgeglett, to smooth. G 


abgott[*~], m, idol. G Abgott. 
abgratze[*~~], pp abgegratzt, to scratch or 

scrape off. G abkratzen. 
abgrawe!*~~], pp abgegrAawe, to dig off, re- 
move by digging. G abgraben. 
abgreische[*~~], pp abgegrische, sich der hals, 
to scream pekeatt hoarse. Gab +kreischen. 

abgrimmle{*~™~], pp abgegrimmeit, to crumble 
(off). G abkriimeln. 

abgritzle[*~~], pp abgegritzelt, to scribble a 
copy of. G abkritzeln. 

abgrund[*~], m, precipice, abyss. G Ab- 

abgrutze[*~~], pp abgegrutzt, to cut poorly, 
mar by cutting. Gab+dG krutzen, krozze. 

abgscherre[*~~], pp abgscherrt, to take the 
harness from a horse. G ab-+Geschirr. 
Cf abscherre. 

abgschmackt[*~], tasteless, absurd. G ab- 


abgschtumpt([*~], stumpy, worn off. G ab- 

abgucke[*~~], pp abgeguckt, to learn by look- 

ing on or by stealth. G abgucken. 
abhacke[*~~], pp abkackt, to chop off. G 
abhalte[*~~], pp abkalte, to keep off or away, 
hold (as court). G abhalten. 
abhandle[*~~], pp abkandelt, to get (rid of) 

by trading, purchase, discuss. G ab- 
abhang[~*~], m, slope. G Abhang. 
abharriche[*~~~], pp abkarricht, to ascertain 

by listening. G abhorchen. 
abhechle[*~~], pp abkecheit, 
icise. G abhecheln. 
abheele[* ~~}, pp abkeelt, to heal, form a scab. 
G abheilen. 
abheere{*~~], pp abkeert, to grant a hearing, 
overhear. G abhoren. 

to scaldan: noe 

abheere, abhoore[*~~], pp abkeert, sich, to 
shed the coat. G abhaaren. 
abheile[*~~], pp abkcilt, eens, to cry. G 


abhelfe[*~~], pp abkolfe, to give redress. 
G abhelfen. 

abhelle[*~~], pp. abkellt, to clear (of the 
weather). G abhellen. 

abhenke[*~~], pp abkonke, to unhook, take 
down or off, slope. Gabhangen, abhangen. 

abhenkich[*~~], sloping (also abhenkisch), 
dependent. G abhangig. 
abhewe[*~~], pp abkowe, to lift off. G 


abhole[*~~], pp abkolt, to fetch, call for. G 

abhowwle[*~~], pp abkowwelt, to plane off. 
G abhobeln. 

abhupse[*~~], pp abkupst, to hop off or away. 
dG abhupse. 

a~biete[~~~], pp a°gebotte, to offer, make a 
first bid. G anbieten. 

a~bieting[~ ~~], f, offer. G Anbietung. 

a~binne[{~~~], pp a-gebunne, to tie fast, hitch 
(a horse) to a post, wean (a calf). G 

a~ binnrieme[~~ 

abjaje[~~~], pp abgejakt, to drive away has- 

~~], m, tie-strap. G Anbinde- 

tily, wrest from, cheat. G abjagen. 

abjoche[~~~], pp abgejocht, to unyoke. G 

abkerze[*~~], pp abgekzrzt, to shorten, ab- 
breviate. G abkiirzen. 

abkerzung(*~~], f, abbreviation. G Ab- 

abkerzungszeeche[*~~~~], n, apostrophe, 

dash. G Abkitirzungszeichen. 

abkafe[*~~], pp abgekaft, to buy (from). G 

abkappe[~~~], pp abgekappt, to give a quick 
retort, reprimand. G abkappen. 

abkehre(* ~~}, pp abgekehrt, to sweep off. G 

abkeime[*"~], pp abgekeimt, to remove 
sprouts (from potatoes). G ab-+keimen. 

abkeltre{“~~~], pp abgekeltert, to draw off 
wine, cider or vinegar from the lees. G 

G abképien. 

abkiehle[*~~], pp abgekiehlt, to refrigerate, 
cool. Gabkihlen. 

abkoche{*~~], pp abgekocht, to boil, parboil. 
G abkochen. 

abkummej’*~~], pp abkumme, to get off, 

pp abgekeppt, to decapitate. 

escape. G abkommen. 
ablade{*~~], pp abgelade, to unload. G ab- 

ablaf[*], m, sluice, overflow. G Ablauf. 

ablafe[* ~~], pp abgeloffe, to run off, drop off, 
run down, turn aside, start off. G ab- 

a~blanse[*~~], pp 4-geblanst, to begin to plant, 
plant: en bungert —. G anpfianzen: 

pg sdgm isle 02 arioday” £ tT *lebeid"s Ro doniq of 

of alot NNER 9G 

BA | ~ 

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2 to qaowe of duisdegda qq J *jstrisdds 

svorwe: of. otmisdsads aq J **lemisdds 
somisd+dse ©  .(esotetog mrotl) aluorge 
iio wath of .sislisdonds qq J “*jenietds 
<> .esol ont acon! teyoniv 10 asbin .sntw 

siasiqsseb of Jogsisgds aq |" — 

aiswegiina of jidstisgds gq I- Neldeiide al 
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<e 2 Mo Siete sbies aw? prwob am. 

teadg ad omed 03 gy boi J’-*jeenaid"s 
eanatiqns 0 ~~ regdud as-sinelq 


&“blaudre[*~~], pp a°geblaudert, to persuade 
(some one) to buy or accept (something). 
G an-+plaudern. 

ablaure[*~~], pp abgelauert, to watch for, 
lie in wait for, listen in secret. G ablauern. 

ablause[* ~~], pp abgelaust, to gain a thing by 
crait or sharp practice. dG ablausen. 

ableddre[*~~], pp abgeleddert, to give a good 
flogging. G abledern. 

ableejele{*~~~], pp abgeleejelt, to deny, shift 
blame to another. G ableugnen. 

ablehne{*~~], pp abgelehnt, to refuse, deny. 
G ableh nen. 

ableie{*~~], pp abgelejje, to be idle tempor- 
arily. Lit. trans. of E lay (lie) off. 

a~bleiwe[~~~], pp a gebliwwe, to remain in 
place. G anbleiben. 

ableje[*~~], pp abgelekt, to cast aside, dis- 
charge (temporarily). G ablegen. 

ablese|*~~], pp abgelese, to read off, pick off, 
recite. G ablesen. 

4~blick[~~], m, aspect, sight. G Anblick. 
a~blicke[~~~], pp a-geblickt, to behold, look 
at. G anblicken. 

&“blinsle[~~~], pp A-geblinselt, to blink or 
wink at. Ganblinzeln. 

ablos{*~], m, shallow ditch across a road to 
turn off the water, thank-you-ma’am. G. 

a~blose([~~~], pp a-geblose, to start by blow- 
ing, blow upon. Ganblasen. 

abloss{*~], m, allowance. G Ablass. 

ablosse[*~~], pp abgelosst, to leave off, grant 
leave, rebate. G ablassen. 

abluchse[*~~], pp. abgeluchst, to get by 
trickery or cheating. G abluchsen. 

a~bluje[~~~], pp A geblukt, to turn first 
furrow. G anpfitigen. 

abmache[*~~], pp abgemacht, to mow, cut 
down, cut (grain), take off from. G 

abmaehe[*~~], pp abgemaeht, to cut off with 
ascythe. Gabmahen. 

abmeerricke{*~~~], pp abgemzrrickt, to mark 
off. Gab-+merken. 

abmertre[*~~], pp abgemertert, to plague, 
worry. Gabmartern. 

abmatte[*~~], pp abgematt, to tire (some one) 
out. Gabmatten. 

abmeessle[*~”], pp abgeemeesselt, to chisel off, 
chip off. G abmeisseln. 

abmelke[*~~], pp abgemolke, to milk (a cow) 
dry, milk (a cow) just after calving; 
abgemolke, said of a cow that is dry. 

abmesse[*~~], pp abgemesse, to measure off, 
survey. G abmessen. 

abmole[*~~], pp abgemolt, to copy a picture, 
draw. Gabmalen. 

abmoschdere[*~~~], pp abgemoschdert, to tap 
off vinegar. G ab+Moster. 

abmunkle[*~~], pp abgemunkelt, to prevari- 
cate (ina matter), Gab-+munkeln. 

abnemme[*~~], pp abgenumme, to take from, 
become less, waste 

- abnewwle[*~ 

away, amputate, photo- 

graph, wane (of the moon), grow shorter 
(of the days); nix —, to refuse to accept 
any compensation; im —(n)de, in the wane 
of the moon. G abnehmen. 
abnemmes|[*~~], abnemmede[*~”~], n, miras- 
mus, waning, wastingaway. dGabnemnie. 
~], pp abgenewwelt, to lift (of a 
fog), clear off. G abnebeln. 
Aa~bohre[~~~], pp a°gebohrt, to tap, bore. G 
anbohren. . 
abpalde[*~~], abgepalde, to keep off: der hut 
—. Gabbehalten. 
abpare[* ~~], pp abgepart, to pair off. G ab- 
abpetze[*~~], pp abgepetzt, to pinch off; eens 
—,totakea nip (drink). Gab+dG petze. 
abquaele[*~~], pp abgequaelt, sich, to over- 
. work, fret, worry. G abqualen. 
Abraham, Awerham[*~~], m, Abraham. G 
abrahme[*~~], pp abgerahmt, to take the 
cream from milk. Gabrahmen. 
abrame[*~~], pp abgerdmt, to clear off (a 
table). G abraumen. 
abranke(’~~], pp abgerankt, to clear away 
superfluous shoots on vines or plants. G 
abrapple[*~~], pp abgerappelt, to rattle off. 
Lit. trans. of E rattle off. 
a~breche(~~~j, pp a gebroche, to make a hole 
in (a case or package), break open. G 
abreche[*~~], pp abgerecht, to rake off. G 
abrechle[*~~], pp abgerechelt, to square ac- 
counts, deduct. Gabrechnen. 
abreeche(*~~], pp abgereecht, to hand over. 
G abreichen. 
abreese, abreise[*~~], pp abgereest, to go on 
a journey, depart. G abreisen. 
abreisse{*~~], pp abgerisse, to tear off, part, 
tear down, demolish; sich — vun, to leave. 
G abreissen. 
abreiwe(* ~~], pp abgeriwwe, to rub off, ab- 
rade. G abreiben. 
a~brenne[~~~], pp agebrennt, to ignite, burn 
fast to the kettle in cooking. Ganbrennen. 
abrenne{*~~}], pp abgerennt, to knock off in 
running: sich's harn —. Gabrennen. 
abrichte(-~~}], pp abgericht, to train, teach 
animals tricks, arrange. G abrichten. 
a~briehe|~~~], pp a gebrieht, to scald, steep. 
G anbrihen. 
Abrill[-*], m, April; in der — schicke, to 
play an April fool prank. G April. 
abe tekalbt” Us n, April fool. G Apni+ 
a“bringe[~~~], pp a°gebrocht, to tell, report, 
make use of. G anbringen. 

abrinne[*~~], pp abgerunne, to run off, drain, 
drip. G abrinnen. 

abriss[*“], m, plan, design, diagram. G 

abritsche[*~~], pp abgeritscht, to slip, slip 
from, glide from. dG abritsche, 

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am bees ta 

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oye iad 03 dhoveghan -*epnhds 

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: Nsaande Dd .qiib - 
o> | mera .ayieab wag gn f° 

Gile jqile of ‘aide Ob OP retay 
NG: _—— 

a~brockle[~~~], pp a gebrockelt, to begin to 
chip; di supp —, to put crumbs in soup. 
G an+brockeln. 

abrode{*~~], pp abgerode, to dissuade. G 

a~brode[*~~], pp A°gebrode, to stick to the 
pan in frying. Ganbraten. 

abrolle{* ~~], pp abgerolit, to roll from or off, 
unroll. G abrollen. 

abroppe[*~~], pp abgeroppt, to pick off, pluck. 
G abrupfen. 

abroschde[*~™~], pp abgeroscht, torust off. G 

a~bruch[~~], m, break (of day). G Anbruch. 

abrufe[*~~], pp abgerufe, to call off, proclaim. 
G abrufen. 

4~brumme([*~~], pp 4°gebrummtt, to growl at. 
G anbrummen. 

abrunde[’~~], pp abgerundt, to round off. G 

abrutsche[*~~], pp abgerutscht, to slip off, 
wear the nap off. G abrutschen. 

absaddle[*~~], pp abgsaddelt, to unsaddle. G 

absaeje[‘~~], pp abgsaekt, to saw off. G 

absaje[’~~], pp abgsat, to refuse, decline, 
reject, revoke. G absagen. 

Absalam[*~~], m, Absalom. G Absalom. 

absatz[*~], m, heel, ledge, pause, stop, para- 
graph, sale of goods. G Absatz. 

absaufe(*~~], pp abgsoffe, to weaken by 
sucking. G absaufen. 

abschaele[*~~], pp abgschaelt, to peel off; 
sich —, to get out of doing something, 
evade. G abschilen. 

abscherfe[*~~], pp abgscherft, to taper. G 

abscherre, abgscherre[*~~], pp abgscherrt, to 
take the harness from a horse. G ab+ 

abscherre(*~~], pp abgscherrt, to scratch off 
or away. G abscharren. 

abschaffe[*~~], pp abgschafft, to get rid of, 
do away with, dispose of, repeal, discon- 
tinue; sich —, to work to excess. G 

abschaume, abschame[*~~], pp abgschaumt, 
to take scum from liquids in boiling. G 

abschawe[’~~], pp abgschabt, to scrape off, 
abrade. G abschaben. 

abschei[*~], m, horror, abhorrence, disgust, 
hatred. G Abscheu. 

abscheilich{--~], abominable, detestable. G 

abscheppe[*~~], pp abgscheppt, to shovel off, 
take away from a liquid, skim off. 

abschere|*~~], pp abgschore, to cut off with 
scissors. G abscheren. 

abschicke[*~~], pp abgschickt, to discharge, 
sack (a beau). G abschicken. 

abschiddsbreddich{*~~~], f, farewell sermon. 
G Abschiedspredigt. 

abschied{*~], m, departure. G Abschied. 

abschiesse[*~~], pp abgschosse, to fire off; 
abgschosse, faded. G abschiessen. 

abschiewe(* ~~], pp abgschowe, to push off the 
sheaf from a dropper or self-rake reaper, 
postpone; sich —, to leave hastily. G 

abschinne[*~~], pp abgschunne, to flay, fag 
out, overwork. G abschinden. 

abschissich[*~~], steep. G abschtissig, 

abschitte[*~~], pp abgschitt, to pour off. G 

abschittle[-~~], pp abgschittelt, to shake off, 
shake out (a rug). G abschiitteln. 

abschlachde[*~~], ppabgschlacht, to slaughter. 
G abschlachten. 

abschlajje[-~~], pp abgschlajje, to knock off, 
pronounce an article sold at a vendue; 
’s wasser —, to urinate. G abschlagen. 

abschlamse[*~~], pp abgschlamst, to slope, 
taper. Gab+dG schlamsen. 

abschlecke[’*~~], pp abgschleckt, to lick off. 
G abschlecken. 

abschleefe[*~~], pp abgschleeft, to drag off, 
wear off by dragging. G abschleifen. 

abschleiche[*~~], pp abgschliche, to sneak 
away. G abschleichen. 

abschleife[*~~], pp abgschliffe, to grind off, 
polish. G abschleifen. 

abschlenkre[*~~], pp abgschlenkert, to shake 
off. G abschlenkern. 

abschliesse[*~~], pp abgschlosse, to covenant, 
make an agreement. G abschliessen. 

abschlippe[*~~], pp abgschlippt, to slip off, 
steal away. G abschliipfen. 

abschlofe{*~~], pp abgschlofe, to sleep off 
(the effects of drink). G abschlafen. 

abschmeisse[*~~], pp abgschmisse, to throw 
off, deduct. dG abschmeissen. 

abschmelse[’~~], pp abgschmolse, to melt off, 
drop down in consequence of melting. G 

abschnappe, abschnappe[*~~], ppabgschnappt, 
to give a curt reply. G abschnappen. 

abschneide[’ ~~], pp abgschnidde, to cut off, 
shear, amputate. G abschneiden. 

abschnelle{*~~], pp abgschnellt, to fling off, 
snap the chalk-line in hewing timber. G 

abschnitt[‘~], m, section. G Abschnitt. 

abschnitzle[-~~], pp abgschnitzelt, to whittle 
off. G abschnitzeln. 

abschpale[*~~], pp abgschpalt, to hew logs 
roughly, break off in spalls. G abspalten. 

abschpiele[*~~], pp abgschpielt, to play of, 
pretend, shirk. Lit. trans. of E play off. 

abschpinne[*~~], pp abgschpunne, to spin off; 
eens —, to tell a yarn. G abspinnen. 

abschpreche[*~~], pp abgschproche, to refuse, 
deny, dissuade. G absprechen. 

abschprengej*~~], pp abgschprengt, to blast 
off, force off, cause to break or fly off, 
cause to leave hastily. G absprengen. 

abschpringe{*~~], pp abgschprunge, to leap 

or start suddenly, chip off. G abspringen. 

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~ sioeiedeD sbeveb wash 

yesid oF Jgnoxqtioewde qq [ “jegaerqdzade 

io yi 10 deetd oF sewer fio sor) {flo 
nognomeds O a ovesl of Seas 
enai a3 Aah ty 

Asynngeda ad fo qi weldsbbue Nee 10 


19. ("~"legahqoada 

2) Peres state on Pe 

suilzeb lseulss oF ee oe qa 

amolsad A, Dy as A, ear pat ~ +h 

tho iseq of Sekine qq 
cgaislssmoe aniob to jue 
na Pa " 

ae s9qs? 03 Mnadsegds aa 

: ——— 

Rio datime of aig os Ah Ey meray 
Jo bit 192 of shaibegde 

~nozaib Asaqet ,lo seogeb , 
o .2zesox3 0) dow OF 

abschraekse[*~~], pp abgschraekst, to a 
G abschragen. 

abschrauwe|* ~~], pp abgschraubt, to unscrew. 
G abschrauben. 

abschrecke[*~~j, pp abgschreckt, to scare off, 
intimidate; sich net leicht —- losse, to be 
not easily intimidated. G abschrecken, 

abschreiwe[* ~~], pp abgschriwwe, tocopy. G 

abschrift(*~], f, transcript, copy. G Ab- 
abschritte[*~~], pp abgschritt, to pace off. 

G abschreiten. 

abschterme|*~~], pp abgschtermt, to chase 
away. G abstiirmen. 

abschterwe(*~~], pp abgschtarwe, to die, die 
out. G absterben. 

abschterze[*~~], pp abgschterzt, to fall off 
or down. G abstiirzen. 

abschtamme[*~~], pp abgschtammt, to de- 
scend from. G abstammen. 

abschtampe[*~~], pp abgschtampt, to stamp 
off. G abstampfen. 

abschtatte[*~~], pp abgschtatt, dank, to thank. 
G abstatten. 

abschtéwe[*~~], pp abgschtabt, 
dust from. G abstauben. 

abschtecke[*~~], pp abgschteckt, to mark off 
with stakes. G abstecken. 

abschteh~[**], pp abgschtanne, to stand ata 
distance, begin to spoil, lose taste, turn flat, 
die away (of plants), abstain. Gabstehen. 

abschtehle[* ~~], pp abgschtohle, to steal from, 
sneak away. G abstehlen. 

abschteije{* ~~], pp abgschtijje, to alight (from 
a vehicle), dismount. G absteigen. 

abschtelle[*~~], pp abgschtellt, to unload, 
postpone; sich —, to stand at a distance. 
G abstellen. 

abschtennich{*~~], showing signs of decay: 
en-er bam. dG abstehnig. 

abschtickle[-~~], pp abgschtickelt, 
stakes. Gab+dG schtickel. 

abschtimme[*~~], pp abgschtimmt, to put to 
a vote, vote down. G abstimmen. 

abschtolpere[*~~~], pp abgschtolpert, to stum- 
ble away. Gab-+stolpern. 

to remove 

to set 

abschtoppe[*~~], pp abgschtoppt, to stop, 
shut off. G abstoppen. 
abschtrecke[*~~], pp abgschtreckt, to meas- 

ure, step off. G abstrecken. 

abschtreiche(*~~], pp abgschtriche, to brush 
away, level a measure of grain. G ab- 

abschirijjele{*~~~], pp abgschtrijjelt, to curry. 
G abstriegeln. 

abschtrippe(*~~], pp abgschtrippt, to strip off; 
sich —, tochangeclothes. dGab-—strippe. 

abschtrofe{*~~], pp abgschtroft, to punish, 
reprimand. G abstratfen. : 

abschtubbe[*~~], pp abgschtubbt, to wear off 
(by stubbing), poke off (with a stick). G 

abschuss[*~], m, declivity. G Abschuss. 

abschwarte[‘ ~~], p pp abgschwéart, to saw slabs 

from a log, take the rind from pork, give 
a beating. G abschwarten. 

abschweere[* ~~], pp abgschwore, to swear off, 
vow to discontinue, renounce. G ab- 

abschwenke[*~~], pp abgschwenkt, to rinse. 
G abschwenken. 

abschwetze(*~~], pp abgschwetzt, to dissuade. 
G abschwatzen. 

absehne[*~~], pp abgsehne, to learn by ob- 
serving. G absehen. 

abselutt[-~<], abselut{~~*], absolutely, insist 
upon, by all means. G absolut. 

absenat[~~*], obstinate, stubborn, difficult to 
please, fastidious, finical. dG absenat 

absenke[*~~], pp abgsenkt, to singe off. G 

absenkle{*~~], pp abgsenkelt, to plumb. G 

absetz[*~], m, heel. Cf absatz. 

absetze[*~~], pp abgsetzt, to dismiss, dis- 
charge. G absetzen. 

absicht[*~], f, design, purpose. G Absicht. 

absichtlos[*~ .* undesigning. G absichtlos. 

absinge[*~~], pp abgsunge, eens, to sing (a 
tune). G absingen. 

absitze[*~~], pp abgsotze, to sit at a distance, 
wear (the seat of trousers). G absitzen. 

absuckle[*~~], pp abgsuckelt, to suck off. G 
ab-+dG suggeln. 

abtrinni(s)ch|*~~], apostate, disloyal. G ab- 

abverdiene|*~ ~~], pp abverdient, to earn off a 
debt by working. G abverdienen. 

abwarne[~~~], pp abgewarnt, to warn to keep 
away. G abwarnen. 

abwarte[*~~], abgewart, to wait at table, 
nurse. G abwarten. 

abwa4rter[*~~], m, waiter, nurse <abwa4rte. 

abwartern, abweertern|’ “~], f, female nurse, 
Waitress <abwéarte. 

abwartung, abwéarting/*~~], f, attendance, 
nursing. G Abwartung. 
abwechsel[*~~], m, change. G Abwechsel. 

abwechsle[*~~], pp abgewechselt, to inter- 
change, alternate. G abwechseln. 

abwechslung[*~~], f, variety, change. G Ab- 

abweede[* ~~], pp abgeweedt, to graze on, crop 
the pasturage close, G abweiden. 

abwehre[*~~], pp abgewehrt, to urge against 
doing something, ward off. G abwehren. 

abweiche[*~~], pp abgeweicht, to depart from, 
digress, stray, deviate. G abweichen. 

abweise[’ ~~], pp abgewisse, to turn some one 
away, make a show of oneself, show olf. 
G abweisen: in last two meanings a trans. 
of E show off. 

abweiser[*~~], m, a shallow ditch across a 
road. G Abweiser, 

abwek[*"], m, by-road, wrong road. G Ab- 

abwelke(*~~], pp abgewelkt, to wither (and 
fall off). G abwelken. 


geieni ,zisstiloads weeks 

a shea sia pe otentiedo phd the : r 
sede. DD. Acie eunibigas) ce 

3.” dang 02 Sisdtinegis aa toy 

do ed melo sbi 

zncoo [le 


2. a agai o s ag 
23 alnsegd a 


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Pa AS ie ; f ke) 
dioiedA D.. .seoqrug, aye b 
aolrisiads O -anisgiesbru cs idoleda 
5) gale of .2nes Synvegds gg of” s 
pognieds {snus 

sonsieib s ts tie of ostoegda qq [~*joxtiads 

Dostieda D .fersevoit 16 tees 91%) tas 

| 2 -vio-tloue et slodeweade 06 ME arn ag a 

nlagque Db+dé- 
is 3 Asgoleib stsizoas i°~"} to(e) ianiads 

s fo mise a) Jasiiievds aq ea ‘\snoibiseda 
asonsinavds 2) .gavharw deca ont 
qua of f307_.0F- goireagds q i" *jemawd 
ness S 2 cama 

siday 34 Hee ot ,nbwsads ae 

seisvds D seme 
sniwds > awn ploiaw yn J” *hehiweis 
sewn sinms! t , **jmohiawds Art 
sohiwds> wevine 

sonsbasiza. 1. J“ ‘Igatiiwdsa gaunbwde. 

3ounewds DO _.yniemn 
setnowd A oO spnado om f°" ‘lsedsewda 
“tnt o3 Jivetoowepde qq 17 “lolexisewda 
aloedoewda <3 een agasia 
hv -ognatls wasney i “lgavledoowda 


qos ,no ssery of =bsewssde ag [ “jabeowda_ 

gabiswds D_.eadlo ogersesd ad3 
whinge yyw OF ditiewagds a4 J°**lomtewds 
asuiagds D Ro. bisw gnidiemos giiob 
a nee o? ,diiviewaads qq..{"” ‘jiiowds 
yowde J siarveb ,yarte eeotgib 
sata aban nit oF ———_ qaq.t 
te ware ,jisessc to a sdem amtite 
stoi gaia Ow Sal am 2 

2 worms M53ib wolleda 3 cr {heal 
442 .bsor gnorw , becomes qa ‘lewd 

tweed rocliiwe ad agg oe 

ms i 

ment) iagils of aigtoencs aa {77 *)atieiddeda > 
Bian gap 

* 7 t o 
ee ee 
“soinloegds aq 

oq - ee is aq J ‘font = 
pores arf iy art 
“aes : 

cainssy or dnad, 

svommsn of td 

se baste pa. opi oF zh 

sora Sage sera > aghdaeda= 

snarl {s9328 OF ,SIo ea) 
ae, os See f 

. Savor 
pore Mig Bes once 
:yeosb lo aitgie peat 

Soldat im 



ter 02 Pir noe age ads ; , 

lototidoe & s co be 
@) tq O63 Ji eae t* 
soemniteds Saab ster . 
muse 02 ,s1sqlotdoagds qqf ~~" 

salon +de® | van 
jae%e ol. oO} & ‘ 
q sqqotdoegds qq 9 

ig oo pray 

abwende, abwenne[*~™], pp abgewendt, to 
avert. G abwenden. 

abwennich{*~~], alienated, disinclined, op- 
posed. dG abwennig. 

abwesche[*~~], pp abgewesche, to wash off. 
G abwaschen. 

abwetze[*~~], pp abgewetzt, to wear away by 
whetting. G abwetzen. 


abwickie[*~~], pp abgewickelt, to unwind, un- 
coil, unravel. G abwickeln. 

abwieje[*"~], pp abgewoje, to weigh, weigh 
for retail. Gabwiegen. 

abwische[*~~], pp abgewischt, to wipe off, 
clean, dust. G abwischen. 

abwischer(*~~], m, wiper, duster. G Ab- 

abwitsche[*~~], pp abgewitscht, to slide, slip 
or glide off, slip away. dG abwitsche. 

abwohne, abwuhne[*~~], pp abgewohnt, to 
live at a distance. Gabwohnen. 

abzaehle(*"~], pp abgezaehit, to count off, 
deduct, count out, rattle off, tell; des 
kannscht der an der finger —, you might 
know that. G abzahlen. 

abzerkle(*~~], pp abgezerkelt, to mark off 
with a pair of compasses, measure very 
exactly. G abzirkeln. 

abzahne[*~~], pp abgezahnt, toshed the milk- 
teeth. Gabzahnen. 

abzime(*~~], pp abgezamt, to unbridle. G 

abzanke[*~~], pp abgezankt, to scold, upbraid. 
G abzanken. 

abzappe[*~~], pp abgezappt, to tap, bottle. 
G abzapfen. 

abzehre[* ~~], pp abgezehrt, to become thin. 
G abzehren. 

abzettle[*~~], pp abgezettelt, to finish with, 
dismiss abruptly. G abzetteln. 

abzieje[‘"~], pp abgezojje, to remove, skin, 
flay, deduct, abstract. G abziehen. 

abzoppe|*~~], pp abgezoppt, to pull off by 
slight jerks. G abzupfen. 

abzuck[’~}], m, deduction, discount. G Ab- 

pp abgewichst, to flog. G 


abzwacke[*~~], pp abgezwackt, to extort. G 

abzwinge[*~~], pp abgezwunge, to extort. G 

ach{~], oh! Gach. 

achs[~], achsel[*~], f, axle. G Achse. 

achsel[*~], f, shoulder. G Achsel. 

acht[~], achte(*~], eight; heit iwwer acht dak, 
this day week. The cardinals from 4 to 9, 
also 11 and 12, add the ending -e when 
used substantively: es sin achte vun uns, 
esis schunnachte. G acht. 

acht{~], eighth. Gachte. ; 

acht[~], f, m, care, attention, esteem; in 
— nemme, to take care of, bear in mind; 
— gewwe, to be careful, beware; ken — uff 
ebbes hawwe, to pay no attention to a 
thing, not to notice. G Acht. 

achtdaksuhr[”* "], 

achte, achde[*~], pp geacht, to esteem, mind, 
heed. G achten. 

acht || eckich{*~~], octagonal; -jaehrich[* ~~], 
eight years old; =zeh[’ "J, eighteen; -zeht[’ 7], 

achtel, achdel{*~], n, eighth (part). G Achtel. 

achter[*~], en, the figure 8, eight spot (in 
cards). G Acht. 

achtich[*~], careful. G acht+ig. 

achting, achding[*~] gewwe, to be careful. 
dG achding. Cf achtung. 

f, eight day clock. G 

achtlos[*"], careless, indifferent. G achtlos. 
achtsam[*~], heedful, attentive. G acht- 

achtung[*~], f, esteem. G Achtung. 

achtzich[*~], eighty. Gachtzig. 

achtzischt[*~], eightieth. G achtzigst. 
acker[*~], m, acre. G Acker. 

ackerbau[*~"], m, agriculture. G Ackerbau. 

a~dacht[~~], f, devotion, attention. G An- 

a~derre(~~~], pp A°gederrt, to dry fast to. 
G andorren. 

adarn{*~], m, horehound. G Andorn. 

adder[*~], f, order, condition, state. G 

adder[*~], command, order(s), order for goods. 
G Ordre. 

adderbrieschder[*~~~], m, priest who is a 
member of an order. G Ordenpriester. 

addere[*~~], pp geaddert, to order, give a 
command, give a business order. (Formed 
from above nouns.) 

a~dechtich[~~~], devotional, 

a~deel[~"], n, part. G Anteil. 

a“deite[~~~], pp Aagedeit, to signify, hint. 


Adem{[*~], m, Adam. G Adam. 

ademsappel(~~~~], m, Adam’s apple. G 

’ Adamsapfel. 

Adem-un-Ev4, putty-root, Adam-and-Eve. 
Trans. from E. 

a“denke, A~denkes[~~~], n, remembrance, 
memento, keepsake. G Andenken. 

adje, hatje(~~], goodbye. G adieu. 

Adler[~~], m, eagle, the whole kernel of half a 
walnut or hickorynut; — roppe, to remove 
such kernels. G Adler. 

4“draje[~~~], pp a°gedraje, to inform on, give 
information secretly. G antragen. 

a~drede[~~~], pp 4-gedrede, to put in motion 
with the feet. G antreten. 

a“dreffe[~~~], pp a gedrotte, to meet (with), 
come across. G antreffen. 

a“drehe[~~~], pp agedreht, to turn on (asa 
light). G andrehen. 

a~dreiwe[*~~], pp A°gedriwwe, to start driv- 
ing, urge, carry on. G antreiben. 

a“dresche[~~~], pp A gedrosche, to begin 
threshing (generally as to first round with 
flails). G andreschen. 

attentive. G 

‘sl ee eres . aa i. 

nA OD 

od jest Wb ot ansheg equ [~*jereeb™h 
oy ay as in nab 
TIODNA, « pa acong \ 
D .9tete ,nobibned ebro a pobe 

foiinss3s 10k 

aboug 50} tsbt0 (sso, ber raas 2 abba 
28 civ Jenn vo “frabdozeindrebba 
‘siesriqneby >) sabi ae to rsdn 
% avin asbio of aisbbaesg oq .[~*jsredbs 
bsart0 4) sino exenizod 5 svrg .bramenro2 
(enyon svods mos} 
3 svitasrs ‘Lenalecweb d~*|dandasD"& 

JlistxnA D° sag, [*}eed"s 
itd Wing of tisbsg fh aq "[-Asiiab7s 
.siusbas 0 

umabA O .«nebA lm t-*JorobA 
2 ieee e'msbA un {*" | Beausaniebh 
sea-bnomebA Joorytinq, Ava-memaba 
4 mod janet 
socsrimemet ny) “*jesdesh"2 .sanedes 
Se 4 oineqood .oInsiot 

& YWsd to tinsel iio oa : Hy h 

svomet of eqqal — 
Riba vw sierad vue 

Royetias 2) “lista BP i 

; 301 2%) ee faq I -~ “s 
mon es see ae 

(date) t9om 02 ‘ohorbay 8 9 ae 
fisvines ) _.2i609p mao 

£ 20) ao mi? 02 oiaieat fag |" “jetasb"s 

b bay ft art 2 enn 
vib mete of eww oq it~ 
Rye nner Uo Ro pot 

s aq MES 
aie tape $d 03 26 | i s 

a“du~[*"], pp a°gedu’, to put on, dress; sich 
—,todress. Gantun. 

Advent[-*](v=f), m, Advent. G Advent. 

aehnlich[*~], similar, alike. G ahnlich. 

aehniichkeit(*~"], f, resemblance. G Ahn- 

aehr[], f, head of grain. G Ahre. 

ger[™], he; rarely used as a mark of respect in 
addressing a person, usually a clergyman. 
When not stressed in a sentence, especially 
in a question, it is pronounced er{~] and 
in pronunciation is joined to the preceding 
word like an enclitic: kann zr lese= 
kanner lese? wann er mitwill=wanner 
mitwill. Ger. 

eer-[~], inseparable prefix of verbs and derived 
words. Ger-. 

eerbermlich{-*~], miserable. G erbarmlich. 

geerbarme, e@rbarme[{~~], pp erbarmt, sich, 
to have pity, have mercy. G erbarmen. 

gerbeer[’], abeer(*~], f, strawberry. G Erd- 

erbel(*~], @rrebel[*~~j, f, strawberry. dG 

gerbfeind{~~], m, arch-enemy. G Erbfeind. 

erwlishl. contagious, hereditary. G erb- 

serblicke[~*~], pp zrblickt, to catch sight of. 
G erblicken. 

erblos[~~], childless. G erbenlos. 

zerblosserj*~~}], m, testator. G Erben+ 
serbs["], errebs{*~], f, pea. G Erbse. 

eerbschaft(~~], f, inheritance. G Erbschaft. 

zrbse || supp[~~ “|, f, pea-soup; -zaehler[~~ ~~], 
m, demented person. 

eerd{], f, earth, world. G Erde: 

gerd || appel[~~~],  m, Jerusalem artichoke; 
zballe[-~~], m, globe; -bebung, -bewung 
[~~~], f, earthquake; -deel[-"], n, part of 
the earth; -(e)schooss[~~~], m, (lap of) the 
earth; -fieeh[~7j, pl, flea-beetles; -geischt 
{~], m, gnome; <licht[~~], lichtel[~~~], n, 
jack-o’-lantern, ignisfatuus; -reich{~"], n, 
globe; -scholle[~~~], m, clod, lump of earth; 
-schpijjel[~~~], m, semaphora; -schtreiss 
{-“], pl, trailing arbutus, gravel plant; 
-schwamm|~~], m, mushroom. 

gerde[~~], earthen. G irden. 

grdeklooss[~~"], m, clod. G Erdenkloss. 

erdich{*~j, earthy, earthly. G erdig. 

eerdisch[~~], earthly. G erdig. 

serfahre|~~~j, pp zrtahre, to learn, experience; 
—, versed, adept. G erfahren. 

erfahrung[-~~], f, experience. G Erfahrung. 

serfille[’*~], pp erfillt, to fulfill. G erfiillen. 

erfilling[’*~], f, fulfillment. G Erfillung. 

zerfinder|~*~], m, inventor. G Erinder. 

erfindung[-*~], f, invention. G Erfindung. 

grfinne[-*~], pp werfunne, to invent. G er- 

erfoddre[-*~], pp zrfoddert, to require. G 

eerfolk[~*], m, result, event. G Erfolg. 

eerfreie[““~], pp erfreit, to make glad. G 

eerfrische[’*~], pp erfrischt, to refresh. G 

eerfrischung[’*~], f, recreation, refreshment, 
G Erfrischung. 

ergewwel[*~], pp zrgewwe, sich, to devote 
oneself, surrender, be resigned. G ergeben. 

ergreife[-“~], pp ergriffe, to seize, compre- 

hend. G ergreifen. 
ergreiflich[--~], comprehensible. G ergrei- 

ergreifung[-~~], f, comprehension. G Er- 

ergtinde[-*~], pp zrgrindt, to fathom, find 
out. ergriinden. 

erhalte[~*~], pp erhalte, to support, main- 
tain, preserve. G erhalten. 

erhaltung [~*~], f, maintenance, preservation. 
G Erhaltung. 

getheehe[-~~], pp erheeht, to exalt. G er- 

etheiere[“~~~], pp erheiert, to obtain by 
marrying. G-erheiraten. 

zrhewer[~~], m, elevator belt of a flouring 
mill. G Erheber. 

erhole[“~~], pp zrholt, sich, to recover. G 

erholung[~*~], f, recovery. G Erholung. 

gerinnere|~*~~], pp ezrinnert, sich, to remem- 
ber, recollect. G erinnern. 

erinnerung|~*~~], f, reminiscence, memento, 
recollection. G Erinnerung. _ 

erijer[*~], m, vexation, fury. G Arger. 

gerjer[*~], errijer{*~~], worse. G 4rger. 

zrjere[*~~], pp gerjert, to vex, irritate; 
sich —, to be vexed. G Argern. 

erjerlich{*~~], irritable, provoking, vexatious, 
vexed. G 4rgerlich. 

gerjernis|*~~], f, vexation, irritation. 

erkenne[’*~], pp erkennt, to recognize. G 



gerkennung(*~], f, recognition. G Erken- 

erkindiche[-*~~], pp erkindicht, sich, to 
inquire. G erktindigen. 

erklaere|“~~], pp erklaert, to explain, avow. 
G erklaren. 

grklaerung[~~~], f, avowal, explanation. G 

gerlabnis[~~~], f, permission. G Erlaubnis. 

erlange[’*~], pp erlangt, to attain, acquire, 

obtain. G erlangen. 

erlawe[~-~], pp zrlabt, to allow, permit. G 

zerlawing[-~~], f, permission. G Erlaub+ 

zerlebnis[-~~], f, experience. G Erlebnis. 

erleese(“~~], pp zrleest, to save, redeem. 

erleeser{-~~], m, redeemer. G Erldser. 

gerleesung[~~~], f, redemption. G Erldsung. 

erleheck[~*~~}, f, box elder. G Erle+ Hecke. 


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A ‘ “Herd ae Vice h emona 

a }doiev ;auudel 

sities toqmul bola rd ~*jellostoss 5s - | 

waleasdoas Vata ms a T. ae 

stasiq loverg @utudia gail 44 

geod O > Saag = 
“2 2 Anseni i os aq tf 

erleichte[“~~], pp zrleicht, to illuminate. G 

grieichtere[“~~~], pp erleichtert, to lessen, 
lighten. G erleichtern. 

etleide|“~~], pp zrlitte, to suffer, undergo. G 

erlewe[~~~], pp zrlebt, to experience, go 
through with. G erleben. 

erlieje["~~], pp zrlojje, to trump up lies. G 

erlosse[- ~~], pp erlosst,toremit. Gerlassen. 

germahne[~~~|, pp ermahnt, to exhort, remind. 
G ermahnen. 

germahnung|~~~], f, remonstrance, 
tion. G Ermahnung. 

zermel[*~], m, sleeve. G Armel. 

germelloch[*~~], n, sleeve-hole. G Armelloch. 

zrmer(*~], armer{~~], poorer. G armer. 

ermie[*~], pp geermelt, tohug. G Arm. 

zermilich[*~], poorly. G armlich. 

zrmscht{"], 4rmscht["], poorest. G armst. 

ermuntere[~*~~], pp ermuntert, to encourage. 
G ermuntern. 


ermvollweis[*~"], by armfuls. G armvoll- 

gern, ernt[~],f, harvest. G Ernte. 

grnj~j=aren. Geer ihn, er einen. 

gtmaehre, annaehre[--~], pp zrnaehrt, to 
support; sich —, to subsist, live, make a 
living. G ernihren. 

gern | appel{*~~], m, harvest-apple; -bred- 
dich[*~~], f, harvest thanksgiving sermon; 
zkichelche[*~~~], n, doughnut; -feld[**], 
n, harvest field; -kerrich[*~~], f, harvest 
home service. 

zernde[*~], pp geernt, to harvest. G ernten. 

erneire[“~~], pp erneiert, to renew. G er- 

gerniedriche[“*~™~], pp zrniedricht, to humble. 
G erniedrigen. 

eernscht[~], m, earnest, 
earnest. G Ernst. 

zermschthaft[*~], sincere, serious, earnest. G 

ernschtlich{*~], ardently, seriously, earnestly. 
G ernstlich. 

seriousness; adj, 

zerns ||leit[*"], pl, harvesters; =-zeit[*"], f, 
harvest time. ; 
zrntfescht[‘~],n, harvest home. G Ernteftest. 

zerquicke[~*~], pp erquickt, to refresh, 
quicken. G erquicken. 

zrquickung[~*~], f, recreation, refreshment. 
G Erquickung. 

err[-], confused; —- sei, to be confused; 
— werre, to become confused. Girre. 

zrreeche|~-~], pp erreecht, to attain. Geer- 

errette(-*~], pp zrrett, to save, rescue. G 

errgeh"(*"], pp zrrgange, to go astray. G 

zrrgraut(*"], n, rattlesnake-plantain. 

etrichte[~*~], pp zrricht, 
pose. G errichten. 

G Irre 

to establish, dis- 

I ennsylvanid-German Lictionary g 

errickscht[*~}], zrkscht{~], worst. 

erschaffe[~ ~~], 

erscheine[-~~], pp zerscheint, to appear. G 

gerscheinung[~~~], f, G Er- 

eerschleiche{~~~], pp zrschliche, to obtain by 
slow movements or delay. G erschleichen. 

gerschpare{-~~], pp ezrschpart, to save. G 

erschrecklich{’*~], terrible, horrible. G er- 

zerschtaune[~~~], pp zrschtaunt, to astonish; 
sich —, to be surprised. G erstaunen. 

erschtaunlich[-~~], surprising. G _ erstaun- 

zrschteije[--~], pp erschtijje, to scale. G 

erschticke[-*~], pp zrschtickt, to suffocate. 
G ersticken. 

se Laci terribly, awfully. G ersetz- 

gersuche[“*~], pp ersucht, 

zerwache[-*~], pp erwacht, 

erwaehle[~*~], pp zrwaehlt, to elect. 

G 4rgst. 
pp erschafft, to create. G 


to beseech. G 
to waken. G 

G er- 

erwarte[-~], pp werw4rt, to expect, await, 
wait for. G erwarten. 
erwe([~~], pp gezrbt, to inherit. G erben. 

erweche[~*“], pp erweckt, to rouse. G er- 

erweitre[~~], pp erweitert, to widen. G 

eerwer[~~], m, heir. G Erbe. 

erweit[~~], errewet[*~~], f, work, labor, em- 
ployment, trouble; sich an di — mache, to 
get to work; di— schatie, to do the chores. 
G Arbeit. 

zwrz{],n, ore. G Erz. 

erzaehle[-~~], pp zerzaehlt, to tell (rare). G 

erzahlen. Cf verzachle. 
gerzaehler{-~~], m, narrator. G Erzahler. 
zerzaehlung|~~~], f, narration. G Erzahlung. 
grzieje[--~], pp #rzojje, to breed. G erzie- 


erzphilischder[~~~~]EH, m, consummate ped- 
ant. G Erzphilister. 

a~fackle[“~~], pp A giackelt, to start some- 
thing. G anfackeln. 

a~ferrichde[~~~~], pp Aa gferricht, to draw 
the first furrows through a field in starting 
to plow, draw furrows through a plowed 
field for planting (corn or potatoes). G 

a~fahre[-~~], pp A-gfahre, to drive ahead, 
speak gruffly to. G anfahren. 

a~falle[-~~], pp agfalle, to fall upon, attack. 
G anfallen. 

A~fang[~~], m, beginning, origin. G Anfang. 

a~fange[~~~], pp a gfange, to begin, com- 
mence. G anfangen. 

a~fangs[~~], at first, in the beginning, at the 
present time, as things are now; es werd 

2 .slee of ,sifiidons qq iio 

sissofue of taoitdoers ag poles 
fi xy 
i218 2 .yilvtws  yidinw? I aang 

2D dosed of jeouere 44 i piaee 


2 .nedew 0} tdoswts qq. Se se Tar 

3 2 tole o3 Jidsawis qq. f ~pldsawis 

fiews $5979 09 Jhéwiss qq_ J ~"jeribwies 
wahawis 0 10) view 

aedey D netlat oF jenn aq f° jew 

139 4) suet of stitewre nq J “jedsewis 

Oo .osbiw oF .otigwie aq f° jtiiewm 

Sia a) ion par : 
ms jodel stow 1 f “"fewenm [> 

09 ainem — ib as tole taken tioregaky 
svisfis ot) ob 03 sitattae—~ ib :A10W oF 398 

 .(ste1) Iis3 o3 Jidgests aq J *"joldoarts 
oiderstay 1) .nvaisloers 

seldbead OD sotetisn ym ft “"hsliserrs 

govuidina OD sobsuen,) [~~ lpasideaste 

isi OD bee of \sijosts ga Beco 

-beq sismmuenos nm Nal" ~“)reh 
fe 3 ne) 
-sinos sje, oF disdonig’& qq .[~>jebisat & 
misdosine <) anit 
web O48 rnp Be aq, °~*)sbdomats 
gninese at bivd Bafor gweorn) 2278 ofl2 
hesolg s dgyowd? ewonn) warb ORs 

) (esotsiog 0 m109) en * 

hectic witb 03 diye a9 hag err 
enisins a) .o3 vithierg dnoga 
Szetne: moqu flst.ot ,siisly & aq Po jal 
‘nelloing O 
-yesinA 2 .nigho aninaiged io [“tgaad7& 
46g _jfized oF ,ognaty’s as 5 EE sales 

ois 3% pyeouiged of) vt Jet tz pelegasth 
biswi es {wos 916 egnid? 26 pind Inséatg 

Pa, Paty rie 

pat wera 

-berd= jsiqqes-tesvied en i 
;MOMISE ‘gaivigedands lasts 

i *jbist® stund nt oe 
Forni 2 Teoma 2 

—="8O ... , it ia-getting to beso ....: 
G anfangs. 

A~fasse[~~~], pp 4 gfasst, to take hold of. G 

&~faule|~~~], pp 4°gfault, to begin torot. G 

Aa~fechte, a°fechde[~~~], pp a°gfochte, to at- 
tack, fight, quarrel, tempt (by the devil). 
G anfechten. 

a"fechtung, a fechding/~~~], f, controversy, 
quarrel, contention (usually legal). G 

&“feichte{[~~~], pp a gfeicht, to moisten. G 


A“feinde{[*~~], pp 4 gfeindt, to antagonize. 
G anfeinden. 

4~feire[~~~], pp agfeiert, to light, set on fire, 
inspire. G anfeuern. 

a~fenger{[~~~], m, beginner. G Anfanger. 

aff[-], m, ape, monkey, silly person. G Affe. 

affegsicht[*~~], n, mask, ugly face. G Affen- 

A“fiedre[~~~]l, pp A gfiedert, to improve by 
good feeding. G anfiittern. 

a~fiehle[“~~], pp A gfiehlt, to feel at, touch. 
G anfthlen. 

a~fiehles[~~~], n, sympathy, feeling for. G 

A~fiehrej~~~], pp a gfiehrt, to lead, deceive, 
disappoint, quote, cite. G anfiihren. 

a“fiehrung[~~~], f, citation, deception. G 

afille[*~-~], pp a-gfillt, to fill. G anfillen. 

a“fingre[~~~], pp agfingert, to touch, handle. 
G anfingern. 


], pp agfeilt, to begin to file. G 

pp 4gflickt, to patch. G 

&~fransle{[~~~], pp A gfranselt, to set with 
fringe. G anfransen. 

A“fratze[~~~], pp A gfratzt, to accost in an 
overbearing manner. G an-+Fratze. 

a*fresse{[~~~], pp agfresse, to gnaw at. G 

A&“froje[~ ~~], pp agfrokt, to make inquiry 

about. Ganfragen. 
after[*~], mn, posteriors, buttock, anus. G 

aftergschezrr[*~~], n, quilor harness (the dis- 
tinctive parts of which were a wide breech- 
ing and side or under-belly straps connected 
with the collar so as to enable horses to 
hold back a load better in going down hill). 
G After+Geschirr. 

a~gaffe[“~~], pp a gegafft, to gape at. G 

a“gebore{[~~~~], inborn, innate, hereditary, 
intuitive. G angeboren. 

a~gebott/~~~], m, first bid (at a public sale). 
G Angebot. 

&~gedu~(~~~], clothed, dressed: gut —. G 


"], pp a-gange, to begin, take fire, 

rave, concern; sell geht dich nix a7, that 
is none of your business. G angehen. 

a~geheere[~~~~], pp a°geheert, to pertain. G 

A~geld{[-~], n, earnest money, retainer. G 

a~gelejes[~~~~], mn, yearning, concern. G 

a~gelejje{[—~~~], solicitous, concerned for. G 

a~genehm[~~"], agreeable, delightful, wel- 
come. G angenehm. 

a ~venehmlicherweis|- at ], in an agreeable 
manner. G angenehmlicher Weise (Note 
survival of genitive ending after -lich). 

a~gesicht[~~~], n, face. G Angesicht. 

a~gewachse[~~~~], liver-grown. Gangewach- 

a~gewehne{*~~~], pp A gewehnt, to accustom; 
sich ebbes —, to contract a habit. G an- 

a“gewehnet[*~~~], f, habit. 
heit, Angewohnung, 

a ~sewwel-~ “], pp 2’ gewwe, to suggest, report, 
lodge information against, make a com- 
plaint, make a declaration; sich — als, 
to claim to be. Gangeben. 

a~gfriere, 4~friere(~~~], pp 4 gfrore, to freeze 
fast to. Ganfrieren. 

G Angewohn- 

a~glaje[~~~], pp a-geglakt, to accuse. G an- 
a~gleede[~~~], pp a°gegleedt, to clothe, dress 

G ankleiden. 

G anklopfen. 

a~gnarre(~~~], pp A4-gegnarrt, to snarl at. G 

a~gnawwre(~~~], pp &4°gegnawwert, to nibble 

at, gnaw. G anknabbern. 

gnippe|~~ “], pp a gegnippt, to button on, 

tieon. G ankniipfen. 

a“graunse[~~~], pp a gegraunst, to address 
in a grutf manner. G angrunzen. 
&~greife[~~~], pp a-gegriffe, to grasp hold on, 
attack, assail. G angreifen. 

a~greifer[~~~], m, attacker. G Angreifer. 

a“greische(~~~], pp A°gegrische, to scream at. 
G ankreischen. 

a~grieje[(“~~], pp Agrickt, to get on {an 
article of clothing), put on. G ankriegen. 

4a” griff[*~], m, attack. G Angriff. 

a~gritzle[-~~], pp A°gegritzelt, to scribble on. 
G ankritzeln. 

a~gschtalt{(~~], m, manner of doing anything, 
action, move: so’n -! — mache, to prepare, 
get ready. GAnstalt. Cf aschtalt. 

a~gschteckt[~~], infected. G angesteckt. 

4~ gschtoche[~~~], worm-eaten. G angestoch- 

pp a-gegloppt, to knock (at). 



en. . 
a~gschwelle[~~~], pp 4°gschwolle, to begin to 
swell. G anschweilen. 
a“gsehne[~~~], respected: gut —. G an- 

a~gucke["~~], pp 

a-geguckt, to look at. G 

22 A028 bk kOe red 

elimergs seal, ieee linalnany"s 
sicvi) sei cn el. BAH © sAsntem 

(doll-- sorts gaibae svitineg to levivwe 

7 +i "“lirioigs yg” 8 

-dopaegns O aactieaik. joatioawsg"8 

-nptedeas of Snowy 8 qq [°° ~* wos"h ~ 
“ah O Jidad & 19613n09 0) aside: 

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& 2) ed'o9 ints ay 

esi? | . 
ou0) ,t8 feel of stidsitg’6 a9 i 7 

gsaait 03 nots tac J” aie o "fi 4 
nstening<) 0 ies 2 or waiten’ cedtegenge: = ; 7 

16 2 ,s8u208 02 Sabigog £aq. SP or © a oil 
eviaoeb bal 08 "se be ot. 

aeank sdzolo ot ‘shastgeg’t gq ae -jpbsoig rulings 2 S1b> nats oy 
ashicitns J OD .novqessb  meitstis , . 

tig) dsotal of Jagolyges & aq i” Moe Ty 
nvigobins O esiiiins D Maer alias 99 
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ting O- ged PiRingta zt $43) exomad 

no siddine oF issititgeg é qq Revs -aoss1d sbiw cond 

_gtidryns yniob to tsnast .m , aap oan 01 esrrod sidsmts 0} 28 oe tallo> 91 

S31sqsg a gp Mesto» noe : rom te (tid awob gaiog si 19333 — 
tissdxe BIO AtetenAé D a 

7 ena gg oo ees D 18 oqsg 07 sept oa ; 

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” “oslo ava rode 5% ik 4 


i niged of slow Pt qq [~~jslewsdoeg "8 Tie _o= 
atl ses 5 ot MN P na al difdug a ts) bid {0 r" jnodey” 
ns D .~ tug ibsinsges I” Syidenats sn ary 

D 28 tool on sdougey’s aq I" *jedoug"s 

Lenns VivdNld-UrerT Man Dictionary II 

Aguscht["‘], m, (month of) August. G 

Aguscht[*~], m, Augustus. G August. 

eh, 4h{"}], ah! oh! also exclamation of satis- 
faction. Gah. 

aha~[~*],aha! G aha. 

a~ha“[*"], yes. 

a~hacke[{*~~], pp a°kackt, to chop into, hoe 
vegetables. G anhacken. 

&*hafte["~~], pp a-kaft, to cling to (especially 
evil consequences). G anhaften. 

A~halte[“~~], pp A°kalte, to persevere, stop. 
G anhalten. 

A“haltend[~~~], continuous (Note rare use of 
present participial ending). G anhaltend. 

a“hang[~~], m, adherence, appendage. G 

a~harriche{*~~~], pp Aa-karricht, to listen to, 
take advice, heed. G anhorchen. 

a“hawwe[*~~], pp 4-katt, to wear (of clothes). 
G anhaben. 

A"heele[~"~], pp akeelt, to heal (together, 
on). G anheilen. 

&~heemle[*~~], pp a°keemelt, to remind (one) 
of home, make (one) feel at home, have a 
longing for home. G anheimeln. 

a~heemlich[~~~], homelike, comfortable. G 

&“heere[*~~], pp a°keert, to listen to, heed, 
perceive by listening. G anhéren. 

a“helfe[*~~], pp A-kolfe, to help (a person) 
put on an article of clothing. G anhelfen. 

a~henge[*~~], pp a-konke, to adhere to. G 
anhangen. Cf 47henke. 

a~henger, 4~henker[~~~], m, adherent, follow- 
er. G Anhanger. 

a™hengisch, A~henkisch[~~~}, 
sticky. G anhangig. 

a™henke[*~~], pp akenkt, a-konke, to hang 
on, put on, append, adhere, form as fruit on 
tree or vine or as potatoes on the roots, 
transmit a disease; eeni —, totellalie. G 

a~hetze[~~~], A-ketzt, to incite. G anhetzen. 

a~hewe[*~~], pp a-kowe, to start to lift, lift, 
hold on to. G anheben. 

a~hitze[*~~], pp akitzt, to heat, warm up. 
G anheizen. 

ahne[~~], pp geahnt, to suspect, dream of, 
think of. Gahnen. 

ahning[~~], f, inkling. G Ahnung. 

ahorn[*~](rare), m, maple. G Ahorn. 

ai{[*~], well! my goodness! Gai. 

aje || appel{*~~~], m, pupil of the eye; -bletz- 
lich{~~~~], immediately; -blick[-~~], mo- 
ment; -blicklich[-~*~]}, instantly, momen- 
tarily; -braue{[~~~~], pl, eyebrows; -deckel 
{“~~~], m, eyelid; -dokter[-~~~], m, oculist: 
-heitel[/~~~~], n, cataract(of the eye): -hoor 
[~~], f, eyelash; -luscht(~~~], f, delight to 
the eye; -mos[~~~], n, estimate taken by the 
eye, eyesight; -scheinlich["~-~], evident: 
-schpijjel, schpickel(~~~~{, schpielf+~~], m, 
spectacle, tragic sight, any phenomenon, 
act or result of an act held up asa visita- 


tion of Providence or warning to evil-doers; 
-wasser[~~~~], n, tears; -zah~[-~7], m, eye- 
tooth; -zeije[~~~~], m, eye-witness. 

ajjel, achel[*~], f, awn. G Achel. 

["], n, pl aje, eye (of human beings, animals 
and many plant-roots and tubers): ebbes 
im — hawwe, to have some foreign sub- 
stance in the eye, have something in view, 
watch something. G Auge. 

&~kemmling[~~~], m, new-comer. G 

a~kette[“~~], pp a-gekett, to chain fast. G 

&~kindiche[*~~~], pp a-gekindicht, to an- 
nounce, notify. G ankiindigen. 

akkediere[~~*~], pp akkediert, to make an 
agreement, agree, get along with, dicker. 
G akkordieren. 

&~klach[{[~~], m, complaint. G Anklag. 

a~klewe, 4~ glewe[~~~], pp a geklebt, to paste 
on, fasten to by sticking on, adhere, cleave 
to. Gankleben. 

&“kneppe[~~~], pp a-gekneppt, to button on. 
G anknipfen. 

a~kumme(~~~], pp 4"kumme, to arrive; gut 
—, to prosper; druff —, to depend on; es 
druff — losse, to take a chance. G an- 

&~lache[*~~], pp A-gelacht, to smile, attract. 
G anlachen. 

&“laf[“~], m, starting run. G Anlauf. 

a“lafe[~~~], pp a-geloffe, to form a mist on a 
surface, dim. G anlaufen. 

a“lande[~~~], pp A-gelandt, to land, arrive. 
G anlanden. 

a~lange[~~~], pp A-gelangt, to arrive. G 

&“langes[~~~], n, longing, yearning. G An- 

Albrechtsleit[*~"], pl, followers of Jacob 
Albright later known as the Evangelical 

aldar, altar[*"], aldor[~+], m, altar, communion 
table. G Altar. 

&~leie[~~~], pp a-gelejje, to be solicitous, have 
(something) at heart. G anliegen. 

a~leje[~"~], pp a-gelekt, to commence, put 
grain in place preparatory to thrashing, go 
in with a will, invest. G anlegen. 

a“lieje(*"~], pp A-gelojje, to belie. G an- 

all[“], all, every; — nix, all in vain, all off; 
-e dak, every day; di supp is —, there is 
no more soup. Gall. 

allau~{*"], m, alum. G Alaun. 

allbekannt[*~~}, notorious. G allbekannt. 

alidaksgleeder[*"~~], pl, everyday clothes, 
working clothes. dG alldagsig+Kleider. 

alldewek[~~*], all the way, the whole distance. 
G all den Weg. 

alldiweil[*~~}, during this time, all the time, 


certainly: es is — schlimm. G all die 
all(e)daks(ich)[*~~~], everyday. dG all- 


allee“[-“], alone. G allein. 

praee e at  nisibed ds aa £7 
caloib ee ha, 28745 3 

gelloA.D 7am “ti; a doeid A 

steno 03 ,debloy 8. qq I~ walg’ § owoll”s 
avssi> orsdbe od yuuisise Wess pace ey 20 
asdshins OD -02 

no nottud oF Jqqseieg 8 eq Pe net 

ig ysvine of ,smmut S gq "te 
2s «no bmaqeb oy -- Pub, peor 
na oD soneti> 9 saad 3 seeal ~—- Ruth 

‘toartts .otinne oF sdasing ta I *jedoal” 

Gwelnk OO an anirisse., <t Ay *TAI"S 

a ao tei & mid! 07 SRoley £44 1 **jotai"s 
asusina <3 wm ashe 

ints baal o} bnziss 6 aq f~}sbasi"s 
aghrskrs <) 

2 ging “Q}.  Senelogh a4 + 

ah O -paimesy, gaignol a J "feagasle 

desst to swale. 16 halaoioe 
Lsiispnsva oft’ es awoad wotal tduindiA 
coinuramos a~stia anf -“jobis T~ -rhdle 
saith sidet 
avast TOTES SS @ ,sitslog ~*jsisl"& 
topsite x) tiasd os iectineg 
suq Sone os .isleg E qa 1 *Rt 
a OF YROISTEG 914 sasiq oi HisTg 
eavai lltw 9 Aiiw a 

ns J 
as oF .stoleg 8 ae a 

he its nisv oz lis .zin — pore tis Ule 
Sse eb eva web & 

pete REN eoniols ynphiew, 
Nobis a od yew of? fle.,.f"~ ws bila 
Wy nob Us OW. 

esnid oft Me reer aga gubub i ‘jiiswibiia ~¢ 

aify tie <)-. cram — a 2 re 

jis Ob .yshnevs f° > ddetsb(eplia 
. Pay | 
isis D sale |“) oells 

fo sil ee no 
27001 sdt no ote 
D sil s ier 03 — ines; 


etisias DO aioli of atett 
iil ,sHI ot disse 03 ,swou 


allee™ || handel(“*~~], m, monopoly; -sei~ 
[-+"], n, state of being alone. 

alleenich{-*~], alone. G allein+ig. 

allegebott[~~*], allgebott{"~~], every now and 
then. dG allebott (bott=Partie, game; 
alle bott =every game, every time). 

alleheck[*~~], f, alder (brush). G Aller+ 

allekur{*~~], f, Canadian moonseed. Galle+ 


Allemengel[*~~~], name applied in colonial 
times to the northwestern part of Lehigh 
county because of the dire need of the early 
settlers. G alle+Mangel. 

allemno(’~*], evidently, it would seem, 
everything considered. G allem nach. 

allemol[*~~], every time; (in responses like) 
amen, most assuredly. G alie+ Mal. 

aller || errickscht[~~*~], worst of all; -bescht 
[~~], best of all; -erscht{~~], the very first; 
sfeinscht["~*], finest of all; -greescht|” rai f 
largest of all; zhinnerscht[-~*~], last of all, 
hindmost; zletscht[*~*], last of all; zliebscht 
[-~*], dearest, most of ail; des is mers —, lL 
like that most of all;-naekscht [~~], nearest 
of all; most likely, presumably; -vedderscht 
[‘~*~], foremost of ail; ewiescht[- ~~], ugliest 
of all, worst of all. 

allerdings[*~~], sure enough, to be sure, of 
course. G allerdings. 

allerhand(*~~], all sorts of, many kinds of; 
various things. G allerhand. 

Allerheilichi{- --~~],f, All Saints’ Day (Nov. I) 
G Allerheiligen. : 

Allerheil un (aller) Seel, All Saints’ and All 
Souls’ Days (Nov. I and 2). 

allerlei, allerlee[*~"], of various kinds, all 
sorts. G allerlei. 

allesmenanner[’~~*~], everything. G alles+ 

alleweil, anneweil[~~*], just now, now, a 
moment ago. dG alleweil. 

allfert[*~], always, constantly. G_ allfort. 
Cf alsfert. 

all || gebreichlich{*~ ~~], universal, customary; 
sgemee™, -gemei , -gemein[*~"], com- 
mon(ly), universal; ziwwer|’~~], every- 
where, in all parts; -mechtich{*"], 
almighty, very; zmenanner[~~*~], all, 
altogether; -wissend{*~~],  ommiscient; 
zzamme|~*~], altogether, all at one time; 
ezeit[’ ~], always, ever. 

allidaksblumm{*~ ~~], f, impatiens sultans. 

allowe[*~~], aloe. G Aloe. 

almose{*~~], pl, alms, church collection. G 

&"locke|~~~], pp 4 gelockt, to allure, entice. 
G anlocken. 

&“losse[~~~], pp a-gelosst, to let on, pretend. 
G anlassen. 

als["], always, still, continue(d) to, in the 
habit of, be accustomed to, used to; while; 
than, as, but; — noch, still, yet; —_un—, 
onandon. Gals. 

alsdann{~‘], then. G alsdann. 

~ ~ 

alsemol{’~*], sometimes. dG alsemol. 

alsfert(*~], always, constantly. dG als furt. 

also[*"], that is. G also. 
alsodillwarzel[- ~*~~], f, asphodel. 
+ Wurzel. 

alt["}, old, stale. G alt. 

alter[*~], m, age; vun-s her, (from) of old. 
G Alter. 

alter{*~], mei~, my old man, my husband, my 
beau. G Alter. 

altermann(sschtock)[~~*~], m, southern wood. 
G alter+ Mann-+Stock. 

alterschwech[*~~], f, infirmity of old age. G 

alterweiwerglawel ], m, superstition, a 
granny’s belief. G Altweiberglauben. 

alterweiwersummer(~~*~~~], m, Indian sum- 
mer. G Altweitbersommer. 

alt || frankisch[’~~], old-fashioned; -gro[* "|, 
hoary; -guckich{‘~~], having an old look, 
aged, old-fashioned; «licht[*"], n, last 
phase of the moon; zmelkich[*~~], nearly 
dry (of cows); -werre[*~~], n, state of 
growing old: des — is ken gschpass. 

alti*~], mei~,my old woman, my wife, my 
sweetheart. G Alte. 

altifra[-~*], f, common mugwort. 

altimaed[’~*], f, youth-and-old-age (plant). 

am[(~]=an em, at the, on the. Used with all 
the tenses of the verb sei’ + the infinitive 
of any verb to form the progressive form of 
that verb: ich bin — schaffe, ich war — 
schaffe, ich bin — schaffe gewest, &c. 
Thus every verb in the dialect (except sei) 
has the past progressive form, while sei” is 
the only verb which has the simple form 
in the past indicative. Also used to form 
the predicate superlative: — beschde, 
— schlimmschde. 

A*mache(~~~], pp a gemacht, to mix, light 
(a fire); sich — bei ebber, to get into some 
one’s good graces. G anmachen. 

a™maehe[~~~], pp a°gemaeht, to begin mow- 
ing, mow around the field with the cradle 
to make a way for the reaping machine. 
G anmahen. 

a*merricke{[~~~~], pp a: gemerrickt, to mark 
down, make a note of. G anmerken. 

ambos{~~], m, anvil. G Ambos. 

amen{~“], amen. G Amen. 
amerelle{’~*~], f, morello (cherry). 

Amerika[’ ~~], n, America. 


a~messe(~~~], pp A-gemesse, to take a person's 
measure for clothing. G anmessen. 


Amisch[*~], Amish. 

amme([’~]=an me, ata. Gan einem. 

ammenot(|*~~], ammenent{*~~], somewhere: 
— anneschicke, to send to some place; 
— sunscht, elsewhere. G an einem Ort. 

amschel(*~], f, robin, thrush. G Amsel. 

G Affodill 


G alte+ 

G Am- 

G Amerika. . 
American. G amefr!- 

., soe « vi NOD CYSMS ; 
A ; nee a ito sk 
* P 

Nyereiyie -</ 
io 3a (cto) st bs 

on Joie ae t's 
toow oretuca mf" + > 
| 2D spe blo to Ytetal 2 ~*}doswedony 

d'*lorge -bbhpoitead-blo : 

Zool pio ms shirred, ~~ "igailoeras “fried 
nal ae "dois ‘ Oifasl-bln bs 
conte to) lg 

whssa iar cre soni pneom ott to 

io stete op J” *lerianw- 
eengieg fad ai —~eob : bio yar 

un »tiw ym nemow bio Bg Rome 

stk So tisews 
j-asle O  Siowgiiin fonitnd , A dg: 

naiq) sgs-blo-bas-digoy 2 {°""[bsamiis 
is tne hoe Serine ody se yaad ma =f 
2vilinans oni -- “ise Grov sn lo sonst ony 
to mo? sviesstecry ord mic} of dite? yor to 
— 16w do whadkse — oid doi idtevy tacit 
24 eveeg vileios — nid dot shasioe 
"isa traces) taudleld edt ar disv heater soe§ 
Ht “ise sitiw: neti oes 2 Bae, 
ieret oiefruie sil OE: HA of) ig ag cee: 9i}- 
yd OF baeig oslA “Yevitesibat jeaq ods ci 
shaned =< -sviteHoque stexibarq silt 
sige esas 
Mipil unt ot sdoaenayt ag J ~*jedoam 
soe ota} tog oF fodds md — die (978 a 
Motamne ) 295 Dooy @ 2'sa0 
‘wom sized of /tdesirey 8 qe ; “Sedoamr”h 
ibays sid ceiw bie otis bauois wor gui 
snidoenm gmaest Sit tot yew & slam 07 
ism of .Achrmntey & aq J°"**jetanrreun”s 
asciemna 2) 10 son & adem woh 

wodmA sD) Jivns m0 “jeodmas 
wemA «> .nSere | “inert 
“mA © dreds) ollsiom 1 f**“jsllezeme 
A a t+ bleeh 
homA .) \sremA. »a.f-* 
Tame oO neoitsanh Raph age he dozindtihnems 
e‘noetsq 8 slat o2 peormey’f {°"* jozzonr”& 
-aseeomnns <) .gA 10? awesen 
ip rd epee 
«mons m6 «) .& 5& om ns = |” “Jomene 
solwomce ""p .”” “Bonemors 

‘soxdq amo of ‘base of ,otoulsesnns — 
OO menis ag =) nothwoels ,teoeaus — 

jstinkh 2 steuuld jnider 3 f"oddoaens ; 

a | 

is abot 

aa bo tael ie 

9 ea 

sesifgy bor came a 
le swe sd eee 
‘Ho abaid yrs: (io 
~ ceil ag 
(2 vo) ved ‘exnine HA LE * 

LA. bone ‘atnia? IA lose 

es Sas v7 oper 
suoitsy jo r- | | 

+eells 2) gnititeavs [-*” yo 
é 7 
a ,won .won devi ["" ce 4 
Jivwoite Ub oye treme cies VA 
wllls -ylinesencs a aa tro his - jy } 

emotes Inetoviny f°" **Jesilds 

«03 ,f “*jniginege © 7 - 
can I heeme. homme 

m4 il 

Idolos m jeneq ils ni ste 
is (“panama NE te 
-ormit ono 46 Ha ames. po. 
eitaiiue ensiteqstt A Tekh 

2 .noitseiioa duds oe 
“ goins wile o2 wnlsolsg 8 aq J seek 
sbnadaa ,0 391 01 acct a "= ames 

Ammierieli(-~*~], n, Mary Ann. 

amt, ampt[~], n, office. G Amt. 

amts || mann(*~], m, official; -verweser [*~ ~~], 
m, administrator. 

an{~],. at, on, along, by, in, of, to. Gan. 

&a*naehe(~~~], pp agenaeht, to sew on. G 

G annageln. 

Andann(i)(°~~], m, Anthony. G Anton. 

andem|*~], (very) likely, presumably. 

andivdi[~*™~], andivi[-“~]=endivvi(v=f), m; 
wilder —, chicory. G Endivie. 

andlich, arndlich{*~], decent. G ordentlich. 

Andres|*~], m, Andrew. G Andreas. 

Andreasdak(*~~"], m, St. Andrew’s Day (Nov. 
30). G Andreastag. 

4*nemme|[~~~], pp &genumme, to accept, 
receive, engage, put up with, suppose, 
adopt, take (as paint), join. Gannehmen. 

anenanner(*~~~], together, fastened together. 
G aneinander. 

angel[*~], f, fishhook, hinge of a door, sting 
of an insect, awn (of grain). G Angel. 

angeliga[~*~~], angelica (plant). G Angelika. 

angle[*~], pp geangelt, to fish. Gangeln. 

ankel/*~], f, nape of the neck, back of the 
neck. dG ankel. 

ankel, onkel(*~], m, uncle. G Onkel. 

anker[*~], m, anchor. G Anker. 

ankere(*~~], pp geankert, to anchor. G 

anne[*~]=hi~, thither: wu geschde—? nau 
sehn emol eener —! dGanne. For anne- 
basse, annegeh™ and all other compounds 
of anne see the corresponding compounds 
under hi. Nearly every compound with 
hiv has a corresponding compound with 
anne, and with the same meaning in each 

Annemaria, Annemareia[~~~*~], f, Ann Mary. 
G Anna Marie. 

anner[*~], other. G ander. 

annermol{*~“], another time. G andermal. 

annerscht(*~], anneschder|*~~], otherwise, dif- 
ferent. dG annerscht, G anders. 

anre[*~Jj=anre,ata. Ganeiner. 

ans[~-}=an es, at the, to the: — Kellers, at 
Keller’s house. Gans. 

anschtatt(s){*~], instead of. G anstatt. 

antwart{[-~], f, answer, reply, response. G 

antwarte([*~~], pp geantwart, to answer, reply, 
respond. G antworten. 

antwartlich[*~~], amenable. G antwortlich. 

a” packe[~~~], pp A°gepackt, to grasp roughly, 
seize. G anpacken. 

a~palde{~~~], pp A-gepalde, to keep on (asa 
coat). G anbehalten. 

a°picke[~~~], pp Aa’gepickt, to peck at: di 
vejjel dun di kersche —. G anpicken. 

aposchdel[~*~], m, apostle. G Apostel. 

Apostelg/e)schichte[~°~~~~ ], f, Acts of the 
Apostles. G Apostelgeschichte. 

G Anna+ 

, Ppp agenajjelt, to nail on. 


appel(*~], m, pl eppel, apple; eppel breche, to 
pick apples. G Apfel. 

appel || bam[*~"], m, apple-tree; -grutze [*~~~], 
m, core of an apple. 

applich{[*~], dappled. G apfelig. 

aprigos|~~~], f, apricot. G Aprikose. 

aprigosebam|~~~~ "|, m, apricot-tree. G Apri- 

a~ raffe[~~~], pp A~gerafft, to tackle something 
with might and main. Gan-traffen. 

aran[~~}, Indian turnip. G Aron. 

a~“ranke[~~~], pp a gerankt, to take hold of 
by means of tendrils. G anranken. 

a~ranne[~*~~], pp 4 gerannt, to roar at, growl 
at. Gan-raunen. 

a~ranse{~~~], pp A’geranst, to speak gruffly to. 
G anranzen, 

aranszwiwwel[~~~~], f, 

ardickel{-*~], m, article, object. 

ardning|*~], f, order. G Ordnung. 

a“rede|~~~], pp Ageredt, to address. G 

a~reihe[~~~], pp a°gereiht, to baste; sich —, 
to fallin rank. G anreihen. 

a~reisse[~~~], pp 4 gerisse, to take a part of 
a thing for use, tear into, use part of. G 

a“reiwe({~~~], pp Aageriwwe, to ignite by 
rubbing, rub (with liniment). G anreiben. 

&“reje[-~], pp a gerekt, to touch. G an- 

a”retze(~~~], pp A-geretzt, to accost in a surly 
manner, goad on, incite. G anreizen. 

a~richtdisch{[~~~], m, dresser, kitchen table 
for dishes. G Anrichtetisgh. 

a”richte{~~~], pp a gericht, to stir up, cause, 
put dinner on the table, cause trouble. G 

a*rieche{~~~], pp A geroche, to detect by 
smelling, smell at. G anriechen. 

a~riehre{~ ~~], pp a°geriehrt, to touch, mix by 
stirring. G anriihren. 

arjel[*~], f, organ. G Orgel. 

arjel || schpieler[*~~~], m, organist; -schtuhl 
[*~"], m, organ-stool. 

arjets, erjets[*~], somewhere. G irgends. 

arm{~], arm[], m, arm. G Arm. 

arm("], 4arm{], arrem[*~], poor. G arm. 

G Armetei. 

G Armee. 
poor-house; -(p)flejer 

{*~"~], m, poor director. 

G Armer. 

armer{*~], en, a pauper. 

arm(e)slangi*~~], alle, every minute, every 
little while: di kinner kumme alle — un 
bloje em. G armslang? More probably 
P ameslang=amenslang, long enough to 
say amen. 

armschtuhl{*~], m, armchair. 

Indian turnip. G 
G Artikel. 

G Armstuhl. 

armselich[~~~], poor, needy, paltry. G arm- 

armsleng(*™], f, length of an arm. G Armes- 

G Armut. 
G Armvoll. 

armut[* |, f, poverty. 
armvoll[*~], m, armful. 

q fos hepte ry oa 

want ome 

Mgr le 

wor , see eee 

0} yihurg dnoge 03 seneiay’ 6 Bu loser teh 

frasimgins £Y 
O ..qieurt snaibal 32 BOO eer tg 
Me B Ten” 

istinA D  tosido sities ym I°*~jleabsiine © 
gaunbiO OD wine 2 f ‘ipeiabes ~ 
2) pare o} bey f qq « cbewa 

— thia iatzad ot jive i aq foodies 
oviicias J) slam mi ka 
lo t1aq_8 alet 07 owinsg S aq >“ jeezion”& 
=} to Taq sey OFn 189) \oru ‘sot gaint? © 
; Rees 
‘ad saimgi oe? renee t qe [-"*jowier”& 
wisdisng DO .(imentiod hive} det ariddin 
ns <- souod. ot deg é aq I” *|sjors 

yhtue es i Jeo%2 07 ,xta09g Faq [~ “jester” & 
MOSiOwie o> - yo no ph TSnein 
side astiosil .weestb . f<**}doatbsdain” 8 
: dtepesctoiand a). orieib tol 
” eed qo” ‘Sie of Sdohsy 8 Qf f° * jstdoix” sb 
o Jaiduc seuss skis sift no want sq 
vd tosteh of ,otvomseg SE 5 I te 
arsnosrmne <)> 32 i 
vd xim .dovot of Gudertew &é ae f 
noiinne UO 

pall fegs0 un , 
pratt ~) 
~—— | TEE mm "jeernB ark 

amis. O 
SejomuA © 

1jsRig)= :sevorl-r00q ‘AS “jus | om 
IR Ub woe jm eed 

rom WoUs & 09 Ay Ee ree 

wisve stunim yieve oils 
au — silk smiinud isanid tb shade oe yg 
yidadag swi %gneleme 3 ume sjold 
ot dguens yrol .gnalensins=gnslzome FI 
rate yaa 

. ddusemtA OD aienbseris .m [“ilutdoegra, 
“17s O .cilaq ,ybeen 200g .[""jdoileemmm = - 

2am D * amie 16 to rygnsl ar" Jgnolems 
JemA0 | xestavog Po bvens 

JiovanéA O dutnns a 

-anesl wainioe (f° “jate its atte 

gaiie yroob a bar 
utilegnk OG 

nisgna D ep a 
sdz to dazed shea oy to. i ' 


i ; odsida ; “id= 
obrinaay tw 21 id= “onan 

teas Ga aoe “dogonins seat . 
ehnvegdm@e £& Dna 
zebnuogmes gnibneqesties sit ese snae Io 
diiw bavogmes yw979 whet Pep yy } 
dita bayoqmoo gnib oo 6 end . 
dire baa 
sual! anh f° -"""aleemennh aie 
aabasD radio. 
Jerebas O omit todos fe 
“ib saiwisdto (["* 

she 3 gioeannn Ob ae 
vianis ne 278,31 
ts .etslls os 3 se «al 
ets 2 ..9euorl @ 
Heaters D- jo bassadl are: 

fioss ni Prinses smse 


< .secoges: ,yiqe1 qowena: A | 
vigat .13s¥2ns of Nsw . ss ee st 
-<axiiniowine <>: sidanetit a 

otitiguot qestg of hiseqeg”8 qq 

eal dages ae 

& a5) no qoxl oF 3 mé 09 . 

aronszwiwwel[*~~~}, f, jack-in-the-pulpit. G 
Arons+Zwiebel. Cf aranszwiwwel. 

a~roppe(~~~], pp A’geroppt, to begin to pick. 


&”roschde[~~~], pp A’geroscht, to rust fast. 
G anrosten. 

&*rote{[~~~], pp A-gerote, to advise, counsel. 
G anraten. 

arrentschzwiwwell*~~~], f, Indian turnip, 
jack-in-the-pulpit. Arrentsch is a corrup- 
tion for G Arons, mistaken for E orange; 
+G Zwiebel. Cf dronszwiwwel. 

arrich[*~], f, ark. G Arche. 

arrick, arrich[*~], bad, uncommon; very; ich 
bin — far kuche, I am very fond of cake. 
G arg. 

arrickscht[*~], worst. G argst. 

Arsch["], m, arse, posterior, buttocks, butt-end 
of an egg; du sottscht dich in deii — net 
schemme, you ought to be heartily ashamed 
of yourself. G Arsch. 

arsch || backe[*~~], m, buttock; -kzrb[*~], 
m, buttock. G Arschkerbe; -loch[~~], n, 

4*rufe[~~~], pp 4-gerufe, to call upon, appeal 
to. Ganrufen. 

arznei{~~], f, medicine. G Arznet. 

as[~]=als, as, but; =das, which, who (rel pr); 

gwr macht —- wanns ka!lt waer; leit — nix 

ze du” hen. Cf als, ass, das, dass. 
saeje[*~~], pp agsaekt, to begin cutting 
with asaw. G ansagen. 

a~saje[“~~], pp A°gsat, to announce, notify, 
bring word, say how many (in the game of 
datte). G ansagen. 

4~saufe[~~~], pp a gsoffe, sich, to start on a 
spree, begin to feel jolly (from drink). 
G ansaufen. 

4a~schaele{~~~], pp Agschaelt, to begin to 
peel. G anschalen. 

Aa~schaffe[~~~], pp a-gschafft, to acquire, pro- 
cure, provide. G anschaffen. 

4~schaue[~~~], pp A gschaut, to look at, view, 
behold. G anschauen. 

aschbe[’~], f, aspen. G Aspe. 

asche, esche[*~], f, ash-tree. G Asche. 

A~schein[~~], m, appearance, indication. G 

A~scheinlich{~~“], apparent, evident. G an- 

Aschermittwoch[-~*~], m, Ash Wednesday. 
G Aschermittwoch. 

a*schicke[~~~], pp 4 gschickt, sich, to behave, 
make ready, act (as if). Ganschicken. 

a*schiesse{~~~], pp A gschosse, to announce 
or welcome by shooting: es neijohr —. 
G anschiessen. 

a~schlack(~~], m, placard, posted statement. 
G Anschlag. 

a“schlaek(~~}, pl, pranks, doings; — fresse, 
to gape, do wonders (ironically), be wool- 
gathering. G Anschlage. 

&~schlajje[~~~], pp a gschlajje, to post, nail 
on, agree with a person (as food), produce 
effect: hand —,-to pitch in, lay hold of. 
G anschlagen. 



0 Re ee re ee ee 

&~schliesse[~ ~~], pp A-gschlosse, sich, to join, 
G anschliessen. 

&~schlippe[~~~], pp Aa-gschlippt, to slip on. 
G an+schlitipfen. 

a~schmeechle[~~~], pp A-gschmeechelt, to 
coax by soft words; sich —, to curry favor. 
G anschmeicheln. 

a~schmeechlich{[~~~], ingratiating, pleasing, 
G anschmeichelnd. 

a~schmiere[~~~], pp Aa°gschmiert, to grease, 
cheat, trick; sich —, to ingratiate oneself, 
G anschmieren. 

a~schnalle[~~~], pp a-gschnallt, to buckle on. 
G anschnallen. 

a~schnarre[~~~], pp A’gschnarrt, to speak 
roughly to. G anschnarren. 

4~schneide[~~~], pp a-gschnidde, to cut into. 
G anschneiden. 

a“schpanne[~~~], pp A-gschpannt, to put 
horses to, stretch taut, urge, compel. G 

a~schpelle[*~~], pp A-gschpeilt, to pin to. 
dG anspellen. 

a~schpinne[~~~], pp A°gschpunne, to start 

spinning, hatch (an intrigue). G anspin- 

4~schplitte[*~~], pp a°gschplitt, to begin to 
split. Gan-+splittern. 

&~schpore[*~~], pp Aa-gschport, to incite. G 

a~schpritze[~~~], pp A°gschpritzt, to sprinkle, 
squirt at: wesch —. G anspritzen. 

4™schpruch[*~], m, request, demand, claim, 
application. G Anspruch. 

&~schprung([~~], m, short run before leaping. 
G Ansprung. 

a~schrauwe[~~~], pp A gschraubt, to screw 
fast. Ganschrauben. 

a~schreiwe[~~~], pp A°gschriwwe, to charge. 
G anschreiben. 

aschi[] (rare), m, limb (of a tree). 
Cf nascht. 

a~schtahle[~~~], pp a°gschtahlt, to put a new 
steel edge ona tool. G anstahlen. 

a~schtalle[~~~], pp a°gschtallt, to make prepa- 
ration for. G (ver)anstalten. 

A~schtalt(~~] mache, to make preparation, 
begin. G Anstait. 

a~schtand[~~], m, decorum. G Anstand. 

&~schtarre[*~~], pp A gschtarrt, to mix by 
stirring, stir up. Gan-+stirren. 

Aa~schtecke[-~~], pp A°gschteckt, to kindle, 
infect. G anstecken. : 

a~schteckend([*~~], contagious, infectious. G 

a~schteh"[~"], pp A gschtanne, to become, 
like, please, satisfy, delay. G anstehen. 

&~schtehlich{[~~~], becoming. G anstehend. 

a~schteibere[~ ~~~], pp 4 gschteibert, to prop, 
brace... Gan-+dG steibere. 

a~schtelle[~~~], pp Avgschtellt, to appoint, 
install, cause; sich —, to act as if, affect au 
air, go about something; sich dumm —, 
to act stupidly, playinnocent. Ganstellen. 

a*schtennich{[~~~], respectable, well-behaved. 
G anstandig. 

G Ast. 

oS vwctied os dues aie anda A 

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orgenA =) -nolserxlage to emsg 343 mi) yasm 1 
-3ticast stoisd aut node. | *}powigise”& 4 
gowiqent. 0 .Gne t3ede 09 ydoinsg 
wsiss of iduewioes hh aq Wl wow Sand men). 
avdusiicems <) Jeet 

syiads of sewintloey £ qq J" *jswierds2"& on sized at pear: 
nsdignicens O 
2A OD {3072 6 je) dmil am irae t (yidees2 8 -o; Stipes 8 pa hin wy kta 2 

doaan 1 aiineas 
won s 1uq of =2idfsdzeg 2 qq. “eldaiaoe"s oaty ,3% sloal.os sustisey QQ « Se a 
esifitznas D loots ro leste Fes 
“esq slg oF Hesiloey £aq [~~ jollaios"S Ye ; 
.ootlstensiig7) 20k sonst athosh. a. a aw cr Tipe 

A2Olsasg, solar of a Vien cow fe © .ooitsciba sonsieeqas .a 
JistenA es 
bastesnA OD .muyzooeb ym be ere a 
<4 zim of nietdoeg6 qq f-~ 
nenisje+asw .qu ER goose ere 
2lbnid of ,tdostdseg Bq I~ i 
. sazetenizs) ..tosini ssvarisd 02 dow 
2 .svoitosini awotgsinoo ,[-~*jbaeadlseidoe"& -nevvidsens 

amersd a2 sanetizep’é 99 VAT" detdoe" A. eo iadofisn as =; 
| -fotiezens ) ..¥tieb rae ; ; | 
smeisieng<)  .guisood [~*~ 32” 
He ig a? iammanape =. ab haba © an disisoe”& 
‘iotdocs'h aa "eles "kh cteow od 
nhpes of Hist aa “oy 4 ‘ 
— li 26 I94 OF -— in 790089 Jletent 
— memnub die variftemos suods og lis liam ,3e0q 03 
téiisens OD Insseant yelq., ta Ia G3 pre E 
bsvaded-tiow ldssosqesr > “kA Jo 
-gitunisens O 

A*schtick(l)e[~~~], pp a-gschtickelt, to add a 
piece to, lengthen. G anstiicke(l)n. 

A*schtifde[~~~], pp 4-gschtift, to instigate, 
cause. G anstiften. 

a*schtifder[~~~], m, instizator. G Anstifter. 

a”schtimme[~~~], pp agschtimmt, to entune, 
strike up (a hymn). G anstimmen. 

a*“schtooss{~ j, m, scandal, offence. 

&*schtoosse[~~~], pp A gschtoosse, to join, 
border on, adjoin, touch (glasses). G 

&*schtrecke[~~~], pp A°gschtreckt, to stretch 
up. Ganstrecken. 

a*schtreech{~~], pl, tricks, pranks. G An- 

&*schtreiche[~~~], pp Agschtriche, to paint. 
G anstreichen. ‘ 

A*schtreicher{[~~~], m, 

a*schtreichpensil[~~~~], m, paint-brush. G 

a“schtrenge[~~~], pp 4-gschtrengt, to stretch; 
sich —, to exert oneself. G anstrengen. 

&*schtrich[~~], m, varnish. G Anstrich. 

a’schtricke(~~~], pp 4 -gschtrickt, to join by 
knitting. G anstricken. 

&“schuhe{~~~], pp Aagschuht, to vamp (a 
shoe). G anschuhen. 

&*schwerze([~~~], pp 4°-gschwerzt, to blacken. 
G anschwarzen. 

a*schwetze[~~~], pp A-gschwetzt, to prevail on 
(some one) to accept (something); sich —, 
to ingratiate oneself. G anschwatzen. 

a“seefe(~~~], pp a gseeft, to soap, lather. G 

a”seh(n)e[~~~], pp A-gsehne, to look at, re- 
gard, respect. ansehen. 

&”sehnlich[~~~], considerable, handsome, re- 
spectable, reputable. G ansehnlich. 

a*setze[~~~], pp a-gsetzt, to take aim, set to 
rise (dough), start, set up the drinks. G 

a*sicht(-~], f, view, spectacle, opinion. G 
Ansicht. i 

ass(~]=dass{conj), that. G dass. 

&“suche[~~~], pp a-gsucht, to inquire, apply. 
G ansuchen. 

A™suckle{[“~~], pp Av-gsuckelt, sich, to in- 

G An- 

(house-)painter. G 

gratiate oneself, act the parasite. Gan+ 
dG suggeln. 
atme[~~], pp geatmet, to breathe. G atmen. 
attich[*~], m, dwarf-elder. G Attich. 
au["], oh! ouch! G au. 
auf["] (rare), on, upon. Gauf. Cf uff. 

auf-["}, separable prefix of a few verbs, and 
prefix of a few derived nouns. G auf-. 

auferschteh”{-~~], pp auferschtanne, to rise 
from the dead. G auferstehen. 

auferschtehung{-~~~], f, resurrection. G 

auferwecke|-~~~], pp auferweckt, to resusci- 

tate. G _auferwecken. 
aufnAhm/~~], f, reception. G Aufnahme. 
aufschiack/-~], m, lapel. G Aufschlag. 

t : ] 5 

aus["], out of; — un ei” geh’, to go in and out. 
G aus. 

aus-["], separable prefix of verbs, and prefix 
of derived words. G aus-. 

ausbabbie{~~~], pp ausgebabbelt, to babble, 
spread tales. G ausbabbeln. 

ausbacke[*~~], pp ausgebacke, to bake suffi- 
ciently; do is ausgebacke, there is nothing 
left, we are at our wit’s end. Gausbacken. 

ausberschde[~~~], pp ausgeberscht, to brush 
out. G ausbiirsten. 

ausbautsche{~~~], pp ausgebautscht, to wear 
out. G ausbauschen? 

ausbehalt, ausverhalt, aus(en)palt[*~~], m, a 
reservation for life of houseroom, firewood, 
food, etc., (usually) made by a parent (or 
by parents) in deeding property to another 
(usually one of their children). G aus+ 

ausbeisse[~ ~~], pp ausgebisse, to force out by 
biting, oust, supplant. G ausbeissen. 

ausbezahle[~~~~], pp ausbezahlt, to pay out, 
disburse. G ausbezahlen. 

ausbiete(~~~], pp ausgebotte, to serve a quit 
notice. G ausbieten. 

ausbietzettel[“~~~], m, quit notice. 
bieten+ Zettel. 

ausbijjele[“~~~], pp ausgebijjelt, to iron out. 
G ausbiigeln. 

ausbilde[~~~], pp ausgebildt, sich, to develop 
physically. G ausbilden. 

ausblanse[~~~], pp ausgeblanst, to transplant. 
G auspflanzen. 

ausblaudre{~~~], pp ausgeblaudert, to finish 
talking; sich —, to talk to one’s heart’s 
content. G ausplaudern. 

ausbleeche[~~~], pp ausgebleecht, to fade (in 
color). G ausbleichen. 

ausbleiwe[~ ~~], pp ausgebliwwe, to delay, be 
long in coming. G ausbleiben. 

ausblose[~~~], pp ausgeblose, to blow out (a 
candle, blast-furnace); eems licht —, to 
kill. G ausblasen. 

ausbluje[~~~], pp ausgeblukt, to plow between 
the rows of growing plants, plow out 
potatoes in digging them. G auspfliigen. 

ausblute[~~~], pp ausgeblut, to bleed. Gaius- 

ausbohre{~~~], pp ausgebohrt, to bore out. 
G ausbohren. 

ausbreche[*~~], pp ausgebroche, to break out 
(a fire, epidemic disease, eruption). G 

ausbrechung[{[~~~], f, outbreak. G Ausbrech- 

G aus- 


ausbreddiche[*~~*, pp ausgebreddicht, sich, 
to preach to the weariment of a congrega- 
tion. G auspredigen. 

ausbreete[~~~], pp ausgebreet, sich, to spread. 
G ausbreiten. 

ausbrenne(~~~], pp ausgebrennt, to burn out, 
finish burning. G ausbrennen. 

ausbriee[~~~], pp ausgebriet, to hatch out. 
G ausbrieten. 


. Sauw ob Tye au. 
jlag( cs) EE aca fod 

6 mdi. oe)aus is roves 

oowinad snoowuod Yo sli 2% Lagan tiene 

1) Jong & xd sham {yilaveu) '.339 ,boot 

yodjone G) bodies guibseb ai (isu yd 

+ave 0 _,{moriblidy aad? lo sa0 Pict pec 

vd tito agro! o} seaidsgene qa 1” “}seaiedeus 

ovaisdein O Inslqqua Jao .gnitid 

‘300 Ys] OF Jidfdadeve qq [~~ ~~poidssodera 
osltssedens ) .amudeib 

Jiup # avise ot sitods_eus.qd “= |srsidaue 
natsideps <) .soJ0n 

ve D .ssiion tiup un f°" *Henessidece 

.t90 not 0 ,sJisitideyaus gq ee isitiders 
+B: fyuniden s ~ 

golsvab.o7 hain “shhik fegzes gc {~~ lsbisens: 
nabhideus ay Laaiey tg 

Jnsiqenais of enaidegaus qq «| aneldaua 
wigesiaaus oO 

dein -o3 wbdusldspavs oq ,[” “jothusidevs 
- ‘Tread anno o8 giisa of ~~ dale synidls? 
 debualqeus ) .tasines 

troasidesens qq f°" *jeroeoidens 
.asdoisidene =) .foloo - 

od »zalsb o3 ,swwildogene aq {°~ *}swioidass 
. padisidune x) mi gaol 

a) wo wold 03 ,seoldegeus aq --“yocoidawa 
oo idiot emso ;(sosdiwi-tesid »ibas 
sresidaue D .ilid 

sasvted wolq of thuldsgets qq I age a 

we wolg \etnalg Biiworg to eae 

ispiifiqeus O .sseds ynigzib at a S| 

$time) -boold 03 duldegeus aq f°" *jeiuideus 

Jue srod of ssudednanatl qq A eg 

to aad of silaerdsyaus aq [adonndaus 
2 .(eoguns sanseb oimeb i? ou * 

-looxiesA 2 siasidiuo ,} ~“Tynudsendaes 

Avis Advibbordsgese aq [--"*Jedsibber@ewe 
“SETIANOD @ 16 Inominese oft 03 finesigy 0? 

fayibsiqess O  .oit 
bese oo, fisie tsaridayeuan Gq i-~* 

nstisidens O° 
juno mud o3 Nernst wer Ni 
nannsdensn a" -gaimud dint 

wo dojed 0} totidegeus \°" “jesindena 
WA arahdae © 

> sbal 03 s- 

ah 3 


(0 oe esa. % ~~ nT el 
wry Rss 

: ve =) an ay 


y ye - 

s) qmsv ct 
satoald oF 

no ligvasg 02 sstawdoay™s qa oe 
~~ dole (geisi2amioe) 


o nies gf * plone &qq ‘e 


smosha a | 

we gone sidpauden ol | 
0) Joe ym 330) J3iee, 

o pin od qu on j 

OD avin : vray 32 ft *. 

Bema. "soak | 

weed D> tent .(f iy cerca 

“iqgs siupai 0? Jdoveg’t qa , Hi amene ty as 

“ y od 
ets Sees 

nomie OD eri A a3 oy sored ser th Si 
Main A, 


_2 NOTTS ma 2. 
Joaves of ddoownistoe 4 me 

bern yr et 

I é v 

ausbriehe[*~~], pp ausgebrieht, to scald (a 
vessel). G ausbriihen. 

ausbrockle[~~~], pp ausgebrockelt, to crum- 
ble. G ausbréckeln. 

ausbrede[~ ~~}, pp ausgebrode, to extract fat 
by frying. G ausbraten. 

ausbruch/*~], m, outbreak. G Ausbruch. 

ausbuimpe[~~~], pp ausgebumpt, to pump dry. 
G auspumpen. 

ausbutze[~~~], pp ausgebutzt, to clean out, 
prune, reprimand. G ausputzen. 

ausdée[~~~], pp ausgedat, to thaw out. G 

ausdzrre[~~~], pp ausgedzrrt, to dry out. 

G ausdorren. 

ausdauer[~~~], f, perseverance. G Ausdauer. 

ausdaure|*~~~], pp ausgedauert, to last, per- 
severe. G ausdauern. 

ausdeele[~~~], pp ausgedeelt, to distribute, 
divide among, deal. G austeilen. 

ausdeeling[~~~], f, distribution. G Austel- 

ausdeiwle[* ~~], pp ausgedeiwelt, sich, to give 
full vent to one’s devilishness, come to the 
end of a frenzy. G austeufeln. 

ausdenke[*~™~], pp ausgedenkt, to think out, 

contrive. G ausdenken. 

ausdiene[~~~], pp ausgedient, to serve one’s 
time. Gausdienen. 

ausdilje[“~~], pp ausgedilkt, to extirpate. G 

ausdowe[~ ~~}, pp ausgedobt, sich, to give one- 

self free course in rage, play or other 

activity. G austoben. 
ausdrehe[~~~], pp ausgedreht, to turn out, 
wring out. G ausdrehen. 

ausdreher[~ ~~], m, (clothes-)wringer. G Aus- 

ausdreiwe[~ ~], pp ausgedriwwe, to drive out, 
exterminate, oust, expel. G austreiben. 

ausdrenge[~~~], pp ausgedreng xt, to force out, 
supplant. G ausdrangen. 

ausdresche{~~~], pp ausgedrosche, to thrash 
out, finish thrashing. G ausdreschen. 

ausdricke[~~~], pp ausgedrickt, to press out, 
express; sich —, to express oneself. G 

ausdrickle{~~~], pp ausgedrickelt, to dry out. 
G aus+dG drickele. 

ausdricklich["*~], expressly, 
plicitly. G ausdriicklich. 

ausdrinke[~~~], pp ausgedrunke, to drink all 
of. G austrinken. 

ausdruck{~~], m, expre sssion. G Ausdruck. 

positively, ex- 

ausdu7([~"}], pp ausgedu’, undress, cross oft 
the books, cancel; sich —, to undress. G 

ausem{~~]=aus em. 

ausenanner[*~~~], separate, apart. G ausei- 

ausenanner |] geh~[~~~~"], to come apart, 

separate, scatter; -leje[~~~~"~ 1. to ay 
out separately; -mache[~~~~~~ ], to take 
apart, separate; -nemme[~~~~~~ |, to take 
apart: "=setze[~" ~~~ "], to Set apart. 


ausesse[~~~], pp ausgesse, to eat everything 
in the house: do is alles ausgesse. G 

ausferrichde[ pp rae yet to draw 
furrows for planting. Ga sfurchen, 

ausfahre[*~~], pp ausgfahre, te have a rash, 
have one’s face covered with pimples. G 

ausfahres, n, ausfahring[~~~], f, (skin) erup- 
tion. G Ausfahren. 

ausfahrisch, ausfiehrich[*~ 
tive. Gausfahr-+ig. 

ausfall[~~], m, deficiency. G Ausfall. 

ausfalle[~~~], pp ausgfalle, to come out (of 
hair), drop from the hull (of grain), have a 
disagreement. G ausfallen. 

ausfaschle, ausfischle[~~~], pp ausgfaschelt, 
to attempt to gain information, spy. G 

ausfasse[~~~], pp ausgfasst, to bag grain or 
feed from bin. G ausfassen. 

ausfechde[~~~], pp ausgfochde, to settle a 
difference, fight it out, have it out. G 

ausfeile[~~~], pp ausgfeilt, to file out. G 


“], rash-like, erup- 

ausfeje[~~~], pp ausgfekt, to clean out thor- 
oughly. G ausfegen. 
ausfiehre{[~~~], pp ausgfiehrt, to carry out, 

perform, finish. G ausfihren. 
ausfiehrlich["-~j, in detail. G ausfithrlich. 

ausfiehrung{[~~~], f, achievement. G aAus- 

ausfille[~~~], pp ausgfillt, to fill out, fill up. 
G ausfiillen. 

ausfinne{~~~], pp ausgfunne, to find out, ascer- 
tain. G ausfnden. 

ausfische[~~~], pp ausgfischt, to clear (a pond) 
of fish, spy out, get information. G 

ausflieje[~ ~~], pp ausgflojje, to leave the nest. 
G ausiliegen. 

ausfliesse[~~~], pp ausgflosse, to flow out, 
run out. G ausfliessen. 

ausfluss[~~], m, emission. G Ausfluss. 

ausfransle[~~~], pp ausgfranselt, to wear to 3 
fringe. G ausfransen. 

ausfresse[~~~], pp ausgfresse, to eat all. G 

ausfriere, ausgfriere[~~~], pp ausgfrore, to 
freeze out, perish from freezing. G aus- 

ausfroje[~~~], pp ausgfrokt, to question 
minutely, interrogate. G ausfragen. 

ausgab|[~“], f, expenditure. G Ausgabe. 

ausgang[~~], m, outlet, issue. G Ausgang. 

ausgangs[~~], towards the end of: — Merz. 
Adverbial genitive of Ausgang. 

ausgarjele(~~~~], pp ausgegarjelt, to gargle. 
G ausgurgeln. 

ausgebauert|~~ ~~], robbed (of the soil), farmed 

to death. Gaus+dG bauere. 
ausgedient(~~"], worn out. G ausgedient. 
ausgeh™[~"], pp ausgange, to go out, take 

do) ad 4 , 

Jistwenigeys qq | ~>jeldseRana marge | 

J ae mouSITIOLR Bika MF SQeMIS BI v 
~*  gdaeloeotens 

7G BisTy Bad oc} dmactgenss aq f°” *]}ozamene 
“dieetekus D .aid mort best 

- oittet of  ebdisotveus 
5 Iu6 3: sved no di /BosLyTS iD 
teste haus » 

Jiisigeus gq i “blisleus 

od? tuo assis oF ,bletseun qq [**}eietaus 
epsieua 2). .vicguwo 

woe YH2d oF .» niionig- dl ag J" *leakofene 
sndbieve 2 _aleinh Berrie des. 

> Jno sift of 

sottulifieas 2° He jobs a: jf ~“iiitdsRepa 

wh OD \insmevaiing .) \[-~“lgeuuisiena 
‘5 gruzdit 

qu Ha .jeo U8 of Jifesits aq .f * “jotfeus 
-rsiifleus 0 

-rese% tue bao Srty luaits rg ["*jenniega- 

iobhiens «) —ies 

trtexy x) 1eals of Jistdvews g9.[°**jadoeiene 
J .elismiaini 399 ,Juo yqs «en Ww 

izen edt ovesl of ,sitoltseue oc 1” jetowews 
etait atien x 

seohyus qq | *jee3ueiiers 
asezsitiesa > 30 an 

zenfeuA ) .idleeime ue f *lenheus 

# O23 159W 02 distnetigeua gy ,| ~~ jeienetizas 
Mee stiays <) .egnitt 

4 lig i469 09 ,sseatipeva cg [~~ )eseatiqnua 

-nagweoven g 
stn | mon zneq up asses 
nciizeeup of  dloslgeus aq J” *jsioneva 
tegetiens <) Semnrnent viewwni¢ 
odegeuA © veunibsegxs 3 r *“|dipann 
pucyewA <) .sueei Joliue 0 f. “ |yaayeus 
viel — <}o bn offs ehnewo ([ “legazgeus 
gargeuh, to aviti nw ‘haidtevbA 
spray. od Jlsiegsgeus aq i> ~“jeksi 
beyiurgeirs «) 
imsarue) ,(iloe $3 to) bscidow f>7 ~ > janes 
sued Ib+euec) .tagho2 
meibsgewe D tuo mow [**hasibegeva 

Jue wok o} 

OF Sc hanes 
ve «) 

| sJed Sue og of synepeve cq ff *) depen, 

oe 4 ~*}phaseteve: 

d°* *jomsitigena ,s1sinieua - 

rig of dee siswisbopada 

=: ores ae 
Sas gt pooh. “Ss 

Ho 25 o) pape. on vb 

@s00 s/108 a2 Ingibegens pe 

D.. -staqiss os sunopon 

“ane svig of tie ,Wdobeyare cre 10 

wilco x0 ¥elg (Sper ni pin Y sort Moa 

3 ied 
Jikarbs hs 5 ‘feeabeas , 
wo " 
49h. D' asynivwtesditols) ) thro wae 4 

1WO avinb of ,eurwhthagee Gq Pr i nk 
" gsdiovess O “sqrs 3200 slenintsnes > 

30 ex10) OF Spnsibaseite qq NB errinn eee 

jue mws oF 

-nsgniibeue can Ms a ; 
dectls 03 ,stiseorbegevs gq [~~ wt 
tearlsesi ies hese iw yi al hd 433 

Aohbsyews gq tf jobhieae 
“48S ge91q 03 29h 6 aq.."* : pe q 
vo itoie . 

mo #299qK%9 OF 
Uses Que — aPiea™® 

426 vib 03, tindvinbsyeus io ry ve 

aombesA D _ .aoizesrqes tf * 
filo e201 sey  pbsgens * 
venbaw oF — doe % oan th a 
Siinpebipe ee 

seve 298 cotaneqee ay 

{tae | 

tags smo> 01 

hn = 

a a ae a sk a a oe oe ie Ee ROE ME | pw ee we 

walk, fall out, drop out, expire, fade, be 
dismissed, result. G ausgehen. 

ausgelernt[~~~], having finished one’s educa- 
tion. G ausgelernt. 

ausgeloddert [~~~~], dilapidated, rickety. G 
aus+dG lodder. 

aupgpiopeel «Sh unruly, wild. G ausge- 

ausgemacht(~~~], decided upon, certain, 
downright: en -er narr. G ausgemacht. 

ausgenumme|[~~~~], with the exception of. 
G ausgenommen. 

ausgewachse(~ ~~~], full-grown, sprouted. G 

ausgewwel ~~], pp ausgewwe, to expend, be 
compelled to stop work from heat or 
fatigue, yield, announce. G ausgeben. 

ausgewwer(~ ~~], m, distributor. G Ausge- 


ausgfekt[~"], exhausted. dG ausfegen. 

ausgickle(~~~], pp ausgegickelt, to finish 
giggling. G ausgickeln. 

ausglitsche[~~~], pp ausgeglitscht, to slip. 
G ausglitschen. 

ausgloppe|[~~~], pp ausgegloppt, to beat out, 
shell (a nut). G ausklopfen. 

ausgratze[~ ~~], pp ausgegratzt, to scratch out, 
erase. G auskratzen. 

ausgrawe{~ ~~], pp ausgegrawe, to excavate. 
G ausgraben. 

ausgreckse(~~~], pp ausgegreckst, to finish 
compiaining. G auskrachzen. 

ausgreische{~ ~~], pp ausgegrische, ebber, to 
spread evil reports about some one. G 

ausgritzle[~~~], pp ausgegritzelt, to scrawl or 
scribbie over. G auskritzeln. 

ausgschpielt[~~], played out, exhausted, come 

toanend. G ausgespielt. : 
ausgschtudiert(~~"], having finished one’s 
education. G ausstudiert. 

ausgucke[~~~], pp ausgeguckt, sich di aje, to 
look till one is tired (in expecting some one 
or in staring); — far sich selwert, to look 
out for oneself, look out for number one. 
G ausgucken. 

aushacke[~~~], pp auskackt, nidder (hoch), to 
make the end of the stroke of the scythe in 
mowing low (high). G aushacken. 

aushalte[~~~], pp auskalte, to bear, endure, 
remain, continue, hold out, stipulate, ex- 
cept, exempt. G aushalten. 

aushammere[~~~~], pp auskammert, to ham- 
mer out. G aushammern. 

ausheele(~~~], pp auskeelt, to heal perfectly. 
G ausheilen. 

ausheile{[~~~], pp auskeilt, sich, to cry oneself 
toacalm. Gaus+dG heulen. 

aushelfe{~~~], pp auskolfe, to help, assist. G 

aushenke[~~~], pp auskenkt, to unhook. G 

aushensle{~~~], pp auskenselt, to ridicule, 
chaff. Gaus+hanseln. 

aushewe[~~~], pp auskowe, to evict, remove 


from: en neschtvoll oijer —; detect, find 
out (morally). G ausheben. 

aushiehle(~~~], pp auskiehit, to hollow out. 
G aushohlen. 

aushiehliche[*~~™~], pp auskiehlicht, to hollow 
out. G aushdhlen (as if there were a verb 

aushungre(~~~], pp auskungert, to starve, 
famish. G aushungern. 

ausiewe[~ ~~], pp ausgeiebt, to practice, wreak, 
go as far as possible. G ausiiben. 

ausiewung[~~~], f, exercise. G Ausiibung. 

auskafe[~~~], pp auskaft, to buy out. G 

auskehre(*~~], pp ausgekehrt, to sweep out. 
G auskehren. 

auskiehle(~~~], pp ausgekiehlt, to 
thoroughly (asa room). G auskihlen. 

auskoche[~~~], pp ausgekocht, to clean by 
boiling, extract by boiling. G auskochen. 

auskumme[*~~], pp auskumme, to live within 
one’s means, manage on, live on good 
terms (with). G auskommen. 

auskunft[~~], f, information. G Auskunft. 

auslache(~~~], pp ausgelacht, to laugh at, 
ridicule. G auslachen. 

auslade([~~~], pp ausgelade, to unload. G 

auslafe[~~~], pp ausgeloffe, to run out, drain, 
expire. G auslauten. 

ausiand{~~], n, foreign country. G Ausland. 

auslange[~~~], pp ausgelangt, to suffice. G 

auslaxiere{[~~~~], pp ausgelaxiert, to purge 
thoroughly. G auslaxieren. 

ausleere[~~~], pp ausgeleert, to empty. G 

ausleffie[~~~], pp ausgeleffelt, to scoop out, 
drop grain in sickling. G ausléffeln. 

ausleine[~ ~~], pp ausgeleint, to read lines for 
repetition in singing. Tr of E line out. 

ausleje[~ ~~], pp ausgelekt, to lay out, plan, 
explain, expend, prepare a corpse for the 
cothn. G auslegen. 

auslejer[~~~], m, expositor, interpreter. G 

auslejung{[~~~], f, exposition, interpretation. 
G Auslegung. 

auslek[~~], m, expense. G Auslegen. 

auslenner({~~~], m, foreigner, alien. 

auslenn(er)isch| , auslendisch[~~~], for- 
eign, alien. G auslandisch. 

auslesche(~~~], pp ausgelescht, to extinguish. 
G ausléschen. 

auslese[~~~], pp ausgelese, to select, separate 
into sorts, assort. G auslesen. 

auslewe[~~~], pp ausgelebt, to outlive. Gaus- 

auslifte[~~~], pp ausgelift, to ventilate. G 

auslifting|/~~~], f, ventilation. G Ausltiftung. 

ausloche{~~~], pp ausgelocht, to put holes in: 
poschde —. G auslochen. 

auslosse[~~~], pp ausgelosst, to let out (a 


G Aus- 


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-baalevA 2 -.yvingo> syistol nf i *jbasless 
) @ofiue o3 "yenslogens qq. i" eaitalews 
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ngile yotrgisra) ,m {7 1 on, 

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Aoeibailess nibs agile 

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.nsesiann i) 6. do0ees ,e0e OFNi 

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“years suA D. .nanalitnsy 3 ‘eee 
3 egiod Sug Ct po ine a of: joo SAP 

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seam), manifest, wreak upon, utter one’s 
mind; nix —, not to let on. G auslassen. 

ausmache[*~~], Pp ausgemacht, to dig (pota- 
toes), shell (corn), make out, decipher, 
determine, settle, plan, matter, agree upon, 
extinguish (fire); gut —, to do well, pros- 
per. G ausmachen. 

ausmauere[~~~~], pp ausgemauert, to line 
with a wall, brick up: en ausgemauert grab. 
G ausmauern. 

ausme|[~~]=aus me. 

ausmeessle([~~~], pp ausgemeesselt, to chisel 
out. G ausmeisseln. 

ausmelke{~~~], pp ausgemolke, to drain a 
cow of all her milk. G ausmelken. 

ausmesse[~~~], pp ausgemesse, to measure 
out, gauge, survey. G ausmessen. 

ausmischde[~~~], pp ausgemischt, to clean a 
stable. G ausmisten. 

ausnaehe[~~~], pp ausgenaeht, 
embroider. G ausndhen. 

ausnanner(~~~], ausenanner[~~~~], apart. G 

ausnemme[~~~], pp ausgenumme, to draw 
(fowls), take out in trade. G ausnehmen. 

ausorte[~ ~~], pp ausgeort, to not reproduce 
_true to breed or variety, deteriorate, de- 
generate. G ausarten. 

auspacke[~~~], pp ausgepackt, 
opena package. G auspacken. 

auspicke[~~~], pp ausgepickt, to pick out, 
shell (peas or beans). G auspicken. 

ausrame[*~~~], pp ausgeramt, to clear of 
furniture or rubbish. G ausraumen. 

ausre[~~] =aus re. 

ausrechle[~~~], pp ausgerechelt, to figure out, 
compute. G ausrechnen. 

ausred|~"], ausrett{[~~], f, excuse, pretext. G 

ausreeche[~ ~~], 
G ausreichen. 

ausreisse[~~~], pp ausgerisse, to tear out, 
abscond. G ausreissen. 

ausreiwe[~ ~~], pp ausgeriwwe, to erase, rub 
out. G ausreiben. 

ausrichte[~~~], pp ausgericht, to perform, 
attend to, have influence over. G aus- 

ausricke[*~~], pp ausgerickt, to move out of 
the way. G ausricken. 

ausrieje[~ ~], pp auszeriekt, to eke out (one’s) 
spite. Gaus-+rigen. 

ausritsche[~~~], pp ausgeritscht, to slip, lose 
one’s footing. G ausritschen. 

ausriwwle[~~~], pp ausgeriwwelt, to rub out. 
G aus+dG riwwel. 

ausrolle[~~~], pp ausgerollt, to roll out thin. 
G ausrollen. 

ausroppe[~~~], pp ausgeroppt, 

ausrotte[~~~], pp ausgerott, 
extirpate, exterminate. G ausrotten. 

ausruf{~~], m, proclamation. G Ausruf. 

ausrufe[~~~], pp ausgerufe, to call out, pigs 
claim. G ausrufen. 

to stitch, 

to unpack, 

pp ausgereecht, to suffice. 

to pull. G 

to root out, 

ausruje[~~~], pp ausgerukt, to take a rest, 
get a thorough rest. G ausruhen. 

ausrutsche[~~~], pp ausgerutscht, to slip. G 

aussaee|~~~], pp ausgsaet, to sow. 

aussaje{(~~~], pp ausgsat, to declare, promul- 

G aus- 

gate. G aussagen. 

aussarte [~~~], pp ausgsart, to sort. G 

aussaufe[~~~], pp ausgsoffe, to drink all, 

drink to the dregs. G aussaufen. 

ausschaele, ausschale[~~~], pp ausgschaelt, to 
shell, peel. G ausschalen. 

ausschaffe(-~~], pp ausgschafft, to work out, 
pay a billin labor, carve. G ausschatfen. 

ausschelte[~~~], pp ausgscholte, to scold. G 

ausschemme([~~~], pp ausgschemmt, to shame, 
cause to feel ashamed. G ausschamen. 

ausschenke[*~~], pp ausgschenkt, to pour out 
(a beverage). G ausschenken. 

ausschenne|~~~], pp ausgschennt, to cause to 
feel ashamed, reprimand. G ausschanden. 

ausscheppe!~~~], pp ausgscheppt, to bail. G 

ausschicke[~~~], pp ausgschickt, to send out. 
G ausschicken. 

ausschiesse[~~~], pp ausgschosse, to send out 
shoots. G ausschiessen. 

ausschitte(~~~], pp ausgschitt, to pour out. 
G ausschiitten. 

ausschittle(~~~], pp ausgschittelt, to shake 
out. G ausschiitteln. 

ausschlack[~~], m, young shoot, sucker. G 

ausschlajje/~~~], pp ausgschlajje, to send 
forth shoots or sprouts, beat out. G 

ausschlecke[~~~], pp ausgschleckt, to lick out. 
G ausschlecken. 

ausschliesse[~~~], pp ausgschlosse, to lock 
out, exclude. G ausschliessen. 

ausschlitze{~~~], pp ausgschlitzt, to slit. G 

ausschmelse{*~~], pp ausgschmolse, to melt, 
render (lard). G ausschmelzen. 

ausschmicke[~~~], pp ausgschmickt, to adorn, 
bedeck. G ausschmiicken. 

ausschnausse{~~~], pp ausgschnausst, to 
snoop through. Gaus+dG schnausse. 

ausschneide(~ ~~], pp ausgschnidde, to notch, 
cut froma pattern. G ausschneiden. 

ausschniffie[~~~], pp ausgschniffelt, to pry 
into. G ausschniiffein. 

ausschnitzle[~~~], ppausgschnitzelt, to whittle, 
carve out. G ausschnitzeln. 

ausschpanne[~~~], pp ausgschpannt, to un- 
hitch horses (from a wagon). G aus- 

ausschpautze(~~~], pp ausgschpautzt, to spit 
out. dG ausspautzen. 

ausschpiele{~ ~~], pp ausgschpielt, to wear out, 
become exhausted. G ausspielen. 

3° : y aiaoognia aq ey byt wad. a  Set0q} 3 reute De ’ 
een 2ob , 

De iyi sob dK 
208 2) won OF domeyeus 4 es asTge ,TOTISA 
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- ~feeeminesus ) -oetnotie — « 
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odsede oy _isstisdsagaus aq . ~“lelstitszeus 
lbttinisasiss OD 300 
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» igeldeaA, 

base ot- “ alisttomgaiis ag {*"*boiiaitaoents ; wus re?) aS - 
20 toed tues tw stoarle ee Fr — anual a *jioru0r I wh ra 
” speldoeaue 7 cub poets > 
wo dell.o% taloeldsepeus qq. eae sniiue 03 ,tdbsnogeue gq perma > 
. eesobyeitomere : 
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ngsestitiozens O bulsxs 390 
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ssiilriceass = atabeaeath 
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(Eval pt aol 
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ot Jenusrithayeun ~ qq.’ ens wloisgen8 
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lator of ,sbbindoegeus qq f-"~jebisadoaawa  4¢0) ile 09 ,tloatizogaus 

ebiendzesus «) . .A1992sq & mol IUD a 
od 03 parang? q4 Sag tuo du? of Jlowwitageus qo ~~ 
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als of ‘Sin palace’ -*"jelstindssaps ~ (gid? suo flor of ,tilogeus ag do 
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“it © (nogew, # mor) ane Be wen: ae 

yz of ,ssosqdoegeus aq £7 *Joxzunqdoeaan -) fiettoes 
ie es st 0 00 as a pe serenm nt 
Jud tase of Jisigdsegeus Gq [~~ doeaws 1g ,jv0 93 
Melnqgeeus OU -beteustixe omooed : ; LF ty 2 

i , = 
~ bd & 
- “74. 
<5 + a 
Leet HM . fe 

ausschpotte[~~~], pp ausgschpott, to mock, 
taunt. G ausspotten. 

ausschpraee[~~~], pp ausgschpraet, to spread 
out. Gaus+dG sprah, sprae. 

ausschpreche[~~~], pp ausgschproche, ‘to 
speak out, pronounce. G aussprechen. 

ausschproch[~"], f, pronunciation. G Aus- 

ausschpruch[-~], m, verdict. G Ausspruch. 

ausschreiwe[~ ~~], pp ausgschriwwe, to write 
out, appoint by proclamation, proclaim. 
G ausschreiben. 

ausschterwe{[~~~], pp ausgschtarwe, to die 
out, become extinct. G aussterben. 

ausschtampe[~~~], pp ausgschtampt, to stamp 
(or beat) out. G ausstampfen. 

ausschtarre|~~~], pp ausgschtarrt, to stir out. 
G aus-+sSstirren. 

ausschteche[~~~], pp ausgschtoche, to dig out 
with a fork (as potatoes). G ausstechen. 

ausschtecke[~~~], pp ausgschteckt, to set out 
(plants), transplant. G ausstecken. 

ausschteh7([*"], pp ausgschtanne, to suffer, 
bear, tolerate. G ausstehen. 

ausschtehlich{"~~], tolerable, 

ausschteier, hausschteier[*~~], m, clothes and 
furniture which a bride brings to her 
husband, outfit. G Aussteuer. 

ausschteiere[-~~~], pp ausgschteiert, to fit 
out for housekeeping. G aussteuern. 

ausschteije[~~~], pp ausgschtijje, to alight 
from a carriage. G aussteigen. 

ausschtiwwere[~~~~], pp ausgschtiwwert, to 
drive awav. G ausstdbern. 

ausschtoosse[~~~], pp ausgschtoosse, to ex- 
clude, oust. G ausstossen. 

ausschtoppe[~~~], pp ausgschtoppt, to stuff, 
pad. G ausstopfen. 

ausschtraehle[~~~], pp ausgschtraehlt, to 
comb out. Gaus+dG strahlen. 

ausschtrecke[~~~], pp ausgschtreckt, to 
stretch out; sich —, to stretch oneself, lie 
at full length. G ausstrecken. 

ausschtreiche(~ ~~], pp ausgschtriche, to strike 
out, cross out. G ausstreichen. 

ausschtudiere[~~~~], pp ausgschtudiert, to 
study out, study thoroughly. G aus- 

ausschwenke[~~~], pp ausgschwenkt, to rinse 
out. Gausschwenken. 

ausschwetze(~~~], pp ausgschwetzt, to speak 
out. Gausschwatzen. 

ausschwitze{~~~], pp ausgschwitzt, to sweat 
out. Gausschwitzen. 

ausse{~~}, outside, on the outside. G aussen. 

ausseher{-~~}, from without, externally. G 

aussehne(~~~], pp ausgsehne, to look, appear, 
take heed (that). G aussehen. 

aussei~(-"], pp ausgewest, to be extinguished 
‘of a fire), be on bad terms, be away from 
heme. G aussein. 

ausserum{-~~], (around on the) outside, on 

utskirts, round about. G aussen+ 

bearable. G 

aussetze[~~~], pp ausgsetzt, to plant out, 
transplant, expand, start, start out, start 
farming. G aussetzen. 

aussicht(~~], f, view, expectation, prospect. 
G Aussicht. 

aussinne|~~~], pp ausgsunne, to think out, 
excogitate. G aussinnen. 

aussuche(~~~], pp ausgsucht, to search thor- 
oughly, rummage. G aussuchen. 

aussuckle[~~~], pp ausgsuckelt, to suck out. 
G aus+dG suggein. 

ausverkafe[~~~~], pp ausverkaft, to sell out, 
sell by forced sale. G ausverkaufen. 

auswachse{~~~], pp ausgewachse, to sprout, 
send forth shoots, attain one’s full growth. 
G auswachsen. 

auswerfling[~~~], m, imperfect specimen, out- 
cast. G Auswiirfling. 

auswandre[~~~], pp ausgewandert, to emi- 
grate. G auswandern. 

auswandrer|~~~], m, emigrant. 

auswechsle[~~~], pp ausgewechselt, to ex- 
change, trade. G auswechseln. 

ausweiche{~ ~~], pp ausgewiche, to turn out, 
evade, avoid, elude, get out of perpen- 
dicular. G ausweichen. 

ausweisse[~~~], pp ausgeweisst, to whitewash 
(the inside of). G ausweissen. 

auswenne(~~~], pp ausgewennt, to turn aside 
evade. Gaus-+wenden. 

auswennich{~~~], ausewennich{[~~~~], outside, 
on the outside, from memory (by heart); 
— lerne, to commit to memory. G aus- 

auswickle[~~~], pp ausgewickelt, to unwrap. 
G auswickeln. 

auswieje[“~~], pp ausgewoje, to weigh out 
for retail sale. G auswiegen. 

auswische[*~~], pp ausgewischt, to rub out, 
erase; eens —, to give a blow. G aus- 

auswitsche[~~~], pp ausgewitscht, to slip 
away, slip out. G auswitschen. 

auszacke[~~~], pp ausgezackt, to scallop. G 

auszahne[~~~], pp ausgezahnt, to finish teeth- 
ing, put teeth in a rake. G auszahnen. 

auszappe[~~~], pp ausgezappt, to tap. G 

auszehring[~~~], f, consumption. 

auszettle{“~~], pp ausgezettelt, to distribute, 
peddle out. Gaus+zettein. 

auszieje[*"“], pp ausgezojje, to take off 
clothes, strip, doff. G ausziegen. 

auszoppe[~~~], pp ausgezoppt, to pull out, 
unravel. G auszupfen. 

autsch[}], oh! ouch! Gautsch. — 

autsche(~~], pp geautscht, to give evidence 
of pain or soreness. Verb formed from 

A~verdraue[*~~~], pp 4-verdraut, to entrust, 
put trust in, confide a secret. G anver- 


G Auswan- 

G Aus- 

a. © 
ae ee < 

3. BoM mood’ t 
_ fue aaids 02 af ee 
sone nnn 

im a3 
we oo 

wernt of 98 
“iawong In Sone Rieti jax 

ab wer ; 
~Tu0 .nsenioadge ee eden 

end os esBarawegeme -aa- aa Epa . 

-nowenh, a snargiars «a .[~*hsihaaweve 

<%% of Headaseogeva a4 ‘Gages 

setssweus o shen sgoadd 
Jju0 nm? o istwsgens gq |.” “pigiewaua 
sqisq to. 300.393. ,shaiis ¥E abate 

aotemesus J  rshrsth 

depesiidw o2 ,teerrwageUs GG J" “lstatewera 
oelawens =) -(lo: sbreni af) 

sbias f1dd oF Jnnswigess aq | “lsanoweus 
~ “nsbns#+2ue oO .shavs 

sbisive [~~ “ltpinnewsenas [~~ ~|dvinneweus 
(Figen 7d) vromam. mor ,ghiztso of¥ no 
“us O .giomem 03 Timo: 02 d= — 

“qerage of  tHedorwegets.qq i") 

‘nistoredus 2 

two dgisw of .s[owsneUe_ Gq i“ eiscraue 
aegotwae shee tater zat 

uo dit of ,idoeiwsgews gq [~~ jedzetwene 
2ns ©) wold & orig 03} — BD {HeETS 

Jineliwegein J -*)siis2itwase 
nedseliecie i) 320 gile vere 

© .qollade o3 saoesogers qq J--*lssdoeseus 

-fieo? Aeingt Of. int isogene 4 F meet “Isonfseua 
nanlecseus OD sole es ai dissd t0q sani 

2 «qh o3 ,qqesveais gq Tolmmos 

uA 2 ,noigmusnes tf” Bit anh 

tuilinieth of tistrscqes =a a 
nistids+eus on 

gile o2 

_ Ko sdst of pile. ge 4 ae ioe: 

jue tng 03 of tggoanan ne oS a men 

pees: ‘ yar nn i }doeres 
asnebiire s1tg oJ loaves, be 30] 5 ary 
moti boiurdd} dis¥ weones yo nisy to 

Jéeuzins of Juminey’é ag [> 
-wvne 0 .ts1ose & shined nl gui toq 

tp ORs ad 00 98 

“ebiste t4 

Pbimanrs< . 0 

. page 

a ot paar ma 

Purse of oa a + 

os cacao: Pe ee 
siderite Deane tuo dmos 
ot idoertiteyus aq _{~*jsdoswdoesms 
oil Qlsesno dorstie of 7", ir te > 
i , are | 
72 902 9 VIF SeQ2us 
-nsrsisiseau dag 

se 0 

aseqas ool of, mse 1.3 32: 
scitincatanis otteee 14 “Tis 
| ee od 

a” verwandt-er, -i[*~~~], m, f, relative. G 

a*wachse|“~~], pp agewachse, to join by 
growing, grow up, become liver-grown. G 

&*weerre[~~~], pp Awerre: ich bin si —, I 
disposed of them, I sold them, I got rid of 
them. G anwerden. 

-&”weise[* ~~], pp 4 gewisse, to instruct, show, 
direct. Ganw eisen. 
&™wende, 4~wenne[~~~], pp 4-gewendt, A°ge- 

wennt, invest (first form only), employ, 
use, apply. G anwenden. 

awendmohl, 4abendm4hi[~~"], n, Lord’s Sup- 
per, communion. G Abendmahl. 

a°wendung[~~~], f, adaptation. G Anwen- 

awerglawe[*~~~], m, superstition. G Aber- 

awerglawisch[~~~~], superstitious. G aber- 

a“wesche[~~~], pp 
G anwaschen. 

a~wickle[~~~], pp a-gewickelt, to start on a 
reel, accomplish by palming off on (an- 
other). Ganwickeln. 

a-gewesche, to varnish. 

awwer|*~], but; —-! used as a warning or 
threat; un —, but. G aber. 
ax[“j, f, pl ex, ax. G Axt. 

axeschtiel[*~"], m, ax-handle. G Axt+dG 
a*zahme[*~~], pp a-gezahmt, to tame (an 

animal), attach to oneself. Gan-+zahmen. 

a“zappe[~~~], pp A@gezappt, to tap. G 

a~zeeche[~~~], n, token, omen, sign. G 

a*zeije[~~~], pp A°gezeicht, to indicate. G 


a~zeijer{[~~~], m, indicator. G Anzeiger. 

a*zettle[“~~], pp 4gezettelt, to put warp on 
a loom for weaving, start a matter. G 

azi, atschi[~*], atchee! (in imitation of the 
sound made in sneezing, sometimes with 
an added ‘Gsundheet’). dG azi. 

a” zieje[~ ~~], pp 4-gezojje, to put on, stretch, 
attract, tighten. G anziehen. 

Aa”ziele[~~~], pp a gezielt, to take (good) aim. 
G anzielen. 

a*zinde[~~~], pp A-gezindt, to ignite. G 

“gezoppt, to begin to pull 
G an- 

a~zoppe[~~~], pp a 
reins, attract fish by little jerks. 

&*zuck[-~], m, suit, attire. G Anzug. 

a~zwinge[~~~], pp a gezwunge, to force on 
(some one). G anzwingen. 


babbe, baba[*~], m, papa. G Papa. 

babbegoi{*~~], m, parrot. G Papegel. 

babbel[-~], f, chatterbox, gossip. G babbeln. 

babbelmaul/*~"], n, incessant talker, chatter- 
box. G babbeln+ Maul. 

babble[‘~], pp gebabbelt, to talk fast or in- 

cessantly, reveal a_ secret, tattle. G 

babble[-~], m, poplar, white poplar, tulip tree. 
G Pappel. 

babbler[-~], m, gabbler, chatterer. G Bab- 

babblich[*~], talkative. G babbel+ig. 

babier[“~], n, paper. G Papier. 

babierbichfe)li[--~~~], n, pamphlet. G Pa- 


babierche, babierli{-~~], n, little piece of paper, 
slip of paper. G Papierchen, -li is the dim 
ending of the Alemannic or Swiss dial 

babierschitz[/-*~], m, minister who re 
sermons from manuscript. G Papi 

babra(”'], rhubarb, pie plant. G Rhabarber. 

bach[~] (rare), n, brook. G Bach. 

bach | bletter{*~~], pl, yellow pond-lily, cow 
lily; -bumbel[*~~], water speedweil, Am- 
erican brooklime. 

back | appel{*~~], m, baking-apple; -dak{*"! 
m, baking-day; -drok{*], m, kneading 
trough: zmelassich{-~~~], m, baking mo- 

backe[*~], pp gebacke, to bake, harden; net 
gans recht gebacke, a little off in the head. 
G backen. 

backe[‘~], m, cheek, hound (of a wagon). G 

backeb4rt[*~"], m, beard, whiskers. G Back- 

Backeffel[*~~], n, summit on the Blue Moun- 
tain west of Lehigh Gap. Dimof G Back- 

backerei[~ ~~], 

backes{*~], (mei), baking. The infinitive 
plus s is used to form a noun, mostly of 
oft-repeated household operations, and 1s 
nearly always preceded by a possessive adj. 

backeschtee~[*~~], m, brick. G Backstein. 

backeschtee™ || lejer[-~ ~~~ ], m, bricklayer; 
zoffe[-~~~~], m, brick-kiln; -schtick Yo 
n, brickbat. 

backeschteenich, backeschteene[*~~~], (of) 
brick. G Backstein+ig. 

backe || schtreech{*~~], m, slap on the cheek; 
-zah~[*~"], m, molar. 

backet[*~], f, (a) baking, enough to last tiil 
next baking-day. dG backet. 

back | hols{*~], n, oven wood; -karb{*~}, 
basket of braided straw in which rye bread 
was baked; -mol{* 7], -mult{*~], f, ae 
trough. c Backmulde; soffe[*~~], m, bake- 
oven;-schissel[* ~~], f, baking bowl (wooden): 
-sodel* "|, m, baking soda. 

backoffe || herd[*~~"], m, Hoor of . bake- 
oven; zkitsch{* ~~~], f, oven-scraper; -loch 
{*~~], n, door of an oven, front of a bake- 

f, (everlasting) baking. G 

oven; -schiess[*~~~], f, -schiesser{*~~~~], 
m, baker’s peel. 

bad[-l, n, bath. CPR 

baddich, bardich{*~} =abaddich. 

anes Boks . | 
Sanat a e ial ves oa 
_ ats § pet ere ee A 

chen ow, veveinien im ree 
yvodtecign ri a | 5 iiedied nr 
sol or Cy. god 

eo vil aie ingen , 
-maé. ,lewbssqe tsiaw pein vqlil 

i’*tiibe zelané-gaided a “lsqa | added 
embesns ym f° *tdotbs iyab-paiasd -\m 
cm grttled .m {-"*idsizeaisar pigsew 

ton :nebundt saad ot jslondeg aq pleated 
bsod sciz ni Ro olsiil o wavedag jilon ansg 
inedoad J 

O ..{nogew # to) Bavod glsads ro." “jeaaad 

-$on8 3D .evelentw .bised Be 3 | “*tnadedoad 

wolf suiG sf no Tieamue fi iL * “Hetisdosti 
2288 & to mifl -.qeU dgidsl lo teow nis 

a P"" |ietastoad 
frse eG 

oftT cynidad ,Cism) *jeeiead 
moo 2 riot Pe hea ei 2 ania 
& @aaitevsge biodszyed berasqsrflo 
Seog & “a tebeiean aveavis sitsen 

fa} harterea ~) ore wm .. ssinzesdaad 

Is ail 3 in 17 tapiet “setrinsenoed 
ri. a | abisdoe: inlit-tond an f°" “*}eito- 
edsoind 9 

fo} J" ~"jomesssbeodaad doimesidsesdsad 
‘Bi-+nistedosS 2 .aond 

dssrio of? ae qale um f° ~“*idsestreisze | oafoad 
astom om [~ Ydise 

lity Jas) 02 Aa anbled (2) .) { “}saoad 
sined Ob iyab- sd 3296 

itt Pagel. sloneae NO io iod | stoad 
vectd att doittw oi wate tsdend 

onibesta 3 {*plom "Pont: chedai ieee 

“solad m J°“"leRto= hlumdse8 3 pay 
-tmsboow) teod gitistad ,1,[-**}lezaisioas; novo 
bor ae nf _"}abors: 

ional s ke bene «fit 


OS. .~sbted (gnisecitovs) 

“a vit ~ 
i) ‘St oils 

ibe 3 7289 

Baad adie Megane 

dsibbedhs “ee 

eda 3  eltodoad 
“ewe *: 1970 * 

bel D ultad ao [bad 

| ser a ave 

6 no tat oF aledaiwoy ha 

-#8) mo flo grtmiag 
10 saw e es boag t—~ jind [*} wes 
aeds jae ee — 

whAOD work IF 
Db+tA D .sibosdce uo =a 

ns) omad of sordisegé 
asniés+aso .ilseono 

> .qsi oF JqgassyS 9g re 

veyiesak. D2 Sotszibni ms | 
mo qisw tuq of ,tettessy faq, 

o at tn ag sage hi Mew “a 
-niosissag |< * 
adi Yo acitatimi ni) 'ostiote jf jidoay dsp Ws: 
asiw wae ong enissone at bavoe a 
Csostbnued' bebbs ine = 
fbosstse ps ah a stiossg & “* 
rersisns > 419 * oad 

aie (booq) set 02 shiney bag“ oe 
“D .stingt 09 sbaiseg’® aq pees 

fivg 03 siged of 7 oe ae a 

-né pee 2a, 3h 

“eqe% DO .sasq um ted 
S12 soneq ym [~ 

3 3 ~ 

bade{~~], pp gebadt, to bathe, pp gebade, 
to wade. G baden. 

badriesel, badriesli[‘-~], badrieselche{-*~~], 
n, quail, partridge. Wm. Beidelman says 
in his “Story of the Pennsylvania Germans” 

“this word seems to come from the French 


bel], baa! G ba. 

baehe[~~], pp gebaeht, to toast, 
gebaeht brot, toast. G bahen. 

ber[|], m, bear. G Bar. 

bere || fett[“~~], n, bear’s grease; -fuss[~~ 7], 
m, bear’s foot, ground pine; -glooe(~~ ~~], 
f, claw of a bear; -haut[*~"], f, bearskin. 

berjemeeschder(*~~~}],m, mayor. G Biirger- 

berjich{*~], hilly, mountainous. G bergig. 

berke, berje([*~], birch. G Birke. 

berkepam|[*~"], m, birch-tree. G _ Birken- 

bermedickel[*~~~], m, pendulum of a clock. 
G Perpendikel. 

berrick[{*~], m, hill, mountain. G Berg. 

berrick || ab[~~~*], downhill; -balsem[*~~~], m, 
mountainmint; -bluk[*~"], m, hillside-plow; 
sfeier[*~ ~~], n, summer cypress, kochia; 
<pgnabber[*~~~], m, clod-hopper; -gnippel 
{*~~~], m, clod-hopper; -hiwwel[‘~~~], m, 
knoll on a mountain road; -nuff[~~~], uphill; 
enunner[~~*~], downhill; -ruff[-~*], uphill (to 
where the speaker or thinker is); -runner 
{-~*~], downhill (to where the speaker or 
thinker is); -schtee™[*~~], m, stone from the 
Blue Mountain; -schtrooss[*~ 7], f, hill-road; 
stee[*~"], m, Blue Mountain tea, sweet- 
scented goldenrod. 

_ berschde[*~], pp gebzrscht, to brush, fleece 
(financially). G biirsten. 

berschdebinner[*~~~], schpringe wie’n, to run 
like the Old Scratch (saufe and schaffe are 
also used like schpringe in this expression). 
G Biirstenbinder. 

berschdegras[*~~], n, poverty-grass. G Bor- 

berschdelche[‘~~], n, smartly dressed young 
fellow, dandy. G Biirschelchen. 

berscht["], f, bristle, hair. G Borste. 

berscht["], f, brush. G Biirste. 

Berwle[’~], Berwelche[*~~], n, Babby, Bar- 
bara. G Barbelchen. 

beerzel[*~], m, posterior, backside. G Biirzel. 

berzelschtick[*~~], n, rump steak. G Biirzel 

baesel[-~], f, aunty. G Baslein. 

baf["], bang! G baff. 

baffze, beffze[*~], pp gebaftzt, 
wrangle, quarrel. G baffzen. 

bah”, boh*["], f, way or path through snow. 
G Bahn. 

bahne, bohne[*~], pp gebahnt, to make a way 
or path through snow. G bahnen. 

bahr["], f, bier. G Bahre. 

bahredraejer{[~~~~], m, pall-bearer. 
trager. Pay * 

bali}, m, head; eens uff der — grieje. G 

It is E partridge+G dim -el. 


to bark, 

G Bahr- 

bal || gaul[*"], m, horse with a white fore- 
head; -hummel{*~~], m, male bumble-bee 
(which hasa white forchead); -keppich{~ ~~], 
bald-headed; -kopp[~~], m, baldhead. The 
bal in the first two of these compounds is 
probably G Bolle strongly influenced by E 
bald; in the last two probably E bald. 

balke[*~], m, joist, beam. G Balken. 

ball[-], soon, almost. G bald. 

balladsche[“*~], pp geballadscht, to talk ina 
long and tiresome manner. P ballaadsche 
<F parlage. 

balle[*~], m, ball, bale. G Ball. 

balle[*~], m, ball (of the thumb). G Ballen. 

balle[*~], pp geballt, to form in a ball (of 
snow). G ballen. 

balle || brijjel[--~~], m, bat; -britsch[*~~], f, 
bat; -butter[{*~~~], m, roll-butter; -wiesals 
[-~"~], n, game of ball. From a rhyme re- 
peated in the game: Balle wie sals, Butter 

f, politics. 

wie schmals. 
G Politik (but 
wholly from E politics). 


ballemol{*~"], soon. G bald+einmal. 

balloi, ballei{*], pennyroyal. G Polei. 

baliun{--], m, balloon. G Ballon. 

balluner[~“~], m, balloonist. G Ballon+er. 

balsem[*~], m, mint, garden mint, balsam. 
G Balsam. 

balsem | appel[*~~~], m, balsam-apple; -bam 
{*~"], m, balsam poplar, balm-of-Gilead; 
-tee[*~"], m, peppermint tea, tea from 
downy mint. 

balsemdemalde[~~~*~], m, balsam de Malta. 
G Balsam+F de+G Malta. 

balsemiere[~~~~], gebalsemiert, to embalm, 
settle one’s hash (in an argument). G 

Balser[*~], m, Balthasar. dG Balzer. 

balwiere[-~~], pp gebalwiert, to shave. dG 
balbieren. G barbieren. 

balwierer[-~~], m, barber. 

balwier || messer[~~~~], n, razor; -pensil[--~~], 
m, shaving-brush; -scheed{[~~], f, razor- 
sheath; -seef[-~“], f, shaving-soap. 

bam, bom["], m, tree. G Baum. 

bambelerwet, bembelerwet([*~~~], f, odd 
jobs, chores. dG bambele, bambele+G 

bamble[*~], pp gebambelt, to dangle, loiter, 
loaf. dG bambele. 

bamblich[*~], dangling, wobbly, without en- 
ergy, awkward. dG bambele. 

bam || garde[~~~], m, orchard; -messer[~~™~], 
n, pruning-hook; -moos(~"], n, tree-moss, 
lichens; -olich[-~~], m, sweet-oil, olive oil, 
dG olich=G Ol; zschul[~"], f, nursery. 

bamegardegras[~~~"], n, orchard grass. G 

band[-], n, band, ribbon, hinge, bandage, 
ligature, certificate of indebtedness (E), 
bond (E). G Band. 

bandwarm[*~], m, tape-worm. G _ Band- 

dG Balbier. G 


i} ila 9 ak Bo! oo 

b foo doetinds iisd an °°" tpoliied 
plessiwe ;rattod-Her ri (-"hettud: ; 
~st sayy mort Had lo ee Biaee | 
mij alae tiw slid omeg on At bateag | 

elemixe mi. 
dud) Alfio <x) 250% ts cs 
(ean tio, 
Asmnis+ bled O p Sealy 
jie 2D eyorrnneg Jf Heliod oo iebed 
oliedl <) ~.goolfad .m sf jnwliad 

4o4+nolist 2 deinoolind an i “henulled 

masisd nim nobisy aatin da f “jonsaled 
wmbalndl 2) 

mid: ;siqqs-inetid oa: ["~“peqga }, aveeled 
heolicd-] io-snled niqog riaeted fo eas 
avi 31° 29% Inknwqqeq ct «993 
nim. vaweb 

siial ob onaelad . [+ *“jeblnarebéneciad 
ovinl <)+ab 4+ mealstl <} 

gelndms 03 trsteassladeg, f"” 

ey stomps ae’ ni) dened Fone sttiex 

assis Db | -shesdtish af" rested 
Ob svete of ,.maiwleder gq ‘\ “"jersteded 

- .nersidiad 2 ~~ aenyictiad 
D- ssidish Db casdesd wr [*"bemewliad 

-->"Tieneg: prone? an .[""*frseeers § tenwiad 
wcret 2 UF -“Ibeodoe= shenwd-ghivede mi 
.<qaos-gnivaie 3 ae *“j}eoe -Aneoite 
med 2D .sstt mo ([)mod sid 
bho 2 J" *ewrnledmed towrnlsdaund 
o+sisdmsd slsdmaed Ob enrol dot 
wtiel signeh 09 jisdmedsg og J "joldaad 
“isdmad Gb teol 
-3 suadtin \viddow .s milgneh J *jdoiidmad 
‘slediniad Ob’ .hyavweslus . 
{°"*}esarem ; bistiotvo . i--“lebuig || mad 

ameormeast (4 hohe *|poonr wioord-grinuigq- nm 

dio silo, fio-tgawa arf *|sistlos ;anorioil 
scrosiin (1 | +jlndos<, 1O 2 dotls Ob 
6% bustkno. nf” “febrpeb 
424i) +asnegmosd 
weabaad vegnid odd. .baad .n J jbmed 
(cl) eeenbaidobai fo siaoftiten ype 
based D fA 
-bosil 0D -miewege jm. a Inmet 


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bang["|, f; du brauchscht ken — hawwe, you 
need not fear, no danger. G Bange. 

bangenett, bajonett|’~*], f, bayonet. G Bajo- 
nett, P bankenett, <F baionnette. 

bangichkeet{* ~~}, f, dread, fear, timidity. -G 

bank["], f, bench, workbench. G Bank. 

bankert[*~], m, bastard G Bankert. 

banne[*™], pp gebannt, to charm, fascinate, 
subdue by secret power. G bannen. 

banner[*~], m, charmer, one who exercises 
secret power. G Banner. 

bapp["], f, paste. G Pappe. 

bappe|[* “, pp gebappt, to stick, paste. G 

bappedeckel[*~~~], m, pasteboard, box-board. 


bappich|*~], sticky. G pappig. 

bapscht/["], m, Pope, priest, cactus, hedgehog- 
cactus. G Papst; asa plant the name is a 
tr of E pope’s (-head). 

bapschtkopp|* “], m, cactus, hedgehog-cactus. 

xy from E. 

bari" |, bare, naked, cash. G bar. 

afraid, timid, uneasy, fearful. G 

barbara‘ ~"], rhubarb, pie plant. G Rha- 

barbarisch[- ~*~], barbarous; terribly. G bar- 

Bardel[*~], m, Bartholomew. dG Bardel. 

Bardelmae(- “], m, Bartholomew, St. Bar- 
tholomew’s Day (Aug. 24). G Bartholo- 

bare, bore[*~],m, haymow, mow. dG borrm. 

barfiessich{[~~~], bare-footed, said of coffee 
without milk or sugar G barfiissig. 

bargamott(*~~], m, bergamot. G Bergamott. 

bargeld[~~], n, cash. G bares Geld. 

bargement[*~~],n, parchment. G Pergament. 

bariere[“~~], pp bariert, sich, to behave, obey; 
es will mer narjets recht —, I am all out of 
shape. G parieren. 

barje[*~], pp gebarkt, to borrow, loan, trust, 
give credit. G borgen. Cf berje App. 

barmelmaessich[~~~~], fearfully. An exag- 
gerating compound formed of -barm- 
(erbarmlich) and miassig. Cf hesseldon- 

barmherzich{*~!, merciful. G barmherzig. 

barmherzichkeet|-*~ "|, f, mercy. G Barm- 

Barnd|~}, m, Bernhard. bed cape 

barretsch, barrasch(° “], m, borage. G Bor- 

barrick[~*], f, wig. G Perticke. 

barrick|*~], m, gelded boar, barrow. dG 

barricks(*~], tick, trust: uff — kafe. G Borg. 

~~ vt 

G purgieren. 

barrierung[’*~], f, purgation. G Purgierung. 

bart("], m, beard, chin. G Bart. 

barzelbam[‘~~], m, somersault; — schlajje, 
to turn a somersault. G Burzelbaum. 

pp barriert, to purge, physic. 

barzer(d)[*~], batzert[*-], m, fowl without a 
tail. G Buirzel, which originally meant the 
stumpy tail of game like deer, hares, etc. 

barzie(*~], pp gebarzelt, to tumble. G bur- 
bas["], m, employer, master, superintendent, 

boss. dG bas, baas. 
baschde[*~], pp gebascht, to husk. G basten. 
baschdert[*~], m, illegitimate child, cattle of 
mixed breed, inferior plant or animal, wet 

waste land used for pasture. dG basch- 
dert. G Bastard. 
baschdnad[‘"], f, parsnip; wildi —, wild 

parsnip. G Pastinake. 

bascht["], f, husk, inner bark. G Bast. 

baschthols({*~], baschthelsel[*~~], n, husking- 
pin. G Bast+Holz. 

base[~~], pp gebast, to superintend, command, 
boss. dG bis. 

peek officious, dictatorial, bossy. dG 


bass["], m, bass (in music). G Bass. 

der bass [] abschneide, to head off, antici- 
pate, forestall. G Pass: jemandem den — 

bass || drumm[*~], f, bass-drum; -geik[*"], f, 
bass-viol; -schtimm|*~], f, bass voice; -singer 
orga pace bass singer. 

basse[*~], pp gebasst, to fit, be convenient, 
suit, pass (in cards), amble (of a horse’s 

gait E pace). G passen. 

basseltang[*“~JHLF, pastime. F passe-(le) 

bassiere[“~~], pp bassiert, to happen. G 

basslich[*~], fitting, middling, tolerable. G 

batsch["], f, hand; di — gewwe, to shake 
hands; ’sis alles —, it’s all gone to nothing. 
G Patsche. 

batsche[*~], pp gebatscht, to clap (the hands), 
wade; —, — kicheli, patty cake, patty 
cake. G patschen. 

batschhand[*~], f, hand (in shaking hands). 
G Patschhand. 

batt{"}], m, part; seii — nemme, to side with 
him, take his part. Gand F part. 

batte[’~], pp gebatt, to do good, heip, avail, 
give relief. dG batten. 

batzich[*~], saucy, impertinent. G patzig. 

paul |, m, soil, land reached by the plow. G 


bau || blatz{[~~], m, building site; -hols[~~], n, 
timber; -kunscht[~~], f, architecture; -land 
[~~], n, cultivable land dG bauerland; 
-meeschder[~~~], m, architect; -schtee~ 
[~~], m, building-stone. 

bauch{"], m, belly, paunch. G Bauch. 

bauche[~~], pp gebaucht, to boil wash. G 

bauchfellich[~~~], dilapidated, corpulent. G 

bauch || gart, -gatt[“~], f, belly-band, sur- 
cingle; -gott{[~~], m, belly-god,  gour- 

mand’s delight; -griwwles[-~~], n, griping 


Ae x23 ah Fin ee 
fsa el ibs ca fie 


sailais Ve ; 

oe : on “4 

A, “——- 
I A355 ‘ a yf 
. i, a 
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 plites bli atom inal Pi = Ph i poor’: xhhow 
ae Jnsginw 70 29049 % 6 i board. boxt Liahint: at rau © Te 60 

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-pavladd o [°* 3 ee 
ne sloH+t2 

all 2. 
betsenmnoo ,basinnsqne 07 , rabdea aad Bin =: 
Db. yeaod Asizotatoib: wuOIzitO *|doietd 

708 2 ..(oieute i) eesd mf 

-hitas Bo heed of ,sbisnizede [} 82 
— asb mabosma} ict. aati oid 

A{’“plieg- for dig a +'dieleacierely Salil 
Tegaize ppnoy aad 3} ‘feecuitadoee : tloiv-eeed 
‘spaie teed vm [* *] 

3M sinsvan of jt oF Jezedsg qa i *paead 

eserod £ 10) skdene tebves ar) 

Dieigias Fs Asta SS FsQ .- 

(of)-setag- “1 .emtiijead:- 3) Hi]--*}pandiocsnd 
2a tit 

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Y2 aden eae> yiieq Jisdonl — — shew 
asiiceiag 2 .etGd 

dzboed agniiate nb bnad 2 hel cari 
be (oasis =) 

ditiw shiz 0) squnsa — “ie pneg ga fad 
Tey Dba) tag el = Ae snrith 

lieve .olei ,boog ob of gis q [jetted 
aadied aaa 

yittcq =) .3naniitieqmr oat 1” “jdoistad 

«} .wolg ot yd berigsor busi fice .m , aL bene 

on J’ “lelod* :stie aaiblisd <i? , 
basi. -gusigetittote BF iy “itdoesurde piedmit 
whened Ob basi sidsvisiua . on i 

Sseae postition: en i> 
snote-gnibliud ym. *] 
atouat O tlontsag ,ylisd ym ,| 

2 ime fied. at thovardsg qq nF waco a 
 aneluios batebiqelib f°" *)doilletdouad 
“Efe vrrad- viied - 3 B vas ¥ ,FIBy iW dousd 
“hie bag-viled mn ,{ "pen: ialynis 
Brigg aor *jaslwwitg: ;Jadgileb e'bnem 


AO =, 

[“*jstald i pad © 

“geaigut 3) noi 
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32 .wsinotost q 
-olodzish O es ‘an 

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a jaa ,Dadool-sred [> * ey 
a aeehited OF. sague.29 lim anotitbe + ey 24 
somniigre® Jomagied .x [-~* 

mad estad « oynctrd wit le F 
.Ja9meRT9 trom tigeg 0 ft wa a 
r¥sdo svariad 03 dole ‘ata oa {nnd s% 

2! - 

16 dus He ms I — dom atsitsn tom 

beg » 
“BARS huest ,[- ~~ “}doieas 
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-Robleveod 1 -pieelim bas eee 
yisrodmsad 0 loliman ft 
nus 2 yxom.) J °°} 

.' tote * ? a 
.wored 180d er pe 
gro D> | itl — Bw: seine) lots etal 
aed au oO eee 

ald vale in 
ee pet 

in the bowels; -rede[~~~], n, ventriloquism; 
-redner(~ ~~], m, ventriloquist; -rieme[~~~], 
m, belly-strap; «weh{~"], n, belly-ache, 
bowel complaint. 

bauchzuwwer(~~~], m, bucking tub (for 
bleaching linen cloth), large tub for pickling 
meat (it had on the inside of its circum- 
ference a wooden pipe through which the 
pickling mixture was drawn off or re- 
plenished). G Beuchzuber. 

baue[~~], pp gebaut, to build. G bauen. 

bauer{[*~], m, farmer. G Bauer (but with the 
meaning of peasant). 

bauere[~~~], baure[*~], pp gebauert, to farm, 
cultivate. dG bauern. 

bau(e)re || geraedschaft[*~~~~~ ], f, farming 
implements; -haus(~~~"], n, farm house; 
-koscht [~~~~ ], f, farmers’ fare; -schtand 
{[“~~~], m, occupation of a farmer, hus- 

bauerei[”~~], f, farm. G Bauerei (but witha 
different meaning). 

bauers || bu[{~~~], m, farmer’s boy; -fra[*~"], f, 
farmer’s wife; -maedel{*~~~], n, farmer’s 
girl; -mann{~~~], m, farmer. 

bautz["], m, hobgoblin. P bautze, Maske an 
Fastnacht. Same stem as Butzen(mann). 

bawoll{[~~], f, cotton. G Baumwolle. 

bawolibam[-~"], m, cottonwood. G Baum- 

bawolle{[~~~], (made) of cotton. G baum- 

bax{=}, baxi[-~], batschi[-~], sound of disgust 
uttered by mothers to cause a little child 
to desist from taking up or from taking 
some unfit or improper object into its 
mouth. Onomat. 

be-["], inseparable prefix of verbs and of 
derived words, which usually becomes b- 
before s. G be-. 

beerdiche[“*~~], pp berdicht, to bury. G 

‘beeerdichung{[*~~], f, burial, interment. G 

beamter[~*~], m, one holding office, official. 
G Beamter. 

beantwarte[-*~~], pp beantwart, to answer a 
question. G beantworten. 

bebere[~~~], bebbere[*~~], pp gebebert, to 
prate, nag. P bobere. 

bech["], n, pitch, shoemaker’s wax. G Pech. 

beche[*~], pp gebecht, to wax (threads), pay 
(fine). G pechen. 

becher[{*~], m, goblet. G Becher. 

bechlij‘~], bechlein{*~], n, brook. G Bach- 
lein. (Used only in sections where the 
early settlers were largely of Swiss origin.) 

bechschtumbe[‘~~], pl, discarded waxend 
threads with bristles. G Pech+Stumpf. 

becker[*~], m, baker. G Backer. * 

becker || brot(*~"], n, baker’s bread; -wajje 
{*~~~], m, baker’s wagon. : 

beckerei{-~~], f, bakery. G Backerel. 

Becki(*~], f, Rebecca, Becky. G Rebekka. — 

bederfe[-*~], pp bedzrft, to want, need. G 

_ bedroddle[-*~], 

Pennsylvania-German Dictionary 23 

bederfdich[-*~], poor, needy, in urgent need, 
deserving. G bedirftig. 

bederinis[~ ~~], n, necessity, craving of nature. 
G Bediirfnis. 

bedallje[-*~], n, battalion, drill of the militia 
and accompanying show; es gans —, the 
whole show. Gand F Bataillon. 

bedanke[~*~], pp bedankt, sich, to thank. 
G bedanken. . 

peda encuiged pitiful, sad. G bedauer- 

bedaure[“~~], pp bedauert, to regret, pity. 
commiserate, bewail. G bedauern. 

bedecke[~*~], pp bedeckt, to cover, bedeck, 
G bedecken. 

bedeierlich[--~~], pitiable. G bedauerlich. 

bedeite[-“~], pp bedeit, to signify, mean. G 

bedeitend[-~~], considerable. G bedeutend. 

bedeitlich[-~~], significant. G bedeutend. 

bedeitung[“~-~], f, significance, importance. 
G Bedeutung. 

bedenke[~ ~~], pp bedenkt, to consider, ponder. 
G bedenken. 

bedenklich[-*~], dubious, critical, thought- 
provoking. G bedenklich. 

bediene[“~~], pp bedient, to serve, attend, 
fill an office. G bedienen. 

bedienter, bediener{~~~], m, servant, waiter, 
lackey. G Bedienter. 

bedienung[-*~], f, office, service. G Bedie- 

bedinge[~*~], pp bedingt, to manure. G be- 

bedinge[-*~], pp, bedingt, to stipulate. G 

bedingung[~*~], f, condition, stipulation, ar- 
rangement, terms. G Bedingung. 

bedrachde[~*~], pp bedracht, to view, con- 
template. G betrachten. 

bedrachdung[~*~], f, consideration, medita- 
tion. G Betrachtung. 

bedraje[--~], pp bedraje, sich, to behave. G 

bedrauere[-~~~], pp bedrauert, to bewail. G 

bedreffe(-*~], pp bedroffe, to happen, afflict, 
concern. G betreffen. 

bedriebt{~~], sad, sorrowful. G betriibt. 

bedriebung[~~~], f, sadness. G Betriibung. 

bedrieje[--~], pp bedroje, to cheat, deceive. 
G betriigen. 

bedriejer{-—~], _ m, 
G Betriiger. 

bedriejereij~"~~], f, cheating, roguery. G 


cheat, trickster, shark. 

bedriejerisch[“*~~], decep- 

tive. G betriiglich, betriigerisch. 
bedriewe[~-~], pp bedriebt, to sadden. G 

-bedrinke[~*~], pp bedrunke, sich, to become 

G betrinken. 

pp bedroddelt, sich, to be 
anxious or solicitous, be fidgety (over some- 
thing). G be+Trodel. 


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od 63 dole “eatin 

210s T9708) visyb#t Sak Flite. 3G BUGIZAS 
daianT+sd 0 .{gnids 

bedroffe[-*~], afflicted, confounded, confused. 
G betroffen. 
bedruck{~*], betruch[-“], m, fraud, deceit. 

G Betrug. 

bedrunke[-<~], intoxicated, tipsy. G_ be- 

bee*[7], n, leg. G Bein. 

beed{™], both; alle —, both. G beide. 

beemche[-~], n, little tree. G Baumchen. 

beer, bier[{"], f, pear. G Birne. 

beerebam, bierebam[~~7], m, pear-tree. G 

bees|], cross, angry, offended. G bése. 

bees || ding[‘], n, felon, whitlow; -fiewer 
[-*~], n, typhoid fever. 

beesheet, beesheit[~"], f, iniquity, malicious- 
hess, spite. G Bosheit. 

beet/"] geh~, to go in the hole (in datte). 
Der. unknown. 

befalle[~~~], pp befalle, to befall, happen. G 

befehl{--], m, command, order, charge. G 

befehle[-*~], pp befohle, to command, order, 
bid. G befehlen. 

befeschdiche["*~~], pp befeschdicht, to fasten, 
strengthen. G befestigen. 

befiehle|~-~], pp befiehlt, to touch, feelof. G 

befinne|~*~], pp befunne, sich, to be (as to 
one’s health or condition); wie befinnter 
sich? how is he doing (of a sick person)? 
G befinden. 

beflecke[~*~], pp befleckt, to taint. G be- 

befolje[“~~], pp befolkt, to obey, observe. G 

befoljung[-*~], f, observance. G Befolgung. 

befreie[-~~], pp befreit, to free, deliver, 
rescue, emancipate. G befreien. 

befreiung|[~~~], f, deliverance, rescue, release, 
discharge, exoneration. G Befreiung. 

befreinde(--~], pp befreindt, to befriend. G 

befriediche[-“~~], pp befriedicht, to satisfy, 
discharge (a debt). G befriedigen. 

befriedichung(~~~~], f, satisfaction, content- 
ment. G Befriedigung. 

befroje[-~~], pp befrokt, to question; sich —, 
to inquire, consult. G betragen. 

begejne{-~~], pp begejnet, to meet, befall. G 

begehr({~~], m, desire, request. G Begehr. 

begehre[-~~], pp begehrt, to desire, wish, 
demand. G begehren. 

begierich[“~~], desirous, eager, greedy. G 

begierichkeet["~~ 7], f, greediness, eagerness. 
G Begierigkeit. 

beginn[”~], m, beginning, origin. G Beginn. 

beglaje, bekiaje[~ "|, pp beglakt, to bewail, 
commiserate; sich —, to make a complaint, 
complain. G beklagen. 

begleede{-*~], pp begleedt, to clothe, fill an 
office, invest with. G bekleiden. 

begleede[“*~], pp begleedt, toaccompany. G 


begleeding[-*~], f, clothing, moulding. G 

begleedung[~~], f, clothing, vesture. G 

beglicke[-*~], pp beglickt, to make happy, 
bless. G begliicken. 

begnadiche, begnaediche[~~~], pp begna- 
dicht, to pardon, favor, grant a favor. G 


begnadichung[~~~], f, pardon. G Begnadig- 

begraebnis[*~], n, funeral, burial. G Ee- 

begraeme[~~], pp begraemt, sich, to com- 
plain, repine. G gramen. 

begrawe[-~], pp begrawe, to bury. G be- 

begreckse[“*~], pp begreckst, sich, to com- 
plain. G be-+krachzen. 

begreife[’-~], pp begriffe, to comprehend, con- 
ceive, understand. G begreifen. 

begreiflich{~ ~], conceivable, intelligible, easy. 
G begreiflich. 

begrenke[~*~], pp begrenkt, to begrudge. G 

begriff[-], m, idea, comprehension; im —, 
to be about to: zr hott’s im — wie der 
bettelmann di laus. G Begriff. 

begucke[~*~], pp beguckt, to look at, scruti- 
nize. G begucken. 

beherze[-*~], pp beherzt, to embrace. G 

beherziche[-<~~], pp behzrzicht, to take to 
heart. G beherzigen. 

behaft[~*], afflicted (with), subject to. G 

behalde{-*~], bhalde[*~], pp same as ini, 
palde[*~], pp gepalde, to keep. G behalten. 

behandle[’’~], pp behandelt, to treat. G 

behandlung[~*~], f, treatment; schlechti —, 
maltreatment, bad treatment. G Behand- 


behapde[’*~], pp behapt, to assert, maintain. 
G behaupten. 

beheeflich{"*~], complaisant, attentive. Prob- 
ably G behaglich influenced by E behave. 

behelfe{-*~], pp beholfe, sich, to make shift. 
G behelfen. 

behenge[’*~], pp behenkt, sich, to put on 

trinkets or jewelry for ornament. G be- 
behiedes(-~~], beihiedes{*~], by thunder, 

actually, really. G (Gott) behiit es. 
behiete[~*~], pp behiet, to guard, protect, pre- 
serve. G behiiten. 
behilflich[-*~], helpful, useful. G behilflich. 
bei{"], near, at, amidst, among, by, in, with, 
at the house of, during. G bei. ; 
bei-["], separable prefix of verbs and prefix ot 
derived words. G bel-. 
bei{"|, f, cradle. Cf beijo. 


beizrwer(~~~], m, coheir. G Beterbe. 


Se Se eee ee ee eee See ee ee 

iF tel» Slee "aera ae ; 
aibneged D2 .nobang 2 fymuds 
2 © dniwd “fweoul 1pindbinged | o attic hiaxxs ; ee 
+4109 09 oie aunoarsed 9 A cee. tin. lt 

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‘0 = “ Ne 
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me \nsetotal+ad O alg 
, noo ,haeieryenonad siitgsd aq [-*" ‘istered 2 satis wb 
Satigigsd 7 p anh ab atts2 
(209 .sidigilissal-sidsvigones .f ~~“ ;shittewged ~~ sabre .bremmics of 
ia niftesigrt a? 
QO .sybirrped oF sdasigad ge {7 Kier. wy wasieel of <adaibtoeatad a 
—— ‘mi berger pestis coed babi a I Jiizged “3 tia dae oe 
Th sow — mi edvied th tay suede sd oF mals fied : 
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nvliuvyat D ~ssin “"” S(moemsq aote 6 Io} ad woll Sieg 
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.assittad «ID tales 03 tdosiied aq ds 
o3 od4) o% aot aisfiad Gq , PF ng ad | Fosse 
ware! ; ig “ie ‘Diacteded D Team “ “ avysedo wale ti dollolad 4 Pikes . it: oy : 
> seh socks eptiw) boisilBa J aated, a, nsgiot 
tortedod er 0 .sonermedo iT f* 
“_ smae oq “lobledd ge iebtaded i 

Hotieied 0). .qentot sblegeg ag I sbiey -Meistisd 0 agisaems .¢ ~ 
J teu of obsbanded ue i "tethbaaied seseler sures Sepreetion | ra ue a 
tile bitpated govurnisd 0 ‘noitnsnoxs Bot . 
~ idoelins ;nemissth df “"janeibosdes ©) .bnsivied of tbaisited aq fo ssied | 
-basiish O  Jnemias bad ansintaoviles . / oh ae 
gaol Nititaz ot ,tdzibsisted qq i: oeameoanet . 
nniem ,disrap od sqbded) aq [’*-jabsdded Aegibsrtind DO  .(ideb s) 5 ey 

siqustied OD. -Jasdne3 ena tof” 
dong “v¢stg9tte Jnseisiqinan | ** }doihvedsd 

vied 4 vd basasutni dsabgisddedt ) vide eo dole greens of 3 cas Le 

‘hide siam ot diote ,siloried aq [*~jetiedsd 
slletsd OD SD Ieted Soe 03 eee qq 
no Iq. of Abie Jastisd qq J *“jogneded SIYIHSK 
2 ..dnemaenio wl views; 30 pone Atlegs D  .te0upsi ,ayiesb m:, 
opnsd, wiziw ~miesb 0} , 4 

mhauts yd [* jeebsidied i 
2% luted (4409) 2 o sroay vitsoios 

q .insime (fnsnyg of — minke *~“letoided 

2 svrisa > 

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ov tt yd \ghoms jebuns Js teen | jied 
isd) grind fo seued o> 36 

0 afew bas adisy to ning sidg f j-ied 
. ed 0 ebiow bevngb 

ofl 1D eibixo a+ fied. 

sdwpd 2 -twileo an Jo *pewtsisd 

Pennsyloania-German Dictionary 

beibringe[~~~], pp beigebrocht, to bring, ad- 

minister, introduce, allude to. G_ bei- 

beicht["], f, confession. G Beichte. 

peek mae ie m, confessional. G Beicht- 

beichte[*~], pp gebcicht, to confess, acknowl- 
edge. G beichten. 

beidel[*~], m, bolt (of a flouring-mill), scro- 
tum, purse. G Beutel. 

beidelduch[~~~], n, bolting-cloth. G Beutel- 

beidle, beitle[~~], pp gebeidelt, to bolt (fiour). 
G beuteln. 

beidraje[~ -~], pp beigedraje, to carry to, con- 

tribute. G beitragen. 
beidricke[~~~], pp beigedrickt, to press 
against. G beidriicken. 

beifahre[~~~], pp beigfahre, to haul to a 
certain place, convey hither by vehicle. G 

beifall{(~~], m, applause, approbation, assent. 
G Beifall. 

beifalle[“~~], pp beigfalle, to come to one’s 
mind, recollect. G beifalien. 

beifuss(~"],  m, mug-wort, artemisia. G 

beigrieje(“"~], pp beigrickt, to get, fetch, 
acquire, procure. “ bei-+-dG kriegen. 

beihalte[~~~], pp beikalte, to keep in place. 
G beihalten. 

beihole{~~~], pp beikolt, to fetch, bring near. 
G beiholen. 

beijaje[-~~~], pp beigejakt, to drive together. 
G beijagen. 

beijo[~“], f, cradle; —, beijobei, beijoli, hush- 
a-by (ina lullaby). dG buie, boje, puje. 

beikumme[~~~], pp beikumme, to come to a 
meeting, come fortuitously, come from: 
wu kummscht du bei? G beikommen. 

beil["], n, hatchet. G Beil. 

beilafe[~~~], pp beigeloffe, to come to a 

gathering, come by chance; __ beigeloffe, 
stray: soen beigelotini katz. G beilaufen. 
beile(~], pp gebeilt, to hew, cut. G beilen. 

beileiwel-- ~~] net, on no account, not as you 
value your life, don't (you) dare to. dG 

beileje(“"~], pp beig 
compromise, settle. G beilegen. 

beilo[*~], hush-a-by. Cf beijo. 

beilocke[-~~], pp beigelockt, to call (fowls, 
dogs), entice. G beilocken. 

beim[7]=bei em, by the; — gleene, at retail, 
in small lots; — Bachman, at Bachman’s 
place. G beim. 

beime[~~]=bei me. G bei einem. 

beimisse[~~~], pp beigensisss to be constrain- 
ed to appear, must be procured. G bei- 

beinah|~*], nearly, almost. G beinahe. 

beiname|[~ ~~], m, nickname. G Beiname. 

elekt, to lay by, save, 

beinanner[~~~], together. G beieinander. 
beino, beinooch[~~j, almost, approximately. 
G beinahe. 



beire{~~] = bet re. G bei einer. 

beiricke|~~~], pp beigerickt, to move or take 
a seat near, approach. Gé beirticken. 

beirufe{-~~], pp beigerufe, to call near or in. 


beisamme/~~~], together. G beisammen. 

beischaffe(~~~], pp beigschafft, to procure, 
provide. G beischatien. 

beischleefe{~ ~~], pp beigschleeft, to drag near 
crupto. G beischleifen. 

beischpielj/~"], m, example, warning. G 

beischpringe{~~~], pp beigschprunge, to run 

up to, succor. beispringen. 

beischteier{~~~], f, contribution. G_ Bei- 

beischteh~{~"], pp beigschtanne, to assist, 
help, succor. G beistehen. 

beis sil, m, bite (of an apple or of bread). 
G beissen. 

pie Sa ig pp gebisse, to bite, itch, be pun- 
gent. G beissen. 

beissich[~~], biting, prone to bite, sharp, 
pungent, itehy G beissig. 

bps cools SOE , f, pincers. G Beisszange. 

beitsch{"}, f, whip. G Peitsche. 

Bensonel pp gebeitscht, to beat, lash, 
knock. G peitschen. 

beiwart{-~], n, byword, adjective. G Bei- 

beiwek!~“], m, by-road, lane. G Beiweg. 

Sieaanet ~~], pp beigewohnt, to attend, be 
present. G beiwohnen. 

beizeiti--!, in good time. G beizeit(en). 

bejae|"~~], pp bejat, to affirm, answer in the 

atirmative. G bejahen. 

bejammere[~~~~], pp bejammert, to bewail, 
bemoan. G bejammern. 

bekannt/~‘], known, familiar, acquainted. G 

bekannter["*~], m, acquaintance. 

bekanntmache[~*~~], pp bekanntgemacht, to 
announce, publish, introduce. G bekannt- 

bekanntmachungj”*~~], f, public notice, ad- 
vertisement. G Bekanntmachung. 

be} kanntschaft(“*~], f, acquaintance. 

G Bekann- 

G Be- 

bekehrderi-~“l, en, a convert. G Bekehrter. 
bekehre:--~!, pp bekehrt, to convert; sich 

—,to become converted. G bekehren: 

bekehrungi~~~j, f, conversion. G Bekehrung. 

bekenne["*~l, pp bekennt, confess, acknowl- 
edze. G bekennen. 

bexenntmis”” ~}], n, confession. G Bekennt- 

bekeschdiche{"*~™], pp bekeschdicht, to fur- 
nish food, board. G bekdstigen. 

beximmere|™ *~~j, pp bekimmert, sich, to 
trouctie oneself, be concerned about. G 

pitiful, poorly. G_ be- 

CAs Se 

Kutomer iat. 

= 7 7 a _ 
Y ~ 

prt ind qq. PEGE Sen" gy 


Whe fe! bib 
OF) + ewe 


Notiataied ~) .wooe 

.nuq od toatl etid of = seaideg 4a. as 
mrrgh-! 103g 

peda stid of sminq “gnisd | “}tateened 
reel Aer ot) 2fegia 

dome wrsaig 1 ~\enassziod 

adoetiold OD dir 2 7 betied 

deal sed ot tdostiedss an i-*}edamtiad 
serizeliog a .dsond 

-a a) ribs iteats > i 7. owe ; 

saved <) sual ‘heard un “hiewied 
od ,Dbratia 04 andoweyisd ag } endowed 
nondowisd 2) thakeng 
ins)iesied D emis boog tt - sintied 

odd hi tewens | Retgtiit-g 335; pine ty ag J "shied re: 

astt “eines 

lieved of dvemmad ay i -"iseuaeies 
fistimésted 2 nena 

Dein pre voile el] wrwond .[* pmgasted 

areisiD .sonsinieupos an.[* fieszcaied 


o} Jrisarrsaianaded 9g i°**yedoanrnnaded 
_ dondet O .squbovie deilduq emmoccas 
eh 08 5 es | 

-bs ,sctton sildyg 2. J—* Tenedsendaceied 
gomiseainngdod os) .Jaemselniey 

»48 OD .eonsiaiaupos a f° biadserneaded 

wotitisdsH =) aiisraoo & ns A id caret 

dole iinsvae.oF ruieded Gy» _ jeedeted 

Rorieied OD .bsinsvno abe 

onuuisdst O  snoierevneo 2 ~enwiiaded 

-wormlss .2edieod .tansded eq J * eaasaed 

aooneisd O. 2ghs © 

nasties OD. nomeslnod a f* esi 

“wt oF — aa 3 bedotbdoantod 
3 a sixeot deco 

of thot ponte qq J°"* “stemathied 

2 twodse beareines ad j siicew 
30 2 wrong - ibliniq [°** *[doiivecee ied 

£4) iy, Oy ee 
finals Gia 

— } les 
Senet, | 

es8 gnind dois] 03 lind a : 
se svinb 2 rosetta 

bekimmernis[“*~~], f, concern. G Bekiim- 

beklachder[“*~], m, defendant. G Beklagter. 

beklajer, beklaejer[-~~], m, accuser. G Be- 

bekreftiche[~*~~], pp bekrefticht, to confirm, 
assert strongly. G bekraftigen. 

bekumme[~*~], pp bekumme, to receive, agree 
(of food), become, fit well (of a garment). 
G bekommen (in last two meanings from 
E become). 

belajre["-~], pp belajert, to besiege. G 

belaschde{~*~], pp belaschdet, to burden. G 

belebt{-~], vivacious. G belebt. 

beleidiche[“~~~], pp beleidicht, to insult, 
offend. G beleidigen. 

beleidichung[-*~~], {, 
Beleidigung. . 

beleje(“*~], pp belekt, mit, to cover with. 
G belegen. 

belewe[-~~], pp belebt, to vivify, enliven. G 

beliebt{-~], liked, in favor, beloved, popular. 
G beliebt. 

belieje{-~~], pp belojje, to belie. G beltigen. 

bell[-], f, bell. G Bell (now obsolete). 

bella{*~], king and queen of trumps in the 
game of datte. G Bella, but der. obscure. 

belle[*~], pp gebellt, to ring a bell, serenade a 
newly-married couple. Cf bell. 

belle[*~], pp gebellt, to tattle. G bellen. 

belle || gnippel(*~ ~~], m, bell-clapper; -schtrick 
[°~~], m, bell-cord. 

bellere{*~~], pp gebellert, to ask continually, 
importune, pester. G bdilern. 

bellhammel[*~~], m, bellwether, leader (of 
agang). G Bellhammel. 

belohne, beluhne[~~~], pp belohnt, to reward, 
compensate, recompense. G belohnen. 

belohnung, belohning({~~~], f, reward, com- 
pensation. G Belohnung. 

belowe[~*~], pp belobt, to praise. G beloben. 

bels[-], m, pelt, fur, matted growth of hair or 
grass. G Pelz. 

Pete cle pp gebelst, to beat, flog, lam. G 


belsich[*~], pithy, spongy (of fruit, radishes, 
etc.). G pelzig. 

belskapp[*~], f, fur cap, head: letz in der —. 
G Pelzkappe. - 

Belsnickel{*~~], m, St. Nicholas, Santa Claus. 
G Pelz+Nickel < Nikolaus. 

beluchse[~*~], pp beluchst, to cheat. dG be- 
luchsen <Luchs. 

Belzibopp[*~~], m, Beelzebub. G Beelzebub. 

bemerricke[-*~~], pp bemerrickt, to remark, 
take heed. G bemerken. 

insult, offence. G 

bemerrickbar[-*~~], observable. G bemerk- 
bemerricklich[“*~~], noticeable. G bemerk- 

bemerrickung[~*~~], f, remark. G Bemerk- 

bembeldak[*~"], m, day on which no regular 
work is done, a day off. dG bambele+G 


bemble[*~], pp gebembelt, to hang loosely, 
fool away time. dG bambele (same stem 
as bimmeln, to ring). 

bemiehe[~~~], pp bemieht, sich, to go to 
trouble, exert oneself. G bemiihen. 

bendme[~-~], pp benamt, to name, give a 
name, denominate. G benamen. 

bendel, bennel[*~], m, string, tape; di —, 
the lines (in driving). G Béandel, dG 

bender[*~], m, panther. G Panther (but 
probably wholly from E panther). 

benediktinwarzel[-~*~~~], f, avens. G Bene- 

benenne[~~~], pp benennt, togiveaname. G 

benennung[~*~], f, denomination. G Benen- 

benewwelt[-*~], slightly intoxicated. G be- 

bengel{*~], m, stout lad. G Bengel. 

benkel{*~], n, little bench. Dim of G Bank. 

benniche[*~~], pp gebennicht, to subdue, 
conquer. G bandigen. 

benoochrichte{["~~~], pp benoochrichtet, to 
notify, apprize. G benachrichtigen. 

bensegras[*~"!, n, rush, bog rush. G Binse+ 
Gras influenced by E bend. 

bensel[*~], n, silly child (usually applied play- 
fully). dG bensel, G Pinsel. 

benutze[~*~], pp benutzt, to use, make profit 
by. G benutzen. 

beobachtung(-~~~], f, observance. G Beo- 

bequem[~~}], convenient, fitting, easy, com- 
fortable. G bequem. 

berausche[~*~], pp berauscht, to intoxicate. 
G berauschen. 

berawe[-~~], pp berAbt, to rob, bereave, strip 
of. G berauben. 

berechtiche[~*~~], pp berechticht, to give a 
right, entitle. G berechtigen. 

berede[-*~], pp beredt, to persuade. G 

bereechere[“*~~], pp bereechert, to treat a 
horse with vapor from rosin, tar, etc., for 
pneumonia and distemper. G berauchern. 
(This is the only word in the dialect in 
which the stem Rauch (itself rare) is found.) 

bereie(~-~], pp bereit, to repent. G bereuen. 

bereit(““], ready, prepared, prompt. G_ be- 

bericht[-*], m, report. G Bericht. 

berichte[“~~], pp bericht, to report, give in- 
formation of. G berichten. 

beriehmt/[~~], famous, celebrated, renowned, 
distinguished. G beriihmt. 

berode[~-~], pp berode, to take counsel, de- 
liberate. G beraten. 

berotschlajje[--~~], pp berotgschlajje, to 
deliberate, exchange views. G_ beratschla- 

ewe ee ee ae ee ee ee 

+ senii i) 

ll Re afeet 

os me 


i; TES, vt Tig roy way 
‘ ’ 7 
DE REE. F we i 


" vt nae ea tay ae ee pr 
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i _-bodesinotai ‘lsdgile i? . 
deste ° -bsl rv oe 
oot al 4032 (tt | 

2088 2D do miG  wisied sit a T* =i. mene 

pore oF vilditneday ad ha ‘ledsinaed 

aggbaid O  seuphe 

o2 ,isv dol utisoonsd qq f~* istdoiisnonsd: 
2ggiidshdosnsd 2) .ssraqqs ynteg 

feat god , star: a ~ "esrgsaned 
ned avd bean sulin ai 

-yaig betiegs vitae isit) blido vilie ai" “joeaod 
> Jsenii «) i 32s a3 Jb i 

tien sda seu of Astuned qq [*“jostansd 
mestuned 03 iva 

18 0D .sonevt sed. a Ty puatioadned 
; mndoed 
+4HGCS Yer whist Jmainsv AOS + “lorauped 
meoupad 0 ssidanot 

stenizoini of risanmed g@ (°*"}sdeeuered 

ante svasied dot of tdihed 7 A sg ont 
,egdus? ie 

& sig of ,tHioitdizersd a4. >> ieduindoazed 
ssyodssred, sttiias digit 

©. .sheusteg of gbsed qq i” ‘sbared 

& 32933 ot tisisestsd qa [°~ ~“lersdasersd 

Yel ..939 .78? ,oie01 mon nogaey Aliw sed 
ote isd x) equestab bae sinomu 

mi duslsib eda ni brew yino ons ef AAT} 

(.bayol2i (sre Yossi) dowsA masa ods dod 
noustad £) . Jrleqe1 of sisted aa I “jsia red 

“sd 2) .2gmaig \boeqeng ~¢has od. ay 

dished 2) .moger ss 5 {ined | 
“ti wig Hoge “o% ttotisd qq I “tetdsned. 

snoitloined O oNsorIot 
dborwone ,beterdsiga evome? {"senuterned 

Judined 0 .bedenrynivaih 
ob lexauos $A£3 oF pte: ea | jebowd 

a an wise ite eee 

GO} ,siteidsagion aq nea 

addseteiod DO ewsiv sgnutizxs ,stetsdilsh 

S158 & SVIg OF tnnsasd qa Sy permer 
-neosli © «.nditehimonsd 3 o"fgnunnened | 

‘g sbhensise lod fey $5 
a : 

° re ca a 
Cit =a pine ; A a) a 
: ‘by » i j : 
i.2 nebrd. = Dilys a vetoes 
1s | = e% d i 
eee o 

Mi 2 kes 

vagiled side 
ya een cbonshy th ; 
sd3 ot eqmims lo ooeup mit 
2130810 Ash ewe io D sottgt 

. atl ib D ol + 1 
brewer oF tadoled Gy feadalid! snioied 

mentoled 2) seteqinoogt 2 
-~moo swe 2 > 
— ois 2 

eetzibim Jiut lo) ygaoge xiiiq td 
= tb ai stob :bsorl 90a i 2 [Ja 
auel) aioe? sclodeil 30 ak “Yon 

. - zuslodi > mle E 
sd Ob iesda of , cagenge tt PR mr 
dudesisa8 3 .dudsaissa ae 

Jhemei 01 jAsinamed qq £~ 
.nsdtoined 2 Bens pr 
or 2 .sidevisedo so 

-tvmel O same 3 

6 [a 

beruf[-*], m, calling. G Beruf. 

beruhiche[“~~~], pp  beruhicht, 
pacify. G beruhigen. 

For other words under b(e)s- see bs-. 

besarrickt[~*~], anxious, solicitous. 

b(e)schaediche["~ Salsa 
injure. G beschadigen. 

beschdle[*~], pp gebeschdelt, to work at a 
small job (especially in wood), tinker. G 


bescheide[--“], modest. G bescheiden. 

b(e)schenke[~*~], pp b(e)schenkt, to make a 
present, present. G beschenken. 

b(e)schisser|~*~], m, cheater, dishonest per- 
son, fraud, crook. dG beschisser. 

beschitze[- od pp beschitzt, to protect. G 

beschitzer[-*~], m, patron. G Beschiitzer. 

b(e)schliesse[“~~], pp b(e)schlosse, to con- 
clude, resolve, finish. G beschliessen. 

b(e)schluss[~*], m, resolution, conclusion. G 

beschreiwe[“~~], pp beschriwwe, to describe. 
G beschreiben. 

to quiet, 

G be- 

beschreiwung[-~~], f, description. G Be- 
bescht[“], best. G best. 

b(e)schtaetiche[““~~], pp b(e)schtaeticht, to 
confirm, ratify. G bestatigen. 

beschteh™ Ne +], pp beschtanne, to consist. G 

beschtennich[’*~], constantly. G bestandig. 

b(e)schtimme[~*~], pp b(e)schtimmt, to set 
a date for, fix conditions, bespeak; b(e)- 
schtimmt, fixed, set, definite. G bestim- 

beschtli[*~], n, small calabash. Dim of G 

beschtrofe[-“~], pp beschtroft, to punish, 

avenge. G bestrafen. 
beschuldiche[“*~~], pp beschuldicht, to in- 
criminate, accuse. G beschuldigen. 
beschwerde[~*~], trouble, sorrow. G _ Be- 

beschwere[~~~], pp beschwert, sich, to com- 
plain any G beschweren. 

beschwerlich{-~~], burdensome, troublesome, 
cumbersome. G beschwerlich. 

bese(m)[~~], m, broom. G Besen. 

bese(m) | schtiel{[~ ~~], m, broomstick; -welsch- 
karn[*~~~], n, broom-corn. 

besereis[~~"], n, heath aster, 
daisy. G Besenreis. 

b(e)sinne[~*~], pp b(e)sunne, sich, to con- 
sider, think over, remember, recall. G 

b(e)sitze[-*~], pp bfe)sesse, to possess. G 

b(e)sitzer[-*~], m, possessor, owner, occupant. 

' G Besitzer. 

besser [*~], better; —- werre, to improve (in 
sickness). G besser. 

bessering|*~~], {, improvement, convalescence. 
G Besserung. 


pp b(e)schaedicht, to - 

bessre[*“], pp gebessert, sich, to improve, 
mend, do better. G bessern. 

betacht[“*], advanced in years. G betagt. 

Betdak[*"], m, Thanksgiving Day, fast-day. 
G Bettag. 

bete[*~], pp gebet, to pray. G beten. 

bet || ee “|, n, house of prayer; -schtunn 
[-~], f, hour of prayer, prayer-meeting. 

betschle|* “], pp gebetschelt, to pat (-a-cake). 
G patscheln. Cf batsch. 

bett("], n, bed, sheaves of grain for one 
threshing by machine, layer of grain for one 
threshing by flail; glee’ —, trundle-bed. 
G Bett. 

bett[], n, bed (for flowers or vegetables). 
G Beet. 

bett || deck[*~], f, bedcover, counterpane; 
-duch[*~], n, sheet; -lad{*"], f, bedstead; 
zlaedel[* ~~], n, trundle-bed; -laejerich{* ~~~], 
bedfast; -pisser[*~~], m, piss-a-bed; -poschde 
[‘~~], m, bed-post; -sach[*~], n, bedding; 
-schisser[*~~], m, immature contemptible 
fellow; -schprae[* "|, f, bed-spread; -schtolle 
{*~~], m, bed-post; -schtrick[*~], m, bed- 
cord; -schtubb[*~], f, bedroom; -zseecher 
{*-~], m, piss-a-bed, dandelion; -zeit[*"], f, 
bedtime; -ziech[’ "], f, case ior feather-bed. 

bettel[*~], gotts, confound it! was der —! 
what the deuce! des biet der —, that beats 

the Dutch; zum — geh’, to go to the 
deuce; dausich —! good heavens! G 

Bettelhem, Bettlehem[*~~], n, Bethlehem; 
noch — geh’, to go to bed. (This expres- 
sion was in use long before Bethlehem, Pa., 
was founded.) G Bethlehem. 

bettel || laus[*~~], f, stickseed; -mann[*~~], m, 

Hedaanee ~~], f, bedbug. G Bettlade+ 

bettle[*“], pp gebettelt, to beg. G betteln. 
bettler[*~], m, beggar. G Bettler. 
Betz{*], f, Elizabeth. G (Elisa)beth. 

bevor|- “|, before. G bevor. 
bewahre[-~~], pp bewdhrt, to keep, keep safe, 
guard, preserve. G bewahren. 

beweine[~~], pp beweint, to lament. G 


beweis|~~], m, proof. G Beweis. 

beweise[~~~], pp bewisse, to prove. G 

beweisung[~~~], f, proof, reference. G Be- 

beweje[~~], pp bewekt, to move, stir, affect. 
G bewegen. 

bewejung/*-~], f, motion, exercise. G Be- 

beweklich["*~], movable. G beweglich. 

bewilliche[“*~~], pp bewillicht, to consent to, 
allow. G bewilligen. 

bewillkumme|~*~~], pp bewillkummt, to wel- 
come. G bewillkommen. 

bewohnbar|~~"], inhabitable. 

bewohne[~-~], pp bewohnt, 

G bewohnbar. 
to inhabit. G 

ene 10l sists 
yd oe aletg to tevel sat 
bed-sibautt -— 

dasid nisgav 0 axowol, 1) bed r 

hesiebed @ Jbab csoade ot 
("2 Hdabateals : ed-sibny3 0.[ 7” 
ebidsaoa: :bad-x-2eiq nt [~*jreaeige= ptenlbod 
rotibbed mf *idone= ;teea-bed mn ary 
sidpamaino swiamhi tn {~ "Jeszatiioa: 
stlotioe< ;isatqe-bed .1,! “Jesiqisas jwollol ~ 
ebad jm [-*btorsdoas -jzoq-bed. mm f-~*] 
usdseors cmocbed J dr jdetectetongs i b19 
J a “tes: ;noils bits ,bed-s- each i > se 
bacd-rettest yt seho,3 «{ “pelosis* ; vanes 
t—. 19b ean [21 bapotan 2iiog ..“Yeried 
etsod Istit..— 9b tstd enh tot: ais 9/1) Jariw 
sta Gi oO: od dog wv mist -fogaT- 9H} 

2 lenevaesh boggy t— Anieu nb raoueb 

carsales of =t- +t’ “enedsined ,aredistis® 

eaIq49 aidT) .bad oF og oF >» “fog — sinon 

ai wueieit wee soled gol 920 mi ENE NOR 

satisiitell «) <tebnucl ow 
amd") tmersisite hesedorie I~ “jawed |) issted 
+ebsitie® ..  qudhad 3 fo tenawbhined 
; a sat Pes 
tlitied OD .pxd.ol ifetisedey “tainted 
191198 2) aged ike “poled 
dted(eett) D diedoxda 7 feed 

aged 2. .sviad I pe 
Sing aos 7552. oF Je wee ag “joutavod 
‘asiigwed o  .orissei .bieug 

3 jnemael of ~alewsd aq i “jeniswsd 
nan ised 

siswell DO loo; on [jeiowed 

D .venqg of sews Gq AF. naa 

28 OD onsen long 2 jgnmaiswed 
joahe site evo of taiawsd qq (otowed 

of 2- seinexs \noitont. Oe 

sideven te fthiawed ; 

Aviteswod D 
,ot $neene2 OF dtdcilliwad aq di8 
negiilived O 
iow of dminidiliwed qq fo "*-l9 
nemerodiliwed 2 .sr02 
tedetowsd O .sidstidedat [had 
») .tidertal 02 jnasowed ga .~ 




wvvosted I "jab ft ned” o 

2 ‘sddemnabentiien ine” 
93h | 

emoesidyot ,smoe 
-thelewe: ;Aspermood tf ~* He 

2 teienes oF saa at 
-sibaktesd 2 .wisneiesos 
i928 OF. amimistoe(s)d aq rt 

-(aid i ieadasd 1D 
-mmiteod snaish 

2D to mid tales tee 

isinug 03 Sioideesd qq 

* all 
i OF \idsibiedoaed aq fed o Nmeave 
nogibludoaed 2 .sescs ,dishimiso 
+»5H 3 .wornce  sidvon ‘eee | 
moo of .doiz swiinesd ot i | 
naiowdoesd 2 

“mcs 0grd «fh c 
eamlosdoil ,19%6 dissd at 

G Bewohner. 
G Barbel- 

bewohner[~*~], m, inhabitant. 

Bewwil[*~], f, Babby, Barbara. 

bezerrick[~*~], n, district, circuit; 
in the environs. G Bezirk. 

bezahle[-*~j, pp bezahit, to pay. G bezahlen. 

bezahling, bezahlung|~~~], f, pay, fee, ¢om- 
pensation, payment. G Bezahlung. 

bezahisdak|“-~], m, pay-day. G Bezahlungs 

bezeije["-~], pp bezeikt, to attest, depose, 
specify, denote. G bezeugen, bezeigen. 

bezeijung[--~], {, specification. G Bezeu- 

im —, 

bezwenge[~*~], pp bezwengt, to force. G be- 
bibs[~], m, bibbeli[*~~], n, penis. G Piep-. 

bichelche[*~~], n, little book. G Biichelchen. 

bicher || binner[*~~~], m, bookbinder; -schank 
[‘~~], m, bookcase. 

bichs[7], f, rifle, female pudendum. G Biichse. 

bichse || kolwe[*~~~], m, gunstock; -laf[*~7}, 
m, rifle-barrel; -macher[*~~~], m, gunsmith; 
-schloss{*~~], n, lock of a rifle; -schtock[*~~], 
m, butt-end of a rifle, mandrel. 

bicke[*~], pp gebickt, sich, to stoop, bow. 
G biicken. 

bie! bie!{"], call for chickens. dG bieb. 

Dim of G Bube, 

biebche[~~], n, little boy. 

biebelche[~~~], biebche, biebli{[~~], n, chick. 
Diminutives from dG bieb, piepen. 

biebliwelschkarn{~~~~], n, pop-corn. 

biebse, piepse[~~], gebiebst, to peep (of 
chickens), mention, ail, be sick; ewer hott 
ken wart gebiebst, he did not breathe a 
word (about it). G piepsen. 

biebser[~~], m, gaps (in chicks), cold in the 
head. G piepsen. 

biebsich[~~], sickly, ailing (usually of fowls). 
G piepsig. 

bieje({~~], pp geboje, to bend. G biegen. 

biekmaschien|~~], f, bending-machine. G 

bieksam[*~], pliable. G biegsam. 

bier[], n, beer. G Bier. 

bier || bottel[“~~], f, beer-bottle; -drinker 
[~~~], m, drinker of beer; -fass[~*~], n, beer- 
keg; -glas[~~], n, beer-glass; -hef[~~], yeast; 
-wajje[~~~], m, brewer’s truck. 

biesse[“~], pp gebiesst, to atone (for). G 

biete[~~], pp gebotte, to bid, surpass, beat 
(last two meanings from E beat). G 

bieter{[~~], m, bidder. G Bieter. 

biffel[-~], m, cow without horns, blockhead. 
G Biffel. 

biffelochs{*~~], m, blockhead. G Biiffelochs. 

bigott[’“], by God, by thunder. dG bigott. 

bijjel || duch{*~~], n, ironing-cloth; -eise[*~ ~~], 
n, flatiron. 

bijjele[-~~], pp gebijjelt, to iron. G biigeln. 

bijjlerei{--~], f, (confounded) ironing. G 

bild[-], n, picture, image, likeness. G Bild. 

bilde[*~], pp gebildet, to shape, form; sich 
—, to become educated. G bilden. 

bilder || buch[*~~], n, picture-book; -schtecher 
{[*~~~], m, engraver. 

bildnis[*~], n, efigy. G Bildnis. 

bildung[*~], f, refinement. G Bildung. 

billich[*~], cheap. G billig. 

. billichel[*~~], pp gebillicht, to grant, approve. 

G billigen. 
billicher[-~~], cheaper. 
billichscht[*~}], cheapest. G billigst. 
billjon{“~], f, billion. G Billion. 
bimschtee~[*"], m, pumice. G Bimstein. 
bindel, bundel[*~}], m, bundle. G Biindel. 
bindnis[*~], n, alliance. G Biindnis. 
binn[~], f, bandage. G Binde. 
binne[*~], pp gebunne, to bind (together), tie. 

G binden. 

G billiger. 

binner({*~], m, binder (in harvest). G Binder. 
binnschtriche[*~~], m, hyphen. G_ Binde- 


binse[*~], f, great bulrush. G Binse. 

birjer[*~], m, citizen. G Biirger. 

birjerhaft[*~~], naturalized. G Biirger+haft. 

bis[-], until, up to, as faras. G bis. 

bischel[*~], n, small woods, small handful (of 
grass, weeds). Dim of G Busch. 

bischop, bischof[*~], m, bishop. G Bischof. 

bishzr(* |, hitherto. G bisher. 

biss[~], m, bite, sting. G Biss. 

bissel, bissli{-~], n, bit, a little, a short while. 
dG bissel, bissli. 

bissich[*~], biting. G bissig. 

bisskatz[*~], f, skunk. G Piss+Katze. 

bisskatze || fett(«~~~], n, skunk-oil; -graut 
[*~~"], n, skunk-cabbage; -haut[*~~7], 1, 
skunk’s pelt. 

bitt["], f, plea. G Bitte. 

bitte[*~], pp gebitt, to ask, pray, beseech. 
G bitten. 

bitter{[*~], bitter. G bitter. 

bitter || erd[*~~], f, magnesia; -kersch[*~~], f, 
wild-cherry; -siess{*~~], n, bittersweet. 

bitterkneeterich{[-~-~~], m, smartweed. G 

bitters[‘~], n, bitters, drink of spirits. G 

bitterschtengel[*~~~], m, daisy fleabane. See 

bitter || schtengel[*~~~], m, -wermet[-~*~], m, 

Roman wormwood, bitterweed, hog-weed. 

bittre || bitter | schtengel[*~~~], m, great rag- 
weed; -selat(*~~~], m, dandelion. 

bittschrift[*~], f, petition. G Bittschrift. 

Biwel{~~], f, Bible. G Bibel. 

biwelschpruch{-~~], m, scripture text. G 

blabbe(* -JEH =blacke. 

blabbere, plappere[~~~], pp geblabbert, to 
chatter, talk fast, blab. Gplappern. _ 

blabberich{*~~], blabbing. G plappern+'2z. 

blabbermaul, plappermaul{*~ [, n, chatterbox, 
blabber. G Piappermaul. 

a OF 290UGI4 TT | , 
pe: . ae a Pwo 

a Fe wcll O's f 
‘ploseeiid a pio seein | 
febabh 2. eg 

si? Cradsegon) id of 5 ey #4 : : 
spbaifi a Gases 6 ited ‘tts cabal 
soni ners aor” “fedtatadsenaid 

ma -deslod ioo1y |) J" *eata 

yeti eosiaiy oer I “Trop tid 
Det eae =) J beeilerysen ||” Mersey 2 

iy) 28 tel as ot qe iooy if 
to) lnthad Harve ahoow Heme at J “lisdsaid 
Aran to eniG (absew EBB 
Joli DO coded im | “odseid qouszid 
wmdent D *Setrediid hf * jected 
eee + sgnise nord om JP jeard 
shlithe sioda £.S Att & Jig A, y ‘ileeid , isezid 
ileeid Isextd wb 

ginal d<)> gnisie [-"}dbieeld 
*ASeiTD dane a “Inpasizeiad 
jwatgs :liovtnuds. dno" spat } i omsx 
i J” Tie seguadanuiniode Fa 
3199 2 
23F ia oO aig 1 Bi 
Aoesesd yeu oleae 0 ondeg gq J” 
ettid O 
wtnd O sti “eid 
1 [°° *jelsereed: - cltarpenr 3 [0° "jie || said 

— pvrretio-biw 
ion *""teoatsagdrenid 
Wibiechiens eeopiis| 
) thie to dshb aistid a [ered 
2 iso ziah um J taaittboeenid 
"sc .san qaisb un ft -~* t 
ols > 

i f°* "penetra: om [~~ “Hopnetdoe jj wehtid 
-eow-son  hbeswtelsic , Mmiow FSM0 
“ga? Jeong it Jo aie ii wettid |! ep 
noilsbaab yn. .[ ~~ “p8ise: ;beow 
Rnd Dy .evitieg 3 i 8 
¢ indi O sid 2 [°*fiet 
+ 2x03 orghse ym) ("7 

ssgwersatid af - 
J) .beswihteme fit 

jeiserre, wid 

wise : F ‘oaks HAP Yoddald ° 

oi Neddakieg aq » BF pine 9-8. yorseddaid 
saqeiq..) .dnid teal dled satin 

Li meggsig 2D ghitdatd J “Tdoiveddaid 

ihistinda nf "ie dusareddaid 
Jdusanegaald 0 -.teddald 

nied 1“) suelo 

Pe taiiehd cama Suodirw wo sg 

7 Habaremisg 7 

‘ *blsotrise= ;silit & 
ethane 5 

wod one 0} foe 

dsid Db .ansdlsido sel Heo 1 
edu. 0 le mi rod of att a " 

we pe oe 

soits a *pdoid vaste pdsleds a 
Araqaag « daid Db mow sevtunic sae 

zpon-doq .n """ peee wi a 
Yo) gaoq 0 ,redoideg” | ~“Jooceia 7 
ot “and She 

dior a sole fs Jia 
Ati suoda) b 

a ae ik 

r odissrd tom: bib pak 
oi ni bloo jae 5 aqey ir 

r ebbls a. 
(eiwoi io Spantion pnilis vidviz 

D Ateed oor at aie ci 90, 
pe eee: ipsa ou toes 

ee ' 4 

oad ob D ent om 
ro yoeies 

imoti ym ((°~)e wh 
ad . nro» lira 08 act 

Ferba y 

blacke[*~], m, spot, 
cloth. dG blacke. 

blackeweis|[*~"], in spots, in limited localities. 
dG blacke+G Weise. 

blackich[*~], spotted. dG blacke-+ig. 

patch, small piece of 

blerre[*~], pp geblerrt, to low, bawl, bleat. 
G plarren. 

blaeser[~~], m, puff-adder, blowing-adder. G 

blaffe[*~], pp geblafft, to bark. G blaffen. 

blafize[*~|(rare) =blaffe. 

blan, plan["], m, plan, design. G Plan. 

blandasch(e)[~~~], plandasch[*-], f, farm, lot 
(in derision). dG plantage <F plantage. 

blane, plane[~~], pp geblant, to plan, design. 
G planen. 

blank, plank[~], f, plank. G Planke. 

blanke, planke[*~], pp geblankt, to cover with 
planks. G planken. 

blans["], f, plant. G Pflanze. 

blanse, planse[*~], pp geblanst, to plant. 

blanset[*~], f, (a) planting. dG blanset. 

blans || grumbeer|*~ "], f, seed-potato; -welsch- 
karn[*~~], n, seed-corn. 


blaschder, plaschder{*~}], n, plaster, salve, 
wearisome talker. G Pflaster. 
blaschdere[*~~], pp geblaschdert, to cover 

with a plaster, treat (oneself) with salve or 
ointment. G pflastern. 
biass[“], pale, dim, indistinct G blass. 
blatsche, platsche[’ “], pp geblatscht, to splash, 
bring ‘the feet down flat, give a report, 
patter, clap, tattle. G platschen. 
blatscher|[*~], m, tattler, gossip, tale-bearer. 
G platschen. 
blatschich[*~], splashing (of a downpour): en 

-er rejje. G platschig. 
blatt["], n, pl bletter, leaf, blade, page. G 
blatt, platt["], f, plate (of a stove). G Platte. 
blatt["], smooth and even: en-erschtee. G 


blatt || deitsch[*"], n, Plattdeutsch, Low Ger- 
man; -fiessich[’~~], flat-footed;-zinn{*~], n, 

blatz, platz[“], m, pl bletz, place, farmstead; 
im — vun, instead of. Platz. 

blatze[*~], pp geblatzt, to burst from internal 
pressure. G platzen. 

blatzrejje, platzrejje[“~~], m, downpour. G 

blatzweis, bletzweis[{*], in places, scattering- 
ly. G Platz+Weise. 

blauderjacht{[~~~], f, gossiping tour. G Plau- 

blaudre, plaudre{*~], pp geblaudert, to talk, 
chat. G plaudern. 

blaudrich, plaudrich[~~], talkative, friendly. 

G plauderig. 

blaum["], f, plum. G Pflaume. 

blaume || bam|*~ "], m, plum-tree; -schtee” 
estes ab plum-stone. 

blech[*|, n, tin, tincup. G Blech. 

bleche[*~)}, (of) tin. G blechen. 


bleche[*~], pp geblecht, to suffer (for), pay. 

G slang blechen. 

blechegscherr[*~~], n, tinware. G Blech- 

blechel{*~], n, porringer. G Blech+el. 

blechich{* 4 (of) tin, tinny. G blech+ig. 

blech || schmitt[*~],  m, tin-smith; -voll{*~], 
n, tincupful; -war[*"], n, tinware. 

bleckche, bleckli{*~], n, small patch, 
spot. Dims of dG blacke. 

blecke[*~], pp gebleckt, di zach”, to show the 
teeth (in smiling or anger). dG blecken. 
Cf blicke. 

blecke[*~], pp gebleckt, to bleat, baa. G 

bleech[7], pale. G bleich. 

bleech["], f, greensward for bleaching, bleach- 


ery: wesch uff di — leje. G Bleich+ 

bleeche(~~], pp gebleecht, to bleach, lose 
color, fade. G bleichen. 

bleed[7], diffident, retiring, weak (of the eyes). 
G bléde. 

bleedheet[*"], f, diffidence, bashfulness. G 

bleedle[~~], pp gebleedelt, to inoculate (trees). 
G Blatt. 

bleedsinn[*~], m, imbecility. G Blédsinn. 

blei{"], n, lead. G Blei. 

blei || schaffer[~~~], m, plumber; -weiss[*“}, n, 
whitelead; -zucker[~~~], m, sugar of lead. 

bleiwe[~~], pp gebliwwe, to stay, remain; — 

losse, to let alone, do without. G bleiben. 
blenselche[*~™~], n, small plant, seedling. G 
G Pflaster. 

bleschder[*~], f, plaster. 
bleschderkell{*~~], f, trowel. G Pflasterkelle. 

bleschdre[*~], pp gebleschdert, to plaster. G 
bleschdrer[*~], m, plasterer. G Pflasterer. 

bless{“], f, mouth, phiz, white spot on the 
forehead of a cow or horse. G Blasse. 
blessgsicht{*~], n, white face (of a horse). G 
blessier[~~], f, pleasure, pastime; — dreiwe, 
to amuse oneself. G Plaisier <F plaisir. 
blessiere[“*~], pp blessiert, sich, to amuse 
oneself, have a good time. Verb from 
G pla- 

blessierlich[*~~], pleasant, agreeable. 
bletsche[*~], pp gebletscht, to strike with the 

open hand, spank. G platschen, dG 
bletschle[(*~], pp gebletschelt, to pat. Dim of 

blettche, blettli[*~], n, saucer. G Plattchen. 
blettlich{*~] schneide, to slice, cut in disks {as 

potatoes). dG blattlich < Platte. 
blettre[*~], pp geblettert, to turn the pages 
of a book. G blattern. 
blettrich[ ~~], leaved, leafy. G blatterig. 
bletzel, pletzel[*~], n, place. Dim of G 
bletzlich{*~], suddenly. G plotzlich. 

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ankebold 2 _ilisednn um f[°*Inaiebssld 9709) 07 , 
4 “el OD baal no [eld 30 vies sie Ole 

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bool to téahe im {°° “Hreslauee thesleditiw wid od * 
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5 atl ase Jasiq Hameo “ Yesioiaansid astoeislg D phe tds ee 
hire rose asieod-sist ,qissog oitiar” se Ais “hedageat. 
aefeeh dl D  vateniq, bP pebrisesi Je D. 
Sisdistesh OD lswoud i I” “tits tebdsesig os : Gueqawob’s te) ¥ 

=) .1sieslq of nobdsestidey qq .|° “jotbsizesid y talq < 
waiesiq 2 , sgeq held ; azald Ig fl 
‘torsseehF DD .terateslq um [*}rerbdoasld 
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I) .tsa20d & 30) 998] sthiw ja 1 

A * idoiegzesid 
tisiesD +9026 “19 wo doemabt9ett fn io 
swith —_ jsiniteng putensiq 2° “sieesld «= an [**|naix-;batoohsalt [°~ “ds Peeters J 

vsislg I> wielt OD Aisasne seumes a 
saumrs OF ania fisieesld qa [Ist 
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“aig 2 vskdssvergs Jnsesolq \|"*“jdoilteieasld 

sda dine sdiste oF ,idoetokdag a Fee 
wb  ,neiceisiq 5 anege — 
nae thoes 

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nstinitiTT OD asouse .o J *jiltield 

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stilt slliaild Ob ages 

- gsyeq odz onud of 19328Idog qa ee 
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| pitetEld O vinal bev col Part dc 
2» io. mid song yt f° *Mexialq 

wbileeta Due ea 

ha © Ad a 

_ = Aa ECP. a (a ie Carn 

anh. m, look, glance, cast of the eye. G 


blick || erbs[*™], f, pea grown for the pea as 
distinguished from zuckererbs grown for 
the pod; -bohn[*’], f, shell bean. 

blicke[*~], pp geblickt, to peep (of the sun). 
G blicken. 

blicke(*~}, pp gcblickt, to shell (beans or peas). 
G pfiiicken. 

blicke[*~], pp geblickt; di zaeh” —, to show 
the teeth. dG blecken. Cf blecke. 

blicki[*~], n, small tin kettle, blickey, milk- 
pan, any tin vessel smaller than a pail. G 

bliehe[*~], pp geblieht, to bloom. G bliihen. 

blieh(i)ch[{~~], in bloom, blooming continually. 
dG bliche. 

bliehknoppj~~], m, flower-bud. G Bliitén- 

blieh(t)[], f, blossoms (collective), inflores- 
cence. G Bliite. 

blimmche[*™], n, little hower. G Bliimchen. 

blind[-], blind. G blind. 

blindemeisel[*~~~], n, blindman’s buff. G 
blinde+ Maus (G = Blindekuh-spiel). 

blindhalfter[*~~], f, blindhaliter, blinkers. G 
blind +Halfter. 

blindheet{*"], f, blindness. G Blindheit. 

blinsle[*~], pp geblinselt, to blink, wink. G 

blitz["], m, lightning, flash of lightning, 
menses. G Blitz. 

blitze[*~], pp geblitzt, to lighten. G blitzen. 

blitzeblo[*~~], dark blue; — un dunnergrie’; 
-—— verfrore. 

blo[7], blue. G blau. 

Bloberrick{"*~], m, Blue Mountain. (Both 
the E and the G name were given because 
of the characteristic color of the mountain 
range when viewed from a distance.) 

bloberricktee, blobzrrjertee{"*~"], m, Blue 
Mountain tea, sweet-scented goldenrod. 

blobzrrjer{[~*~], m, person living on or near 
the Blue Mountain. G blau+Berg. 

bloberrjergras{"~~~], n, broom-sedge, broom- 

blo || bottel[~~~], f, corn-flower, bluebottle; 
zgras[~], n, Canada blue grass, wire grass; 
zhols[*~], n, logwood; -huschde["~~], m, 
whooping cough. G blau+Husten (G= 
Keuchhusten); -voijel{~~~}], m, bluebird. 

blobottlicher{~~~™~], pl, grape hyacinth. Dim 
of PG blobottel. 

block[{-], m, log. G Block. 

block || haus{* 7], n, log house; -heisel{*~~], n, 
log cabin; -hitt[*~],f, log hut; -scheier[* ~~], 
f, log barn; -schlidde[’~~], m, sled, logging 


bloder[~~], f, blister. dG bloder, G Blatter. 
blodre{[-~}], pp geblodert, to blister. dG 
bloje, ploje[~~], pp geblokt, to tease, torment, 
pester; sich —, to drudge. G plagen. 
blok, plok[7], f, toil, trouble, sickness, plague, 
ailment. G Plage. 

blos["], f, bubble, bladder, blister. G Blase, 

blosballick|~~~], m, bellows, boastful person. 
G Blasebalg. 

blose[~~], pp geblose, to blow, brag, scold. 


blos || harn{[*~], mn, dinner-horn, braggart: 
-rohr([~~], n, blow-horn, blow-hard. 

bloss[{"], bare, naked, simply. G bloss. 

blott["], bare, bald, uncovered. dG blott. 

blott || keppich{*~™~], baldheaded, bare-headed: 
-kopp(*~], m, bald-head, baldheaded person; 
-schal[*"], f, baldheaded person, head: eens 
uff di — gewwe. dG blott+G Schale. 

blotz[“], m, jolt. dG blotze. 

blotze[*~], pp geblotzt, to jolt, jounce, bruise 
by falling. dG blotze, G platzen. 

blotzer[*~], m, thank-you-ma’am. dG blotze. 

blotzwajje[*~~], m, wagon without springs, 
farm wagon. dG blotze +G Wagen. 

bluje, pluje[“~], pp geblukt, to plow. G 
bluk, pluk["], m, pl bliek, plow. G Pflug. 

bluks || (bluk || pluk |!) grendel(~~~], m, plow 
beam; -hendel[*~~],m, plowhandle; -n4s[~"], 
f, point of a plowshare; -sech[~~], n, coulter 
(Sech itself means coulter in G); -wok[*‘], 
f, double-tree used in plowing. 

bluk | pluk || schar[~~], n, plowshare; -schleef 
[a Bhs plow shoe, plow ‘drag: -schtrang[~~], 
m, iron plow-trace. 

blumm|”), ‘|, f, flower; -e, menses. G Blume. 

blumme | bam{*~], m, rose of Sharon; zbett 
{°~~], n, flower-bed; -blatt[*~"], n, petal; 

-freind[*~~], m, lover of flowers; “graut|- ~~! 
cauliflower; chaffe[‘~~~], m, flower- pot: 
-kenner[*~~~], m, botanist; -knopp[*~~], m. 

flower-bud; -krans[*~~], m, wreath, garland, 
border of flowers; -land[*~~], n, flowerbed: 
sring[*~~], m, wreath of flowers, circular 
flowerbed; zschtab[*~"], m, pollen; -schtiei 
ich. m, petiole: -schtock{[*~~},m, flowering- 
plant; -schtrauss[*~"], m, bouquet, posy, 
stalk with a flower; -some, -sume[*~ ~~], m, 
flower seed; -vojjel[*~~~], m, humming bird. 

Blummefra[*~"], f, Virgo (sign of the zodiac): 
(b-) woman who is very fond of flowers, 
woman who sells flowers. G Blumen+ 

blummich[*~], flowery, flowered. G blumig. 

blump(s)[“], bump! thud! G plump. ' 

blumpsack(*~], m, game played witha knotted 
handkerchief with which blows are dealt. 
G Plumpsack. 

bluscht["], f, (collective) bloom, blossoms. 
dG bluest. 

blut{["], n, blood. G Blut. 

biute{~~], pp geblut, to bleed (also of trees and 

plants). G bluten. 
blut || fink([~~], m, scarlet tanager; -gschwere 
[“~}], m, carbuncle; -hund[*™], m, blood: 
hound: zoder[~~~|, f, vein; -rot[-“l,red 2s 

blood; -schtzrz[~~], m, hemorrhage; -schtee 
=([-"], m, bloodstone; -schwamm{[*~], m, 
fungus haematodes; -suckler[~~™~], m, leech, 
bloodsucker; -vojjel[~~~], m, scarlet tanager: 

ae jit Td rs Po 

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agnizge twos negee in *jetiswrioid 
.n9ge" O-+-smiold eae mat 

D swolq of Dluldeg aq J “wie laid 

guht OD _.wolg. ded qu I Ghul auld 

wolg .m P-*flebasrg (fh aig |) avid) : wauld 
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é seus (2) ni wiles 20aem Yoett eine 

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} avon mM ¢ ‘shad - nha orig 
itt 2 = -j2instod to [~~ “heapete 
Ab patelne 3 Atkin teat ered | ibid-sawolt 

drowolt .a- [" “fbash saiawoll lo wht 
isluovo 2tewoR to Ateere nf ""igere 
byitdioa- astiog | unt "*}dBtdoes ;bachgwatt 
thewolt nf }aootdoa: ;slotisq wnt“ 
*] .JSvpi Locl fs a. ee nati foes ‘ 3kig 
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ng Ras reesvatl , oft [-"*Hsttow: : - hese iwelt 
caibos atl) to-ergie) Opals sl” ‘|Eleornulll 
axywoh to bot yrev a ow nésiow (-d) 
+normulh © exawoRt ailes ode serge | 
bsiswok sgewa *}daioe ld 
cuitiile 2 bbeds! qmug ¥\(e;quiald 
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Sitka siz ewold noudw die wid-sasdbasd 
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amoazold moold (svitzelleo) me § — 

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ermeidoees prevsnat tohew yn .f ~}aak | 
-Loold ya [fo *jbands ;stomudias af ~ 
=m bef S “ft <tiae 4 h @ “hrebo- ae 
asides: sonadrionsad im [> }srentalaas ; boold 
me J * peu loa -anoiebadkd ' an eo 
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-warscht[*~],f, blood-pudding;-warzel[*~~], 
f, bloodroot, turmeric; -wasser[~~~], serum. 

blutich[~~], bloody. G blutig. 

blutsfreind[~~], m, relative. 

bobb{"], f, doll, baby, puppet. 

bobbel[~], bobbelil* ~~], 
dG bobb. 

bobere{[~~~], pp gebobert, to evince unrest, 
complain, nag; bobert’s dich? dG bobere. 

boberich{~~~], querulous, loquacious. dG 

boche[*~], pp gebocht, to boast. G pochen. 

bock["], m, pl beck, ram, buck. G Bock. 

bockbier[* ], n, bock-bier. G Bockbier. 

bocke[*~], pp gebockt, to be in heat, rut. G 

bocke Peis “], m, stellate sedge. G Bocks- 


bockschprung{*~], m, short jump, buck-jump, 
gambol, caper. G Bocksprung. 

bockseckel[*~~], mn, shepherd’s-purse. PG 
name from shape of seed vessels. G 

en bockseckel[*~~] 4~™henke, said of a person 
in quoits who makes a score of less than 6. 
G Bock+Sackel. 

bockseckle[*~~], pp gebockseckelt, 
defraud. Probably 
=G Hosen). 

Bockslochgrie™[~“*]; wu gehscht hi? noch 
— buhne roppe, evading an answer to some 
inquisitive person. 

boddegraemisch{*~~~], boddegrempisch|*~~~], 
walking with difficulty, foot-sore, somewhat 
helpless. G Boden+gramisch. 

bodde(m)[*~], m, ground, floor, bottom. G 

boddem |! los[*~~], without sure footing, quag- 
miry; -rijjel{(*~~~], m, lower rail of a worm 
fence; -scheier[*~ ~~], f, barn with only one 
floor as distinguished from a bank-barn. 

bohn, buhn[{"J, f, bean. G Bohne. 

bohne || buhne i bam{~~"], m, catalpa tree; 
Judas tree; -graut[*~"], greitel, -greitle 
[“~~-~], n, summer savory; -schtecke[|~~~"], 
m, beanpole, tall thin person. 

bohrbank[~~],f, bench for boring holes in posts. 
G Bohrbank. 

G Blutfreund. 
P bobb. 
n, baby. Dim of 

to rob, 
P buxe-+seckel (buxe 

bohre|~~], pp gebohrt, to bore, nag. G 
bohre{~~], m, auger. G Bohrer. 

boje[-~], m, bow, sheet of paper, arc, arch. 
G Bogen. 

boje | bichs [~~~], £, bow; -fenschder[*~~™~], n, 
bay ean ae arched window; -flint[~~~], f, 
crossbow, bow. 

boll{-], f, flax before it is broken, boll (of 
flax), (chestnut) burr; pli -e, testicles. G 


bollerjockel[*~~~], m, ragweed. (Composition 
perhaps fairly evident, reason unknown.) 

bolihoke[*~~], m, fuller’s teasel. G Bolle+ 


pp gebollert, to rumble. G 

. bottel[*~], f, bottle. 

bollmehl{*"], n, middlings. G Pollmehl. 

boliwerrick[*’~], n, bolting sieve. G Poll+ 

bollwzrrick[*~~], n, tow of first hackling. G 

bols{”], f, pulse. G Puls. 

bolsoder[{* ~~], f, artery. G Pulsader. 

boisrohr{’"], n, ’ wooden gun for shooting pins 
and other light projectiles by biowing. G 
Bolzen+ Rohr. 

Bonifazius[~~*~~], m, Bonifacius’ Day (June 
5). Gand L Bonifacius. 

boot[{"], n, boat. G Boot. 

boote[*~], pp geboot, to transport commodi- 
ties ina canal boat. Verb from G Boot. 

bootmann{*~], m, canal boatman. G Boot+ 

borax[~~], m, borax. G Borax. 

bordkerrich{*~~], f, gallery in a church. G 
Porkirche (por =empor), dG bordkirche. 

bose[~~], pp gebost, to do something bad, 
commit an offence. G bosen. 

bosheet, bosheit{~~], f, malice, iniquity. G 

boss!~], m, kiss. dG buss. 

bossda job pl, honeymoon. dG buss+G 
bosse[*~], pp gebosst, to kiss. dG busse. 

dG buttel <F bouteille. 

bottelche| ~~], n, small bottle, vial. Dim of 

bottesch[*~], f, potash. G Pottasche. 

bottle{*~], pp gebottelt, to bottle. Verb from 

bottlerei{“~*], f, bottling establishment. < 

bottschaft(*~], f, message. G Botschaft. 

bry eer a nece of one shivering from cold. 


bralle, pralie[*~], pp gebrallt, to brag, boast. 
G prahlen. 

braller, praller{*~], m, braggart. G Prahler. 

brallhans, prailhans(|*~], m, braggart, boaster. 
G Prahlhans. 

brand{~}, m, conflagration, brand, ergot, smut, 
mortification, gangrene. G Brand. 

brandewei™[*~"],m, whiskey. G Branntwein. 

brandewei*fass{[*~~~], mn, whiskey barrel, 
toper. G Branntweinfass. 

brandsmagerl |, I m,incendiary. G Brand- 

brau*["], brown, bay (of a horse). G braun. 

brauchbar[~ ‘J, useful, serviceable. G brauch- 

brauchbuch[~~], n, manual on powwowing, 

spell-book. G brauchen+Buch. 
brauche([~~], pp gebraucht, to use, need, stand 

in need of, powwow. G brauchen. 
braucherei["~~], f, powwowing. G brauchen. 
braue|~~], pp gebraut, to brew. G brauen. 
brauer[~~], m, brewer. G Brauer. 
brauerei[" ~~], f, brewery. G Braueret. 
brau~gehl, braungehl{~"], dun. G braun+ 

dG gehl 

braunlich[*~], brownish. G braunlich. 

. pe tise o ee 


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pam _ os vinden, aq celta sie 8 sne xin fgie ctsd ,i4i°° ~ “he oa 
go Mipieineds moni borleiugniteits 25 too 
sahist D singgerd nf" sar eh ee eniod D .neod .) {jaded ,adod 
"desc Tagged al” “ enstilieid ;eax3 wclats> . 0 BF mel peo we oy Be, 


> .Inomrdsiidates gniittod: 1 {iste 
2 Bi 

pone ie oe alsigzs: ,etietg [ ~"poarg. ho Sent 
Jume jowi ,basd .soisrysiiaes ot jbsmd 7” aotsortisay ;ylovee jomemoe wre? 
bum <oRNTRAbs jnobsaonurvom noms nity ies slogased a 
giewtnnintie “eneide nf ~*iswedbaed .#320q ni eslod gaitod 10) doned 2 ,{°* 
Jjenad ‘yoaleisdw . ite 4 Sopher . pai aha seme 
226 ines w Fane sagas yar 3 Oo} « 23 Gq | 
-basi2 .uibnsoai a {~ *pobitdozbamd asuied 

aaniszea aioli 2 asgite amt 
nue QO Aeetod 2 to) vad .aword.[]"us7d. cba 018 y9qeq to sole ywod , 
-dovexdD .sldesoiviwe, lu dss i *priddoumd 
a eengee. | 3 ry 1 i-*paile wob ; o boda mS 
. (gahwowwog no isunsm f= ou J "*haif ;wobnrw b 
“eaeeebanioe dogend 2 -tood-lleqa . od: 
boate .baon seu 08 Jdouerday Qq Jf ~jsdouand i) ilod aslond ai 3) st0ied at fod 
stiousid 2 .wowwog ,lo been si .esinijest .s- Iq iid Ny 
setlasid OD | eniwowwog 2} .[~ “jisredounid 
. eauend <) sword of suelo aq Jj *jecad 
ase D sewed an he “heseid 
issued 2D ooswerd 3 J [ersuard 


+noued O «ub f . vend 
srs u “jirisyaw. rane 

viimerd O ziword J |gottaued 



braunwarzel, brau~warzel[*~~],f, figwort. G 
braus["], roar. G Braus. 
brause[~~], pp gebraust, to roar. 
braut["], f, bride. G Braut. 
brauticham[*~~], m, bridgeroom. G Brau- 
brav("], brave, good, honest. G brav. 
bravheit[““], f, bravery. G Bravheit. 
breble[~~], pp gebrebelt, to nag, importune, 
palaver. dG brebele, G prébeln. 
brechajjel[‘~~], f, particle of the outer coating 
of the flax plant separated in the process of 
breaking. G brechen+dG achel. 
brechdich(*~], splendid, beautiful. G prach- 

G brausen. 


breche[*~], pp gebroche, to break, check; 
sich —-, to vomit. G brechen. 

breche, breches{*~], n, vomiting G Brechen. 

brech || eise{*~~], n, crowbar; -loch[*~], n, 
quarry or hole in which flax was roasted and 
broken; -mittel[*~~], n, emetic; -schtang 
{-~], £, crowbar. 

brecher[*~], m, corn-breaker (in a gristmill), 
coal-breaker. G Brecher. 

breckle[*~], pp gebreckelt, to crumble. G 

breddich, preddich[{*~], f, sermon. G Predigt. 

breddiche, preddiche[*~~], pp gebreddicht, to 
preach. G predigen. 

breddichamt, preddichamt[*~~], n, ministry. 
G Predigeramt. 

breddicher, preddicher{*~~], m, 
preacher. G Prediger. 

breeder{[~~], broader, wider. G breiter. 

breeding[*~], f, width, (braid E). G Breite. 

breedscht{"], broadest, widest. G breitst. 

breem|["], f, horsefly. G Bremse. 

breet["|, broad, wide. G breit. 

breet || beenich[~~~], (standing) with one’s 
legs far apart; -beil[“7], n, broad-ax; 
-gsichtich[~~~], broad-faced; -latz[~~], m, 
broad front flap of trousers as formerly 
worn; -maul[*~}, n, splay-mouth, braggart; 


emeilich[~~~], blunt; -naesich[~~~], flat- 

breetlich[*~], broadish. G breitlich. 

brei[], m, pap. G Brei. 

breiche({~~], pp gebreicht, toneed, use. (From 

an umlauted form of brauchen). 

breidicham[~~~], m, bridegroom. G Brau- 

breis, preis{"], m, price, prize. G Preis. 

breis{"], n, wristband. dG breis. 

brenne[‘~], pp gebrennt, to burn, distil. G 

brennend[‘~], burning, lit. G brennend. 

brennerei|~~~], f, distillery. G Brennerei. 

brennesel|*~~], brennessel{[*~~], m, stinging 
nettle. G Brennessel. 

brenu || glas[*j, n, burning-glass, sun-glass; 
zhaus[‘*"], n, still-house; -hols|*~], n, fire- 

brennsich{‘~], burnt (to taste or smell). G 


bresident[*~~], m, president. G Prdasident. 

bress, press[“], f, press. G Presse. 

bressent, pressent([*~], n, present. 
<F présent. 

bressent([‘~], f, prison. MHG prisiin (Cre- 
feld presun). 

brett[“], n, bracket, board. G Brett. 

bretzel, pretzel[-~], n, pretzel. G Breze! 
<mid L bracellum. 

briambe!(~~~], m, long-winded talk. dG 

brick[~], f, bridge. G Briicke. 

brickepeiler{*~ ~~], m, pier. G Briickenpfetler. 

briederfescht[~~~], n, annual service for men 
and boys (Moravian). G Briidertest. 

briederlich[*~~], brotherly. G briiderlich. 

briederlichkeet{-~~~], f, brotherliness, fra- 
ternity. G Briiderlichkeit. 

briederschaft[~~~], f, brotherhood. G Brii- 

briee{~~], pp gebriet, to hatch. G briten. 

brief[], m, letter, package or paper (of 
needles). G Brief. 

brief || babier[~~~], n, letter-paper; -draejer 
{-"~], m, letter-carrier; -wechsel[~~~], m, 

briefelche[~~~], n, powder (to be taken). G 

brieh{"], f, juice, gravy, broth, slop. G 

brieh || drok[*"], m, scalding-trough; -fass 
{-~], n, scalding-vat 

briehe(~~], pp gebrieht, to scald, parboil. G 

briehich{~~], juicy. PG brieh. 

brieich{[~~], broody (of hens). G briitig. 

briemaschien[~~~], f, incubator. G Briit+ 
Maschine. ; 

brijjel, prijjel[*~], m, club, cudgel, limb of a 
tree, clubbing, cudgeling; —- schmeisse, 
to abuse. G Priigel. 

brijjele(*~“], pp gebrijjelt, to club. G pru- 

brijjel || hols[*~~], n, small limbs of trees cut 
up for firewood; -supp{*~~], f, clubbing, 
cudgeling, flogging 

brill{-], f, spectacles. G Brille. 

brille[*~], pp gebrillt, to ery, low, roar, bawl. 
G briillen. 

bringe[*~], pp gebrocht, to bring. G bringen. 

brinselbrau~[*~"], brindle. dG_ briinzlich+ 
braun. ; 

britsch[~], f, bat, paddle, implement used in 
beating flax-seed from the stem; utf det 
— sei, to be incapacitated for work. G 
Pritsche. ae, 

britsche[*~], pp gebritscht, to flog, beat with 
a paddle, paddle something down flat. © 

briwwi, priwwi[*-], n, privy, backhouse. 
MHG privét, das privéte, F privé, E privy, 

G Prasent 

broche(~~], pp gebrocht, to fallow. & 

brochiand(*~], n, land lying fallow. G Brach- 

("asaserg oh anciemmep, (EM 4 a 
Ci Y mh Qe a ae ee 

moet D 
0) hae wae ir aaatoie zie. 

sg OSs) Ue 
anes: eins See “Wed Zi ae eg? 
ie 3a 6 Ray Ve > te oy : 
isso a) desimg vn i theo ll 

gh mame | 
Diy alles babsiw-gnal sa “ji 

i oe — salle 
. tradsornd te ohsband eo Eee 3 _ 
ml sesnilrasisord yl {~~ posadaihebend 5 ath . 
jisddaihsbind DO .tfiawsd yose 
ini 2 bboorivadiond te 

.nstind © uloted ot pond aad “lsshd 
i@) 39q5q 10 emcee: gs . \m co 

rjemtbs ;isqeq-tetiel .o i tasidad | ) tehd = {Mimteivg 6 ni) biter" sf 
m i’? |ezdsavws -joivin3-4ad fol an yy ; Hon 

Sortebioe sts D .sidowe of ,tisdzaxdog aa tts - 

O .(rods3 od of) rab woq a ot? *fedslotend pw ; ae 

._nstslaleisd Jgibort D .nomsee 1 PIG —~— 

» ole dtodd Soverg: ance 3 e pa ae ne ae qd tobe 

zeake = diguort ‘pilex un vr blow | “jon 
tev-pmiblece ia 'e “7. 

JD liodveq bless of jdendeg gq [ “lsdshnd 

Avid OF cain of" * jdoideind 

gitind.2 .fengdto)-ybood. [ “udaiend 

jin D -notedasal ’ “t "+ |npidsdeneind 

B to dent dozbuo .dub un ff “Usiihe Jetind 
cemiomdoe = ignifeybus wyiuddula .ss7 
Jsgi7 2). .seuds of 

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zedduls ,t 2" “jgquex ; boow sii tot qu 
giiggeh , Re ee 
sis8 2 nee neha } 
wed tot pwol p¢is 03 ,3iindag dq Le "eli 
sasilind moa) .sew ,.beon 07 doistday qq 
aognind <) es Seng eq ‘jeynitd eens? An mosses lo me betuelnu 

+roilxniad Ob I °*} wad aor 1 wid 3 smoorgebind cori © ya 

ni bees inemalamt ,sibbeq jtad. 1 field: > zisxvi 2 22g .m | 

th Rie prev edt mot bese-zsit guiteed roe age be ie ine eee 

/ dow 3 basetisaqeoal od of ~ise — =~ D- divib mud ot a3ag aa | a eae 
go8 of ,ttloetindss Pramas Fost penned 2 it ipslacie pean 

iw taod 99 coe Jil 5 

~ teh awob gnisitenice slbbaq elbbaq 6 . isonet DD . iseib Ji ad 

adenine ae ioe 
Sactiaed weg aot “jiewing send | 

vig U Jvirg 4 joit$ving esh 60ng  peealgenug jeesiy-gni x 
J wellet of Adoondsg qq {*}ssioord von qt {°*Jalods vsewod-Hise 

‘Hand D wel gti be boel a at 2. (isine 10 stest 02)” sarah sf 

brocke[*~], m, morsel, scrap. G Brocken. 

brockel[*~], n, bit, crumb. G Bréckel. 

brockelesche[*~~~], f, prickly ash. 

brockle[*~], pp gebrockeit, to crumble, break, 
break and soak (bread in milk). G 

brocklich[*~], crumbly. G bréckelig. 

brode[~~], pp gebrode, to fry, broil or scorch 
(by the sun); es is ihm nix recht gebrode, 
nothing suits him. G braten. 

brofesser, professer[~*~], m, professor. G 

brofit[”*], m, profit. G Profit. 

brofitlich{"*~], profitable. G profitlich. 

brombeer[’*], f, dewberry. G Brombeere. 

brophet["*], m, prophet. G Prophet. 

brophezeie[’ ~~~], pp gebrophezeit, to proph- 
esy, predict. G prophezeien. 

brophezeiung|~~*~], f, prophecy, prediction. 

brot{[], n, bread. G Brot. 

brot || deek([~"], m, bread-dough: -grimmel 
[“~~], f, bread-crumb; -gruscht(~~], bread- 
crust; zhank[*+~], m, suspended shelf; -karb 
[<~], m, pannier; eem der — heecher henke, 
to put one on short rations; -schank|~~], 
m, cupboard, pantry. 

brot || pann(-~], f, frying-pan; -warscht(~"], 
f, sausage. G Bratwurst. 

brotzich[*~], proud, stuck-up. G protzig. 

browiere["~~], pp (ge)browiert, to try. 
probieren, L probare. 

bruch[’], m, quarry, breach, hernia. G 

bruchband[’~], n, truss. G Bruchband. 

brud{"], f, litter (of pigs), brood (of bees, 
especially inthe comb). G Brut. 

bruder{~~], m, pl brieder, brother. G Bruder. 

bruder || merder{~~~~], m, fratricide; -mard 
t- 1.1m. Jhatriciae, 

bruderskind[*~~], n, nephew, niece. 

brumme[*~], pp gebrummt, to hum, buzz, 
grumble. G brummen. 

brummelochs[*~~], m, bull. 

brummer|*~], m, steam factory whistle. G 

brummle{*~], pp gebrummelt, to grumble, 
scold in an undertone. G brummeln. 

brummvojjel[*’~], m, humming-bird. G 

brunelle["*~], f, self-heal, heal-all. G Bru- 

brunellegraut{"*~~], n, self-heal, heal-all. G 

brunne[*~], m, well. G Brunnen. 

brunne || grawer(*~~~], m, well-digger; -gress 
{-~~], n, watercress; ckeller|*~~~j, m, deep 
cellar (usually detached from the house) 
for cooling butter, milk and other food in 
summer; -wals[*~~], f, windlass tor drawing 
water; -wasser|*~~~], n, well-water. 

bruns{"], m, urine. G Brunz. 

G Bru- 

G brummelin+ 


brunse[’~], pp gebrunst, to urinate. G 

bruscht{"], f, breast, mamma, chest. G 

bruscht || fiewer[*~~], n, pneumonia; -gart[*"], 
f, breast-strap (of harness); -gnoche eal 
m, breastbone, wishbone; -gsims fs]; etly 
wainscoting; -kern[*~], n, brisket; zkett[*~], 
f, breast-chain (of harness); zkummet[*~~], 
n, breastcollar; -lappe [~~], m, vest (G 
Brustlappen, dG bruschtlabbe); -schpell(*~], 
f, breastpin; -tee [*], m, wintergreen, 
checkerberry; -warz|‘"], f, nipple of the 

brutzbank[*~], f, pouting bench; uff der — 
sitze, to pout, sulk. dG brutze-+ Bank. 

brutze[*~], pp gebrutzt, to pout, sulk, threaten 
rain. dG brutze, G protzen. 

brutzeck[*~], n, corner into which pouting 
children retire. dG brutze+Eck. 

brutzich{*~], cross, pettish, sulky. dG brutze. 

brutzkiwwel(’~~], m, one given to pouting, 
sulker. dG brutze+kiwwel. 

brutzle[*~], pp gebrutzelt, to simmer, drizzle. 
G brutzeln. 

bsarje|’~], pp bsarkt, to provide for, attend to. 
G besorgen. 

bsarkt["], careful, solicitous, provided for. G 

bsaufe[~~], pp bsoffe, sich, to become intoxi- 
cated. G besauten. 

bschaffe[‘~], pp bschaffe, to create, form, 
shape. G beschaffen. 

bscheisse[*~], pp bschisse, to cheat. dG 

bschimbe[‘~}, pp bschimbt, to disgrace, dis- 
honor, taunt. G beschimpfen. 

bschisser[*~], bscheisser{~~], m, fraud, cheat, 
crook. G Beschisser. 

bschisserei[-~“], 1, cheating, 
honesty. G Beschisseret. 

bschlajje[*~], pp bschlajje, to shoe (a horse), 
hew (a log), put iron-work on (a wagon). 
G beschlagen. 

bschluss("], m, conclusion. G Beschluss. 

bschmeisse[~~], pp bschmisse, to throw at, 
pelt. G beschmeissen. 

bschteh~["], pp bschtanne, to confess; debei 
—, to manage with, get along on, be firm in. 
G bestehen. 

bschtehle[*~], pp bschtohle, to steal from, 
rob. G bestehlen. 

bschtelle[*~], pp  bschtellt, 

bschtelling[*~], f, appointment. 

fraud, dis- 

to order. G 

G Bestel- 

bschtohle[*~], of a thieving nature. G be- 

bschtoh!nerweis{[*~"], sneakingly. G bestoh- 
lener Weise. 

bschweere|~~], pp bschwore, to confirm with 
an oath. G beschworen. 

bsetze[*~], pp bsetzt, to trim, lengthen a 
dress. G besetzen. 

bsetzing[*~], f, trimming. G Besetzung. 

ek ad 

sf hy 7 “ie 7 * 
af A “cf 

7 Pe: ‘Ki et: : 
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4 + 

Ry ;doned ynisvog 2 
\ Sanh patie ob Hina. wOg. 4 
mstaod? olive 2uag oF .3 8, 
‘aestorg © aatuad - ai 
gnituog fisiiw oint ime A 
o3-+-astuid Ob site sorbli 
ssie1d Ob .pllue daisteq eeots f° *|doistand 

nile 02 erg sno Ym ~*eworbbetard: 

Jjowwil+astind Ob .odlue 
Sisahd tammie oF Jissduiieg vt i *}ixiard 
tt isstoid 2 
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.Qaygioeed «< 
0 ,wi bebivoiq ,euotisiloe fulenes ns ba ga 

-zogni senoasd 01 ,Hoie Rod gq ee fatuaed 
ale .baigs 

Aol siesta Od shorted ag 4 ‘Jetisdoad 
nofsdsesd <) .oeraiie 

2b testis of ,sesitleed gq f *jpeatedoad 

vib sosrpeib of tdimitved gg ft *ledmidzed 

ah stsiek: esd Seat onoA © 
sods .busil sn .[~ peeetemiad do -hesaidoed 
qoutes ) doom 
~ 8b basil ‘ynitesilo i Aa" 

{eed 6) s0d2 of ,sijulrioed qq . “jeiiaidaad 
(oogew 8) no shew-siot Jaq ,(gol_s) wart 

nsyetitoesd o 
acyidoes D trolawionds .m J jeeuldsed 
Je wowls,od seeiintited qq it” jsecioundoad 
areevismizesd 2) .theg 

jotleb yaeqinos eee qq , } detdoad 
i imi sd po gnolz teg iw sgoanm 02 
‘ayfistesd D 
inott laste o3 sidoideed aq {~jsldordoed 
nl theytas 

—) .dox 

Y reise oF sllotifoed qq [**Jollenioed 
aie D snominioggs 2 I ane 
-9d 2 squish gnivoitl? 6 to r*jenbuced 
-lotead OD ‘vignidaans P a BB p+ nays 
wi t9e91 

_ ijbw oninde of ee oq [~ fr" loveowsiand Ss 

«) ino 8 

s nosltgnel snint of seed a. a; Bovine | 
masisead | 

pauses OD .yointmy ,} Fiouned 


satiod todoosd —~teb sins 
i°* }imadoe= ol se no 

D siored ead “emeup i aloud 

-breddoosi DO ceeuid pare 
aad io) Fines 8 a ol is al 2 ce 

obi ri ye facet ber dgpeiy se ool 
Stam: ;ebiontel yo  * abiniel im oT, 
“W718 DO soon ,worigen a f-™ 
sud nud of reyireniea 2 3 ag ote 

Fo oll pees : 

O .alteidw yioins} masse an oF Cena 

siden oF lommurdes aq EC )eimad | 
pry OF 3 . 
olseatind O snomubeu ae mi Boom 

a) -biid-geieunes ft 

bsinne[*~]=besinne, q. v. 

bsonders{*~], besonders({~*~], besonners[~*~], 
particularly. G besonders. 

bsuch["], m, visit, visitors. G Besuch. 

bsuche[*~], pp bsucht, to visit. G besuchen. 

bsuchereij~~*}, f, (confounded) visiting. G 

bsunne(*~], having presence of mind: gschwind 
—, karz-—~. G besonnen. 

bu[7], m, pl buwe, boy. dG bu, G Bube. 

ioe buwli[*~], n, littl boy. Dim of dG 


buch{"], n, pl bicher, book. G Buch. 
buche[~~], f, beech. G Buche. 
buche[~~], (of) beech. G buchen. 

buchebam[*~"], m, beech-tree. G Buchen- 
buchel[~~], f, beechnut. G Buchel. 

buch | haltung[*~~], f, bookkeeping; -hand- 
lung[*~~], f, bookstore. 

buchs["], m, wintergreen, boxtree, laurel; 
nidderer —, wintergreen, checkerberry; 
zahmer —, boxtree; im — sei’, to be in- 
toxicated. G Buchs. 

buchs || bam{*"], m, boxtree; -beer[*"], f, 
teaberry, checkerberry. 

buchweeze[*~~], m, buckwheat. G Buch- 

buchweeze || kuche[*~~~~], m, buckwheat 
cake; -mehl[*"~"], n, buckwheat flour; 

-schtroh[* ~~ 7], n, buckwheat straw. 

buckelj*~], m, back, hump, slight elevation of 
ground. G Buckel. 

buckelweh[*~"], n, backache, lumbago. G 

bucker[*~], m, castrated dog, rascal, hardened 
mucus removed from the nose. In part of 
the Palatinate this is a term of abuse. 
Possibly from the F bougre (heretic and 

bucklich[*~], uneven, hilly, stoop-shouldered, 
hump-backed, stooped. G bucklich. 

buff[-], m, whack, blow; alle —, every time, 
every once ina while. G Puff. 

buff["], bang! slap! G puff. 

buk[7}, f, bend, brace G Bug. 

bull[-}, m, bull. G Bulle. 

bulle[*~], pp gebullt, to long for the bull 
(of cows). G bullen. 

bulle || beidel{*~ ~~], m, lady’s slipper, mocca- 
sin-flower; -fleesch{*~"]. n, bull-beef; -kalb 
[*-~], n, bull-calf; so en —! term of con- 
tempt for an ignorant bully. 

bullhund[*~], m, bulldog. G Bulldogge. 

bullirum[*~~*], onomatopoetic to imitate the 
croak of a frog; —, m, frog. 

bullkersch[*~], f, oxheart cherry. G Bulle+ 

bulsoder[*~~], f, artery. G Pulsader. Cf 

bumbernickel[*~~~], m, coarse dark heavy rye 

bread of unbolted rye tiour. 
bumm|~], bang! plump! G bumm. 
bummelhannes|*~~~}], m, slothful and pro- 

G Pumper- 

crastinating person, Old Peter Tumble- 
down. G Bummelhans. 

bummerdalisch[~~*~], deucedly, fearfully. G 
bummern (probably influenced by G pom- 

bummerans, bommerans[~~*], f, tomato. G 
Pomeranze (orange). Cf gummerans. 

bummere[*~~], pp gebummert, to rumble, 
bump. G bummern. 

bummerisch[*~™], fearfully, terribly. G bum- 

bump[‘], f, pump. G Pumpe. 

bump["], m, bump. G bums. 

bumpe[*~], pp gebumpt, to pump. Gpumpen. 

bumpe[*~], pp gebumpt, to bump. G bum- 


bumpe || bett[*~~], n, pump-floor; -drok{*~ "J, 
m, pump-trough; -kiwwel[*~~~], m, pump- 
piston; -macher[*~~~], m, pump-maker; 
-schtock[*~~], m, pump; -schwengel[’*~~~}, 
m, pump-handle. 

bumps[~], bang! —, m, jar, jolt, bang. G 

bund["], m, covenant. G Bund. 
bundel[*~], m, bundle. G Biindel. 

bundle[*~], pp gebundelt, to bundle (referring 
to the past custom of bundling). PG 
bundel, but word is of E origin. 

bungert{*~], m, orchard. dG bungert. 

bungertgras(*~“],n, orchard grass. dG bung- 
ert+G Gras. 

busch[‘], m, woods, forest, country. dG 

busch || appel[*~~], m, May apple, mandrake; 
zbam[*"], m, forest tree; -gnippel, -knippel 
[e4th my clodhopper: -land{- “J, n, woodland; 
zleit(* ],pl, country people; -mick[*~], f, 
forest-fly, horsefly; -tee[*"], m, dittany; 
zvojjel[*-~], m, thrush; -wasem[*~~], m, 
forest moss; -wek[*], m, road through the 

buschdawe[*~~], m, letter (of the alphabet). 
G Buchstaben. 

buschdawiere[~ ~~~], 
G buchstabieren. 

buschich[*~], bushy. G buschig. 

buss["], call for a cat. G bus, pus.- 

buss || bank(~~], f, bench of repentance, anx- 
ious bench; -dak(~ "], m, day of repent- 
ance, fast- day. 

buss(e){~~], f, repentance; — du’, to repent, 
atone for. G Busse. 

bussem[*~], m, bosom. G Busen. 

bussi[*~], f, female pudendum. dG bussel. 

bussi[*~], f, bussli[*~], n, cat, pussy. G Pus. 

bussikatz{*~~l,f, cat, pussycat. GBusekatze. 

butter, budder{*~!], m, butter. G Butter. 

butter || beer[*~ 7], f, partridge-berry, checker- 
berry; -blumm[*~~], f, buttercup, crow- 
foot; also marsh marigold, cowslip; -bock 
[*~~], m, frame on which a churn rests; 

_=bohn[*~"], f, butter bean, lima bean; -fass 

{*~~], n, churn; -haffe[*~~~], m, butter-crock; 
zleffel[*~~~], m, wooden spoon for working 
butter; -messer[*~~~], n, butterknife; mil- 

pp buschdawiert, to spell. 

pie abe SS Bae ee teat 

ye at ee 

“Pre wie a 

Bhima ernest aa 


Aah dace Sie ge er as 

+ tod nami pass Bt thediaaae span Rel 
Jo *flegnewaoe: iqming « Hoes 
slined+jinog mt 


baw 3D .tneasvos tcf }bovd 
isbatid 2 .sibaed {*Hebaud 
gainsisi) glboad os Tebawdeg aq 
J ae jo moseno seq siz’ O3 
nigito A to ei brow Jud. fobavd 
pispnuds Jb .tradno wn | *prsganud 

2) .gosd Alot x6, m2 

-saud Ob -semig neti ft * “jeg disgeud 
8erJ S459 

Ob .inues jest sboow unt} 

detbaern . sings walt sa (~*}eqqe i doand 
leqqiaa Jequiay> 52971 sesvot et .[ “jaide 
-basthoow nj “bral: ;yqqodbela mit =*} 

3 fr ojasiee fan toxy yrievop. (yf "Rieke 
wrath .o | eet yyfiserod ie . 
im i “*tnsedwe : dau wa of *"}helfor- 

of? dguow) beot un ,[ “}lew: ;aeam geoxot 

ededais sit to) 1sttsi nm "se 

edesetou ll 2D 

lleqe ot neiw hbdoetd qq [> “Jererwebelssnd 
aoidemtioud 2 

-wiloeud 2) vedadd [° "jdoidsasd 

aq 20d <) 3608 qo) feo {jeand 

“7B 990533991 10 doasd + f°* jimad || eeod 
-insgs1 to YSED \m {7 pish stoned suc 
semothe 2018 

“ub — ;sonsinsqe: .} 

sean <) 
ev D .moeodjm [ =e - 

,lfteaqst 02 

[seeud Ob angbnsbug olernat .} 

I~ + 

auigd y220g Jeon ft “lead ,} ts “*lizeod 
‘oqadeeld ‘O _.g5o~aeug is3 A 
aw2ivd OD retied —«a “sbbud Few 

-~aizerlo sored-sybisriag ,1 [[~ “treed | seted 

<woTD quastiud m LF co mimuld: ;yrisd 
dood: ;qilewoo ,biogitem czis ;i00) 
eho must? s ttinw noome? va ["*] 
gant: -nssd ara .assd issind 2 I~ *jadod= 
wien 1910ud at n= stating ; mids, nm, en 
gnhiow wl mooga asheow , a "ils 

+m ;slindwtiud (°"“hpeseoame pana’ 

 geude lo mist s el arti stance odd 

a it + : 
+> decent as * leone 


a0 af 7 7 
* + yy. “ ayuatp 

A 5 
aoe yy a rei vee 
- +A ia ee" 4 
“ a - . Te ae 
~~ ' ee at a aaalanadll icin 

ee ee 

a 7 
A pene ‘wy 

oot ao: eS, } oxson 
; sane 3 | ‘ 

Werte tes wa 

to txeq ni ,.c2an od? mort 
bos siteves!) stguod YF oft moi Ydiaol 
barsbivods-coot , list .arrsay J iisaoa Prt, 

doibloud D' -baqoote pore nai 
winil ‘give .—— sile ;wold abel 

Bu D .olidw # ni th a 
: 2) Tqale !gnad, aoe 7 
gull J goad bred Ar » 
tet OD diud my ~ ea 
Hud sti 1o} gaol o3 ues 9 J P ae j 

Pe ee oe ee 

-nod to mms3!— 9 oe onic A is ip cet 

“vlud Insongi a6 sx 
ggobllvG O -gobliud an 
ofl? statimni 09 cat ig: agnccgeced B ig re 

+-slivl D sods ht 

lich{*~~™~], f, buttermilk; -moddel{*~~~], f, 

butter-print, velvet leaf; -nussj*~~], f, 
butternut; -press[*~~], f, butter-print; 
-schissel[*~~~], f, wooden dish in which 

butter is worked; -vojjel[*~~~], m, reedbird; 
-warzel[*~~~], f, wild ginger; -zuwwer[*~~~], 
m, butter-tub. 

butze[*~], m, core of an apple, core of a boil, 
burnt wick of a candle, long wick-end ona 
burning fat-light. G Butzen. 

butze[*~], pp gebutzt, to clean, dress up: 
haus —; baem —, to trim trees; frucht —, 
to winnow grain; geil —, to curry horses; 
sich —, to expel the placenta (of domestic 
animals). G putzen. 

butzemann|*~~], m, scarecrow. P butzemann. 

butzerei[”~~], f, (confounded) cleaning. G 

butz || fra[*"], f, charwoman; -lumpe[*~~], m, 


butzich[*~], short, stunted. dG butzig. 

butzing, butze[*~], f, placenta. PG butze. 

buwe || leis[~~"], pl, tickseed, Spanish needles, 
all species of Bidens whose seeds are narrow 
in proportion to their length; -rutsch[~~~], 
f, loose girl; -schtofft|~~~], des, (these) boys, 
mischievous boys; -schtreech[{~~ 7], pl, boy- 
ish pranks. 

pera "], bowwow! Imitating the bark of a 


Does not occur initially. 


da[], m, dew. G Tau. 
da{-], there; da[], used as an exclamation, 

there! — hoschdes, there! there you have 
it! take it! Gdakge 

dab["], deaf, without kernel (of nuts and 
grains). Gtaub. 

dach[*], n, roof, head: ich gebb der eens uffs 
—. G Dach 

: ach. 

dachdle[*~], pp gedachdelt, to beat, flog. G 

dach || droff[*~], -draf[*~], -drops[*~], m, eaves; 
-feerscht[*~], m, ridgepole; fenschder|*~~], 
n, dormer window, skylight; -giwwell*~~], 
m, point of the roof at the gable-end; 
zkandel(*~~], m, rainspout; -lade{*~~], m, 
hatchway (of a roof); -pett[*~], f,purline; 
erut[*~}, f, purline; -schlupper[*~~], m, (a) 
drifting snow; -schtroh[’ "|, thatch; -schtuhl 
{--], m, wooden support of a roof, strut. 

dachs(~], m, raccoon (a misapprehension where 
used), groundhog, short-legged dog. G 

dachsbeenich[*~~], bandy-legged. G dachs- 

dachsi[*~], m, (der glee”), shorty. G Dachs. 

dachsich[*~], stooped, bent. G dachs+ig. 

dad["}], m, daddy, father. dG dade, datte, E 
dad. Cf grandad App. 

daddeldaub, dardeldaub{*~"], f, turtle-dove. 
G Turteltaube. 

dadi{*~], m, father. dG dade, datte. 

dée(~~], pp gedat, to thaw. G tauen. 

dae{*~], pp gedat, to deposit dew. G tauen. 

daechlich, daeklich, daejlich{~~], daily. G 

_ daedae{*"] geh”, to go bye-bye (in speaking to 

children). dG dada. 
d(z)r, der, d’r[~], (di, (e)s), ’s), the. G der. 
der["], (die, des), this (one); — wu, the one 
who. G der. 
der["], (die, das, as, wu), who (rel pr). Gder. 
dzrbedien[~~~],n, turpentine. G Terpentin. 

derbediene[~~~~], pp gederbedient, to apply 
turpentine. G Terpentin. 

dzreweil[-~"], meanwhile. G der Weile. 

derfe[*~], pp gederft, to dare, be allowed, 
may. G diirfen. 

derm |j fett[*~], n, intestinal fat (of cattle); 
<schmals(*~}], n, intestinal fat (of hogs); 
-verschtopping|* ~~~], f, constipation. 

derr[~], dry, lean. G diirr. 

derr{-|, f, place for drying vegetables and 
fruits: ebbes uff di— du. G Darre. 

derre{*~], pp gederrt, todry, cure. Gdiirren. 

daet("], past subj of du“; used as auxiliary to- 
form past subj of most other verbs: ich 
—geh, wann.... Gtat. 

daf[],f, baptism. G Taufe. 

dafe[~~], pp gedaft, to baptize, christen. G 

dafel[-~], f, slate. G Tafel. 

daf || eltre{(~~~], pl, sponsors; <leit{(*"], pl, 
sponsors; -name{~~~], m, baptismal name; 
<schein, -schei~[~"], m, baptismal cer- 
tificate; -wasser[~~~], n, baptismal water. 

daher[’"], for that reason. G daher. 

dajebruch[~~~], daksbruch[~~], m, break of 
day. G Tagesbruch. 

dajenacht{["~*], dak un nacht, continually, 
everlastingly. G Tag und Nacht. 

dajes || a~fang[~~~~], m, dawn; -licht[-~™], n, 
light of day, daylight. 

dajeweis[~~~], several days in succession, now 
and thena day. G tageweise. 

dak["], m, pl daje, day, daylight; heit iwwer 
verzeh —, two weeks from today; hoscht 
du dei’ — des lewes! did you ever! sei 
(mei, dei”) — des lewes net, never; dajer 
drei, three days orso. G Tag. 

dak || buch[~~], n, journal, daybook; -dieb 
[-"], m, idler; -lenner[~~~], m, laborer, day- 
laborer; -loch[~~], n, small cellar window, 
any opening ina wall; -loh~, -luh“[~ 7], m, 
day’s wages, wages; -werk[~~], n, day’s 
work; -weis[~"], by the day, now and then 
a day. 

daklennere{[~~~~], pp gedaklennert, to do 
day-laborer’s work. G tagléhnern. 

daks["], during the day; — druff, the day 
after; —devor, the day before. Aremnant 
of the use of the genitive. GTag. 

dakshelling[~~~], f, daylight. G Tageshelle. 

dal{-], n, valley, vale. G Tal. 

daler{[~~], m, dollar. G Taler. 

Te . oe > 
Bat seals -wedt ot bog qa sf) Seer er ike 

fsiljesh dale ers dens Jol By wer 

cong si me 2 


ria — bh “ye 
poi a Pa “pers 

‘sisW wb D sia neon es yh, o 
bewolls o@ jseb 01 siintag sy a 4 

s4si3isn Yo) ta) Ssnitestal “e a bieh seb 
tieged io} ask. recon tt 5 a 
moltsaisenos , Fee 
eafd a kok ci 
bas Bisgsy -yainb wl 
svisG «) “ab — ib iin eedds sate 
nsviih <) Sti, Vib oF jHbss Ig i *}osteb 
of qisilixus as box ; “pb to jdwe 120g f 
tot vedtey sodto jsom to idue iesq  aviol 
MD ..cs SRew deg — 
stust 2 maiseyids af as 
J .asieinds ,setiged o2 _Jiibeg qq frsjottb. 
. bist OD. .cioie 7 [> foe 
dy "liek satoencge tq P"*portie 3 1D 
-eman Tomeitqad a |" “jemiia yarosiioga 
~2> lamenqad ym | *}*iedes- cusioes 
aatew iameiiqed un [O° "peesawe patent 
qoiah O- .onenet tadt 1 i “Presdab 
lo Pinte wn [°C Wdsewdelhh I~ *tetomeleiéb 
Aganisaget FA 
Jdlanniino> tisan au fab J" Mepenapeh 
gion baw geT 2 vigniietios 

te f°“ thos tawed (or f**~tpenl 
atyileeb ee m igi 
‘won ,molessoous ni eyeb Intwyse , “4 lotgwrobBh 

‘seiswognte yeh a nats eae 2 :golt 200d ot alsbdoaboy aa ab 
TOW KE sisal sitgiivab swab péb ber »ftt I \dbb seo%HS rn I “jeqoxh: (Babe on ab 

sie wre dpe: fet a0 
od a (ena tod 

sdoecd zsyabo? mol aisow ows -— ‘ssay ‘era 
“laa Doeve pwov bib leswal eab.-— “iab ob | BE pene ge ne ee 
With pieves 360 eswal eb — Cio’ ipa) ‘brto-siding 0d). 26 _ toad Sid 

sat OD .oft0 syabsodt ib | i ae: 

ésih: stoddysb deiawoy, ot *|doud tb” Sihug yt 

veh rsiodal im i-*henaek: ; swolbr aT , (p) ‘he rr 
Sea Iduidoes : 

wobare telisc lisme .n [°*Idool- : fosnads §7 tet 
af *}" dul: ,"dol> flew 6 ni yninsge Xas es ee ~ yah: 
eye nA Jair Pigs 4B zoe" eyed aistw aoiznorarqa é eg 2 
noc) bre won ob oda yd [ “jeiew: phow - 2 gob. baggsi-roda sill bemiaainaitenie MN 
ob 63 Lie dg) = raat | | pape OS 

oi tists eiogb D  .bsggsh-vbmed 71d 

aranlolges ake #I916dal- ° | ms " 

¥sb ods Rush — ‘;yeb of) satisb Pes gts DO, : } 

. vnode - 
jastunast A. soled yeb 9ft 2oveb — 7193) ” witedosb O* Jasc 
get) .svisineg att Ip oe “vere eek | 
aisieogst ) rica a [°° *fgnills. vor i tee 
sv Wf _ gvob-slrus 2 °°") 
png aig pte pe ae 

v y b 

daler || not(“~"], f, dollar bill; -ros[“~7], 
aster; -weis{[~~~], dollar by dollar. 

dall, dell{- ], f, dent, impression, dimple. P 
dall, d dell. 

damit , demit(~ *], therewith. G damit. 

damm|‘j, m, dam; do will ich iwwer der — 
geh’, well, I'll be hanged (damned). G 

damm || bruscht[*~], f, breast of a dam; -gras 
{-"J,n, pond grass; zhijjel{*~~], hijel[*~~],m 
breast of a dam. 

damme(*~}], pp gedammt, to dam. G dam- 

damp["], m, vapor. G Dampf. 

dampe{*~], pp gedampt, to give off vapor, 
smother, steam, stew. G dampfen. 

dampgnopp(- ~], m, boiled dumpling (eaten 
with milk and sugar). G Dampf+Knopf. 

dampich[*~], steamy, vaporous. G dampfig. 

dampnudel[* ~~], f, boiled dumpling (the gnopp 
of schnitz un gnepp). G Dampfnudel. 

Danjel(*~], m, Daniel. G Daniel. 

dankj{~], m, thanks, gratitude, reward. G 

danke[*~], pp gedankt, to thank, give thanks, 
return a salutation. G danken. 

dankbar[*"], thankful, grateful. G dankbar. 

dankbarkeet/*~"], f, thankfulness, gratitude. 
G Dankbarkeit. 

dank || breddich{*~~], f, thanksgiving sermon; 
-fescht[*~], mn, thanksgiving feast day: 

-Sajung[*~ ‘};, f, thanksgiving. 
dankeswert[*~ , worth thanking for. G 

danki, denki(*~], thank you, thanks. G (ich) 

danksaje[* ~~], pp dankgsat, to offer thanks. 
G danksagen. 

dann[~], then, next, pray: was will er —? 
— un wann, now and then; mer hen — 
schee™ wetter, we certainly are having fine 
weather. G dann, denn. 

dannetwann!*~ “| =dann un wann. 

dans[“], m, dance. G Tanz. 

danse(*~], pp gedanst, to dance. G tanzen. 

dapeet(~~], naekscht am, in the nick of time, 
just in time, high time; uff em—,on the 
point (of). G Tapet. 

dappe[*~], pp gedappt, to grasp for, fumble, 
step heavily, walk clumsily. G tappen. 

dappe(’~], m, footprint. G Tappe. 

dappele[*~ oH pp gedappelt, to step, tramp, 
fidget (of a horse). G tappeln. 

dapper|* “], quickly, at once: kumm —. dG 

dapper, G tapfer. 

dapperschpring{~~*], f, diarrhoea. dGdapper 
dappes, dappel[*~], m, clumsy fellow. G 


dappich, tappisch[*~], clumsy, awkward. dG 
dabbig, G tappisch. 

darjel[*~], m, vertigo, dizziness. G Torkel. 

darjele{“~~], pp gedarjelt, to reel, stagger. G. 

darm("], darrem[*~], p! dzrm, gut, intestine. 
(s Darm. 

darmel{*~], m, dizziness. G Taumel. 

darmlich{*~], dizzy. G taumlich. 

darm || saet[*"], f, gut string, catgut; 
{*~], f, dysentery. 

darn, dann, dorn{"], f, thorn; grieni —, green- 
brier; hochi —, high blackberry; — im 4k, 
thorn in the flesh, eyesore. G Dorn. 

darne || ros[*~ ], f, sweet-brier; -schpell{* ~~], f, 
red haw, scarlet thorn; -schtock{*~~], m, 

darnich, dannich{*~], thorny. G dornig. 

darnooch{~*], dennooch[-], thereafter. G 
darnach. Cf denno. 

darr[-], m, tar; im — sei’, 

darre{*~], pp gedarrt, to tar. G teeren. 

Darredee[*~ 7], f, Dorothy. G Dorothea. 

darrich[*~], tarry. G teerig. 

darrich{[*~], through, throughout; 
thoroughly. G durch. 

darrich-[*~], separable and inseparable prefix 
of verbs, and prefix of derived words. G 

darrichaus[~~*], throughout, on the whole, by 
ail means, positively; — net, on no account. 
G durchaus. 

darrich || bade[*~~~], to wade through; -beisse 
{*~~~], to bite through; -blettre[*~~~], to 
turn the leaves of a book; -blicke[*~~~], to 
peep through; -blose[*~ ~~], to blow through, 


to be tipsy. G 

— un —, 

spend; -bobre[*~~~], to bore through, per- 
forate; -breche[*~~~], to break through; 

-brenne[*~~~], to burn through, make a 
hole by burning, elope, run away; -brijjele 
[*~~~*~], to beat soundly; -bringe[*~~™~!, to 
squander; -bringer[*~~~], m, spendthrift; 
zbrode[*~~~], to fry through; -draje{*~~~], 
to bear through (a burden); -drede(*~~~], 
to wear through by treading; -dresche 
{°~~~], to flog soundly; -dricke[*~~~l, to 
press through; -drickle[*~~~], to dry thor- 
oughly; -dringe[*~~~], to penetrate, per- 
meate; -dringlich[-~*~], penetrable; -driw- 
we[-~*~], cunning, sly; -dropse[*~~~], to 
drop, filter through; -(e)nanner{*~~~~], in 
confusion, helter-skeiter; -(e)weck[{-~~*], 
throughout, on an average; -fahre[*~~~], 
to drive through, pass through (like a 

shudder); -fahre[-~-~], streaked, veined: 
sfall[*~~], m, diarrhoea; -falle[*~~~], to fall 
through, fail; -faule[‘~~~], to rot through; 

sfiehre{-~~~], to carry through, execute; 
-fresse[*~~™~], to eat through, corrode; sich 
—, to make one’s way under difficulties; 
sgeh*[*~"], to go through, run away, 
escape; -gucke[*~~~], to look through; 
zhacke[*~~~], to chop through with an ax, 
lash till the skin breaks; -jaje[*~~~], to 
chase or drive through, squander; -kumme 
[*~~~j, to come through, come off (well); 
-laf[*~"], m, diarrhoea; -lafe[-~~~], to walk 
through, run through; -leddere(*~~~~], to 
thrash soundly; -leichte[*~~~], to shine 
through; -lese[*~~~], to read through, 
peruse, pick over; -losse{*~~™~], to allow to 
pass through; -mache[*~~~], to experience, 

a _y _ a 
ye & ’ 
“Pome b aa oe 

af af? are 

tex ( ria Ag Kant, air-pf 

My We 

s in Lo es 

Ms reafhmiee 6" pera 
niin \ : on) 7 F f Wine) 
oa eae Od eer Bie 
=* : - ‘ . 4 
a >> am) lleid Palade venanty beled p 
>. i. om Taal baad A ae Tes, —: ree’. re J. 
“orisatedt y stnab Ds ae hee ome 

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os = 
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tines bevinsh to xdsxy bns aes ah 


ed slodw od? no suodguowds P-“euadoirub . 

nuts dn mo Jet plevitieog snes he 
saaiod= sdguotdt sbaw o3 d-7 "obi > i dotreb 
or igatishde.- prignoii? siid of yeaa 
ot .f )™jodaiich oad & to evvasl ssit nwt 
gue ir woid ot |" ~“leaolds ; dyno) qeaq 
ovouls #tod-08 oo **Jorslods r base 
euaeds dsdul of {~~ jotserds sterol 
& steer «dywoult -mud of Tr" joan 
slejinds pyeus as ,oqols gnimund vd led 

oF af)” ‘jognitd= ixibe OS 1090 OO viet 
Rirdthaoge mij" pegaind= jrsbesupe- 
i -““Weifsbs :dgvonls yat ot ~~ *pbords 

““*isheth. ;(asitvd &#) dguouls teed 03 
ecineszi-« . ppaibser? vd dguetd? daew. oF 
oF J “ig aethys ~wifs TU08 got oO} inc 
nit wilh 03 in**“lebionb- ifywoudt sesng 

eq teaneq of *Veuatzbe alas 
-winh- jaiarieneg eee: ~ (ster 
of ‘jezqotb. +y¥la: yrinaws Pee 
o: [*~"*}remmantede piygugatt ssid gob 
{> *""hilgew(e)« - potlade-postad fioiyuin02 
Ds ue -eoR757h AS TO Auodguonls 

ell dgucrds seaq .dguewli svidb of 
badeotte f° a+ ver lfite abu 
ligt 03 f°" *jaliak -meorriaib ir f° "liste 
:Hiywords gor off” ~ “poiaat- fied shaquerit 
‘stuns ,davoid) yiss oF f° lardon: 
dxie ishinios ,asouit tae 03 PE seat 
ieeiiusmib webau Yew esto ‘odsm oy. 
“ews mun dguowls o eo 
inguoruts doot oF ["""*Hsoloug: saQel88 
28 nz diiw dguords gods 09 [~~*lealoads 
ot J ""*jeihi: selend male ois tir deal 
situmerd: sisbasup* ,dgvouls avinb 16 sestlo 
(Hew? They orien “abguondt smoo oF j""~*] 
dJisw or [°° "*}oiale pssodinetb a [AG - 
o) [7° **jorsbbsl: piynordd nut digeoris 
oniga of fossa eylbnisoe fags 
avert best of i{°""*}eanle 

on woils et ([°"~ *jeasels “v0 43iq tuts 
fen wes o: {"**jsdoame jayuoiws a2oq 

Pyans be | A 


toatl Ao. 

a YE toa ‘@ ia a6 ._ 
Pe ee are aot 

A pees % “lan chee rn Gg F 


WV Phe 


53 nngooa rn. kid Fn omens . 
cots) sear blind a fama 
ent red seb Boers 

aqon — paieanat ; 

bunkynsC O +42 ry He ms : 
5 i) t ary? ‘ Fy 
eaaedt shop ba alms oF ; 
oe at 4 
sedinsh 3 panne Meee ri 
sbusiterg zonlubingdi 2 As aps 4 
: OMTise gaivigedtneds m | j taab | _ 
y¢ab Jessi = yntrviged sf Hidoaete cs 
> ot ees jsoawecaaal 
wo 3 
(ii) D ott dneds i ‘jinisad , insb 
(rio non? ie 
ats guinab ,/ ims 

‘zdand? 1Bo 03 siptanb aa {°“oibeaaab 4 

S— in iw any :ya1q rom neds ‘Tiaaab z 
AP Dac Bocnicd won ,anew Mit oy 
onl gnived ote yinistss sw ietisw “ssdoe 
a neers 

anew oy oasb=[~* a 
|  sasT OD ep pease 
smgstai 2) = .sanab o2 —— aq 
omit Io Asin sft ai ms 2 nv pean De 

rm i ro ot 

oft no —~ ims Ry jsnrit 

sidmut ,r03 ‘sae ae ie) aio. 
m he ry 
coeds iallensds aw i tas alee 

BOGE ins jnmason or nk he is 
qinsi | wed o3 leqgaboy 
a > laqqs? rons oe & to) : 90 t 

Ob nied cece wes 48 3 

finish; -nass[-~*], wet through; -nemme 
[~~~], to take through, carry out, put 
through the sprouts; -reese({-~ ~~], to travel 
through, traverse; -reide[*~~~], to ride 
through; -reisse[*~"~], to tear in two; 
-reiwe[*~ ~~], torub through, chafe; -rutsche 
[*~~“], to wear through by rubbing; 
-schaffe[*~~~], to convey through; sich —, 
to make one’s way with difficulty; -schau- 
dre[~~*~], to shudder, thrill; -scheine[*~ ~~], 
to shine through; -schiessej*~~~], to shoot 
through, get streaked, spread (of colors); 
-schimmere|*~~~~], to glimmer through; 
<schinne[*~~~], to fray; sich —, to get 
through with difficulty; -schlachtich[*~~~], 
variegated; -schlajje[- ~~~], to knock or kick 
through, soak through; sich —, to force 
one’s way through, get through as best 
one can; -schleefe[*~~~], to drag through; 
zschlippe[*~~~], to slip through, escape; 
-schlitze|*~~~], to slit through; -schluppe 
{*~~~], to creep through; -schneide[*~~~}, 
to cut through, cut in two, intersect; 
-schnitt[*~~], m, intersection; so im —, on 
the average; -schnittlich[~~~~], on the aver- 
age; -schnuffle[*~~~], to snoop through, 
rummage; -schteche{*~~™~], to pierce, punc- 
ture; -schtecke[*~~~], to stick through; 
sschteh*[*~"], to endure to the end; 
-schtewwere[*~ ~~~], to search in every part, 
rummage; -schtreiche/*~~~], to make a 
mark through, cancel; -sehne[*~ ~~], to look 
through, see through, look over (a book); 
-seihe[*~ ~~], to strain through, filter; -setze 
{*~~~], to enforce, carry out; -sichtich 
[*~~~], transparent; -suche[*~~~], to search 
through, ransack; -suddre[*~~~], to seep 
through; -wachs{*~~], m, boneset, thorough- 
wort; -«weeche[*~~~], to soak through, flog 
thoroughly; -wiehle[*~~~], to rummage 
through; -witsche[*~~~], to slip through, 
escape; -wolle[*~~~], to want to go through; 
ezieje[*~"~], to pull or drag through; 
<zuck[*~~], m, main beam in a building, 
girder; -zucke[-~*~], to shudder, twitch; 
szwenge(*~~~], to force (an object) through; 
sZwinge|*~~~], to force (a plan) through. 

darrichnanner |} graddle[*~~~~~ ], to crawl 
around in great confusion; -mache[*~~~~~ 1, 
to jumble up, turn topsy-turvy; -wiehle 
{[+~<~"~], to turn things topsy-turvy. 

darrichs[*~]=darrich es. 

darrlogel, darrlokel{*~~], darrjockel[*~~], m, 
tar-keg (suspended from the axle of a 
wagon on long trips). G Teer+P logel 
<OHG lagella <L lagena. 

darrschtengel[’~~], m, sleepy catchfly. PG 
darr + schtengel. 

da(r)schdich{*~}, thirsty. G durstig. 

da(r)scht{“], m, thirst. G Durst. 

darum{~*~], therefore, for this. G darum. 

das[~], which, who (rel pr). G das. 

dasch{[”], f, mouth, pocket (rare). G Tasche. 

dass, ass[*], that (conj): mach, — du fart- 
kummscht; since (last): es is schunn lang 

— ich dich nimmi gsehne habb; than: was 
is schenner — blumme; as: des land is 
frei fer mich so gut — fer dich, this country 
is free for me as well as for you. G dass, 
in two latter meanings confused with PG 
as for G als. 

dat{"], f, act, deed, feat; in der —, indeed. 

G Tat. 

datem[~*~], m, date. -G Datum. 

datt, dart[-], datte[*~], there. G dort, dorten. 

datt || anne|*~~], thither, into that place (with 
a verb of motion). dG datanne; -darrich 
[*~~], through there; -darrichnaus[*~~~], 
out through there; -darrichnei*[*~~"], in 
through there, in that direction; -darrich- 
niwwer[*~~*~], over through there; -dar- 
richnuff[*~~~], up through there; -darrich- 
nunner([*~~*~], down through there; -dar- 
richraus[*~~~], out through there; -darrich- 
rei~[*~~*], in through there; -darrich- 
riwwer[*~ ~*~], over through there; -darrich- 
runner(*~~~~], down through there; -debei 
ea) o pyethat seesdefor(’*; emior “that; 
-degeje[“~"~], against that; -dehinner 
[~~~], behind that, back of that; -(de)mit 
[*~~], with that; -denewe[*~~~], there by 
the side of; -devor[*~ 7], in front of that; 
-devun{*~~], of that, from that; -dezul[*~ 7], 
to that, in addition to that; -dezwische 
[*~~~], in between there; -dra7[*], at that; 
-dra~hi~[*"*], along there; -dra*naus 
[*"*], out along there; -dra”niwwer[’~*~], 
over along there; -dra“nuff[*~*], up along 
there; <-dra*nunner[*~*~], down along 
there; -dra“riwwer|*~*~], over along there; 
sdrauss[~*], out there; -drin[*<], in there; 
-driwwe[-*~], over there; -driwwer[**™], 
over that; -driwwerdraus[*~~-], out over 
that, superior to that; -drowwel’*~], up 
there; -druff[**], on that, on there; -druff- 
hi~(*~*], along that, on the strength of that; 
-drum(*~], about that; -drunne(**~], down 
there; -drunner[*~~], under that; -her{*"], 
along there; vun —, from there; -herzus 
[*-~], from along there; -hi7[{*"], there, 
thither; -hi*newe[‘~~~], along the side 
there; -hinne[~*~], back there; -hinnri[~*~], 
back there (with a verb of motion); -hinn- 
rizus[“*~™~], back in that direction; -hi"zus 
[*-~], along there; -mit[*~], with that; 
enaus(*~], out there; -nauszus{~~~], out in 
that direction; -nei*[*"], in there, in that 
direction; -nei*zus[~~~], (in) in that direc- 
tion; -newe[’*~], along the side there; 
sniwwer[ *~], over there; -niwwerzus|~*~~], 
off over in that direction; -nuff{[*~], up 
there; «nuffzus[~*~], up in that direction; 
snunner[-*~], down there; -nunnerzus 
[--~~], down in that direction; -raus[*"], 
out from there; -rauszus[~~~], out from 
that direction; -rei7[* "|, from that direc- 
tion; -rei~zus[“*~], in from that direction; 
sriwwer|*~~], over that way; -ruff[*~], up 
there; -ruffzus[~*~], up that way; -rum[*"], 
thereabout; -runner[~*~], down that way; 

wened wo een wes, ; ni a, pan JE uel 

6 3m wl ? cad : ik 
dys. a wee he 

pee “wh ge 

dai) saele desis oni vesigicla J* >" ont & DOSS 09 Sy) eae eee  lguer 
dainwah= yoanatsh Wh Lorton a _ *» SaaS, anh Sa | # 19 engl 
J*""*jenendoinebs zoned, dgwonds f° gomay mir ee 
at yf” *“;risadoinab- pron . 3. p A SS baie en a ri 
“a Rohde reds oe ; A i, eee Tie : a we tiguords, : 

~isbe a dguow2 aw £ S$ “ues 
etnabie seed doves? 30 ie*~ aueareion ' sigue? sno i" “fotsal. 

edoittnb: omit tiguowl ni f°" plier KAD ~ + « 

~taimieb: sas? fyuewsi ave [ *”" “howwrr eqquidce: ;dauouls diet 07 

jedshe :o1sti3 dynos awob [*"*penaut {"~*}ebiensioa: jalguenmia geen 

+ tae? bi J "*hoteh iad? vd "4 (J9se39dn! ows Al Moy 
tennideh« - tat? teniege Pca no ~~ mi oz proliases ify 
tizmob}< tcl to aoed feds prided =~") “ws aly oo [*"™ : 
vd sia rome ‘lewensds :tad3 stiw .**) Sgverds goome of 

steel te Jac ma ni Bis hoveb: tho obie 043 ~nNud .97291q OF 7" 

.* “is sabe torit moti ted) to {°*"jau7eb- sdauoxul? Asie of ME ea d 
oisziwsob- 3083. 09 soitbhe of ted? 08 bas sy .ct siubes ace 
jiedo 38 Pai: fered nodes dT °egeyseo mi toma ae, 
guen"éxb  :otet . yools i Pid bab B sxac o3 |" *jedslevdees ~ 

°° “powwie™ tbs seat yale ao {7 “| doo! ot [~~ leadeg. oe 
gaola as J” Ray 2"*inb-« -srstlt ynais wvo j(load sg) 2ovo aoa! ,aguouty see , 

gnole swob..j-*”"peanun*hthe -jersd esise. ; ria igpords mete Of per aed 
yt sdtenela miro J “tewwit Bib: joss datidsies jo ye nolne -~ol y aie : 
ussid. ai bah ibs zy uM 106 f*"jeeuarb doings 03 io7- "Isdome- NM eCEn sy , “a ; 
i** “erwin: . pasils avo "jew vse OF >" esbbuex sdnbensy \dguowls 4 
avo tuo |-*"“lemethiowwitby ;fads 970 -Ag0cnGd) jseyhod .at ,["~ *jestoawe ; sdguonls 

au J **lewworb- ;jo0r). 03. 3omsque cad gol vdgssordds sac 2 PB cageeres pnw . 


~hutb> j;aderii oo. deri no, “sites rR amma of [°° "*hekthetes 

‘Sect to dipnsie ost no 20K gouls i ‘pid siguonit giz of °°" Jodoaties’ words 

pwob [°° "jsnamtbe ped) aude i" jmurb- DHguertrlt oy ov Inew O1 i--" "allows 

a” *hemde thet 13 baw A+ *‘penauth« ;stpds pe teed yb yo Lug oF Foiisie 
sustmde ieralt mont .—auv :ststd gaole ibliud « nit masd sian im f-* 

tons ft 't Sid: fo3a8? grole. moth f° **j ait ,hbuda of [***"jedaus: Mee. 

she st? yaols ia ‘jawan"ide jwdids Heart shah a herdetinaee 7 
fr “Yrantiithe yorod? Aosd "“jaanid: joreds iguonds (asiq 6) emot of [°° ~*}egniws> 


~anisi: ;(nolierm to dv « dtiw) stods aioed lwsn o) jf bbstg ; tennendsineb 
eus*ite cnuitzetib ted? bbaload {- *""}enan 07" " "*jecioerm ;aoidulnos tests ni bourse 

stoca- ates fF “ime. paredds gnotk B pea | sideiras :wriuiyveqo) mud qu 3 r 
nt 3vo ,j ~"jeysemans sisi suo s “UHUst-yagos a erass chef adaiee uJ 
2403 ni ,sront nt J *}“em tnoiissub ted? | 

oauib $223 at {ni} a “jens “sae pneitoeub (itt as lleaootmab i Seite 

“srt? obie ary grola ff *"jswea= ;soft rs bebneqeue) - a 
r~*“;ueetswwite joe isvo | *"jrewwite fsgol aT. 2» iH nd NO nee 
qu f° Put Snottenib md1 nt gobo Aes! 
-aoizoenib tedd oi qu ae rs cee el “efidoses ree so aaa, 

5 ie arenes igtad 

Spyate smoltonib fk ni .. 4 
i wo .f*"jeuseue zamadd mmol “quo 
<enib gals mor fer ineenib ted3 
‘notiastib datz mort , Pg om pmol? 
u Pine 0 rvew dad? ave 0“ "powwhe 
t ~{orier te jysue peta qu {°° “javraBar- serodds 
veow sama cwob ~°* hemmuns’ yuodasrds 

srunnerzus[~*~~], down in that direction; 
sverri(~*~], forward there; -verrizus[~*~~], 
up front there; -varne[’*~], there in front; 
ezerick[-~~], back there; -zerickzus[~~*~], 
off back in that direction. 

datte[*~], name of the Jewish game of cards 
glawrias (G Klabrias) localized in Allen- 
town; en —, a run of three cards of the 
Same suit (the seven-spot being the lowest 
card in the deck) in the game ot datte. 

dattebella{-~+~], queen, king and ace, or jack, 
queen and king, of trumps in the game of 

daub["|, f, p! dauwe, dove, pigeon. G Taube. 

daub["], f, pl dauwe, stave (of a barrel). G 

daubert{~~], m, male pigeon. G Taubert. 

dauche[~~], pp gedaucht, to dive; gedaucht, 
stooped, bent (from age) G tauchen. 

dauer{~~], f, duration. G Dauer. 

dauere[~~~], pp gedauert, to endure, last, 
continue. G dauern. 

dauere[~~~], pp gedauert, to 
pity. Gdauern. 

dauerhaft/~~~], lasting, durable, strong. G 

dauerunschad{~~~~], es is, it is a great pity. 
G dauer und schade. 

daume[~~], m, thumb. G Daumen. 

pity, excite 

daumenejjel[~~~~], m, thumbnail. G Dau- 
daumesdick[~~~], thick as a thumb. G 


daumling, deimling[~“~], m, thumbstall. G 

dausellanisch{"~~~], awfully (a playfully 
exaggerating compound). Cf hesseldon- 
isch. G Daus=E deuce. 

dausend, daused[~~], thousand. G tausend. 

dausend || fiesser{~~ ~~], m, milliped; -jaehrich 
{*~"~], millennial; -reich{~~ 7}, n, millen- 
nium; -mol{~~"], a thousand times; -sap- 
perlott[~ ~~~], gee whiz! 

dausendgildegraut{("~*~~], n, American cen- 
taury, bitterbloom. G Tausendgiilden- 

dausich[*~], ei der, dear me! the dickens! 
the deuce! was der —, what the deuce! 
gotts —, well, well! — bettel, good heavens! 
G Daus. 

dauwe || dieb[~~ 7], m, chicken-hawk; -gropp 
[~~~], m, pigeon’s crop, fumitory; -kaschde 
{<"*"],_.m,.dove-cote;,, «millich{""~-], | f, 
pigeon’s milk; -mischt[~~~], m, pigeons’ 
_droppings; -mescht{~~~], n, dove’s nest. 

David(~~], m, David. G David. 

de[~], enclitic form of du: gehschde mit? 

de[“], (before comparatives) the: — lenger 
— besser; dat pl of the def art: ich habb’s 
— leit gsAt; sometimes m acc sing of def 
art: — Mittwoch; very rarely heard for 
the prefix ge- (demacht =gemacht). 

debbich{*~], m, quilt, bedspread. G Teppich. 

debei, dabei[-~], along with, among, by that. 
G dabei. ; ; 

I A TA et SC ae ee ES EO aR LLY REI Peet ge 

debei || bleiwe[-*~~], to stay with, stick to; 
-sitze[“* ~~], to sit by; -schteh7[“~ "], to stand 
by (one’s contentions). 

dechsel[*~], m, adze. G Dachsel. 

dechsle(*~], pp gedechselt, to hollow out, trim 
down, thrash. G dachseln. 

deck[~], f, cover, ceiling. G Decke. 

deckbett[*~], mn, coverlet, feather-bed. G 

decke[*~], pp gedeckt, to cover, put a roof on, 
thatch. G decken. 

deckel{*~], m, lid, hat. G Deckel. 

deckel | glas[*~"], n, glass with a lid; -kann 
{-~~], f, can with a lid. 

dedarrich{’*~], through this, by this means, in 
this way. G dadurch. 

deediche{~~~], pp gedeedicht, to kill, cause 
death. G t6ten. 

deedlich{-~], deadly. G tét+lich. 

deejich{~~], doughy. G teigig. 

deek[j], m, dough; — schaffe, to knead 
dough. G Teig. 

deel], n, part, share; (e~) —, some. G Teil. 

deele[~~], pp gedeelt, to divide, share, deal 
(out), deal (with), part. G teilen. 

deelmol{[~~], sometimes. G Teil+ Mal. 

deels["], partly. G teils. 

deelweis(~~], partly, partially. 

deer, dier[7], f, door. G Tiir. 

deerche, deerli, dierche([~~], n, gate, small 

ate. Dims of G Tiir. 

deere || band{~~~], n, hinge of a door; -gnopp 
[-~~], m, door knob; -henk[~~~], f, door- 
hook; <rijjel[~~~~], m, bolt of a door; 
zschlissel[~~~~], m, doorkey; -schloss{~~~], 
n, door-lock; -schwell[-~~], f, threshold, 

deerhieter{/~~~], m, porter. G Tiirhiiter. 

deerich(t)[~~], foolish. G téricht. 

deete[~~], pp gedeet, to kill. G téten. 

deffendiere[~~~~], pp deffendiert, sich, to 
defend oneself, excuse oneself. G defen- 
dieren <L defendere. Cf verdeffendiere. 

defor[-~], for it, in favor of; ich kann nix —, 
I can’t help it; — sei”, to be in favor of 
it. G dafiir. 

degeje[ ~*~], against it; ich habb nix —, I have 
no objections. G dagegen. 

degleiche[-~~], the like; un so —, and such 
as that, and so forth. G desgleichen. 

deheem|~*], at home. G daheim. 

dehi~{~~], thither, along, done for: ’sis alles 
—. Gdahin. 

dehi*bringe[-~~~], pp dehi~gebrocht, to ac- 
complish, bring about. G dahin-+bringen. 

dehinne[~*~], back (in, by, at). G dahinten. 

dehinner[~*~], behind, back of it. G da- 

dehr{"]=ehr, you (used in some sections for 
2d pl pr). Gihr. 

dei~[{"], your. G dein. 

deich["], n, pond, depression, hollow, valley. 
G Teich. 

de“ich{*~], I think, I guess, I suppose, per- 
haps, no doubt. G denk ich. 

G teilweise. 

Paden sah ete Spe Tah wien 
ae ne an lnadaab 

7) ee ~e?S 

ace ei 
seuso bl o3 gicibosbee ~*jeroibesh 

re tasb 
.doil+- 4 » 

wObeob [> 

ayucb [** b 
baond of ssitedoa —+ >aguch in lyase’ 

» agisT OD .ddauob 
ist O ane ae 's) psteda ig 
isob \etade .sbivib of Sesbog aq i“ jsissb 
Rees o> swag Adisive) lesb , (sue) 

M+isf O .e¢amisemes J *jlomlesh 
elias bneg J leiseb 
-siswiist «) “ifsiting lsuaq J “leiswissb 

id), sob.) fheib rs0b 
Hasne .steg yr jedomsib ihsab iced 

oot WT 2) to anid 935 
egomg :300b # le genid .n {-~“ jbaad | seed 
sem .) [°"* felted :dond a00b ym ey 
‘wok « Io tod tr PS Fett xst00 

"> beaokdog: pysaroob am f° ~~ jeseetidser 

blot la outs i “if “*Mewsise: jalsol-voxtky 8 

‘ - Hetaod 
astidwT O asheq fret + Rololdaseb 
Adon; »)  .tletoot .F"}adomeeb 

. 93642 ,libl-ot soatein oq 1 jstaeb 
0] ~ flo matbosheb eo. eC swsibas 
-asieh 2 Jtisesne ostvoxe listand basieb 

srsibashabiay 2) .etsbaslob 1> nomib 
~~ xin ened toi sto tovel nt Ji so? [~"froleb 
lo qovs! ni sd 03 (ise = i aish Jaapl 

“ish a) 3 
svetl 1 , ~~ xin dad sot; ti Jenisys .i°*~ jejegeb 
ssgogab 2 .enooside on 
fove bes .- aeonu podid off? [>"}sdpislgod 
astsieiggnab O .direl te bas 203 28 
Jnistish 2 .smod +6 .[* loneetiob 
eslis aie’ m0) snob gadis viodaidl? — 
~3% OF adenine iddeb A ae 
asgnind + nidsb. ‘aioe WD ig ante 
nomidat tse wd yn and ‘avaeeadile 
6b <) .3 le dosd ,bnirisd [**fpsanuisb 
~ol ennifose amoz ai beew) voy .te= | "pudeb 
wmiw. <aq in be 
hisb )  .2woy | oe 
parks owolied :noigeoxgab +bn0g 

~15q \seogqae I 
ict anes 2) «aduob 

I oii t i isinod 

on 2 ‘am’ 

eau! aa a wae 

heintgihses br: I “es ap el % 

“i bes a ned »- 7 _ 
a eee ae ae 
sc ae 

‘ 4 -_ 
ie ialhoe staan) +ttedrueh _ 

Jjeal ~oubns 

stioxe wig 
oO prose sidswh oa $i : ‘ 
Niiq taxvTg & 2-3 ge 4° 
nemo  - eer a oe 
-us0 =) Jiandmud) at = 4 

3 dew? @ 2s isu nie 

D Ustedaud: mo I a 

ylivbgslq. s) gintwa [°*""jxoeinhllseush 
sobbaess fe fiche 

Listes Sesion ies nt aecuab 

aa Sai"; 4 PTE at 

-asiiiay .n ({ “*|doier PR ners r Feta! | 

~qea. jsomiy bnsauods s [~~ }lom iouin, 
5g seems 29g. -*~tobssg. 

“99 Mg ISM “4 on 

“SahibabaswusT. By .taooldrsitid “cust, 

lensiloih ads Lom wasb tab Is c tee 
fsoush ons jedw — rob acw leonsb odd = 
iangrnotl boog dotted ~—'ilew Jisw + 

qqotg: ;Awed-oodoivig mm. r* 

— -wrodimul 11932. 8 MOBIC 

? P es 

‘anosgiq Mm rage) 
329m 2 ‘svob.o tk . 

df da: ‘jis lab oo 

ob to nia 225 mt 
yisiet gag, 

(J ae 
AaiggeT < 

a & SRE: Ve ORE 

deiche, deichle[~~], pp gedeich(el)t, to lay 
drain pipes. G deichen. 

deichel[~~], n, conduit pipe. G Deichel. 

deichsel[~~], f, wagon tongue, pole, human 
tongue (humorously). G Deichsel. 

deichsel || kett[*~~],f, pole-chain; -najjel[*~~~], 
m, pole-pin; -scherj*~ 7], f, hounds (of a 
wagon); -schnall[~~~], f, buckle on pole- 

deier[~~], dear, expensive. G teuer. 

deierscht(~~], dearest, most expensive. G 

deifelsabbisswarzel, deiwelsabbisswarzel 

~ve~~~),f,devil’s bit, flaming star. GTeu- 
felsabbiss+ Wurzel. 
deifelszung|[~~™~], f, prickly pear. A PGcom- 

pound: Teufel+Zunge. 
deihenker[~~~], m, deuce, devil; der — is los, 
there’s the deuce to pay; -s, deucedly. P 
deihenker <G Diebhenker. 
deimele{~~~], pp gedeimelt, to press with the 
thumb. Verb formed from daume. 
deiner, deini{[~~], deins["], yours (pr). deiner. 
deinesgleiche[~~~~], such as you, your equal. 
G deinesgleichen. 

deirer[~~], dearer, more expensive. G teurer. 

deite[~~], pp gedeit, to point, explain. G 

deiter{(~~], m, pointer. G Deuter. 

deitlich[~~], plain, distinct, clear, explicit. G 

deitsch{"], German; en -i sens, a broad-bladed 
scythe that was sharpened by hammering; 
di — wohret, the plain truth. G deutsch. 
Deitschland[~~], n, Germany. G Deutsch- 
Deitschlenner[*~~], m, German born in Ger- 
many. G Deutschlander. 
deitschlennerisch[~~~~], German. Gdeutsch- 
deiwel, deifel[~~], m, devil, slater’s stake; 
hol’s der —, sure as fate; geh zum —, go 
to the devil! G Teufel. 
deiwelheftich["~*~], fearfully, madly. G teu- 
deiwelsabbiss(warzel)[~~*~~~], f,unicorn root, 
colic root, ague root; also rattlesnake root, 
golden root, lion’s foot. G Teufelsabbiss 
+ Wurzel. ; 
deiwels || dreck[~~~], m, asafoetida; -gewalt 
+~~*+l f mit, with all might, by all means; 
zkatz([~~~], f, hell-cat; -loch{~~~], n, cave. 
deiwle([~~], pp gedeiweit, to annoy, bedevil. 
G teufeln. 
deiwlisch, deiflisch{~~], devilish. G teuflisch. 
deixel{[~~], was der, what the deuce! G 
deje{[~~], m, sword. G Degen. 
delbel[*~], m, awkward fellow, yokel. 
delbeljohre[*~ ~~], 
awkward years. 
dell[~] =dall. 
deller{*~], m, plate. 
dellerduch{*”~], n, napkin. 


pl, years of indiscretion, 
G Tolpeijahre. 

G Teller. 
G Tellertuch. 



dem[*], dat of def art and of dem pr. Gdem. 
demant(*~], m, diamond. G Demant. 
demarje[~*~], the past morning, this morning, 
the coming morning (according as it is 
used with a verb in the past, present or 
future tense). G den Morgen. 
demegradisch[*~~~], Democratic. G demo- 
kratisch but formed from E Democratic. 
demegrat|*~"}], m, Democrat. GG Demokrat. 

demiddak[~*"], today noon, at noon. Cf 

demiedich{*~~], humble. G demiitig. 

demiediche{[~~~~], pp gedemiedicht, to 

humble, mortify. G demiitigen. 
demmere|*~~], pp gedemmert, to become 
dusk. G dammern. 

demmerung|‘~~], f, dawn, twilight. G Dam- 

demno, demnooch[*"], according to this, 
seemingly, evidently; — as, according as. 
G demnach. 

dempe[*~], pp gedempt, to boil, stew, damp- 
en. G dampfen. 

demut({~"], f, humility. G Demut. 

den{~], acc sing m of dem adj and pr and 
sometimes of def art. G den. 

denewe[~~~], by the side of, at the same time; 
zr is — kumme, he missed it. G daneben. 

dengel || hammer[{*~~~], m, hammer for sharp- 
ening scythes, scythe-hammer; -schtock 
[°~~}, m, small anvil on which the edge of a 
scythe is hammered out to sharpen it, 

dengle[*~], pp gedengelt, to sharpen by ham- 
mering out. G dengeln. 

gi aed “], imaginable, thinkable. 


denke[*~], pp gedenkt, to think, imagine. 
G denken. 

denki{*~]. See danki. 

denk || mol{*~],n, memorial, monument; -zeije, 
-zeeche[*~~], n, reminder, remembrance, 
souvenir; -zettel[*~~], m, reminder. 

denn[~], for (rare). G denn. 

denn{~|, f, threshing-floor. G Tenne. 

denne[*~], dat pl of dem adj and pr. Gdenen. 

dennewek[*~"], this way, after this fashion, 
as follows. Gden Weg. 

denno[~*], at it, about it, dennort, dennot, 
derno{~~], after that, then, subsequently, 
accordingly; es is 4 —, it is what you 
would expect. dG dernod, dernodert. G 

dennowed{~*~}, the past evening, this evening, 
the coming evening (according as a verb 
in the past, present or future tense is used). 
G den Abend. Cf demarje. 

dennwand|*~], f, boarded-up side of a thresh- 
ing floor. G Tenne+Wand. 

denser, danser[*~j, m, dancer. G Tanzer. 

densle[*~], pp gedenselt, to dance, prance 
(of a horse). G tanzeln. 

der, d’r[-], the (nom mas); also dat sing fem. 


G denk- 

Pgh eae eee aCe Hh TA oP oF 

re Sas | 

ee ee Oi es 

hi S80 gt scene 

“nasa yao toy nis TE 
‘agar dln ce dnt, 35 

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BS nit Oh aes ’ 
“a ie, = fh st 

~qmsb .wols ,fiod-o3 — by AN an 


prs OD scsitinead 3,0 *}eorsb 

bas « brs rhs sisb fo m patie oon f iesd 
dteb 2 te Tob io somstiomoe 

remit omer ott 3g to abies ait gd” *“jowomeb 
insionkh O 21 basin od sora — eb ee 

-qrase tot reread tx f°" “panne j Isgaeb 
tooiise:  Sautnmsd-adzyo8 jesrlaoe gning 
& to 4ghs ods dolde no itvos isme sm De 

it neatede oF gu0 beiennEd ef oftyne 
Areng-adt 73 

mad yd nexqiade S loynsbog qq si “joigash 
agneb <2 JO gnitam 

jnob D sbdsstnidsy pa I 
snigomi pinids ot jlasbag qq a 

dangh a2 [*yelae 
Ajist ; yoormenoin shone “Hoar 5 ated 
sonstdriems swbnise7 a i” *foxiasen= 
ssbnime on [fT “}eites 

piish 2 .f4167) xe! [janed 
ane) 2 106H-gaidteanls ad hed 

nsnsh 2. .4q bas ibs msb in ig jab { *isaaeb 
oilexi add wile are sid? | ~ “blewsansb 
go'N nob OD 2wollolas 
Jonaed ~rxcaneb 3: jvoda ji te J lonneb 
viinenpaedua Stodd tasks wis ,{- jomeb 
uoy jaw ed. 2 at.29 + 7igoibiwen 

2 .tisbarmsb , ob -.Jseqxe bivew 
az De a ~ jbowonasb 

gaits ards , 22H 9 

Cw & 8 ss ees re a 

Upsen @) 58093 saul t0 rene tenons a 
siiamsb 1D .baedA mab 5 
-feeuls s io sbie qu-bebined 3 {*}baswansb 
bagW+aneeT O aeolt pri 

saniT OD ctponab ym | *freeash t9eneb 
sons; soreb ov Jisenebse .{“*}sleneb 
pisené3 OD domed s to) 

maniacs aris ins axon wee! a nye 

hyoray ** Trae? Ds Aly S* 
i pagirsaew ig utr 

et ae? 

deups WOT .00% ee ak 

A993) sviategxs 
2 .oisiqus ,iniog on 

_ aust OD 
©) ~sizilqan taalo- 
“nuld-beow! « gage ne sans Mo 
p eee 3 sha a =. 
— . 
re io at =" : vai — 
-dzetiab oO =e 
jsdinte atstsie iveb or f° tieb 
6g =~ tox deg jotcl es sue sb Sod 
sedate eo eee 
? vedic | 

2007 nio3inw,} [v"-°"*](losrew)eaiddnalewiob 7 
3001 sdanesisim cele {2001 Suge JooT 
etiddecistusT O 3008 sail eos 

Egg pete ve rhone 

2) Isdoy ys gen ge 

dergleiche[“~~], also, too; such like; un so —, 
etc. G dergleichen. 

fee Tica en: ich habb — gewwe. G dir 

des({], this. G dieses. 

desch{}], f, mouth, vagina. 
G Tasche. 

deschelgraut{*~"], n, shepherd’s-purse; also 
false flax (from similarity of the two 
plants). G Taschelkraut. 

deschperat["~~], desperate. G desperat. 

desde/|~~], so much the: — besser. G desto. 

desgleiches[~~~], the like, the same kind. G 

desmol[*"j, dessemol[*~"], this time. G dies- 

desweje[* ~~], therefore, on that account, for 
that reason. G deswegen. 

Detlausdak[*~"], m, Detlaus Day (Mar. 31). 
G Detlaustag. 

detschle[*~], pp gedetschelt, 

devor[~~], before it, in front of it, before this. 
G davor. 

devun{~<], of it, of that, therefore, from it, 
away. G davon. 

devun || bleiwe[~*~~], to keep away from, 
abstain; -bringe[~*~~], to save, cause to 
survive; -fahre[~*~~], to drive away from; 
-geh~[~*"], to walk off, secede; -grieje[“* ~~], 
to get some of, get (some one) away from; 
2jaje[~~ ~~], to drive away from, chase away, 
leave in a hurry; -kumme[~*~~], to sur- 
vive, escape; -lafe[~* ~~], to walk away from; 
snemme|~*~~], to take away from, partake 

MHG ttesche, 



dewert{[~] (der wert), worth while. G der 

dewedder/~*~], against (it). G dawider. 

dewedder | dappe[’*~~~Jabc; -fahre[-*~~~Jabc; 
geh~[-*~ Jac; -gloppe[-*~~~Jac; -kumme 
ken, ja; © 2late|-~~” abe: «lahnel"*" "la; 
sleie[-*~~ “Ja; -leje[“*~~ “Ja; -najjele[--~~~™] 
ac; -renne[’’~~~Jabc; -schpringe|~*~~~Jabc. 
These (and other) compounds of dewedder 
have meanings with general ideas indicated 
as follows: (a) against it (having some defi- 
nite object in mind), (b) simply against 
with the idea of frustration (without having 
any definite object in mind), (c) to continue 
in thesameactivity. Thus: dewedderdappe 
has all three meanings: (a) to stumble or 

walk against it (having some definite object - 

in mind), (b) to stumble or walk against 
(in the sense of having one’s plans blocked), 
(c) to continue to walk heavily; dewed- 
dergloppe has two (ac) of these general 
ideas: (a) to hammer against it (having 
some definite object in mind) (c) to continue 
hammering; dewedderlahne has only one: 
(a) to lean against it (having some definite 
object in mind). 

deweddermache[~*~~~], pp deweddergemacht, 
to fasten to, continue, keep at it. G 
dawider+machen. : 


deweje[“~~], about it, on account of it. G 

dewek{~~], along: wr is — kumme. G den 
G Dezember. 


Dezember[~*~], m, December. 

dezu[-~], to that, also, too, in addition, be- 
sides; sie sin — nei~, they went in pelimell. 
G dazu. 

dezu |i du~{-*"], to add, put in addition; 
zkeere{~- ~~]; to belong to; -kummej[~~~~], to 
arrive unexpectedly; -leje[“~ ~~], to lay with; 
smache[“-~~], to add to; -rechle[~~~~j, to 
reckon in; -schticke[“~~~] to persevere, per- 
sist; -schtolpere([“~~~~[, to come upon un- 
expectedly; -setze[“~~~], to add; -zaehle 
[--"~], to count in. 

dezwische{-*~], in between. G dazwischen. 

dezwische . darrich[~~~~~], through the midst 
of; -kumme[~*~~~], to intervene, get in 
between; -leje[~*~ ~~], to lay between; -rede 
[-*~"~], to intercede, intermeddle; -schteh~ 
[~*~], to stand between. 

di[“], nom and acc sing of fem of def art, also 

nom and acc pl of def art, the. G die. 
dibbel, dippel[*~], m, dot. G Tiipfel. 

dibbeldonichj*~ ~~], spotted, polka-dotted. G 
Tiipfel +-donich. 

dibblich, dipplich{*~], spotted. G ttipflig. 

dich{~], acc sing of du, you. G dich. 

dichelche[-~~}],n,smallcloth. G Tiichelchen. 

dicherlilje{[~~~~], f, tiger-lily. G Tuigerlilie. 

dichscht{ ~}, densest, closest. G dichtest. 

dicht[~], dense; near by, close. G dicht. 

dichte[{*~], pl, verses. G Dichten. 

dichter[*~], m, poet. G Dichter. 

dichter{*~}, denser, closer. G dichter. 

dichtich[*~}], thorough, capable. G titichtig. 

eg et Mer thoroughly. G_ ttichtig+ 

dick[~], thick, close, stout: — un fett. G 

dick || backich[*~~], full-cheeked; -bauch[*'}, 
m, paunchy person; -keppich{*~~], stupid, 
stubborn, selfish; -kopp[*~}], m, blockhead, 
self-willed person, tadpole; -leiwich{*~~], 
pot-bellied, bloated (of animals), consti- 
pated; -sack[*~], m, pot-belly; -seckich[*~~], 

dicker[*~], thicker. G dicker. 

dicking{*~], f, thickness. G Dickung. 

dickscht["], thickest. G dickst. 

die[], f sing and pl nom and acc of dem adj 
and pr, this (one), these. G die. 

dieb[-], m, thief. G Dieb. 

diebschtahl{[-~], m, theft. G Diebstahl. 

diedeldum{"~~*] deido["*], (imitative of jolly 
music), nddle-de-dee. 

Diedre[{~~], m, Theodoric. 

dief["], deep. G tief. 

diefer{-~], deeper. G tiefer. 

diefing{[~~], f, depth. G Tiefung. 

diefscht["], deepest. G tiefst. 

diefsinnich{[~~™~], thoughtful. G tiefsinnig. 

diene{~~], pp gedient, to serve; dienders 

G Diederich. 

sneiibhs al tua bhe ot bj) urs 
ot /°~*"josummle 109 : 
‘hie vei oy "yet i 
ce) °° ~"jeldoet you bbs 
-T») STevaeeted oF 
cu mogu seios of P°> *“Pereqiotios: 
vides: phbs of ,["*"jestea= ; 
: i avon oF f°” 
eaigetwaeb 0) —neewied ni [-*" 
tabimn seit ¢guoals .[-*~~~}doied | esizetwaeb 
m #39 aosvisini of-"""*" ils 
aber: jasswit ysl of [" "*"jstal- pnsgwaed 
~ detrize- -shhbanr199i whovrin: 03 Reno 
peprins bees 0% me 
sele .tis feb to inst lo giz 218 bes mon [RS 
tb = .add aig sb to fy o> bos mon 
IstgiT O tot mf “Hse | laddib 
J .bestob-sdlog ,bessoqe . >= ict ocenibledietily 
at eS awk isiqoT 
2 inert => .betiogs i *jdoiiagih , ascii 
dibD .ity-wb de gre 236 ,| t}doids 
ne sisdsdT «) atsots theme x, i" *jeetoiestobh: 
wailihesil 2) .xlil-vegid 3 ><" Joilitzedaib 
maith OD vieseolo .teensb .| Widoedoib 
JIicth 2 sel vd %e9r ; 980" ab J jtcio 


asidsith<) 2a a ‘Istdoib 
yedtioitl D: «.t80q «nm J '*frstdoib 
= +. vaeeaeotd sag SROlo asnahe i “javadsib 
P. . giana OD: oldest siguororl ts dei 
+-yinisty. <) . .yitguonois (7? —— 
2) tte nw — stuate seo alot i ie 
‘idaesds pbelesde-Hot f°” ‘jdobtoad ‘ rel 
Lag ie ““|drigasd (NOzISG VEIL aq |. 
besfiaseid an .! “\qaou« pdaftise ,oruxidyta 
~ “\ifotwel isle joier < Rte batltw-tise 

tena. {els mins to) beteold ,bsiliad-tog 
*;domiosex veiled of fa "fone: ; bejaq 
baitied- “109 
“noaiaib 5. stdoids .[- *hnedaib 
aula 2 a@esndoida i { “)gabteib 
Jtedvib oO peeves di trloedoib 
(be sb io soa bas mon lq bas. paie } [sib 
sib .seonlt .[ono) 2:03 .10 
Asi OD. .teidt .m ,deib 
tiswdsid QO, sted) am Jf *|id&sdoedoib 
‘dloj te evitstint) ‘ 
faba petty 

sifnisist? © Ausistguodis i" * jdoinnietoib 
Nebasb iav1Ise OF , qq [> pomoib 


Peay 3 ia 

i: }eapblobeib - 

D .tesguab | paselelb. 


not yee a er 

o} senso svace of 7" A 
‘mov yews svnb ot 7 io 
[> * joteing sobre to . Mi. 
;montl yews (en0 smide) 3 yi de 
town oxen yon) {ews 34 ry = Sek 7 
-we oF ([°** “beoemurde & si arash , 
:movt yews disw on f+ etels sel =i s 
olereg , 103i "BWR rare os oe - 

ere ie te dren 3) Pia 7 
asbiweb O sip eokgn 


cadal’ ***"loyainadoes ; : j 
webbewab to ebnivoqmos (s¢d0 ) Ma oY og 
beisibni easbi lssoneg dicw egminasomm seed ©) +) : 
-fob smox gnived) a ian oan ioe srngi = 
teniege viomie (4) bawn d 
ghived saiey ni wade al lo pit ig 
cetmane (a) riety £23 J>9{Ki0 93 
aqabiebbs auciT yi 

pr og sme 
jc sae ee (8) deorsr ens esis Us” ad 
doo 92 ones gniv a) 

poe pl dizw ww sidmonte o7 ( Gnarat a 

fener be ro | 
swoon equities ot 

i seat to io ows ctl 

ar Si deni med ot ; 

BS i a (bnien ni Soide stindab ome 
omoe gniver} Hi Jenings 169 

idasmapibbewsb « 

ti 38 qos ou 

+ B v 

marje, will it be convenient tomorrow, are 
you minded to do it tomorrow? G dienen. 
diener[~~], m, servant. G Diener. 
dier{], n, animal, beast. G Tier. 
dieregarde{~~~~], m, zoological garden. G 

dierli, dierche[~~], n, little animal. Dims of 
G Tier. 
dies["], this (rare): so um — zeit. G dies. 

dietli{[-~], n, dittany. From E. 

dibr{}=ihr, you: — faule bengel. 

dijohr[“~], (some) years ago. 

dill[-], m, dill. G Dill. 

dimmele[*~~], pp gedimmelt, to thunder. P 

dinacht[~~], the past night, tonight, the com- 
ing night (according as it is used with a 
verb in the past, present or future tense). 
G die Nacht. Cf demarie. 

dinde[*~], m, ink. G Tinte. 

dinde || beer{*~"], f, poke, pokeweed; -blacke 
*~*~], m, inkspot; -fass[*~~], n, inkstand; 
-fleck[*~~], f, inkspot; -glas[*~"], n, ink- 

ding{-], n, thing; m, fellow; -s mache, to tell 
stories, joke; so -s, things like that; un so 
-s,and so forth; as ending of a compound 
noun, adding the meaning of a collection of, 
varietyjfof: kuchedings. G Ding. 

dinge[*~], pp gedingt, to hire. G dingen. 

dinge(*~], pp gedingt, to fertilize, manure. 

dingel[*~], dingelche[*~~], n, 
Dims of G Ding. 

dingrich[*~], in, fellow. G Dingerich. 

dinke, dinge[*~], pp gedinkt, to seem; sich 
—, to consider oneself, seem; es dinkt mich, 
it seems to me; dinkt’s dich net, does it 

little thing. 

not seem to you? G diinken. 

dinn[~], thin. G diinn. 

dinne[*~], pp gedinnt, to thin (out). G 

dinner{* “], thinner. G diinner. 

dinn |! leiwich{* ~~], having loose bowels, lanky 
(of a person); -schalich{*~~], thin- shelled, 

dinnscht[~], thinnest. G diinnst. 

Dinschdak{*~], m, Tuesday. G Dienstag. 

dinschdlich{*~], serviceable. G dienstlich. 

dinschtj-], dienscht{"], m, service; es hott sei” 
-e gedu’, it has served its purpose. G 

dinschtmaedel[*~~], n, servant girl. G Dienst 
+dG maedel. 

dippel[*~] =dibbel. 

dippeidunich{*~~~], small polka-dotted. G 
Tiipfel+dunich. Cf dibbeldonich. 

dir{7], dat sing of du. Gdir. 

disch{~], m, table. G Tisch. 

dischbedat[-~], m, dispute. G Disput. 

dischbediere{~~-~], pp gedischbediert, to dis- 
pute, argue. G disputieren. 

disch || bee7[*"], n, table leg; -blatt(* 7], 
table-leaf; -duch[*~], n, table-cloth; -flijjel 
{*-~], m, leaf of a table; -gawwel(*~~], 1, 

tte - S 

table-fork; -gscherr{’*~], n, dishes; 
[*~~], m, dishcloth; -lumpe[*~~], m, 
cloth; smesser[*~~], n, table-knife. 

dischdel{*~], f, common thistle. G Distel. 

dischdelfink[*~~], f, goldfinch. G Distelfink. 

dischder[*~], dim, dusk. G dister. Cf 

dischdilliere(-~*~], pp gedischdilliert, to distil. 
G destillieren. 

dischdre[~~], gedischdert, 
pacify. P dichtere. 

dischligraut[*~"], n, wild peppergrass. Cf 

ditti, titti[-~], m, mother’s breast, teat, titty, 
mother’s milk. dG ditte, titti. 

ditz[“], m, teat. G Zitze, dG ditz. 

diweil{-~], while, as. G dieweil. 

diwoch[~~], this last week, this week (according 
as it is used with a verb in the past or 


to quiet, sooth, 

present tense). G die Woche. Cf de- 

dizeit[~~], since then; — ass, since (conj). G 
die Zeit. 

do["], here, then, under these circumstances: 
des —, this; der — mann, this man. G 
da, dG do. 

do || anne[~~~], here, in this place (with a 

verb of motion); -darrich[~~~], through 
here, through this section; -darrichnaus 
~~<~}, out through here; -darrichnei~ 

{[~~-*], in through here, in this direction; 
-darrichniwwer{/~~~*~], over in this direc- 
tion; -darrichnuff[*~~~], up through here; 
snunner[~~~*~|, down through here; -dar- 
-richraus{[~~~~|, out through here; -darri- 
chrei"[~~~~], in through here; -darrich- 
riwwer(~~~*~], over through here; -darrich- 
ruff[~~~*], up through here; -darrichrunner 
[“~~*~], down through here; -debei{~~~], by 
this; -dedarrich{[~~~~], through this; -defor 
[“~"], for this; -degeje{[~~~~], against this; 
sdehinner[~~~~], behind this, back of this; 
-(de)mit(~~~], with this; -denewe[~~~~], 
alongside here; -denno[*~"], after this, ac- 
cording to this; -devor[~~"], before this: 
-devun(~~~], of this, from this; -deweje 
[~~~~], on this account, for this reason: 
-dezu[~~~"], to this; -dezwische[~~~~], be- 
tween here; -dra[~"], at this; -dra7hi*~ (“"-], 
along here; -dra~naus[~~"], out along here; 
-drauss(~~], out here; -drin{~~], in here; 
-driwwe({ ~*~], over here; -driwwer(~~~], over 
this; -drowwe["*~], up here; -druff[-~], on 
here; -druffhi~{-~~], along on this, on the 
strength of this; -drum[~~], about this; 
-drunne{[~*~], down here; -drunner{*~~], 
under this; -her[~"], hither, along here, 
hence; bis —, hitherto; -herzus{"~~], along 
' here; -hauss{~*], out here; -hi*{-~], here, to 
this place, along this way; -hinne|~ ~*~], back 
here; -hinnril~*~], back (here) (with a verb 
of motion); zhinnrizus{~*~~], off back in 
this direction; -hiwwe[ ~~], over here, on this 
side; -hi7zus{[*~~], along here; -howwe[” ~*~], 
up here; -hunne[~*~], down here; -mit{~~], 

= awe. et, 

rom _ opine alg 

iid wo =a 
; b Be ine 

a2 4) 


aan ¥ 

YD eb 
i -" , ne i A 6 =-( ou 

-fitzib 02 Jr9illibdpelbog 9q ~~“ jeapiilibdaat 

. ye nese as, 

YD  seempeqqeg: bite 5 

{Vaid (P8090 send pion wm ie 
; J983 sitih Ob — iio ee 

aiib.b oghS O «tas hn { etib ne 

Jisweib 2) .an ,shider 

pillntiasa) start S15 dice seed eitit {*doowlb ; 
7 teoq ott ob drev s-diiw boew 2 ol Bh *- 

~5 y shoot aib <)> (sant —- 
~) . (aod) somia 222 -— snacty sonia ye 
esongizcirus seeds wshaw ,asds po J yeb 
OD Japm eid? nasi — web pelts ~~ eb 
ob Wb. ob 
s Atiw) — eidy ni- are f°" “penne | ob 
dyuonls [-"*]doimabs s(apioar to chase 
agusndommeb= ja0itIe eis) dauotdd sant 
g PMendoikbe yao “oul” tuo y a 
qnetaenhy At Bi: ard Ayucris a beeen 
-ooiib eitt7 ni tav6 ‘ea towwinsloinied: 
‘sis dypowy av pers Iwedomwsb. pact 
euh: :owt-dguendtawob fo *"" * |rerusias 
«irish: ;erot tyverdr duo °""” eeenion 
Bates“ raged” Hyuorts © mb. [+-7* 5 taste 
wisiniets coset sigrowis avo fo jewen 
- qenmsuibnwe: potsd riguow? an f°" “Fain 
**Padob: ;otet dgurouls rac oul 
wlsb« 7! is dquondt i *~*)doitisbeds jeui 
canis Janmisge , “jsisgob- ails Pi] PS 
-ait? bo dosd cult Rnitted io**}enniiebs 
£***}ewenmeb» saita .slurw. "> pmeb)= 
te 2islt 16986 i" *jonneb> sora able 
:eifa soled, .["*hopebs jeiit of gntinea 
sisweb« ais] mont auld jo I~ “jauvebe 
-eoeasr eit wel fauover elds ao J 7*] 
aad f°""*}edoeteneb« :aids ‘of J 7 7 juseb: 
i *pid tia: cabal) 13 J“ }ath= torsd noews 
;oved yaols ave .[ -~jamam” Bibs: ‘ston yrols 
‘sia ni [+ \niib- [S191 Ju0 i> jezuetb= 
t9v0,)" ~“~}swwitbs ;a1od i970 ,[* “jowwhb: 
ae ["*}Rureb« ssisd qu i *jowworbs card? 
oil, io .2101..n0 is..{-"*}" ufiiub< jared 


aa sods..,[” i . Marge, Argnsrts 

saci: ey os , 
er grots sodtid > ae ybav 
xvid ae ae :soned 

spol. ~feusrad: ; sOr 
as lef *]" ids en) Iie ait sal i : 
gond Teens eitls « » tala ents 

dise 2 thirw) toety oad At  jismata 
ni doad Fe i" ** jewsinaid- “(tice eon 
eit ao sted wro,|"* “jowwide: noitostib eirts 
[** Weewods ;s191 gndie jf **jaua’ ids pobie 
Je*him: jotad awol.[°* jemand: setedqu 


poids shah wn Io fodotegaib 

-.Mioie imsde of tdnibes 
~ oie pinib 25 t998 


30K wee oN Vs ‘2 

LS a 

Mes 8 if > “Beet 

, 4% yo 6s es > > LF gears ’ 
’ “8 Wib\-2 , 2. 
: =. Pen f 6 ee, ee de 

yr ety She ay WE ner RET 

yard aan 
Monssni 2 aes 

21 zeob .tet forb a'tinib sim os emaae af 
asdicdbh <)-§ 
ante » 
oO sdsueh nirit oy anibeg qq 
a snr seas ele 
eine! 2alswod seool gatved [- | eat 

-balloria-nirts ,(°~ *}eoilbdioae ord 8 to) 


with this; -naus(*"], out here; -nauszus["*~], 
out in this direction; -nei7{~~], in here; 
snei-zus(“~~], off in this direction; -newe 
[~*~], alongside here; -niwwer[~*~], over 
here, to the other side; -niwwerzus[~~*~~], off 
over in that direction; -nuff[-~], up here; 
snuffzus["*~], up in this direction; -nunner 
[~~~], down here; -munnerzus|"*~~], down 
in this direction; «raus{[~~], out here; 
sYauszus[“~~], out this way; -rei~(*"], in 
here; -rei~zus["~~], in this way; -ruff[~~], 
up here; -Tuffzus["**], up this way; -rum 
{-~], around here, hereabouts; -runner]~<~], 
down here; -runnerzus["*~~], down this 
way; -verri[-*~], forward here; -verrizus 
{["*~~], up front here; -varne[~*~], here in 
front; -zerick[~~~], back in this direction; 
-zerickzus| ~*~], back this way. 

dobe[~~], f, paw, hand, clutches: 
in di — grickt. dG dobe. 

dobleiwe[~ ~~], pp dogebliwwe, to stay here. 
G dableiben. 

doch["], yet, though, nevertheless, surely, to 
be sure; zr hott’s — gedu”’, he did it, 

wann er’s 

didn’t he? er hott’s —’ gedu- , he did it 
after all. G doch. 

dochder[*~], f, pl dechder, daughter. G 

dochdermann{’*~~], m, son-in-law. G Toch- 

docht["], m, wick. G Docht. 

dock(e){*~], tock[“], f, bundle of flax (for 
spinning). G Docke, Tocke. 

docke[*~], pp gedockt, to put (flax) into 
bundles for spinning. G docken. 

dod|], m, death. G Tod. 

dode || bahr{~~ 7], f, bier; -drak{~~], f, bier; 
egleed{[~~"], n, shroud; -glocke[~~~~], i 
knell, funeral bell; -graewer|~~ 5 

grave-digger; -kutsch[~~~], f, eon 

[“~*],.4, coffin; -lischt{[-~~J, f, obituary, list 
of the dead; -uhr[~~7], f, deathwatch; 
swajje{[~~~~], m, hearse. 

dod(es)angscht[~~~], f, paralyzing fear; adj 
deathly afraid. G Todesangst. 

dodes || bett[~~~], n, deathbed; -fall[-~~ 

dod |! grank[~~], dangerously ill; mied[*7], 
dead tired. 

dohi~ || fahre[““~~], to drive along; 

~~~], to stumble, fall. 

dohl{], n, underground conduit for water. 

dG dole. 
dokter[*~], m, doctor. G Doktor. 
n, medical work, home 

dokter || buch{*~~], 

1, i, 


doctor; -fra[*~"], f, woman who dispenses 
home-made remedies; -schtofft[*~~], n, 

doktere!*~~], pp gedoktert, to take medicine, 
be attended by a physician, practice medi- 
cine, adulterate. G doktern. 
dokterei[~~~], f, doctoring, practice of medi- 
cine, (continued) dosing. G Dokter+ei. 
dolch[“], m, dagger. G Dolch. 

doll{*], mad, frantic, distracted: mer werd jo 

gans —; —undab. Gtoll. 
dollfuss[* 3, m, misshapen foot, club-foot. 
G Dollfuss. 

dolmetsche(*~~], pp gedolmetscht, to inter- 
pret, explain, gossip, harangue wildly. G 

dolmetscher{*~*], m, interpreter. G Dol- 

dolmetschung/*~~], f, interpretation. G Dol- 

domols{~~], at that time. Gdamals. 

Don(i)[-~], m, Anthony. G Anton. 

dopp[~], m, top (of atree). G Topp 

doppe(*~], pp gedoppt, to top (corn or a tree). 
G toppen. 

doppel || gsichtich[*~~~], double-faced; -lafich 
& cg 8 double-barreled; -sinnich{[*~~~], am- 
biguous; -schteenich|* ~~~}, plaid. 

doppel(t)[-~], double. G doppelt. 

dopple [°~], pp gedoppelt, to double. G dop- 


dor{], n, gate, door of abarnorshed. G Tor. 

doreposchde[~~~~], m, gate-post. G Tor- 

dorf[-], n, village (in nursery rhyme only). G 


dorheet, dorheit[~"], f, folly. G Torheit. 

Dori{-~], m, Theodore. G (Theo)dor. 

dosi"], f, dose. G Dosis. 

dot{7{, dead; em -es, a corpse. G tot. 

dotgebore[-~ ~~], still-born. G totgeboren. 

dotmache[~~~], pp dotgemacht, to kill. G 

dotmacherei[~~~"],f, murder. Gtot+Mach- 

dotschlack[~~], m, manslaughter. G Tot- 

dotschlaejer{[~~~], m, murderer. G _ Tot- 

dotschlajje{-—~~], pp dotgschlajje, to kill, slay. 

dottel{*~], m, simple person. dG doddel. 

dotter(*~}, m, yolk of an egg, dodder, false flax. 
G Dotter. 

dotterblumm|*~~], f, marsh marigold, cowslip. 
G Dotterblume. 

dottlich[-~], anxious, on tenterhooks. P 

dowe[~~], pp gedobt, to rage, bluster. G 

Dowwes(*~], m, Tobias. G Tobias. 

dozumol{(~~"],at that time, then. Gdazumal. 

dra~, dro~[{"], at (about, near, of) it. 

drach{~], m, dragon, kite, meteor, will o’ the 
wisp. G Drache. 

dracheloch{*~~], n, cave. G Drache+Loch. 

drachte, trachte[*~], pp gedracht, to strive 
after, pursue. G trachten. 
dra~'| denke{-~~], to think of it; -du7 "},-to 
put (some one) to doing something, add to; 
sfehle{["~~], to be lacking in ett ng; 
-geh“[*"], to begin (something); eglawe 
[~~], to believe in it; -grieje[-~~l, to get 
(some one) to do (something): -halte(* “}, 

fonts 6.29 #106) QOS 

- Mofile sbeaet-aldout = Idols 
“8 er fabian big re lerat-aldoae ( aly 93 
o sdwob ob fa) leagob 
<job O hess o3 Aisqqubsg a4 i") 
10TD  bede 1 med 2 lo toob on - Tyrob 
a0T &) Beogoiseg wt [°° "pb paces. bogs 

D .(¢ing om yh yesettin al) sgeliiv ot fob 

JistioT 2. .gHod 1 [*pisdiod jsodiob 
Bo ACLS, Wine mobos f un 
woul 2 fates at ft feeb 
tos x} oe? casey .£3- me -beab i }ieb 
cova 3 rrtod-tilie {’-"*|stedegteb 
» ilid oF jdoainegioh gq J" *jsdivemtob 
edoam+ jo7 

we et 

-Hosli4-3oi2) -tebiuen,} | 
40T O° Seiigualtnem jai f* ae. 

d I es ge 

vale iad of wiisitoagtob qq .°"*}etielaseteb 
Pat pg ao oO 

Isbbob Ob .noewq alqmiz a [ “sed 

x82 obit whbob igs ne lodiey un J isettob 
fetal oO 

.qiewos ,Diogie dei 3 P"*}euauidrenad 
a emaldit0d & 

T .edvodwinet “no avoixas ,.[ *}doiiob 

-to7 2 wIsebum i 

2 rsierid .sper of ,tidobeg aq “flow : 

seidoT 3 xesidoT wo sf “jaswwoa 
lesnusebi) nod? emirizedsas [~~ 
tt Qo .1sa0_ suods) 32 ‘LTrow ash 
silt ‘o [ie 1osdecm) ,ostd wm ih 
wroerl «) 
is03+ stam OD: 28 fT ~* 
evinwe oF sdoetbsg 4¢ . 
asaiosnt suewmq 9s 
of ae “eb: +31 Yo daidt oF — be axb 
1 bis iguirisumoe oad 03 eg orca) 719 
eta hae wa 

ewilgs ctiphitsenstiay aigod oe a «lhame 
fe G3 ry lei eth Root svsiled off 
*jevtsd® rpcidismez) ob of (S00 ame 

a | 
“*jeisiont ,etdoatd 

views ,s2cledrisven 
bib od , ubsg — ation 
fi bib sd “bog — a 

sioot 2D mh poten fae 

asdzoh 2 
ssid 2 >> ht said 1. 
a! SPE «ne. 7 . , Ted 
a. oweetg: a ; baa 
bile jortead .t [~ *[doeteal: ¢ . ot 
fe ieaside .) f° *pidsall: jatios , F 
sfiotawiltasb 2 { °*}xeite ibesb oul 

orteod A * eur weer a 

(be jwsal yrinyletsq A 1” “Basem ob 

Je ap er ee 


sich, to keep at it; -henke[“~~], to hang 
(something Jat it, be continually at some- 
thing; -kumme([*~*], to get to do something; 
zmache[~~™~], sich, to begin to do something; 
smisse[~~~], to be compelled to do some- 
thing; -sei~[~“], to be doing something, be 
at it; -wolle[~~~], to want to get at doing 


draejer{~~], m, bearer, porter, pall-bearer. 
G Trager. 

draen, traen|"], f, tear. G Trane. 

draje[~~], pp gedraje, to carry, wear, bear, 
endure, be with young. G tragen. 

drajend{~~], with young. Gtragend. 

drajet[-~], f, as much as one can carry. dG 

drajich[~~], with young. G tragig. 

drak[7], f, frame on which something is car- 
ried, bier. G Trage. 

drakdiere, trakdiere[~-~!, pp gedrakdiert, to 
abuse cruelly. G traktieren. 

draéksack[~~], m, uterus (of animals). G 

dram{"], m, dream. G Traum. 

drambuch[~~], mn, dreambook. G Traum- 

drame[*~], pp gedramt, to dream. G trau- 


dramerei[™~~], f, (continued) dreaming. G 

dramm{*], m, dram, rum, whiskey. E dram 
influenced by E rum. 

dramm || ratt{[*~], f, toper, sot; 
soup with rum in it. 

drang[~], m, force, forcing, 

drangs4l[*"], m, torment, misery. G Drang- 

-supp [**], f, 

tenesmus. G 

drank, trank[~], m, drink, beverage. G Trank. 
drapp, trapp[“], m, footmark. G Trapp. 
drassem[*~], m, unused ends of warp in 
carpet weaving. dG drassem. 
dratsch[*], f, gadabout, gossip. G Tratsch. 
dratsche[*~], pp gedratscht, to gossip, trudge. 
G tratschen. 
dratt["], m, trot. G Trott. 
dratte([*~], pp gedratt, to trot, gad. 
dratter|*~], m, trotter. G Trotter. 
draub["], f, pl drauwe, grape. G Traube. 
draue, traue[~~], pp gedraut, to trust, marry; 
sich —, to dare, venture. G trauen. 
drauer[~~], f, mourning, woe, afiliction. G 
drau(e)re, trau(e)re{~~~}], pp gedrauert, to 
mourn, grieve, wilt (of plants). Gtrauern. 
drauer | gleed[~~ 7], mourning garment; 

G trotten. 

zshaus{[~~~],n, house of mourning; -leit(~~"], 
pl, mourners; -lied{-~~!, n, dirge; -schtunn 
Belg Se hour of mourning; -weide(~~ Wy: 

m, f, weeping willow. 
draurich, traurich{~~}, sad, afflicted. G trau- 

draurichkeet[~~ 7], 


f, sadness. G Trauerig- 



draus{], out of it; es werd nix —, nothing 
will come of it. G daraus. 

drauss["], outside, out of doors. G draussen. 

drauss || haite[~~~], to keep (some one) out 
(of a place); -sei~{[~"], to be out in the 


drauwe || brieh[~~"], f, grape juice; -hengel 
{[~~~~], m, bunch of grapes; -kern[~*~~], {, 
grape- “seed: zkelter[~~~~], grape or wine 

erank(~~~], f, grapevine; -schtock 
{-~~], m, grapevine; -wei~[~~"], m, grape- 

drechder[*~], m, funnel. G Trichter. 

drechder || blumm|*~*], f, morning-glory; 
bindweed; petunia; dogtooth violet, yellow 
adder’s tongue; -kuche[*~~~], m, funnel 

drechdich[*~], with young. G trachtig. 

dreck[“], m, dirt, mud, filth, excrementum, 
trifle; des geht dich ken — 4’, this is no 
concern of yours; eenicher —, any trifle. 
G Dreck. 

dreck || hammel[*~~], m, filthy person; -hund 
[°~], m, scamp, rascal; -loch{*~], n, puddle, 
filthy habitation; -sack[*~], m, filthy per- 
son; -sau[*"], f, filthy person; -schwallem 
{*~~], f, m, mud-swallow; -weschp [~~], f, 

dreckich[*~], dirty, filthy, soiled. G dreckich. 

Cred[7], m, kick. G Tritt. 

drede[“~], pp_gedrede, to tread, kick, step, 
copulate (of a rooster). G treten. 

dreder[~~], m, kicker, treadle. G Treter. 

dreeschde, treeschde[~“], pp gedreescht, to 
console. G trésten. 

dreeschtlich[-~], consoling. G trdéstlich. 

dreeschtmiedich, treeschtmiedich[~ ~~], medi- 
oe oat meek, ‘dejected. G Trost+Mut+ 

drefiel: “], pp gedroffe, to hit, strike, be lucky 

in; sich — , to happen, chance. G treffen. 
dreffer|* th lucky number in a lottery, 
prize. G ‘Treffer. 

dreffoch[’~], n, term applied to a person who 
guesses or judges correctly, or who boasts 
of being able to do so. G Tretf+Loch. 

drefts[~], f, chess, cheat. dG trefts. 

dreh[{], f, turn, twist, curve, crank. dG 

dreh || arjel[*~~], f, grind-organ; -bank[~~], f, 

turning lathe; -hendel[~~~ 

], m, winch; -hols 
[~~], n, rolling-pin. 

drehe/[~ “7 pp gedreht, to turn, twist; butter 
—,tochurn butter. G drehen. 

drehe{~~], pp gedreht, to threaten. G dro- 
hen, drauen. Cf drohe. 

drei{"}], three. G drei. 

drei || angel{~~~], m, triangle (musical instru- 
ment); -beenich{~~~], three-legged; -blet- 
trich[~~~], three-leaved ; -doppelt|~ ~~], three- 
ply; -draehdich{~ ~~], three-ply; -eck[*~], n 
triangle; -eckich[*~ “|, triangular; paeairh, 
-einich{” ~~], triune; -eenichkeet, -einichkeit 
[PS o,f trinity -erlee, -erlei{-~~], of three 
sorts: "fach{~“], treble; -fuss[~~], m, tripod, 

_ wal : 
ani ea. 

astdetT D .bapri 
iole-snimiem =, 
wolks? Jalohr tsotgob Lapetees 
lonttal yet f° “fedoual _ gowgnod eobbs 

Ritoeu D -gnuey ditw f“Woibdserb 
MFINITNITIZG _, chem nib’ ar [postb 
on ai eit “8 — sd Hail iriag sob jell 
9833 8 roduase sewoy to misono 

bawds :nosmq vidila ven {°° “}ismuxad |} ser 
éibbsq 2 “jasols | (eoest .qrnoa mm, 
«oq vila an f* iioaee -anitetidad yaala 
moliawdoes ; ; ozisd vata AT "ose ;noe 
i f°] qdsesw> :wollewe-bum wm 3 ty 
bling eritht agnib I “tdoiioerb 
BAT OD obi fil Llbsd 
qQoie Sobk best 67 shebsg qa [ “jebexd 
stoi) <) nye yor 19} staluqos 

swtatT OD alba! psiobl an *heberd 

of tdoesetbag OG ~ jotidorestt , sbdoseosh 
rede? =) " elovnos 

iviitets? 2D .pnileectoo . > idoinsdoetexb 

~item °° “jésibeimtrdsesstt doibenatiaaaer 
-~juM+ieotk oD -bstzaig> aoort anes 

vdoul ad <dinte tid oF sRotbeg qq” “jsftexe 
Jefisns <>) .sunens Nike bu oo =~ foe int 

iwssiel s of tsdmun yaoul ya “hse 
»,tinl oO sng 

ow noxeq 9 0? beilaqe mio) 2 iP *jd>aiitesb 
ejezod ofw ww ,yiiasTia® #95 shui to eReeoUy 
tion Le YerT <)- 28 Ub ot sides gaind jo 

tie Db teas seed ,i [ened 

Ob dna vies Jeiws I | iisth 

tf" besds jasgo-haing ;} i°"*}isira || dewb 
eled= ;daniw ym Jt” “[ebaod: ; yortral gauss 
ni -saition aft tr} 

Hodenb 2 

sstiud j;seiwt ard 03 trletbsy aq [**jodeib 
nadab O Asiwd mus oi. 

nb OD .nssgenls of gloaten qa I? jodstb 
sdotb iD .neukib nod 

asibs> wae? jiewb 

-pijeni ieniegad) ston ait) fur \ = Hegen | ierb 
eteld: :bysqoi-ayidy [= “(snorn 

seritlt °° * pieaqob« 7 ber asieordlt Po idol 
at f° “tases; vitpanits .P" “[sibderab« pylq 
Pree Telcynein [~> Hisisiges 39 sai 
listsisusio: esddaines: ;onaizs |” ** 

said? to f* jishes owta ;ydine , c") 

eqn utr [ *jezvie joldaw J *}dasts jamoe 12Mnce 

te ee'g 

et iege- ay 

must O 
aunt 2 Joodrmssats = rae, 

-08T? OD intel oe allies wee ma 

O .gnimierb (beuvaisag) 

meib A solid emir man ome : 

J°"] qquae j20e eget 7 {jews | 
Sb mi nur 

O .someenss atone = E 

drat agmoved tinind ym fp 
mretl 2  .dtemscel wn , 

si qisw io abns a +m 
smszestb Ob eae ote 

AsetarT O .qizezog ,wodsbsg a, 
Sabir ,qwavg 03 3doeseibeg aat 


sinT OD Breen! | 

933007) bsg .t01) of ",3etbsg 4g 
stiml oO ‘1993013 =. 

of ,J?oust 
arepen by 

da slew 

trivet; -hunnert[{”*~], three hundred; -jaehr- 
ich{[*~~], three years old, triennial; -mol 
[~~], three times; -seitich{~ ~~], three-sided, 
triangular; -schpitz[/~~], m, triangle, tri- 
dent; -sitzich[-~~j, three-seated; -zinkich 
*~~], three-pronged. 

dreibrad{~~], n, driving-wheel. G Treibrad. 

drei~ || zewwe[-~~], to give in, yield; -gucke 
[aos look fon), examine, consider; -mische 
*~~1, sich, to mix up in an affair; -schlajje 
{“~~], to pitch in; -sehne[~*~~], to look, ap- 
pear, yielda point; zr hott arrick drei gsehne, 
he was a sight! 

dreissich[-~], thirty. G dreissig. 

dreissichscht{~~], thirtieth. G dreissigst. 

dreiwe[~~], pp gedriwwe, to drive, put forth 
leaves, engagein,do. Gtreiben. 

dreiwer|~~], m, driver, drover, coachman. G 

dreizeh[~~], thirteen. G dreizehn. 

dreizeht[~~], thirteenth. G dreizehnt. 

drenge[*~], pp gedrengt, to urge. Gdrangen. 

drenk("], f, watering place. G Tranke. 

drenke[*~], pp gedrenkt, to water, suckle. G 

drenk || eemer(*~~], m, watering bucket; -loch 
{*~], n, watering place. 

drenne, trenne{*~], pp gedrennt, to separate, 
sever, rip. Gtrennen. 

dreunung, trennungi*~], f, separation. G 

drepp{"|, f, stair, step. G Treppe. 

dreppche[*~], n, little drop. G Trépfchen. 

drepsle{*~], pp gedrepselt, to fall in small 
drops. Dim of dG dropse. 

dresch || brill[*~], f, goggles used by threshers; 
-denn{*~], f, threshing floor; -flejjel[*-~], m, 
flail; -maschien!*~"], f, thresher (machine); 
-zeit(* ], f, threshing time. 

dreschder[*~], m, pomace. G Trester. 

dresche[*~], pp gedrosche, to thresh, thrash, 
flog. G dreschen. 

drescher[*~], m, thresher. G Drescher. 

dresching([*~], f, beating. G Dresch+ing. 

dricke(*~], pp gedrickt, to press, squeeze, 
crush, hug; di sunn drickt awwer, but 
isn’t the sun hot. G driicken. 

dricker|*~], m, trigger. G Driicker. 

drickes{*~], n, so’n, pressing, feeling of oppres- 
sion. Noun formed from dricke. 

ely pp gedrickelt, to dry. dG drick- 

drickning{*~], f, drouth. Noun formed from 
stem in drickle. G Trocknis. 

drickse[*~], pp gedrickst, to threaten or 
promise without fulfilling; es drickst de 
ganse dak, it has been threatening (rain) 
all day. G drucksen. 

drickser{*~], m, person who hesitates about 
doing a thing, person who holds off, shrewd 
one in pressing a bargain. Noun from 

drieb["], dim, cloudy, turbid, muddy, de- 
jected (of a person). Gtriib. : 

driebs4l[~"], m, tribulation, sorrow; — blose, 
to be downcast. G Tribsal. 



dries[], f, gland. G Driise. 

drill[“], f, drill. G Driil. 

drillbohre[*~~], m, drill, wimble. 

G Driil- 
drilie{“~], pp gedrillt, to drill, sow with a drill, 

cause to move. G drilien. 

driller{*~], m, turn-button. 
to turn. 

drillere{*~~], pp gedrillert, to trill. G trillern 

drilling|*~], triplet, ticking (for feather- beds). 
G Drilling. 

drillsaek[*"}, f, hacksaw. G Drillsage. 

drin{~}, in it, within, inside, indoors. G drin. 

dringe[*~], pp gedrunge, to be urgent, urge; 
druff —, to insist upon. G dringen. 

dringend!*~], urgent. G dringend. 

drink | blech{- ~], n, tin-cup; zgeld{’~ ], n, tip, 
pourboire (on settling a bill); eschpruch 
[*“], m, toast; -wasser[‘~~], n, drinking 

drinke[*~}, pp gedrunke, to drink. Gtrinken. 

drinke{*~}, n, drink, strong drink, drinking. 
G Trinken. 

drinker{*~!, m, toper. G Trinker. 

drinkes[*~}], n, beverage. Verbal noun in s. 

drippelerwet{-~~~], f, chores. G trippeln+ 

dripple{*~], pp gedrippelt, to move with short 
steps, trample, copulate (of a turkey-cock). 
G trippeln. 

dritt{-], third. G dritt. 

dritt[“], m, tread, kick. G Tritt. 

dritte[*~], pp gedritt, sich, to happen three 
times. From dritt. 

be se n, third, widow’s dower. G Dnit- 

drittens{*~], thirdly. G drittens. 

dritter[*~], en, the figure 3, tray (in cards). 
From dritt. 

drittletscht[*~], last but two. G drittletzt. 

driwwe[*~!, over there, on the other side. G 

driwweliere, triwweliere[-~~~], pp gedriwwe- 
liert, to torment, plague. G tribulieren. 

driwwer|*~], over it, across, more, in the mean 
while; zr is — he has recov ered; es is Mix 
—, there is nothing better. G driiber. 

driwwer _ geh~[*~"], to overhaul, skim over 
skimp; zkumme[*~~~], to survive, fe- 
cover; -lafe[*~"], to walk over. 

driwwich{*~}] =driwwe. 

droddle{*~}, pp gedroddelt, to roam, go, move 
(slowly). Gtrotteln. 

drohe, droie{[“~!, pp gedroht, to threaten 
G drohen, drauen. 

droht[], m, wire, wax-ends. G Draht. 

drohte{-~!, (of) wire. G drahten. 

droht || garn{~"], n, shoemaker’s thread; 
-najjel{- “~], m, wire nail; ep eben 
m, shoemaker’s ends, wax-ends; canes 
f, wire pliers. 

drok{"], m, trough. G Trog. ; 

m, easy trot, f, a gadabout. G 

drolle[*~], pp gedrollt, to go along at an easy 

MHG drillen, 

«Mgr Ny Wada cet 

pu? Yre Gay 

eG ee Se ee ae 

[plies eis <a 

pad MR ea P+ 

+ a eer 


goargdogs (lit s ynilsjee no} ou 

| yada af" "pees 532809 oa: cm 

asda O° atninb of alnurbay He ‘pi 
gmidanh sldinb gneve Annb ,A 
sdnnT «). 
ssdant. 2 asqoi am i fio arr 

#@ at avon -igaled Peypipt acts | 
+-nisqqint 2 ..2ods 1 "ps ap 

. Fis 
horde tie ovo 03 , alaqoa alam i” dsiqghth 

(glooaysalw? s lo) sisivqoa ,atqseit .Agsie 

ree) 2 
- Pnb O buds “inh 
s9AT O sisi bao oc a Piisb 
semi? sagged o3 ,doe .J3rbeg a9 P is *joninb: 
inb awa sors 
th D wgeob e'wobtw pnd? a Sayeed 
ensitith O s¢itrids Ag sjeaiastic 
tebiss a ven 6 syd. of3 anf fori 
sib mow 

“ssid O .cwt sud desl of eee 
3 vebia tdi0 stly do ete teve J “jewwnb 

-virettbes aq J **"“ereiiewets , 
cerilodity O eget dremt0} ar 
eee sti? ni som eee je ITO = 
sil @ es + Ber isve G23) set on — zit islkiw 
ssdiab <<) 2stesd yridion ai osp8t —_— 
asvo mide duathevo of [~ “deg | 1ewwnb 
sl vive of , ae foe 

s/om 9 ANB? OF aielie ae ‘9 Holbboxb 

soa ae ngrigs lalow 
astesids oJ ,jiowbsg “| aoa 
jimd Oo abno-xee gor oT oh 
ngadeab 2) sw ity . gre: 
-bostd? s‘isicmecde .n 
*ledmaatdos: slicn sw itt shed 
* bprate sebno-KEw f vicin 
aisiig otiw , % 

. port oO aa 
) juodebsy o-,) JT) Yeas. am dl 

29 we Is gnole og 03 em aq . “jstewb 


dsol: :isdeud piiinsisw vn fh ' 

stmieqss of Jnasibsg rae a 7 
D .noveteqse 2 i im 
« Aue ba 

in gu 
> (onpd past) aolestlt , it ae 
otris gaisaord 

pies Se 


f ennsyluania-German Dictionary 25 

trot, jog; droll dich, run along, be gone. 
G trollen. 

drollich{*™], droll. G drollig. 

dron, drun{7J, m, fishoil. G Tran. 

dron{], m, throne. G Thron. 

dropp!"], m, fellow, simpleton: 
G Tropf. 

droppe{*~j, m, drop; (pl) any liquid medicine. 
G Tropfen. 

dropse, dropsle[*~], pp gedropst, to fall in 
drops, rain a few drops, drip. dG dropse. 

droschel, drossel[*~], f, thrush. G Drossel. 

droscht, troscht{"], m, consolation; liewer —, 
good Lord! oh my! G Trost. 

droschtmiedich, trostmiedich[~~~], 



tive, dejected, meek, self-satisfied. G 
Trost + Mut +ig. 

droschtreich, trostreich[~~], consoling. G 

dross{], dross, drill, first line of a nursery 

drowwe[*~], up above, upstairs, on the top. 
G droben. 

drowwedrauss[-~*], away up, up country, at 
the top. G droben-+draussen. 

druck[“}], m, pressure, print. G Druck. 

druck || dinde[*~~], m, printer’s ink; -sache 
{*~~], pl, printed matter. 
drucke{*~], pp gedruckt, to print. Gdrucken. 

drucke[*~], dry. G trocken. 

drucker[*~], m, printer. G Drucker. 

druckerei[~~~], f, printing establishment. G 

druff{[’], on it, upon it; — zu, directly towards 
the point or object; karz —, shortly after; 
es — A kumme losse, to await develop- 
ments; — aus sei, to bend one’s energies 
towards, 1im at; — aus schticke, to insist. 
G darauf. 

druff || anne[~~~], thereat, thereon; -beitsche 
[*~~], to give blows, beat, knock on; -belse 
[*~~], to strike or hammer on; -buffe[*~~], 
to give a whack; -grieje[*~~], par, to get 
blows; -gucke[*~~], to look on, consider; 
shalte[*~~], to lay on, beat; net viel —, not 
to have much regard for; -hi~{~ *], on the 
strength of it, on account; -losgeh“[{~~"}, 
to make a break for, work furiously; 
-schnappe[*~™~], to die, kick the bucket. © 

druffundewedder(*~~*~], busily, actively, in- 
cessantly: — schaffe, —- rejjne. 

drum{~], about it, for that reason; ich gebb 
nix —, I don’t care; ich bekimmer mich 
nix —, I don’t concern myself about it. 

aroom. dGdrumm. 
_drummbel[*~], f, Jew’s harp. G Trommel. 
drummble{*~}], pp gedrummbelt, to play on 
the Jew’s harp. G trommeln. 
drumme{*~], pp gedrummt, to drum. dG 
drummer{*~}], m, drummer. 

m, drumstick. G 

dG drummeler. 

drummle[*~], pp gedrummelt, to drum with 

the fingers. dG drummele. 
drummsaek[*"], f, crosscut saw. dG drumm- 
drummbet[~*], f, trumpet, clarion. G Trom- 
drump["], m, trump. G Trumpf. 
drumpe[-~], pp gedrumpt, to trump. G 

drumrum|[~‘], around it. Gdrum-++herum. 

drunk[~], m, drink. G Trunk. 

drunne[*~], down (there), below (there). G 

drunner[*~], under it, among them, beneath; 
— un driwwer, topsy-turvy. G drunter. 

drunnerscht/*~] driwwersch(t), topsy-turvy. 
Probably formed in imitation of ’s un- 
nerscht ’s ewwerscht =in G das Oberste zu 


drupp[{-], f, flock, herd, drove, bevy. G 

druppweis[*"], in flocks, herds or bevies. G 

drutsch{~], f, disreputable woman. G Drut- 

schel, Trutschel. 

druwwel[*~], m, trouble, anxiety, exertion. 
G Trubel. 

du[], you (sing). As exclamation it=say! 
well! After a verb in an interrogative or 
imperative sentence, or after wann in a 
conditional clause, it is usually sounded 
de[“] and is pronounced with the preceding 
word like an enclitic: was widde? gehschde 
mer! kumm, wannde mitwitt. G du. 

du“{"], pp gedu’, to do, perform; sell dutt’s, 
that’s enough, that will do; used as 
auxiliary to indicate the progressive form 
or for emphasis: mer dun schaffe, mer dun 
jo singe. 

duch[*], n, cloth, handkerchief. G Tuch. 

duche{*~], (of) cloth. Gtuchen. 

ducke[*~], pp geduckt, sich, to duck. G 

duckmeisich, duppmeisich{*~~], sneaking. G 
duckmausig, G ducken. 

dudel{-~], m; nau” geht der — 4, now the 
business (work, trouble) begins. G Dude- 


dudelsack[“~~], m, bagpipe. G Dudelsack. 

dudle[~~], pp gedudelt, to play an instrument 
badly, hum (a melody). G dudeln. 

dudler{~~], m, bad player. G Dudler. 

dudu[~"], m, =guckuck: der — grickt dich. 

duft(-], m, hoar frost as seen in winter, vapor 
forming on a finely polished surface, fra- 
grance. G Dutt. 

dufte[*~], pp geduft, to form hoar frost on 
objects in winter, yield fragrance. G 

diftich{*~], having the appearance of hoar 
frost in winter or of moisture on a polished 
surface, frosty (applied to still mornings 
in winter), fragrant. G duftig. 

dulde[*~], pp geduldet, to bear, tolerate. G 


reer Ms he} 

“J ‘ ‘Aa Fi =f y | at me 

ii ff 7% bi 90 
3 nano Inui geen 
D qm at aqmutbeg qq at equa i 
cura ant abet MUUTTO 

wT oO Anh et | 
a datulty weblon ent daa 

; LU IAeOT | 

“CPT veges G erowwitd t* 
“oy @ Ip noltasimi ni benrol Siaeded 
us ‘stasdO aah ~ ae tricersws e = 

) ane avonb breed ooh ¥ ae 
a) eaived 1 zbred ebooR ni (I “Jafewqquib 

sen egguiy 

nd OD .asmewv eldstuqexib ae iiisetarib 
isdveaur tT elarise 

oottexs .yisixne jolduod jin {oc itawewirrd 
an}? O 

lysa=ti moiiemsloes eA Agnie) voy jf jub 

Ww oviisgorain fe nt dws ge 1s. tT iew 
& ft) onew wile 10 \sonoinse evilmieqm 
bsbnyos viléiven af. 3t \sadels Isnoitibaas 
tnibeosug old ultcw baonvoneng zi- bas [jab 
nitizeney Sabbivw ew sauibas ne sil ew 

BDO. aiertin( obansw. gemud frm 
12 33ub flee. janeheq ,ob of ~ubsg gq Pub 
as heew 70h. ilhe ver Jyuons £ “spaha 

trol sv¥ize FRC 1 afi sisibat of ywetinues 
nuivy vem stele nub t300 eae ar = ns 

‘isvT oO bigomibssd fidis ard Liao 
marine? =) tisols ie) I 
=) tovb of vibe ,tdouben aa uf k rerio 
~) .snitesne [*" “)dolsiemgenh ,doimisnolaud 

modoul «3 »pizuhenolsob 
otis won ,&—- I9b jfigg “en om ,|“pobsb 
bud  .enigsad (older sow) eeoriend 

soslsbud 2 sqiqgsd.m [~~ ltonelabab 
nsmuTen mS ae 93 ,jlobubsg aq .[~jolbub 
_ndobub « vbolarn s) mun ~vibsed 
asifyd 5 evelq bad nt irs ub 
xb tong — 39b ap aay = Wt te: 
Uux)SY 19h? ni nese es Jeor! iso .m [Tied 

ett sontige_ bailzilog yoat & RO prienwt . 
ned a et A 
no teo ison mrt of ‘Habsy qq] 

. .somergert blery isttiw mi siceido 
snot lo sonetsogqe sf? snivat ["” ‘|dobich 
bordzilog @ no stwirton: Io 10 istaiw ni seo 
sgainiom Size 03 beiigqe) yeotl »oshw 
olib O 30etgett stake 

re ae 4 

wiataie? ,vssd of ,Ioblubsg qq [**jeblab — 
. oobinb 

') Sete"se 
teat = g “ ¥ * — i 
4 £ 3 +} 

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: 4 
¢ o = wy ae at) 
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‘aso’ 7] 

Jasin teildates men 

etrawes yltovih es—~ : fi sore» ai ao it 
jtatha yvithade .— Set jtosido 

~qaivreb sine OF (geno! pam placa ame 
esigiens 2'9ne of ise eus— sadnsm 
erent 03 haiti “2 — ;ta mic 

stloajisd: zoster? .jsarodl? a. ~ eae 3 

s2led- ;no dsond teed .ewol 
1° ‘jeRud- ;no. temingi 20 sdixte 03 |” 
oF aq sie see te 


je anon nev pool 
ton = Isiv ten ;teed .10 yal oF 
oft no .” “}"ide p20) Disges doom 
{*~)"deseoh s3au0s fo. a lo 
7Vlewoin) row sto 
tedond 942 25it sib 03 4 
-ni ,¥lovitoe Yieud [~°~ “hrs 
- sos Ratio — 
ddeg noi ee tans yol ti 
tisim tommided doi +9360 Paob TL — 
Ji tuode liseym misone2 Tagh ts 

poitsed jot whailys wollor .1 

dsmmorT D .qred's 
md Yelq 07 tisdmim mink 

Ob muh oy ‘ammurbyg RP ee 
“2 bimab un ty dicamehininl: 

a evil x tie mort ; 
*iearmerib ‘Op | } > ane iy prem a 

dulleban, dolleban[*~*], f, tulip. G Tulipan. 
dulleblumm(*~~],f, tulip. G Tulpe+Blumm. 

dumbich[*~], hot, close (of the air). G 
du~ens{~~], doings, goings-on. G form from 

E doin’s. 

dumer{~~]=dun mer, we do, do we. 

dumm|["], ignorant, stupid. G dumm. 

dummel[*~|, subdued noise. G Tummel. 

dummheet[{*"], f, ignorance, stupidity; -e 
mache, to commit an act of poor judgment 
or folly, play a prank. G Dummbheit. 

dumm || kopp[*~], m, blockhead; -lack[*~], m 

dummile[*~], pp gedummelt, sich, to hurry. 
G tummeln. 

dumor[~*], gedumor[’~*], n, noise (as in a 
factory or at a large gathering). Probably 

_ from G Rumor. 
dumploch, damploch[*~], n, dump-hole. G 

dun[7], down (feathers). G Daune. 

dunke[*~], pp gedunkt, to dip, immerse. G 

dunkel[*~], dark; dunkle nachte, (the) dark 
of the moon. G dunkel. 

dunkel || blo[-~*], dark-blue; -brau®[-~*], dark 
bay, chestnut; -farwich{*~~~], dark colored; 
srot[~ ~~], dark red. 

Dunker[*~], m, Dunkard. G tunken. 

dunkes[*~], n, gravy, sauce. Gtunken., 

dunn, dann{-],f, ton. G Tonne. 

dunner(*~], m, thunder, vituperative term 
applied to a person; — uns gewitter, con- 
found it! damn it! G Donner. 

dunnere[*~~], pp gedunnert, to thunder. G 

dunner || grie"[“~~], formed facetiously and 
added to blitzeblo; chajels[- Soa} deucedly, 
awfully; -kei(de)l[-~~~], gee whiz!; -lotters 
[-~*~], confoundedly, awtully; : -schlack[’~~], 
m, thunderbolt; -wetter|*~ 
storm (rare), an exclamation and curse, a 
vituperative term applied to a person. 

dunnerwetters-er, -i, -, adj, devil of a: was 
bin ich en dunnerwetterser jurymann. G 

dunschdich{*~], vapory, moist. G dunstig. 

dunscht["], m, vapor, exhalation. G Dunst. 

duppe[*~], m, dot, spot, period. G Tupf. 

dupplich[*~], spotted, dotted. G tiipfelig. 

dus["], soft and low. dG dus, dusig (not F 

duschber, duschder[*~], 

duschde[*~], do you?) Gtust du. 

duschder[*~], danse ark dusk, twilight. 
dG duschter. Cf Hieehibes 
dus(e)le[*~~], pp geduselt, to nap, be sleepy. 

; G duseln. 

dusk, twilight. dG 

dusslich{*~], uneasy: ’sisre —. dG dusselig. 
dutt["], f, paperbag. G Tite. 
dutzend, dutzed|° *), n, dozen. G Dutzend. 

dutzenderweis(’ rey by dozens, dozens at a 
time. G i vocttlweied! 

~~) on, thunder-— 


duwack[*~], m, tobacco. G Tabak. 
duwacks-brieh[“~"], f, tobacco-juice; 
eschtengel(~~~~], m, tobacco plant. 


e~[-]=en: — wennich, — bissel; es 
sin(d) un — schan(d); 
six years or so. 

eb, ob["], before x, e, 1 frequently ew, ow["], 
whether, if. dGeb, G ob. 

eb[’], (prep and conj) before, sooner than 
MHG é, ehebevor, G ehe. Cf ebmols. 

ebermlich{’*~], pitiful, awful, miserable. G 
erbarmlich. . 

ebber[*~], some one; jeder —, every one, 
everybody. dG ebber <etwer. 

ebbes[*~], something; some, about; — gleich, 
something like, something worth while. 
dG ebbes < etwas. 

ebmol(s)[* “], some time, sometimes. 

ebwohl, obwohl[- “], although. G obwohl. 

echsli[*~], n, small ox. Dim of G Ochs. 

eck[~], n, corner, angle, section, out of the 
way section; iwwers —, diagonally; in alle 
-e, everywhere, high and low. G Ecke. 

eck || balle[*~~], corner-ball (game); z-haus[*7], 
n, corner house; -schank{*~], m, corner cup- 
board; =-scheit[*"], n, carpenter’s square; 
-schtee~([* |, m, corner-stone; -schteenich 
[*~~], checkered. 

eckich{*~], having corners, cornered. G eckig. 

ecksentrisch[~*~], eccentric. G excentrisch. 

edarn, edorn, edann{~~], m, horehound. G 

edel{-~], noble. G edel. 

edel J a ~~"],m, generosity; -schtee*[*~"], 

is -—— 
— johrer sechse, 

edelecht{~" noblest. G edelst. 

edler{~~], nobler. G edler. 

edlich{~~], noble. MMHG edeli, G adlich. 

ee*{], one (num); es war alles — wasser, 
water everywhere. Gein. 

ee* || ermich{~~~], one-armed; -ajich[~~~) 

one-eyed; -beenich{~~~], one-legged; -fach 
“], simple; -facht(ich)[~~~], single, not 
double; -feldich[~~~], foolish, queer, simpie, 
half-witted; -hunnert[~*~], one hundred: 
zjaehrich[~~~], one year old; -lafich[~~7! 
single-barreled; _-letzich|~~~], sporadic, 
singly, dG e'letzig; 
unanimous; -seidich[~ ~~], onesied, incom- 
plete, biased; — koppweh, migraine; <sitzich 


[~~~], one- seated: -zechtich[~~~], singly. dG 
eeche[~~], f, m, oak. G Elche. 

eeche[~~], oaken. G eichen. 

eeche -bam[~~ ], m, oak-tree; -blatt{[-~"}, n, 
oak-leaf; -hols[~~~], n, oak-wood. 

eechel[~~], f, acorn. G Eichel. 

eecherli[~~~], n, squirrel. dG eicherle. 

eech || heernche[{~~~], n, squirrel; -haesel(~~"|, 
n, squirrel; -has[~"], m, squirrel, gray 

eed[7], m, oath. G Eid. 

re i Ss 

retichs fan 7 ia 

fishy — > juods .smoa is i < 
lide now enidsomce sail gaidinmes 
aaria> esdda Ob 

wearnitemoz oinii emos J” “}(evomde 

idewdo O >ignodtle  idowdo Idewdo 

tit) <a to mii xo Dama af cae 

ot lo 2u0 morose algas .senI09) 2 fs 
sils ni: yllshogsib , -— g1ewwi ;NoLoo8 Yow 
aoa .wol bow itgid sisstyy ISVS (3 

da “}epaedie + (or: £3) lind-rsri0o 1” ““Jaliad i #29 
-<qu> 1317209..9,|° “Jaleedses -sauod 1Ssv103 2 
orsupe 2 ola. 5. * :bucod 
coiaséidse-. :gnole-isitwo .ta_ 4 “eatdse: 
-barsdsais [~*] 

sitje.) bexstieo..s19009 gnived,["*jdolise 

Jseminsaxs © .oitesscs .|“*“|doetinsedos 

2 .bnuciisiod ua J “janes mobs rel cr ae 

Jste 2 sidan res 

P-~~Pesiase ytiees winoy at .f ~*;asan'| joke 

vi < * 
Jtelabs 2) -tesidon , r  idastebs 
 _Agthe-«) port ee 
dstibs <) lobes HM okIOH I ine 
j3eeew — walla tow eo pie) sao a "3s 

fis x) .4adverieve wife 

i" “idotif#:  :benrts “ORD P isn 
dost. -byygal-2no gets Therys-ono 
ton /s2igas J” “*)(dotioal- me |] 
12 SSP , deilcol ar *jdoibt istduob 

57 baud Sno a “"}irenmls -bedaw- liad 

“donb vhlo 2ssy. ono ,["" ~}rlotissts 
; ae \doissel- ;bolemied-sigaia 

oni ,bebie-sno [~~ jdstbiez: ; 
daixsion :sniatuim ,swaqod — ;beasid ,9t 
wb .ylguie,[ ~~ |doitdosse; botase- sa 


torintd OD. _.medos.} ‘}-lindoee.- 

 whsdoie Ob go Senger At *fiiredsee 

"“Pewsad: ; ismiupe cm ie jj does 
Jeniupe yun 4f~jekde dertivps a 

his O ‘ite 


5. ASNT W vsenatiowraniaub m9 foi nid 

nus O- A 
3 seromini .qib of hi 

wish (edi) ,otdoan ab 

dish f°-~ “paid: -aushd-sh ahs 
jba1wloo dsb parent dutseod 
lena bisdestl a 
found 2 tT)! 

nit Sate a: rm 

mot sviteiequitv 
“20S sacle aa of anal we ee 
a] sebaudt os ‘oo ouasuboa #4 ~ 

bea vinwoijesal benrtol , oe 
Slbsoush ,| 

steitel ; 
aa ivilures , 

-tabands f°" *jetiows ; t a 
5 sew bea noiismsla¢e as ,(o181), an 
“ss MORI & OF bailqae eas quiiv 

26 to Irzob ibs @ alk ; i: 

eiaitzau 0 reiom coe rn ibaa 
aot 0 bho fot ie 
er eebe ty mos da 

Saints Oh ide 3 
ec ro: 

+ ee 

eefachtsbensel, ee"faltspensil[*~~~], n, sim- 
pleton. G Einfaltspinsel. 

ee reeils | bett{ ~~], n, bed for one person 
only; swajje[~~~], m, one-horse wagon. 

eehr[7], n, eye (of a need! fe). G Ohr. 

eeje[-~], pp geeekt, to harrow. G eggen. 

eeje[~~], own. G eigen. 

eejedum|*~ Ar n, property. G Eigentum. 

eeje | lieb[“~"], f, egotism; -lob{~~"], m, self- 
praise; AOR sa Self-willed; “sinn 
{-~~], m, wilfulness; -sinnisch[~~~], self- 
willed, stubborn. 

eejentlich{~~~], really. G eigentlich. 

eejne[~™], pp geeejent, toown. Geignen. 

eejner(~~], m, owner. G Eigner. 

eek[], f, pl eeje, harrow. G Egge. 

eel, ell], n, oil. G OL. 

eel || babble[~~~], m, Balm of Gilead (salve 
prepared from the buds of this tree); -bam 
{~"], m, olive tree; -blatt{(-~], n, olive leaf; 
educh[~~], n, oilcloth; -kann[*~], f, oil-can, 
oil-gland of a fowl; -schtee~[~"], m, oil- 
stone; -walnuss{~~~], f, butternut. 

eele[“~], pp geeelt, to oil, lubricate. 

eelich{~~], oily. G Glig. 

eeling|~~], f, letschdi, extreme unction. G 

eem|[7], dat sing of ee” and of mer (ind pr). 


eemer(*~], m, bucket. G Eimer. 

eemer || henk[~~~], f, bail of a bucket; -reef 
[~~], m, bucket-hoop; -voll[~~~], m, bucket- 
ful; =weis{~~~], by buckets. 

ee~mol[*~], once; uff —, allat once, suddenly, 
at one time. G einmal. 

eener({~~], (ind pr) one, a person, somebody 
(dat eem, acc eener). G einer (man). 

een-er, -i[*~], -s(pr)["], one; so eener, such a 
one. G einer. 

eenich[~~], agreed, harmonious. G einig. 

eenich[{~~], any; — ebber, anyone; — ebbes, 
anything; — mol, any time. Geeinig. 

eens{] (num), one. G eins. 

eensel, eenzel[~~], single, singly. G einzeln. 

eensich{~~ ], only, single; ken -er, not one. 
G einzig. 

eensicherweis[~ ~~-],singly. G einzigerweise. 

eensichscht[~~], only. G einzigst. 

eensler([~~], m, hermit. G einzeln. 

eent[] (der, di, es), the one (of several). G 
der eine. 

eenter{~~], en, the figure 1. G ein+ter. 

eepies|~"], cooky, Christmas cooky (frequent- 
ly cut in the shape of animals). F épice; 
pain d’ épice = gingerbread. 

eeschtlich[~~], easterly. G dstlich. 

effentlich{*~~], open(ly), public(ly). 

effne[*~], pp geeffnet, to open. G Offnen. 

effning[*~], f, opening. G Offnung. 

efters(*~], often, frequently: G 6fters. 

ehe(~~], f, matrimony. G Ehe. 

ehe || brecher{~ ~~~}, m,adulterer; -bruch{~~~], 
m, -breche{*~~~], n, adultery; -fra[*~ 7]; f, 

G Glen. 

G éf- 

ei~ blaudre{- 

t t f 4/ 

wife; -mann[~~~], m, husband; -schtand 
[~~~], m, matrimony. 

ehnder, eher(- ~], sooner, rather. dG ehnder, 
G eher. 

ehr, ihr["], their. G ihr. 

ehr, i ihr["}], you (pl); used also in addressing 

one person, usually as a mark of respect 

to an old person. G thr. 
ehr{], f, honor. G Ehre. 
ehrbar[~~], honorable. G ehrbar. 
ehre[*~], pp geehrt, to honor. G ehren. 
ehrenpreis[~~~], m, common _— speedwell; 
hocher —, tall speed well, Culver’s root. 

G Ehrenpreis. 

ehrewart([~~~], n, word of honor. G Ehren- 
ehr || geiz[*"], m, ambition; -geizich[-~~], 

ambitious, eager for preeminence; -werd- 
ich[~~~], venerable, honorable. 

ehrlich[*~ sh honest. G ehrlich. 

ehrlicherweis(~~~"], honestly. G ehrlich+ 

ehrlichkeet{*~~], f, honesty. G Ehrlichkeit. 

ehrwerdiche[~~~~], pp geehrwerdicht, to 

reverence. G ehrwiirdigen. 
ehrze, ihrze{~~], pp geehrzt, to address one 
with “ehr’’. G ihrzen. 

ei[], why, well! oh! Gei. 

ei~-["], separable prefix of verbs and prefix of 
derived words. G ein-. 

ei*ernde[~~~], pp ei’geernt, to harvest. G 
einernten. ' 

ei“balle[~~~], pp eigeballt, to roll into balls 
(butter). G einballen. 

ei~ balsemiere[*~ ~~~ 1, pp etgebalsemiert, to 
embalm, perfume, wrap up thickly in 
clothes. G einbalsamieren. 

ei*beisse[~ ~~], pp eigebisse, to bite into. G 

ei~bendle[~~~], pp ei gebendelt, to hem. G 
ei*bicke[~~~], pp eigebickt, to turn in the 

edge in hemming. G einbiegen. 

ei*biesse[~~~], pp eigebiesst, to lose, suffer 
bodily harm (in an accident). G ein- 
biissen. . 

ei“bilde[~~~], pp ei’gebildt, sich, to imagine, 
fancy, be conceited. G einbilden. 

ei*bildichkeet([~~~], f, conceit. G einbilden 

ei~ bildisch{~~~], conceited, vain, imaginative. 
G einbildisch. 

ei*bildung{-~~], f, fancy, imagination. G 

ei~billiche[~~~~], pp eigebillicht, to consent. 
G ein+billigen. 

ei” bindle{~~~], pp ei gebindelt, to bantile up; 
sich —, to dress warmly. G einbiindeln. 

ei’ ~binne{- ~~], pp eigebunne, to wrap up, 
bind. G einbinden. 

~~], pp etgeblaudert, to talk 
(something) into (one), get (one) to believe 
Suc Pe G einplaudern. 

ei~blick[~~], m, mental grasp, hint. G Ein- 
‘ blick. 

<a aa. ob ob wasn 

Se . 

sadris D 
, pany 22 sonod 03 } 
‘ ‘per eee A ‘Reebona” es 

-omia 2 nd te toe ante id 
mow F 
smollidms yt, ~feiag It ado 

i” > *}aisisiog= 
bis we ite rpacvnay wuss re indma 

sideransy PF 
“dois Japaaosd , 

+ Aside’ D .yltesnod [~*~ jet 
io iT 
disdtoduta 5 vtsanod 2 f°" “Pesddaiias 

oy drsibreedesg ag tr" +} iothseswuls 
“negibtiwitis 3 ..sornovo7 

ano exnbbs of Jsadesy aq Fa ‘loscdi -osuds 
west “aris dhiiw 

as “tte er wuitw [lis 

to xfisiq bar edisv lo xfetq siiesaqes aoe 
nia DO .alnow heavitsb 

2 .tesvint o} jneeg is qq \[“jebors"is 
; foirienis 

eliad 03s) ior ad dlisdag ia qa ~“Islled "ia 
‘eailedatls =) . (asttud) 

a8 ,Tistnvaleday is gq Y siete “steimealed "is 
gi ‘ykioids qu. daw »muheq Jniedars 
“nsigimastadnisa) seodiolo 

2 ,oini atid of 22d 37 is qq tf Mise ty 

2) med of slsbnedsyis qq r"Slebned" io 
wisbasd-- tiv 

oft ni swt 01 toloides is ay i-* *jedoid te 
nypeidais O -gruminan ni sgbs 

relive eo) of teenidsgiis aa 4 *jeensid”ie 
-nig <) inebioos me mi) m yviibod 

anigsmi of dois Qhlidsg is qq {°**)ebid"is 

nabhdnis) .bstissn09 sd’. 
aeblidais D  .sisones 3 J “> *}ecaidolblidis 
tied + git 
evitenigemi ,nisv jbstieonco [0 '"* eiseiblid “ie 
Adoetbiidnis 0 
© .noitenigami ‘onsl BA We “te 


Insea02 02 sdgiltidog’ is qq 1” ~* jedioiliid™io 

egillid+-aie 2 
qu aibnud of ,tisbaidsg is qq I ** 
tlebnidais OD .yimew eesth oF —— dote 
qu qsTe oi sakudag is aq 7 
nabaidal: > 2 .baid 

dist of tibssidagis gq 

sveited G9 (9n0) 299 ‘iane)e odmi chatreneall 
arsbusiqnis 2 (grid tomes) 

nit D tnd .qesta iainom as a 

70 Ya 
Aswan: As gy Lo a 
Lua ae puree 

noe . 

“ atid 4 
*pisiid “te {ome 


nai 2 “oasred fio < 9945 
wae ae 

©) .toiony aaah L 



samt 0 > 
‘Yeor jtedoud s fo lad 
-isdoud am a ; 

ginis DO .evoinomad 
otis — jsnoyns adds —. 
-ginis oO .somis yns fom-— ; 
este 9 au) 

f° * link alae 

ei* blicke[~~~], 
scrutinize. G einblicken. 

ei~blose[~~~], pp ei geblose, to whisper into 
one’s ear, start the fire in the stack of a 
blast-furnace. G einblasen. 

ei~bluje[~ ~~], pp ei’ geblukt, to plow in (seed). 
G einpfligen. 

, ei*breche[*~~], pp ei’gebroche, to enter 
forcibly, break (a colt), break in (shoes). 
G einbrechen. 

ei~brecher[~~~], m, burglar. G Einbrecher. 

ei~brenne{[-~™], pp eigebrennt, to burn; 
eeni —, to lie (to some one); eens —, to 
give (some one) a blow, cheat. G ein- 

ei“ bringe[~~~], pp ei “gebrocht, to yield, bring 
in income, introduce in a conversation. G 

ei~brockle(~~~], pp ei gebrockelt, 
bread (or crackers) into soup. 

ei bruch(~~], m, burglary. G Einbruch. 

eich{"], you, to you. G euch. 

ei”dzrre{~~~], pp eigederrt, to shrink in 
drying. G eindorren. 

eidechs|~~], ildechs(*~}, m, lizard. G Eidechs. 

ei~deele[~ ~~], pp eigedeelt, to divide into 
parts. Geinteilen. 

eider[~~], n, udder. G Euter. 

eidere[~~~], pp geeidert, to swell the udder 
before calving. G eutern. 

eidere, eedere|~~~], pp geeidert, 
lymph from a wound. G eitern. 

ei~draje[~"~], pp e1gedraje, to carry in, 
yield. G eintragen. 

ei~drehe({~ ~~], pp eigedreht, to turn in, turn 
in (a seam). G eindrehen. 

ei*dreiwe[~ ~~], pp eigedriwwe, to bring 
home (the cows), collect money. G ein- 

ei~drenge[~~~], pp e1gedrengt, sich, to in- 
trude. G eindrangen. 

ei“dricke[~~~], pp ei gedrickt, to indent, press 
together hard. G eindriicken. 

ei” druck[~~], m, impression, emphasis, sensa- 
tion. G Eindruck. 

ei“ eeje[~ ~~], pp er geeekt, to harrow in (seed). 
G eineggen. 

pp eigeblickt, to examine, 

to break 

to ooze 

eier{~~], your. G euer. 
ei~fach{[~-~], simple, plain, not double. G 

ei~faedle{[~ ~~], ei~feddle[~~~], pp ei gfaedelt, 
thread a needle. G einfadelin. 

ei~fahre{~~~], pp ei gfahre, to haul into the 
barn (grain, etc.). G einfahren. 

ei~fahrt(~"], f, gateway, entrance, approach 
to the threshing floor of a bank barn. G 

ei~fall[-~~], m, sudden thought, raid; erfelle, 
queer ideas, whims. G Einfall. 

ei-falle[-~~], pp egfalle, to occur to, re- 
member, cave in. G einfallen. 

ei~falte[~~~], pp ei gfalt, to lay in small folds. 
G einfalten. 
ei~fange[~~“], pp ei gfange, to pen up, im- 

prison. G einfangen. 

 ei~hauche[~ ~~], 

ei“feichde|~ ~~], pp ei gfeicht, to moisten. G 

eifer{[~~], m, zeal, earnestness. G Eifer. 

eiferer[~~ “], m, zealot. G Ejiferer. 

eifer || sichtich{~~~~], jealous; -sucht[~~~], f 

ei*fiehre[*~~], pp eigfehrt, to usher in, in- 
duct, introduce. G einftihren. 

ei~fiehrer{[—~~], m, usher. G Einfiihrer. 

ei*fille(-~~],. pp eigfillt, to fill up, bottle. 
G einfiillen. : 

ei~finne[*~~], pp ei gfunne, sich, to be present. 
G einfinden. 

ei~fluss[~~], m, influence. G Einfluss. 

eifrich[~~], zealous, earnest, eager, excited, 
busy. G eifrig. 

ei*friere, ei~gfriere[~ ~~], 
freeze up (for the winter). 

ei~gang(~~], m, entrance. G Eingang. 

ei”gawwle[~~~], pp eigegawwelt, to pitch 
hay or straw in, eat voraciously. G ein- 

ei~gebore[~~~~], native, inborn. 

ei*geh*(~"], pp ei gange, to enter, shrink, 
consent; defor —, to be in favor of it. 
G eingehen. 

ei~gelschdere([~~~~], pp ei gegelschdert, to 
scare (some one). G ein+dG gelstern. 

pp eigfrore, to 
G einfrieren. 

G einge- 

ei* gemachdes[~~~~], n, preserves. G Einge- 

el”geweid(e)[“~~~~], mn, viscera. G Einge- 

ei* gewwel~~~], pp el gewwe, to yield to, give, 
hand in a bid, administer (medicine). G 

ei* gezojje(~ ~~], 
G eingezogen. 

ei“gleppre[~~~], pp ei gegleppert, 
dike eggs). Gein+klappern. 

ei*gloppe(~~~], pp ei gegloppt, to hammer in. 
G einklopfen. 

ei~grawe[~ ~~], pp ei gegrawe, to bury (apples, 
cabbage, etc.). G eingraben. 

ei“ greife[~~~], pp eigegriife, to make inroads, 
take part. G eingreifen. 

ei” grieje(~ ~~], pp ei grickt, to receive, take in. 
G einkriegen. 

ei~hacke[~~~], pp eikackt, to chop into, 
slander, cover with a hoe in planting; 
nidder (hoch) —, to begin the stroke in 
mowing by cutting low (high). G ein- 

ei~haekle[~~~], pp ei”kaekelt, to hook in. G 

diffident, timid, backward. 

to beat 

ei*herte(~~~], pp ei kert, to harden, inure. 
G ein+hiarten. 
ei*hafte[~~~], pp ei kaft, to fasten up a dress 

(with hooks and eyes). G einhaften. 
ei~halde[-~~], pp ei “kalde, to slacken, stop; 

eens —, to give (some one) a whack. G 
einhalten. ‘ 
ei~handle{[~~~], pp eikandelt, to purchase, 

procure by trading. G einhandeln. 
pp et kaucht, to 
breathe in, inspire. G einhauchen. 


a ee 


ao fute 
: ; =i be 8 af 
lea take aS sou boui 
rina 9 todas a0 oanielint 
alitod .qu Ha, 9. lity We 

‘s i? Tih 

jssegrq ada doin anuiby is aad 

sauhaid 3 mnsuiiai am | 
sbexians ~ngey Jeong 


a3 a ae 

d2%q oF aren, is qq. 
-i9 © yleubiomievy Jn9 01 nate 0 ri 

gis O aridédni .oviten Iro+fonodeg i> 
ateg is 99, if *j*dsg*is 

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of irs! bd: selsyoy ie aq Pe pony elec 
amily wh-enis-<) (ono aoe) s1638 

sande toi of 
i lo sovel oi ad 

anid 9. zesvwmesg- at *lpabsivensg “is 
:, .eetrioers 

_s D see ~ f° **elbiowssg%is 

3 ot bisizy of swwog is qq [~*]swweg 

5 “(enksihen) wieinunbs ‘bid sc} bed 
inewdsed ,bimi? Ane ahisib.,["-~ ~}athaze *” 
" mayenanais 

JSuqqelysg ia. qq 4 “*jorqgaig"te 
fagqhtd-+ me.) Anya? sali} 

ai tammsd oF sqqolgsys 19 7G a sao te 
nerd cydnis .?] 

tasd af 

aii &) und of ,whtpsg’inag [ “jowesg™. 

nodeigois ) . (:a99_ eenties 

ébeotat solar of sing? is ga ft “ististy “is 
Haleeighio OO. .Trey olat 

ni let sviscs1 o3 Tory ls.qq [~~ jpioirg*ie 
begotttats <} 

ini goede ot gpolostie qq [~~ jedsad hs 
snitnsiq at son 6. fre isyoo ,tsbnale 
ai sdowa sa oiged. of (dood) rabbia: 
nis 2) ftigitt) wol gnitts vd sabes 

2 .ni dood of tiolest is aq [°° *joltead*ie 
loi . 

owwnl tsbredl 03 “nse is qq Babe “ie 
+ nis 2) 

zmb p qv neiesl of Jletie qq ~~ Syasied™ie 
nstisinis ) .(asys bee adood sive) 

ote ,nsdsele'o1 ,sblual i> Gq. A.” *}obiadi*is 

7 doatia s (one smce) avrg OF -— enes 

eda ot ,tlobast is | i ee 
salabratinia SJ 
Bunt o 

=e me 

a Td rel 20 eh 

dourini » ee 

“pi dajute 08 inenboas 

adosbia O srresil so } 
oni sbivib of isabay’s 

aswa = 
webbu offi liswa of 
213309 Re 

S500 oF nsbiesy P) : 
rests 32 aaa 
i nso of ithe aq Jf” 
wi siete aa 
103 i fe] OF ‘ 
ane ato done 2 
wond of »ww qd Ae 
ie OD Yatom (ewos ~_ sarod fn 
fi e2 tinie AsO i is Bas ~sibaasttris = 
ia oe eg 

seetq .Inebni 07 .t4: shatis i9g [°-* Jou t ran - 
‘neisiabais o “band og ee 

sense ,sieatljin> meals st at OH rare inch is 

on ome oth es a 

gt Ah 


3 “is er. ts w= 
json 99.1 “bak ie 
+ of} lasd a ii * 

sone ao 

ei*henke[*~~], pp eikenkt, to hook in. G 
ei“hille(~~~], pp eikillt, to wrap up. G ein- 
» hillen. 
ei“hocke[*~~], pp ei kockt, to. keep in its lair 
(of an animal), to stick to the house. G 
ei*hole[*~~], pp ei”kolt, to overtake. 
ei“ howwle[*~~], pp ei kowwelt, to cut cabbage 
(for sauerkraut). G einhobeln 
ei“ jaje[~~~], pp ei’gejakt, to drive or chase 

G ein- 

in, hole. G einjagen. 
eijediemlich(*~~~), peculiar. Geigentiimlich. 
eijedum[-~ ‘I, n, property. G Eigentum. 

eijei(”"], exclamation of surprise or depreca- 
tion, or (with a different intonation) of 
endearment in caressingly pressing one’s 
cheek against that of a child. Also used 
as a noun in the latter sense: gebb mern 
eijei[~ uf Praga FS the former sense sometimes: 
eijeijei. G ei, ei. 

ei*kafe[*~~], pp eikaft, to purchase, lay in 
stock. G einkaufen. 

ei*kehre{~~~], pp eigekehrt, to put up at 
(aninn), begin housekeeping. G einkehren. 

ei*koche[~~~j, pp ei’gekocht, to boil down. 
G einkochen. 

ei*kumme([~~~], pp ei’ kumme, to recall, occur 
to, freshen (of a cow). G einkommen. 

ei*kumme(s)i~~~], n, income. G Einkom- 

eil[], f, owl. G Eule. 

eil{"], f, haste. G Eile. 

ei7lade[“~~], pp eigelade, to invite. G ein- 

ei“lading[~~~], f, invitation. G Einladung. 

eiland[~~], n, island. G Eiland. 

eile[~~], pp geeilt, to hasten, hurry. G eilen. 

ei“ leichde[{* ~~], pp eigeleicht, to get an idea; 
eens —, to give a blow or hit. G ein- 

ei*leiding[~~~], f, introduction. G Einlei- 

ei“leje[~"~], pp ei gelekt, to store up, drop 
seeds in planting, salt down. G einlegen. 

eileschpijjel, eideschpijjel, eirischschpijjel 
{[~~~~], m, Owl-glass, a mythical person full 
of oetiais and pranks frequently lamenting 
the opposite of what is expected to happen. 
G Eulenspiegel. 

eilich[~~j, hasty. G eilig. 

ei~mache[~~~], pp ei gemacht, 
(fruits). G einmachen. 

ei*maure[~~~], pp ei gemauert, to immure. 
G einmauern 

ei7mische[~~~], pp ei°gemischt, sich, to in- 
trude. G einmischen. 

ei“mummlej~~~], pp ei gmummelt, to wrap 
up well. Geinmummelin. 

ei~naehe[~~~], pp ei-genaeht, to sew up in. 
G einnaehen. ' 

ei“nemme([~~~], pp ei genumme, to take in 
(also of money), absorb, take (medicine), 
cheat, make (a garment) narrower or 
smaller. G einnehmen 


to preserve 

ae ee ee ee een er eee ee tT? 

einerlei[*~], all the same. G einerlei. 

ei“nischde, ei*nischdle[~~~], pp ei genischt, 
sich, to cuddle. G einnisten. 

ei“rechle[*~~], pp ei°gerechelt, to count in, 
include. G einrechnen. 

ei*reisse[~ ~~], pp ei gerisse, to make inroads 
on, become a bad custom. G einreissen. 

ei7”reiwe[*~~], pp eigeriwwe, to rub in. G 

ei“rejjne[~~~], pp ei gerejjent, held 
indoors by rain. G einregnen. 

ei*richde[*~~], pp et “gericht, to prepare, fur- 
nish, fix; sich —, to adapt oneself to cir- 
cumstances. G einrichten. 

ei*richding[*~~], f, preparation, arrangement. 
G Einrichtung. 

ei~ricke(~~~], pp ei gerickt, to move in, enter. 
G einricken. 

ei~riehre[~~~], pp ei-geriehrt, to stir in, mix. 
G einriihren. 

ei~riwwle{*~~], pp eigeriwwelt, to crumble 
something into soup, insinuate, hint. G 
ein-+-dG riwwel. 

ei~rutsche[*~~], pp ei-gerutscht, to fall in, 
slipin. G einrutschen. 

eis[7], n, ice. G Eis. 

ei~saee|~~ “], pp elgsaet, to sow (a field). 
G einsden. 

ei~saeje[~~~], pp ei'gsaekt, to saw into. G 

ei~salse[~~~], pp eigsalse, to salt down. G 

ei*sam, einsam(~~], solitary. G einsam. 

ei~samkeet[*~"], f, solitude. G Einsamkeit. 

ei~sammle(~~~], pp ei gsammelt, to gather in, 
collect, pick. G einsammeln. 

eisbeerrick(~~*], m, iceberg. G Eisberg. 

ei*scherfe[~~~], pp ei gscherft, to give strict 
injunctions. G einscharfen. 

ei*scherre[*~~], pp ei gscherrt, to scratch in, 
bury. G einscharren. 

G Auster. 

eischder|~~], f, oyster. 

ei*schenke(~~~], pp ei gschenkt, to pour in, 
pour out. G einschenken. 

ei~scheppe[~~~], pp ei*gscheppt, to shovel in. 
G einschidpfen. 

G einschicken. 

ei*schiewe[~~~], pp ei gschowe, to force in, 
pushin. G einschieben. 

ei~schiffe[*~~], pp ei gschifft, to embark. G 

ei*schitte[~~~], pp ei gschitt, to pour medicine 
down (an animal’s throat). G einschiitten. 

ei* schlack[~~], m, woof. G Einschlag. 

ei*~schlajje(~~~], pp ei gschlajje, to strike (of 
lightning). G einschlagen. 

ei*schleefe[~~~], pp ei “gschleeft, to drag in. 
G einschleifen. 

ei~schleiche(~ ~~], pp etgschliche, to creep in. 
G einschleichen. 

to be 

pp eigschickt, to send in. 

*schliesse[~~~], pp ei gschlosse, to lock up, 
enclose, imprison, include. G einschlies- 


ei*schlippe[ pp eigschlippt, to slip in. 

G einschliipfen. 

ae ¥ -#¥ ss 

Bs) ot sadhsg I 

xi .fil-tite 03 rudsingg’i 3 (ial 
ei ungutente 2 

aldmizt? 02 Jdiswwitse'i2 qq "* *is 
2. jon sveunient ques oti gritjermus 
jsaren Ob-+-ais 
oi Yel of ~doehnsy is qq f” eral 
eure? yi" ni 
O° sis, 

(bien &) woe of po bs pak aL om 
nstenhis 2 

a OTA wee o2 doloaeg is qq «i i" “Jojese" io 
eve Gays 

° owob tise o% eleeg is aq (i-*feelaz” io 
nes laenia 

smmsenis D snatioe 1 jowsenis mee” is 

ties msemtica D .sbaitiioe J f° *peedausa” is 
ni wilicy oF slanuneeg isqa (> *}olunane "ie 

Risinmaenis 2 a Auslioa 
ga «asda mo dzis 
toriie svig 0? JPeadoey OR i * pied" Ie 

Rit et sie setts a2nobonetat 
eft} daistse of Trade 9 ag pera ge 

asrianeis 6} 
sak  oateve Jf ere 

i mog of sinsivey is aq [ "> }ednedoa” ls 
Aatnl eis O — an 

ni levotle 03 dqqadoeg" ts qq J" *}sqqndoe" ioe 
meageiounis 2 

ni base of thoithed is aq .i *jsaaidze” te 
nedoudvenis «) 
ti sprot of \ewodeev is qq if "> jowstase” fs 
nodaideenis D . ni deng 

2D sitsdmgot tRisdoey in qq [°~* pTidse"is 

snizibarn woq ot Midseg ie qy [”" “nidoeie 
tonitisenis<) .(isords e'lemins treob 
; polices is am p 3 re jotintdonie 
o) soleriz 08.43} is * 
ni ganb 03 sect is ag a *jsisoliioe*ie 
aptialrinents J 
mi qecis of ioiltbey is ga J Saisie te 
qu Aol of seeclraegis-qq rE 
-enidcanis W- Isbulota 

i gi a 
usiqitisenis J 

ee a qq + jequiidaa is 

a» dive sper 00 : 
eo ie t.5 niesbat 
je That aet - 
oe he email dead “i 
. jistis a 

jn qu tuq of 
.awob liod of , 

- nermod adnie O 
-modaid 2 .stnooni 

wy wna = 

Ldn vite 

qoib .qu 

megedais <) 

boi fiqdoedsersio 

Hut rome leciitym & seslgiwO yn 
gritnomst yinswpst! ainsi bos 
fgqest OF borsgrs ai 1etiw Yo 9: 

ae e4 

ani qu wse 01 eon a ds 

ei "schlitze(-~*], pp elgschlitzt, to tear, slit. 
G einschlitzen. 

ei*schlofe[~~~], pp eigschlofe, to fall asleep, 
go to sleep: mei fuss is eigschlofe. G 

ei~schlummere(*~~~], pp eigschlummert, to 
fall into a slumber. G einschlummern. 

ei*schluppe[*~~], pp eigschluppt, to slip or 
crawlin. G einschliipfen. 

ei*schmeechle[~~~], pp ei gschmeechelt, sich, 
to ingratiate oneself. G einschmeicheln. 

ei”schmiere[~~~], pp eigschmiert, to lubri- 
cate, rub in grease, sow in wet weather, 
get dirty; sich —, to ingratiate oneself. 
G einschmieren. 

ei*schmuggle[*~~], pp ei gschmuggelt, to 
smuggle in. G einschmuegeln, 

ei*schnerre{~~~], pp ei gschnzrrt, to shrink. 
G einschnurren. 

ei*schnalle(~~~], pp eigschnallt, to buckle, 
tighten. G einschnallen. 

ei~schneee[~~~], pp ei gschneet, to become 
snowbound. G einschneien. 

ei~schneide[*"~], pp ei gschnidde, to nick, 
cut (onions or cucumbers) in salt and 

vinegar. G einschneiden. 
ei*schnitt[*~], m, groove, incision. G Ein- 

ei~schpezrre{*~~], pp ei gschpzrrt, to pen up, 
lock up, confine. G einsperren. 

ei~schpanne[~~~], pp eigschpannt, to hitch 
up (a horse). G einspannen. 

ei*schprenge(~~~], pp ei gschprengt, to chase 
in. G einsprengen. 

ei*schpritze(~~~], pp ei gschpritzt, to sprinkle 
(wash) before ironing. G einspritzen. 

ei*schrecke[~~~], pp ei gschreckt, to scare, 
intimidate. G einschrecken. 

ei*schreiwe[~ ~~], pp ei gschriwwe, to enroll, 
inscribe, enter in a book. G einschreiben. 

ei~schrenke(~~~], pp ei gschrenkt, to shrink, 
restrain. G einschranken. 

eischt("], possibly, at the least sign of. P 

ei*schterze[~~~], pp ei gschterzt, to fall in, 
collapse. G einstiirzen. 

ei~schtawe[*~~], pp ei gschtabt, to be covered 
with dust, sow in dust. Geinstauben. 

ei*schtecke[~~~], pp ei gschteckt, to put into 
one’s pocket, lock up. G einstecken. 

eitschteh"[~"], pp eigschtanne, to enter 

service, amswer, be responsible for. G 
G einstehen. 

ei*schteije[~~~], pp ei gschtijje, to get into, 
step into. G einsteigen. 

eischtelle[“~~], pp eigschtellt, to put up 
(cattle) for fattening, forbid, put an end to: 
zr hott's ihm ei gschtellt. G einstellen. 

ei*schtewwre[~~~}], pp eigschtewwert, to 
chase in, enter abruptly. G einstobern. 

ei*schtimme|< ~~], pp ei gschtimmt, to agree, 
accord, chime in. G einstimmen. 

ei “schtoppe[*~*], pp eigschtoppt, to stuff 1 in, 

gorge. G einstopfen. 


ei*schtricke[~~~], pp eigschtrickt, to narrow 
in the toe of a stocking in knitting. G 

ei*schweere({~ ~~], pp el gschwore, to swear in, 
inaugurate. G einschworen. 

ei~schwetze|*~~], pp eigschwetzt, to make 
(one) believe, persuade. G einschwatzen. 

ei*schwitze(~~~], pp ei gschwitzt, sich, to 
perspire excessively. G einschwitzen. 

eise[~~], n, iron: G Eisen. 

eise[~~], (of) iron: en eisner drok. G eisern. 

eise || erz(~~"], n, iron ore; -fresser[~~~~], 
m, bully; -gras[~~"], n, wire grass, Canada 
bluegrass; -graut[~~"], n, vervain, blue 
vervain: heath aster; -haffe[~~~~], m, iron 
cook-pot; -hols["~"], n, hop horn-beam: blue 
bush; -Keidel[~~~~], m, iron wedge; -kessel 

panes m, large iron kettle; -werrick[~~~~], 
n, iron-works. 
Eisebart{- ~~], m, Dokter, name of a mythical 

doctor celebrated in song, ironical for any 
doctor. G Eisenbart. 

ei~seefe[~~~], pp eigseeft, to lather. G ein- 

ei~sehne{~~~], pp ei’gsehne, to comprehend, 
understand, see the point. G einsehen. 

ei~sehnes{~ ~~], n, insight, consideration. G 

ei~sejne[~ ~~], 

ei~setze{~~~], pp ei'gsetzt, to put in, install. 
G einsetzen. 

ei~setzung|~—~~],f, ordination. G Einsetzung. 

eis || glumpe{~~~], m, lump of ice; -graut{[~"}, 
n, clear-weed; -haus(~"], n, icehouse; -hoke 
[<7], m m, ice-hook; -kralt{~~], ice-cold; -pick 
“™|;, ff “ice=pick; mesaek[Ce| f; “ite-saw; 
sschiwwe!([~~~], m, lump of ice; -wasser 
[“~~], n, icewater; -zang{*~], f, ice-tongs; 
-zappe(~ ~~], m, icicle. 

eisich[~~], icy. G eisig. 

ei~ sicht[""], f, insight. G Einsicht. 

ei~sinke[~~~], pp eigsunke, to sink in, cave 
in. G einsinken. 

eisop[~~], m, hyssop. G Ysop. 

eisseerscht(-~], utmost, outer. G &usserst. 

eisserlich[~~~], external(ly). G Ausserlich. 

ei~suckle(~~~}, pp ei gsuckelt, to suckin. G 
ein+dG suggeln. 

“], pp ei7gsejent, to confirm {a 
in church), consecrate. G ein- 

ei*wandrer|[~~~], m, immigrant. G _ Ein- 
ei” weeche(~ ~~], pp ei geweecht, to soak, lam. 

G einw eed 

ei~weihe[~~~], pp ei geweiht, to dedicate. G 

ei~weihing(~~~], f, dedication. 

ei~wenning, ei”wendung[~~~], f, objection, 
excuse, pretext. G Einwendung. 

ei~ wetze|~ ~~], pp ei gewetzt, sich, to bedraggle 
one’s trousers or dress with mud. G ein- 

ei~wickle{~~~], pp ei'gewickelt, to wrap up. 
G einwickeln. 

G Einwei- 

I wry, = 


isaidt- yin 4 haan aataod am foes 
vas 10 tesitton! anos ii baterdoles 10830 

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astivanis 2 .Jniog oft ose ,baaizrsbau 

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pystoenta O 

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J ~jgerm. :oi to dmal ya ~*leqeaut i gis 
saad :azuor od fT “inert. : beea-183)3 is 
daige sbloo-sdi [-~iaas jtood-sol am 
‘wWha-oDi  .t t “higmex (AU i «a 
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.qoet > .qoeeyd .n [*jqoeis 
JerseaysE OD Asituo seams In? }ydoevmzets 
Apilrseers O i yiiearstes [~~ jeoifsazate 
2  .nf dove oF dealayeg ae a ir**jebioua” is 

sgyu2 Ob-+ mis 

-i@ OD tnergnami ‘a "f-joxbasw'te 

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> 976aibeb 03 ,idisweg is 4g SE it Mg 

-swnld 3) moissibsb |} be anaes 

atsa{do 3. J “*;gapbnew" PE ‘te 

gavbasenid oD .I7sdsTq .S21I9K9 

siggerbod 03 ,doiz ,tatewog” i>QG pet joxiswis 

3 2 Dur ene ee SA Ee a'9n0 

qu qaxe ot distoiwss is aq io bi 

—— os eee, 

i D cnoidnal o/00g 4 

Qu neg 93 Ss! 2g 

dowd o3 esti c is ¢ 

seed of ,tyndnydosg 

odisttbasie 2 clood 5 ai 19309, adie. 
winhrlz of tansidsev ie aq {°"*)sdaeubehe 

nsdndidsacis 2 a 
q 2 ae ane eh a 

ei“ williche[~~~~], pp ei”gewillicht, to consent. 
G einwilligen, . 

ei~windle[~~~], pp ei’gewindelt, to swathe. 
G einwindeln, 

ei” wintre[~~~], pp ei gewintert, to have winter 
set in. G einwintern. 

ei“ witsche[~~~], pp ei-gewitscht, to slip in. 
G einwitschen. 

ei"wohner, ei~wuhner[*~~], m, inhabitant. 
G Einwohner. 

ei nieseir So} pp el gezojje, to draw in, move 
into. G einziehen. 

ei~zwinge[~~~], pp ei gezwunge, to force (one) 
to swallow. elnzwingen. 

ekel, egel{~~], m, disgust, distaste. G Ekel. 

in an ~~], disgusting, distasteful. G ekel- 


ekelheftichkeet, ekelhaftichkeet{[-~*~-], f 
loathsomeness. G Ekelhaftigkeit. 

ekle[*~], pp geekelt, to have a disgust for, 
be nauseated by. G ekeln. 

eklich[~~], disagreeable, squeamish. G eklig. 

elbedritsche, elfedritsche{+~~~], elbedritsch- 
elche[*~~~~], n, mythical bird or beast; 
also whimsically used to designate an 
insect of unknown Species; — fange was a 
term used for playing a practical joke on an 
innocent or simple person who was per- 
suaded to hold a bag at some lonesome spot 
to catch this supposed animal, and who 
was then deserted by the rest of the party 
while they pretended to be beating up the 
animal in the bushes and driving it towards 
the bag; in a less literal sense, to be wool- 
gathering. dG elpedritsch, Slpedriitsch = 
simple person. The elbe-, elfe-, may be G 
Elfen. Cf drutsch. 

eldeschder[*~~], eldeschtee~{*~~], m, elder in 
achurch. G Altester. 

elefandeschtock[-~*~~], _ m, 
Adapted from E. 

elefant{[*~~], m, elephant. G Elefant. 

element[*~~], n, element. G Element. 

elend(~~], n, misery, trouble. G Elend. 

elendich[~~~], miserable, poorly. G elendig. 

elends || geglak[-~~~], n, constant recounting 
of one’s misery; -gweckel/~~~~], n, miser- 
able (little) thing (EH). G Elend+dG 
quack, queck+el. Cf neschtgweckerli. 

elf["], eleven; -e, eleven: the cardinals from 4 
to 9, also 11 and 12, add -e when used sub- 
stantively: es sin elfe vun uns, es is schunn 


elephant’s ear. 

zwelfe. G elf. 
elfmol[*], eleven times. G elfmal. 
elft{“], eleventh. G elft. 
Eli[~~], m, Elias. G Elia(s). 

Eliasdak[~~~"], m, July 20. 
ellboje[* ~~], m, elbow. 
elt["], f, age; uff —, of age. 
elter[*~], older. G Alter. 
eltlich[*~], elderly. G 4ltlich. 
eltre[*~], pl, parents. G Eltern. 
eltscht[], oldest. G 4ltest. 
em, 'm{~], to the, to one, to a person. 

G Elias+Tag. 
G Ellbogen. 
G Alter. 

G dem, 

OS TST TY Tar Ti i eich tbat Orta kk 2 37 1 ress re 

emme[*~], me[*], toa. G einem. 

emol[*~], emoli{~*~], once, formerly, sooner or 
later, just, even, and that ends it. G 

emsich[*~], industrious, diligent. G emsig. 

en, ’n{‘}, (ind art) a, an; (pr) him. G ein- 
(en), ihn. 

-en{“], ending of proper names to indicate 
Mrs.; but names ending in -ert, -i, -l, 
-man, add -sen; names ending in -er add 
-n: di Flecken, di Lambertsen, di Diemern 
= Mrs. Fleck, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Diemer. 
G -in. 

end[“], n, end, limit. G Ende. 

ende[*~], pp geendt, to end, result. Genden. 

endecke[“*~], pp endeckt, to discover, dis- 

close. G entdecken. 
ender{*~], ehnder[*~], rather, either. dG 

endivvi, andivvi, andivdi[-’~] (v=f), m, en- 
dive. G Endivie. 

endivviselat(-*~~"], m, endive (salad). G 

endkeitel, engkeitel[*-~], m, caecum, intes- 
tine, the same (of a beef) cleaned and 
stutted with sausage meat. dG engkeitl, 

endlich[*~], finally. G endlich. 
endlos[*"], unending. G endlos. 
endrich[{*~], m, drake. G Entrich. 

endweks[*”j], endways. G end+wegs. 

eng["], narrow, tight; — uff der bruscht sei”, 
to have dithculty in breathing. G eng. 

eng || brischdich{*~~], asthmatic: -herzich 
[°~~], narrow-minded. 

engeje[~~], towards. G entgegen. 

engeje | geh~[*~"], to go to meet: -kumme 
“=~*<~), to come to mect; Pet ain | tO 
walk to meet. 

engel[*~], m, angel. G Engel. 

engelblumm|[*~~], f, envelblimmli[*~~“], n, 
Indian pipe, corpse plant. G Engelblume. 

engelwarzel[*~~~], f, angelica. G Engel- 
enger(*~], narrower. G enger. 

England[*~], n, England. G England. 

Englenner(*~~], m, Englishman. G Eng- 
englisch[*~], English; — sals, epsom salts; 

— grankheet, scrofula, king’s evil. G 
englisch. . 

engschde[(*~], pl, fear, terror. G Angste. 

engschderlich, engschderich[*~~], engschtlich 
[*~], fearful, anxious. G Angstlich, 

enkel[*~], m, grandson. G Enkel. 

enkel{*~], m, ankie. G Enkel. 

enkelin(*~~], f, granddaughter (not common). 
G Enkelin. 

enne[*~] =ihne. 

ennere[*~~], pp geennert, to alter, change. 
G andern. 

ennering, ennerung([*~~], f, change. 

ent("], f, duck. G Ente. 

G Ander- 

He snobs ©) ibe! aati. ag “jabs 



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sivibad 2 - 
wm. un ey 
PR mene: 
stn) .uzeeo oo of * ilstiozsns 4 
bas beassio (sods 30) sine oft atid 
Jisisdans Ob. tsa spseuse dura betwie 
fioithins D - -vilont. f°  iaisaltves 
zolbna O sunibiaalt ny “ati 
Joana D _ eatin Ser i *“Pfpisbae 
agve-+bre<)) 2yverbie Ae ‘pdewbos 
“hes dd2auwd wb hu —— cng wore, “|pns 
gro DO | .pririteord ni ys: ith avant o3 
dinisrede rorerddes J” -\doibttoaind 
babrini-wersén [~ : 
mogeeites) eben? LM pc 
acini Jos. ‘oF og 03." * Peg, ae 


(balsa) svibas 

oy f-** ‘yoteh (loons OF ames 97 poe 
asin ot Hiaw 

: legn 2 .Isgne,at O fegeae 
a f° “ouniidienas Be ateie s: 
38 muldisgn das) inal = ye soiq maibn 

-lygnd =) .sollogas «lh SI a na 

segne 2 yewors ye a 

bnelgnd J -breignd .n ,(*“Sasiged 

gna DO .namfsiignd sm io psnnelged 

-etlea moaqs tice — jfeilgad J’ "pioaiigas 
> five 2 gaia lito. vsadiings o- 

segn kD z9n93 .zs9t |q J-lebdacoms 
isi daesns J *idonebdoegue ,doiliebdos 
Jioidegad DO  4voixos ,lptigot us 
; Jsdind wD 

Jsind 2 sides um [* 

“{ftomrmos gon) enh COG, il" *}ailesas 

nilolad » 
. aces 
gnats er of ,fiennsey aq joveaas 
acne Nobel D 

ewbnk ¥ gnats 1 [°"*}gumsems ,gahenns 

int D toa i 


md. ore ace 
, Ob raitsia tod Pepebae. {pehee 
ag ym =¥) ee “ibvibas srvibas a 

aie eee? 

poet inn 

< ss si ? 
5 J 
% * ‘ 
om 1 *e 
wb ~ x + 
Wye — 
4 4 < 

-19q 25 hn noesd 
toga tl flonaes2- e bl 

a itt abA_ 
esta D aedgois ae 

Jasmala asnocnats a | a 
basil OD sldsou pore on 
gibacls O -hoog idatsel nf 

De meget chart ie eg pebaeie | 
asm « o"~* ey: 

Ob+bratat O Mint aid). (st (si lds 
beste ‘et dup 
+ mort alsai 
get eta Sui 

ent-|~], inseparable prefix of verbs and derived 

words. Gent-. 

entche[*~], n, duckling. G Entchen. 

enteoi{*~ |, n, duck’s egg. G Enteel. 

entfernt[~*], distant. G entfernt. 

entschteh~(“~], pp entschtanne, to originate. 
G entstehen. 

en(t)schuldiche[“*~~], pp entschuldicht, to 
excuse; sich —, to apologize. Gentschul- 

G Entschuldigung. 

Sk tae, ci terrible, awful. G entsetz- 

entwedder[*~~], either. G entweder. 

entzickt["*], in a trance, enraptured. G ent- 

Ephrida[*~"], n, Ephrata. G Ephrata. 

eppel || bam[*~], m, apple tree; -dak[*~ 7], m, 
March 25; -keern|’~~], f, apple-seed; -kuche 
[-~~~], m, apple-tart; -lab[*~"], n, apple 
leaves; -wei7(*~ |, m, cider. 

erschdens[~~], firstly. G erstens. 

erschder(~~], sooner, rather. dG erschter. 

erscht["], first, only, just now, till; ich war’s 
—, 1 was first. G erst. 

erschtling[*~], m, heifer that calves for the 
first time. dG erstling. 

es{-], the (meut art); it (pr), usually used in 
referring to maedel when the girl is small, 
when the girl is older sie is used. Gas, es. 
Cf ’s. 

esch{~], f, ashes. G Asche. 

eschdimiere[~~~~], pp geeschdimiert, to es- 
teem, regard. G Astimieren. 

esche(bam)[*~"], m, ash-tree. G Eschen- 

m, Ash Wednesday. 

f, apology, excuse. 


Cf Aschermittwoch. 

eschepuddel[*~~~], f, drudge, person in a 
family who rises last on Shrove Tuesday. 
G Aschenputtel. 

eschich{*~], covered with ashes, ashen. G 

eschmann{‘~], m, ashman. G Aschenmann. 

esel{~~], m, ass, mule. Esel. 

esel || dreiwer(~~ ~~], m, mule-driver; -hutsch 
[“~~], n, mule-colt; -kopp[~~~], m, block- 
head; -schtreech{~~7}, pl, rough pranks, 

ess["], f, raised platform in a blacksmith’s 
shop where the fire and tools are found, 
forge. G Esse. 

esse[*~], pp gesse, to eat; sich gut —, to 
be good eating. G essen. 

esse(’~]. n, eating, food, meal. G Essen. 

essebell{*~~], f, large bell erected on a pole 
and rung to call the men from the field to 
dinner. G Essen+obsolete Bell. 

esser[*~], m, eater. G Esser. 

esserei{- ~~], f, (much or continued) eating. 
G Esserel. 

essich{*~], m, vinegar. G Essig. 

essich || fass{[*~~], n, vinegar barrel; -gruck 
{*~~], m, vinegar jug; -hols{*~~}, n,- scarlet 
sumac; -mutter{[*~~~],f, mother of vinegar. 

ess || kessel[*~~], m, dinner pail; -leffel[*~~], 
m, tablespoon; -sache[*~~], pl, victuals; 
sschank[*~], m, pantry, larder; -schtick([-~], 
n, lunch; -schtubb[*~], f, diningroom; -zeit 
{[*"], f, meal-time. 

etliche[*~*], several. G etlich. 

etzettera]’*~"], et cetera, and so forth. G 
etcetera <L et cetera, 

Evaj[**], f, Eve. G Eva. 

Evvengelisch[~*~], Evangelical. G evange- 

evvengelium[~~*~~], n, gospel. G Evange- 

ewe[-~], even, level. G eben. 

eweck|~*], away, absent. dG eweg. 

eweil[-*], (adv) a while, meanwhile. G eine 

ewene[~~~], pp geewent, to level. G ebnen. 

ewening[~ ~~], f, level space. dG ewening. 

ewich(~~], eternal, for ever; gar — viel, very 
much, a whole lot. G ewig. 

ewich || jaejer{["~~~], m, spirit hunter; -rotzer 
[~*"], m, glanders; -unruh[“~* 7}, 1, per- 
petual motion. 

ewichkeit(~~"], f, eternity; (as adj) en -si 
schand, aneverlastingshame. G Ewigkeit. 

ewichlich[~~~], for ever. G ewiglich. 

ewwel’~], simply, just, you know. G eben. 

ewwer|*~], m, boar, hoggish man. G Eber. 

ewwer|*~], upper. G ober (6ber). 

ewwerdeel[*~"], n, upper part. PG ewwer+ 
G Teil. 

ewwergraut[*~~], n, lady's slipper, moccasin- 
flower. G Eberkraut. 

ewwerschich, ewwersich, iwwersich[*~~], up- 
wards. G itiber sich. 

ewwerscht[*~], upper, uppermost, 
schpeicher, garret. G Oberst. 

ewweviel[‘~~], ewwevielich[*~ ~~], immaterial, 
indifferent. dG ebevicel. 

exel{*~], n, small ax, hatchet. Dim of G Axt. 

exempel[~*~], n, m, example. G Exempel. 

exeziere[-~-~], pp geexeziert, to drill. G 

extra[*"}], extra, exceptionally. G extra. 

, F 

fabel[-~], f, fable. G Fabel. 

fache[*~], pp gfacht, tofan. G fachen. 

fackel[*~], f, torch, bundle of straw for thatch- 
ing. G Fackel. 

fade(m)[*~], m, fibre. G 

faedmich[~~], stringy, fibrous. G fadenig. 

faehich[*~], capable, fit. G fahig. 

faehichkeet[~~"], f, qualification, 
ability. G Fahigkeit. 

ferdich[‘~], done, finished, ready. G fertig. 

Ferdinand[*~~],m, Ferdinand. G Ferdinand. 

fern{~], distant, remote. G fern. 

ferrich[*~]; was -er, was -i, was —, what kind 
of, what sort of. G was fiir+ig. 

ferrichbutzich/*~~~], cowardly, timid, tim- 
orous. G Furcht+butzig. 

top;; — 

thread, string, 


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wedgrrad) -ampte sara ave, ma 
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cals D wont yoy tevi  viqmia [ "lowws : ommld | 
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ies i224) slomexe an HIDES 
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axe 2D .yilaneitqeoxns ies [ "lactase 5 
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oilers samecaiccien » rie of bist sci mol nam od) ile9.08 
idbT OO  .gpilids Me a19luede+- 
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esnibist OO .breaiied oJ ~*}pasaibiwl . -snisss (beuniino 30. doum) Sa % 
eli) stome: jasieib fiat 7 
brid tow ,— enw .j- esw co eow i[-~ | peed D ; 

tui enw OQ .lo ts to Bourg: ; ; 
mit .binds .vibewoo oe sss -n Pate igh 
Sati pleted pied 2) ROO Jageniv te wdiom 1 

Pennsylvanta-German Dictionary SOS, Sl eee 

ferrichde[*~~], pp gferricht, to fear; sich —, 
to be afraid. G fiirchten. 

ferrichderlich{*~~~], frightful, fearful, dread- 
ful. G fiirchterlich. 

ferriwell[~~*], farewell, goodbye. G_ fahre 
wohl (strongly influenced by E farewell). 

ferschde[-~], m, heel. G Ferse. 

ferscht|], m, ridgepole, space in a building 
immediately under the ridgepole, top of a 
tree (inclimbing). G First. 

ferwel[*~], pp gferbt, to dye, color. Gfarben. 
feerwer[’~], m, dyer. G Farber. 
fahne({*~], f, flag, tassel (of corn). G Fahne. 

fahneschtock([~~~], m, flagstaff. G Fahne+ 

fahre[~~], pp gtahre, to drive, ride, haul; 
in di heeh —, to start up, fly up, resent; 
iwwers maul —, to snap a person off. G 

fahr || brick[~~], f, bridge for vehicular traffic; 
-geeschel{~~~], f, cart-whip, teamster’s 
heavy whip; -geld[-~]j, n, tare; -laessich 
[~~~], careless, negligent, inattentive; 
elaessichkeet[*~~"], f, negligence, careless- 
ness; -wek{~ 7], m, road, carriage-road; 
ezettel[~~~], m, railroad ticket. 

fahrt{"], f, drive, bars. G Fahrt. 

fahrt[7], f, ford. G Furt. 

falbel[*~], flounce, furbelow. G Falbel. 

falii-], m, fail, case. G Fall. 

fall[-], f, trap. G Falle. 

fall || brick[*~], f, drawbridge; -dier[* 7], f, trap- 
door; «schtrick[*~], m, snare. 

falle[*~], pp gialle, to fall, be contributed; 
was fallt, the church collection. G fallen. 

fallendgrankheet{~~~~], falletgranket[-~~~], f, 
epilepsy. G fallende Krankheit. 

falsch["], false, cross, angry, resentful, counter- 
feit, balky (of a horse); — schweere, to 
perjure oneself; des macht mich —, that 
provokes me; — werre, to acquire a grudge; 
— bliehe, to bloom without bearing. G 

falsch || gsicht[~*], n, mask; 

falschheet(* ], f, crossness, resentment, latent 
grudge. G Falschheit. 

false[*~], pl, tucks, wrinkles, folds. G Falz. 

fait{-], f, fold, wrinkle. G Falte. 

falter{*~],f, bars (at entrance to a field or lane). 
dG falter=G Falltor. 

familje[“*~], familje["*~],  f, 

familjeumschtende[-*~~~~], pl, family way: 
sie isin—. G Familie +Umstande. 

fang{-], m, catch. G Fang. 

fange[*~|, pp gfange, to catch, seize; — losse, 
to have (some one) arrested; sich selwer —, 
to contradict oneself. G fangen. 

fangzah~[* 7], m, tusk, fang. (s Fangzahn. 

far, fer[~], for, in exchange for, for the benefit 
of; was —, what sort of, what kind of. 
G fiir, dG for. 

faran[~~], fare[*~], m, fern, brake, sweet fern. 
G Farn. 


family. G 

farricht{*~], f, fear, fright. 

farb[-], farreb[‘~}, f, color, paint; raus mit 
der —, speak out. G Farbe. 

farb || kessel{*~~], m, paint bucket; -miehl[* 7], 
f, paint mill; -pensil{*~~], m, paint brush. 

farm{~]=far em. 

farme[*~}],=far me. 

farme[*~], pp gfamt, toconfirm. G firmen. 

farn{~]=far en. 

farness|*~], f, furnace. dG furniiss. 

G Furcht. 

farricht[*~], f, furrow. G Furche. 

fars{~]=far es. 

fart, fatt(-], away, gone. Gé fort. 

fart-, fatt-[-], separable verb prefix, and prefix 
of derived words. G fort-. 

fart || blaudre[* ~~], tocontinue to talk; -bleiwe 
{*"~], to remain away; -bliehe[* ~~], to con- 
tinue to bloom; -blose[*~~], to blow away; 
zbrauche[* ~~], to continue to use; -brenne 
[*~~], to continue to burn; -d@rfe[*~~], to 
be aliowed to go; -dauer(* ~~], f, permanence, 
continuation; -daure[’ ~~], to continue, last; 
-draje[*~~], to carry away; -dreiwe[*~~], to 
chase off, drive away; -fahre[*~~], to drive 
away, haul away, drive on; -fiehre[*~~], to 
lead away; -flieje([*~~],to flyaway;-geh~[°"}, 
to go away, depart; zhalte{*~~], to continue 
as an institution; -helfe[*~~], to help away, 
help along; -jaje[* ~~], to chase away, gallop 
away; -kenne[*~~], to be able to get away, 
be able to get about; -kumme[*~~], to get 
along, succeed; -lafe[*~~], to walk away, 
leave a position; -lese[*~~], to continue to 
read; -lewe[* ~~], to continue to live; -loddle 
[*-~], to jog along; -mache[* ~~], to continue; 
mach dich fart, be gone; -maschiere[*~ ~~], 
to be off; -misse(*~~], to be obliged to go, 
have to die; -nemme(*~~], to take away; 
zpacke[*~~], sich, to be gone; -reide[* ~~], to 
ride away; -rejjne[*~~], to continue to rain; 
srolle[*~~], to roll away; -schaffe[*~~], to 
continue to work, get rid of; -schicke[{*~~], 
to send away; -schiewe([*~~], to push along 
or away; -Schleiche[*~~], to sneak away; 
-schlofe[* ~~], to continue tosleep; -schpringe 
[*~~], to run away; -schreiwe[* ~~], to con- 
tinue to write, to write to some one at a dis- 
tance; -schritt(*~], m, progress; -schtiwwere 
[*~~~], to chase off or away; -setze[*~~], to 
continue; -wachse[*~~], to continue to grow; 
-wolle[*~~], to want to go away; -zackere 
[*~~~], to keep on working; -zieje[* ~~}, to pull 
away, move away. 

farwich[*~], colored. G farbig. 

farz[-], m, fart. G Furz. 

farze[*~], pp gfarzt, to fart. 

Faschde[*™~], pl, di, Lent. 

faschde(*~}, pp gfascht, to fast. 

fascht("], f, fast. G Fast. 

fascht(”}, fast, firm, solid. G fest. 

fascht[“], almost. G fast. . 

fascht || binne[*~~], to tie fast; -halte[*~~], to 
keep hold of; -mache([*~~], to fasten, fix; 
enemme[*~~], to take hold of, arrest; 

G furzen. 
G Fasten. 
G fasten. 

pitteks aw 

ewisids silat o7 sunitags of ["* “joxbaskd ye 
~883 91 Xr >“jostoild= hited nen 
ivews wold ar e"sjeaclds 
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oe yilere 44 

Anpeiaey : 


Bae Sr 
WD) va 

«schtecke[*~~], to stick fast; -werre[*~~], to 
become stuck, be puzzled. 

Faschtzeit[*"], f, Lent. G Fastenzeit. 

Fasnacht(*~], Fasenacht(*~~], Fasnacht/[*~], 
Faschtnacht[-~}, f, Shrove Tuesday; di 
Fasnacht kummt hinneno, applied to a 
person who is last, a slow-poke; di alt 
Fasnacht, said of that member of a family 
who rises last on Shrove Tuesday; nau™ 
werd di Fasnacht ins seifass gschpeerrt. 
G Fastnacht. 

fasnachtkichelche[*~~~~], n, fasnachtkuche 
{[~~~~], m, doughnut. G Fastnachtskuchen. 

fass[“], n, barrel, cask. G Fass. 

fass || binner[*~~], m, cooper; -daub[*"], f, stave 
of a cask. 

fasse[*~], pp gfasst, to take hold of, grasp, 
measure into bags (grain), put into hives 
(bees). G fassen. 

fassere[*~~], pl, fibers, threads. G Fasern. 

faul{"], rotten, lazy; ebbes —, something 
wrong; -e eppel, ironical for false reports. 
G faul. 

faule[~~], pp gfault, to rot, decay. G faulen. 

faulense[~~~], pp gfaulenst, to lounge, be lazy, 

loaf. G faulenzen. 

faulenser[~~~]j, m, lazybones, loafer. G Fau- 

faulerkaes[~~"], m, pot-cheese. G faul+ 

faulhals!"*], m, diphtheria. G faul+Hals. 

faulheet[~"], f, laziness. G Faulheit. 
fauscht["], f, fist; sich di — voll lache, to 
laugh in one’s sleeve; en — mache, to 
threaten with clenched fist. G Faust. 
fauschthensching[~~~], m, mitten (with a 
separate thumb). G Fausthandschuh. 
fawle[-~], pp gfawelt, to talk twaddle, talk 
incoherently and fumble with the bedcover 
in the delirium of a severe illness. G 
faxe[*~], pl, tomfoolery, nonsense. G Faxen. 
faxe[*~], pp gfaxt, tofool. From G Faxen (no 
faxemacher| 1, m, funny fellow, buffoon. 
G Faxenmacher. 
Febrew4r[*~ =], m, February. G Februar. 
fechde[*~], pp gfochde, to fight. G fechten. 
fechder{*~], m, fighter. G Fechter. 
fechderei(-~~], f, quarrels. G Fechtereli. 
fecht{-], m, fight. PG fechde. Cf gfecht. 
fechthahne[*~~|], m, game-cock, quarrelsome 
person. G Fecht+Hahn. 
feckle[*~], pp gieckelt, coire. dG ficke. 
fedder{*~}, f, feather, pen, spring. G Feder. 
fedder | bett[*~~], n, feather-bed; -deck[*~~], 
f, feather-bed; -fassing|*~~™~], f, bedticking; 
zkeidel{*~ ~~}, m, quill; -kisse[*~*~], n, pillow 
stuffed with feathers; -messer[*~~~], n, pen- 
knife; -rohri*~~], n, penholder; -schtiel[*~ 7], 
m, penhoilder; -vieh{*~"], n, poultry; -wisch 
[°~~], m, feather duster. 
feddere[*~~], pp gfeddert, to feather; sich 
—,to moult. G federn. 



fedd(e)rich[*~~], covered with feathers, fea 
thered. G federig. 

feel["], for sale. G feil. 

fehl["j, fail(ing): unne —. G Fehl. 

fehl || dritt{~~], m, misstep; -gebort[~~~], mis- 
carriage; -geh~[~"], to go astray, miss one’s 
way, miscarry; -greife[~~~], to make a mis- 
take; -griff[~~], m, blunder; -johr{~“j, n, 
year of poor crops; -schiesse[~~~], to shoot 
wide of the mark, miss, be mistaken; 
eschlack[~~], m, unsuccessful attempt: 
-schlajje[*~~], to miss one’s blow, fail, turn 
out unsuccessfully; -schuss[~~], m, miss, bad 

fehle{-~], pp gfehlt, to fail, lack, miss, ail. G 

fehler{-~], m, fault, mistake, defect, infirmity; 
en — am herz hawwe, to have heart 
trouble. G Fehler.. 

fehlertfrei[~~"], perfect. G fehlerfrei. 

fehlerhaft[“~~], faulty, imperfect. G fehler- 

fei~[-~], fine, nice, excellent, artful; en feiner 
kerl, ironically the opposite of the literal 
meaning. G fein. 

feicht{"j, moist, damp. G feucht. 

feichtichkeet{~~"], f, dampness, moistness. 
G Feuchtigkeit. 

feier{~~], n, fire; — a mache, to kindle fire. 
G Feuer. 

feier | bohn[~~’], f, scarlet runner bean, tree- 
kidney-bean;-blumm{~~~],f,cardinal flower; 
sbrand[~~~], m, burning stick, brand; -eifer 
{-~~], m, energetic spell; -fresser{-~~~!, nre- 

eater, bully; -flieki-~7], f, fire-tfly; -funke 
ioe | m, spark; sherd[-~ ols m, hearth, fre- 

place; -hohl{~~"], hook for hanging iron pots 

overa fire,trammel. G Feuer+hohl, prob- 

ably referring to the hollow in the iron 

hook; -hols{[*~~], n, firewood; -hund[-~~], m, 

andiron; -kolwe[-~~~], m, red nose; -mann 

[~~~], m, fireman; -rot[*~"], red as fire: 
-schipp[~~~], f, fire-shovel; -schtee~[-~~], m, 
flint; vojjel[~~~~], m, fretiy; -werrick{-~~~!, 
n, fireworks; -zang[~~~], f, tongs. 

feier | dakj-~"], m, holiday; -owed[*~~~], m, 
cessation from work; — mache, to knock of 
work. G Feierabend. 

feiere(~~~], pp gfeiert, to keep a fire going. 
G feuern. 

feiere[~~~], pp gfeiert, to celebrate, keep 2 
holiday. G feiern. 

feierflamm|~~™],f, fiame; flame-flower, red-hot 
poker plant; day-lily; cardinal-fiower. 

feierich{(—~~], fiery. G feuerig. 

feierlich{[~~~], solemn. Gé feierlich. 

feierlichkeet[~~~"], f, solemnity, celebration. 
G Feierlichkeit. 

feierrodeblatt[-~~~~], f, cardinal-fower. G 

fei~ | gloppe/~~~], to beat fine, beat to 



[-~~], to chop fine; -mache{*~~], to chop 
wood (for the stove), break into small pieces: 

t - 

zreisse[~~~], to tear into pieces; -schtenglich 



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atte) D sda of »sbrinoig ag Pe 
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ttssty 1D .sbrlss? Cae 

Pen nsylvania-Ger man Dictionary 55 

[~~~], fine (literally and figuratively): — 
schwetze; <schtielich[~~~], fine, soft. 

feijebam[~~"], m, fig-tree. G Feigenbaum. 

feik("], f, fig. G Feige. 

feil[], f, file. G Feile. 

feile{[~~], pp gfeilt, to file. G feilen. 

feind{"], m, enemy. G Feind. 

feindj”|, hostile. G feind. 

feindlich{~~], hostile. G feindlich. 

feindschaft[~~], f, enmity, dislike. 

feindselich[~~~], hostile. 

feiner[~~], finer. G feiner. 

feinscht["], finest. G feinst. 

feischdle[~~], pp gfeischdelt, to flourish one’s 
fists. G fausteln. 

feje[~~], pp gfekt, to sweep, clean; sich —, to 
clean up, wash up. G fegen. 

fejer[“~], m, cleaner, scavenger, 
scarum woman. G Feger. 

fejerei{"~*], f, drudgery of cleaning. G 

fek[{"], en alti, a gadabout. G fegen. 

fekfeier(~~~], n, purgatory. G Fegefeuer. 

feid[“], n, field. G Feld. 

feld || bau[*], m, agriculture; -bohn[* "|, f, navy 
bean; -breddicher[*~~~], m, army chaplain; 
=-flasch[*~], f, canteen; -herr[*~}, m, general; 
zhinke}l{[*~™~], n, plover, prairie chicken, quail; 
slilje[*~~], f, meadow lily, Canada lily; -maus 
[° ], £, short-tailed field-mouse; -welschkarn 
[°~~], n, Indian corn; -zuch{* "], m, campaign. 

felk[-], f, pl felje, felloe. G Felge. 

fell[-], n, skin, pelt, membrane. G Fell. 

fellgnopp[*~], m, magic bag for curing a 
membrane over the pupil of the eye. G 
Fell+ Knopf. 

felsche[*~], pp gfelscht, to forge. G falschen. 

felsching{*~], f, forgery, changing records. G 

felse[*~], m, rock. G Felsen. 

felsekopp[{*~~], m, rocky summit, niggerhead. 
solitary rock from the glacial period. G 
Felsen+ Kopf. 

felsemoos[*~ 7], n, lichens. G 
G Felsenmoos. 

felsich[*~], rocky. G felsig. 

Felti{*~], m, Valentine. G Velten. 

feng{~] gewwe, to strike, punish. G Fange. 

fenger|*~] =seifenger. 

fennichel(*~~], m, fennel. G Fenchel. 

fenschder, finschder[*~], n, window. 

fenschder || glas[*~"], n, window-glass, win- 
dow-pane; -gschtell[*~~], n, window-frame; 
zkitt[*~~], m, putty; -lade(*~~~], m, shutter; 
srahm[*~~], m, window-sash; -scheib[*~"], f, 

- window-pane; -sitz[*~"], m, window-sill. 

ferien[~~~], pl, vacation. G Ferien. 

ferri[’<], f, ferry. G Fahre, E ferry. 

ferriboot[*~"], n, ferry-boat. G Fahre+ Boot. 

fersant, fassant[-~], f, pheasant. G Fasan. 

fersante || beer{-*~ "], f, partridge-berry, check- 
erberry; -hinkel[-*~~~], n, breed of fowls 
somewhat resembling Rhode Island Reds. 

G Feind- 
G feindselig. 



G Fen- 

ferwas[-*], why. G fiir was. 

fescht{"], firm, fast, tight; -er leib, constipa- 
tion. Gfest. Cf fascht. 

fescht/~], n, feast, festival. G Fest. 

feschtdak{*"], m, holiday. G Festtag. 

festlich({*~], festal. G festlich. 

fessel, fessli[*-], n, small keg. Dims of G 

fett[-], fat, fleshy, rich (soil). G fett. 

fett([-], n, fat, lard, grease, suet. G Fett. 

fett || amschel[*~~], f, lard-burning lamp. In 
Vol. X, Proceedings PG Society there is a 
pictorial representation of such a lamp 
with a bird (G Amsel=blackbird) on the 
lidofthelamp. Ihave never seen one with 
the bird on the lid. Certainly the bird 
would soon become a “‘black bird.’’ Despite 
this evidence in favor of the popular deriva- 
tion of the word, I think it is G Fett+ 
Ampel=lamp, especially hanging lamp <L 
ampulla; -blacke[*~~], m, grease-spot; -bress 
[*~], f, lard-press; -kichelche[*~~~], n, dough- 
nut; =kuche[*~~], m, doughnut; -licht[*~], 
n, lamp in which a wick dipped in fat was 
used. Same as fettamschel. 

fettich{*~], fatty, greasy. G fettig. 

fetze[-~], m, shred. G Fetzen. 

fetzel[*~], n, female pudendum. Dim of G 

ficke[*~], pp gfickt, coire. dG ficke. 

fickmiehl{*"], f, tit-tat-to. G Fickmithle. 

fiddelboje[*~~~], m, bow of a violin, hiero- 
glyphic, any crooked implement. G Fie- 

fiedel[-~], f, fiddle. G Fiedel. 

fiederes[~~~], (es, mei’), the chores at the 
barn. Gfiittern. Cf backes. 

fiedre[~~“], pp gfiedert, to feed. G fiittern. 

fiehlbar[~“], tangible. G fiihlbar. 

fiehle[~~], pp gfieh!t, to feel; schlecht —, to 
be ill, ail. G ftihlen. 

fiehre[~~], pp gfehrt, to lead. G fihren. 

fichrer[~~], m, guide. G Fihrer. 

fieje(~~], pp gfiekt, to join; sich in ebbes —, 
to yield. G tigen. 

fiessle{[~~], pp ghesselt, to walk rapidly, take 
short steps. G fusseln. 

fiewer[~~], n, fever. G Ficber. 

fiewergraut{~~"], mn, feverwort. 

fiewerisch{~~~], feverish. G fieberisch. 

figur[~*], f, figure. G Figur. 

fili[-], n, colt. G Fiillen. 

fill{-], filli{*~], f, abundance, fill; di hilli un 
filli, abundance. G Fille. 

fille[*~], pp gfillt, to fill, farce. G fiillen. 

fille[*~], pp gfillt, to foal. G fiillen. 

filling[*~], f, filling, stuffing (of a roast fowl). 
G Fillung. 

fillsel[*“], n, sausage meat, forcemeat. G 

fils || glaech[*~], m, fetlock joint of a horse; 

slaus[* "], f, crap-louse. 

fimf, finf{~], finnifj-~], five; fimfe, finfe, ive 

G Fieber- 

eds OD ee tevs! .a 

S127 53 | 

se 2D toe searey en 
oi .qysasi sruormid-bnel 2. 
e ti afd viewed wi Wome - ol 
qinal 6 dwe by noises wg 
oft ne ibtidsdlocid = Ioan, : Sy iad a as dsie 
sialw one née Hiven oral {1 -aqmel ad to bil. 
 Bnid ord yninrieD bik ssid 

Stine od ™ baitd dneld” sameaed i neoe blyow 

“uw wslugog wit pto 18) 2% sonsbive alls Ue 

—- Hs 7 =) a at Pith 3 a: Dw ‘s ois 3 ce 
J> qmal gnignad visions, qual = faqend 
#2920 ;3oq2-sensim mm |” *is sbpaide + ally 
-fanol a h i “ieisloai nid: sezsiy- bret bee ag | 
{* *Haloil- (Jundgnob von i" Yedoed- en 
enw 3s) ni bsqqitysisiw 2 sioliw ni-qmal,e 
Jodoematisl “hi ones bow 
ginia wv YaeoTR., “ital t “|doistet 
ested Oo  .b vile in f joxte? 

o ww mid NT: pismst 0 .[ “fextet 
hoe ee ans nl. xiai 

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SUBLts ; viii abensc) pei orebencny 
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a Ab ee = 

D° anstod eonioo de possaetdt 

zoomaselst OD _ 
Sse’ selon f* iia! = 

nite’ snimnsis¥ . 3 
sgakt D- ‘Asien saise oF | ies 

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-291 2 -wobniw 7a i tOd thelr aa 
~niw ,eesly-wobaiw. Io-jatig ts ebdoenst 

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- lte-wobaiw ee: 

. _— 15. 

~ 3008 touetO. pod 

one O Ansaestiqg 

alvol ios at 

(substantively used); di — bicher Mosis, 
the Pentateuch. Gé fiinf. 

fimf || blettrich[*~~], five-leafed; -dalernot 
{~*~"|, f, five dollar bill; -dausend{--~], five 
thousand; -eckich{*~~], hve cornered; 
-feldich{*~~], quintuple, five-fold; -hunnert 
[- ~~], five hundred; -jaehrich[* ~~], quinqten- 
nial; -mol[*"], five times; -schteckich{*~~], 
five-storied; -seitich{* ~~], pentagonal. 

fimffingergraut{~*~~], n, cinquefoil. G Fiinf- 

fimft(], fifth. G fiinft. 

fimftel(*~], n, fifth (part). G Fiinftel. 

fimfter[*~], en, the figure 5, five-spot (in 
cards). G Fiinfe, Fiinfer. 

finger[*~], m, finger, tendril. G Finger. 

fingere[*~~], pp gtingert, to finger. G fingern. 

finger || hensching[*~~~], m, glove; -hut[*~7], 
m, thimble; -najjel{*~ ~~], m, fingernail; -ring 
[-~~], m, (finger-)ring. 

fingeriere[-~~~], pp gfingeriert, to finger. G 

fingerling{*~~], m, finger-stall. G Fingerling. 

fingers || dick[-~~], of the thickness of a finger; 
elang|*~~], of the length of a finger. 

finiere|"“~], pp finiert, to veneer. G fur- 

fink[~], m, finch. G Finke. 

finkle[‘~], pp gfinkelt, to sparkle. G fiinkeln. 

finne[* Type gfunne, to find, furnish; zr hott 

alles gfunne, he furnished everything. G 

finne{*~], pl, garget (a hog disease). G Fin- 

finner[*~!, m, finder. G Finder, 

finschder({*~], dark. G finster. 

finschdernis{*~~], f, eclipse. G Finsternis. 

fiole[-~], pp gfiolt, to torment, abuse. dG 

fisch{-], m, fish, (F-) Pisces (sign of the 
zodiac). G Fisch. 

fisch || angel[*~~], f, fish-hook; -bee7[*“], whale- 
bone; -brud[*"],f, spawn; -eel{* 7], n, fish-oil; 
egeert(*~], f, fish-pole; -garn{*"], n, fish-net; 
epran{*"], f, fishbone; -hammer([*~~], m, 
hand-net. Cf hammer-garn; -kunscht[**], 
f, ichthyology; -ohr[{* 7], n, gill; -oijer[° ~~], 
pl, roe; -reiher, -roijer[* ~~], m, heron, crane; 
zsals(*~], n, coarse salt; -schippe[*~~], pl, 
fish-scales; -schlupp{*~], m, fishing loop of 
wire, weel; «schtecher[*~~], m, fish-gig; 
sweiher(* ~~], m, fish-pond. 

fischble[*~], pp gfischbelt, to feel one’s way 
about (in the dark). dG fspeln. 

fische(*~], pp gfischt, to fish, angle. G 

fischel{*~], n, little fish. Dim of G Fisch. 

fischer(*~|, m, fisherman. G Fischer. 
fischerei[-~*], f, fishery. G Fischerei. 
fitz[-], f, whip, rod, lash. dG fitz. 

fitze, fitzle(*~], pp gfitzt, to whip, lash. dG 

fitzeel(*~], n; mit — schmiere, to flog, whip. 
dG fitz+G Ol. 

fix(-], ready, nimble, quick; — un ferdich, all 
ready. G fix. 

al taudsi syVeeceer 

flach[~], flat. G flach. 

flachs[~|, m, flax. G Flachs. 

flachs || baue[*~~], n, flax culture; -brech[*~!, 
f, flax-break; -derr[*~], f, arrangement on 
which flax was dried; -dotter[*~~], m, dodder; 
zhechel|*~~], f, hatchel; -keppich[*~~], tow- 
headed; -kopp[*~], m, tow-head; -schwing 
{*~], £, scutch; -seide[* ~~], m, dodder; -some, 
zsume[*~~], m, flax-seed. 

flachse{’~], pp gflachst, to flog, beat, cheat. 
G flachsen. 

flachse[*~], (of) flax. G flachsen. 

flachsiere[-“~], pp gflachsiert, to lambast, 
handle roughly. Variant of flachsen. 

flackre[*~], pp gflackert, to flicker. G 

flackrich[*~], flickering, inconstant. G flack- 

fladderwisch[*~~], m, wing of turkey or goose 
used for dusting, fickle girl. G Flederwisch 
influenced by fiattern. 

fladdre[*~], pp gfladdert, to flutter, flap. G 

flaehm[’], f, flank; en gfillti —, stuffed flank. 
G Flahme. 

flamm|{~], f, fame. G Flamme. 

flamme[*~], pp gflammt, to flame, blaze. G 

flammkuche[*~~], m, pancake. 

flank{~], f, flank. G Flanke. 

flankiere{[-~~], pp gflankiert, to arrange, rove. 
G flankieren. 

flannell{~~*], m, flannel. G Flanell. 

flannelle[~~~], (of) flannel. G flanellen. 

flapp{], m, flap, flop <G flappen strongly 
influenced by E flop. 

flappe[*~], pp gflappt, to flap, flop, spank. G 

flappich[*~], flapping, pendant <G Happen. 

flasch["], f, flask, small bottle. G Flasche. 

flatsch{~], crash! smash! G Flatsche. 

flatsche[’~], pp gflatscht, to splash in the 
water, gossip. dG flatsche. 

G flattern+ Rose. 


dG flamm- 

flatterros[*~~], f, poppy. 
flaum[],m, down. GFI 

flaumegras[~~"], n, witch-grass. G Flaum+ 
Gras. Cf kitzelgrds. 
flause[~~], pl, tricks, humbug. G Flausen. 

fiechde[*~], pp gflochde, to plait. G fechten. 

flechs[~], f, tendon, sinew. G Flechse. 

flechse[*~], (of) linen. G flachsern. Cf 

flechsich[*~], containing sinews. G flechsig. 

fleck[-], flecke[*~], m, patch, spot, stain. G 
Fleck, Flecken. ; 

flecke[*~], pp gfleckt, to leave a spot, stain. 
G flecken. 

fleckich[*~], spotted, soiled, chloasmic. G 

fledder || maus[*~"], f, butterfly, moth; ~- 
wisch{*~~], m, feather duster. 

fleehgraut(~~], n, daisy-Heabane; common 
smartweed; princes’ feather. G Fioh- 

fleesch{"], n, meat. G Fleisch. 

> ay] pi a 


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4 4) vyetaest ; beewiisme 


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oat “sing 



- vy v 

fleesch |! bank[~~], f, bench on which meat is 
worked up; -brieh[*"}, f, broth; -gawwel 
[“~~], f, meat-fork; -haffe[*~~], m, pot for 
preserving meat; -hoke[~~~], m, meat-hook; 

esupp[~~], f, broth, 

fleeschich[~~], fleshy, meaty. G fleischig. 

fieet["], f, flute. G Flote. 

fieetze[~~], pp gfleetzt, to deposit silt; 
gfleetzter sand, diluvial sand, quicksand. 
G fl6tzen. 

flehe[~~], pp gfleht, to implore. G Hehen. 

fleiss["], m, industry. G Fleiss. 

fleissich{~~], industrious, diligent. G fleissig. 

flejjel[*~], m, flail, unmannerly fellow.. G 

flejjele(*~~], pp gflejjelt, to drub. G flegeln. 

flejjelhaft[*~~], unmannerly, impertinent. G 

flejjel } kilb[*“~], £, swingle (of. a *flail); 
-kopp[*~~], m, U-shaped piece connecting 
handle and swingle of a flail; -rut{*~"], ie 
handle of a flail. 

flejjelheftich["~*~], terribly. G flegelhaft+ 

flenne[*~], pp gflennt, to weep. G flennen. 

flick[“], full-fledged, pubescent. G flligge. 

flickerwet({*~~], f, patching, mending, botch- 
work. G Flickarbeit. 

flicke[*~], pp gflickt, to mend. G flicken. 

flickerei{-~-], f, (confounded) mending. G 

flickrich[*~], flickering, flaring. G flickern. 

flickwese[* ~~], n, material for mending or the 
act itself. G Flickwesen. 

flieje(“~], pp gflojje, to fly. 

fliegend|~~], flying. G fliegend. 

flielczeit[~“], f, time when young birds can 
fly, time when birds of passage take their 

G fliegen. 

flight. G Flugzeit. 
flies["], n, fuzz. G Vlies. 
fliesse[~~], pp gflosse, to flow. Gé fliessen. 
fliessend[~~], flowing, running, fluent. G 

flijjel[*~], m, wing. G Fliigel. 

flijjel | disch[* ~~}, m, table with extensions 
provided with hinges so that they may be 
lowered when it is desired to have a smaller 
table; re Le. ok f, wing-wall of a 
bridge; -rock[*~~], m, swallow-tail coat. 

flijjele[-~~], pp gflijielt, to cut the wing- 
feathers of chickens. Gé fliigeln. 

flink[~], quick, nimble. G¢ flink. 

flinke|*~{, pp gflinkt, to shine, sparkle. G 

flinsche[*~], pp gflinscht, to flinch, falter. 
dG flinschen. 

flint[-], f, gun. G Flinte. 

flinte | gscheft[-~~], mn, gunstock; -kolwe 
[*~~~], m, gunstock; -iaf[*~"], m, gun- 

flischpere[*~~], pp gflischpert, to whisper. G 

flissich[*~], liquid, discharging matter (of a 
sore}. G filissig. 

flitsche[*~], pp gilitscht, to slin off, glance off, 


skip stones over a water-surface, blaze 
trees in surveying. G Flitschen, Flitsch. 

flitscher[*~], m, slight crack of a whip. G 

flitterwoche[*~~~], pl, honeymoon. G Flitter- 

flitze[*~], pp gflitzt, to flit, lash, move rapidly. 
G flitzen. 

flocke[*~], m, flake. G Flocke. 

flockich[*~], flaky. G flockig. 

floh["], m, pl fleeh, flea. G Floh. 

flor{"], m, crepe. G Flor. 

floribus[~~~], (in) plenty 
and G floribus. 

fluch{“], m, curse; ken — wert, not worth a 
damn. G Fluch. 

fluche[’~], pp gflucht, to curse, swear. G 

flucher[*~], m, swearer, blasphemous person. 
G Flucher. 


flucht["], f, 

fluck[”], m, flight, flock; im —, on the wing; 
en — gens, a flock of geese. G Flug. 

fluss[~], m, flood, flux, rheumatism, inflamma- 
tion. G Fluss. 

flussfedder(*~~],f, fin of a fish. G Flossfeder. 

fiussich[*~}], rheumy, scrofulous, eruptive. 
G flissig. 

flusskarrell|*~~], f, amber bead. G Fluss+ 

flut{"|, f, high water, flood. G Flut. 

flutter[*~], {, diarrhoea. G Fluder. 

foddre[*~], pp gfoddert, to demand, ask. G 


foddrung[*~], f, requirement. G Forderung. 

folje[*~], pp efolkt, gfollickt, to follow, obey. 
G folgen, 

folje[* “1, pl, consequences. G Folgen. 

foljer{* i m, follower. G Folger. 

foppe(*~|, pp gfoppt, to fool, banter, deceive. 
G fo sae 

forell[~ i f, trout. G Forelle. 

form[~], f, form, mould. G Form. 

fotz{“], f, female pudendum. G Fotze. 

fra{"], f, pl weiwer, woman, wife. G Frau. . 

frank], (un frei), frank (and free). G frank. 

:in der — lewe. L 

escape, stampede. G 

Frankreich[{*], n, France. G Frankreich. 
franseesisch{-~~], French. G franzdésisch. 
fraktura[~~~], pl, Gothic letters or figures. G 

frakture[~*~], pp gfrakturt, to write in Gothic 
characters. Verb formed from fraktura. 
fransel(*~], f, fringe. G Franse. 
franslich[*™], fringed. G fransig. 
Fransos[~-], m, Frenchman. G Franzose. 
fransose[“~~], pl, venereal disease. G Fran- 


frant, front{], f, front. G Front. 

fratz || hans(*“], m, dude, fop; -naesel(* ~~], n, 
impudent little snip. 

fratzich[*~], foppish. G Fratz+ig. 

frech[“], impudent. G frech. 

freed(e), freide[~~], f, joy, delight. G Freude. 

freedich[~~], gladly, joytully. G freudig. 

er Ait phy’ ty Sxig sane 
¥ ~ pA Ae 

“uit meee ghee 
/aenil mv gy) 


Hr, i at : Su 

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iA owl = wb ais \onslq (a 

ysl A yee 
_§ dhow ton xe — aed roman. ae Isat 
logit <> .omed 
o asswe seu of .idouitg qq. f* 
OTE avomoriqentd j?wizevs ym 
a obsqmase jan ges ,i J pion 
s Adouli 

‘uniw sf? no .— mi talsoR idpiit in joo 
ult a> .ses03 to A208 6 03 -——- 73 

-senmehni meBamued? uh boot in .eeukt 
weld =) .n0i 

isbsleaold DO  .det lo ah 1" pebboleen® 

2vilguie eudluiome emusita t° *}siolean 
gieziti O 

+ea0ft 3D  beed weds (7 I *etiadeayhA 
slic i 

juli book stew dou.) ielt 

sebuli > .seodraib 3 [° “froth 

©) as .\bnameb 61 grobborg aq J *jetbbel 

sanutsiao ts. D .tnemexivpst .) J tpamsbbet 

yado ,wollot of ,jdsillolg dilokg a9 _ “)aiiot 
ite we x) 

splol 2. .ssonsupsenad lq J “sitet 

gk 042)? wswollei i 4 spelen 

svisceb psinsd loo! of 140k ant “qget 
F9GGO? rs) 

siimei a) sue, 1 e “Wiss? 

301 .bigom sort if amet 

sI04 D miubnebug slams 2 .f futot 

cari  usliw nemow ~seisw ia, i [ia 

damigd (asi bas) anes ,isti np) I neat 

Aoiineyd 2 .coneTi 2. I ‘|dsieuiassd 

dovistanmt =) .donsvd |°*";dozizesansst 
) evga 30 etatiol siliow iq. i -jeusalstt 

oid300 ni stnw of \Nutdsig qq [°*jewidelt 
wide? mon bemnol die¥  .eistostero 

Pree v oon 4 aden 
asi mom **}ebsilz 
cmos : somdonet - .[*jeoensrt 

- gaol D dr00 2 P baott joel 
a f-- *}isesaas :co} bub mf jened || stad 

- ioe stl desbuqmi 
it wert O  .deigqol .{-*}dotsied 

» ioe Jtasbuqmi | jdsem. 
bust Te, igilob yot.t & “Johiort .(9-best? 
siden! O  yllutot “lbéla Ay *|doibeosi 

ae - 

; ~ 
1 te rd: pais ogee et ae nie . 
pagent ae rigy sak 

; “ aoe rf ate ili alebadt a . 
_elbiger svomn lent i vin ae te 
By cs O 

D .sltreqe .snide ot adaihg qq. 

2 aaqsisiay ena See 

ie a pron 

a oS 


ith 8 ¥ oem. ‘7 

wrTis ke i Bl “fs = 
53 thsi oo <<} Ss 


- wy ip a 
‘iia 640) ey < f 1 
‘ et ag ong 

+ Netllagoh-D <n go. 4 

nonnell O- ae: sxooR 

“3308 2 i ut ‘soit 
-tiotod gribrom F 3: : 

neal So 

gaihciom (hehe ages 

msds D bei erode at — 

o13 10 gnibnam 301 [sitetam .a |" * / 
-" eerily it Pongo 

napoifi 93 11983 *jofeif 
nay” aiel rina seni3 asc Pangea 

vetlt silai ggneseq jo abiud nsw omi7 , 
Jissguld OD itd 
ely DO seul 
hed © .woll ot saealtg qq i 
gainayt rae  ~}baceesiB 

» tau 
enviannies dive aes heal rw = hon tn Ft 

sd yarn vorli tend? 08 eipaid asia . 

wollome & oven ot bsiesb a 3) nado 

& to Slwa-gniw ,t Jo" ~*}revsare he 
3502 het-woilsee..o itp ga" 

-gniw afte ee ot ae 
ihe tes eres 

niet sigs eae 

stellt nig.) 
swiod: age Ts a?” oy | im 
~neg an £“Sidle paioaienuyg | roar a 3 ae 

freee(*~], pp gfreet, sich, to rejoice, be glad. 
cheerful. G 


freehlichkeet[*~~], f, merriment, mirth, cheer. 
G Froéhligkeit. 

frei{”], free, exempt, clear; im -e, in the open 
air; Bruder A. sei —, Brother A., please 
Say grace; Bruder A. sei — zum gebet, 
Brother A. will lead us in prayer. G frei. 

Freidak[~"], m, Friday. G Freitag. 

freidefeier[~~-~], n, bonfire. G Freuden- 

frei || denker{*~~], m, freethinker: -geh~[*"], 
to be released, be discharged; -gewwe[-~”], 
to set free, release; -gewwich[*~~], -gewich 
[~~~], generous, liberal; -halte[*~~], to de- 
fray (some one’s) expenses; sich —, to 
guard against; «lafe[~~~], to roam at large 
(of cattle); -losse[-~~], to release, set at 
liberty; -mache[~~~], to redeem, free, acquit; 
sschpreche[~~~], to absolve, set free; -schul 
[“"], f, public school; -willich{+~~], volun- 

freie[~~], pp gfreit, to woo, court. G freien. 

freierei{”~~j,f, courtship, wooing. G Freierei. 

freigleeder{*~~], pl, suit of clothes given toan 
apprentice, “‘servant’’ or hired boy on the 
completion of his term of service. G frei+ 
Kleider. (For this use of “servant,” cf 

freiheit(-~], f, liberty, freedom. G Freiheit. 

freiheitsbam[~~~], m, Lombardy poplar. 

freilich[~~], certainly, to be sure. Gé freilich. 

joyful, merry, 

Freimaurer[~~~], m, Free Mason. G Frei- 

freind[™], m, friend. G Freund. 

freindlich{*~], friendly, affable, agreeable, 

pleasant. G freundlich. 

freindschaft[*~], f, friendship, relationship, 
relatives; in der — sei’, to be related. G 

fremm|(~], strange, unacquainted. G fremd. 

fremmer[*~], m, stranger. G Fremder. 

freschmeiler{*~~}], pl, snapdragons. G 
Frésche + Mauler. 

fress[“], en, a great feed, grand feast. G 

fresse[*~], pp gfresse, to eat (of animals), 
eat too much or gluttonously (of persons). 
G fressen. 

fresse[*~], n, eating (of animals), food (of 
dogs), feed (of horses and poultry), rich 
pickings: des is en — far di loijer; des is 
en — far ihn, that is nuts for him. G 

fress || dier[*"], n, glutton; -granket[*~~], f, 
gluttony; -hals[*~], m, glutton; -hunger 
{*~~], m, voracious appetite, bulimia. 

fresser|*~], m, glutton. G Fresser. . 

fresserei|"~~], f, gluttonizing. G Fresserel. 

frewel[~~], m, blasphemy, wickedness. G 

frewelhaft[~~~], blasphemous, outrageous. G 
frevelhaft. : 

Fridder[*~], m, Frederick. dG Fridder. 

Fridderich[*~~], m, Frederick. G Friedrich. 

Fridricke[“*~], f, Frederica. G Friedrike. 

friede[~~], m, peace, quiet; du liewer —! great 
goodness! weiss der —! goodness knows! 
sure as you’re alive. G Frieden. 

friedens || richter[~~~~], m, justice of the 
peace; -griek[~~"], m, war for independence. 

friedlich{~~], peaceful, amicable. G friedlich. 

frieh["], f, in aller —, early inthe morning. G 

frieh || appel[~~~], m, harvest apple; -beer 
[~"], f, early pear; -graut[*~], n, early cab- 
bage; -grumbeer{~~"], f, early potato; 
-johr[~"], n, spring; -seiche{*~~], n, shoat 
butchered in fall; -welschkarn[-~~], n, 
early corn; -zeitich[~ ~~], early, prematurely. 

frieher[~~], earlier, formerly. G friiher. 

friehjohrs || dak[~~~], m, spring day; «wetter 
~~~~], n, spring weather. 

friehling([~~], m, spring (not common). G 

friehscht["], earliest. G friihst. 

friere, gfriere{[~~], pp gfrore, to freeze; es 
gfriert, it is freezing; es friert mich, I am 
shivering. G frieren. 

friere(s)[~~], n, chill. G Frieren. 

frisch{~], neh, cool, new; boldly: en -i kuh. 


frissel{*~], n, rash. G Friesel. 

froh[], glad, happy, joyful. G froh. 

froje[~~}], pp gfrokt, to ask, question. G 

frok["|, f, question. G Frage. 

fromm, frumm{[], pious, devout, gentle or 
tractable (of animals). G fromm. 

frommichkeet[*~~], f, piety. G Frommigkeit. 

frosch{~], m, pl fresch, frog. G Frosch. 

froscht[-], m, frost. G Frost. 

frucht["], f, grain (maturing on the field or 
after it is thrashed), fruit of a tree (rare). 
G Frucht. 

fruchtbar[*~], fruitful, fertile. G fruchtbar. 

frucht || blans[*~], f, cereal; -feld[-~], n, grain 
field; -gran[*"], f, beard (of grain); -haus 
[*“], n, grain elevator; -kzern{*~], f, kernel, 
grain; -kammer[*~~], f, granary; -land[*~], 
n, land adapted for grains; -maschien{*~"], 
f, reaper; -reff[*~], n, grain cradle. 

fuchs[~], m, fox. G Fuchs. 

fuchse[*~], pp gfuchst, coire. 

fuchs || gaul{*~], m, sorrel horse; 
[*~], a common weed. 

fuddre[*~], pp gfuddert, to find fault, remon- 
strate, grumble. dG fuddere. 

fuder{-~], n, feed, fodder. G Futter. 

fuder{~~], n, lining (of a garment). G Futter. 

fuder | bank[*~~], f, feed-cutter; -drok{+~"], 
m, manger, mixing trough (for feed); -gang 
[~~~], m, entry in a barn along the stalls. 

fudere[~~~], pp gfudert, to linea garment. G 

fuffzeh{’], fifteen. G fiinfzehn. 

fuffzich(*~], fifty, a run of four of the same 

dG fuchse. 


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‘MN | i rae ae i i 
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suit (above the seven-spot) in the game of 
datte. G fiinfzig. 

fuffzichjaehrich{*~~~], semi-centennial. G 

fuffzichscht([*~], fiftieth. G fiinfzigst. 

fuggadivus[*~~~], m, rogue, scamp (EH). G 

fuhr{"], f, team (horses alone or horses and 
wagon). G Fuhre. 

fuhr || loh“[~"], m, (cost of) cartage, haulage 
(charges); -mann[~~], m, teamster; -wer- 
rick[~~~], n, vehicle, conveyance; -wese 
[~~~], n, vehicle (usually applied only to a 
carriage or buggy). 

fui[~~], faugh! ugh! don’t touch. G pfui. 

fuk["], rabbet; aus de fuje sei”, to be out of 

joint. G Fuge. 
fundement[’~~], n, foundation. G Funda- 

fundement || mauer[-~*~~], f, foundation wall; 
-schtee"["~*"], m, foundation stone. 
funggiere(“-~], pp gfunggiert, to act, function. 

G fungieren. 

funke[*~], m, spark. G Funke. 

funkel(najel)nei[*~*~"], brand new. G fun- 

funkle[*~], pp gfunkelt, to sparkle, glisten. G 

fuss["], m, foot; zu—, on foot. G Fuss. 
fuss | bad[*“], n, foot-bath; -brick[~~], f, 
foot-bridge; -dappe{[-~~], m, foot-print; 

-end([*~], n, foot-end; -genger[~~~], m, 
pedestrian; -halt{*~], f, footing; -pad[~"], 
m, footpath; =schtooss[~~], m, kick; -sohl 
{[-"], f, sole of the foot; -wek[-7], m, path- 

fussle[*~], pp gfusselt, to finger or hunt in the 
dark. G fusseln. 

fussre[*~], pl, fuzz. G Fussel. 

fussrich[*~], fuzzy. G fusselig. 

futsch[“], lost, done for, ruined, come to 
nothing; also exclamatory and onomato- 
poetic. Gfutsch. 


gab["], f, gift, talent. G Gabe. 

gackel[*~}], f, chattering silly woman. G 

gackere[*~~], pp gegackert, to cackle, chatter. 
G gackern. 

gacki, gackel{*~], gackerli[*~~], n, egg (in 
child’s talk). dG gackel. 

gackrich, gackrich{*~}, cackling, talkative. 
G gackern +ig. 

gacks["], f, chatterer, tiresome talker. G 
gacks =cackle, cackle. 

gackse[“~], pp gegackst, to cackle, chatter. 
G gacksen. 

gaebt[], past subj of gewwe. G gabe. 

gaeh(e)[~~], steep. G gah. 

gaehre, jaehre[~~], pp gejaehrt, gejohre, to 

Cf gfusser. 

ferment. G gahren. : 
-gerde, gadde[*~], gegerdt, to whip, switch. 

geerdel[*~], m, belt, girth, girdle, zone. G 

gerdle[*~], pp gegerdelt, to girdle (a tree). 
G giirteln. 


gerdler[*~], m, gardener. 

pp gegerdelt, to garden. G 

G Gartner. 

gerdli, gerdel[*~], n, little garden. Dims of 
G Garten. 
gerdner(*~j, m, gardener. G Gartner. 

gern{’], willingly, gladly, be likely to; — 
esse, to like (to eat), be fond of; — hawwe, 
to be fond of, like; mer wolle — sehne, we 
will await with interest. G gern. 

gerscht[], geerschde[~~], m, barley. G 

geert, gatt[-], f, gad, whip, switch, fishing pole. 
G Gerte. 

gerwe[*~], pp gegerbt, to tan, give a beating. 
G gerben. 

gerwer|*~], m, tanner. G Gerber. 

geerwerei[-~*], f, tannery. G Gerberei. 

gerwer || grub[*~"], f, tanner’s vat; -loh[*~7], 

gerwersgaull*~"], m; uff em —, afoot. G 
Gerber +dG gaul. 

gaffe[*~], pp gegafit, to gape, stare, tell tales. 

gafHich(*~l, inattentive, fidgety. G gaffen. 
gaffmaul[’’], n, tell-tale. G gaffen+G Maul. 

galje[*~], m, gallows. G Galgen. 

galje || dieb[*~"], m, scoundrel; zhols[*~~], n, 
gallows-wood; so falsch wie —, balky as 
hell (of a horse) ;-schtrick[’~~], m, scamp; 
-vojjel[’~ ~~], m, rascal. 

gall[-}, f, gall. G Galle. : 

gall[~|, gailun(~“], f, gallon. G Gallone. 

galleblech{*~~], n, gallon measure. G Geal- 
lone + Blech. 

galle || fiewer[*~~~], n, bilious fever; -grie” 
{*~"], green as gall; -schtee7[*~], m, gall- 

galleppel[*~~], pl, gallnuts. G Gallapfel. 

Gallewoch[*~~], f, week of October 16. G 
Gallus+Woche, although popularly asso- 
ciated with Galle. Gallus, around whose 
cell the town of St. Gallen grew up, is the 
almanac saint for Oct. 16. This name has 
become confused with G Galle (E gall) in 
the superstition: wammer sauergraut macht 

in der —, werd’s bitter. 

galopp, golopp| ~~], m, gallop (nursery rhyme). 
x Galopp. 

g(a)mander[“*~], m, germander. G Gaman- 

gamber[*~],m, camphor. G Kampfer. 

gang[], m, entry, corridor, gait, errand; im 
—, going; eenes -s, straightway, directly. 
G Gang. 

gancbar[*], passable. G gangbar. 

gans(~|, f, goose, silly person. G Gans. 

gans(["], whole, quite, entire(ly). G ganz. 

gansert[‘~], m, gander. dG gansert. 

gar["], quite, very; — nix, nothing at all; 

aad Snide doikwa aiited bey - th 

gaiteed A avig. 83 os diageg a4 ioe 

fedtsg UO 

294330 D Sonnet a J “howrag 

dys) 1) scisaist |! foe, 

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2. cols —— ms Ru was J ~“lasgersweeg 
' ding Ob+ edie 

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saheg <)  yieshe eviinsticn! [° “jdoitiag 

labé Ob asta sahasilio tage tisacn Rag: 

oulscke) awaedt oun Jo *yetias 

“telods Herbaisoos 3 | “Idisib | ! atlag 
26 villed , — siw doelal o8 ;hoow- awoilig 
atest 0 if” *pioisitioas; (ser09t p10) flor 

ole3 list .zrsde gaa oF, 

2 Py - 

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4a.) J , .s1vesom aolee “lstopidoting 
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-nema) 2  asbramisg J, i Pelee 
, 3 
rigs A 3 sedqms .m [“hadmag 
mi ibaste Jing. ebm sine mh , PTasng 
wligmib vowrigicwe @- 2on9s jgaicg ,— 

“| “gaidoes 


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ssasy 0 .(ylisciine sat stodw -} 

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raster “iia o3 pyre 

iano 14 By 3 

— net, not at all; — kenner, none at all. 
G gar. 

gar("], sufficiently cooked, done. G gar. 

garb["], f, pl garwe, sheaf. G Garbe. 

garde]*~], m, garden. G Garten. 

garde || bau[*~"], m, horticulture; -benedikt 
*~~~~} blessed thistle, holy thistle; -hack 
{*~~], f, garden hoe; -lilje(“~~~], f, common 
white lily; -nejilif-~~~], mn, carnation; 
speffer{[~~~~], m, sweet pepper, peppers; 

' ssach[*~~], n, vegetables, greens, garden 
truck; -selat(~~~~}, m, (cultivated) lettuce; 
=<wek[*~"], m, garden path. 

garjel[’~], f, throat, gargle, cordial; di — 
abschneide, to cut one’s throat. G Gurgel, 
dG gorgel. 

garjel || bloser[*~"~], m, braggart; -reisser 
[*~~~], m, tool used by coopers. 

garjele[*~~], pp gegarjelt, to gargle. G 

garn, gorn{7], n, yarn, worsted, net. G Garn. 

garnschlupp[*~}],m, mesh. GGarn+Schlupf. 

garsche[*~], handful. dG goschel. 

gart, gatt[’], f, girth, belly-band. G Gurte. 

gartezau~[~~"], m, garden-fence. G Garten- 
zaun. (This rare word, zaunkeenich and 
za schlipper are the only compounds con- 
taining the G Zaun.) Cf zau’. 

gaschdich, garschdich[*~}, nasty, disagreeable. 
G garstig. 

gascht[-], m, guest. G Gast. 

gass["], f, occurs (except in the contemptuous 
meaning of a gossip) only in compounds: 
Wassergass, Butzegass, Romigsgass, in 
which the original meaning of (narrow) 
street has been lost. G Gasse. 

gaul{"], m, horse. dG gaul (G Pferd does not 

gaunsch{"], f, swing. dG gauntsch. 

gaunsche{~~!, pp gegaunscht, to swing. dG 

gauze([~~], pp gegauzt, to bark (of dogs). dG 

gauzer(~~], m, obstinate cough. dG gauze. 

GAawrel[~~], m, Gabriel. G Gabriel. 

gawwel(*~], f, fork. G Gabel. 

gawwele[*~~], pp gegawwelt, to fork, pitch 
(hay). G gabein. 

gawwel || gras{[*~"], n, finger-grass; -schtiel 
{*~"], m, fork handle; -wek[*~"], m, fork 
in the road; -zinke(*~~~], f, prong of a 
fork, tine. 

ge-[], prefix: in adjectives, adverbs and 
nouns; in a great number of verbal nouns 
containing the idea of repetition or duration 
(sometimes unpleasant) from which the in- 
finitive ending has been dropped; in the 
perfect participle of verbs (except in- 
separable verbs}; but when the verb begins 
with f or a sibilant (also in esse) the ge- 
becomes g-, when the verb begins with h 
the ge-+h becomes k; in geh’, gewwe, 
grieje, kumme, werre ge- is omitted in the 
perfect participle. G ge-. 

gebabbel[~~], n, (incessant) chatter or bab- 
bling. G babbeln. 

geback[~”], n, (continual) baking. G Geback. 

gebaere[“~~], pp gebore, to bear (a child), 
give birth. G gebaren. 

geberricks[-*~], n, mountains, mountainous 
region. G Gebirge. 

gebattz, gebeffz[-~], n, barking, quarreling, 
wrangling. G baffzen. 

gebambel[’~~], n, dangling. dG bambeie. 

gebeck[~*], n, baked things. G Geback. 

gebei[~~], n, building. G Gebdude. 

gebeiss[~*], n, incessant biting or itching. G 

gebelk[~*], n, beams (of a structure), frame- 
work. G Gebalk. 

gebeller[-*~], n, continued importuning or 
nagging, G bdllern. ; 

gebembel, gebambel[-*~], n, loitering, dilly- 
dallying, killing time. dG bambele. 

gebet[--], n, prayer. G Gebet. 

gebetbuch{-*~], n, prayer book. G Gebet- 

gebettel[“*~], n, incessant begging. Gbetteln. 

gebisch[~~], n, bush, bushes. G Gebiisch. 

gebiss[~~], n, (set of) teeth, bit (of a bridle). 

x Gebiss. 

geblabber[-*~j, n, 

geblerr[~~], n, (continual) bawling or lowing. 
G plarren. 

geblaff{-*], n, barking. G blaffen. 

geblaschder[-*~], n, (continual) applying of 
salve. G pflastern. 

geblauder[~*~], n, (continual) talking, chatter, 
talk, gossip. G plaudern. 

gebliet("-], n, blood, family, relationship. G 

gebliet[-“], n, bloom/s). G bliihen. 

geblos[~*], n, blowing, boasting. G Geblase. 

geblummt[-*], flowered. G gebltimt. 

geboch[~~!, n, boasting. G Gepoch. 

geboller[~*~], n, rumbling noise. dG bollere. 

gebore[-~~], born; en geborni Laubach, née 
Laubach. G geboren. 

gebort, geburt[-*!, f, birth. G Geburt. 

geborts || blatz[-*~], m, birthplace; -dak[-*'], 
m, birthday. 

gebott[-~], n, bid, offer, command, command- 
ment; di zehe -er, the Ten Commandments. 
G Gebot. 

gebrall(~*], n, (continual) boasting. G Ge- 

gebrauch{~*], m, custom. G Gebrauch. 

gebraus!~~], n, rustling, roaring. G Gebraus. 

gebrebel[-~~], n, palaver, (continued) nagging. 
dG brebele. 

gebreddich{~*~], n, preaching, long-winded 
talk. G predigen. 

Bebretcpucal Bb customary. G gebrauch- 

gebrill[-*], n, (continued) crying or bawling. 
G Gebrill. 

gebritscht{~*], knocked out, done up, ex- 
hausted. G gepritscht <pritschen. 

gebrutz[~*], n, pouting, sulking. dG brutzen. 

gebrumm|{~*], n, (continued) buzzing. , G Ge- 

chatter, idle talk. G 

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se towne 23 «) bere wot J *“Hemumuldag P Apasause Ob. gel 8 a3 ~ 
fnoge) 2 .yniesod it 2 ‘\tinodeg «86D = .gaivwa of Jioenmageg 9q 7 
— bie ssion gnildau at.” og re A ee 
ar tduel inode #9, servoct ee eredes Jb EO ORT 
wmodss D. .fivadpat 
Jwiso 2 did’ Late jrodey  -saueg db x conga ieee A 
i *"}dab« psotlgdnid gn erodsg dshdso 9 = 
as & wl ts ahd fodsd 0 - abel ars 
-bremmo> ,birsmimod jstio bis iF Aoodea dstiq hot of jlowwsgs3 99 re. isd - 
einsmbagmamod aT selt ro silos ib [Ingen Aladag. f) fp iothg 
9d sod (t jad id Ym iP iow, lin ia Pai ey a 
“an < ite euniinos) a i” sof ao ["*}lew: yolbnad sol wa "fp 
i Hi “g to gyno , Tiga give | Wi tags 
Asuside) 3 anoteus ant [*“ldovaidag . hee 
zene OD  .pnitge cgritvesn a fleuswieg = bns adtevbs ‘sittin, a: phe = * 
.-poiggsa (beunisnes) Jovalag 2 pases anyon sdisy to 19dmun tesTg 8 th : wet 
- j mont Jato) doe et nwana on . 2... a 
babniw-grol ni ae ee wees tony POT (IOSASSN OM PRIMAL)! | oe 
inn Sm cie ee st oe 
-dsvidsg OD anedoiew [* disvy ie siqimmmaq toshoeq “ 
itwad thee ‘ jive sie oe a te ee aden 
rte 10 grres ( aijaoa) ,f 4°” +g ot ’ wil ae 
toad caesar a ok a cee 
“— .qu sn0b Yo 70n f | * “et + -3y sl 7 a 
nsitzeiiig > whbetinqeyg /  .pyteued eo ob «om Sights M4 a 
rand Jb .gabilue gniueg 2" *purdeg at : ‘ st: | — aoe 
=f» J) enjseud (baunitros) mh i I sap «dad to ¢witatts pret ‘ ; dade rm a 
SFTW: : ud a 

gebrummel[“*~], n, low murmuring, rumor. 
G Gebrummel. 

gebun(d)[~*], n, bundle (of straw). G Ge- 

geck[“] (rare), nosey, prying. G keck. 

gedanke[~*~], mm, thought, idea; sich — 
mache, to worry. G Gedanke. 

gedankelos[~*~~], unthinking, scatter-brained, 
G gedankenlos. 

gedankevoll[-*~~!, thoughtful, contemplative. 
G gedankenvoll. 

gedans[~*], n, (continual) dancing. G Ge- 
gedaucht[~~], stooped. G tauchen. 

G Gedachtnis. 
gedechtnisdak{~ ~*~], 

n, memory, remembrance. 

m, memorial day. G 


gedeihe[“~~], pp gediehe, to prosper, succeed. 
G gedeihen, 

gedenke[~*~], to remember: du muscht der 

noch —. G gedenken. 

gedicht[*], n, poem. G Gedicht. 

gedichtich[-*~], gedicht{~~], thoroughly, se- 
verely. G tiichtig, dG gedichtig. 

gedier{[-*], n, pl gediere, gedierz, animal. G 

gediereausschtopper[-*~ ~~~ ], m, taxidermist. 
G Getier +Ausstopfer. 

gedimmel{~*~}, n, din. G Getiimmel. 

gedob[-~], n, (continued) roaring, disturbance 
or raging. G Getobe. 

gedratsch/-“], n, (continual) gadding. G 

gedrei[~*], gedreilich{[~~~], 
good-hearted. G getreu. 

gedrenk[~*], n, beverage, drink, 

gedrink[~~], n, carousing, (act of) drinking. 
G trinken. 

gedrippel[-*~], n, (continual) tramping or 
pitapat of feet. G Getrippel. 

gedrops[~*], n, (continual) dropping or drip- 
ping. dG dropse. 

gedroscht[~~], meek, down-cast, confidently. 
G getrost. 

gedrucktes[~*~], n, print, printing: 
—net lese. G Gedrucktes. 

gedu~, geduns{~“], n, goings on, affairs. G 

gedu~, gedun{~“]}, m, calico. G Kattun. 
gedudel[--~j], n, monotonous musical per- 
formance. G Gedudel. 
geduld(~*], f, patience. G Geduld. 
geduldich{~ aa patient, gentle (of animals). 

G geduldig. 

faithfully), true, 

liquor. G 

ich kann 

geduldichkeet{-*~"], f, patience. G Gedul- 
digkeit. : 

gedummel[-*~], nm, subdued noise. G Ge- 

gedumor[~ ~~], n, noise, confusion. Cf dumor. 

gedunich{-~~], (of) calico. G kattunen. 

gedunner([-*~}, n, thundering, noise, racket. 
G donnern. ; 

geedel[*~], n; god-mother. dG geidl, dim 
of Gote. 

* geess || bart[~ 

"© °c ERP TS RR Id" MAA es pene 7 eee 

geeschel[~~], f, whip, lash. G Geissel. 
geeschel || schnur[*~"], f, cracker of a horse- 

whip; -schtock{~~~], m, whip-stock. 
geeschle[*~], pp gegeeschelt, to whip, lash, 
scourge. G geisseln. 

G Geiss. 

“}], m, goatee; -blatt[*"], n, clim- 
bing honeysuckle; -bock[~~], m, he-goat; 
zledder[~~~], n, goatskin, morocco. 

g(e)fressich[~*~], voracious. G gefrassig. 

gefucker[“*~], n, to-do. G ge+dG fuggere. 

gefunnenes[’*~~], en, a foundling, waif. G 

gegacks{~~], n, incessant cackling or chatter- 
ing. G gacksen. 

gegeik[~“], n, (constant) fiddling or fidgeting. 
G Gegeige. 

gegicker[~*~], n, giggling. G Gekicker. 

geess| |, m, goat. 

geglak[--], n, constant complaining. G Ge- 

geglepper[’*~], mn, rattling, noise. G Ge- 

geglopp[-*], mn, (constant) hammering. G 


geglucks|~~], n, (constant) clucking. G Ge- 

gegnarr[~*], n, (constant) growling or grum- 
bling. G Geknurr. 

gegnawwer|~*~], n, (continual) nibbling. G 

gegnicks[~*], mn, miserliness, haggling. G 

gegnufi(~*], n, (continual) pommeling or 
quarreling. G knuffen. 
gegnuschder|~*~], n, being occupied with 
trifles. Probably G knuspern. 

gegratz|” *], n, (constant) scratching. G Ge- 

gegrauns(~~], gegruns[“‘], n, (constant) com- 
plaining, indistinct speaking. G Gegrunze. 

gegrawwel[’*~], n, crawling, sensation of 
crawling insects. G Gekrabbel. 

gegrecks["*], n, (continual) grunting or ailing. 
G Gekrachze. 

gegreider, gekreider[“*~], pl, herbs. G ge+ 

gegreisch{~~], n, loud calling, yelling, ado. 
G Gekreisch. 

gegrisch{~*], nm, yelling, howling, report, 
rumor: gross — un wennich woll. G 

gegritzel{~’~], n, scribbling. G Gekritzel. 

geguck([~~], n, (continued) gazing or gaping. 
G gucken. 

gegwacker(~*~], n, quacking, chattering. G 

geh~[], pp gange, to go; verlore —, to get 
lost; gehschde mer! in chasing a dog away. 
Note forms: no gehn ich, mer gehne. G 


geharriche[’*~~], pp karricht, to obey. G 

geheem, geheim[’~], mysterious, under- 

handed. G geheim. 
geheere["~~], pp gekeert, keert, to belong, 
pertain. G gehoren. 

stn gnilaeo inzasoon 0 of 

prginee =e 

spfableDD’ gailygis ef"? 
we D> oe a 

60 ee mnllsies a opens 

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-.) ©) .gnidouio (2nesane2) 2 I Bow 

-uzg % grilworg (stetenes) 9 ir 
virnds) v2 ~ .gnil 
_ OD _.galiddis. (launizeds) 0 Be A 
ay vk s ne _ aici 2 ' ye gar el 
J) sgn eaont ey aA oe 
anilgs paaingey 
40 pnilearaeq (Tewnisae9) a {" "iengeg 
‘rofusad O  .grilstiaup 

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Pe ee widadost:. .esttiz... 

aso 3 gilibsstre Grtsfenos) mf jeataeg “Fpoupil alninb' Pani 

-tisna (iistenog). ft « {*“Jasu1gsy cs lsovuegag gniininb Go ta) rievcts> a 
_ ange) 2 sgablasqe toniveiinti isla 7 

-jo roses: ghiwem o £° 2tgey Ww yniqsuws A. Cee > a i 
Isddewiagd <) .atesen gnkweio ite 
pailis x0 yailauTyg Reaeienen) of ft a Joieomyes -qish a sidaneat ( 

toy 3) ached (iq Pre tes oy hips diebince eld ae is 
obs pnitley ,goilics buok a f] ansd Asi ania at Canaan 
isidewd ton — 
Joga] guitwod .geilloy a iI iaoaingeg a manasa 20 gain cesar 
3 .How doinnsw mm — wag ere. siteaa i: | 
iouied © snudaes ji 

ehttied 2 .agnifddinse .n [~~ Hostingag 
\gniqag Ww ynikeg (beuniines) ,o. [jlo 

7) -gainesistio pablosup ,2 te 

393 of <— s201187 i093 - ea ; See 
tawk god B pittsbila we a! nine ea. 
o) option 34:1 (foi ndsg on sainvol Sf | es 

. a 

-isbay eu0rtaym. [~ 
ie cc 
@noled of mised freaiisg 94 f° jorsedieg 


geheerich{*~], thoroughly: zr hott’n — 
abgegerbt. G gehorig. 

geheil[~*], - (continued) howling or crying. 
G Geheul. 



geheemnis[~*~], mn, secret. G 
gehl["], yellow. G gelb, dG gehl. 
gehl || brau*(*"], tawny; -kopp[*~], m, cop- 
perhead (snake); <«rieb[*~], {, (wild) carrot; 
<sucht[~~], f, jaundice; -warzell/-~~], £, wild 
yam; -wasser[*~~], n, edema; -weide[~~~], 
m, f, golden willow; -weschp[~~J, f, yellow- 
jacket; =(G-)woch{~~], f, yellow week. 
gehlich[~~], yellowish, jaundiced. G gelb+ 
gehlwassergraut[*~~"], n, 
gelb + Wasser +Kraut. 
gehorsam[~*~], dutiful, obedient, submissive. 
G gehorsam. 
gehorsam[~*~], m, obedience. 

pipsissema. G 

G Gehorsam. 

gehorsamkeit[-~~"], f, obedience. G Gehor- 

geier[~~], m, vulture. G Geier. 

geije[“~], pp gegeikt, to fiddle, fidget, be 

restive (of horses); uff un ab —, to seesaw. 

geije || boje[~~~~], m, violin bow; chals{*~ “k 
m, neck of a violin; -macher{~~~~], m, violin- 
maker: -saddel[~~~~], m, violin bridge; 
=saet(-~"], f, violin string. 

geik["], f, fiddle, violin. G Geige. 

geilche, geili{~~], n, horsey, nag. Dims of G 

geils || balsem[{~~~], m, horse mint; -deck[*~], 
f, light cover for horses in fly-time; -dieb 
[~~], m, horse-thief; -dokter{[-~~], m, veter- 
inarian; =dreck[*~], m, horse dung; -fleesch 
{~~}, n, horse-meat, horses; -fuder[~~~], n, 
horse-feed; -geeschel{-~~], f, horsewhip; 
spranket[~~~], f, distemper, epizootic; = 
gscherr[~~], n, harness; <gsicht([*~], n, 
kind of mask; -zhoor[-"], f, horse-hair; 
skescht[~~], f, horse chestnut; -kimmel 
[~~~], m, stramonium, thorn-apple; -kopp 
{*~], m, horse’s head; =-mann[~~], m, dealer 
in or handler of horses, lover of horses; 
-mischt[~~], m, horse manure; -schtall[*~], 
m, horse stable; -schwans[~~], m, horse’s 
tail; -tee[*"], m, sweet fern; -warzel[-~~], 
f, horse-balm; -zwiwwel{-~~], f, Jack-in- 

geilsgschermschtang{[*~~], f, gear-pole. dG 
geils +G Geschirr +Stange. 

Se ee has on m, spirit, mind, apparition. 


geischtlich[~~], priestly, parson’s. 
G geistlich. 

geiz[], m, avarice. G Geiz. 

geize(~~], pp gegeizt, to be stingy, scrimp. G 



geizhals[*~], m, miser. G Geizhals. 

geizich(~ "|, stingy, miserly. G geizig. 

gejacker[~~~],n, Se gs jogging or driving 
about. G jackern. 

ge) jak[-“], (continual) fast drivi ng, hunting. 

ix Gejage. 

gejammer[~*~], gejaemer[ 
moaning or lamenting. Gejammer. 

geje[~~], gejje[*“], toward, against. G gegen. 

immer’s —, he is always contrary. G 

gejehalte[~~~~], gejekalte, to oppose, remind. 
G gegenhalten. 

oP ss 4] 

gejehaltung[-~~~], f, objection. G Gegen- 

gejem{~~] =geje em. 

gejemittel[~~~~], n, antidote. G Gegen- 


gejenanner[*~~~], opposite or towards each 
other or one another, opposed; sie sin 
immer —, they are always at odds. G 

gejend(*~], f, region, neighborhood, vicinity. 
G Gegend. 

gejeniwwer[ ~*~], opposite. G gegeniiber. 

geje(n)weertich[~~~~], present. G gegenwar- 
gejes[~~] =geje es. 

gejeschtand({~~~], m, object, subject. G Ge- 


gejewart(~~~], f, presence, present time. G 

gejich{~~], towards. G gegen. Cf geje. 

gejner{~~], m, adversary, opponent. G Geg- 

gejohl|~ I, n, continued yelling. G Gejohle. 

gejuck[“~], n, jerking, fidgeting. G Gejuck. 

gejux[~*], Tn, shouting, skylarking. G juxen. 
gekau[~*],n, chewing (alsotherag). Gkauen. 

gekreidersupp[-~~ =, f, vegetable soup. G 
ge +Krauter 4Suppe. 

gelach{~ -], n, (continued) laughing, laughter. 
G Gelach. 

gelerm[~~], n, noise, ado. G Gelarm. 

gelernt[“*], learned. G gelernt. 

gelaf[--], n, (constant) walking or gadding. 
G Gelaufe. 

gelammedier[-~~*], n, (continued) lamenting, 
outcry. G lamentieren. 

geld], n, money. G Geld. 

geld || | graut[* “], m, moneywort; -maschien 
oe money making proposition of 

scheme; -sache[*~~], pl, money matters: 

-sack[*~], m, purse; -summ|[*~], f, sum 0! 

money, fund. 

gelechter(~~~], n, laughter. G Gelichter. 

geleck[-*], n, importunate coaxing. G Ge- 

gelehrsamkeit[--~~], f, learning, learnedness. 
G Gelehrsamkeit. 

gelehrt[“~|, learned. G gelehrt. Cf gelernt. 

gelehrter[~-~], m, scholar. G Gelehrter. 

geleier[“~ ‘],n n, poate os the same old story 
or complaint. G Geleier. 

geleitert{” ~~], rectified, refined. G lautern. 

geleje{“-~}, opportune. G gelegen. 

gelejjeheit(-*~"], gelejenheit(“~“], £, oppor- 
tunity, occasion. G ener a 

gelek(~-], n, geleck[~“], n layer. G Gelege. 

gelender, gelander[’*~], ‘n, railing, banister. 
G Gelander. 

, nm, (constant. 

“], M, opposite, contrary; er is 


a DAR ide ee 



TN A I LN ET I NE MF OMT SEA Mtr FSFE YW he ek A tH ge Pa eA ore 

+ tele olen ne Le oF 
gant =e wn sd) dntidas 
ae sia ;beeoado 48308 200. 10 ae .- gp aukKaet! Re 4 

oO abbe' a6. eqswln axe yoit, nmi D -senseziagiq, Ph 
inion Preteens nous i Elen avieaindue sib ad tf) au I? 

ute J ah Jt, 4 

wdinverg D sikogao EE ca smngeroisc) 2 sce | 

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: sour 
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hie _eweesat of —~ da an Bie s(esrsed Ie) ta > 
0 .smit inesaiq soneesig ,}..f°~ aa Fated Aagieg 2 my 
ns, -Tiswnag of ‘Yeleds Lon ve oh niloiv ove Pui « =f 
3159 1D .nogey ebtewat t \doiisg wooed Jredosm: Me > tore s ac 
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aah Pe Sp be 
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| 420 [Se 7 Sntigebtt »yanlisr 2 fe a ; oD to amid gaa querod a ae T> 
maxut «) gnahalyas” "ocituods a J 23 ; 
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> squee sidetsgsy i [°° iqquershietseg ibe sonais-yft si exnad 3b il ey 
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SHlok ia 

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urislog 2) hontwal Pia ae! a ee 4 
enitbeyg to. youllew GasJeno9) ee igi | 
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ah ig 

sansa) semua. Lae : 

-bise) a} ee ee Sea 27 yr 

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io mua af ‘|e 792tq *jahoaes ""“lismiawe isowe! sm, li 

Sed delemeniae AT any TC llawwess sage 

_atdotlbd D .retdgusl .n .[- “heidosieg as 

~)  pnixsog-sianitiogmi ,a so an Db .sieg-ssg 3 ith . 

93 s 
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ca evel wt | jdelsg ~ 
2192 ninad ‘gta nf” “er ni. gniindd anivith sesh 


geles[““], n, act of reading, much reading. G 

Gelese. ; 
gelind{~*], mild, gentle. G gelind. 
geling|“*], m, heart, liver and lights of a 

slaughtered animal, haslet. G Geling. 

gell[*], Selle. gelte[*~], not so, wt) (implying 
an afhrmative answer). Gg 

gelschderich[*~~], (easily) Ce eae scared, 
terror-stricken. dG gelschterig. 

gelse[*“], pp gegelst, to castrate. G gelzen. 

gelgert ~], m, gelder, unskillful surgeon. G 

gelte, gelde[*~], pp gegolte, to pass (for), 
amount to, be accepted; — losse, to admit; 
gilt nix, is ‘void. G gelten. 

gemachti[~°~] sau, en, a perfect hog (of a 
person). G gemacht. 

gemad(~~], f, swath. dG gemAde. 

gemahne[~~~], pp gemahnt, to remind. G 

Sg tn n, mixture, gnarl or knot (in 

wood). G2 Maser. 

gemech[~*], n, male sexual organs. G Ge- 

gemechlich{[-*~], easy, comfortable. G ge- 

gemee~(~~], f, congregation; di — 4a°nemme, 
to join the congregation. G Gemeinde. 

gemeenerhand{~~~~], usually, as a rule, most- 
ly. G gemein+Hand. 

gemeenichlich["-~~], as a rule, usuaily. G 

gemeensglied[“~"], n, member of a congrega- 
tion, church member. G Gemeindegiied. 

gemee™ || schaft[--~], f, community, union; 
-scheftlich[-~~~], in common, union; -schul 
{-*"], f, church school. 

gemein{~~], in common. G gemein. 

gemeindlich[{“*~], in common, congregational. 
G Gemeinde +lich. 

gemeinheet[-~"], f, vulgarity. G Gemeinheit. 

gemeinschaft[-~~], f, fellowship. G Gemein- 

gemelk[~*], n, udder, the act of milking, (ever- 
lasting) milking. G Gemelke. 

gemetzel[~*~], n, carnage. G Gemetzel. 

g(e)mies[~“], n, vegetables. G Gemiise. 

gemiet[~“], n, mood, mind. G Gemiit. 

gemietlich{-~~], comfortable, cozy, pleasant, 
soul-satisfying, easy-going, down-hearted. 
G gemiutlich. 

gemietsort/-~~], f, disposition, character. G 

gemisch{~~], n, mixture, medley. G Gemisch. 

gemummel{~*~], n, (constant) mumbling. G 

mummel. , a 
gemunkel[~*~], n, subdued or unintelligible 
grumbling. G munkeln. 

genadurt[~~*], (bees), of a (surly or bad) dis- 
position. G Natur. 

gena, genau[~“], exact, accurate. G genau. 

genaeh[-“], n, sewing; sewed articles. G 

geneicht{[~~], apt to, inclined. G geneigt. 

genetz[~*], n, omentum. G Genetz. 

genischt[-~], n, tangle of weeds or brush. G 

gens || blumm[*~], f, oxeye daisy; -dreck[*], 
m, goose dung; ifle; -fedder 
faa, quill; -fetti*~], n, goosefat; -fuss 
{*"], m, goose’s foot, pentagram, girl’s 

"game; zhals[*~], m, goose’s neck, long- 
necked person; zhaut(*"], f, gooseflesh 
(from cold or fear); -joch[*~], n, yoke put 
on geese to prevent them from creeping 
merough fences; -wei~{* |, m, water, Adam's 

genserich[*~~], m, gander. G Géanserich. 

genslich{*~], entirely. G ganzlich. 

genunk|~*], enough, sufficient. 

gepeif[““], n, (continued) whistling. G Ge- 

gepischber[~*~], n, (continued) whispering. 
dG gepischber. 

gepulschder[’*~], n, pad, 
G ge+Polster. 

gepuschdurt[-~*], of a certain build and 
stature; gut —, well-built, shapely. dG 

gequael["~], n, (continual) tormenting or 
worrying. G Gequiale. 

geraetschaft[--~], f, implements, articles. G 

gerappel[”*~], n, 

gerascht[“-], courageous, 
dG gerascht. 

gerasselj”*~], n, rattling. G Gerassel. 

gerausch{[“~], n, roaring or rustling. G 

gerechtl” *], 

gerechter Weise. 

gerechtichkeet[~*~], f, justice, righteousness. 
G Gerechtigkeit. 

gerede[“~~] voll, full: es leit — mit eppel. 
dG gerere voll. Cf geruddelt. 

G_ genug, 

stuffing, puffery. 

(continued) rattling. G 

strong, healthy. 

just, equitable, righteous. G 

in justice, rightly. G 

gereie|“~~], pp gereit, to rue, regret. G ge- 
gereisch[~~], n, slight noise. G Gerdusch. 

geretsch[~*], n, slanderous gossip. dG rat- 

gericht(~~], n, court (obsolete). G Gericht. 
gericht[~‘], n, mess, viands. G Gericht. 
Sa eG *~] =geruddelt. 
gering|~~*], slight. G gering. 
geringelt|” * si curled. G geringelt. 
gerinne[~~~], pp gerunne, to coagulate, curdle 

(of milk), clot (of blood). G gerinnen. 
gerischt(“*], n, scaffold, walking frame of a 

sawmill. G Geriist. 
gerischthols[-*~], n, putlog. G Gertist+ 

gerode(-~ J, pp gerode, to turn out; gut —, 
to thrive, turn out well, yield well; es is 
ihm net —, he did not succeed; en gut 
gerodner soh”, a son who turned out well. 
G geraten. 


. aersTing.; gaifiute aq ja 4 ni) tonal wo feng setae 2 

69 D Jorge? out OF iswsg aq fT \siezg Ais 

(au. *.'8 7 a _ 
ae? ' ae ea) ae Yn Thelen ye a 

2 mun ~ a) eae wll Homi o J 

a 7 ent Lr % 7 oe 
guasy > a ue wl: wort, sa = : 

auasg a 
-s) > .poillentw (baunises) a t 

gaineqedw (bewsisnos) it cheatin 2 ieee o 

- va 

. eteltit+eg 2 |... | we . 
bas blind alata, e to {°° "iuphaloeoqey ws anasto Issues a Pre 
Ob .yloqnate shud-lisw j— Sing -janata 2 

auridoeuq 9g sidsnolaws: eis ce 
“0 gritnem vod (inunitnos) yt  [jesupeg 
slips 0  gnigiow omeren 8 — ib mugs 1 
O  asioina gipomsiqmt ,) [~Wadeatoneg »bniamso 2 Git 
Tisdossb19 Font alu an yilepen 
‘~ “sgniiies (bsynimnos) on PS ieqqemg = ® etvass 
Jeadmad - Delia. alin sam 
yiilssd .yaote - en D93L1L09 [“idoetsoy gin 
tdmeersy Ob -6yS7g aden 5 13 ee rr bail 
deeasD D -griltter a,j *"Hsaesteg  .beilgshnismmed © -iediment AawR. 
OD .gnily? 1 gnhnect yn id” oeuatey joule pines Poe 
j ae “) geioeuer. hate _ TRO earn 
2. .ewosstigi oldatiups taut Pheer wh eit a Wats 
JjHhosteg fiotneg 2 MOM MO9 J 
D xiish soisen| : mi ( 7" Jeiowrrendootag Loiucbiegngets ,oamines af * 
sist rilavisy feat 
2stevossdgh 32 vizaut Jf ~* peeddsidsewsy » fiadnigen a) D Vitegivy , 

Sted yitdses) 2 -tioma) OD .gidewolled ae 

isqqs tin = til eo :fful diav [*“jobs20g 
Aabbyreg 19 How arsts2 Ob 4978) .3oidiim owen 2 agg 

s . 4 

eS ; 

owe sstomse oD 
ienbiscd D  .sejon tigile .a fold seine) OD 
+i1 Wh .qleeog evossbnela yn f° "|dsetere JimedO bait boom n 

. noth apeesiq .es0u idenvimes..f *7) 

aden) 2 .foteloedc) Mueo .o, *"kdolesg _benesd-rwob .guog-yess - gnrygten: 
tdonsd O wabnaty 229m .n, i aperi aay”; . 
Jisbbuisg= [°° Bisbbixeg 2 .rstoersds jnoitigogeib 3 f°" 

‘gnivsg J  .Idgile {*“jgarzeg Ee a. 

“Sisgniisg DO  -bekus te guneg foes > .ysibern sisdxim 

olius> ,stelugsoo 07 enatrisg 9g , [*“joaahneg ‘gaiidmom Secon 3 eh 

unsanise 0 .(boold jo) solo «Galt to) 
& tb an 1} gttidisw biol —. a a aldigillsaniny 10 ‘bsubdua' a 

-Himw sa alesis. > 
+ a D  poltuq (a Winona -tib (bad 20 yhuez) -e wrieas f 

—— dug <sue mut-o3 jsbowsg qq f*"jeborwg ens Joa ye 
ei es “flaw bisiv Jisw duo mud ,svindi 03 “2 

tug 9 ybesoove on. bib od =~ ton mii, = 

lew tu0 bemut ow aces, “floa. zanbors tie 

geros(~~], n, frolicing. dG rose. 

gerranne[~*~], f, geranium. G Geranium. 

geruch[~*], m, odor. G Geruch. 

geruddelt, geriddeit[-*~] voll, completely 
covering the ground (as of apples or pota- 
toes): es leit —- voll. dG geruddelt. 

eeeapel n, noise, rumbling. G Gerum- 
pel. ; 

gerussel[~*~], n, drizzle. G Geriesel. 

Gertrudsdak[*~"], m, Gertrude’s Day (Mar. 
17). G Gertrud+Tag. 

geschder[*~], yesterday. 


gescheftich[”*~], busy. G geschaftig. 

geschenk[~*], gschenk[-], mn, present. G 

geschleck[~*] =gschleck. Q. v. 

geschrei[“~] =gschrei. Q. v. 

gesell[~*], m, companion. -G Gesell. 

gesetz[~*], n, commandment, law. G Gesetz. 

gesing[~*]=gsing. Q. v. 

gess[-], n, (act of) eating: soen—. Gessen. 

gettlich[*~], divine, godly. G géttlich. 

gewachsner[-*~], en, anadult. Ggewachsen. 

gewackel[~*~], n, (continual) wabbling or 
shaking. G Gewackel. 

gewaehre[~~~] losse, to let alone, allow to 
continue, give free scope. G gewdahren. 

gewzerb[-~], gwerb["], n, joint, node (of a 

G gestern. 
last evening. G gestern 

plant). G Gewerbe. 

gewerrt[’‘], mixed, tangled; — _ schtroh, 
straw as it comes from the thresher. G 

gewerz([~*], n, spices. G Gewiirz. 

gewahr[~-] werre, to become aware. G 

gewalt[~], f, power, violence. G Gewalt. 

gewaltich{[~*~], powerful; very. G gewaltig. 

gewaltichlich{[-*~~], mightilv. G gewaltiglich. 

gewaltsam[~*~], violent. G gewaltsam. 

gewandt[~~], handy. G gewandt. 

geweb[~~], n, activity. G Gewebe. 

gewebb[~~], n, web. G Gewebe. 

gewechs[~~], n, plant, tumor. G Gewichs. 

gewefz[~~], n, continual barking (of a small 
dog). dG weize. 

gewehne[~~~], pp gewehnt, to accustom. G 

gewehnet[~~~], f, habit. G Gewohnheit. 

gewehnlich[-~~], gewehnichlich[--~~], 
monly, ordinarily. G gew6hnlich. 

gewebr|-“}], gwehr[], n, gun, weapon. G 

gewelb[-*], n, arch, vault. G Gewdlbe. 

gewelbt[*], arched. G gewdlbt. 

gewelk[~*], n, clouds. G Gewéolk. 

gewelsch[~~], n, jabbering. G welschen. 

gewesch{~*], n, (continual) washing. G Ge- 
wasche. . 

gewesser[~*~], n, flood; dunner uns —, con- 


found it! G Gewéasser. 

gewessers[- ~~], (gar), deucedly. Imitation of 

gewewwer, °~], n, bustling activity. dG 


gewichst[~“], waxed, clever, bright. G wichs. 
gewicht[~*], n, weight. G Gewicht. 
gewichtich|~*~], weighty. G gewichtig. 
gewichtschtee*[-*"], m, weight. G Gewichr- 
gewiehl[““], n, (continued) rooting or rum- 
maging. G Gewiihl. 
gewilbert[’*~], n, game. G Ge+Wildbret. 
gewimmer[~*~], n, swarming. G Gewimmer. 
G Gewinn. 
G Gewinde. 

gewinn{~ *], m, gain. 
gewinn|~~], f, thread of a screw. 

gewinne{~’~], pp gewunne, to win, gain. G 

gewinner[~’~], m, winner, gainer. G Gewin- 

gewinsel[-*~], n, (continued) whining. G 

gewiss[-~], certain(ly), indeed; (so) — ich 
leb, so — as alles, really, truly, sure as I’m 
alive. G gewiss. 

g(e)wisse[~*~], n, conscience. G Gewissen. 

gewisselos(~*~"], conscienceless. G gewissen- 

gewisse(n)haft[-’~~], conscientious. G ge- 
wissenhaft. é 
gewisslich[’*~], certainly: es is — an der 

zeit. G gewisslich. 

g(e)witter[-~~], n, thunder-storm. G 

gewitter || rejje[-“~~~], m, thunder-shower: 
-tut[-~~"], f, lightning rod; -schtarm[-*~~], 
m, thunder-storm; -schtee*[~*~~], m, small 
round glacial stone believed to have been 
hurled in a bolt of lightning; -schtreech 
P*~"|, -m, -thunderbelt;, «wolk[“~~~],.. {, 
thunder cloud. 

gewittre[-“~], pp gewittert, to thunder, 
threaten thunder-storms. G gewittern. 

g(e)wittrich[’*~], threatening thunderstorms. 
G gewitterig. 

gewohnheit[-“~], f, custom. G Gewohnheit. 
Cf gewehnet. 

gewwe([*~], pp gewwe, to give; was hott’s —, 
what has happened; was gebt’s neies, 
what’s the news; zr hott mer di schuld 
—, he laid the blame on me; do gebt’s mix 

‘draus, it will come to nothing, I wont 
allow it. G geben. 

gezacker[~*~], n, (constant) driving about, 
tiresome driving about, gadding. G e- 

gezackt[~*], indented, toothed. G gezackt. 

gezerr(~*],n, (continual) teasing. G Gezerre. 


gezerrick(s)[-*~], n, district, section. © 
gezak[--], n., hesitation. G zagen. 

gezank{~‘], n, (constant) scolding. G Ge- 

gezawwel[-*~], n, (continual) struggling oF 
wriggling about. G Gezappel. 

gezewwel[’*~], n, commotion; jung —, youns 
people, children. dG gezeppel. ay 

geziffer[-°~], n, insects, vermin. G Gezieler- 

geziffer[-*~], n, markings made with a pencu 
or pen, calculations. G Ge +Ziffer. 

ba a 
+ eo 


sbatesd O a) 2 ni 
ea a os 

Fiat or 
ae) a “thea odseg: 
Q sie, Oona Tt 

iol =; cy sbosbni Ceiniansd {*jeshwog. = 50) 
onl ee S282 low ,yilsor soils es — 06 dal ies 
a 3 stile xt O 

noiwso J .sonsivened 2 ,f ““loentwis)y - 
-naeereeg WJ)  saslsstyinencs *\-peolseaiern” 

+3 0 euocnsizenoa j-**~find(n)ezetwag 99 
Jigdaoasiw 1 gnilddsw (iavnizace) A 
mb ns — ef e9¢ ryinianso yf" ‘piaileziweg, loaipernse? 
dvilzarwsg =) | 3158 ot woile ,saols ti 03 vp as 
2 2D umeolewbsrd? 6 EW ggcowins sudiiesg  .xpooe orl ave DUCE MIOD. bs 

ee ; : & Wo) aden anion ie 
rswode-tabouts um J *"*"leties pee re a 

ji--*“jarvetiioes bor atlestgt het “*~itarte doriice — tbolpand ,boxiat fi 
lictim .tpe i= *"} soiree ariose-inbasasis jem QD rsslessris ods eoro> ti 

nosd ov af 03 ba? patted snote Isinalg bawot ; ba. Oe 
siw90 2D .esaige .2 {~ 
in ee “haloes. os os ah af “°F OD .news smomd of gnaw | 

=> d 

vrobavds of ,Nsttiess i *"jemiieeg 
wtiess DO vem ao abneds ersteculs 

ernio iarebritt erin ajayinis J *")eol o8 
jsthndowrs?) 2 .moteus 2 . ~“pisinaeweg 
hg ic 0 ga) +) cin oy kone 
-— 2'ttod new .s¥ig oF owwseg qq. ewwog seh # 0 e 
esien etd ley Ee ‘bonsaqedt ari Iaitw asdnkes0 » Pe rerits te Jnsiq a Wig 

bd o¢ ib 19m 330d te sewen of? & teabw flame s io) gnovlied iownisnos pit ota 
in etsy ob fam no smaid Sis Biel sil, — eo 
taow | ,gnidion o3°omes fiw 'h eusab =) \gnoterocs of andowsg aq a dao ‘ oad 
nsdog tt wolls 

Jvods anivinh- Gaadenes) a [°*"fsdeassg. . siedadows0D otded 1" Boada 

J) © .gnibbag ucds enivinb smoestis «neo ,[~*"}dvildoindewsg 1°” 
tesa ndowee oO | EA ey 
25x03 0 .berdsoot ,betnsbni »[°“}alosseg D .nogasw aug fA i hidows he 

srs 2) unienst (isuniines) ar {*" pts a ; 
J soltee pohiab at Ya ee ti acute A ~ 2 ter doa oo 

ie 2D adhsatinsth mf" jabseg =! / 
“DO camtenn (Gaemeay ' vA i paaneey | .notiaelsw ~e pee 
wines 20 © w2nidesw (ley ‘ 

Me i able Gannisnos) n i" jiewwaseg. 
- faggrs > svodegailggine sma ~~ enw Isntub book, 
wey .— Bhul jaobommes a T°" 7 ; 

3 . . 
fsqqossg OD nnbiids wiqoed fonoitaiim! .ylbsousb, 

Wisixed naa PI INeA a, Fisog . et ee Loe 
iteq & tie cham aynitten. in ‘W i eae Ob .<iivitee yaibed 2 
wi nee *)  enormnluclss yrsq 70 - 

ie) + 

gezojje["*~], drawn, rifled (of a gun), (well-) 
trained (of a child). G gezogen. 

astalge” Slee n, qualm, twinge. G zwack- 

gezwillicht{-°*], twilled. G Zwillich. 

gfach{"], n, panel or rail section of a fence. 
G Fach. 

giaehrlich[~~], dangerous. G gefahrlich. 

giaehrlichkeet(~~"],f, danger. G Gefahrlich- 

gfalle[*~], m, favor. G Gefallen. 
gfalle[-~], pp gfalle, to like, suit, be satisfied 

_ with: es hott mer gut —. G gefallen. 

efahr["], f, danger. G Gefahr. 

gfahr["], n, driving, hauling, continual driving. 
G Gefahre. 

gfamt[{"]. See farme. 

gfangner[*~], m, en, a prisoner. G Gefang- 

gfarz[‘], n, farting. G Gefurze. 

gfecht(~], n, (continual) fighting or quarreling. 
G Gefecht. 

gfelkt[-], fallowed. G felgen. 

gfellich{*~], obliging, agreeable. 

gfellichkeet[*~"], f, favor. 

gfelscht[“], counterfeited, 

G gefallig. 
G Gefalligkeit. 
alloyed. G _ ge- 

gfengnis[*~], n, prison. G Gefangnis. 
ne n, vessel, receptacle. G Gefass. 
gfiehl{"], n, feeling, sense of touch, repeated 

act of feeling or touching. G Gefiihl. 

gfiehllos[~"], ‘torpid, without feeling. G 

gflacker{*~}], mn, (continual) flickering. G 

gflick[“], n, (continual) mending. G Geflicke. 

gfluch[~], n, (continual) cursing. G Gefluche. 

gformt[-], shaped, formed. G geformt. 

gfrees{"], n, miscellaneous articles, trash. dG 
gefrais =Krampel <Kram. 

gfress{-], n, mouth, ugly face, mug. dG 
gfrass, gfress. 

gfress[~], n, immoderate eating, excellent food. 
G Gefresse. 

gfrok[7], n, constant questioning. G Gefrage. 

gfrornes[*~], n, frozen delicacies. G Ge- 

gfunne[{~~], found. G gefunden. 

gfusser, fusser[*~], n, fuzz. G Fussel. 

gicht["], f, gout. G Gicht. 

gichtre[*~}, pl, convulsions (also occurs in sing: 
ee” gichter noch der annere). G Gichter. 

gichtros(*~], f, peony. G Gichtrose. 

gichtroseschtock[*~~~], m, peony plant. G 
Gichtrose +Stock. 

gickelche[*~~], n, chickey. Dim of G Gickel. 

gickere, kickere[*~~}], pp gegickert, to giggle, 
snicker. G gickern. 

gickerigi, guckerigu[’ ~~~ ],.m, cock-a-doodle- 
do, rooster. G gickerigi. 

gickle|* “], pp gegickelt, to gig gle. Ggickeln. 

gickse[*~], giekse[~~], pp gegickst, to poke at, 
dig (around) in, stick, sting, nudge in the 
ribs. dG gieksen. 



gickser[‘*~], m, sting (of an insect), hiccough. 
dG gickser. 

gierich{~~], voracious, avaricious. G gierig. 

giesse{~~], pp gegosse, to sprinkle, pour, cast. 


giesser[*~], m, moulder. G Giesser. 

giesskann|~~], f, sprinkling can. G Giess- 

giesskannekopp[~~~~], m, sprinkler of a 
sprinkling can. G Giesskanne +Kopf. 

gift{“], n, poison, poison ivy, ivy poisoning; 
ranklich —, poisonivy. G Gift. 

gift || baschdnad[*~"], f, wild parsnip; = 
schwamm|*~], m, toadstool. 

giftich[*~], poisonous. G giftig. 

giftichkeet[*~~], f, virulence. G Giftigkeit. 

gilbse[*~], pp gegilbst, to yell, shout. G 

gilleri[*~~], m, killdeer. Onomat. 

gilt{"], 3d sing pres of gelte. G gilt. 

gimpel{*~], m, dunce. G Gimpel. 

ginni || hinkel[*~~~], n, guinea fowl; 
pore n, guinea pig. 

gippel(*~], m, top, summit. G Gipfel. 

gips["], m, gypsum. G Gips. 

gipse[*~], pp gegipst, to sow (a field) with 
gypsum, term applied to the sickling of 
grain by small children (EH). G gipsen. 

gipser[*~], m, term applied to a tow-headed 
child who accompanied his parents to the 
harvest-field and cut grain with the sickle 
as he was able (EH). G Gipser. 

gitar(“~], f, guitar. G Gitarre. 

giwwel, gewwel[*~], m, gable. G Giebel. 

giwwelend[*~~], n, gable-end. G Giebel + 


glabensbekenntnis[*~~~~~], n, confession of 
faith. G Glaubensbekenntnis. 
glablich{~~], credible. G glaublich. 

glaech, klaech[7], m, link. dG glaech. 

glaff, klaff(-], f, key (of a piano or organ). 
G Klave. 

glaje, klaje[~~], pp geglakt, to complain, 
lament, be indisposed. G klagen.° 

glak, klak{], f, complaint. G Klage. 
glamm, klamm{["], {, clothes-pin, clamp. G 

glammhoke, klammhoke[* ~~], m, crane-hook, 
dog (in lumbering). G Klammerhaken. 

glans[~], m, lustre, splendor, glitter. GGlanz. 

glappe, klappe|*~}, pp geglappt, to tally, agree, 
clap (hands). G klappen. 

glas["], n, glass. G Glas. 

glas || ak[- “|, n, glass eye; 
touch-me- -not; richweed; 
glass bead; -schank|- 
-voli{~~], n, glass(ful). 

glase{[~~], (made) of glass. G glasern. 

glatsch["], f, gossiping woman. G Klatsche. 

glatt[“], smooth, slippery, sleek, insinuating: 
net arrick — hergeh’, to keep house in a 
slovenly manner, act rudely or boorishly. 
G glatt. 

glatt || bichs{*~], f, smooth-bore rifle; -eis{* "J, 
n, glazed i ice on ground and trees, ice-storm. 

-praut(~~], n, pale 
zkarrell(~~~], f, 
“], m, china cupboard; 

a. _~ 

sheagisttd vv eaakiste 2 
tucite ey of en ai 


* gemont) Asobliid en fHestis 

tig: D et fetate Log Ipis 

; dsqmid 2 oF eae 

grisea: fae Boney tt ct 1 ieee insu 
iq sonny a ["***} 

igtaid eens 08 ter be 

agi? oD" mpage st laqig 

iitw (hist s) woe ot jeqiged Gq: i *}eeqig 
lo giihiow edt of baliqgs orgy \muedT 
aseqig) (HA) nebitds lame yd niety 

bsbssn-wor's-o1 beiiqas one? .m ji" 

erly ot ettistes eid bsineqmoe atta Dbiirs 
shisie- ott iw niet 2u> brs bist teovresd 
yseqid GO AHS) elds enw oh ee 

sneiD D0 nating 7 [hang 

sidsg oo ‘lewwss lowwig 

bneoldeg fi [-"*}bastowwig 
SUIT ST totes sbald 

lo nolessines’ us (fF ""*jeiminmpdodenscig 
zintnnatodensdigh) O © niet 

dolidusly DO  siditeig [ ~ldsadha 

sinssig Db ~ lai it JU hiessia uoselg 

(neyo 1 onsig & to) yes 1 I” oth oe 

Ascistc) ~) 
4- lodsic) 2 

nate uno oY putes aq Frei sb “oly 

AY bseogeibai ad jnsinves 
igi ee } Xi bite itis 
ab (inmintal 
; ‘soncen sta 
.Acor-aner at) ote mm more oe My, 

netechommnlt -(gnitedsnut oi) Keni 

seid Oo ees re is — yt 
serge Xilat oF Sqqélges ag f°! 

msqaiat J) bea pe tos aps 

ath) zesly no, scaly 

gps bo M0 ry, x nae retls af “his || e&fg 

“44 ibaowsl of {Jon-am-none) 

‘basodaat endo, ta “iadses sbaod eenly 

~ fivteesig in (>How: 

: sgolAt oO 
?) pete. fiq-eatiiels | 

. emsetly 3  #ealg to (sbeem) i *}sadly 

stoetsltA - . namow gaigizsos 21° |doztalg 
rpoiteucient doske feraqaile-, digame i aly 
& fi Bevod qson o9 ; tepred — dois tof 
“idainood ww visburt Hs 130n8m ae 

**jele« cofiin a0d-toome 3 f"" “pid a 
‘ttote-soi 6991) DAG bawoty no 99) bsxalg ic 

a 7 

| bsisaqet fou to i 

ay OD . tone 

-slboob-a-ds09 m P iyits 
cy ie ts is des “ou ; 7 
ae ‘% is mY 

MNS > porn tt a? | 
eebieg J) . “ oo none i 
AMS D at Yo.296 =" 
2 .gnilssl 4 ste wbiqrot | 
O .gnitedoif (lsunisx09) 5 t 

aadyihal) sggnitveraces Ch surpi ne) f 

dophed JO .yniews (lenis 0 

griisd DO _ -gninoiseeup raemson HOD 
x) oO .ssizsoilob assoit 2, .. 

Jsioid' 2 0 Bere ceeds, | 
gaty 03 radios ot 

glavier[~*], n, piano. G Klavier. 

glawe[~~], pp geglibt, to believe, think, sup- 
pose. G glauben. 

glawe[*~], m, belief, faith, creed. GGlauben. 

glebich{~~], sticky. G klebrich. 

glee, klee[7], m, clover; roder —, red clover; 
weisser —, white clover; grosser roder —, 
mammoth clover. G Klee. 

glee”, klee7["], small; beim gleene, at retail; 
glecne zwiwwle, onion sets; en gleenes, a 
baby, small child; iwwer en gleenes, ‘‘yet 
a little while.” G klein. 

glee || blatt(~~], n, clover leaf; -blumm[{*~], 
f, clover flower, globe amaranth; -butzer 
[~~~], m, clover huller; -feld[~~], n, clover 
field; -hoi[~~], n, clover hay; -kopp[~~], m 
clover flower; -schprau[~"], f, clover chaif; 
sschtengel[~~~], m, clover stalk; some, 
-sume[~~~], m, clover seed; -wasem[~~~], 
m, clover sod. 

gleed{], n, garment; pl -er, clothes. G 

gleede, kleede{*~], pp gegleedt, to clothe. 
G kleiden. 

gleeder || berscht[*~~], f, clothes brush; -hoke 
{[“~"~], m, clothes hook; -«kammer[*~~~], 
wardrobe, clothes closet; -schtubb[~~~], f, 
room for hanging up clothes. 

glee” glidderich[~~~~], small limbed. Gklein- 

gleenichkeet[*~ 7], f, trifle. G Kleinigkeit. 
gleenischlangewarzel| set i ], f, seneca snake 
root. G klein +Schlangenwurzel. 
glees["], m, track of a wagon, rut. G Geleis. 
glei[], soon, without delay, at once. G 
gleich{], equal, alike, like, same. G gleich. 
gleichdeitend[~ ~~], synonymous. G gleich- 


gleiche[~~], pp gegliche, to like, love. The E 
adj like (similar) is gleich in PG; a verb 
wae formed from this adj for the verb to 

gleicherweis[~~~], likewise. G gleicherweise. 

gleichewert([~~"], n, par value. G gleich+ 

gleich ||fellich[~ ~~], equally; -fermich[*~~], uni- 
form; -gewicht[~~~], n, equilibrium; -giltich 
{-~~], unconcerned; -giltichkeit[~~~"], indif- 
ference; -gsinnt(~~], likeminded; -lafend 
eae parallc 1; <zeitich(~ ~~], simultaneous. 

Moa ates gleichheit{- "|, f, parity, equality. 
G Gleichheit. 

gleichnis[~~], n, parable. G Gleichnis. 

gleie, kleie{~~!, f, bran, shorts. G Kleie. 

glemm, klemm["], f, pinch, quandary, dilem- 
ma, scrape. G Klemme. 

glemme, klemme/*~], pp geglemmt, to pinch; 
sich der finger —, to pinch one’s finger. 
G klemmen. 

glenner{[~~], smaller. G kleiner. 

glennscht{], smallest. G kleinst. 

glense(*~], pp geglenst, to glitter, shine. G 

glensend[*~], shining, resplendent. 

G glan- 

SO a ET BF OT ek ah i a ih al A TI a a lt a a 

glensich[*~], brilliant. 
gleppre, kleppre{*~], pp gegleppert, to rattle, 
beat (eggs). G klappern, klappern. 
glepprich, klepprich[*~], rattling. G klapprig. 
glessak[’"], n, wall-eye. G Glasauge. 
glessel, glessli(* “], n, little glass( ful). 
of G Glas. 
glessern[*~], vitreous. 

dG glanzig. 


G glasern. 

glessich[*~] 2k, glass eye. G glasig. 

glessur|"~], f, glazing. G Glasur. 

glessure[“~~], pp geglessurt, to glaze. G 

glett, klett{-], f, burdock, burdock bur. G 

gletteise[*~~] (rare), n, sadiron. G Glatt- 

glettere[*~~], pp geglettert, to climb. G 

glettewarzel[*~~~], f, burdock root. G Klet- 

glewe[*~], pp geglebt, to stick, adhere. G 

glewerich[~~~], gelatinous, clotted. G kle- 

glick{"], n, luck, fortune, good luck; — 
winsche, to congratulate, wish success. G 

glicke(*~], pp geglickt, to succeed in, have 
good luck. G gliicken. 

glicker[*~], m, marble, testicle. G Klicker. 

glicklich[*~], lucky, happy, successful. G 

glicklicherweis[*~~~], fortunately, luckily, as 
luck would have it. G gliicklicherweise. 

glickschuss[*~], m, unexpected success. G 
Gliick +Schuss. 

glickselich[-~~], happy. G gliickselig. 

glicksfall[*“], m, godsend, windiall. G 

glied[], n, pl glieder and glidder, member, 
limb. G Glied. 

glieder || band[-~~], n, ligament; -schmzrze 
{“~~~], pl, rheumatic pains, pain in the 

gliedich[~~], red hot. G glutig. dG glierig. 

gliedwasser[~~~], n, synovial fluid. G Glied- 

gliftse, kliftse[°~], pl, rocks, wilds. G Kliifte. 

glimblich[*~], gentle, mild. G glimpflich. 

glimpel, klimpel[~™~], n, small lump, small roii 
(of butter). Dim of G Klumpen. 

glimple, klimple[*~], pp geglimpeit, to form a 
lump (of butterinchurning). Gkitimpern. 

gling, kling|~}, f, blade (ofa knife). G Klinge. 

glingel, klingel[*~], f, bell, sleighbell. G 

glingel, klingel[*~], m, ball (of yarn), crewel. 
G Kliingel. 

glingle, klingle(*~], pp geglingelt, to tinkle, 
jingle, ring. G klingeln. 

glinsle[*~], pp geglinselt, to flatter, pet. dG 

glitsche, klitsche[*~], pp geglitscht, to slide, 
slip. G glitschen. 

glitschich, klitschich([*~], 

slippery. G glitsch- 

x alan’. tet, Se. 4 
§ ’ 
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glitschiwippil*~*~], imitating the sound of 
scissors in cutting. 

glitzere[*~~], pp geglitzert, to glitter, shine. 
G glitzern. 

glitzerich(*~~], glittering, glistening. G glitz- 

glock(’}, f, bell. G Glocke. 

glockeblumm|’~~], f, columbine; blue-bell, 

Canterbury bell. G Glockenblume. 
glofder[~~], n, cord (of wood). G Klafter. 
glofderhols[~~~], n, cord-wood. G Klafter- 
glooe, klooe[~~], f, claw, cloven foot, paw, 
clutches. G Klaue. 

glooe[~~], pp gegloot, sich fascht, to lay hold 
of. Gklauen. 

glooe || fett[-~~], n, neat’s-foot oil; 

m, cloven foot. 
gloppe, kloppe(*~], pp gegloppt, to knock, 

pound, beat, rap, hammer. G klopfen. 
glopp | hahne[*~~], m, worn-out roué; = 

hengscht/*~], m, stallion whose testicles are 
congenitally in, or have receded into, the 
abdominal cavity and so can not be gelded. 

G klopfen =wallachen+Hengst; -schtee* 

{*-], m, shoemaker’s lapstone. 
gloppiches|* ~*~], ebbes, something to hammer 

with. Gadj formed from gloppe. 
glor, klor["], clear. G klar. 
glore, klore{[~~], pp geglort, to clear, clear up. 

G klaren. 
glorensich{"*~], clear, simple, whole: der — 

sand. Probably an exaggerating compound 

built on glor. Cf hesseldonisch. 

glotz, klotz{~], m, block, segment of a tree- 
trunk. G Klotz. 

glowe, klowe[~~], m, (wire) staple. dG klowe. 

gluck, kluck[-], f, hen (when with chicks), 
brood-hen. G Glucke. 

gluck, kluck{"], cluck, cluck of a liquid running 
out of a bottle. G glucken. 

gluckezwiwwell*~~~], f, multiplier onion. G 

Glucke +Zwiebel. 
gluckse, kluckse[*~], pp gegluckst, to cluck, 

gurgle. G glucksen. 
glucksich[*~], clucking. G glucksen. 
glumpe, klumpe[*~], m, lump, roll (of butter), 

heap. G Klumpen. 
glumpe[*~], Pp geglumpt, to lump, form (as 
butter in the churn). Verb formed from 
glumpich, klumpich[*~], lumpy. G klumpig. 
glund[‘], f, slattern, loose woman. G Klunter. 
gluppe, ‘kluppel* “], f, hands, clutches: in di 

—grieje. G Kluppe. 
gluschde[*~] =luschde. 
glut["], f, glow, heat. G Glut. 
gnabbere[*~~], pp gegnabbert, 

about. G knappern =klappern. 
gnack, knack(~], m, skein, knot. G Knack = 

E crack, snap; perhaps applied to a skein 

of yarn because the reel on which it was 

wound gaveacrack for a certain number of 
revolutions. Also G Knocke. 

sfuss[~~ 7], 

to stump 


gnacke, knacke[*~], pp gegnackt, to tick, 
crack, break partially. G knacken. 

gnackere[*~~], pp gegnackert, to creak, be 
unsteady (asa table). G knackern. 

gnackrich|*~], tottering, unsteady, rickety. 
G knackrig. 

gnackse[*~}], pp 

gnackwarscht, knackwarscht[*~], f, 
smoked rap - G Knackwurst. 

enad(e)(~~], f, grace. G Gnade. 

gnade || bank| (=~, f, anxious bench; 
Ls], f, Sime or grace. 

gnaedich{~~], gracious. G gnadig. 

gnall, knallj-], m, clap, loud report, crack; 
uff — un fall, suddenly, in a hurry. G 

gnalle, knalle, gnelle[*~], pp gegnallt, to make 
a loud report, crack. G knallen. 

gnalleise([-~~], n, (facetious for a) worthless 
gun; dunner uns —! holy smoke! great 
Scott! great guns! G Knalleisen =E gun. 

gnaller[*~}, m, cracker (of a whip). G 

gnallhitt, knallhitt(*~], f, hovel, dilapidated 
building, bawdy house. dG gnallhiitt = 

gnappe(*~], pp gegnappt, to snap at (some 
one) (as a vicious dog). G knappen. 

ee ~], PP gegnappert, coire. G knap- 

gegnackst, to crack. G 



enapps, knapps!"], close, stingy, scarcely; un 
—-, justabout; -er not, barely. G knapp. 

gnappse[*], pp_gegnappst, to be sparing 
with, stint. G knapsen. 

gnarre, knarre(*~], pp gegnarrt, to snarl, 
growl, grumble, scold. G knurren. 

gnarre, knarre [~~], m, knot (in lumber). G 


gnarreloch[*~~], n, knot hole. G Knorren- 

gnarrich, knarrich{*~], knotty, gnarly. G 

gnarrich, knarrich[{*~], prone to grumble. G 

gna(r)schle[*~}], pp gegnarschelt, to gnash. 
dG knarschen. 

gnarwel, gnerwel, knarwel[*~], m, gristle, 
cartilage. G Knorpel. 

gnarwlich, gnerwlich, knarwlich[*~], gristly, 
gnarly (of a tree, apple, or a roughly healed 
wound). Gknorpelig. 

gnarze, gnazze, knarze|*~], m, stumpy old 
tree, nubbin, blemish in fruit caused by 
the sting of an insect, core of anapple. G 

gnarzich, gmatzich, kmarzich[*~], deformed 
and imperfect (of trees and fruit), knotty. 
G knorzig. 

gnaunse(~~|, pp gegnaunst, to grumble. dG 

gnawwere, knawwere|*~~], pp gegnawwert, to 
gnaw, nibble. G knabbern. 

gnechel, knechel(*~], m, ankle, knuckle. G 

meee Se 

Pet teat ys gt © 

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smo) th Gane of tqasan7g aq ff “jsaqany 
MAIGENR gob euotory 6 25) (90 

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av svlemeoe . vant ,seols ,["Jeqqsad sqgnty 
aya «) eisisd Jon  7ueGA REL 
ganege sd oF teaqengsg aq, J “isaqgesg 
Jsegena w) nite wiw 
iene oF ,Friongsg ag [ “jeTiend orang 
wenn oO boo oldimurts saow - 
») Aisdmul ni) tond un |“) etibeal-erieag 

~<asyion?i wo) .siod dostl tf —_——- 
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— ‘ ooiseiana 3b 
. sere oe Hlewrar , lowreny 
| poyeed 9 esgelis1eo 

ean tik 3 a ) when 

las BuOT £10 das 21 1Bng 

bi Bi isa 2 
Oo. yamuze .m .* poten OT 1ALy 

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pvieher ge df "idoimenmt ,doiang ,doisteng 
yitonz .(ti? bre esstt Yo) gegen mer bua 

Jb wsidmutg Oo) Jenpanysg cy . 7 joemmang 

fg jorserwand orwwwany 

ot .rswwengsg qa ft * 
ew sai lini sa "idoea sodoony aang 
3 ma yn i "Hedoomd ox” 

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*getdsa~ : 

.qu tEsl> sb 08 noiges da f°] 

—— ash :slodw slontia aasio 

banwagperto> niente vidad De 

ma ee oe Il 
~sont & Yo Snsingse Sold ni. ttolg 

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(edaids dyiw astiw) ai - fonlg 


gnintut bispil 6 10 doule toulo ig 
nodoul r 
2 namo wilqitlum +t 

sed eo aa a i 
i opie oigal: | 
.{2atud to) Hor qanud ca f° eqn a, qmulg 

ib ai : 
¥ saqsbi 
misde & 02 bailqgs 

gnecht, knecht[*], m, male servant, hired man 
or boy. G Knecht. 

gneeterich{~~~], m, knotweed, knot-grass. G 

gnefze, Pouce pp gegnefzt, to quarrel. 
dG gnefze. 

gnefzer{[*~], m, quarrelsome person, 
barking cur. dG gnefze. 

gneppe(*’], pp gegneppt, 

gneppich{*~], covered with lumps. 

gneppschuh[*"], m, button-shoe. 

gnetschich[*~], soft (especially of bread), 
immature, soggy. dG knatschig. 

gnewwel, knewwel(*~], knewel(~~], m, gag, 
stick used for twisting a rope or straw- 
band, bolt at the end of a chain, skein, 
hank. G Knebel. 

gnewwle, knewwie(’*~], pp gegnewwelt, to gag, 
twist tight. G knebeln. 

gnewwere, knewwerel*~~], gegnewwert, to 
scold, nag. Variant of knabbern. 

gnick[~], n, nape or back of the neck, neck: 
es — verbreche. G Genick. 

gnicke, knicke{[*~], pp gegnickt, to bend and 
crack without breaking entirely. G knick- 

. small 
to button. G 

G knépfig. 
G Knopf- 


gnicker[*~], m, knock. G Knicker. 

gnick gnack[~~], tick tock. Onomat. 

gnickse|*~], pp gegnickst, to be stingy. dG 

gnickser{*~], m, miser. dG knickser. 

gnie, knie!"}], n, knee, elbow of a stovepipe. 

G Knie. 

gnie || dief[~"], up to the knees; -hoch[~"], 
knee-high; -gschprunge[*~~], knee-sprung; 
skapp[~~], f, knee-cap; -kehl[~-“|, f, pos- 

terior part of the knee-joint, hock; -scheib 
{~~], f, knee-cap; -wand{*~], f, part of the 
wall between the roof and the floor of a 

gniee, kniee[~~], pp gegniet, to kneel. G 

gnieswarzel(~~~], f, helleborus viridis. G 

gnippe[*~], pp gegnippt, to tie ina knot. G 

gnippel, knippel[*~], m, club, cudgel, coarse 

fellow. G Kniippel. 
gnoche, knoche[*~}], m, bone. G Knochen. 
gnoche || knoche | frass[*~~], n, caries; -gaul 

{*~"], m, skeleton (bony) horse; -jerrijel 
[*~~~~], m, skeleton. G Knochen+dim of 
Jerrick =E George; -jockel[*~~~], m, skele- 
ton, rag and bone collector. G Knochen+ 
Jockel =dim of Jakob; -lehr{*~"], f, osteol- 
ogy; -mann{*~~], m, skeleton, bone col- 
lector; -mehl{*~ 7], n, bonemeal; -miehl 
[-~"}, f, bone mill: wine a n, bone ache. 
gnochich, eee , bony. G knochig. 
gnoddel, ’knoddel|* i) ™, small lump, chunk, 
chunky person, turd, ‘compact hard round 
droppings of many animals. G Knédel. 
gnoddel |! erwet{[*~~~], f, tedious job, small 
chores; -supp{*~~}, f, =riwwclsupp; <woll 

{°~~], f, wool from the rear quarters of a 
sheep where it is mixed with manure. PG 
gnoddel+G Wolle; -wolle[*~~~], made of 

gnoddelwolleduch[*~~~~ ], n, cloth made from 
gnoddelwoll. PG gnoddelwoll+G Tuch. 

gnoddere, knottere[*~~], pp gegnoddert, to 
grumble, scold. dG knoddere. 

Pnod deco rat grumbly, sulky. dG knod- 


gnoddle[*~], pp gegnoddelt, to work ina slow 
and poky manner. Verb formed from 

gnolle, knolle[*~], m, lump (of sugar), tuber, 
clod (of earth). G Knollen. 

gnollich, knollich [*~], lumpy. G knollig. 

gnootsche, knootsche[~~], pp gegnootscht, to 
handle overmuch, hug, fondle. dG knot- 
schen, G knatschen, knatschen. 

gnopp, knopp{- etl, pl gnepp, button, lump; 
schnitz un gnepp, dumplings cooked with 
dried apples; gneppim kopp, tricks; gnepp 
hinnich der ohre hawwe, to be tricky, bear 
watching; — vum e bu, stout chap; 
dicker —, stout person. G Knopf. 

gnopp || hols[*~], n, sycamore, buttonwood; 
zloch[*~], n, button hole. 

gnoww/(el)loch, knowwelloch, knoww/(e)lich 
[*~~], m, garlic; wilder —, wild garlic. G 

pnuffe, knuffe[*~], pp gegnufft, to beat with 
the fist, pummel, hammer lightly, quarrel. 
G knuffen. 

gnuschdre[*~], pp gegnuschdert, to be occu- 
pied with trifles. Probably G knuspern. 

god["], f, godmother. G Gote. 

gogelskern, godelskern{~~~], 
Indicus. G Kockelskorn. 

goh ! goh !["] (kumm goh, goh), call to cows, co- 
boss, co-boss. Swiss goh. 

gold{~], n, gold. G Gold. 

gold || amschel|*~~], f, oriole; 
m, goldsmith; -schaum[*~}, m, beaten gold 
(film); -schtick[*~], n, gold-piece; -warzel 
{°~~], f, goldthread. 

golde[*~], golden. G golden. 

goldegehli*~ "|, golden yellow. G goldgelb. 

goldendur[*~"], golden tincture. G Golden- 

golrabi, golrawe, kolrabi{-~~], m, kohlrabi. 

G Kohlrabi. 
golrieb[* "|, f, rutabaga. G Kohlrtibe. 

f, cocculus 


gosch["], f, mouth, mug. G Gosche. 

gossduch[’~], n, gusset. dG gossttichel. 

gott[-], m, god, God; mei” — nochemol! my 
goodness! G Gott. 

gottebermlich[-~*~], awful. G Gott+er- 

gottes || acker{*~~~], m, cemetery; -blut[*~ J, 
spotted St. John’s-wort; -dinscht{*~~], m, 
divine service, worship; -gabe[*~~~], |, 
gift of God, alms, a child; -haus|*~"], 1, 
church; -krefte[*~~~], mit, with all 
possible means; lieb[*~"], f, divine love, 
charity; -reich[*~"], n, kingdom of God; 

-wart{*~~], n, Scripture. 

sillond “eomel of 4 
of tJrostonneeg a3. p Biro tome 

toad Ob -.sibno = tae a 
‘sadoetan nc mes nsdoe 

t ear #3 ie es 

‘emul oidtied aqgane: ig ve £ \gquax sion nyo} Jheevong? AT en 

(oiw badoee sgoilgmub .qeyomg an sti 

agony sloind .qqud wt as ye vesiqgs berb 3 Pe 

109 -Glotts ad OF saws de wh drinaid 

jean 2) » 108734 tose y— walotb 

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on nottud .a “tants -Aoind ) __.ylstiane 

iail(e}wword daoilewwort dockls) 
Oo one b blew o— besos -atheee anf 
n+ i emd ass 


swisiadA DO 
iat 3d of Soei i 

ihiw tesd 07 fhe a58 aa. - ‘joRunal i Ob wRynie 

isrup ,vi isdgil wend Jocumug Jel ons 
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omgeund 2 yidadord asin diiw beg 

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aulun900 » be vt "*peretalobos carslaloge a Ce ae as 2 
phar oe dacA«) avo po de Pode eau | a 
09 .ewon 02 fae {dog log mmad) TP dog | slog 
Dousined seod-o2 20d enema Ei *|basw: 
owe biog .a tf Tblog & to 200h S49 baw lor silt n 

"“tiewdse: sslohio 3 _)-~*Hedsenn |b 

biog asised nm 1 “penwadizes -dsimablog 2 fsond of 
losis. 3999ig-biog a d + bboitdaes 3 atkit) oy tee 
bastitiiog 2 3 .abRiv etrodsiied 3 e ae 
s ci_vis 02 aqginga aa ds 2 
83 seisod leogbvo duis ym a] 
msizon O 


nobiog 2 aashuog A 

disgblos O .wolley noblog wt” " iaeasping 2 oad 

nsbloc) £)  .suionit neblog f ““*hebasbiog 
idmidet un J *"jidisied .¢ re ie 

ostinided D .xyedatur dl frie lege 
atinene) 5 pur vom A 

Apringssea0y Ob  .ioeeug .f a take sone to mib--asdooazl 
yin! ‘ iommacizon — “dant bod bog vat [Btog- -siscda. mn 5 

eek 00 2 ‘eeenboog... a9 

ep nod pos d'**"dolienrsedszi0 ~tlosteo os ““}ritel 

~“Hasid f hein etn pre gg aon 
syisiotts? im ae | estlog ; 
on « Poe snows nilol Je bet . .gfon saad ,2 ety if 
i "7 *edage -qidzwow anaes ani rib a > sgnad 
nt “*javed- <blido s emis ,bod tp ip and >-.qmul Teme wo t 
ite siziw pe. Ae ite ifisudo nuat | oe 
vol spbei 3 of ise jensom sidineog , i lemming ¥o 
‘boo ko mobynn! o,f" “joist janes doi evoibss 7 , 
po Eee a yn: How: :qquelvawn= 

snod .m 
*gorte> ,f 1 -leehst 
e rauvarl (vned) 

a ae ee a 

ey er 

insiey blo: 
“gant wots wd “Ss aoe ~- amen toon wdooa 2h to oe: se 

jo wodis Soap 
stoonal ads or qu iP 

singss qq I~ josimal 

a oa 

Gottfri{*~], m, Gottfried. G Gottfried. 

gottheit(* J, f, divinity. G Gottheit. 

Gottlieb[*"], m, Theophilus. G Gottlieb. 

gottlos[*"], ungodly, wicked, godless. G 

gottlosichkeet[*"~"], f, impiety, godiessness. 
G Gottlosigkeit. 

tat ih age awiully. G gottstraf- 

gottsdausich|~*~], (half playful exclamation) 
well! well! Ggotts+dausich. Cf dausich. 

gottsjemmerlich[*~~], terribly. G gottsjam- 

gottslebbdak[{"*"], well! well! G gotts+ 
Lebtag. Cf kotz lebbdak. 
gott || verdamm{~~*], damn it!; -verdammt 

[-~*], damned, infernal; 
damned, accursed. 

gotzich{*~], single; alle — eener, every single 
one; ken -er mensch war dart, not a single 
person was there. dG gotzig. 

gowenier{-~~], m, governor. G and F Gou- 

goweniere[~~*~], pp goweniert, to govern. 
Verb formed from gowenier. 

grab[], n, pl graewer, grave. G Grab. 

grabb, krabb(~],f, crow, raven. dG krabb. 

grabbe || fuss[*~"], m, «schnawwel[*~~~], m, 
wild cranesbill, spotted geranium. 

grabbenescht/[*~~],n, crow’s nest. dGkrabbe 
+G Nest. 

grab || macher(~~~], m, gravedigger (and for- 
merly also pallbearer); -schtee*{[~"], m, 
tombstone, headstone. 

grabsche[*~], pp gegrabscht, to grasp, snatch, 
grab, be avaricious. dG grapschen, G 

grabschich[*~], avaricious. G grapsen. 

grabschtee*hacker[~~~~], m, tombstone-cut- 
ter. G Grabstein +Hacker. 

grach, krach{~], m, crack, crash, report. G 

grache, krache[*~], pp gegracht, to crack, 
crash, creak, make a report. G krachen. 

-verfiucht|~ ~*~], 

grad{"], degree, measure; im alte —, as usual. 
grad["], straight, right; exactly, at once, now. 
G gerade. 

gradaus(~“*], right out, in plain terms, bluntly. 
G geradeaus. 

graddle, kraddle[-~], pp gegraddelt, to crawl, 
climb, creep. Variant of dG krabble. 

graddlich, kraddlich[*~], crawling, astraddle. 
From graddle. 

graddlings[*~], astraddle. From graddle. 

gradement({~~~], exactly. Ggerade+F -ment. 

grade(s)weks[~~"], straightway, at once. G 

gradeweck[*~~], right out, bluntly, presently. 
G gerade +dG eweg. ‘ 

grad(e)wohl{[+~"}], uff, (at) haphazard. G 

graehak, graehnak[~"], n, corn (on the foot). 
G Krahenauge. 

graehe, krache([~~], pp gegracht, to crow. “G 

ee ee me LPL a A cI) MRD TG Ba NR IR FR OT aa to gol a ae eat aa aa 

graemer, kraemer(*~], m, peddler. G Kkra- 

graemere, kraemere[~~~], pp gegraemert, to 
peddle. Verb from graemer. 

graft, kraft[-], f, power, strength, vigor. G 

graftbrieh, kraftbrieh[’"], f, jelly. G Kraft- 

grageel, krageel, grakeel[’“], m, 
quarrel. G Krakeel. 

grageele, krageele[-~], pp grageelt, to quar- 
rel, torment (verbally). G krakeelen. 

grageeler, krageeler|~-~], m, quarrelsome 
person, insistently troublesome person. G 

grahne(~~], pp gegrahnt, to groan, creak. 
dG grahnen. 

graje[~~], m, collar. G Kragen. 

gram!"], m, sadness, grief, heart-ache. G 

gramansel[~*~], gegramansel[~~*~], n, flum- 
mery. dG kramansen. 

grammenot[{~~“], f, was di, what the deuce! 
G krumme Not =E epilepsy. (Was orig- 
inally an evil wish or curse: dass du die 
krumme Not bekommen miéchtest.) 

grammet(|*~] =grampet. 

gramp, krampj"], m, cramp, convulsions. G 

grampet|’~], f, was di, what the deuce! 
gotts —, confound it! des soll di — hole, 


confound it! G Krankheit. Cf gram- 

gran, kran["], m, crane; -e[~~], m, stopcock, 
spigot. G Kran. 

gran[], f, awn (of grain), fishbone. G 

granadappel{[--~~], m, pomegranate. G Gra- 

grank, krank[~], sick; en -es, a sick person. 
G krank. 

grankebett, krankebett[*~~], n, sick-bed. G 
Krankenbett. : 

granket[*~], grankheet, krankheet[*"], f, sick- 
ness, disease, (woman’s) courses. G Krank- 

grans, krans[~}, m, border, wreath, garland. 
G Kranz. 

grapp, krapp[“], m, madder. G Krapp. 

gras||], n, grass (including the clovers). G 

gras || blatz{(~~], m, lawn; -feld{~~], n, field in 
grass; -fressend(~~~], herbivorous; -halm 
[~~], m, blade of grass; -some, sumej{~ ~~}, 
m, grass-seed; -sens[~~], f, scythe. 

grase[“~], pp gegrdst, to graze, weed (a lawn). 
G grasen. 

gras(e)grie"{~~"], green as grass. G gras- 
grun. - : 
grasich{~~], grassy, weedy. G grasig. 


gratliere["-~], pp gratliert, to congratulate. 
G gratulieren. 

gratze, kratze(*~], pp gegratzt, to scratch, 
claw. G kratzen. 

gratzes[*“], en, a tickling sensation: en — 
im hals. G Kratzen. 

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G Kratzfuss. 

gratzich, kratzich[{*~], itching, tickling, pun- 
gent, partly fermented (of cider), crabbed, 
not cordial. G kratzig. 

graubeenich{[*~~]; en -er raskel. 

grauns(["], en alti, a grumbler. G Grunzer. 

graunse[-~], pp gegraunst, to grumble, talk 
indistinctly, mew. G grunzen. 

graunsich{~~], cross, ill-tempered. G grun- 

grausam, grasam{~~], cruel. G grausam. 

graut, kraut["], n, cabbage, vegetation, herb, 
top of a plant, weed. G Kraut. 

graut || dasch, -darsch{*~], f, heart of cab- 
bage; -hammel[-~~], m, raw fellow, dolt; 
showwell*~~], f, cabbage-cutter; -kopp 
[-~], m, cabbage-head; -kutsch[~~], f, frame 
on posts in which plants, especially cabbage- 
plants, were raised from seed for transplant- 
ing; -rieb{[~~], f, kohlrabi; -schtamper[~~~], 
m, stamper used in making sauerkraut; 
-schtick[~~], n, cabbage-patch; -selat[~~"], 
m, cole slaw; -schtock( ~~], m, growing cab- 
bage; -some, «sume[*~~], m, cabbage seed; 

n, bow, curtesy. Dim of 

-Wwarm{~~], m, (green) cabbage worm. 
grawel~"], pp gegrawe, to dig. G graben. 
grawe[~~], m, ditch, gutter; n, digging. G 

grawer(~~], m, digger. G Graber. 
grawwle, krawwile[*~], pp gegrawwelt, to 

crawl. G krabbeln. 

grawwles[*~], n, crawling sensation. G krab- 

grawwlich, krawwlich[{*~], crawling. G krab- 

greadur["~*], f, creature. G Kreatur. 

grebbscht, grobbscht/["], coarsest, roughest, 
rudest; so’s grebbscht, most (of something 
scattered, G grdbst. 

grebiere|“~~], pp grebiert, to go to ruin, die, 
kick the bucket; sich —, to become ruined. 
G krepieren. 

grebs, krebs{"], m, crab, cancer, (G-) Cancer 
(sign of the zodiac). Krebs. 

grebs || ordich(*~~], cancerous; -gang[*~], m, 
going backward, decline. 

grecks!~], f, complaint, disease. G kriachzen. 

greckse|*~], pp gegreckst, to grunt, ail, G 

grecksich[{*~], grunting, ailing. G krachzen. 

grecksmiehl(*"j, f, person addicted to com- 

gredit[-~], m, credit. G Kredit. 
greecht[” }: 3d sing p subj of grieje. G kriegte. 
G griu- 

greei{}], pepper and salt (colored). 

grees, krees(], m, circle. G Kreis. 

greess[], f, size, extent, magnitude, height. 
G Grosse. 

greesser|~~], larger, greater. 

greesscht["], largest, greatest. G grdésst. 

Pee itdeslal: }], mostly. G grésstenteils. 

grefte[*~!, pl of graft, strength, power: mit 


alle —. G Kriite. 

G grésser. 

TY SS ELT aR PR TAOS RT SES ht Tt RAE AE Te eA AU: OE hae A eres TEs ere 

greftich, kreftich[*”], strong, vigorous. G 

greibs["], bei, by golly. E Christ. G Kreuz. 

greid, kreid|™!, n, chalk, bill, account; in der 
— sei, to be ina fix, be in for it, owe. G 

greider, kreider[*~], pl, herbs. G Krauter. 

greideweiss|~~~], white as chalk. G kreide- 

greidich[-~], covered with chalk. G kreidig. 

greife[~~], pp gegriffe, to seize, grab, grasp, 
grip. G greifen. 

greine[“~], pp gegreint, to weep, cry. G 

greische, kreische(*~], pp gegrische, to 

scream, cry, halloo, squeal. G kreischen. 

greisle[~~], pp gegreiselt, to cause great 
aversion or nausea, have a horror of. G 
grauseln. Cf grissle. 

greislich(~~], horrible, terribly. G grauselig. 

greiz, kreiz/"}, n, cross, crucifix, misfortune, 
small of the back; es im—hawwe, to have 
lumbago; es is mern—, I hate to do it; 
iwwers—, crosswise; gotts—nochemol, con- 
found it! G Kreuz. 

greiz || hols[~~], n, scantling; -hur[~*"], f, ie 
of clubs; -lahm[*"], hipshot; amiehl{- ia F 
fox and geese; -pad[*"], m, cross-path; 
<schtrooss{~"], f, crossroad; -weh{~", n, 
backache, lumbago; -weis|[*"], crosswise, 
diagonally; -wek[~"], m, cross-road. 

greiziche, kreiziche[~~~], pp gegreizicht, to 
crucify. G kreuzigen. 

Greizwoch{-~], f, week of the Elevation of 
the Holy Cross (Sept. 14), Rogation week. 
G Kreuzwoche. 

grempe(*~], pp gegrempt, to cramp, catch in 

turning. G krampen. 
grempisch(*~], (foot-)sore, (walking) with 
stooping gait. G krampen. 

grenaddeppli/--~~], n, grandatappel[--~~!, mm, 
Queen Anne’s pocket melon (grown tor its 
fragrance). G Granatapfel (but a very 
different fruit). 

Preniels grandel[*~], m, plowbeam. G Gren- 

grenk[’], was di, what the deuce! dich soll 
di — hole, deuce take you! gotts —, con- 
found it! do will ich di — grieje, I'll be 
hanged! hol’s di —, by golly! G Kranke =E 
epilepsy. MMHG krenke. Cf grenket, 
grammenot, grampet. 

grenke, krenke[*~], pp gegrenkt, to grieve, 
hurt, regret, vex. G kranken. 

grenkerlich{*~~], grenklich!*~], sickly, invalid. 
G krankeln. 

grenket[*~!; dich soll di — hole, 
you! wie di —, how the deuce? Cf grenk. 

grenkle, krenkle[*~], pp gegrenkelt, to be 
sickly, complain of sickness, take sick, irk. 
G krankeln. 

grens{-|, f, border, limit. G Grenze. 

grense(’~], pp gegrenst, to border upon, be 
contiguous to. G grenzen. 

grenselosi*~"!, unbounded. 

deuce take 

G grenzenlos. 

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aio O eee A 
Sdgied sbutingem Jastes men | 

grepp{], m, en, a grudge. 

greppe[*~], pp gegreppt, to regret, regret the 
loss of, vex, pain. dG kreppe. 

greppisch[*~], miffed, bearing a grudge. dG 

gresse[’~], f, nasturtium, Indian cress. G 

Gret["], f, Margaret. G Grete. 

Gretschel{[*~], n, (in Hansel un —) in a 
nursery rhyme, Margaret. G Gretchen, 
dG Gretel. 

gretz, kretz(~], m, itch, grouchy person, crank; 
di alt —, the old crank. G Kratze. 

gretzich, kretzich{*~], scabious, itchy, crabbed. 
G kratzig. 

grewwer, growwer[*~], coarser. G grdber. 

gribb[-], f, crib, small bed. G Krippe. 

gribbe[*~], pp gegribbt, to crib (of horses). G 

gribbebisser{*~~~], mm, 
Krippenbeisser. . 

grick["], f, crutch. G Kriicke. 
ing of creek it is of E origin. 

gricks, kricks(“], m, cricket. dG gricksel. 

gricksel, kricksel{*~], n, cricket. dG gricksel. 

griddlich[*~], cross, testy, crabbed, fretful, 
trying, ticklish. G krittelig. 

grie“["], green, unripe. G griin. 

grie*gehi[~~], yellowish green. G griingelb. 

grieje[~~], pp grickt, griet, to get, obtain. G 

dG kreppe=G 

cribbing horse. G 

In the mean- 

griejer{~~], m, warrior. G Krieger. 
griek, kriek["], m, war. G Krieg. 

grieks || mann{*~], m, soldier, warrior; -schiff 
{-~], n, man-of-war, war vessel; -zeit(~ “J, 
f, time of (the Civil) War. 

grie“lich[~~], greenish. G griinlich. 

Grienerdunnerschdak{"~*~"], Grie“dunner- 
schdak[-*~"], m, Maundy Thursday. G 

grie*schpa~[~"], verdigris. G Griinspan. 

griess["], m, ground corn (for young chickens). 
G Griess. 

griesse[~~], pp gegriesst, to greet, remember 
to, send regards. G griissen. 

griewe[~~], pl, cracklings, greaves. GGrieben. 

grie*weide(~~~], m, f, white willow. 

griff[-], m, grip, clip (of a horseshoe). G Griff. 

grijjel[*~], griejel[“~], n, mug in which coffee 
is served (Moravian). Dim of G krug. 

grijjelche, grickelche!*~"}, grickche[*~], n, 
little pitcher. Dims of G Krug, 

grille[*~], pl, whims: — im kopp; der wei” 
hott —, the wine is strong. G Grillen. 

grimm!”], f, curve, turn, bend. G Kriimme. 

grimmdarm{*~], m, colon, large intestine. G 

grimme, krimme([*~], pp gegrimmt, sich, to 
bend, move. G krimmen. : 

grimmel, krimmel|*~], f, crumb. Dim of G 

grimmich{*~], horrible. G grimmig. 

grimming|*~], f, bend, curvature. 

G Kriim- 

Pennsylvamia-German Dictionary 

grimmle, krimmle[*™], pp gegrimmelt, to 
crumble; (sich) —, to separate into crumbs. 
G kriimeln. 

grind(“], m, scab. G Grind. 

grinde[*~], pp gegrindt, to found, establish. 
G griinden. 

grinder[*~], m, founder. G Griinder. 

grindich[*~], scabby. G grindig. 

sich en grindkopp(*~] a schwetze, to get a 

battered head, get into trouble. G Grind- 

grindlich[*~], real, thorough, radical. G 

gringel[*~], m, circle: im — rumgeh. G 

grinse[’~], pp gegrinst, to grin, look daggers. 
G grinsen. 

grippel, krippel{*~], m, cripple. G kriippel. 

gripplich, kripplich[*~], crippled. G krup- 

grips(-], m, scruff of the neck: ich grick dich 
am —. G Grips. 

grips(er)[*~], m, chap, (little) fellow. G 

grisch, krisch{“], m, cry, scream, shout. G 

Grischbel[*~], m, proper name (EH). 

Grischdak[*"], m, Christmas; zwette —, day 
after Christmas. G Christtag. 

grischdaknacht["~~], f, Christmas night. G 
Christtag +Nacht. 

Grischdel[*~], m, Christian. G Christel. 

grischdendum[*~~], _m, Christianity. G 

grischdier[“*], f, (enema-)syringe. G Klys- 

grischdiere[“*~], pp_grischdiert, to clyster, 
give anenema. G klystieren. 

Grischdus[*~], m, Christ. G Christus. 

grischkindel, krischkindel, grischtkindli {*~~], 
n, Santa Claus, Christmas present. G 
Christkindel =dim of Christkind. 

Grischt{-], m, a Christian. G Christ. 

grischt || bam[*~], m, Christmas tree; -blumm 
[-~], f, Christmas flower; zmonet[*~~], m, 
December; znacht({*~], f, Christmas eve; 
sowed{-~~], m, Christmas eve; -warzel 
[°~~], f, helleborus viridis. 

Grischtjan{*~], m, Christian. G Christian. 

grischtlich({*~], Christian. G christlich. 

Grischtoffel[-~~], m, Christopher. G Christ- 
offel =dim of Christoph. 

grissel, krissel [°~],pl, thrills, cold shivers; 
di — sin mer ausgange, I shuddered (at the 
sight). G Grusel. 

grissle, krissle[*~], pp gegrisselt, to make one 
shudder, be distasteful: es grisselt mer. 
G gruseln. 

grisslich, krisslich{*~], terrible, horrible, thrill- 
ing. G gruselig. 

gritz("], m, scratch. G Kritz. 

gritzelfixel, kritzelfixel, grickselfixel{*~~~], n, 
scribbling, vulgar adornment, fine tracery 
work. Compound built on G (Ge)kritzel. 

“geri o  .redgortailD im .- “}istionisenod 

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ne a ‘tidlteliia de rope Sil. 
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iseury 4) -Bai 

RAO  .dsisra mf jhg 
oO f~"*lsxilestony JexBissiul 
Y292833 er Jinamobs iwyuv ,gniiddiaes 
dosinalisie Ono slid Bae ahow 

72 e 


gritzle, kritzle[*~], pp gegritzelt, to scribble. 
G kritzeln. 

gritzler, kritzler{*~], m, scribbler. G Kritzler. 

gritzlich[*~}, scribblingly, scrawly. G kritzlig. 

griwwle(|‘~], pp gegriwwelt, to feel a sensation 
as of a crawling insect, find fault, worry. 
G grtibeln. 

griwwles({*~], n, creeping sensation, gripes. 
Noun from griwwle. 

gro[], gray. Ggrau. 

gro |j bart(~“], m, graybeard, old man; 
seckschteenich| ~*~ ~|, gray plaided; -hoor- 
ich[* ~~], gray-haired; -keppich[~~~], gray- 
headed; -kopp({*~], m, grayhead. 

grobb["], coarse, rough, rude, brusque. G 

grobbheet(*"], f, coarseness, rudeness. G 

grod["l, m, two first furrows thrown against 
each other in plowing to the right: en — 
schlajje. dG grod, G Grat. 

grolich[~~], grayish. G graulich. 

groll, kroli(-], f, curl, ringlet. dG kroll. 

groll{"], m, spite, anger. G Grol. 

grolle, krolle[*"], pp gegrollt, to curl. G 

grollich, krollich[*~], curly. Adj from groll. 

grooz{}, m, mould. dG grooz. 

grooze([~~], pp gegroozt, to mould, become 
mouldy. dG grooze. 

groozich{*~], mouldy. dG groozig. 

gropp, kropp["], m, craw (of a fowl), goiter. G 

gross{], large, great, tall; beim -e, at whole- 
sale. G gross. 

gross || Ajich[~~~], large-eyed; -dadi{~ ~~], m, 
grandfather; -eltre[~~~], pl, grandparents, 
sfiehlich[*~~}], proud, haughty, uppish: 
sfiessich{* ~~], large-footed; -gliddrich(~~~l, 
of large build; -gnochich[~~~|, large-boned; 
zherzich[~~~], generous, magnanimous; 
zhandel{~~~], m, wholesale business; zlech- 
erich[~~~~], full of big holes; -mammi[~~™], 
f, grandmother; -maul{~ “J, n, boaster, 
braggart, blusterer; -mechtich{~*~!, very 
large, very tall; emeilich{[~~~], bragging, 
boastful, blustering; -miedich(~~~], proud, 
self-important; -mut[~"], m, generosity, 
magnanimity; -mutter(~~~l, f, grand- 
mother; -ordich[~~~], grand, great; = 
schteh*[~~], to stand sponsor; -vatter[~~"], 
m, grandfather. 

grott, krott{"], f, toad; gleeni —, young girl. 
G Krote. 

grotte |! balsem[*~~~], m, American penny- 
royal; efuss(*~~], m, toad’s foot, toadstool; 
-gelser{*~~~], m, unskilled surgeon; -gick- 
ser[*~~~], m, poor pocket-knife; -hupse 
[°--~], n, leapfrog. Lit trans of E. leap- 
frog; «schtuhl[*~ “|, m, toadstool. 

grub(], f, pit, underground container. G 

grubbe[*~], pp gegrubbt, to grub, dig. dG 
gruben. . 

grubbes[*~], 1, stunted human being or 
animal. dG kruppes<G Kruppel. 

grubbhack[*~], f, mattock, grubbing-hoe. dG 

grubbhackehelm[*~~~},_m, mattock-helve. 
dG gruberhack +G Helm. 

grubbich[*~], stunted, small. G krupfig. 

grubbs|"], m, brush, scrub: in de -e. 

grubbsefeld[*~~], n, field grown up in brush 
and scrub. dG grubs +G Feld. 

gruck, kruck{’], m, jug, pitcher, mug. G 


grudelrewe[~~~~], pl, groundsel. G Grundel- 

pruft(-], f, brat. 

gruft(-], f, yawning chasm, depth. G Gruft. 

grumbeer, grumbier[* "|, f, potato. dG grum- 
beer, G Grundbirne =ground pear. 

grumbeere || glicker[*~ ~~~], m, seed-ball of the 
potato; -keffer[*~~~~], m, potato-bug; zleser 
[--~-~], m, potato picker; zschtengell* ~~~], 
m, potato top, potato stalk; -schtick[’~~*], 
n, potato patch; -supp[* ~~~], f, potato soup. 

grumm, krummf["], crooked; en -es un grades, 
a long palaver, G krumm. 

\| beenich[* ~~], bow-legged; ebucklich 

{*~~], bent, humpbacked, hilly. 

grummelwasser[‘~~~], n, mopish reluctance, 
sullenness (with suppressed crying). 
grommeln + Wasser. 

grummle(*~], pp gegrummelt, to grumble, 
growl. G grommeln, MHG grummen. 

Sagair ats oi prone to grumble. G grom- 

grund(~], m, ground, foundation, soil, reason; 
zu — geh, to go to ruin, perish; meiner —! 
by gracious! (ei) du —! my goodness! G 

grund || dachs[*~], m, groundhog, woodchucek. 
G Grund+Dachs. Cf dachs; -eeche[*~~], 
f, scrub oak; -eechel[*~~], f, acorn of the 
scrub oak; zeis{*"], n, fake-ice (forming on 
wet ground), half frozen water in streams; 
-farb[’~], f, tone, color scheme; sgretz(*~l, 
m, ground-itch; -keller[*~~], m, deep cellar 
apart from house for cooling milk and other 
eatables; -loch{*~], n, pit; zmeesseli* ~~}, 
m, iron bar with broad bit for digging post- 
holes; -niss[‘~], f, peanut; -satz[*~], m, 
principle, maxim; -sau[*"], f, groundhog, | 
woodchuck; -scholle[*~~], m, clod; -schtick 
{[*-], n, messuage; zschtock[*~], m, base- 
ment; -schtrauss(*"}], m, gravel plant, 
trailing arbutus. 

grunddachskitz[* ~~], f, female woodchuck. 
G Grund +Dachs +Kitze. 

grundelrewe, grundelrawer(*~~~], f, ground 
ivy, gill. G Gundelrebe. 

grundich[*~], earthy. G grundig. 

grundsboddem|*~~], vum, from the founda- 
tion. G Grundboden. 

erupp("], f, group. G Gruppe. 

gruschdich, kruschdich[*~], crusty, 
sorts, morose. G krustig. 

gruscht, kruscht{"], f, crust, cranky person, 
frolic, country dance. G Kruste. 

out of 


aes Jecbaworg Ja 7" 

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chai Ree. 

gruss[], m, salutation, compliments. G 

grussel || beer[*~"],f, gooseberry. dG grossel- 
beer, G Krauselbeer; -kopp[*~~], m, curly- 

head. G Krausel+Kopf. 

grussle[**], pp gegrusselt, to curl. G krau- 

grusslich[*~], curled, gristly. G kriuslich. 

grutze, krutze[*~], m, cob, nubbin, core (of 
fruit); weeche -e, bad whiskey, appiejack. 
G Krutzen. 

erotrepetibe “],f, corncob pipe. G Krutzen+ 


grutzer[*~], m, poor sickler, snip, runt. dG 
krozze, G Krutzen. 

grutzich, krutzich[*~], small, damaged by the 
sting of an insect (fruit), deformed, stunted. 
G Krutzen. 

gsang["], m, singing, song, ditty. G Gesang. 

gsangbuch|*~], n, hymn-book. G Gesang- 

gsaufi], n, hard drinking, carousing. G 

gschzrr[’], n, harness, dishes, implements, 

tools. G Geschirr. 
gscherr[’], n, (continued) scratching, scrap- 
ing. Gescharr. 

gscherr || schank[*~], m, pantry, cupboard; 
swescher|*~~], m, dishwasher. 

gscherrwesch || lumpe[*~~~], m, dishrag; = 
schissel[*~~~], f, dishpan; -wasser[*~~], n, 

gschaff[-], n, working, manner of working. 
Verbal noun from schafte. 

gscheft[’], n, business. G Geschaift. 

gscheft("}], n, wooden part of an old-time gun 
or rifle. Cf schaft, scheft. 

gschehe[~~], pp gschehe, gschehne, to happen; 
ger gschehne, you are welcome, don’t 
mention it. G geschehen. 

gscheit["], clever, intelligent; met gans recht 
—, not having all one’s senses. G gescheit. 

gscheitheet[~"], f, wisdom, cleverness. G 

gschelt(“], n, (continual) scolding. G Ge- 

gschicht{-], f, story, tale, affair, history. G 

gschick[“], m, knack; wr kann sich ken 
rechter — gewwe, he hasn't quite got the 
knack. G Geschick. 

gschickt(], skillful, handy, expert. G ge- 

gschiess[], n, (continual) shooting. G Ge- 

gschiss[~], n, ado: en gross — mache. 
bian gschiss <schiessen. 

gschitt["], n, (repeated) pouring. G Geschitt. 

gschittel[*~], n, (continual) shaking. G Ge- 

gschlauder, schlauder{~~], n, same old story. 
G schlaudern. 

gschiawwer(*~], mn, (constant) 
senseless talk. G Geschlabber. 

gschlecht["], n, sex, generation. G Geschlecht. 



Pennsyloania-German Dictionary 73 

gschleck[{“!, n, dainties, delicacies, tasting or 
eating of dainties, licking of chops (of a 
dog). G Geschleck. 
schleckerwese[*~~~], n, delicacies. G Ge- 
schleck +Wesen. 

gschleef("|, n, dragging, any long drawn out 
work or undertaking. G Geschleif. 

gschleich{"], n, (habitual) sneaking or slow 
movement. G Geschleich. 

gschlenker[*~], mn, (continued) 
fidgeting. G schlenkern. 

gschlof["], n, continued or unusual sleeping. 
G schlafen. 

gschlummer[*~], n, (continued) slumbering. 
G Geschlummer. 

gschmack[~], m, taste. G Geschmack. 

gschmees("], n, rabble, undesirable persons. 
G Geschmeiss. 

gschmeidich({~~], G ge- 

gschmeiss["], n, throwing. G Geschmeiss. 

gschmier["], n, smearing, smeary work, mess. 
G Geschmier. 

gschmittner[*~] najjel, forged nail. G ge- 

gschmunsel[*~], n, (continual) smiling, grin- 
ning. G Geschmunzel. 

gschnacker[*~], n, (incessant) chattering. G 

gschnarricks[*~], n, snoring. G Geschnarch. 

gschnatter[*~|,n, chattering. G Geschnatter. 

gschnauf["], n, breathing. G Geschnauf. 

gschnepper{*~], n, chattering. Gschnappern. 

gschnitzel{*~], n, whittling. G Geschnitzel. 

gschnuffel[*~], n, snuffling, secret rummaging. 
G Geschnutfel. 

gschockel[*~], n, rocking. G Geschaukel. 

gschosse[*~], gone to seed (of plants). G (in 
die Hohe) geschossen. 

gschpass, schpass[~], m, fun, pleasure; — 
mache, to be funny, joke; voll —, funny, 
humorous. G Spass. 

gschpassich[*~], funny. G spassig, 

gschpassvojjel[*~~], m, droll person, funny 
chap. G Spassvogel. 

jerking or 

slender, svelte. 

gschpautz["], n, (constant) spitting. dG 

gschpettel[*~], n, sneering, derision. G Ge- 

gschpichte[*~], pl, tales; — mache, play 
pranks. Cf schpichte. 

gschpiel{"], n, (continual) playing. G Gespiel. 

gschpott["], n, (constant) mocking. G Ge- 

gschpraech["], n, 

gschpritz(~], n, (continual) splashing, spirting. 
G Gespritz. 

gschraub["], n, (continual) screwing, squirm- 
ing, hesitation or evasion. G Geschraub. 

gschrei{"], n, yelling, screaming, squealing. 
G Geschrel. ' 

gschreib{"], n, (continual) writing. G Ge- 

talk, chat, confab. G 

a 2 mec 0 on "Seow we la2g . 
300 awetb yi owe cts - n las 

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20 enti (bauniiac ind es rotons id 
-anigeéls Laveunu +o b¥unitne a | 
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gah dines) 

qnnene r *jadorrmariozg 

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soagqaenat 2 peiredtado af “jreqqondong 

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doRunrsaen) 2 

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nal» ov ‘soi, vanui 4d of =-..hoam 
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oe linnetins 

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on. «“} .gnidoom (seeian02) .a iL ptogdseg 

> dslsco dsdo lei oo fon ec 
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dwexizesn) 2 | .mowevs to nisi etiesd emi © 

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2) 2 .palow Geuniztos) a igre 
i Q ica po isiioe 


42 shar , 

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ne wine joel k's Peay, x 
nto Me™ i - ore Mom 
waa) idl bast es ey 

[ere ,geifistsrss (beusisas) a fm | “% 
-brsodqirs ying im anno | 

a chem 
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tlédveae) O eeooiand Bf 
shy amii-bio ae pce, nsboow 
ef ‘liad of ovinenter ds + }edordsey 
raeqqed GF 4g 
Ynab amoolew sia ~~ adadaeg sore z 
wistaddses re hee 
jiiosy ones Jon sinedgills thorn Saedies 
Siedseog i) -bseraee ‘ano lis gaivad tom -—~ 
O ,seorrvala ymobsiw 2 {-*}esddtiodoag.. 
o o edie ee hal ee 

7 oo 5 pee yn 
omy 37g asinip 2 23) ‘ 
cers >: bead” 

93 2 .teqzs Aon} wee _d pabisioas 

deat ees 

“Gotz blo smee jn f-*pebealsbe. st 

gschriwwenes[*~~], n, writing. G Geschrie- 

gschtalle[*~], pp gschtallt, to agree, get along 
with. G stallen. 

gschtalt{], f, frame, form. G Gestalt. 

gschtamp{’], nm, (continual) stamping. G 

gschtank["], m, stench. G Gestank. 

gschteh"[("], pp gschtanne, to acknowledge, 
confess, admit. G gestehen. 

gschtell["], n, frame; merrickwerdiches —, 
immense person. G Gestell. 

gschtichel[*~], n, (repeated) innuendoes. G 

gschtick[“], n, cannon. G Gestiick. 

gschtink[“], n, stink, evil report. G stinken. 

gschtiwwelt(*~], fitted out. G gestiefelt. 

gschtiwwer(*~], m, flurry (of snow). G 
Stiiber, G stieben. Cf schtiwwer. 

gschtolper{*~], n, (repeated) stumbling, hob- 
bling along. G Gestolper. 

gschtopptevoll[*~~], filled to the 
capacity. G gestopft +voll. 

gschtotter[*~], n, (constant) stuttering. G 

gschtreit[], 1, 


(continual) quarreling. G 

gschtriche[*~], cancelled; —- mos, stricken 
measure. G gestrichen. 

gschtrick[“], n, (constant) knitting. G Ge- 

gschtubb[‘], n, stubbing, nudging. Gstupfen. 

gschult["], educated. G geschult. 

gschussel(*~], n, (continual or repeated) fast 
or abrupt movements. dG schussel. 

gschweere[~~], m, boil. G Geschwiir. 

gschweerewarzel[~~~~], f, horse-balm. 

gschwei[], f, sister-in-law. dG geschwai, 

gschweije(~~], not to mention, much iess. G 

gschwelle[*~], pp gschwolle, to swell. G 

gschwetz["], n, talk, conversation, gossip; 
— hi’ un her, constant bickering. G 

gschwewwelt[*~], three sheets in the wind, 
tipsy. G geschwefelt. 

gschwier(], n, boil, ulcer. G Geschwiir. 

gschwind["}, quick, fast,atonce. Ggeschwind., 

gschwinder[*~], quicker, faster. G_  ge- 

gschwindscht["], quickest, fastest. G ge- 

gschwindichkeet/*~ ], f, quickness, celerity; 
inre —, in less than no time. G Ge- 

gschwische, gschwischich{*~] =zwische, be- 
tween. dG zwische, zwischig. 

gschwischder(*~], pi, brothers and sisters. G 

gschwischder || kind|*~~], n, cousin, nephew, 
niece; -soh*{*~~], m, nephew, cousin. 

gschwitz["], n, (continued) sweating. G 


74 The Pennsyluania-German society —s—i—i‘~™S™~™~sSS 

gschwulscht[{*], f, swelling, tumor, abscess. 
G Geschwulst. 

gsejend[~~], blessed. G gesegnet. 

gselle[*~], pp gsellt, sich, to associate: gleich 
un gleich gsellt sich gern. G gesellen. 

gsellich[*~], companionable. G gesellig. 

gsellschaft(*~], f, company. G Gesellschaft. 

gsetz|], n, statute, law. G Gesetz. Cf 

gsetzt[“], settled, fixed; gut —, sturdy, well- 
built. G gesetzt. 

gsicht{"], n, face; der welt zum — neigeh’, to 
adventure, proceed at random. G Gesicht. 

gsichtich[*~], double-faced. G Gesicht. 

gsichtsfarb[*~], f, complexion. G Gesichts- 

gsims["], n, strip of wood around the wall of a 
room to keep the chairs from damaging the 
wall. G Gesims. 

gsindel[*~], n, rabble. G Gesindel. 

gsing[~], n, (continual) singing, buzzing. G 

gsoffe{*~], intoxicated; en gsoffner, an in- 
toxicated person. G besofien. 

gsuch[‘], n, (continual) searching or rummag- 
ing G Gesuch. 

gsuddel[*~], n, drizzling; 
dirty work. G Gesudel. 

gsund{’], healthy, hale, well; -er verschtand, 
sound understanding. G gesund. 

gsundheet, gsundheit/*"], f, health; —! God 
bless you! (call to another after sneezing). 
G Gesundheit. 

guck{"], m, look, looks, appearance. G Guck. 

gucke[*~], pp geguckt, to look, appear, stare; 
sich nix meh™ gleich —, not to look like 
the same person, lose all semblance (of 
corpses). G gucken. 

gucker[*~], m, eye, onlooker. G Gucker. 

guckgummer|*~~],f, cucumber. dG gugumer. 

guckkaschde, kuckkaschde[*~~], m, raree- 
show. G Guckkasten. 

guckuck[*~], gucku[’"], m, cuckoo; dass dich 
der — hett, deuce take you! G Kuckuck. 

guilere[*~~], pp gegullert, to gobble (of a 

-wese[*~ ~~], on, 

gobbler). G kullern. 
gulli, gulli[*~], call for geese. Imitative from 

gumme[*~], m, gum-tree. G Gummi. 

~], m, roof of the mouth; der — 
schawe, recommended ironically to a person 
who is finicky in eating; der — schteche, to 
pierce the roof of a horse’s mouth (to 
relieve blind staggers). G Gaumen. 

gumme || bam[*~~], m, gum-tree; zbeer[’~ 7], 
f, gum-berry. 

gummebrecher[*~~~], m, jawbreaker. Lit 
trans of E jawbreaker. 
gummer(*~], f, cucumber. dG gummer. 

gummerans|~~*], f, tomato. Combination of 
dG gummer and G Pomeranze =E orange. 

gummerebam{*~~"], m, cucumber tree. Tr 
from E. 

gump, kump[], m, formerly a wooden vessel, 

yee tgieny OO mohen ts 


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zidviasD G .ndixelgmos .) | 

é to lew sila bapiets bow bo gitya f omens 

ons gaigameb mort sus od? qed 03 ad 

dsbaiee) D wsldds: jn Koes 

7) -paissud -gtirgeie (evnisngs) a. . 
-ni n& saliosg no jhetavixoini = 7 
sieesd  .oosteq baiegixe? 

“geanmst to grisioases (lawnizaca) , ca J jdoueg 

a ["""jetew- soniiksnb a ff “niiotme. 
Jebues).2) drow sttib 

bszidoeisy 35- pious, led, ydiised {"|bavey 4 
| btigaog, 2 °: yotbasiersbau baiuce ; 
bon) l= :dilzed 2 P ‘ptedbavey.,tsoribauay i . 
Agnizesne wite-wisons of dla) i poy sesid Sale pe 
Jtistibavesn)d 2D esubs vee | 
gue) aoamenaas anal. stool st plecg. see? (bazaaqnt ™» » sunidisas} a “jis * 
erste tasgers. cloal-ot mlossy qg | *eeeeg cbeeuts Ob _einamavom ry 
sail dool wee 4m: Se iho! 2 ae ihgatt want tints = s ee ae pads. ‘ 
io} sonmeidmase a seoi pace onise S5b) , mibadsserod . Fo At 
neluy, . 2b _web-ti-29der 3° 
doo D Asdocine A pe 1a uR i -Siowtey > 
WHS <td adic at? ws HID . 3 . abekee tise a basi soa oonsem oo jon bile 2 ; 
sour nf -Yebdsembiad ‘Potewdiny 
nsieisiioud 9 swore 0D tewe ot wsllowdxs aq if te <a 
wh aash : ocala mt “hotoeg J sean Uae : PG ae oe 
dz uasuA <) [poy suet coud sat <= gprs Rae ecrgipete, Baca ht ik eg 
&. to) siddog of a ag ett ay ; ba = eit ae 
rathyal widdag ini a Se rae 
mol svitstimi .seseg tof Liss SE ope a baa at @3 oe a 2) 4 ates i 

nn *) §.9at)-muy a i ee 

— tb ;f2yom, edt lo wor .m.f *jemeamy 
MOsTIY & OF Cissino bebnsmrmese: sw ising 
2 atostioa— eb ; paises ni qin et otf 
o3) silo @smod s 0 loo, a3 somig 

2 D -seszeal Berg Mee 
sinus =) .(eteggeie baild svsila: aceite 4 a: 
J **preed= j9573-mnug) an | *enéd | omuamg. Gay we 

yried-mug ,t 

#4 tedlasdwaei am Seechedeeacmee : ‘etloeiws= ‘chs 
3Assidewat d lo anew “6. 3 

pitissiws stares 
aenmig Ob. .tedmuosga 2 ,[ “horus 2 oieie bas aroiliord dt 
lo soisnidavo) anne en 4 een, wi 

‘syne G- osasimod 2 bas Ying Wb aadgan nie Hiewoo 

wl sot sedmusd ym ee! 
a mon » Pow romenst ( ; nr a 
dsezsy nuboow s ylisariol nm ["jqgamal qm | bn Ieee 

eee ee ieee es es See lU”l:C”””:”C~:~,”:”:C””:”:C 

then.a horn, used to hold the whetstone in 
mowing. dG gump. 

gumumre || rank[*~~], f, cucumber vine; s 
schtick|*~~], n, cucumber patch; «selat 
***"], m, cucumber salad. 

gunn{”], f, honor, favor, good wishes: ich 
du ihm di — net 4. dG gunn. 

gunne[*~], pp gegunnt, to wish one ill, be- 
grudge; gern —, to gladly wish another’s 
good luck, wish well.. dG gunne. 

gunschi["], f, favor. G Gunst. 

guss[“], n, cast-iron. G Guss(eisen). 

gut["], good, kind, well; — heesse, to approve; 
——- mache, to make reparation, repair 
damages, prove a statement; mach’s gut, 
good-bye; — ab sei’, to be well-to-do: der 
— mann, G gut. 

gutl li in hab un —, all one’s possessions. G 


gut || du*[“"], to do well, do (one) good, 

benefit; -guckich[*~~], good-looking; -her- 

zich[~~~], generous, benevolent, kind- 
hearted; -herzichkeet{~~~], f, kind- 
heartedness; -meenich{*~~], kind-hearted, 
well-intentioned; -meenichkeet[~~~~], f, 

kindness; -miedich|*~~], good-natured, 
easy going; -riechich, -riechend[~~~], fra- 
grant; -schteh*[~"], to stand well, be re- 
sponsible (for), vouch for; -willich{[-~~], 
voluntarily, gladly; -willicherweis[+~~~"], 
voluntarily, gladly. 

guter Heinrich, Good-King-Henry (plant). 
Cf schtols Heinrich. 

gwehnt[], usual, customary: der -e fall. G 


ha![*], ha!{], in laughter or surprise (in the 
former repeated). ha. 

ha*[-], what? 

ha, ha, har["], call to horses to guide to the 
left, haw. dG har. 

ha“-a7[*~], no (pronounced with a glottal 
stop after each a7). Cf ha ha’. 

hab[7] un gut, all one’s possessions, bag and 
baggage. G Habe. 

habbichgraut[*~~],n, hawkweed. G Habicht- 

habsichtich[*~~], avaricious. G habsiichtig. 

habsucht[~~], f, avarice. G Habsucht. 

hack["], m, lash, blow, sharp rejoinder. G 

hack[v], f, hoe. G Hacke. 

hackbank[’~], f, chopping-bench. G Hack- 

hacke[*~], pp kackt, to hoe, chop, lash, paw 
(of a horse); itwwer der schtrang —, to 
kick over the traces, go wrong, rebel. G 

hackel[*~], f, hatchel, hackle. MIHG hachele. 

hacker[*~], m, chopper, hoer. G Hacker. 

hack || glotz[*~], m, chopping-block; -mzrrick 
[E, n, mark by an ax on trees, blaze; 
emesser[*~~], n, cleaver; -schpae*[*"], pl, 
chips made by a broad-ax. ; 

hackle[*~], pp kackelt, to hatchel. MHG 

hader(~~], m, strife, wrangling. G Hader. 

haefel{~~], n, small pot. Dim of G Hafen. 

haehnche[~~], n, cockerel, fop. GG Hahnchen. 

haekeil{*~], n, little hook, dithculty. Dim of 
G Haken. 

haekelche[~~~], n, crochet needle. 
dim of G Haken. 

haekle{~~], pp kaekelt, to crochet, hook, limp. 
G hakeln. 

haepter(~~], pl, bundles (of stalks), heads 
(of cabbage or lettuce). G Haupter. 

haepterselat|~~~~], m, head lettuce. G 
Haupter +Salat. 

her["], here, hither; wu is er —, where does 
he come from. G her. 

her-["], separable prefix of verbs, and prefix 
of derived words. her-. 

heer || bringe{~~~], to bring here; -bschtelle 
[““~], to order to come here; -dappe[~~~], 
to approach with heavy steps; -draje[~~~], 
to carry hither; -drehe[~~~], to turn this 
way; -dreiwe[~~~], to drive hither; -drolle 
[~~~], to jog along; -du*[*"], to put or place 
here; -fahre[*~~], to drive here (in a 
vehicle); -flieje[*~~], to fly hither; -geh~ 
[~"], to walk hither, pass otf; iwwer ihn —, 
to pitch into him (verbally); do is es 
awwer hergange, there were some high 
doings; -gewwe[~~~], to give here (to some 
one), give up, betray some one; -grieje 
[~~~], to get to this place, get from; -halte 
{“~~], to bear the brunt; -hole[*~~], to 
fetch here; -keere[*~~], to belong in this 
place; -kumme[*~~], to come hither, come 
from; -jaje[“~~], to chase this way; -lange 
[~~~], to hand over, reach; <leje[*-~], to 
lay down here; -lese[*~~], to read off: 
zlocke[~~~], to coax to a place, entice: 
losse[~~~], to allow to come here; -memme 
[~~~], en fra, to have sexual intercourse 
with a woman; -reide[*~~], to ride here 
(a horse); -richde[*~~], to ruin, spoil; -rolle 
[~~~], to roll this way; -rufe({+~-~], to call 
here; -rutsche[*~~], to slide toward or near 
(one); -saje[* ~~], to repeat, relate; -schaffe 
[~~~], to convey hither, provide; -schicke 
[~~~], to send hither; -schleefe[+-~], to 
drag hither; -schleiche[-"-~], to sneak 
hither; -schlippe(~~~], to slip near: = 
schluppe[~~~], to creep or crawl near: 
-schpringe[*~~], to run hither: -schtamme 
[“~~],to be descended from; -schtelle{~~~], 
to set or place here; sich —, to stand here, 
to represent oneself, pretend; -wek[+~], m, 
way coming, way hither; -welse[*~~], to 
roll (something) to a place; -wolle[*~~[, to 
want to come to this place; -zieje[*~~], to 
pull this way, move here. 

herbscht|“], herribscht[*~], m, fall, autumn. 
G Herbst. 

herbschtros[’"], f, (autumn) chrysanthemum. 
G Herbstrose =hollyhock. 


_@3 4 Ob 

_ ot J" *)selow: 

~ +" ~felaiee 

abesd. (mtinte Yo) 2otband- Iq. ‘tois 
_ se1gndh D  .leowttsl io, saedides 
oe sopaiel bael on Ps 

a atu oO oped: W 

vs Vanes 
. ee poate dan Site er 
7 , if 

y BHe'b ~ “ot. 

; | 

aes CRpe YE nn ole a 
: eno ee \ 

és da = gk: on aners 

oiah' dads — 1 st uw prodain far ge Oe eee Mg 
sed OD arog adi ea 7 dd ai pe % 
¢itexq ban adrev lo xfs oldataque {tse hi 
_ tia .2biow bevinsb 
alleidésds rated gaind of .f**}syohd | rad ibe 
Aw anaes” ‘isd sind of tobe ot f°" ] 
i” > SL sae o%2 vreot dite fseotgags oF 
anit ‘amis Gt d “*ledeib: sasrizid ye ot 
elioth. risiti avnb of {"“jewistb: :ysw 
vanly sq Oo r Ms whe ;ghols § gor of | me 
B mi) sist ginb of tc Arts i979 
“dege prodltid eh os i(slatrdev 

~~ ali eww siowaag adit i otf] 
:(vBedsavy grid. orns..datiq, O1. 
dgid’ sre age prod“ Jsutsgind awwwe 
Sritoe o3) 475d ovis Gt “Pla ewoye paaniob 
sfsitys sho simee ystied qu sig (900 
stind= j;month Jeg .soelq ends of tog OF, i 25 
eo J -*+Ielods aru eit assed oF .°* 
aitit ni gnoled of ee 
gio? rstitid S°02-0F, . ire — 
syonic yyy ais ee of, Flaite 
“leleds -tiosat.tavo bn P o, 
“io bass? 02 I-**j}aeele: 4 aot pied ¥ 
2343 os .soulq s oF XAOS ‘02 J’ * *jetbok 
mime isied smo oF wolla of |" jseaels 
eiooteini lease svat os £11 no [-*] 
af abn ot .°” *lebiow :9amow .«. itiw 
alior loge sts 9 {°*obitsix- ‘(seed 9) 
files of f° bigs -vew «il? toro) a at 
16sn 7 hiswot abile o2.,[°**jedo2titm {sta 
siisdse: jsieiat ta9qa 01 {fat bae :(ano) 
ezzidoss jsbrvory aeduid yevnos 69 oad 
od .{°"*}stgsidser . isiiid base op ~~ 
desna of tf ~~ jptiaietezes srortid getb 
eer gil oy J **}sacil tines sta thzidd 
‘yn0n Fwira tO Gd979 “O2 hs quidoe 
omunatioe= ee nin oF **]egangqdoe: 
-“leiterdse> imorl hebassenb sd on f-"*] - 
ed. baata 03 — Hole ;axed soniq 30 398 03. 
mm . ~}sw -bnets1q Asean In9eeTqeT OF 
wef tit yaw ,gnirtro> vow 
o2 J *jelows -sneig e ot (gaidtence} lot 
sai 2fdd of SIND? OF Insw 
tt svom ,yéw vids Ting 
Lomutus isl mo f° “Hdsedivend [jitedund 
tedisH 2 
imumedinsayids (nemutus) 2 [“jeottdsedied 
oonyilod « soriediaH 2 

722 otk aah 
SS powal 

ry? —'< 
oOo? . 


ae ah) seine! ohana DME an! 

e: fo — oa Thee ; hs Be 
AO ae ah °F 
ed3 of abiug of @setod of Iisa a on 
istio! ye bson a> a 
étiolg s diiw oo J- 
at ctueoel tot a Gam 
e‘sno Hs 
apagpaaats 3 aes 
-wioidaH DO .bsowdwado f" “he dded 
idotedsd O —- (°"*}doe 
Lanegan re Ye Jy [a 
» ebaiojat qa wats dest yar 

doa D sod 3 
aseH 3 ec aa ih it 
~- Nae ned 
— sey na 

©, “teden none oy 8 

stedood OHM Roe yet 
) §ssiosH D wad 
ioxahd rs + mo “Bb 

herchle{*"], pp kerchelt, to rattle in the 
throat, wheeze. dG horchle. 

heerd["], m, hearth, oven floor. G Herd. 

herd("], f, herd, flock. G Herde. 

herde[*~], pp kerdt, to herd. Verb from 
herd (2). 

herde[*”], pp kaerdt, to harden, temper. G 

herdgrds[*~], n, herdgrass. G Hirtengras. 

herding(*~], f, temper (of a tool). G Har- 


haere{“~], pp kaert, sich, to shed the coat or 
hair. G haaren. 

Hermann({’~], m, Herman. G Hermann. 

bhermeniere, hammoniere[~~*~], pp hermen- 
iert, to get along well together, raise a 
disturbance, carry on (in both senses). G 

hern{], n, brain. G Hirn. 

hern || enzinding[*~~~], f, brain fever; -fiewer 
25 ~1s Teeebrain! Lever; -schaedel(*~~], m, 
skull; -schal(*"], f, skull; eweh{*"], n, 
brain trouble; -wiedich[*~~], mad; -zah*, 
s70bh~{*~], m, eyetooth. 

hernervieh|*~~], n, cattle. 

hernschaedelhaut|* ~"], 

G Hornvieh. 
f, pericranium. G 

Hirnschadel +Haut. 
heroisch[~~], bold, headstrong, resolute, 
vigorous. G heroisch. 
herr{"], m, mister, Lord. G Herr. 
herraus(’*], out of it! get out! G heraus. 

Herreleit[*~], pl, followers of John Herr, 
now known as New Mennonites. G Herr+ 

herrevojjel[*~~~], m, jay. G Herrenvogel. 

Herrgott(*~], m, God, the Lord. G Herrgott. 

herrin{*~], f, mistress. G Herrin. 

herrjer(ru)m[-*~], good Lord! G herrjerum. 

herrjammer[*~], good Lord! Probably a 
corruption of G herrjerum. 
herrje[~], herr(i)jesses[-~*~], good Lord! 

good gracious! dear me! 
<Herr Jesus. 
herrlich!*~], lovely, splendid, jolly, glorious, 
cheerful, happy. G herrlich. 
herrlichkeet[*~], f, glory, jollity. G Herr- 

G herrje(se)s 


Herrmhuter[*~~], m, Moravian. G Herrn- 

hermhuterisch[*~~~], Moravian. G_ herrn- 

herrschaft([*~], f, lordship; also used as an 

expletive. G Herrschait. 

herrsche(*~], pp kerrscht, to rule. G 

hersch{"], m, deer. G Hirsch. 

hersch(e)gras(*~ |, n, yellow foxtail; green 
foxtail. G Hirsegras. 

hersch || fleesch{*"], 
n, antler; ehaut(**}], f, buckskin, buckskin 
bag; -koppl*"], 1 
f, doe; zledder[* ~~], 
[‘"], f, deer fly, horse fly; 
hart’s-tongue (not found wild in ae 
rattlesnake-weed; walking-leaf. 

Paso LHeLenmywama-ucriemerrry ee 

herschharngeischt[*~~], m, liquid ammonia, 
hartshorn. G Hirschhorngeist. 

hert["], m, shepherd. G Hirt. 

herum{~*], round, round about, about. G 

herz(], n, heart (also of a tree). G Herz. 

herze(*~], pp kerzt, to love, embrace. G 

herzel[*~], n, darling. Dim of G Herz. 

herzeleed|‘~ 7]; n, sorrow. G Herzeleid. 

heerz || fehler[*~~], m, organic disease of the 
heart: -fell{*~], n, pericardium; -gloppe(s) 
[*~~], n, palpitation of the heart; -grank 
{‘~], suffering from the heart, heartsick; 
shols(*~], n, heart-wood; zkammer(*~~], f, 
ventricle; -klemmes(*~~], mn, angina pec- 
toris: -lieb(*~], f, m, dearest; -schlack[*~|, 
m, paralysis of the heart; ewarzelj*~~], f, 
tap-root; -weh[**], n, heart-ache. 

herz(g)schpzrr{*~], common motherwort, di- 
gestive disorder in pigs. G Herzspann. 

herz(h)aftich[*~~], hearty, courageous, vigor- 
ous, bold. G herzhaft. 

herzich[*~], beloved, dear. G herzig. 

herzlich{*~], affectionate, cordial, hearty. G 

herzus(~~}], (on the way) coming. G her + 

dG zus. 
haesche[-~], n, young rabbit. Dim of G 
haffe[*~], m, pot, crock, chamber. G Hafen. 

haffe || deckei[*~~~], m, pot-cover; zscherb 
[*~~], f, potsherd. 

hafte[*~], pl; — un hoke, hooks andeyes. G 

hafte[*~], to happen: wann so ebbes — daet. 
G haften. 

ha~ha*[-~], yes. Cf haa’. 

hahne(~~], m, rooster. G Hahn. 

hahne || fuss[~~"], m, small-Howered crow- 
foot; -gegrisch{~~~~], n, derogatory gossip; 
:kamm|~~~], m, cockscomb, red amaranth, 

Hahnewackel(*~~~], m, playful nickname. 

hajel{-~], m, hail: dunner uns —!— dunner- 
wetter! G Hagel. 

hajele([~~~], pp gehajelt, to hail. G hageln. 

hajelsi*~], confoundedly. Adv genitive irom 
G Hagel. 

hajelwetter(~~~~], n, confound it! hang it al: 
G Hagelwetter. 

haland[-~], n, field or part of a field when 
plowed by making all turns to the left. © 
har +Land. 

halb[-], half. G halb. 

halb | bruder[*~~], m, half-brother; -dutzend 
[--"], n, half a dozen; sgebacke[-~~~], a b+ 
cracked; -gscheit(*~], cracked, rattle- 
brained, sillv; <inselj*~~], f, peninsula; 
-jaehrich[* ~~], semi-annual, six months oic: 
zkreis|*"], m, semi-circle; eleujjel[*~~], ¢ 
hemisphere; -leine, -leinich[*~~], linsey- 
woolsey; -mos{*"], n, half measure; -macht 
[-*l, f, midnight; snerrisch(~*~l, cra 

Bate ae 


Vf astra 
BNIBIS fo (Meoauaobts 
£ J }iasidaes ;tetineb oo. 
if" "Hestaewe agro 9 i to Hi on 
odo setgtn tl te sf * jdews*itonr-at > By 

-ib »nowadiony iin, i “prmgthas 
atcsqestoH a> Rig ni Se em 9°7:1899 
“TORY ,22e9REIVG? \veed | "idonlatd)smed 
Jtedeaad O. blod ano 

Jisted 0 seb .hevoled ,[-‘iddisvad 

 .yitbed Jsibtoo stenosis I *|dsiiered 

+1 O .guimos (yaw oft ag) £° *leomrad 
Aus Ob 

o to mel. tidder BUOY, it _#- aonaet 

Bey 1st 2  sdmedy sor 209 wnt *teRad 

Gyawiives :tevorjog..m .[-~~“fledoeb { ‘eltad 
bistaiog 3." **] 

> 2945 bas mlood 20d nu -— zig [*etiad 

986 <= exdds o noew ineqqed o>.!"*)sitad 
wetted i) 

“B= Eh 1D aay 7 af” ad 

Oi hel iD 1932007 ta. f° > 

“OTD. DSisvr sii Hes me fa Rint jaeut 4 easdéd 
ison iotapowD inf” -4] 

tines bat ,dmosesiooa an J” * )oneTe aa = 

.) .snbodsin Wivela un p> **uedonwendalt 
Asdos vanish 
roti — t gau tonpub sind an f°“ Nop ed 
oysH - Pussiow 
Buby eget 2 Sind of ,sle(Stisg qq .f--- Islet ad 
ioti aviines vbs vibeb aucigeo. ,[** lela td 
tase «) 
3 2: gned [dt bapotnes ,2 [*"“*henewileiéd 
‘iw Dist # to tag 00. bloat. a f° seeyay 
~ .tiel od3o3 emu) lla ynidem yd — 

. isd D ek B “\dlad 
tasatab: Celio, ited wa f°” “freband } died 

da I~" jenkoedag inoseb 2 Ned ,o {>} 
Hite bss Re "i a shadew 
‘dl verineq t “jeans +beninid 

io enfsnosn nie deueng-i imnaa. e *Sidotaionts 

“jisited: yjelotip-ierse um (T° “Jeistale 

‘senii |" * *ndsimish nisl a 
'o3ale perueaem Ted wn J” “Jeon ist 

> f°" idosirmas iivinbern ,? Fy 

: a be 

ns Made ¥ Aad a's ewer: 
eat ey Sey g t- cur 1 
og Agta remy 
: » 

nan fe "t ~*]he 
umuiqanivg 3 Lay. | 

a saoentibead 

reH 3D Teach, eadales 

2usisd OD ! tuo ty Sti 
T19Hl nifol ie eechoh de as **hislerelt 
+nsHO estinonnasl Shigeo vere won 


dsgevastisH 2D vei nal” “"*jietjoremead = . 1 

Sogn oD sed es os =F rs. 
RimeH oO prnect nid! ‘joined -- 

muted O t brat boo f° "fame pei Trend _ 

& Yidsdord ia boog [-*” rvt- 
vaninvant hha mek "Tiga 8 

throat boo: a f*-"jescesi(rient  jetenad 

ey Mate 3 bom sseeb — boog § =f 

2uea| reHi> tit 
avonolg .ylioi seth tisvol J a 
.foiin “tat Iutagd 5 « 
-rell 2 

“illo, sole. df” ‘hesiidaiimnd rt 

tisd eF%< 
sano 2 neirs0M yo -*hetodemmll. 2 

: -istod ‘a 
ceed EN isteswM & >" idoehstedierisd~ > -. 
iosinstad |” 
as ¢s bee cals ‘sqisetranl oh df iadsered 6 09 
2 a 2gviISIqKS » ory aH 
0 slit o} Er eae a i ntiot: ‘ 
loi 3. aus 
iliczzot wolloy. a 
if" “lotad: inesingy a - 

mide Midedgud a 

BiG ‘a 


Os 3 

brained; -pund{-*], n, half a pound; 
«schtiwwelj*~~], m, bootee, laced shoe: 
«schtrang({*~], m, chain forming the end of 
a trace; -verreckt{-~*], half dead (of 
beasts); =wechsich[*~~], half-grown; -weks 
{-*], halfway. 

halfter{*~], f, halter. G Halfter. 

halfter)kett(*~~], f, halter chain; -rieme[*~ ~~] 
m, halter strap. 

halleluja(-~"~], n, hallelujah. G Hallelujah. 

hailunk(*~], m, rascal, thief. G Halunke. 

halm{~], hallem[*~], m, blade, stalk. GHalm. 

hals[“], pl hels, neck, throat. G Hals. 

hals || ankel, -angel[*~~], f, back of the neck; 
sauszebring(*~ ~~], f, bronchitis, laryngitis; 
sband([*~], n, collar, necklace; -duch[*~], n, 
neckerchief, cravat, small shawl; -gnick 
[*“], n, nape or back of the neck; -graje 
[*"~], m, cravat, collar; -reehr[*7}, n, 
windpipe, larynx; -rieme({*~~], m, leading 
rope or strap; -schtarrich{*~~], stubborn, 
obstinate; -schtick{*~], n, neck (of beef); 
sweh|* "], n, sore throat, quinsy. 

halt[-], f, hold. G Halt. 

haltbar[‘"], tenable. G haltbar. 

halte[*~], pp kalte, to hold, keep, last, stop, 
observe, conduct; karz —, to keep (a 
person) short in money; — bleiwe, to be 
stuck; sich im esse —, to diet. G halten. 

halwedaler[-~-~], m, half dollar. G Halb+ 

halwer[*~], half; en — dak, half a day; 
— sechse, half past five. G halb. 

halwergaul[-~*], m, dock; breedblettricher —, 
bitter dock. Derivation obscure. 

Hambarjer[*~~] Schnellposcht, f, a small 
newspaper formerly published at Hamburg, 
Berks Co., term applied to a gossiping 
woman, tattle-tale. 

hammel[*~], m, wether. G Hammel. 


hammelche, hamm(e)lif*~~], n, calf. Swiss 
ammeli <ammeln, to nurse, suckle. 
hammelfieesch{[*~"], n, mutton. G Hammel- 


hammer[*~], m, hammer. G Hammer. 

hammere, hemmere[{*~~], pp kammert, to 
hammer. G hammiern. 

hammer |! garn[*~~], n, dip-net. G Hammer 
+Garn. (So called from the wooden mal- 
let (hammer) which was used to drive the 
fish out from under the banks of the stream 
into the net); -schlack{*~~], m, scales of 
iron, hammer-scales; -schtiel[*~~], m, han- 
dle of a hammer. 

hand[], f, hand, handwriting. G Hand. 

hand || erwet[‘~~], f, hand-work; -berscht 
[*“},:4) chand*.brush; -beck[*~], n, basin; 

=breeding{*~~], f, hand’s breadth; -buch 
Behe wmmanualsh.. -duchisni. n, towel: 
-gelender[*~~~], n, hand-rail; «gemacht 
[’~~], handmade, homemade, artificial; 

-greiflich{“~~], comprehensible, plain; -griff 
[*“], m, grip (of hand), handle; -grossj*"], 
big as a hand; -hawwe[*~™], to manage; 
«kaes([*], m, Dutch cheese, cheese in balls 


and ripened; -lange[*~~], to assist masons 
or bricklayers; -langer[*~~], m, hod-carrier, 
helper to a mason or bricklayer; -lumpe 
(*~~], m, handy rag (in the kitchen); -rijjel 
[*~~], m, handrail; -saek[*"], t, handsaw: 
schleefreche[*~~~j, m, large rake dragged 
by hand; =schrift{(*~}], f, handwriting; 
evolll[*~], f, handful; =weerrick[+~~], n, trade. 

handel{*~], m, commerce, trade, barter, busi- 
ness. G Handel. 

handelwese[*~~~], n, trading, bartering. G 

handelsmann[*~~], m, tradesman. G Han- 

handiere[“-~], pp handiert, to do, work. G 

handle|*~j, pp kandelt, to deal, trade, barter, 
handle; sich — losse, to barter, knock 
down the price. G handeln. 

handlungj*~], f, business, doings, treatment. 
G Handlung. 

handwerrick[*~~], n, trade, craft. G Hand- 
handwerricks | gscherr[*~~~], nn, tools: 

-gscheft[*~~~], n, trade, calling; -mann 
+“ ie} pem; mechanic: 
hanf(t)[-], hannef[*~], m, hemp. G Hanf. 
hang{~], m, slope, declivity, inclination. G 

m, suspended shelf for eatables, 
slope. G Hang. 

hannefsume{*~~~], m, hemp seed: lewe wie di 
vejjel im —. G Hanf + Samen. 

Hannickei{*~~], m, John Nicholas. 

Hansj~], Hannes[*~], m, Jack, general name 
fora German. G Hans <Johannes. 

Hansel[*~] vun Bach, title of a nursery 
rhyme. G Hansel. 

Hansjerrick[*~~], m, John George. G Hans 

Hanskaschber(’~~], m, jackpudding. G Hans 
+ Kasper. 

hanswarscht[{*~}], m, clown, silly fellow. G 

hanswarschtle({*~~], pp gehanswarschtelt, to 
act silly, play the clown. Verb from hans- 

hanswarschtschtreech[*~"], pl, 
G Hanswurst +Streiche. 

hapere{~~~], pp kapert, to rumble, make a 
racket. G hapern. 

hapt["}, n, principai thing. G Haupt. 

hapt || blatz[~~], m, principal place; -gebei 
{[“~"], n, main building; -kerl{[*~], leader: 
zmann(*~], m, captain, leader; -sach|{~~], f, 
principal thing; -schtadt{-~], f, capital, 
metropolis; -schtick(~~], n, principal part; 
-sechlich[”*~], mainly, principally; -summ 
[~~], f, principal (drawing interest); -wese 
{~~~], nm, main point or matter. 

hard], f, board with low sides for drying 
fruits and vegetables. dG hord. 

hardich[*~], quick, swift; —! be quick! G 

- hurtig. 

G Hans 


ee Nhetiina nt > acetal 
nd 3 Paty. eg hte SE cng 7 

2 show ob of relia «a. ae hi Pex ai id: dioa  toas | 

tinted 3e . ay, 
ernd she lesb 03 a geeag ad is 
ioond cones oF see wi cor 
') stlebagl O pn a sora 
Ses dEo%t ‘eontob 2sniaud 2, “jpauibaad , 
-goulbash 2 
«bas .siero-jehsrt jn OE aaa om 

-tooe af *"*Freaadoey | siisiauaedll 
nosm: :guiles hea x .°”” Ptedsege 
inetoom am "4 
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acissntiont “iviosb qola ce Aig 

¥ ee 
eoidstea t ovla kobasqeue st WP janed + dish a hk om pee 
wnedt «} term ho eae. 
ib siw ewal sbose qmad to J" iemaeleanad 1vaD 4 _ tab <a j : 
om + ins © . — mi betsy #O rit See Mat 
sash oO estod iV. adol -n i> “WealsiansH Per. KA #oob .m "7 |sagrewiad 

sata Zi+ eurado noitevned aisob astiid 

onan wricasin, § Aosl om i aptpcttvag = pmo my Pi egw ey. ‘ A E.G 

; wannsnol > Aner) «)) «61 BINIS«) B10 & thin jam Bega weit =“ > 
Comma s to sivit lost, pry [‘HeensH gaigieady & G2 bsitqge ims? o ote 

dsaneH 2 isan —— el 

sighl D .syg2deD ado] anf“ Jesters 2 
; sepwe a> 2 I aint ‘mas maa 
easH > .ygaibbuqdaat wa i} tpeddomtenall sbiove stun 03 slomins 
au De ‘ rs) ees doamasH D .aclium a Weklcca sore ap 
2 .woillstoyie j9e wmf “pidoesawe 
JenrwensH jeameH 2 suena ewe hema 
ot jletdweseenedsg aq i” ‘isidowvewanad - @ .temmst qq "‘lexemmed 
ned mowdwV¥ phe oils vsiq ,ullie tos wetter) Gken ‘Sear 
Jiopiaw vorensH DO ton-qib .» { ~*}oig | venmoed 
“pools iq *|dogoudoeidomawensd lait aso say mor 02) ° 
cad nape deurwen stl ay seay we o) bees ai ae gig re doistw ( Bd 
& sism ut OF =<eqhd gq J” s19q MLSTIE 3 sabe ott 280 
wnat Jtedos lo esiace am J-**)laslidos- 5 (ton 

dquel &» gait iscioang nf pqtd = -nad am {°<*Jisitdae: j2glscessrotned noi 
isdag rdanlq ingianizg .m, { *jsald Lame ro Yo sib 
‘reboot Joie: ¢gnibliad msm af ~~ -bosH DO -gnitirewbasd pore oc 
wt J *idore: jtohael ,niniqs>.a eseeeme idtoetad: ‘how-baed : Ba ta jer 
‘lstiqeo 2 {> pbatdaz- spaids lsgisniia, . 
» FB taqioniza , a. “hioitdose: :etlogottem 
mime: yHlaqianing ‘dniam jf *- ldsildose. 
segw: :(jesisini garweyb) eens H Fr 
sad sega gery (ew Ray 
goigib xl esbie- wol di > {Thad 
ined Ob esidatsya? bne etiutt i 
2. lstsiop od !— jtliwe AaeP opr | 

harf(e)[*~], f, harp. G Harfe. 

harn["], n, pl herner, horn. G Horn. 

bharnesel[*~~],m, hornet. G Hornisse. 

harneselnescht[*~~~], n, hornets’ nest. G 

Harning(*~], m, February. G Hornung. 

harnischledder[*~~~], n, harness-leather. G 
Harnisch +Leder. 

harn || schlang(*~}, {, horned snake; -vieh[*"], 
n, cattle. 

harre[*~], pp karrt, to wait. G harren. 

harriche|*~~], pp karricht, to listen, hearken, 
obey. G horchen. 

hart, hatt[~], hard, firm, severe. G hart. 

hart || geld{*~], n, specie; «glawich{*~~], skep- 
tical; -herzich{*~~], hardhearted; -heerich 

{*"~], deaf; -lernich[-~~], dull, stupid; 
sleiwich[*~~], constipated; -meilich[*~~], 
hard-mouthed (of horses); -neckich{*~~], 

stubborn; =-rijjel[*~~], m, hop hornbeam; 
«schaffich[*~~], hard-working. 

harum/|[*~], call to horses at the end of a 
furrow to make a square turn to the left. 
G har +herum. 

harz[“], m, resin. G Harz. 

harzich[~~}, resinous. G harzig. 

has["], m, rabbit; arjets hockt en — im peffer, 
there’s a difficulty somewhere. G Hase. 

haschbel[*~], m, reel, silly bustling person, 
gawk. G Haspel. 

haschbidal{~~*], haspittel[-~~], m, hospital. 
G Hospital. 

haschble[*~], pp kaschbelt, to wind on a reel, 
move precipitately (of persons and horses). 
G haspeln. 

haschblich[*~], unsteady, precipitate, fidgety. 
G haspelig. 

haschemel[*~~], m, field or part of a field 
when plowed by making all turns to the 
left. G har+Schemel. 

hase || fall[~~~], f, rabbit-trap; -fett{“~~], n, 
rabbit grease; -fleesch!~~ |, n, rabbit meat; 
eglee[*~"], m, oxalis, yellow wood-sorrel; 
zhund[~~~], m, rabbit-hound; -jacht[*~~], 
f, rabbit hunting; -maul{[-~"], n, harelip, 
puckered lips; -schlupp[~~~], m, rabbit 


hasenpeffer, hasimpeffer{[~~~~], m, name of a 
game of cards. 

hass[~], m, hatred, spite. G Hass. 

hasse[*~], pp kasst, to hate; ich hass es 
juscht ebaut, I am mortified to have made 
such a blunder, I regret very much that 
it happened. G hassen. 

hassel || heck[*~~], f, hazel bush; -nuss[*~™], 
f, hazelnut; -warzel[*~~~|, f, colts-foot, 
wild ginger. 

hatje[-*] =adje. Q. v. 

hauch{"], m, breath. G Hauch. 

hauche[~~], pp kaucht, to breathe, expel 

breath through the open mouth. G 

haufe[+~}], m, heap; en — mache, to cack. 
G Haufe. 

hausi"], n, house; ins Reicherts —, remnant 
of the genitive. G Haus. 

haus || zrwet([*~~], f, housework; babble 
[~~~], 4, Lombardy poplar; -butze(s)[~~~], 
n, housecleaning; -dach[*~], n, roof of a 
house; -deer, -dier[~~], f, outside door 
(of a house); -fiehrer[~~~], m, housekeeper 
(of a family where the mother is dead); 
sfra{~"], f, lady of the house; -gleed{-‘}, 
n, negligee; -halling(“~~], f, family; -halte 
[~~~], to keep house, be frugal; -haltung 
[~~~], f, housekeeping, family; -heltern 
[~~~], f, housekeeper; -mittel{[~~~], n, home 
remedy; -rot[~~], n, furniture; -sache{~~~], 
pl, house furnishings; -schlang[*~], f, 
garter snake; -schreiner[~ ~~], m, carpenter; 
-schteier =ausschteier; -uhr[~"], f, clock; 
-wachs[~~], m, house-leek; garden orpine, 

hause([~~], pp kaust, to keep house, be econ- 
omical, rage; —- menanner, to live together 
(of man and wife). G hausen. 

hausrotschreiner[~~~~], m, cabinet maker. 
G Hausrat +Schreiner. 

hauss["], out of doors, outside, out of it. dG 

hausslosse[*~™~], pp haussgelosst, to leave out, 
leave outside, omit. dG hauss+G lassen. 

haut[], f, skin, hide, cuticle, membrane, film. 
G Haut. 

haut || farb[~~], f, complexion; -granket[~~~], 
f, skin disease. 

hawwe[’~], pp katt, kadde, to have. G 

hawwer[*~], m, oats; der — schtecht ’n, 
he is getting saucy. G Hafer. 

hawwer || ern[*~~], f, oat-harvest; -feld[*~~], 
n, oatfield; -geess[*~ 7], m, katvdid -kern 
[***], feoatgrain;. -kischt{*~~], {, oatbin; 
zlaus|[*~~], f, midge that is very annoying 
at the time of oat-harvest, oat midge; 
emehl[*~"], mn, oatmeal; -sack[*~~], m, 
oats-bag, haversack; der — heecher henke, 
to reduce the rations; -schprau[*~ "J, f, 
oat-chaff; -schtroh[*~"], n, oatstraw. 

hawwerschtecher|*~~~], m, thumb (in nursery 
rhyme). G Haber+Stecher (The thumb is 
used in tucking in the straw band in binding 


hawweswert[*~"], worth having. G (des) 
Habens wert. 

heb["], f, handle (of a basket). G heben. 

heb || garn[~~], n, dip-net; -lad(*“], contriv- 
ance for loading logs; -schtang({~~], i, lever. 

hechel{*~], f, hatchel. G Hechel. 

hechie[*~], pp kechelt, to hatchel, give 2 
tongue-lashing. G hecheln. 

hecht|~], m, pike, pickerel: G Hecht. 

hechtgraut[*"], n, pickerel-weed. G Hecht+ 

hechze[*~], pp kechzt, to pant. dG hechze. 
heck("], f, brush, brier, dry sprig; -e, 

brushes, thicket, hedge; an (bei) der — sei, 
to be Johnny on the spot; sich an di — 
mache, to get busy. G Hecke. 

hecke |! berscht/*~~], f, brush made of twigs: 
-pusch{*~~], m, clump of bushes; -sens 
{*~~], f, scythe for cutting briers. 

eration: =" 

ome at Dea rs ane 
i" *yodamas. istwtioww? 2 f * 

4 iceintut. 
yo Smeqies ym 7” 

ey at al: 

oon A dag gt haeee sigh 

Ba oote fer ees WARM THRAT y 

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~sdem jenidas yo (°° *henierdsejorenad 
aenisuiod-+ meus iD | 
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740 sven of lerclogeaysi ag {7+ ]panoleenrad 
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a’ tiosttiben ~~ tab yoteo om “jrowwed 

waite 2 ‘ER uAittox 2 od 

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where idisyted .o- .” “Isesegs bisatso uw. 
‘nidteo 2 i’ *rioelil- nistgtso © TP eke al 

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dnsd tstinead ash : jlosersved .psd-2t50 

I *taerotiogs jEson en sts soubor oF 
~wevteiso om f° ~*jdordioes jRads-3a9 
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er dmud) ott} qatinst2 + rode 5 Aaeneet 
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feeb) 2 
tes ensdeH 
nsded © Atsdlesd s to) sibneri 2 {jded 
-vinines .[~}b8k | :san-qib a > jxtig Pded 
seve 3 > jpnaidoa: sepok — rz Sone 

IstinsH O° .dedorad 2 | eood 
& svig Jodosniti 0 eyager qq Noe 
figidosd spridasi 
JtiosH*O- soot mile nf" 
+i 'D  .bsew-leradsiq va of *}t 

meer same idee oak ry i esed 
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saosH O .xead Jog OF sal 
‘exiwi Jo abam dand 3 f° "}doetssd || —— 
aterm -sacdeod jo qmplo wm St” *h 
sri silesonb 20} siltgse zoe 

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eres yo. 

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:team tidudaro | **hisessh> ;s8esTg 
-isrrosboow wollsy eilexo mM, wa . Ne. 5 
i °* dai - bauod-tidder m 2 
ered vn f° *\lumme: zpnia See 
jidden vie 7 * jequidise= te cn ea 

eo send doi :sind (07 Seg ear at 
slsam aved ox boiinveat ine 1 suede 
red? ddaum ‘oo toryss 1 robawld & fiove 

{~‘Jeaums dang fonast 
Jookeslon,t Bh. en 

heckich[*~], covered with brush. G heckig. 

hecksel[*~], n, straw cut fine for feed. G 

hecksel || fuder[*~~~], n, feed from cut straw; 
zkammer(*~~~], f, compartment in a barn 
for storing cut straw. 

heeh{"], f, height; in di —, up. G HGhe. 

heech|"], f, height. G Hihe. 

heecher[~~], higher. G hodher. 

heechscht[7], highest. G hdchst. 

heele{~~], pp keelt, to heal. G heilen. 

heelgraut(—~], n, selfheal. G Heilkraut. 

heem[7], home; gehschde —, home with you 
(call to a dog). G heim. 

heem || bringe{~~~], to bring home, return 
(of things borrowed); -dickisch[~~~], malic- 
ious, underhanded; <draje[~~~], to carry 
home; -fahre[*~~], to drive home, haul 
home; -gebacknes[{[*~~~}], n, home-baked 
articles; -geh~(~~], to go home; sgemacht, 
homemade, domestic; -gewwel-~~], to 
give back, take revenge; -gfiehl{“"], n, 
home-feeling; -grank[~~], homesick; -hole 
[“"~], to fetch home; -kumme[~*~~], to 
come home; -nemme([~~~], to take home; 
-schicke[~~~], to send home; <schleiche 
{“"~], to steal home; -schtehle[*~~], sich, 
to return home stealthily; -weh[~‘], n, 
homesickness; -wek{[*"], m, way home; 
swolle[*~~], to want to go home; zieje[~~~], 
to move home. 

heem/(e)le[~~~], pp keemelt, to be like home, 
feel at home. G heimeln. 

heemere[*~~], pp keemert, sich, to be home- 
sick. Same stem as heimeln. 

heemet[*~], f, home. G Heimat. 

heemetlos{[~~~], homeless. G heimatlos. 

heemisch[*~], domestic. G heimisch. 

heemlich[~~], homelike, secretly. G heimlich. 

heemlicherweis[~~~"], secretly. G heim- 
licher Weise. 

RS eRe a ke f, stealth. G Heimlich- 


heemzus[*~], homewards, on the way home. 
G heim +dG zus. 

heerbar[~~], audible. G hérbar. 

heere[~~], pp keert, to hear, obey, listen; 
— saje, to have from hearsay, understand; 
du muscht mer —, you must obey. G 

heeresaje[*~~~], r, hearsay. G Hérensagen. 

heereswert!*~"], worth listening to. G 

heescher, heeser[~~], hoarse; en heeser hals, 
a hoarse throat. G heiser. 

heese[~~], m, lower part of the hind leg, hock, 
heel, gambrel. dG hesse, G Hachse. 

heesehols{~~~], n, gambrel (stick used in 
hanging up hogs in slaughtering). dG 
hesse +G Holz. 

heess["], hot, ardent. G heiss. 

heesscht([7], hottest. G heissest. 

heesse[~~], pp keesse, to request, bid, name, 
call, be called; es heesst, it is reported, 
the orders are. G heissen. 

of NO 2G AL Ce rey. 

heesser({*~], hotter. G heisser. 

heffemacher[*~~~], m, potter. G Hafen- 

heffli, heffel[*~], n, little pot. Dims of G 

heffnez[*~], m, potter. G Hafner. 

heffnerei[~~-], f, pottery. G Hafnerei. 

heft[-], n, hilt. G Heft. 

heftichkeet{[*~~], f, violence, vehemence. G 

heftich(lich)[*~~], violent, strongly, awfully. 
G heftig. 

hehl["] halte, to keep secret. G hehl. 

hehi{"|, f, cavity, hollow, cavern. G Ho6hle. 

hehler{~~], m, concealer, receiver of stolen 
goods. G Hehler. 

hehling, hiehling[-~], f, cavity, hollow, cave. 
G Hohlung. 

hehlingerweis(~~~"], secretly, clandestinely. 
G hehlinger + Weise. 

hehling(s)[“~], on the sly, 

hei["] =hoi, hay (rare). G Heu. 

heichle[*~], pp keichelt, to act the hypocrite. 
G heucheln. 

heichler{[*~], m, hypocrite. G Heuchler. 

heichlerei, heichelei[”~-], f, hypocrisy. G 

G heuchler- 

secretly. dG 

heichlerisch[~~~], hypocritical. 
heid["], m, heathen. G Heide. 
heideland{[*~~], n, heathendom. G Heiden- 
heider[*~], cheerful. G heiter. 
heidisch[~~], heathenish. G heidnisch. 
hei(e)re{~~~], pp keiert, to marry. dG heiern, 
G heiraten. 
heifel, heifli{[~~], n, little pile, little heap. 
Dims of G Haufe. 
heifich[~~], frequently, freely, considerably. 
G haufig. 
heifle[*~], pp keifelt, to heap up. G haufeln. 
heijo(bei)[~ ~~], hushaby. Cf beijo. 
Heiland[~-~], m, Savior. G Heiland. 
heile(-~], pp keilt, to cry, weep, howl. G 
heilich{~~}], holy, sacred. G heilig. 
heiliche[~~~], pp keilicht, to sanctify. G 
heilicher, heilichi{~~~], 
heilichtum[~~~], n, sanctuary. G Heiligtum. 
heillos[*“], wicked. G heillos. 

enp\alhSiint-’ G 

heil || kunscht[-~], f, therapeutics; -mittel 
~~~), n, remedy. 

heilsam[~~}], wholesome. G heilsam. 

Heinrich[*~!, m, Henry. G Heinrich. 

heiraschbelsgedanke[~~~~~~ ], m, =heirats- 
gedanke, thought of marriage. In jest 
heiraschbel =Heirat +Gedanke. Cf rasch- 

heirat([~~], f, marriage. G Heirat. 

heiratsgedanke(~~~~~], m, thought of mar- 

riage. G Hetratsgedanke. 
heirich{*~], desirous to marry. dG hetern. 

, Th pps a 
: ohn: est 28 K-33 

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amobnoediaesd a {~“}baalabied 
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gilied D .bamsz .vlod [~~ }deilied 

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eizes? 1D «cdinabeO+ rauecnvegane aire 

stisH O eosin ay *iiuiod 
“iam “io sdguod an f°" *}s 
slnsbegetsiisH 2 aaa 
nrwiet ab eres oF ayoriaeb *}dshied 

| "jeer 
coeivou aiet of [ 

‘aa ‘slid od of, dismosd ga Ys = 

of sd of foie Jremecd ~~“lexemeood 
pare ete ace ae asia 

sokionied O . or aol sed 

shlienish O  .ySter980 2dilsmod ee : aeeed 
-misd <2} .vlierose =? 2. 

.2209'N isdoil 
-AoiimisHi O .dilssve 2 [ ~*ponddoilinsed 

mod Yew offs no .2btewamod * jeuamsod 

datd D Sane, eee ; 
18 By 

;asiell ysdo sed of tread tag q {°*jexs0d 

-basimeban ,vortsstl mort vad in me 

Oo .gado sepa wOy 190m idoewen ub 

nggeznnGH OF i cemeet a ty 

=) ot. gninsiail 

¢ rs 

elood ,go! brid aul Yo . 
ore wah dmsg i 
n u woite) ter of" “Jello: 
ab Anne ai egor ts" 

yey a rN J 
‘ ’ 7 b (ht a ui _ 

heisel, heisli[*~], n, little house, shanty; 
aus em —, out of one’s head, crazy. Dims 
of G Haus. 

heislich{~~], domestic. G hauslich. 

heit["], today. G heute. 

heitel, heitli, heitche(~~], n, membrane, film 
(on boiled milk). Dims of G Haut. 

heitich{-~], of today, nowadays. G heutig. 

beitich(e)sdaks|~~~], heitesdaks, heilichs- 
daksi*~~], nowadays. G heutigestags. 

heitzedajich[*~~~], of today, modern. Adj 
from heitzedak. 

heitzedak(+~ "|, nowadays. 

held{"], m, hero. G Held. 

helfe[*~], pp kolfe, to help, avail, do good. G 

helfer[*~], m, helper, assistant. G Helfer. 

helft{[], f, half. G Halfte. 

hell], clear, light, loud, distinct; im -e€ 
dak, in bright daylight. G hell. 

hell[-], f, hell. G Halle. 

hell || blo[*"], light blue; -gro[* "), light gray; 
Jlicht(*~], n, broad daylight; -rot[* “], light 

G heutzutage. 


helling(*~], f, light, daylight, dawn. G 
Helle +ing. 

hellisch(*~], hellish. G hollisch. 

hello, hallo[’*], hello. G hallo, dG hollo. 
hellsackerment(*~~~], m, term otf vituperation, 

hellian: en beesser alter —. G Hdlle+ 
Sackermenter <G Sakrament. 
helm{’}, m, handle (of a tool). G Helm. 

helse(*~], wooden. G hdlzern. 

helsel[*~], n, little piece of wood. Dim of 
G Holz. 

helsich{*~], wooden, woody; (as noun), n, 
small wooden dish or goblet. G hdlzern, 

hembeer|*’], f, raspberry; roti —, red _rasp- 
berry; schwarzi —, black raspberry, black- 
cap. G Himbeere. 

hemm|{"], n, pl hemmer, shirt. G Hemd. 

hemmermel[*~~], m, shirt-sleeve. G Hemd- 

hemmche, hemmli{*~], n, little shirt, shirty. 
Dims of Hemd. 

hemmer[*~] =hen mer, have we. G haben 


hemmer || breis[*~~], n, wristband; -bussem 
[°~~~], m, shirt bosom: -graje(*~ ~~], m, collar 
of a shirt; -knepp[*~™], pl, cheeses, low 
mallow; -«schwans{*~™~], m, shirt-tail. 

hendel{>~], m, handle, bail. G Hand, Henkel. 

hendich{*~], handy, convenient: so — as en 
sack im hemm. G -handig (but in a very 
different meaning) strongly influenced by 
E handy. 

hendle(*~], pp kendelt, to handle. 

hendler(’~], m, trader, dealer. G Handler. 

hengel(’~], m, bunch (of grapes), string (of 
fish). dG hangel. 

hengscht["], m, stallion, lecherous man. G 

hengschtgras[*"], n, canary grass. 

henk(~}, f, handle, hinge. G Henkel, Hinge. 

PA se Le eee VR aS ye 

henk[”], bei, by golly. E hang, G Henker. 

henkbauch{*"], m, paunch. G Hangebauch. 

henke[’~], pp kenkt, konke, to hang, stick to; 
es maul —, to pout, sulk; der kopp —, 
to be downcast, be ashamed. G hangen. 

henke || glas[°~"], n, tankard, mug; -karb 
[‘~~], m, basket with a loop handle over 
the top; -schloss[*~~], n, padlock. 

henker{*~], m, hangman, deuce; was der —! 
what the deuce! G Henker. 

henk || mann{*~}, m, hangman, emaul{’ ], n, 
drooping mouth, pouting person; -weide 
[°-~], m, f, weeping-willow. 

Henner, Henni(*~], Henneri{*~™~], m, Henry. 
dG Henner, Hennerich. 

hensching[‘~], m, mitten, glove. dG han- 

hensle[‘*~], pp kenselt, to tease, make a 
laughing stock of, be sarcastic. G hanseln. 

hepp |{-], giddap (call to horses). G hepp. 

hering|~~], herring{*~], m, herring: so dinn 
asen—. G Hering. 

Hess("], m, Hessian. G Hesse. 

hesselborich{- ~*~], terribly, awfully. 
+bar +ig. 

hesselcher[’~~], pl, little boy’s trousers. 
Double dim of G Hosen. 

hesseldonisch, hesselronisch[” ~~~], 
awfully. G hassl-+ an exaggerating end- 
ing. Cf mardunisch. 

Resslicn si ugly, terrible; awfully. G hass- 

hetze[*~], pp ketzt, to set (dogs) on, set 
(persons) at variance. G hetzen. 

hewe(~~], pp kowe, to hold, lift. G heben. 

hewweise|’ ~~], n, crowbar. G Hebeisen. 

hewwell’~], m, club. G Hebel. 

hex[{"], f, witch, hag. G Hexe. 

G hiassl- 


hexe[*~], pp kext, to perform Mawicassts 


hexe || buch{*~~], n, conjuring book; -dans 
[‘~~], m, fairy ring or circle (where vegeta- 
tion is lacking owing to a fungus growth}; 
-dokter[*~~~], m, witch doctor; -glawe 
[-~"~], m, superstition, belief in witches; 
egraut[*~~], n, St. John’s wort; shols|* ~~], 
n, witch hazel; -kimmel[*~~~], m, thorn- 
apple, stramonium, jimson-weed; -meesch- 
der(°~ ~~], m, sorcerer, magician; -mehl 
[°~"], n, spores of the ground pine; 2§chuss 
f-~~}, m, shot fired to kill or drive out a 
witch, word in a powwowing formula for 
rheumatism, sudden pain in hip or back. 

hexerei[- ~~], f, magic, witchcraft, sorcery, 
something ‘queer’. G Hexeret. 

hi! hi!{-], a giggling laugh. G hi. 

hi{7], thither, there; er is —, he is done for; 
es is noch lang —, it is a long time yet; 
— un her, back and forth, to and fro; 
des is — wie heer, it is as broad as it is long, 
six and half a dozen; — un do, here anu 
there; — un widder, now and then. G hin. 

hi*-("], separable prefix of verbs, and prefix 
of derived words. G hin-. 

hi || babble[“~~], to prate; zharzie{~~~}, to 

ni ined gq "Jeaaed 

i) eats Seliian ) 

7 ree ‘ctitas Rw 



ler 20D Bows 

of sm. ; am, 
shiows. ; noe TEq Lorre! Aion 

“pa ya {-ionnet ih 
-téd OG usvolg .netiin yo 

& slsm 26053 03 themes aq #5 
- ,leroéd Si Wwaonee sd to doors: 
qaai 2) .(eseod o3.fea) qabbis 

anib ee sankrise: in i “igained 

: gaiisH 2 

TT aed 


—~ 49 8B 
seaati x teaizaatt yor if 

-eakd 2). ,yluiws whines id ** “)dorrodiseeed 

git 1ed+ 

atsau073 gvod sisi a ""}rssioieezod 
9201 3 le mith sidueG 

“kdirtas = ~""|doeinotisezed  dseinoblseeod 

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I oraeemnns: tiles 

eid 2) tithes {sidinvzad vig * 

ise 20 (epab) “tea of tzid aa jf sant 
‘Astion a S3neiay 36 (anv) 
ded O 31 blot ot word qq , “jowed 

duals a f° *jlswwed 
yaad dotiw 3 [jaed 
492 qq f*jexed 

food pahuines 2 ,|*“idoud 

Sisgev satiw) sins to gait ishem . ae 
te oy eushat 6 6) yRtwo gnidos! si noit 
ewi rierob tptiw qm f°" “Hedalobs 
‘eoftotrw mi isiled moisimedue wn [°"*} 
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esetadaH 2. wedweran Jj 
; Jade# ) 
exo <) 

26m michsq of 

“Rls , ae ‘iecomid: jlowan dotiw a 
~S220Sin» :beow-nozctl] enwinomatte sigas 
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226d 10 gid 21 -alag sobbue pyar et 

Vismoe ,siermedatiw agen ei f" “Hietexed 
JjsiezeH OD ."“iseup” yaidtonus 

sid > ctguab yailgsig s CS hay Mh 

"ol snob af od vais jordd sedsids Pprid 
‘Sy smd gaol.s as — gral tignn et e9 
ont bans os not bas dosd aed nu = 
‘2h 4: 3668 beard esal ti red srw — af ash 
ona gist ob fy — :nswob @ Her bas x 

wid. weds ee Sage | Jsbhiv nu— ; ice ‘i 
*isuy. bas adosve lo xfs akisiagqse | j-* 

id =) 92 resi hevireb lo 
oO! {“*sirsd: po1mg oo yo leldded ht 

a 2 

ar ie és 



; iid oes 7 

Boog Z 

pero niet 

© swab litgilyeb “agit cf 

-aAwillad D 
ree let O 
ft? i mrtal tt 
+ sii¢H. —_ — site eile 
misH 3 (loot = is Nese ge: 
masiad peer ey sels 

to mi@ Soon! te 0 0 tek ae 

 .<awor as) >yboow. .asbbow J°* 
42 Jsidog 10 Helb asboow | lam 

Ici pet iy ig =e a 

needa D qe 
bee D vids zsmmod iq 2 ,| jeumed 
) .svesle-nide yo f°~* 

nide hide sist ya Boy ew: oe 
msdad D ise svad tom oa Fi r 
mesend: ibnodteirw wo “Jeierd f x 

siton x {7 *JoUbrge mec tale anf 
wel susesada) 9 haloes ae 

fie3- Ride’ mn." 
JesinsH .basH 3D Jind aa “Tis 
its &2 — oF pera hae ae 

7. & Hi shane: 7 
re / = 4 * 

lo) "yninse (eagerg 4) ‘danud id 

2 ..em evorsitael 

fall over one’s feet; -basse[*~~], to fit in, 
be suitable for a place; eens —, to give a 
rap or slap; -bezahle[~~~~], to pay at a 
certain place, pay down; -blanse[~~~], to 
plant in a certain place; sich —, to settle 
down in a certain position; -blatsche({~~~], 
to fall or sprawl; -bringe{*~~], to take toa 
place; -bschtelle{[~~~}, to order or appoint 
for a certain place; -dzrfe(~~~], to be 
allowed to go to a certain place; -dappe 
[~~~], to go to a place by chance, walk 
clumsily; -darjele(“~~~], to reel along; 
edraje[~~~], to carry thither; -drede[~~~], 
to step in a certain place; -drehe[~~~], to 
turn towards; -dreiwe[~~~], to drive to a 
place; -drolle[~~~], to trot along; -du7(~7], 

to put into a place; -fahre[~~~], to drive to | 

a place; -fall 
a eo 
fly to a 

e[-~~], to fall down; -fiehre 
lead to a place;  -flieje[~~~], to 
place; -gackse[~~~}j, to keep on 
prating; -geh~[~"], to go toa place, lead to, 
pass; -gewwe[~~~], to give, hand to; 
sgniee[*~~], to kneel down; -graddle[~~~], 
to crawl toa place; -gritzle[~~~], to scribble 
down; -gucke[~~~], to look there; -haite 
{[*~~], to aim, sustain one’s part; eens —, 
to give a slap; -helfe[~~~], to assist (a 
person) toa place; -henke[~~~], to hang in 
a place; -hewel~~~], to hold, reach, lift to 
a place; -hocke[*~~], to seat in a place; 
sich —-, to sit down; -jaje{~ ~~], to chase or 
drive to a place; -keere[~~~], to belong to 
or in a place; -kenne[~~~], to be able to 
get to a place; -kumme(*~~], to get toa 
place, become of; -lafe[~~~], to walk to a 
place, run to (of liquids), amount to; 
zlange[~~~], to hand to, suffice; -leie[~~~], 
to lie down; -leje[~~~], to lay down; sich 
—, to lie down; -lenglich{~~~], sufficient, 
adequate; -losse[~~~], to allow (a person) 
to get to a place; -mache(~~~], to put, 
build or construct at a certain place, ruin; 
smerricke[~~~~], to mark down; -misse 
{~~~], to be obliged to go toa place; -memme 
[+~~], to take to a place; -nischdle[~~"], 
to cuddle; -rechle[~~~], to reckon to, score; 
ereeche[*~~], to suffice; -reide[~~~], to 
ride there; -reisse[/~~~], to jerk near to; 
erichde[*~~], to ruin, spoil; -ricke{~~~], to 
move near to; -rolle[~~~], to roll to; 
srudre{~~~], to row to a place; -rufe(~~*], 
to call to a place; -rutsche(~~~], to crawl 
or slide to a place; -schaffe[~~~], to convey 
to a place; sich —, to get to a place; 
eschicke[~~~], to send to a place; -schiewe 
[“"~], to push towards; <-schitte[~~~], to 
pour down; <schlajje[~~~], to strike at 
something; eens —, to give (some one) a 
blow; -schleefe{~~~], to drag to a place; 

-schleiche[~~~], to sneak along, go along 

lazily; -schmeisse[*~~], to throw down; 
-schnelle[~~~], to toss to; -schpringe(~~~], 
to run there; -schtzrze{~~~], to fall (head- 
long); -schtecke{*~~], to stick in a place, 
stow (put) away; -schteh™[“"], to stand 


hiejel{*~] =hiwwel. 


idle; -schtelle[*~~], to set or put down; 
sich —, to take one’s place or stand; 
-schtrecke[~~~], to stretch out; sich —, to 
lie at full length; -schreiwe[~~~], to write 
down; <-schwimme[*~~], to swim to a 
place; -sehne[~~~], to see as far as; nau” 
sehn emol eener hi, now look at that; 
egetze(~~~], to set (put) down; sich —, to 
sit down; =-sicht[-~], f, respect, regard, 
view; -weise[~~~], to show (the way) there, 
point to, indicate; -wek(~ 7], m, the way 
going; -wenne(~~~], sich, to turn to, apply; 
zwinsche[~~~], sich, to wish oneself there; 
zwolle[~~~], to want to go to a place; 
zzackere[~~~~], to work slowly, walk 
heavily; -zaehle[“~~], to count down; 
=zieje(~~~], to pull to a place, move to a 

hibberdiglibb[-~~<], slap-dash, clip-clap, let 
’er go Gallagher. G hippeln+klipp (im- 
itating the sound made by a fast moving 
wagon and horses). 

hibsch[~], pretty, handsome. G hiibsch. 

hickle{*~], pp kickelt, to hop on one leg, limp. 
dG hikele. 

QO. v 

hieschdle{~~], pp kieschdelt, to cough slightly. 
G hiisteln. 

hiesich{+~], of this country. G hiesig. 

hietche[~~], n, little hat. Dim of G Hut. 

hiete[~~], pp kiet, to watch, guard; sich —, 

to beware. G hiiten. 
hietmachern[*~~], f, milliner. G Hutmach- 

hift(-], f, hip. G Hiifte. 

hiftelahm[*~*], hip-shot. G hiiftenlahm. 

hiftgnoche[*~~], m, hip-bone. G Hiitknoch- 

hilf[-], f, help. G Hilfe. 

hilflos{*~], helpless, shiftless. G hilflos. 

hilli{*~], f, clothing; di — un filli, di hill un 
fill, in abundance. G Hiille. 

hilse, hilsich[*~], wooden; en hilsner hammer, 
a mallet. G hdlzern, MHG hiilzen. 

himmel{*~], m, heaven. G Himmel. 

himmel || bio[-~~], sky-blue; -reich[*~"], n, 
kingdom of heaven; -werts[*~~], heaven- 


Himmelfar(t)dak[*~~"], m, Ascension Day. 
G Himmeltahrtstag. 

himmelsbam{*~~], m, ailanthus. 

himmelsbrief{*~~], m, alleged letter of Jesus 
Christ. G Himmels +Brief. 

himmelsrose[*~~~], f, rose-of-heaven. G. 

himmelswelt{-~*], was in der, what under the 
sun. G Himmels+Welt. 

himmlisch{*~], heavenly. G himmlisch. 

hinkel[*~], n, chicken. dG hinkel. 

hinkelche[‘~~], n, little chicken, chick. Dim 
of hinkel. 

hinkel || darm{*~~], m, starwort, chickweed; 
roter —, red chickweed; -dieb[*~"], m, 
chicken-thief: -dreck{[*~~], m, chicken 
‘droppings, a trifling matter; -fedder[*~~~], 

“owior sila BPD pm Ngee 

we ay Lille “08 Phsindbey % 2 a) by Sa on Pye, si ty, 7 
} “Phew ne ee ‘nabs Z 1B. i sf 

sala rt Ris ee 

=e a np 
: ; , omy . ry ers 4 oe wy ~ 
eo ne ., y - dreds et Awe Pa i ie: . = 
4 ‘ay cys Aare ‘ 7 v ete pet “aad ~ 
| ee ‘ i 4 7 
> *~ 4 a 

: pa aad ye Wy a a ns is | rk Tee 
eS ete, any “2 By. prior . 4 re 6 
bets ‘Sada « Jolstanbs _vylis 
"sennh Se 1“ Boni wal 
5 “4igg be ceby Mabe 

t9} daboabis inaeans SOI a 
-mi) Quist nisagid <) efgsiiscd 
griivom jasi s ¥d eben ve orld 


enzion bre 
Heedid D amorbasd .viisiq J Mdsedid 
amit gal gon oF isto 9 iestebtoid 
aain oh 
«OQ lowwid= P*istsia 
“Utriyile dpwes 03 , sobs seid qq f° *leibilsasid 
giasit DB J¢iienes sid) Yo J *\dakesid 
-uH Do mi © 35H shail x [-* jodatoisl 
~~ disia sbieuy \flotew of snl aq J “jetsid 
notind wo sewed o3 
-dseminH 2 .tenillim |} f° ~*ierediosenisid 
SH 2 aia * fo iiid 
amisinastid O° sose-qitl i> “hauibiediia - : 
-stsondiigh bed snod-<aid jan ~Yedoenatiia 

SHO .aist - “Niet . 
, eoRli O .sasitiide «esigiod f “*jeofiii ¢ | . 
au Wit ib alli ne-—ib :gaitsels PP *jdlid eq of |[**ledoaax ; “fs he 
siiH O »sonsboude ni iin mit ,s26!q musta 8 6 Sorajeno2 10 
pemungr eelid ne onehoow f° *idoialid \selist seein: :owob dism o7 jf 7*4 
nstiid DHM \esslid DO z9llem 6 smunsas : s2nig 6 03 ogo! bsildo ad oa, =F 
demmih  casveod oo Use J °~)sibdoeiae one B 01 silat 
a P ““Wdsiste saniti-yvia [~“lold | isammid isi0s2 ,c3 noyom 07, BE rw corer 
-nevaei ["""jehaw: jnovésd jo mobynid {°"*isbiew ; if" *}edose7. 

. brew ve ison A191, 03 aso 
“sd noiansoeA om [Db ellemmll «of [jeden ; a hae 

gstanidatiseamiti 0 70% Hor o3 Fala 
- endinelis ym [ “‘imidslemmid ,[-**}etei- :o08he 6-08 wees “jeu! 
eves[ to wette!l begsiia ym ,f**lisndalemmid fwaw or [-~-} 
shl+zlnimi O send - yovnor ot [-~*joRadoses ; 
©  .fieveodto-szor } .[-"**jeeorslemmid 99 & 03 Joy of .—~ sdie josie 6 
seorlsmmiH 6 isonty £ ot bnes of {"~ “jataistoa: 
sft isboan fstw sb si erew *°"ewglemmid ot Av" *lettidses ; F pit 
jis+eismmil 0 .twe $s solivte of '~*joikststoe: 
Hoailnmid 2D xginevosl ye omer & {sno smoe) ovig a): 
j isda Ob .aedoifo wn Pf "Usadnid ysoniq « 08 getb of f * “iste: 
iG ~ 2toida ynosistrio slau .e i" dated gnols og agnols aaste ot 
destnid to ~ mwob worl “ > * poee 
ibeowdloida nowiste om .[-~*}aub |} lodaid iy 
mi (f "*}deibe tboswoividio be: =—— rior Seo) Lat ot 
netonia am > *hlostb pIsisl3-neolouls 
i "*hebbel> s7stzam ghilirss & egniqqorb es of cae 

f, chicken feather; -fleesch[*~~], n, chicken 
meat, fowl; -fresse[*~~~], n, chicken-feed; 
sfuder|*~~~], mn, chicken-feed; -gnoche 
[°~~~], m, chicken-bone, wishbone; -haus 
hen house; -kaschde[*~~~], m, 


, mm, hen-roost; <«schtall(*~~], m, 
chicken house, coop; -schtang[*~~], f, roost; 
eselat(*~~~], m, red-seeded dandelion; -woi 
{*~"], m, chicken hawk. 

hinkelfuss(gras)[*~~ "], n, dG 
hinkel +G Fuss +G Gras. 

hinn{*], inside, in. dG hinn. 

binne[*~], behind, inthe rear. G hinten. 

hinne || bei[*~~], (approaching) from the rear; 
sdra[*~*], behind the rest, on behind, be- 
hindhand; -drauss{’~*}], out in the rear, 
out back, out in the back country; -drin 
[°~*], in the rear part of; -driwwer[*~~"], 
over the back or rump; -drowwe["~*~], way 
back up; -druff[*~~], on the rear part of, 
as an afterclap; -drunne[~~*~], down back, 
down in the rear; -nanner[*~~~], behind 
each other, tandem; -mannerno{~~~~*], in 
succession, in Indian file; -naus[*~ 7], out 
behind, out the back way, out in the back 
country; -nei7(*~"], in by way of the rear; 
snewe|~ ~*~], (the) off rear (horse); -niwwer 
[-~*~], over inthe rear; -no{~~], on behind, 
in the rear, following after, in arrears; 
snufi(*~~], up by the back way; -munner 
[~~*~], down the back way; -raus[*~"], out 
from behind; -rum[*~~], around behind, 
clandestinely; -wedder[-~’~], up against 
in the rear, up against it. 

hinner([*~], behind, after (also in sense of 
attacking); rear, back; sei” hinners, his 
posterior. Ghinter. 

hinner || achs{*~~], f, rear axle; -beerrjer[*~~~], 
m, one living in the back hills; -bart[*~™], 
m, defense, answering back, standing firm 
in an altercation; -bee7{*~"], n, hind leg; 
sdeel[*~"], n, rear, stern, hind part, arse; 
sdeer(*~"], f, back door; -drei[~~~], on 
behind, after, in pursuit; -fellich[*~~~}, 
failing; -fuss[*~"], m, hind foot; -gang 
[°~~], m, decline, deception; -geh*["~"], to 
deceive; -glotz{*~~], m, back-log; -grund 
{°~~], m, background; -her|~~~], on behind, 
following, in the rear; -halt(*~™~], f, backing; 
shand[~~*], behindhand, tardy; -leib[*~"], 
m, venter (of insects); -lischdich[*~~™], 
cunning, deceitful, treacherous; -losse 
[~~~], to leave behind, leave; hinnerlossne 
wittfra, relict; «nanner[*~~~], after each 
other. at odds; «rad[*~"], n, hind-wheel; 


sricksich[*~~~], hackwards;..-schunke[*~~™], . 

m, ham; <vertel{*~~~], n, hind quarter (of 
beef); <weerts[*~~], backwards. 
hinnerdrei* || geh*["~*"], to follow closely; 
skumme[~~*~~l, to follow closely; -schlajje 
[--+*~], to beat up the rear, follow up; 
sschtolpere["~*~~~], to stumble aiter, trip. 


hinnere[*~~], pp kinnert, to hinder, prevent; 
es hinnert ihn alles, he is very touchy. G 

hinnere[*~~] =hinner re. 

hinnerlich[*~~], cumbersome, thwarting; es 
geht ihm —, he is in poor circumstances, he 
is working under some physical disability, 
he is poorly. G hinderlich. 

hinnerlosseschaft(-~*~~], f, estate of a de- 
ceased person. G Hinterlassenschait. 

hinnerm[*~] =hinner em. 

hinnerme([*~~] =hinner me. 

hinnernis|*~~}, mn, obstacle, hindrance. G 

hinners[*~] =hinner es. ; 

hinnerscht[’~], hindmost, last; ’s — ‘s ved- 

derscht, hind foremost. G hinterst. 

hinnersich, hinnerschich[*~~], backwards. G 
hinter sich. 

hinnich[{*~], after, behind, following up a 
matter. dG hinnich. 

hinnichem[*~~] =hinnich em. 

hinnichme|*~~] =hinnich me. 

hinnichre[* ~~] =hinnich re. 

hinnichs|*~] =hinnich es. 

hinnri[*~], back to a certain place. 

hinnrizus[*~~], (in) the back country, out 
back. dG hinteri+zus. 

Hiob[*~], m, Job. G Hiob. 
hiobsdroppe[~~~~], m, Job’s comfort. G 
Hiob + Tropfen. 
hitt(-], f, hut, cabin. 

hitz[-], f, heat, spell, turn. G Hitze. 

hitze[*~], pp kitzt, to heat. G hitzen, heizen. 

hitzich{*~], fervent, hot-headed, heating. G 

hitz || kopp[*~], m, hothead; -offe(*~~], m, 
eee for heating; -pocke[*~~], pl, prickly 


G Hitte. 

hiwwe[’~], on this side, over (here); —— un 

driwwe, on both sides, on either side. G 

hiwwel(*~], m, hillock, knoll. dG hiwel. G 
Hiigel, Hiibel. 

hiwwelblumm|(-~~], f, moss pink, ground pink. 
dG hiwel +G Biume. 

hiwwich{*~], variant of hiwwe, on this side. 
G hiiben. 

biwwlich{*~], hilly, undulating. G hiibelig. 

hitzus[“~}, (on the way) going. G hin +dG 

hm, ahem! humph! what? Ghm. 

Hobbertibobb(erti)[-~~*~~], _m, 
Dumpty; with a bang, headlong. 

hoch{"}, high, tall; — kumme, to be expen- 
sive. G hoch. 

hoch || achde[~~~], to respect, esteem, honor; 
zamt(~~], n, high mass; -beenich[~~~], 
fashionable, grand; -deitsch{~"], High 
German; -eibildich[*~~~], self-important, 
egoistic; -halte[*~~], to esteem highly: 
emiedich{~~~], proud, haughty, supercilious; 
smut{[~~], m, pride, haughtiness: enasich 
[+-~], haughty, uppish; -schtand[~~], ™, 


eS ES ee ae 

|< ee eile 

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oO . sawibeid loeiede a 

eatid ow [°* 
j feel seomboid oi = 

-bav 2° —~ e" 

jetstnid 2 .teometot brid jdomeb_ 

o ebiswaved a *}isidsersonid bizwanid 
fine yernid . 

2 qu ypriwoliot baided T9dts J idsinnld © 
Aainnit Ob Astism 

3 dajanit= [-~ *laeedoinnid 
on sisianist= ["~* jemuisinaid 
ot doiesid= f~*jexdoiaoid 

29 doinoiut= [*jadisianis. 

Wb sosiq. nienie> & of: toed, .j{ “fronid 

tuo ,eiiove> aged sit (ni) .|*~*jaustuinw 

Auz+iiggris wtb aload 

Jatt. del. an “Wott 

2 .olsos edol, jm ‘fo "*}eqqetbadoid 
aigat T+ doiH 

iH OD aides tus 1 pid 

assis) «nist disge Shen 3 A tstid 
.nesisd nestid D .tesd of ses aq. A” “\oxtiad 
) gretesd: bohuads sod taoytst a “Idsissid 

: yixtid 
tt. f°" *etor hendsel A “ego i; std 
viiong Ja I’**isdoog: eae ww? syots 

nu -— ;iszeri) wave bis eiflt an [°*jowwid 
) ‘sbis ig woetiis ne ,esbie dsod Ro ey 

dlood glaollid om f° *lewwid 
JsdaH s3ttH 
Anig bavotg waiq som .t ~jonculdioweid 
rca + lewis Db 
sbie eit no sweid lo ynanay ph 
‘gisdia QD .gnitelubav ,yilid [°*}doiterwid 

2 lewid Ob 

b+ ni D . .yoiog (vew 547 a0) [ “jeor it 

- es 
mai Siedwtdqmutt! mots om 
CamH wm [~****"}Gine) ‘ddodimeddol 

3oolbsod gned s dite :vigewd 

mages od 03 omnia — {lei pid ,[jdood - 
loo aia 

beta mssies Jaxjest of [~~~ lebdos i dood 
; “Isoigas¢- }e2nt dyid | * ates 
ms idoafieb= <sbnery  sidsaoidant 
ze sereccti- tise [7 *)}dpibitdie- jmemi9 
ebtigiel msstea ol |" *)sclad+ j2it8iog> 
cohmeque Gigoes bya [- * jdaibeian 
Ktizins montigued bag mn “pum 
a J°"jbamtdow § ;dziagu ‘heen! A head 


i691 sfit-to yew yet T 
rawwins ;<5e7071) gt 
baited ac “jam ; 
:21S9TIe i ytasin Bev 
tennua: ;vee do 
juo {~“jauer: ;yvow pak * ae 
.beified beavers. ~*hsathe jbaitls 

senisgs. qu jf “rebbewe ane 


Ai tealoys qu ,1no7 silt: a 
to sense ai i to%ts ,bouisd {“*} oe 
aid tnnid * ane 1883 :(gabtsers _ pi 

sinid 3 Fay in 
a i een Sie eat 
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[yak bain of ~*]°eed- ;noijsowiis ne 

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a “ie 2 :t00b a | =. 
+See. is ,bni 

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bat no [-~ * ; DA 
gobived ,} [~~ * lad: 1691 9 
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‘snavalrsncis 989 ‘ai 

; ae 

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1" “Nentan tions ioe 

Yo) yataup Bald a hinge 
 tylesols wellat of Bas 

siiatdses ; yiseols wo 


eminence; -«schtendich{[*~~], eminent; 
-schtuhl[*"], m, (baby’s) high chair. 

hochmuts || narr[~~~], m, person of either sex 
who is vain of dress; -zippel[+~~~], m, 
person of either sex who is vain of dress. 
G Hochmutszipfel. 

hochzich{*~], f, wedding. G Hochzeit. 

hochzich || blumm(*~~], f, name of a flower; 
-dak(*~"], m, wedding-day; -gleeder[*~~~], 
pl, wedding-clothes; -schmaus{*~"], m, 
wedding dinner. 

hocke[*~], pp kockt, to sit, squat, seat; sich 
—, to take a seat. G hocken. 

hode[*~], m, testicle. G Hode. 

hof["], m, yard, farm-place: zr darf mer nim- 
mi uff der — kumme. G Hof. 

hofdeerle[~~~], n, gate of a yard-fence. G 
Hof +dim of Tiir. 

hoffe[*~], pp kofft, to hope. G hoffen. 

hoffning, hoffnung[*~], f, hope, expectation; 
uff der — lewe, to hope for the best. G 

hoffnungslos[*~~], hopeless. G hoffnungslos. 

hofinungsvoll{[*~~], hopeful, sanguine. G hoff- 

Hohelied[-~"], n, Song of Solomon. G 

hott hollow; -e buhne, nothing to it. G 


hoh! || eejich[-~~], hollow-eyed; -warzel[*~™], 
f, birthwort; -wek[~"], m, sunken road, 

hohn{7], m, derision. G Hohn. 

hoi![], hoii![-~], call used in driving cattle. 
G hui, dG hoi. Cf hui. 

boi[7], n, hay (pronounced with a more open 
sound than the word above). G Heu. 

hoi || bare, -bore{[~~~], m, haymow; -fisch{*~], 
m, shark; -gawwel[*~~], f, pitchfork; 
shaufe[~**], “m,* haycock; “-léeder[~*~], f; 
hay-rack (on a wagon); zmesser[~~~], knife 
for cutting hay in the stack; -reche[~~~], 
m, hayrake; -refi[~~], n, hayrack; -ropper 
[~~ }, 10, iay-hook; * =schrecker{- ~~], mm, 
-schreck[~~], f, grasshopper; <schtali{~~], 
m, hay-shed; -schtock[~~], m, haystack; 
swajje[~~~], m, haywagon; -wisch[{~~], m, 
wisp of hay. 

hoijet{~~], f, haymaking, haying (time). dG 

hoke[“~], m, hook, scribbling, awkward 
person or horse. G Haken. 

hokebluk[*~~], m, shovel plow. G Haken- 

hokespokes[~~~~], hocus-pocus, “‘funny busi- 
ness’: — dreiwe, was fern — is des widder. 

(E and) G Hokuspokus. 

hokle[~~], pp kokelt, to catch with hooks. G 

holand(s)warzel{[*~~~], f, elecampane. G 
AlJantwurzel. Cf olanswarzel. 

hole[~~], holle[*~], pp kolt, to fetch; hol’s der 
deiwel, hol’s der schinner, actually, by 
thunder, sure as fate. G holen. 

Hollenner[*~~], m; er is gschprunge wie en 
—, he ran like the devil. G Hollander. 

(The expression doubtless originated from 
der fliegende Hollander. 

holler{*~], m, elder; schwarzer —, American 
elder; roter —, red-berried elder; zahmer 
—, European elder. G Holder, Holunder. 

holler || beer[*~"], f, elderberry; -bichs[-~~|, 
f, popgun (made by removing the pith 
from an elder stem); <blieh[*~ ], f, elder- 
bloom; -flint[*~~], f, popgun. 

hollerboller[*~~~], helter-skelter. G hoiter- 

hollox[*~], m, Old Nick, bogieman: der —— 
grickt dich (to deter children). Cf hullux. 

hols[“}], n, wood; — bschlajje, to hew logs. 
G Holz. 

hols || appel[*~~], m, crab-apple; =-blatz{*~], 
m, place for chopping wood; zbock[*~], m, 
saw-buck; -eppeli[*~~™~], n, wild (ungrafted) 
apple; -esch{*~], f, wood ashes; -feier(* ~~], 
n, wood-fire; -feil[*"], f, rasp; -faran[*~ "J, 
-fare|*-~], m, sweet fern; ehacker{’~~], m, 
woodchopper; zhaufe[*~~], m, woodpile; 
sheisel(~~~], mn, woodshed; -kaerbs/*~], 
f, winter crookneck squash; -kischt{~~], f, 
woodchest; -kohle[*~~], pl, charcoal; -kopp 
{*~], m, blockhead; -land[{*~], n, woodland; 
-offe[*~~], m, wood-burning stove; -ros 
{*"], n, hollyhock, rose of Sharon; -zsaek 
{*"], f, woodsaw; zschlack[*~], m, patch of 
woods where the timber has been cut 
down and young timber is’ growing; 
-schlejjel[*~~], m, maul; -schneider[* ~~], 
m, wood-carver; -schopp[*~], m, woodshed; 
-schraub[* "|, f, wooden screw; -wajje[*~~], 
m, wagon with side-ladders (for hauling 
wood); -wek[*"], m, road through a forest 
(for hauling wood); der — nausgange, 
gone up the flue, disappeared; -zappe[*~~], 
m, wooden stake, wooden peg. 

holsich{*~], woody. . G holzig. 

holskohlebrenner|[*~~~~], m, charcoal burner. 
G Holzkohlenbrenner. 

hommobadisch[~~*~], homeopathic. G _ ho- 

hoor[], f, hair; es hott em ken — gedu‘, he 
suffered not the slightest harm. G Haar. 

hoor[7]; -ner, -ni, -nes, (of) hair. G haaren. 

hoor || berscht[-~], f, hair-brush; -band{~~], 
n, hair-ribbon; -breeding[~~~], f, hair’s- 
breadth; -dicking|~~~], f, hair’s-breadth; 
zgnapps([~~], close, to a hair; -netz{~~], n, 
hair net; -scharf[~~], very exact, very 
prompt; -schmier[~ "|, f, pomade; -schpell 
{-~], f, hairpin; -schwans[*~], m, queue, 
pigtail; -weerwel[~~~], m, cow-lick. 

hoorich{*~], hairy, hoary, old (of a joke). G 

hopp["], f, pl! hoppe (in which form it nearly 
always occurs), hop; wilde -e, clematis. 
G Hopfen. 

hopp, hopp, hopp["], imitating the rapid move- 
ment of riding. G hopp. 

hoppe || glee[*~ ~], m, yellow hop clover, yellow 
trefoil; -hols[*~~], n, hop hornbeam; 

_ sschtang[*~~], f, hop-pole. 

hoppelj’~}, f, hopple. G hoppeln. 

ed voy peer 

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= J x 

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| jog. nieriganetr | 
~- rab tnamoigad sit BIO ym f-pnitie tie of rao0d @ 
cauited YD) A pak ae | wr ne bes 

2301 wad ai tes _ 

i *}ebalde 
aon ori ag 
(boviargey) bine ad ron 

by “)rsiet: saorles boow .t )** pean 
“"*inSist= igess ,) [ “hist rng ao. 
an f° "*hedoads pas} toowe oe fo" *} 
taint tboow _htt fo" tun: ; ogi 
| *jed1sae .:badaboow 2 f-” “}iested 
i [°~)rdoehl..:deeupe vdoondoow winiw 
quod: ;lsovteris iq {°~ "jsided> ;jesdoboow 
thbnalboow ,o..{° “}baad- ,besdioold ya I 
eor jwvole yaunud-boow aC a 
dene: jno1sic lo seot shoodyl iod it t +a 
to dota wn. f “jdonidoe-. yurse 
tu assd esd yadenid ods i eS 
remiwoig -et tsdmit pavoy. bas _awob 
J" *hrebisadom sive mn .[~*}siteldoa= 
“b ofebcow ti {-*leqosdoes s1owiss-hoow in 
a “letiar- Welne nsboow S J “lduaiise 
ned 33) asbbel-sbie asthe nogew .m 
ono} & fguonds bsor im Sf *blews :(boov 
onnegeuen —= Iep i(hoow pailiuad wl) 
i  “leaqqes: ; bs s1e3q 4s ceib uh sit gu enog 
3d treboow uate neboow 
ixlad OD ovhoow f"jaaialod } 
erwed Sdtiain tt ene heanswelioszied stint | ~*hezeeam 3 (nogew 
- sennenrdesldodstall 2 o~jedser ;Joete ‘ot Panty : 
of > .sitisqoomed [""jdssibideauaod tegqot ida J] *]tem rode 
Asetlsnqodan 42 ~++hpoaosrdoas ail. tm 
od ahs ee ee sued Fo Lo* iletdizes 779gC 
5H <) R 7 tesisigife six don bonus dase se wn > ij ae " 
ns er - siéd (to) 20n-'|in- nen- Th on J “lsheiwe jnogewy or os 
i-*)baad> :deuviied 7 § “itdowtand | rood 
2 ot 3) fr] ne ‘naddiied 9 . Ob (omit) anived sawabaaie 

i ¥ 
a SY ; 5 Food 
5 : 2 chs 
1m re oe 
' Ly uk — 9b ae, hivep 

a ery — 
ae onions Oy aes 
_ “ll . ‘ 


Hibasid-s tied *~“lenitoib>  disbssid 
¥ t *jstems isin 4 oF Beols i *laqquags iiewtaes .gnilddixe — 
et 12579 i *}tandoe- ston ticd | 

lisadtoes we toe ha *|rsimuioz: ers -teisHi oO .wolg 
usu WT Migr pom :s i. : . 

toil-wos .t J” * Pewisew: a . 4eud yohul" guseq-eused f° 
2 feo) 40) blo sised voied - Aebbiw.eab 2i — arshasw 2 

ylissn 3i erot doktw ni) sqren ; i gon 
.aiterrslo > abliw ried sauaso eyswls 

7 F (eaed aed, 2 
“SV tlt DIGS S 7 eee P od ,qqod - fas 
qqed 2 teag snema 7 

wolisy sevolo aod wots m “= *jeals | eqgod. vdlav 
imesiriod god ft > talode ;hiotsas ~ : 

hopple[*~], pp koppelt, to hopple. G hoppeln. 

hopplich{*~], hobbly, jerkily. G hoppeln. 

hoschdes[*~] =hoscht du es, have you got it? 
G hast du es. 

hoss!{~], giddap (nursery rhyme). 

hosse{*~], pl, pantaloons, trousers; sie hott 
di — 4°, she wears the breeches. G Hosen. 

hosse || bee“[*~"], n, trousers leg; -blumm 
i°~“], f, Dutchman’s breeches; -draejer 
{*~"~], pl, suspenders; -gnopp{*~~], m, 
trousers button; -latz[*~~], m, fly (of trou- 
sers); -sack(*~~], m, trousers pocket; 
-schisser[*~~~], m, shit-breech, precocious 
youngster; -schittler[*~~~], m, hoe-down; 
-schnall(*~~], f, buckle of trousers; <sitz 
~~~], m, seat of trousers. 

hossle[*~], pp kosselt, to raffle. 

host["], f, host. G Hostie. 

hott [~], gee (call to horses). G hott. 

hottrum|[*~], call to horses to turn about to 

the right. G hott +herum. 
hotzele[*~~], pp kotzelt, to handle, grapple 
with. G hotzen. 
howwe[*~], up; do —, up here. G hoben. 
howwell*~], f, plane. G Hobel. 
howwel |! bank[*~~], f, carpenter’s bench; 

veise|*}, 0,. plane bit;..-schpa |” “}, m, 

howwle[*~], pp kowwelt, to plane. G hobeln. 

pe exclamation of disgust or shivering. 


hubbere, hobbere[*~~], pp kubbert, to jolt in 
passing over a rough surface. G hiipfern. 

huddel[*~], m, rag, tatter, fragment, tangle 
(in hair), a person or a horse that works in 
a rapid and unsatisfactory manner, hurry; 
was is dei —, what’s your hurry? G 

huddel || lumpe[*~~~], m, wet rag used in 
cleaning an oven; -schtroh!*~ 7], n, tangled 
straw as it comes from the thresher; -wese 
fro, n, tangled” affair. “-wisch|’>-]}, m, 
wet rag used in cleaning an oven, hasty 
and unreliable person or horse. 

huddie[*~], pp kuddeit, to work in a hasty 
and unsatisfactory manner, huddle, walk 
too fast (of horses), extinguish live coals 
and sweep up ashes in an oven; driwwer 
naus —, to do (something) hastily and 
carelessly. G hudeln. 

huddlerei{-~“], f, working in an overhasty 

manner, confusion. G Hudelei. 

huddlich[*~], overhasty, careless, confused. 
Adj from huddle. 

huder{~~], rap, snap; ich gebb ken — drum, 
I don’t care a rap about it. dG huder, 
originally same as Hudel. Cf huddel. 

huf{"], m, hoof. G Huf. 

hufe[*~], pp kuft, to back up (of horses), 
cause to back; huf! back up! G hufen. 

buf["] || huff |! eise[*~~], n, horseshoe; en — 
verliere, to have a child out of wedlock; 
zhoor{[~"], pl, fetlock; -messer[~~~], n, 
farrier’s knife; -najjel{~~~], m, horseshoe- 
nail; -schmitt{[~~], m, horse-shoer. 

hu~hu*[~*], yes. 

huil["~] =hoi, call used in driving cattle 
(although this form is mostly used in 
driving a single head). Variant of hot. 

hui[*~], nice; varne — un hinne fui, appear- 
ances are deceptive. G hui. 

hullux, hullox[*~], hullu[*"], m, Old Nick, 
bogieman; der —!, the deuce! der — 
grickt dich, the bogieman will get you; 
hullu! sick ’em, go it! (in urging a dog). 

hulpre(*~], pp kulpert, te move in a jolting 
or uneven manner. G holpern. 

hulprich[*~], uneven, rough. G holprig. 

hummel, hummler(’~], m, bumblebee. G 

hummelnescht[*~], n, bumblebees’ nest. G 
Hummel +Nest. 

hund[~}], m, dog; uff der — kumme, to go to 
the dogs, be put on the bum; kummt mer 
iwwer der —, so kummt mer iwwer der 
schwans, we have overcome the main 
difficulty, the rest is but a trifle. G Hund. 

hundisch{*~], doggish. G hiindisch. 

hundel, hundlij*~], n, pup, little dog. Dims of 
G Hund. 

hundstrumpel[*~-]HLF, f, a mere nothing, 
rap. G Hund+dG trumbel =a trifle. 

hunger[*~], m, hunger. G Hunger. 

hungere[*~~!, pp kungert, to famish, hunger. 
G hungern. 

hungersnot[*~ ], f, hunger, famine. G Hun- 

hungrich{*~], hungry. G hungrig. 

hunne{*~], down (here), downstairs. G hun- 


hunnemol[*~*], surely. 

hunnert[*~], hundred; en — johr, a century. 
G hundert, dG hunnert. 

hunnert | dausend[’~*~], hundred thousand; 
zjaehrich[*~~~], centennial; -weis{*~], by 

hunnertscht{*~}], hundredth. G hundertst. 

hunnich{*~], m, honey. G Honig. 

hunnich || appel[*~~~], m, species of apple; 
-brot[*~"], n, ginger bread; -kuche[*~~~], m, 
ginger bread; -siess[*~ 7], sweet as honey; 
<suckel[*~~~], honeysuckle; -vojjel{f*~~~], 
humming bird; -wasser[*~~~], n, hydromel. 

huns || blumm([*‘~], f, butter-and-eggs, toad- 
flax; -bohne, -buhne[* ~~], pl, nonsense; -dak 
[*"], m, dog-day; -dratt[*~], m, dog-trot; 
-dreck[*~], m, dog excrement, trifie: alle 
—; -fett{*~], n, dog’s fat; -fotz[*~], f, rap; 
ich gebb ken — drum, I don’t care a rap 
about it; -granket[*~~], f, distemper; -gras 
[°"], n, couch grass, quitch grass; -graut 
{*"], mn, spreading dogbane; -hols{’~], 1, 
dogwood; -iwwel[*~~], very miserably; 

_ zkopp{*~], m, dog’s head, dog’s skull; -leis 
[*7], pl, enchanter’s nightshade; -lewe[*~~], 
n, dog’s life, miserable life; -rick(*~], m, 
ridge, foothill; -(H-)schtern[*~], f, Dog- 
star; -schtall[*~], m, (dog-)kennel; -wese 
{--~], mn, detestable affair; -wetter{*~~ 


& gnig 
grislot & Al evor = aaa a aq 
| aires yeas i 
0 sadsidenud an od ‘ ad ae 

st (rit 

D .seath “easdsldmnud: 40 {::jedoensiomand, 

of og oF >,srremn— sob Ths efit 
iim Imimus jraud ad? no a 
wb Isewi tam Jetnod oF tb —_— 
cig sii samiesesve sea ow answisa 
bau OD .effd 2 gud ettest sds .viluomib 
inaibatid 2 .deiggob {*“|doeibasd 
lo ami -gob aissit ,quq tf" ‘libasd Jobnud 
-barl 2. 
“ymidton stem 2 J (ETH “egeumebard 
efit 6= lodras1t Dba bavi «) .qa@ 
segadH & sagoud en ¥ “*hegayd 
jeynud , leis} of hsyanal qe .f “jerogard 

-o#hl <) sotual : Salatebndt jt [ *" jtentregnil 

‘ gngevd 3 apaeed 1 “hiikgasd 

-nurtt 2) SUAeneOD fsied) awob | “jemand 

ein Sfeaue .~fomenned 
mujoss 6 torAns sietbnud "ism 

diestedt Ob Trebad o 
thbneesors basbaud J ‘nsauad | mennyed 
yo_,f— “lelswe dilagedinte ad” * “jetoridieat= 


Janobaud D , <dtberbaud J°*pdoermanad 
wach D .ysadd mj “jdat 
dc *}Heaqgs | doigand 
jhastd y9perg 
~* “Hgdoues 

305 do asinsge am 
rm ic ~"Iedouds ;brexd-weyrig af” 
fe seed “8 Iggwa fo “eeetee 

“jlatiore sueyenod r 
ismorbgl md ~* yeeaairs bud aes 

“3 eagebas- 1oitud 2 i “bald fi 
sab. -oenseton lq. [-* Shenae endods; a 3 
Jom-poh a J” *}s3a%b- :veb-gob 2 4 
slic caRiny Jeemezxs poo ne. [*} 
(952.1. J° “[stots s2a)-a'gob nf *piek = 
ot 6 stso 2 pob 1 ymuibh — ned ddag foi 

dwt ye taeerg Motiup ests fouos of 
" a jalod: saad ynibesua 
vides ev. [C""Tisweie «boo 
tik: --ihute pe on been e' gob ,m . *igqoale © 
pL winnie aderiyin e*yssnsrions dg f°} 
jalatts :atii sidavgeire ,olil 
oa tn ‘igreidosa(~H)e ilidsoat agbia 
n296> Sie pees om f° *Vilatdogs 
i “jettew: piste soldasss7ab on 

spugrind- adore 

aitgy risqmsieib 2 [f° ~*jredaerge 411 ‘eto fe Nas 

nt ‘de 
m Thee tid Sa 
.tisdod D .omalq at pn aa 
aanacita..p.dauyeid to 

ni slo} oF gre peniinas I 
anslaid & 19¥0 % 
alyass Se ete .Bét (m “its ao 
ni edoow Jedd servod & 10. § {Us 

mam i>" Tiehs 
vVieod ,nsvo ag gringsl> ai _ a iow 
, 105 ie 
mt 240 os , 

aor ‘stbbud ‘saben feitreny 
glace svil deiugnitxe eazred ta) ent ibe: 

; gadis vi Beeson my > Fg " 

ws * afsbud O- es nas 

f gm Yh 
ee ee ate hy 
-bsaulana asclstso , sited ne any 
pa oa ae sa aye 

n, very bad weather; -zung(*~], f, rattle- 
snake weed; houndstongue. 
hunsfotzegraut[*~~~], n, hyoscyamus. 
hunsglett(*~], f, cocklebur; gleeni —, common 
hunsich[*~], debilitated, miserable. G hund- 


hup-di-duden-du[*~"~*], nursery term (used 
in riding a child on the knee.) 

hupse[‘~], pp kupst, tohop, jump. G hupsen. 

hupsgrott(*~], f, toad. G hupsen +4srote. 

hur["], f, whore. G Hure. 

hure{~~], pp kurt, to fornicate. G huren. 

hure || bull[*~~], m, whoremonger; -haus 
[“~"], n, brothel; -hengscht(~~~}, m, whore- 
monger; -kind(*~~], n, bastard; snescht 
[+~~], n, brothel, dive. 

hurerei{”~*], f, whoring. G Hurerei. 

hurrah{~*], hurrah. G hurrah. 

Ata Pelt kurraht, to hurrah. G hurra- 


huschde[~~], pp kuscht, to cough. G husten. 

huschde[~~], m, cough. G Husten. 

huss[‘], call used in driving pigs: — sau. G 

hut["], m, pl hiet, hat; in der — bete, to say 
a silent praver after taking one’s seat in 
church. G Hut. 

hut || band[*~], n, hatband; zmacher{~~~], m, 
hatter; -ranft[“~], m, brim of a hat; 
-zucker[~ ~~], m, loaf-sugar. 

hutsch[j, hutschel, hutschli[*~], hutschelche 
[--~], npeolt; toalxodG hutsch. 

hutschefuss[*~~], m, coltsfoot. Tr from E 

hutschle[*~], pp kutschelt, to whinny. Verb 
from hutsch. 

hutzel[*~], f, dried peach; hutzle, dried fruit: 
en alti —, a wrinkled old woman. 

hutzlich[*~}], wrinkled, shriveled; es guckt 
— aus, things look desperate. G hutzlig. 


ich[-], I. G ich. : 

iebing[~~], f, practice. G Ubung. 

iedrich[*~], m, cud (of ruminants), first 
stomach (of cattle); der — verliere, to be 
unable to chew the cud (of cattle). dG 
idrig. . 

iedriche{“~~], pp geiedricht, to chew the cud. 
dG idrige. 

iem{7], f, bee. 

ieme | brot(~~7], 1, beebread; -brud{*~"], f, 
brood of bees just hatching; -fresser[~~~~], 
m, bee-eater; zkarb(~~~], m, beehive; -ros 

-schtand[~ ~~], m, 

, m, anthill; -nescht 
{[~~tyerapcanthill; -pad([~~~~], m, track ot 
ants in grass. 

i i ii a aan aaa rey OIE Re Ee Pe eh ee Lee he oe A ee 

iems[7], ims{"], m, meal. dG imbs, G Imbiss. 

iemszeit[*~], imszeit[’"], f, mealtime. dG 
imbs +G Zeit. 

iewe[~~], pp geicbt, to exercise, try especially 
to do; sich —, to retch. G iiben. 

igel[“~], m, porcupine. G Igel. 

ihm{"], em[*], (to) him. G ihm. 

ihn{"], en{], him. G ihn. 

ihne{-~], ne[~], (to) them. G ihnen. 

ihr["j, her(adj). G ihr. 

ihre|~~], re{“], to her. G ihr. 

ihrem{~~], (to) her (adj.). G ihrem. 

ihrer, ihri, ihres{~~], hers(pr). G ihrer. 

ihresgleiche{~~~~], like her, of her kind. G 

ihrze[~~], pp geihrzt, to address a person 
with the pronoun ihr. G ihrzen. 

ija{*], yes, why yes (pleasant assent). G 


im[-] =in em, inthe. Gim. 

imber(*~], m, ginger. G Ingwer. 

imbiss{*~], m, light lunch. G Imbiss. 

imme([*~] =in me, ina. Gin einem. 

immer[’~], always, ever; ——_un ewich, for 
ever and ever; — un ewich net, never in 
the world. G immer. 

immer || fart(*~~], always, everlastingly ; -meh~* 
[-~~], more and more; ewaehrend|*~ ~~], ever- 
lasting, perpetual. 

imschtand{~<“], able to, reckless enough to. 
G imstande. 

in[’], in, into, at. Gin. 

indigo[*~~], m, indigo. G Indigo. 

indressant[’~<], interesting. G interessant. 

indresse[*~~], f, interest. G Interesse. 

indressiert|-~*], interested. G interessiert. 

inem{’~] =in ihm, in him. G in ihm. 

inenanner[*~~~], in(to) one another, in(to) 

each other; — drin, tangled. G inei- 

inenannermache|*~~~~~ ], pp inenannerge- 
macht, to put or fit together. G ineinander 

infam(t){-*], confounded(ly), low-down: es is 
— kalt, verdollt infamt perseenlich (2H). 

G infam. 

ingeweid[*~~], n, entrails, viscera. G Einge- 

inhalt{*~], m, content{s). G Inhalt. 

inne|’~], inside, within. G inne. 
inne[‘’] =in ihne, in them. G in ihnen. 
inner(’~], inner. G inner. 
inner(|*~], within (prep). 
inneraus|*~"], i 
innerlich[*~~], internal. G innerlich. 
innerme(‘~~] =inner me, within a. 
innerscht[*~], innermost. G innerst. 
innewerre|’~~~], pp innewerre, to learn, find 

G inner. 
from within. G innen+her- 

G inner 

out. G innewerden. 
inre{*~] =in re, ina. G in einer. 
ins{"] =in es, into a. G ins. 

inschdrument|’~*], n, instrument. G Instru- 



wae oy C5 
asi O iecuane 
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nceng £ are oF, 

+. : 
we, , 

oi nwongxy sds 4 
Petite gerd roan - ‘eihw fd aa 

anid cot ak oe is | -srtud O NAT WE 
aswel D orognig ym i” 
seidonl QD toa! Sigil nf lesida “nstand D ftaudo of - 
wonis ni O .8- flan als [* "|e eRe OD 
wl tons ne =~ je eyowls [ecm (Douce — :agiq 
ai yevon ,jen dores nu ~~ sx9v9 bog 26 
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* dont: ; yignveahove avewls {-~*}r8d i tome poets a'anio goidss 493 

he ")basrrisews son bite $3007, ae F f 2 : eit 
““fedoem: 7 bngdin i 
cok ae mind ym nes 

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22 fguoag wwidIer 403-- olds. a es agi 

a -sbasigmi 1) oe ok “zr i" " 
iD 36 etn it Pah “ eilaledonted } i lt ldo: 
Sgibnl oO -agibai ffl, °° Joxtbat ' feta: 

snwasoini «) .ynisensiai {) “limazestbol 3 mei xf .toolsilos 
sensicl D .jtevtsini .¥ [°~*)eeestbal 
Naieensini 2 -bosesr93ni. ah “}sigeotbal 
sedi nix} wid ni sdisticge= Fle 
{ot)m: ,wlt0ns sno fosint ["““psetensal. wit bsith alstud ashes 
tani ~)  .bakgsiet ink “itso toes 2 .namow blo balinnw B. — 

-.. bran 
wennacont qq —*r™ ‘jedsacrsansneait tinvg 29 :belovinde jbaliahw . 
wheniontO tstltegod 38 Wo 6G Lif seo gisind 2D -shésequab, dool ae aus — 
Si s8+ ; 

ei é9 cawob-wol (yi)bebavoinas [*"\@)enfial 
(Ha) doilnsse sg infin toby ial — 
msini 2 
-930id 2) posit elistins ft d°” *jbiewsgat yaudd D Fe ae yo 
sbliow tein (etnsnim: to) ieee wa f+] 
jloinl O f2)iaetne Jim it *}thedtat od 01 ‘sisitasy — ab ;{si2te0. lo) 
srni O  .middiw shins + oat Yb _.{ 913349: to) bya oft wedo oF 
Mmadinai OD .a«mett-ni jodi nia 
Jenni OD senna [*hsant .by> oly watls o3 ddoinbeisg qq pee 
seani  4qstq) nidviw {**heant 
sd+nonnat OD -niitiw mot) 4° jeusranai 

Avihensi 3 Asarssni {~Wdolireans 
wan OO .6 niitiw am IsHti= — 

Jeenmi ©) seomtsani nee ait 

baa ret Oo} ,sitiwatni gg J ** sterrerwosni £ . 

obigwenni 2) tuo Ob pian k itis t e le 

jones oO 6 tl 9 mre [ “lout ~ ; 

ai .£ 0M 2s nie fleni tdoesa: ‘Hide. 

oe OD nsmunveni .a d'°"Paemusbeoeal 6 dome in ~* 
Jem — 



inschlich{*™], n, tallow. dG inschlich(t). 

inschlichlicht[*~~], n, tallow candle. dG 
_ inschlich +G Licht. 
inschtandich, inschtandlich{’*~], instantly. 

G instandig. 

insekt({*~}, n, insect. G Insekt. 

insel[*~], f, island. G Insel. 

inwennich|* ~*~], inside. G inwendig. 

inzwee[~~], in two, in pieces. G in zwei, 

inzwee || breche[“*~~], to break in two; -falle 
Pr}, to fall apart; «schlajje[-*~*~],t0 
break to pieces. 

inzwische[~~*~], in between. G inzwischen. 

irrehaus{*~"],n,insaneasylum. G Irrenhaus. 

Israel[* ~~], m, kinner, children of Israel. G 
Isrel{*~}, m, Israel (given name). G Israel. 

iwwel[*~], evil, bad, calamitous, nauseated; 
es is mer —, I am sick at the stomach; 
— nemme, to take offence; — odder wohl, 
willy-nilly; gucke, to look bad. G iibel. 
iwwel || daeder[*~~~], m, evildoer; -geruch 

f=ar"an, bad odorssguckich[*~="];, ofca 
bad color, evil-looking; -woile[*~~~], n, 

iwwele[*~~], pp geiwwelt, to nauseate, sicken. 
G iibeln. 

iwwelich[*~~], mauseated, nauseating. Adj 
from iwwele. 

iwwelscht[*~], worst. G tibelst. 

iwwer[*~], over, past, again, above, during, 
while; — kopp un ohre, head over heels; 
ee” mol -s anner, again and again; — un 
—, repeatedly; wr is bees — mich, he is 

angry with me. G iber. 

iwwer-(°~], separable and inseparable prefix 
of verbs. G iiber-. 

iwwerall[*~~], iwwerallich[*~~~], everywhere. 
G iberall. 

iwweraus[ ~~], exceedingly, very; (adj) very 
fine; -e grumbeere, very fine potatoes; 
en -i scheeni fra, a very pretty woman. 
G iiberaus. 

iwwerberrjer(’~~~], m, person living on the 
other side of the Blue Mountain. Giiber+ 

iwwerbaue[*~ ~~], pp iwwergebaut, to rebuild. 
G iiberbauen. 

iwwerbeenich[*~ ~~], 

iwwerbiete[-~~~], pp iwwerbotte, to outbid, 
overbid. G tiberbieten. 

iwwerbinne([*~~~], pp iwwergebunne, to tie 
over; [~~*~]} pp iwwerbunne, to hold 
(under bond or bail). G uiberbinden. 

iwwerbleibsel[*~~~], n, remainder, remnant. 
G Uberbleibsel. 

iwwerbrenne[*~~~], pp iwwergebrennt, to 
burn underbrush or weeds from a tract. 
G iberbrennen. 

iwwerdeck|*~~], f, 


iwwerdecke[*~~~], pp iwwergedeckt, to spread 
(something) over; [-~*~], pp iwwerdeckt, to 
put a roof on. G tiberdecken. 

criss-cross. G iiber+ 

coverlet, bed-quilt. G 

iwwerdem|*~*], soon, presently, in a moment, 
just then, nearly. G tiberdem. 

iwwerdenke|*~~~], pp iwwergedenkt, to think 
over, ponder. G tiberdenken. 

iwwerdrachde[-~*~], pp iwwerdracht, to con- 
sider, examine. G tiber+trachten. 

iwwerdraje[*~~~], pp iwwergedraje, to carry 
over, transfer. G iibertragen. 

iwwerdrede[~ ~~~], pp iwwerdrede, to trespass, 
infringe. G iibertreten. 

iwwerdreder[“~~~], m, offender, transgressor. 

G Ubertreter. 

iwwerdreffe[-~*~], pp iwwerdroffe, to surpass, 
excel. G iibertreffen. 

iwwerdreiwe[-~*~], pp iwwerdriwwe, to over- 
do, exaggerate. G tibertreiben. 

iwwerdrissich[*~~~], disgusted, weary. G 
iwwerdu“(*~"], pp iwwergedu’, to do over, 

put on (the stove) to boil; 
du’, to overdo; sich —, to over-exert one- 
self. G iibertun. 

iwwerecks[*~~], oblique, silly, foolish, awk- 
ward. dG iwwerricks. 

iwwerecksich[*~~~], contrary. dG iwwerick- 

iwwereensrauskumme[~~*~~~], pp (same), to 
be in agreement, tally. G iiberein (heraus) 

iwwereensschtimme[’~*~~], pp iwwereens- 
gschtimmt, to agree. G tibereinstimmen. 

iwwereiling[-~~~], f, (mistake made through) 
overhaste. G Ubereilung. 

iwwereilt[-~“], hasty. G iibereilt. 

iwwerei*schtimme[~~-“~], pp iwwerei’- 
gschtimmt, to concur, harmonize, coincide. 
G tibereinstimmen. 


iwwer(e)nanner|*~~~~], one above (over, on 
top of) another. G tibereinander. 

iwwerenannerfalle[*~~~~~~], pp iwwerenan- 
nergfalle, to fall over each other. G 

iwwerfalle[-~*~], pp iwwerialle, to surprise. 
G iiberfallen. 

iwwerfiehre[~~~~], iwwerfiehrt, to convict. G 

G iberfliissig. 

iwwerfiuss[*~~], m, abundance, plenty, sur- 
plus, superabundance. G Uberfluss. 

iwwertfresse[~~*~], pp iwwertresse, sich, to eat 
too much (of animals). G wberfressen. 

iwwergelernt(*~~~], crack-brained. G uber + 

iwwergenunk[*~~~], more than enough. G 

iwwergewwe|~*~], pp iwwergewwe, to hand 
over, cede, assign, commit; sich —, to 
surrender. G tibergeben. 

iwwergewicht[’~~~], n, preponderance, over- 

[~"], pp iwwer- 

consistent. G 

abundant, superfluous. 

weight. G Ubergewicht. 
iwwergiesse(’ ~~~], pp iwwergegosse, to cast 
over; [~~*~], pp iwwergosse, to suffuse. 

G iibergiessen. 




Wei at bataw wi 

ers> 08 

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o3 ,(semaz). aq . £5 pamutumanosit ee eA zit pre of Seieiyea | P 
usted) nistdd 2 int ,dhomeasten oj 

s2nssiswel aq {-*"jomminioeanssrewat eae Se eee eee 

nenrmitenisied’® SITS 9 Ammittneg wlads OF 
(dguowls shen séstein) i sae ‘Yanifiste wet aniiul “Svede bE esq 

gouliosd SO Sfaaiie7o ‘elsod 1570 basd sto 

“Vaasa 2 panei tion “Hieiswei i 

iotswwi BG jus jormimaiidsa” jsowwi 
sbionios oxinograsd swonod OF immisd 

ergerstit! Hantetisdll 

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Siinemmiseniswed is 
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viabnenistsdo ~ si ioas qo3 Sgt ibesaxy (hemwewl has 
-Nonereweh a9 -->~ "= oilaheamanstawat esotatog said vey .swednirg a jenk - 
~) netic dua awo si .ot, ollatgua ‘nemow yile1q sv & ol Finger ent, 3 
.oolishsbnadisndd eupisdit ; 
sixjine 0? ,slishswwi aq i’**“jslisnhewwt oft no gnivil noe m fr" “hstnediewer 

salistiads. 2 + 1348 2 pt Faron sult afl} to abie i = oe 

) .tofvn0302 Nidsihewwi J “"“jsidsihewel ye 
. asuiiiedt blivds1 of juadsqrswwi qq [""* : 

svoulsesqaa Inebauda cas | 

eae SiesGinedd O +10dt D .eorrehs f°" 
“me .vinelq »onebauds .m_-~ *jeguittewwi ALS 
Bats ttt: wlJ «) onsbaudstsque euig wbidsuo of ,stiodewwi 
ss Ot tidia , t*~™ 
_ racer ‘Lddteion to) doum cos ai? 08 ,oanudsyiowwh ad 
> vedi boaiend-alarna 4°" mach soa aa 

sunsyiedB - 

Dera ag SRW SEIIW HI 4G J‘ owwenrowert of pare 
oF ~= dole phienmos  itgieen oleo 19v0 .t2e73 6 

asdsgiedi )  stebaonys we A ee 
“Iw0 onssbnogeng a lie: o Hiup-bod gehavor 2 

adoiwogted’ oO Sigioe iets, 
25 OF seoyeEIsew! Qq i Sema we 
uhye of eomeew aq [“] yieve” ~ OF. 

Reet gindi OD 


Fe SOT ROD Le RT OR EET ge) ae ae tee 

iwwergrabsche[~~*~], pp iwwergrabscht, sich, 
to retain an undue proportion. G iiber + 

iwwergratze[*~~~], pp iwwergegratzt, to 
scratch over. G tiber+kratzen. 

iwwergreife[“~-~], pp iwwergriffe, sich, to 
overreach oneself. G thorgrcifen. 

iwwergscheit[* ~~], conceited. G iiber+ge- 

iwwergucke[*~~~], pp iwwergeguckt, to look 
over; [“~*~], pp iwwerguckt, to overlook. 
G tiber +gucken. 

nba oy gewinne, to gain the upper 

and; —- nemme, to overrun, become pre- 
ponlerant di — hawwe, to have the upper 
and. G tiberhand. 

iwwerhapt{[~~~], in general, in lump quantity, 
by the lot. G iitberhaupt. 

iwwerheere[~~~~], pp iwwerheert, to overhear. 
G tiberhéren. 

iwwerheifle[-~~~], pp twwerheifelt, to over- 
whelm with. G iberhaufen. 

iwwerhewe[~~-~], pp iwwerhowe, sich, to 
injure oneself by lifting too much, presume. 
G iiberheben. 

iwwerhitze[*~~~], pp iwwerkitzt, to heat over; 
[~*~], pp iwwerhitzt, to overheat; sich —, 
to become overheated. G tiberhitzen. 

iwwerhole[-~*~], pp iwwerholt, to catch up 
with, repeat. G tiberholen. d 

iwwerhosse[*~~~], pl, overalls. G Uberhosen. 

iwwerhuppe[~*~], pp iwwerhuppt, to skip, 
pass by, omit. G tiberhiipfen. 

iwwerkoche[*~~~], pp iwwergekocht, to boil 
over. G tiberkochen. 

iwwerkumme[~~*~], pp iwwerkumme, to con- 
quer, overcome, prevail. Trof E overcome. 

iwwerlade[*~ ~~], pp iwwergelade, to load over; 
{(“~-~], pp iwwerlade, to overload, surfeit. 
G iiberladen. 

iwwerlafe[*~~~], pp iwwergeloffe, to run over; 
{-~*~], pp iwwerloffe, to give a feeling of, 
chill. G iiberlaufen. 

iwwerleje[*~~~], pp iwwergelekt, to postpone; 
[--*~], pp iwwerlekt, to consider, ponder. 
G tiberlegen. 

iwwerleschdich[*~~~], troublesome. G iiber- 
iwwerletzich[*~~~], here and there; — 

schtofft, remnants. Cf ee letzich. 
iwwerlewe(*~ ~~], pp iwwergelebt, to live over 
again; [~*~], pp iwwerlebt, to.outlive. G 
were[“~">~~ ], pp iwwerliefert, 
hand over. G iiberliefern. 
iwwerlosse[’~*~], pp iwwerlosse, to entrust, 
relinquish. G iiberlassen. 
iwwerm|*~ | =iwwer em. 
iwwermache(* ~~~] pp iwwergemacht, to make 
over, repeat; [~~*~], pp iwwermacht, to 
transfer. G tibermachen..- 
iwwermaessich[* cre ‘} extravagant. 

iwwerliffere, iwwerliw- 
to deliver, 

day after tomorrow. G 

G iiber-— 

Pennsylvania-German Dictionary 87 

iwwerme[*~~] =iwwer me. 


iwwern[’~] =iwwer en. 

iwwernacht[~~*], overnight. G tibernacht. 

iwwernaehe[*~~~], pp iwwergenacht, to sew 
over again. G tibernahen. 

iwwernannernei~[~~~~*], in confusion, pell- 
mell. G iibereinander +hinein. 

iwwernemme[*~~~], pp iwwergenumme, to 
take upon one’s self, take over; [“~*™], pp 
iwwernumme, to undertake, take charge of, 
take advantage of, overtake. G_ tiber- 

iwwerpacke[*~~~], pp iwwergepackt, to pack 
over. G iiberpacken. 

iwwerre[*~~] =iwwer re. 

iwwerrasche[~~*~], pp iwwerrascht, to sur- 
prise, come upon suddenly. G_ tiber- 

iwwerrechle[~~*~], pp iwwerrechelt, sich, to 
make one’s computation too high. G 

iwwerrescht{[*~~], m, remainder, remnant. G 

iwwerrock[*~~], m, overcoat. G Uberrock. 

iwwerrumple[~~*~], pp iwwerrumpelt, to take 
by surprise. G tberrumpeln. 

iwwers[*~] =iwwer es. 

iwwersaufe[-~-~], pp iwwersoffe, sich, to 
drink too much. G tibersaufen. 

iwwerschaffe[*~~~], pp iwwergschafit, to do 
over. G iiber+dG schaffen. 

iwwerschaudre{-~*~], pp iwwerschaudert, to 
havea chilly sensation. G itiberschaudern. 

iwwerschich[*~~], upwards. dG tbersich. 

iwwerschiesse[*~~“], pp iwwergschosse, to 
pass rapidly over; [~~*~], pp itwwerschosse, 
to overreckon, flush, G iiberschiessen. 

iwwerschinne[: ~~~], pp iwwergschunne, to 
skimp, do something perfunctorily. G 
iiber +schinden. 

iwwerschlajje[*~’~], pp iwwergschlajje, to 
tumble; [~*~], pp iwwerschlajje, to sur- 
prise, temper (air in a room), cover with a 
thin coat of paint. G tiberschlagen. 

iwwerschlechtich[*~~™~], overshot (mill-wheel). 
G iiberschlachtig. 

iwwerschleefe[*~"~], pp iwwergschleeft, to 
drag (a field). G tiber 4-schleifen. 

iwwerschmelse[*~~~]. pp iwwergschmolse, to 
melt again. G iiberschmelzen. 

iwwerschmiere[*~~~], pp iwwergschmiert, to 
daub, do work hastily. G iiberschmieren. 

iwwerschnappe[ ~*~], pp iwwerschnappt, sich, 
to talk indiscretely, betray a secret. G. 

iwwerschneppe[*~~~], pp iwwergschneppt, to 
fall over from top-heaviness. G iber+ 

iwwerschpinne[~~*~], pp iwwerschpunne, to 
cover with webs, enmesh. Gé iiberspinnen. 

iwwerschreiwe[*~~~], pp 1twwergschriwwe, to 
rewrite. G tberschreiben. 

iwwerschrift(*~~], f, superscription, address. 
G Uberschrift. 

superhuman. G 

Re eteerciscweet 
A | 
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idoentiawwi aq 


die tietsonswwi qa f ~*Yjeldoerswwi | 

> ayia eos moifetuqeea e’sa0 “salem 
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25 wis [jersww 

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iwwerschritte[*~~~], pp iwwergschritt, to pace 
over or off; [~*~], pp iwwerschritt, to go 
too far. G iiberschreiten. 
iwwerschteh*[-~*], pp iwwerschtanne, to 
surmount, survive, be over with. G iiber- 
iwwerschtehende[*~~~~], im, when the horns 
of the moon point up. G tiberstehend: 
iwwerschtilpe[-~~~], pp iwwergschtilpt, to 
overturn. G iiberstiilpen. 
iwwerschtock[*~~], m, skirt. G itber +Stock. 
iwwerschtolpere[-~*~~], pp iwwerschtolpert, 
to stumble over. G tiber+stolpern. 
iwwerschtudiere[-~-*~], pp iwwerschtudiert, 
sich, to injure one’s health by overstudy. 
G uberstudieren. 

iwwerschuh{*~"], m, overshoe, rubber. G 

iwwerschuss|[*~~], m, surplus, overshoot. G 

iwwerschwemme|[~~*~], pp iwwerschwemmt, 
to inundate, flood. G tiberschwemmen. 

iwwerschwemming|~~*~], f, inundation. G 


iwwerschwetze[*~~~], pp iwwergschwetzt, to 
talk over, discuss. G tiberschwatzen. 

iwwersehe, iwwersehne[~ ~=~], pp iwwersehne, 
to oversee, survey; sich —, to overlook 

(a matter). G tibersehen. 
iwwersehner{[~~*~], m, overseer. G _ tiberse- 
iwwersetze[*~~~], pp iwwergsetzt, to ferry, 
set over, reset; [“~*~], pp iwwersetzt, to 
translate. G iibersetzen. 

iwwersetzer[-~*~], m, translator. G Uber- 

iwwersichtich{*~~~], crosseyed. G itibersich- 

iwwerwachse[~~*~], pp iwwerwachse, to over- 
grow. G iberwachsen. 

iwwerweise[’ ~~~], pp iwwerwisse, to convince, 
prove (a matter). G iiberweisen. 

iwwerweldich[-~*~], immense. G_ iiberwél- 

iwwerweldiche[-~*~~], pp iwwerweldicht, to 
overcome, overpower, subdue, conquer. G 

iwwerwelse[*~~~], pp iwwergewelst, to roll 
over, overturn. G tberwalzen. 

iwwerwickle[-~~~], pp iwwergewickelt, to 
wind over, cover. G iiberwickein. 

iwwerwinne, iwwerwinde[-~*~], pp iwwer- 
wunne, to prevail, conquer. Giiberwinden. 

iwwerzeije[~~~~], pp iwwerzeicht, to convince. 
G iiberzeigen. 
